Risk Analysis Template
Risk Analysis Template
Risk Analysis Template
Please use the below form as the format for your risk analysis, adding additional headings or extra pages where necessary.
Event Name, Hiring Group and Hiring Dates: Company name: Stephano Group LTd Assessor’s Name & Signature: Manjinder Singh
Date of Assessment: 19th June 2024 Proposed Date of Review: 04 July 2024
Page 01 of 01
Hazard Consequences & Existing Controls Further Controls Further Actions
People at Risk (if necessary) or Comments
Total Risk
Slips, trips, and Fall People can have serious Housekeeping: keep 5 4 20 Cleaning Practices needs This is One of the
injuries. walkways, aisles, and work to be taught to the major risks at work,
area clean. employees. if all the cleanliness
Make sure floor is slip is followed, this can
Resistant. be controlled.
Quickly clean the spills on
the floor.
Chemical Hazard These are some of the Enhance the ventilation 2 3 6 Regular air and floor Utilize automation
consequences: Skin system, isolate the monitoring is important, and reduce human
burning, Respiratory chemicals securely, Train ensuring all things are interactions,
damage, Explosion, and and educate people, Regular running under control or implement blast
fire risk and last but not maintenance. supervision. walls.
the least reputational
Mechanical Hazard Risks of being caught Implement interlocks, 3 3 9 Install presence sensing All the machines
or stuck in between emergency stop buttons, device so that when a should by operated
machinery, risks of cuts, ensure safe distance is person comes in all the under professional
being injured by any maintained. machines stop supervision.
falling part. automatically.
Electrical hazard Severe injury or death Proper wiring and 4 4 16 Regular inspections, All the electrical
also burns a major result installation, training and personal awareness, changes must be
from electric hazard, awareness, safe working emergency done under
this can also cause fire. practices. communication. professional
Risk Assessment Matrix (5X5)
17-25 Unacceptable
Stop activity and make
immediate improvements
10-16 Tolerable
Look to improve within
specified timescale
1-4 Acceptable
No further action, but ensure
controls are maintained
Likelihood Consequence
1 = Very unlikely – there is a 1 in a million chance of it happening 1 = Insignificant – no injury
2 = Unlikely – there’s a 1 in 100,000 chance of it happening 2 = Minor – minor injuries needing first aid
3 = Moderate – up to 3 days absence 3 = Likely – there’s a 1 in 10,000 chance of it happening
4 = Major – more than 3 days absence 4 = Likely – there’s a 1 in 1,000 chance of it happening
5 = Catastrophic = death 5 = Very likely – there’s a 1 in 100 chance of it happening
Remember. Be realistic!