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Low-level lasers and mRNA levels of reference genes used in Escherichia coli
A F Teixeira, Y L R C Machado, A S Fonseca et al.
Low level laser therapy (GaAlInP 660nm) in healing of a chronic venous ulcer: a case study
C A Botaro, L A Faria, R G Oliveira et al.
Low intensity infrared laser affects expression of oxidative DNA repair genes in mitochondria and
A S Fonseca, L A G Magalhães, A L Mencalha et al.
LED and low level laser therapy association in tooth bleaching using a novel low concentration
H2O2/N-doped TiO2 bleaching agent
Hércules Bezerra Dias, Emanuelle Teixeira Carrera, Janaína Freitas Bortolatto et al.
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
LLLT/PBM parameters
The LLLT/PBM parameters (summarized in table 1.1) are usually within the red
and NIR wavelength range of 600−1000 nanometres (nm), with a power density of
between 5−150 mW cm−2 and are typically applied for 30–60 s per point. The
therapeutic effect is typically dictated by the energy density measured in joules (J)
cm−2. Experimental evidence can be found in the literature for parameters as widely
divergent as 0.1–12 J cm−2. Laser systems used include helium–neon (HeNe),
gallium–aluminium (GaAl), neodymium-doped yttrium–aluminium–garnet (Nd:
YAG), gallium–aluminium–arsenide (GaAlAs) diode, indium–gallium–aluminium–
phosphorus (InGaAlP), and non-thermal, non-ablative carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers.
The PBM effects on the exposed tissues depend upon the cell type, redox state
of the cell, irradiation parameters (wavelength, power density) and time of
exposure. A biphasic dose response has been shown in several studies, which
underlines that there are optimal irradiation and dose parameters, although these
will vary depending upon the depth of the pathology below the mucosal or skin
surface. One must remember that doses lower than the optimal value may have a
reduced effect, while doses higher than optimal can have negative therapeutic
For LLLT/PBM to be effective, the irradiation parameters—including the energy
delivered, power density, pulse structure, delivery to the appropriate anatomical
location, and appropriate treatment timing and repetition—need to be within the
biostimulatory dose windows. This has been shown by studies which demonstrate
negative effects where dose depends on energy dose level alone. Titrating adequate
doses and defining the other required laser parameters according to evidence
gathered in a systematic way for each indication is a prerequisite for the successful
use of this technique. Without standardization in beam measurement, dose
calculation, and the correct reporting of these parameters, studies will not be
reproducible, and outcomes will not be consistent. A common misconception is
that wavelength and energy (in J) or energy density (J cm−2) are all that is
necessary in order to replicate a successful treatment, and that it does not matter
what the original power, power density, and duration of application were.
Table 1.1. LLLT parameters.
Irradiation Wavelength Nanometre (nm) Light is packets of electromagnetic energy called photons
parameters that sometimes behave like particles but also have a
wave-like property. Wavelength determines which
chromophores will absorb the light. Light is visible in the
400–700 nm range. The energy of each photon is greater at
short wavelengths than longer wavelengths; e.g. red light is
∼2 electronvolts (eV) per photon and blue light is ∼3 eV.
Power Watt (W) The number of photons per second. The higher the power
the more photons emitted every second.
Beam area Centimetre squared The surface area of the beam on the patient. Also known as
(cm2) spot size. This is not always easy to determine because laser
beams are usually more intense in the middle then fade
towards the edge (Gaussian distribution) so it is hard to
define where the exact edge of the beam is without special
instruments. Many research authors do not report this
parameter, let alone report it correctly.
Aperture size Centimetre squared The area of the light source tip. This is not necessarily
(cm2) identical to the beam area. The difference between the
aperture size and beam area will be determined by the beam
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Pulse structure Second(s) The durations of the pulse being on or off.
Treatment Physical relationship Applicable when there is more than one way to approach the
parameters to the organ organ. For example, intra-oral device versus extra-oral
Timing Time of the treatment session relative to the cancer
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Treatment schedule The frequency of treatments per day/week and the total
number of treatments.
Anatomical location The anatomical site that was exposed to the light beam. If
multiple locations were treated, all need to be described.
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Table 1.1 provides a checklist to help researchers understand and report all the
necessary parameters for a reproducible scientific study. In addition, it is not
uncommon to find discrepancies between the specifications provided by a device
manufacturer and the actual performance of the device. Thus, device maintenance,
including power measurements, should be carried out regularly during research
trials and also in clinical practice.
Section 2. Dermatitis
Radiation dermatitis occurs in the majority of patients with loco-regionally
advanced HNC treated with RT.
The pathobiology of acute radiation dermatitis is complex and partially overlaps
that of OM. Irradiation of the skin leads to direct tissue injury and inflammatory cell
recruitment, leading to damage to epidermal basal cells, endothelial cells and
vascular components. Radiation-induced generation of free radicals causing DNA
injury and release of inflammatory cytokines (in particular IL-1 and IL-6) lead to
clinical changes such as erythema, oedema and possible ulceration. Late RT-induced
changes in the skin are characterized by the disappearance of follicular structures, an
increase in collagen and damage to elastic fibres in the dermis, and a fragile
epidermal covering. TGF-β is considered to play a central role in mediating RT-
induced tissue fibrosis.
The total radiation dose, dose per fraction, overall treatment time, beam type and
energy, surface area of the skin exposed to radiation, use of combined CRT with or
without targeted therapies, and individual risk factors, all contribute to the severity
of skin reactions. The severity of acute reactions has been shown to predict late
effects. Radiation dermatitis impacts adversely on cosmesis and function, partic-
ularly in patients with secondarily infected irradiated skin, and reduces quality of life
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the head and neck treated with
an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-inhibitor may develop an acneiform
skin rash in addition to radiation dermatitis.
Based on the effects of LLLT/PBM on the epidermis and dermis (reduced
inflammation and improved wound healing), and on the shared similarities in
pathobiology with OM, it seems reasonable to assume that LLLT/PBM may reduce
the severity and/or prevalence of radiation dermatitis. Multi-wavelength LLLT/
PBM ameliorated the development of late radiation damage to the skin in an animal
model. LED treatment immediately after intensity modulated RT (IMRT) reduced
the incidence of radiation dermatitis in patients with breast cancer, but these results
could not be reproduced, although important parameters such as irradiation time
and size of area treated were not reported. Promising results have been reported for
LLLT laser treatment at a NIR wavelength (970 nm) in patients with EGFR
inhibitor-induced facial rash.
Section 3. Lymphedema
Lymphedema as a consequence of cancer treatment is apparent in breast cancer and
HNC. In the case of HNC, it has been one of the neglected late effects, although
these complications may be reduced with IMRT. In HNC patients, lymphedema
may develop externally, on the face and neck, and/or internally involving the larynx
and pharynx. External lymphedema may have a profound effect on body image,
whereas internal lymphedema may interfere with breathing, contribute to dysphagia
and trismus, and may affect speech.
Lymphedema has been reported in high numbers in HNC, for example, a single
centre study on 81 HNC patients reported 75% incidence with 10% external, 39%
internal and 51% experiencing both types of lymphedema. Individuals with
pharyngeal carcinoma were at highest risk. Chronic lymphedema that develops
later (2–6 months after) may resolve spontaneously in some patients, but not
in all.
The pathobiology of lymphedema consists of an initiation where disruption of
lymphatic structures occurs by surgery or RT, resulting in the accumulation of
lymph fluid in the interstitial tissues. This leads to infiltration of inflammatory cells
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
and, because of the lymphatic dysfunction, cytokines and chemokines remain in the
tissue and recruit additional inflammatory cells from the circulation. This ongoing
vicious inflammatory response results in additional soft tissue damage and fibrosis,
which further adversely affects lymphatic function.
In breast cancer patients, LLLT has been identified as a potential treatment for
post-mastectomy lymphedema, as it stimulates lymphangiogenesis, enhances lym-
phatic motility, and reduces lymphostatic fibrosis. Patients received additional
benefits from LLLT/PBM when used in conjunction with standard lymphedema
treatment. Systematic reviews found evidence suggesting that LLLT/PBM reduced
limb volume in patients with lymphedema following treatment for breast cancer.
Future research is needed comparing LLLT/PBM to standard practices to establish
the duration of laser application, number of treatment sessions, energy settings,
power density and dose, using longer follow-up.
Section 4. Mucositis
OM affects virtually all patients undergoing CRT for advanced HNC, and the
majority of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and high dose CT
regimens. Clinically, the manifestations of OM form a continuum, with erythem-
atous mucosal changes when mild and ulcerative lesions that expose the submucosa
in its severe form. Its detrimental effects on QoL and functional status are significant
and often interfere with the cancer treatment regimen, both on the patient level and
in terms of cost.
The current understanding of OM is largely based on animal models, which have
shown the multifactorial nature of the condition and have implicated a cascade of
interrelated events in multiple tissue regions. These observations combine into the
five-phase model of OM, based on the sequence of events following cytotoxic
treatment. The formation of excessive ROS and activation of NF-κB are the key
factors in its pathobiology. Subsequent studies have implicated microvascular
injury, the formation of proinflammatory cytokines, host–microbiome interactions
and extracellular matrix alterations in OM pathogenesis. In addition, EGFR
inhibitors and tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitors (TKIs) administered as single
drug or combined with CRT may enhance OM or cause additional symptoms.
Effective management options for OM are still scarce, and pain control is often
A Cochrane meta-analysis and a systematic review and meta-analysis from
2011 on 11 randomised control trials (RCTs) in HNC patients treated with CT
and/or RT concluded that there was consistent evidence that LLLT/PBM applied
with doses of 1–6 J per point reduced OM prevalence, severity and duration,
and associated pain. Another meta-analysis including RCTs in various cancer
treatment settings showed that LLLT/PBM reduced OM risk and decreased its
severity and duration. The efficacy appeared to be similar for red (630–670 nm)
and NIR (780–830 nm) light, although the optimal doses seemed to vary between
Table 1.4. Mucositis treatment parameters
PBM device
Treatment characteristics and Therapeutic PBM
Complication Treatment protocol area application dose Optional target tissues
timing of PBM sessions, before or depending upon the site of
after RT session) mucositis
Therapeutic: Continue treatment at
least 3 times a week until symptoms
Daily treatment is recommended in
case of severe mucositis
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Table 1.5. Hyposalivation treatment parameters.
requirement regarding 20–150 mW per point points (3 each side)
the timing of PBM targeting major
sessions, before or salivary glands and
after RT session) minor salivary glands
(on vestibular side, in
the rear of salivary
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Section 6. Dysphagia
Dysphagia and odynophagia (painful swallowing) are common in HNC patients,
particularly in those suffering from oral, oropharyngeal, laryngeal and oesophageal
cancers, and those treated with RT or CRT. Dysphagia can be acute or chronic, due
to anatomical, mechanical or neurological changes, affecting any structure from the
lips to the gastric cardia. Around 60% of patients are reported to have dysphagia
following CRT, of which 45% had severe dysphagia at a median of 17 months post-
treatment. It has been observed that chronic dysphagia is unlikely to resolve over
Dysphagia associated with CRT has a complex pathogenesis, involving acute
inflammation, oedema, and fibrosis, with neurological and structural alterations
and muscular injury resulting in generalized weakness and a lack of muscle
coordination while swallowing. Excessive fibrosis results in a loss of elasticity
that may contribute to chronic dysphagia. Furthermore, hyposalivation may
contribute to dysphagia following CRT. Duration of total parenteral nutrition
(TPN) or nasogastric tube feeding, and resultant reduced swallowing, may affect
the ability to return to a safe, normal oral intake and the subsequent inactivity may
lead to atrophy of the muscles aiding in the process of swallowing. Dysphagia
negatively affects QoL and may predispose sufferers to aspiration and life-threat-
ening pulmonary complications.
Table 1.6. Dysphagia treatment parameters.
Therapeutic: Continue treatment at least 20–150 mW Prophylactic: four points to soft
3 times a week until symptoms improve 3 J per point palate and onto
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
IMRT has emerged as an effective technique to deliver the full radiation dose to
the tumour and regions at risk, while reducing the exposure of surrounding healthy
tissues. Identified dysphagia and aspiration risk structures (DARS) are susceptible to
damage during IMRT. In particular, damage to the tongue base, pharyngeal
constrictors, the larynx, and the autonomic neural plexus was found to be crucial
in the development of post-RT dysphagia. Studies confirmed that reducing the
radiation dose to DARS decreases the dysphagia risk, but dysphagia remains a
significant clinical problem.
The potential role of LLLT/PBM in the prevention and treatment of dysphagia
requires further investigation. One study reported a lower incidence of severe OM
and mucositis affecting the throat (contributing to acute dysphagia) when six
predetermined oral sites were exposed to LLLT/PBM prior to and during RT. In
this study, dysphagia was scored indirectly by assessing the need for TPN. Given
the ability of LLLT/PBM to prevent and ameliorate inflammation and pain
associated with OM, and the potential to control exuberant fibrosis, LLLT/PBM
delivered to the DARSs may have a potential role in the management of acute and
chronic dysphagia. The parameters for LLLT/PBM for dysphagia are suggested in
table 1.6.
Section 7. Dysgeusia
Altered taste (dysgeusia) is complex and includes difficulties with smell and touch
resulting in reduced food interest, affecting appetite and QoL. Taste is one of the five
senses and interacts with smell, touch and other physiological cues to affect the
wider perception of flavour. Taste function is the perception derived when food
molecules stimulate the taste receptors of the tongue, the soft palate and the
oropharyngeal region to perceive basic taste qualities (sweet, sour, salty, bitter
and umami), measured via standardized methods.
The prevalence of dysgeusia is estimated to be 66.5% following RT alone, and
76.0% after CRT; approximately 15% of patients continued to experience dysgeusia
after treatment and it is known that the severity of taste alterations assessed by
patients was correlated with the cumulative RT dose.
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
The mechanisms of dysgeusia during cancer therapy are not well understood.
However, it is believed that CT and RT cause dysgeusia by destroying rapidly
dividing taste bud cells and olfactory receptor cells. Direct neurologic toxicity may
also be involved, as taste recovery lags behind epithelial recovery and may continue
indefinitely. Hyposalivation may also make a significant contribution. The presence
of the anterior part of the tongue in the radiation field may be predictive for taste
Altered taste significantly affects overall QoL and may lead to energy and
nutrient deficiencies and related complications and weight loss. Management
options to decrease the prevalence and severity of taste problems are inadequate.
A pilot study reported that LLLT/PBM administered to taste buds may
ameliorate psychogenic/neurological burning mouth symptoms including taste
alterations but, to our knowledge, there are no published studies on LLLT/PBM
for the management of taste problems in cancer patients. Hence, we feel that studies
on the efficacy of LLLT/PBM for the management of dysgeusia in patients treated
for HNC should be performed and the proposed potential LLLT/PBM parameters
are provided in table 1.7.
Table 1.8. Voice alteration treatment parameters.
least 2 or 3 times a IR laser diodes or procedure to reduce gag reflex
week even if LED cluster
symptoms are not 20–80 mW/cm2
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Section 9. Trismus
Trismus is a restriction or reduced opening of the jaws, due to local infection, tissue
fibrosis, pain upon mouth opening, tonic contraction of the muscles of mastication,
or a tumour. Trismus has been defined variously as a mouth opening of less than 40
or less than 20 mm, whereas less restrictive classifications also have been used.
The weighted prevalence of trismus is estimated to be 25% following conventional
RT, 5% following IMRT and 31% for CRT. Patients may have limitations in jaw
opening associated with tumour invasion of the masticatory muscles or the
temporomandibular joint, or may develop trismus following RT to these structures.
Cumulative radiation doses above 60 Gy are most likely to cause trismus, but the
inclusion of the lateral pterygoid muscles in the high dose fields appears to be the
most decisive factor. Trismus can be an acute symptom during treatment/RT and
typically develops 3–6 months post RT, and frequently becomes a lifelong problem.
Studies have demonstrated that fibrosis is an important initial event in RT-
induced trismus. Additionally, there may be scar tissue from surgery, nerve damage,
or a combination of these factors. Mandibular hypomobility ultimately results in
muscle contraction and potentially temporomandibular joint dysfunction.
Trismus and orofacial pain interfering with function may have significant health
implications including reduced nutritional intake, difficulty speaking, compromised
oral health and poor QoL. Aside from avoiding RT to the masticatory structures,
early interventions are indicated to prevent or minimize trismus
LLLT/PBM to prevent or reduce the severity of RT-induced trismus in HNC
patients has not been reported. The potential of LLLT/PBM to reduce fibrosis and
to promote muscle regeneration forms the main rationale for a potential clinical
benefit. LLLT/PBM parameters are proposed in table 1.9.
Table 1.9. Trismus treatment parameters. TMJ = temporomandibular joint.
Trismus Prophylactic: Extra-oral: IR laser Extra-oral: 3–6 J cm−2 Extra-oral: Bilaterally over the
Radiotherapy: Apply PBM on diodes or LED laser diodes or LED temporalis muscle, TMJ, masseter
pterygoid/TMJ region, at least 3 cluster 750–830 nm cluster muscle. buccinator muscle
times a week, when high dose 20–80 mW cm−2 Intra-oral: Intra-oral: Bilaterally, point over
RT is given in that region Intra-oral: 3 J per point the region of pterygoids/
(oropharyngeal and 630–680 nm pterygomandibular raphae (may
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 20–200 mW be difficultclinically) and other
for example). muscles of mastication
Therapeutic: Continue treatment
from the day of diagnosis at least
2 or 3 times a week
Table 1.10. Osteoradionecrosis treatment parameters.
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
better local oxygenation, and hypothesized that LLLT/PBM applied shortly before
cancer treatment might enhance the effect of ionizing RT and local CT.
Most of the effects of LLLT/PBM on cell proliferation and differentiation have
been investigated in vitro using malignant cell lines, which have generated conflicting
data across a range of different tumour cell lines and LLLT/PBM parameters. For
example, (i) proliferation of laryngeal carcinoma cells after 809 nm GaAIAs laser
irradiation at energy densities between 1.96 and 7.84 J cm−2 and (ii) increased cell
proliferation of HEp2 carcinoma cells after LLLT/PBM exposure at different
wavelengths (685 and 830 nm) and doses. In a study comparing LLLT/PBM
administered to normal osteoblasts and to osteosarcoma cells with a range of
different wavelengths and doses, only 10 J cm−2 from an 830 nm laser was able to
enhance osteoblast proliferation, whereas energy densities of 1, 5 and 10 J cm−2 from
a 780 nm laser decreased proliferation. Osteosarcoma cells were unaffected by
830 nm laser irradiation, whereas a 670 nm laser had a mild proliferative effect. An
in vitro study compared the effects of different doses of LLLT/PBM at various
wavelengths on human breast carcinoma and melanoma cell lines, and found that
doses of LLLT/PBM increased breast carcinoma cell proliferation, multiple expo-
sures had either no effect or showed negative dose response relationships. LLLT/
PBM (wavelength = 660 nm) administered in low doses (1 J cm−2) increased the
in vitro proliferation and invasive potential of tongue SCC cells. Similarly, another
in vitro study suggested that LLLT/PBM (660 or 780 nm, 40 mW, 2.05, 3.07 or
6.15 J cm−2) may stimulate oral dysplastic and oral cancer cells by modulating the
Akt/mTOR/CyclinD1 signalling pathway to produce more aggressive behaviour.
In contrast, a decreased mitotic rate was found in gingival SCC after LLLT/PBM
at 805 nm and energy density of 4 and 20 J cm−2, whereas no effect on cell
proliferation or protein expression of osteosarcoma cells was found when LLLT/
PBM was administered with a wavelength of 830 nm. LLLT/PBM (808 nm; 5.85
and 7.8 J cm−2) had an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of a human hepatoma
cells line. Glioblastoma/astrocytoma cells exhibited a slightly decreased mitotic rate
after LLLT/PBM at 805 nm and 5–20 J cm−2. Similarly, 808 nm laser irradiation
with an energy density of more than 5 J cm−2 inhibited cell proliferation of
glioblastoma cells in vitro. Moreover, observed growth inhibition of cancer cell
lines occurred at relatively high cumulative LLLT doses. This in fact led to a
proposal that, LLLT/PBM may have therapeutic potential in lung cancer. LLLT/
PBM administered at a dose of 150 J cm−2 appeared to be safe, with only minor
effects on B16F10 melanoma cell proliferation in vitro, and had no significant effect
on tumour growth in vivo. Only a high power density (2.5 W cm−2) combined with a
very high dose of 1050 J cm−2 could induce melanoma tumour growth in vivo.
LLLT/PBM (660 nm, 30 mW, 424 mW cm−2, 56.4 J cm−2, 133 s, 4 J) applied to
chemically induced oral SCC in hamster cheek pouch tissue, increased the growth
and severity of the SCC. However, the results were different in a mouse model used
to study the effects of LLLT/PBM on multiple UV-induced skin tumours. The
experimental mice received full body 670 nm LLLT/PBM delivered twice a day at
5 J cm−2 for 37 days, whereas controls received sham LLLT/PBM. No enhanced
tumour growth was observed: there was a small but significant reduction in tumour
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
Mitigation of Cancer Therapy Side-Effects with Light
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