AIG Report - AirBagan - Runway Excursion 24.07.2015

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JULY, the 24th, 2015


At 18h54 (Local time) on July, the 24th, 2015, ATR - 72 aircraft, registered (XY-
AIH) operated by Air Bagan Airlines veered off the runway when it landed on runway-
21 of the Yangon International Airport (VYYY). On board the aircraft were the Pilot in
command (PIC), first officer (FO), 3 cabin crew and 49 passengers. ATR72 (XY- AIH)
aircraft was substantially damaged. One passenger was seriously injured because of the

Aircraft Details

Registered owner and operator : Air Bagan Airlines

Aircraft type : ATR-72
Nationality : Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Registration : XY- AIH
Place of Occurrence : Yangon International Airport
N 16 ံ54' 59.54", E 96 8' 25.23"
Date& Time : 24 July 2015 at 24h 54 Local time
(UTC + 6h 30)
Type of operation : Scheduled Passenger Domestic Flight
Phase of operation : Landing on Runway- 21
Persons on Board : Crew- 5
Passengers- 49

1.1 History of the flight

The route of the aircraft on that day was MDL- MYT- PBU- MYT- MDL- RGN.
From Mandalay (MDL) on the way back to Yangon International Airport, the
plane took off at 17:20.On the way the weather was not significant. For weather
reason, seat belt sign was turned on the way to Yangon International Airport only
one time. From Mandalay Airport up to landing phase toYangon International
Airport, first officer took control of the aircraft. At 1730 visibility was 6Km as
per ATC verbal information. About 4 Km to Mingalardone Tower, clearance was
obtained "Air Bagan 424 ,wind calm ,runway 21,clear to land, caution landing
Runway wet, after landed vacate via Charlie"
At decision height (250ft), runway was insight, runway lightings were able to be
seen so the aircraft continued though there was light rain. At about 50 ft, more
rain was falling suddenly consequently visibility became poor. So the pilot took
over control of the aircraft. A few seconds later the aircraft made hard landing and
skidded and veered off the left side of the runway to the muddy strip, came to
rest about 2800ft from the threshold and 75ft from the runway edge.

Figure 1. Layout of Accident Site

1.2 Injuries to Persons

Injuries Crew Passengers Other Total

Fatal 0 0 0 0

Serious 0 1 0 1

Minor/ None 0\5 0\48 0 0\53

Total 5 49 0 54

1.3 Damage to Aircraft

(a) L/H main landing gear collapsed and broken (Figure 2)

(i) its trunnion leg broken into pieces
(ii) left hand shock absorber broken into pieces
(b) R/H main landing gear's shock absorber broken (Figure 3)
(c) Nose landing gear collapsed and folded (Figure 4)
(d) Aircraft fuselage skin (between frame no.46 and 47, between frame 28D and 29)
deformed, wrinkled and torn (Figure 5)
(e) Left hand propeller's blades broke into pieces (Figure 6)
(f) PSU (Passenger Service Unit) Panels fell down

Figure 2 Broken L/H main landing gear

Figure 3 Broken R/H main landing gear


Figure 4 Collapsed Nose landing gear

Figure 5 Wrinkled and deformed fuselage skin


Figure 6 Broken propeller's blades

1.4 Other Damage

There was no other damage due to the runway excursion accident.

1.5 Personnel Information

Pilot in Command
Age : 39
Licence : Air Transport Pilot Licence
Licence issued date : 24 May 2011
Total hours : 6603:03hrs
On type : 513:22 hrs
Medical expire : January 2016
Line check date : 09 December 2014
Type rating check date : 18 December 2014
Last 90 days : 133:22 hrs
Last 30 days : 55:39 hrs
Age : 33
Licence : Air Transport Pilot Licence
Licence issued date : 25 March 2015
Total hours : 2650:00hrs
On type : 2650 hrs
Medical expire : 31 January 2016
Line Check date : 11 July 2014
Type rating check date : 16 July 2015
Last 90 days : 59:23
Last 30 days : 34:11

Air Traffic Control

(1) Age : 41(male)

Licence : Air Traffic Controller Licence, (Valid)
Designation : ATCO II (in charge)
Work scheduled : 12- hour shift, 0700 hours 24 July 2015 to 1900 hours 24
July 2015
Medical : valid

(2) Age : 34(male)

Licence : Air Traffic Controller Licence, (Valid)
Designation : ATCO II
Work scheduled : 12-hour shift, 0700 hours 24 July 2015 to 1900 hours 24
July 2015
Medical : valid

(3) Age : 27 (female)

Licence : Air Traffic Controller Licence, (Valid)
Designation : ATCO I
Work scheduled : 12-hour shift, 0700 hours 24 July 2015 to 1900 hours 24
July 2015
Medical : valid
1.6 Aircraft information
1.6.1 General

Air Bagan Aircraft

Manufacture : France
Type : ATR 72-212
Serial number : MSN 469
Date of Manufacture : 16 November 1995
Total flight hours : 40827.23(FH)/ 43954(CY)
Certificate of Registration : XY- AIH
C of A issue date : 20 January 2015
AOC issue date : 04 Nov 2014
Engine type : PW 127F (Derating PW127)
Periodical inspection, A check : 09 May 2015
Periodical inspection, C check : 26 Jul 2014

1.7 Meteorological Information

The METAR reported at Yangon Airport on the 24th at 11h 00 (UTC)was a wind
speed 08 kt from 250 ံ, visibility 6000 meters, cloud amount 3 to 4, Temperature 28 ံC,
Dew point 25 C , QNH 1009hPa.

The METAR reported on the 24th at 12h 00(UTC) was a wind speed 05kt from
310, visibility 6000 meters, broken at 1200ft, few 15 cb, overcast at 9000ft, Temperature
26 C, Dew point 25 C, QNH 1009 CB.

The special weather report (SPECI) at 12h15(UTC) was a wind speed 04kt from
320, visibility 4000 meters,

Ra BKN 012, Few 015cb OVC 090, Temperature 25C, Dew point 25 C, QNH
1010 CB.

1.8 Aid to Navigation

Yangon International Airport has been equipped with the following facilities:

1.9 Communication

Communication facilities are as follows:

As per record the communication on that day was normal.

1.10 Aerodrome Information

Yangon International Airport has one main runway 03/21 with a length of -11200-
ft at an elevation of -110-ft above mean sea level and is certified for both VFR and IFR
flight. The airport has an ATC control tower, controlling class B airspace with radar

It is a certificated aerodrome, and aerodrome manual has been developed and

implemented since 2010. The operation hours are 24 hours around. However, there was
some deficiency in exercising aerodrome plan and procedure as well as disabled aircraft
removal at the time of the said accident.

The disabled aircraft, which was on the strip of the runway 75 feet from runway
edge, was able to move to the safer place to the apron A 12 hours after the accident.
Because of this accident the aerodrome operation had to stop for about two hours and
then reopened with some restriction and some aircraft had to divert to adjacent airports
and some were cancelled and delayed.

1.11 Recorders
The aircraft's cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder were removed and
read out in the AAIB recorder laboratory, Singapore.

1.11.1 Flight Data Recorder

The 25- hour solid state flight data recorder (FDR) was FAIRCHILD MODEL
F1000, PN S800-2000-00, SN 00653.

Figure 7 Flight Data Recorder

1.11.2 Cockpit Voice Recorder

The 2-hour cockpit voice was FA 2100, PNR 2100-2010-02, SER 000367785.

Figure 8 Cockpit Voice Recorder

1.12 Wreckage, Site and Impact Information

The coordinates of accident site is Latitude N 16 ံ54' 59.54", Longitude E 96 8'

25.23". When Myanmar Aircraft Investigation Bureau (MAIB) investigators arrived at
the occurrence site, the aircraft was on the runway muddy strip. It was raining,
sometimes heavily and the runway was wet. On the runway were some debris and
broken pieces from the aircraft, vegetation, and mud scattering. Fire Fighters, airport
and airlines personnel were busy with their respective activities for the reopening the
airport operation and necessary action.

Measurements and photographs were taken of the site and casual interviews were
conducted among witnesses.
1.13 Medical and Pathological Information

One passenger was seriously injured and he had been hospitalized for 18 days and
there had been operation, after discharge from the hospital there were follow up visits to
hospital .There was medical examination for pilots after the occurrence and the medical
result was normal.

1.14 Fire

There was no fire before and after the accident.

1.15 Survival Aspects

The cabin crew initiated an emergency evacuation as soon as the aircraft came to
rest. All the aircraft doors were able to open and nothing blocked on the passage and
exits. The aerodrome category for rescue and fire fighting in YIA was CAT 9, having
three fire engines. Those vehicles deployed to the scene immediately after getting
accident information from the control tower. The vehicles arrived at the scene within 10

DCA personnel, the airport personnel, the aviation police, the airline personnel,
and the ATC personnel arrived at the scene and provided care and assistance as
necessary. The passengers were transported to the terminal. One injured passenger was
taken to the Yangon General Hospital.

1.16 Organizational and Management Information

1.16.1 Air Bagan Airlines

Air Bagan, the very first private airline in Myanmar, 100 % owned Myanmar
national airline, was established in 2004. It is operating in 19 domestic destinations and
a regional charter flight to Chiang Mai with its fleet. Chairman is the dean of the
organization and a managing director is acting on his behalf. There are two managing
directors under which are Engineer Department, Flight operations Department, HR,
Admin, Ground operation, Commercial, and Finance &Accounts.

Air Bagan stated adopting the Safety Management System (SMS) in line with
ICAO as well as Myanmar Civil Aviation Requirement (MCAR) in 2006.
1.17 Additional Information

1.17.1 Testimony of Air Bagan Pilot

He stated the plane took off at 11:00 (UTC) from Mandalay to Yangon on the 24th
July, 2015. Then he was a pilot non flying and the first officer was a pilot flying. The
plane was on the ILS on Runway- 21 and got permission of clear to land 6miles to
touch down. The landing weight was 19.6 tons, Flap 30x, Vapp 133 kts. While the plane
was at the decision height (250ft), approach lightings and runway were able to be
visible. He took control of the plane and became a pilot flying. The rain was falling
continually. At about 50ft, above the ground, the heavy rain suddenly was falling mixed
with gust wind and the visibility became poor. At that moment the plane was about to
touch down, so he made all out effort to control the plane. However, the plane made
hard landing and bounced, veered off the runway, and came to rest on the runway strip.
So he carried out the on ground emergency evacuation procedure. Landing gears were
damaged. Passengers on board and all crew were safe and sound.

1.17.2 Testimony of Air Bagan First Officer

She stated that the route on that day was MDL- MYT- PBU- MYT- MDL- RGN.
From Mandalay to Yangon W9-424 flight was smooth even though the weather was a bit
bad and cloudy. As per the weather forecast at 11:00 (UTC), the visibility was 6 Km.
According to the procedure, she made approach on ILS. At 4 Km to the touch down she
made report to the tower and got the clearance "wind calm, clear to land, expect via
Charlie" It was raining but not heavy. She set the wiper at maximum. She continued
approach at decision height 250ft since the runway lightings and runway were able to be
visible. Then she stated that the pilot took over control of flying from her. The plane
continued approach; the weather was favourable. At about 50 ft the visibility became
poor so suddenly and the runway was not able to be seen. In that respect, the best they
could do was to control the plane. The plane made hard landing and veered off the
runway. On ground evacuation procedure was executed and 49 passengers and 5crew
were safe and sound. Aircraft landing gears were found damaged.
1.17.3 Testimony of Duty Air Traffic Controller

The duty air traffic controller stated that she gave clearance to land when the
plane was 4DME to touch down runway-21 by instructing "JAB 424, wind calm,
runway-21, clear to land, caution landing runway wet, after landed vacate via
Charlie, JAB 424." Before Air Bagan aircraft (JAB 424) landed, another aircraft
(AXM-504) had landed and vacated taxiway- B. At that time there was light rain. She
was monitoring the radar watch. When another controller (IC) made contact to JAB 424,
he heard the copilot said, "Evacuate, Evacuate". That's why another controller pressed
the alarm bell to contact and inform the airport fire station. Also ATC controller
contacted the airport fire station via Ground Frequency. The controller in charge took
the necessary action immediately to response the situation.

1.17.4 Testimony of Air Traffic Controller in Charge

He stated that he was the tower in charge on that day. He made contact that
aircraft (JAB 424) when the plane was landing roll on the runway. He heard the first
officer replied "Evacuate, Evacuate, we drifted". As soon as he got this information, he
got them taken necessary actions such as activating the alarm bell to alert the airport fire
station, informing the tower supervisor, the respective airlines so on and so forth. He
gave all the necessary instructions to aircraft to be the safe operations.

Meanwhile BKP 704 flight, which was taxiing, reported that there were some
people walking on the active runway-21. He made contact again to JAB 424, however it
was out of reach.

1.17.5 Testimony of Fire Fighter in Charge

He stated that he got information an aircraft veered off the runway 21 from the
Tower via RT at about 18:59 (Local time). Once he got this information, three fire
engines rushed to that spot. There was no fire. So he asked some of his men to get ready
to put out the fire in case of fire, and some of them to carry out the rescue the
passengers, check the cabin and cockpit thoroughly.
The fire fighters led the passengers and crew to the safer place in the airfield. One
monk was injured and cold. So one of the fire fighters handed his fire suit to the monk
to relieve the cold. Meanwhile, the Director General of DCA arrived at the crash site
and gave the necessary instructions. The fire fighters removed the FOD and debris
rambling on the runway.

Some time later, two coaches reached the accident site and carried the passengers
and crew to the terminal. After that the fire fighters went back to the station and standed
1.17.6 Testimony of Aircraft Engineer

He stated that he has belonged to Air Bagan Engineering Department since 2012
as a licensed aircraft engineer. At Mandalay station he conducted the transit inspection
check and walk around check at about12:00 (Local). According to the visual inspection
the main wheel tires, nose wheel tires, main landing gears and nose landing gears were
in sound condition.

1.17.7 Testimony of Cabin Crew

She stated that the route of W9-424 was MDL- MYT- PBU- MYT- MDL- RGN.
Reporting time was 11:30 am and departure time was 12:30pm. From Mandalay to
Yangon the plane took off at 17:20. On the way the weather was a bit bad; not so
severely. The seat belt sing was turned on just one time on the way to Yangon. After
cabin check, she asked the other cabin crew to take the seat at the respective crew
station and reported to Captain "Cabin ready for landing" and then as per procedure
performed her duty. She felt the feeling of unstable landing in a bit bad weather. She
thought the first impact of the landing plane was harder than as usual, thinking because
of bad weather. And she felt the plane jumping a bit and the second impact. She noticed
the plane was going to uneven, and rough surface. As soon as she noticed that there was
an emergency, she started "Emergency Command". The other CA2 and CA3 were also
giving "Emergency Command to sit in brace position. After the plane had complete
stopped, she reviewed the outside condition, opened the aircraft door and evacuated the
passengers. But she didn't know where they were. She checked and ensured whether
the passengers left in the cabin or not. And she rechecked the total number of
passengers with the help of others.

2.1 Introduction

The analysis by the investigation team has focused on the following areas:
a) Individual/ team action
b) Weather condition
c) Flight recorder data analysis
d) Runway Condition
e) Standard Operation Procedures and Crew response

2.2 Individual/ Team Action

2.2.1) Flight Crew

Both the pilot-in-command (PIC) and co-pilot had operated into Yangon Airport
many times and were familiar with the runway condition and airport facilities. The PIC
had (513:00) hours on type and total flying hours (6603:03) and the co-pilot (2650:00)
hours on type ATR respectively. Their licenses were valid.

2.3 Weather Condition

The METAR reported on the 24th at 12h 00(UTC) was a wind speed 05kt from
310, visibility 6000 meters, broken at 1200ft, few 15cb, overcast at 9000ft, Temperature
26 C, Dew point 25 C, QNH 1009 CB.

The special weather report (SPECI) at 12h15 (UTC) was a wind speed 04kt from
320, visibility 4000 meters,

Ra BkN 012, Few 015cb ovc 090, Temperature 25C, Dew point 25 C, QNH 1010

2.4 Flight Recorder Data Analysis

There was no damage observed to the flight recorders. The interface pins for both
recorders were checked and they appeared to be in good condition.
The CVR contained two hours of 4 channel recordings. Channels 1 and 3 were of
good quality. Channel 2 had a continuous tone at a frequency range of 400 Mhz through
the recording. However this did not affect the transcription of the CVR. The Cockpit
Area Microphone was of poor quality. The microphone appears to be too sensitive too

The FDR was recorded using ARINC 573 standards. The Flight Data Acquisition
Unit (FDAU) part number is ED 34A330. As such, according to ATR service letter
number ATR72-31-6010, the data frame for the aircraft is the ATR72,64 words per
second V2(a) data frame.

The recording quality of the FDR data was of good quality. The FDR contained
the last 57 hours and 41minutes of aircraft operation. The data frame had 289

Flight data
The analysis has been carried out from data extracted from the digital flight data
recorder. Based on the data reviewed there does not appear to be any technical problems
with the aircraft, i.e. all engine related parameters appear to function normally and there
were no Master caution or Master warning alerts during the Take-off, Climb, Cruise and
Descent phases of flight. The Master Warning did annunciate during the time of the

The aircraft was fully configured with gears down and flaps consistent for landing
with the auto-pilot coupled.

The Yangon ILS approach for runway-21 was flown on autopilot until 215 feet
radio height. The aircraft was crabbing to the right, i.e. the heading way around 217deg
whereas the runway track was 214 deg. This might indicate a crosswind from the right
side of the aircraft.

At 215 feet when the autopilot was disconnected, the aircraft drifted to the left
and descended below the glide slope. The vertical speed during the initial part of the
final approach was approximately 700 ft/ min descent rate. After the autopilot was
disconnected the rate of descent increased from 700 ft/ min to more than 1000 ft/min.
Two seconds prior to touchdown the vertical speed reached 1140 ft/min. The aircraft

touched down with a pitch of -1.3 deg (pitch down) and a roll angle of 2.46 deg (right
wing down). The aircraft then bounced and touched down the second time with a pitch
angle of 1.23deg (pitch up) and a roll angle of -8.75deg (left wing down). During the
bounce the aircraft drifted to the left on the runway center line. The aircraft continued
down the runway with a negative roll angle, i.e. left wing down. The aircraft's left-
hand main landing gear was substantially damaged however the point at which the
landing gear was damaged could not be conclusively determined from the flight data.

2.5 Runway Condition

The runway of Yangon International Airport was a single one with (11200ft x
200ft). The runway designation numbers were 03/21. There were runway edge lightings,
runway centerline lightings, threshold lightings, runway end lighting, precision
approach lighting system on the runway-21, simple approach lighting system on the
runway -03 and PAPIs on both sides. On the runway-21 was provided with Localizer
and glide slope.

At the time of accident, it was raining heavily and the runway was wet and
contaminated with rubber debris especially on the runway-21 side.

2.6 BEA Comments

a) The airlines flight operational documentation regarding approach stabilization

and go-around policy, flight crew performance should be reviewed.

b) A CVR transcript and translation should be analysed for flight crew CRM
regarding call-outs, briefing, decision making, transfer of control.

c) Though CVR and FDR analysis, regarding go-around decision making and
bounce landing, the appropriate recommendation should be made for the findings.
3.1 Findings

From the evidence available, the following findings are made. These findings
should not be read as apportioning blame or liability to any particular organization or

a) The two pilots were experienced ones and familiar with Yangon Airport.
b) The pilot in command took over the control of the plane from the co-pilot
(14) seconds just before the first impact.
c) The pilot was reluctant to perform a go-around while the plane was
unstable and bouncing at landing .
d) As per the special weather report (SPECI) at 12h15(UTC) was a wind
speed04kt from 320, visibility 4000 meters, Ra BkN 012, Few 015cb ovc
090, Temperature 25C, Dew point 25 C,QNH 1010 CB. However, the
aviation weather report system was semi-manual and the data transfer
process was delayed. The duty ATC controller did not seem to notice the
Special Weather Report (SPECI) immediately and the pilots did not receive
it either.
e) All engine related parameters appeared to function normally and there were
no Master caution or Master warning alerts during the Take-off, Climb,
Cruise and Descent phases of flight.
f) The radiotelephony communication during the time of accident, the co-
pilot was not able to use distressed message in the right way according to
ICAO Radiotelephony phraseology.
g) On the other hand, the duty ATC controller did not appear to understand the
plain language easily.
h) As a consequence, the duty ATC controller was not able to give definite
information and instruction to the Airport Fire Station to response the
emergency condition. Therefore, the aircraft rescue and fire fighters
reached the accident site during about (8) minutes.

i) The Emergency Operation Center (EOC) was not able to be initiated in a

planned and effective manner even though Airport Emergency Plan and
Procedures were in place.
j) Disabled aircraft removal plan was not able to be executed in a planned,
systematic and effective manner in spite of the fact that it was in place.

3.2 Primary Cause

During the final landing phase, the pilot was reluctant to perform a go-around
while the plane was unstable and of bounce landing in low visibility condition.

3.3 Contributing Factors

a) The visibility was very low and the runway centerline lightings were not
able to be seen intermittently.
b) The runway was wet and it was raining heavily.
c) The pilot in command took over the control of the plane from the copilot
(14) seconds just before the first impact.


To reduce and eliminate of accidents and serious incidents, MAIB recommended

the followings:

4.1 The pilots should request and be careful to the updated weather report from
the Tower and be aware of current weather condition when on landing phase.

4.2 The pilots should be encouraged to be “go-around minded” for operational

safety and Pilot go-around training needs to be fully integrated with the airline
operator’s SMS.

4.3 The pilots should focus more on distressed and urgency messages in simulator
4.4 The aviation weather observation system should be fully automated.

4.5 ICAO English Language Proficiency Test should be fully taken into account
in a more effective and more systematic manner and implemented in licensing process
of Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots.

4.6 The Airport Operator should implement the emergency plan and procedure
in a more efficient and effective ways as well as disabled aircraft removal plan with
close coordination with airport communities and outsources.

Investigator -in -charge


Appendix A- Drawing of Damage to Aircraft
Appendix B- CVR Transcript
Appendix C- FDR Animation Photos
Appendix D- FDR Graph (Engine)
Appendix E- FDR Graph (Pitch)
Appendix F- Weather Report
Appendix G- Load and Trim Sheet
Appendix H- Instrument Approach Chart
Appendix I- Organizational Chart of the airlines
Appendix J- Standard Operating Procedures of ATR 72

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