Mercedes Benz StarTuned December 2013
Mercedes Benz StarTuned December 2013
Mercedes Benz StarTuned December 2013
4 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
When most of us think of technological
developments, we don’t think about cooling
systems. We think about high-speed CAN data
buses that allow the traction control system to
work with the electronic throttle to rein in a
vehicle. We may even think about fiber-optic
systems that carry music, movies, and media
for entertaining our passengers, and providing
navigation. We think about electronically fuel-
injected high-horsepower engines that still get 25
to 30 mpg.
Now think about a typical car being driven in a
temperate climate that may sit for an hour in an
urban traffic jam on a 100 deg. F. day. This same
car may need to carry its owner to work in single-
digit temperatures on a February morning. A car’s
cooling system does more than just prevent the
engine from overheating. It keeps it within the
temperature range required to promote optimum
efficiency and emissions control, and to allow long
life for mechanical components.
Engineers design engines to work best within
a specific temperature range. The engine
management system uses coolant temperature
as a reference for controlling fuel delivery and
ignition timing. The pistons, rings, valve stems,
coolant from the engine block (passage 2) can
either flow through passage 3 (to the water pump),
or now to the radiator through passage #1.
Use to access WIS. This will give you all the steps needed to service the
e-thermostat. Here, we have looked up the procedure on a 164 chassis M-Class with the 272 engine.
6 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
December 2013 7
thermostat that can control engine temperature
accurately in multiple situations. It still functions
like a traditional thermostat with an expanding/
contracting element that opens and closes
according to coolant temperature, but it has three
disks (meaning the thin, round metal plates that
alternately cover and uncover coolant passages)
instead of the normal single disk to gradually step
coolant flow, and a computer-controlled heating
element. The three disks provide four different
stages in opening the thermostat. Each stage
regulates the coolant flow to match the cooling
provided by the radiator and the needs of the
engine. Any thermostat, even the “e-’stat,” has a
fully closed position when the engine is cold to
build up coolant heat quickly. Rapidly reaching
normal operating temperature allows critical
mechanical components to expand to their ideal
working shape as soon as possible, and speeds the
transition to closed-loop operation.
You can measure the resistance of the heating
Think of the e-thermostat as having one single element in the e-thermostat to see if it’s okay.
upper disk and two staggered lower disks. The A good one will have about 14.7 to 15.0 ohms at
upper disk directs coolant flow to the radiator, and room temperature. The electrical connection is
the lower disks can either allow coolant to be split a little difficult to get to, so you may want to put
between the engine and the radiator, or totally your test leads across one of the wires that share
block flow to the engine forcing all of the coolant the power supply and the pin on the ME control
flow through the unit that grounds it.
radiator. During a
cold start, both the
upper disk and one
of the lower disks
totally block coolant
flow allowing the
engine to build heat
rapidly. The heat of
the engine coolant
opens the first
stage supplying
the heater core in
the cabin. In the
third stage, the
computer controls
the current flowing
through a heater
element inside the Here we are looking at the electrical control of the e-thermostat. The upper blue
trace is the voltage signal. The lower brown trace is the amperage draw. Soon after
body of the e-’stat.
a hot restart, the ME grounds the element for a few seconds and we can measure
This assistance
the amperage draw. If amperage draw is too low or too high, the e-thermostat has
occurs on both a
probably failed.
8 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
hot restart where the engine temperature reads coolant and water be in the proper dilution ratio
over 208 deg. F. (98 deg. C), or after a cold start to transport Btus efficiently. The fundamental
where the engine temperature is about 82 deg. F. functions of the cooling system must be working
(28 deg. C). properly for the e-thermostat system to be able to
do its job. The water pump must still be capable of
When the ME is in C ommand providing sufficient flow, and there cannot be any
The ME control unit (aka the PCM for Powertrain air in the system. When diagnosing and servicing
Control Module, or engine management computer) these systems, do not jump to testing this new
can regulate the temperature between 185 deg. technology until you have done some basic checks,
F. (85 deg. C) to 221 deg. F. (105 deg. C) while the such as pressure testing.
engine is running. Above these temperatures, the
ME commands the thermostat to block coolant The e-thermostat gets its voltage supply from
flow back into the engine, directing all coolant power distribution components such as the front
flow to the radiator for maximum cooling. As you SAM. The ME controls the ground with a pulse-
can see, with cooling temperatures reaching above width modulated signal. It determines how much
221 deg. F. (105 deg. C), and the boiling point of current should flow through the heating element
water being 212 deg. F. (100 deg. C), it is critical using coolant temperature, engine speed, engine
that the mixture of Mercedes-Benz extended life load, and vehicle speed as references. You can
monitor the voltage signal and current flow directly,
or you can monitor e-thermostat operation through
Xentry software. While it is possible to test the
element at the thermostat itself, in most instances
it is difficult to get to and may require that some
components to be removed. What may be easier is
to measure the resistance, voltage and current at
the ME. Looking at a wiring diagram available on, you can identify the ground
pin location at the ME and put your other lead on
one of the shared power supply wires.
The ME controls the e-thermostat in three
stages. It can leave the heating element alone by
not providing any ground. Without a ground, the
circuit is incomplete -- there is no current flow and
therefore no e-thermostat activity. Or, the ME can
pulse the ground thereby heating up the element
to a specific temperature and maintaining that
temperature. It can also fully ground the element
to allow maximum current flow, thus generating
the maximum heat the element is capable of. You
can monitor this circuit for voltage and amperage.
As the wiring diagram shows, you should find
battery voltage on the circuit when the ME is
not grounding the element. When the ME starts
It makes no sense to use anything but genuine to operate the e-thermostat, you may see your
Mercedes-Benz antifreeze for cooling system reading go directly to ground, or find a pulse-
service. The current blue-dyed formula carries the width modulated signal. Remember, the pulse-
part number BQ 1 03 0004, which is also designated width modulated signal holds the e-thermostat
as G48. It only comes full-strength, not pre-diluted.
December 2013 9
in a static position to regulate the coolant flow If you’re doing a flush and refill as maintenance,
between 185 deg. F. (85 deg. C) and 221 deg. F. or whenever you’ve done any major cooling system
(105 deg. C). work that required draining, it’s recommended
that you use coolant exchange equipment. Not
If you measure the current flow while the
only is it a lot faster and neater, it does a much
e-thermostat is being grounded, you should see
better job of completely flushing the entire system,
about 7/10ths of an amp (0.7A). If you measure
eliminates trapped air that can cause various
directly, the meter will probably average the
troubles, ensures a complete fill, and even helps
signal over time so you will see less amperage
you find leaks. By the way, the e-thermostat has
while the signal is pulse-width modulated. You
a check ball to allow air to pass through it during
will have to wait for the engine to run long enough
the filling.
to fully ground the e-thermostat to measure the
amp draw accurately. If you use a scope with Of course, to keep the cars in your care trouble-
an inductive milliamp probe, you can monitor free, always follow the cooling system maintenance
both the voltage and amperage at the same time. intervals stated in the Owners’ Manual or on WIS
Almost immediately after a hot restart, the ME to the letter, and use only genuine Mercedes-Benz
operates the e-thermostat for approximately six antifreeze for top-ups and refills.
seconds, during which time you can easily read
Knowing how a system functions and what you
the voltage and amperage. If you are using Xentry
can do to service it is what keeps your customers
software to view the computer’s management
coming back. By purchasing genuine Mercedes-
actions, it will give you a data PID to evaluate the
Benz parts from your dealer you have a partner in
commands to the e-thermostat.
the maintenance of your customers’ vehicles who
It ’s Still a C ooling S ystem not only supplies properly-engineered parts, but
As mentioned earlier, every other aspect of the also offers the best warranty in the industry. Who
cooling system must be functioning properly for wouldn’t want a partner like that? |
the e-thermostat to be able to do its important job.
Use Mercedes-Benz EPC to assist you in identifying the proper part. While you should always trust the
knowledge of the parts man at your local dealer, EPC will help you identify other parts you may want to
replace during the job, such as a new electrical connector if the old one was damaged.
10 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
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December 2013 11
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Mercedes-Benz CDI Diesels
No More Knocking, Smoking, or Stinking
12 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
Unstable fossil-fuel markets, customer environmental awareness, and
government regulations have all contributed to automobile manufacturers
searching for the silver bullet for mpg. Mercedes-Benz has looked to its long
diesel engine history, and added a huge dose of new technology.
Since 1936
Mercedes-Benz has always felt that the diesel
engine has tremendous advantages when it
comes to increasing fuel economy and reducing
harmful emissions, although only the former was
germane in 1936 when the company introduced
the 260D, the world’s first diesel passenger car.
It has successfully sold diesels to the American
public for decades. With the modern push for fuel
efficiency and clean exhaust, Mercedes-Benz has
practically reinvented the compression ignition
engine. Electronically-controlled high-pressure
direct injection and an after-combustion catalytic
system are just two of its prominent advances.
December 2013 13
CDI Diesel
But revolutionary
improvements rarely
come without additional
levels of technical
complexity, which makes
our job of keeping
everything operating
properly challenging.
We believe, however,
that you will find that
your experience with the
electronic management
systems of gasoline-
burning engines will be
very helpful.
M ajor psi
With a paid subscription to, you can access function
The Mercedes-Benz
diagrams in the ETM section. These let you know what sensors and control
CDI (Common rail Direct units are involved in the system you are working on. This is a function
Injection) system has diagram of the smooth-running system on the 642 diesel engine. The
an electric fuel pump CDI control unit looks at all of these components to mitigate crankshaft
that supplies relatively fluctuations through individual cylinder injection control.
low pressure, but high
volume, to the mechanical
high-pressure pump that’s driven by a camshaft.
The 5,000 to 30,000 psi (!) generated is routed
through a common rail that branches to the
individual injectors, so it’s similar to a typical
port-type gasoline EFI albeit at up to 600 times
the pressure. The injectors are opened when the
CDI control unit sees fit, again similar to EFI.
As in any modern engine, the control unit gets
signals from both crankshaft and camshaft position It was 77 years ago when Mercedes-Benz
sensors to determine where the engine is in its introduced the world’s first diesel-powered
four-stroke cycle (many other inputs are involved passenger car, the 260D.
in the grand scheme of things, too, of course), thus
when to fire each injector, but it’s relieved of the fuel that did not burn in the combustion chamber.
duty of controlling an ignition system. The serious This utilizes urea injection -- a chemical additive,
pressure in this system not only greatly enhances commercially called AdBlue® Diesel Exhaust Fluid
fuel atomization, it also makes the efficient direct (DEF), is sprayed into the SCR system. This type of
injection feature work better. system has been around for years in the European
trucking industry, so is not a new, untried
Once diesel combustion has taken place and the concept. It’s needed to make the engine emissions-
last possible ounce of power has been extracted compliant, and be fully functional in order for the
from the air/fuel charge, Mercedes-Benz made sure engine to be allowed to run.
the exhaust comes out squeaky clean by means of
the Selective Catalyst Reduction system (SCR) that An easily-accessible AdBlue® DEF tank is
aids in the continued combustion of any excess mounted in the vehicle, and each gallon lasts at
14 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
least 2,500 miles. A level sensor lets the control
unit know how much fluid is in the tank. If the
fluid drops below a specified level, a message will
appear in the instrument cluster (“Check AdBlue®/
Check Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)”). If the vehicle
is driven for a certain amount of time with the
warning illuminated, a gong will be sounded. The
number of gongs sounded starts at something like
21, depending on the model. If the level is allowed
to drop even further, the number of gongs will go
down also reflecting the number of engine starts
permitted. Once it reaches zero, the control unit
will either put the engine into idle mode, or prevent
it from starting, depending on the model. Adding a
gallon of AdBlue® will get things going again.
The players
We already know the CDI control unit completes
the circuit to the fuel injectors. We also know that
the control unit receives crank and cam position
Here’s what the ADBlue® DEF tank filler cap looks sensor signals so it can determine when to fire the
like. The fluid level is continuously monitored to injectors. But, as mentioned above, there are many
make sure there is enough. When it gets low, a
other sensors and solenoids that help manage all
message will appear in the instrument cluster,
that fuel pressure. Since time is of the essence in
then there will be a warning gong.
With a XENTRY system you can graphically display the fuel rail pressure as picked up by the fuel rail high
pressure sensor. Here, we see the thick black line indicating the increase in psi as the engine is cranked
and started (then immediately shut off). This can help in the diagnosis of a no- or hard-start condition.
December 2013 15
CDI Diesel
a high-pressure direct fuel injection system, more “manifold”) in order to calculate pulse width and
is needed than just increased injector on-time to pressure requirements. It gets this information
add enough fuel under acceleration. The pressure via a high-pressure sensor mounted on the rail.
itself is increased in order to get more fuel into As with any other diesel, the high compression
the combustion chamber under high demand. This generated by the engine starts the combustion
is one instance where diesel engines differ from process. On very cold days, it is sometimes
their gasoline counterparts. With gasoline fuel difficult to get the fire started. In older designs,
injection, injector pulse width is increased to meet there was a pre-chamber with a glow plug
the demands of acceleration, but system pressure installed. When the ignition key was turned on,
stays pretty much constant. the glow plug heating element was supplied with
electric current. This would heat the fuel as it
CDI controls the amount of pressure in the fuel
entered the chamber, making it easier to ignite.
system with a combination of a Quantity Control
With CDI, pencil-type glow plugs are mounted
valve (mounted on the high-pressure pump) and
directly inside the combustion chamber for pre-
the Pressure Control valve mounted on the fuel
heating. A separate glow plug control unit supplies
rail. Both receive pulse-width modulated signals
the necessary amperage with the ignition key
from the CDI unit.
on and during the warm-up phase to increase
The CDI control unit needs to be aware of the efficiency. The glow plug control unit takes its
actual pressure in the fuel rail (also called a orders from the CDI control unit.
Here’s the fuel rail of the new four-cylinder Mercedes-Benz diesel engine that’s gaining so much notoriety.
Metal lines carry the pressurized fuel to the individual injectors. The fuel volume is very small, so even a
small leak will not allow pressure to build. This can lead to a hard- or no-start condition.
16 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
I njection actualities With common-rail, each cylinder is individually
When we think of traditional gasoline EFI, we controlled. CDI has the sensitivity to continuously
think of a computer energizing a solenoid that monitor and adjust injector flow rates to match the
allows pressurized gasoline to pass through a needs of individual cylinders. The CDI unit needs
nozzle. With a high-pressure diesel fuel system to know the flow rate of any injector that is being
capable of producing 30,000 psi or more, it may replaced. This information is entered into the CDI
seem that it would be virtually impossible to unit through the SDS/XENTRY software. As the
electrically open an injector whose pintle has injector wears, the flow rate may change over
that much force bearing on it. Engineering time. The CDI unit also monitors these changes
injectors that could do just that dependably was and performs “adaptations” accordingly. These
one of CDI’s breakthroughs. Depending on the adaptations need to be cleared after replacing
year, model, and country of sale, either the Piezo injectors or otherwise servicing the system so the
type or electric solenoid type has been used. CDI does not inject fuel using information from
Regardless, the traditional diesel’s rattle and the old injectors. These adaptations can be viewed
knock are practically eliminated by up to seven and reset with your SDS/XENTRY system.
injection events occurring for each power stroke.
It’s not just one big blast anymore, but a relatively
We Need F eedback
Just like modern gasoline injection systems,
slow, controlled burn.
there needs to be a sensor that monitors the
Being a sequentially-fired injection system, CDI effectiveness of fuel control. The CDI unit is
is prone to some of the same drivability issues always asking itself, “Am I injecting too much or
usually associated with gasoline SEFI. Older diesel too little fuel for complete combustion?” To get
injection systems typically had a mechanically an accurate answer to that question, the CDI unit
or electrically-controlled pump. A rack inside the uses a wide-band oxygen sensor -- the gasoline
injection pump would be moved to provide more engine equivalent would be called an air/fuel ratio
or less fuel to all of the cylinders. If you had an sensor. These sensors have a six-pin connector
individual cylinder misfire, or “nailing,” it was and use a milliamp signal to indicate a rich or
due to either the injector itself, or to an engine lean mixture to the CDI control unit. They are
mechanical problem, such as a bad valve. capable of measuring a wider range of mixture
ratios than could a traditional zirconium oxygen
sensor. Having a good understanding of modern
Mercedes-Benz diesel fuel injection systems will
allow you to perform proper maintenance and
more accurate diagnosis of any complaints. Your
local Mercedes-Benz dealer’s parts department
is a partner in this process, and will support you
in making sure you have the knowledge and the
quality parts needed to serve your customers in
the most professional manner possible. |
December 2013 21
CLA Model Series 117
instantly when electrical current is applied, • Electronic accelerator
which makes it possible to program several small • ECO start/stop function
injection events per cycle. The first occurs as • Stepless adjustment of intake and
the piston is descending on the intake stroke. exhaust camshaft timing
Depending on speed, load, and temperature
• Turbo boost pressure
conditions, another injection (or two) takes place
during the compression stroke before ignition, • Torque interface to ESP, transmission,
forming a stratified mixture. A fourth injection and air conditioning
can stabilize combustion if it’s needed. System • Alternator interface
pressure, by the way, is up to 2,840 psi (190 bar),
in the range of a pre-common rail diesel.
Coordinated with that sophisticated metering
of gasoline is multi-spark ignition. After the first
spark, the system can recharge and deliver up to
three more sparks within a single millisecond,
creating a gas plasma with more expansion than
conventional ignition would allow. The time lapse
between sparks is adjustable, so combustion
duration can actually be controlled, resulting in
two percent better fuel economy, and a total of four
percent improvement in combination with direct
fuel injection.
Of course, these precise functions are
orchestrated by the ME-SFI control unit, which
is attached to the air filter housing for cooling.
It does a lot more than that, though, including
management of:
Here’s the mighty AMG version of the CLA 2L
• Cylinder-selective, adaptive knock control engine. At 355 hp and 332 ft. lbs. of torque, it’s the
most powerful production four-cylinder in the world.
The European BlueEfficiency Edition of the CLA boasts the best aerodynamic number of any
production car ever: 0.22! Special attention was paid to such details as the mirrors and
windows, and the whole undercarriage has been streamlined, right down to the mufflers.
22 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
• Thermal management for shortening If the ME detects a mechanical fault in the
warm-up phase electronic accelerator throttle actuator, the fuel
• Engine oil pump control injectors are partially shut off in order to restrict
• Exhaust flap control engine speed to 1400 rpm at idle, and 1800
rpm while driving. Another safety-related job
• Diagnosis and fault storage
is shutting down the fuel pump in the absence
• Drive authorization system and immobilizer of an engine speed signal, or if a crash signal
is received indirectly via the chassis CAN, or
directly from the supplemental restraint system
control unit. In addition, the injectors are briefly
actuated to depressurize the fuel system.
C urrent management
The electrical system battery (G1) is located in
the driver’s side of the engine compartment. An
additional battery (G1/13) for the ECO start/stop
function is installed in the front passenger footwell.
The energy management system ensures that
the engine can be started and that all electrical
consumers receive a reliable power supply. This is
achieved through the major assembly coordinator
and on-board electrical system management
The bottom end looks indestructible. The crank,
subsystems. The major assembly coordinator is
rods, and pistons are all forged.
A low-pressure pump moves gasoline from the 50L high-density polyethylene tank (six layers with a block
layer made of ethylene vinyl alcohol to prevent hydrocarbon evaporation) to the high-pressure pump,
which can generate an impressive 2,840 psi (190 bar).
December 2013 23
CLA Model Series 117
integrated into the ME and forms the interface for usage with the start/stop function. When
of the on-board electrical system management to this function is active (engine off), the electric
the alternator. The ME communicates with the auxiliary oil pump supplies the shift elements and
alternator via the powertrain LIN (LIN C1). The actuators with oil.
major assembly coordinator regulates the power
Automatically controlled all-wheel drive
output of the alternator in accordance with the
(4MATIC) is optional, with power sent to a multi-
instructions of the on-board electrical system
disk clutch in the rear axle differential.
management, taking engine load into account.
The on-board electrical system diagnosis E lectrically - powered steering
function provides precise analysis of causes in Yet another big advance is the electric power
the event of complaints. The last 100 driving and steering, which consists of a rack-and-pinion steering
idle cycles are stored with important information. gear, a torque sensor, an actuator motor, and a
This can be read out using Xentry. In control unit. The steering assistance is transmitted
addition, the diagnosis function now
makes it possible to read the no-load
The 7G-DCT transaxle is a seven-
current curve for the most recent hours
speed, dual-clutch, three-shaft unit.
and display it graphically.
Clutching and gear changes are
Tr ans rapid with no rpm flare.
The adoption of FWD and
the tightened requirements for
performance and fuel efficiency
resulted in a truly unique new
transaxle. The 7G-DCT is a 7-speed
dual-clutch, three-shaft transmission
unit. It consists of two sub-
transmissions each with its own clutch.
Clutch operation and gear changes
occur rapidly without interruption of
tractive power for improved efficiency
and sporty vehicle dynamics.
A few more important features of the
• Wet, hydraulically-operated dual
• One oil circuit for
hydraulic control At a Glance... CLA250 CLA250 4MATIC
and lubrication of MSRP $29,900 $31,900
the gear set
City: 26MPG
• Integrated electric TBA
Fuel Economy Highway: 38MPG
auxiliary oil pump Combined: 30MPG
• Integrated shift-
2.0L Inline 2.0L Inline
by-wire Engine
4-Cylinder Turbocharged 4-Cylinder Turbocharged
Cooling is handled 208 HP 208 HP
by an active oil system. 258 lb-ft torqu 258 lb-ft torque
It is also suitable 0-60 (sec.) 6.9 6.8 (est.)
24 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
by the motor to the rack-and-pinion to boost the • Electronic brake force distribution (EBD)
steering moment applied by the driver. Compared • Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
to hydraulic power steering, electric steering force • Acceleration skid control (ASR), electronic
assistance offers the following advantages: traction system (ETS)
• Improved steering feel • Brake Assist (BAS)
• Fuel savings • Dry braking
• No power steering fluid required • Precharging, depending on accelerator
• Compact design pedal actuation
• Speed-dependent steering force assistance • Precharging, depending on lateral acceleration
• Assisted steering return • Standstill coordinator (SSK)
• Diagnosis capability • System fault display
The brake and engine intervention functions of • ESP dynamic cornering assistant
ESP, which are intended to stabilize the vehicle, have There’s even an electric parking brake, which
been supplemented by steering torque intervention. is identical to that found on models R231 (SL)
This additional steering torque is provided in the and R172 (SLK). It acts on the rear wheels by
form of electric steering force assistance. making use of special electrically-adapted brake
Tons of br ake features calipers, which are operated via a switch on the
Mercedes-Benz has spared no effort to make instrument panel.
sure the CLA has an integrated brake system As you can see, there’s way too much new
that’s more than a match for the competition where technology in the CLA for us to be able to delve
high-technology is concerned. For example, ABR very deeply into it in one magazine article, but we
(Adaptive Brake) assists the driver in dangerous will concentrate on the operation and diagnosis of
situations which occur suddenly. The familiar specific systems in future issues of StarTuned. |
system has been adapted to the new model series
and consists of the following subfunctions:
• Electronic Stability Program (ESP)
Mercedes-Benz Mobil 1
Product Name Part Number Quantity Product Description Recommended Consumer Applications
Mercedes-Benz SPEC.
Mobil 1 5W-50 BQ 1 09 0133 16 Gallon Keg Higher viscosity, advanced full synthetic
formula designed for performance Porsche A40. HT/HS applications.
BQ 1 09 0134 6/1 Quart Cases vehicles
Extra high performance automatic Recommended for use in Mercedes-Benz
Mobil ATF 134 BQ 1 09 0166 55 Gallon Drum transmission fluid formulated with automatic gearboxes
selected HVI base oils
Advanced full synthetic formulas
Mobil 1 ESP Low SPAsh. Available at most
BQ 1 09 0165 12x1 Liter Cases designed specifically for passenger car
Formula MB 5W-30 MB dealers.
diesels that have particulate filters
AdBlue® 1/2 Gal. A 000 583 0107 1/2 Gallon Bottle Non-toxic solution that transforms Recommended for use in Mercedes-
harmful Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Benz, Volkswagen + BMW AdBlue® (DEF)
BQ 1 47 0002 55 Gallon Drum from diesel-powered vehicles into
55 Gal applications
harmless water vapor and nitrogen
BQ 1 09 0017 6/1 Quart Cases Advanced full synthetic formulation
designed to meet the requirements Vehicles that require 5W-30. Corvette
Mobil 1 5W-30
BQ 1 09 0018 55 Gallon Drum of many domestic, including GM, and approved.
imported vehicles
BQ 1 09 0019 6/1 Quart Cases
Advanced full synthetic formula
Mobil 1 10W-30 BQ 1 09 0020 16 Gallon Keg Vehicles that require 5W-30 or 10W-30
designed for domestics and imports
BQ 1 09 0021 55 Gallon Drum
BQ 1 09 0083 6/1 Quart Cases Advanced full synthetic formulation
designed to meet the requirements of
Mobil 1 5W-20 Vehicles that require 5W-20
BQ 1 09 0084 55 Gallon Drum many newer vehicles including Hondas,
Fords, Chryslers, and newer Toyotas
BQ 1 09 0169 6/1 Quart Cases Advanced full synthetic formulation Most vehicles that specify 0W-20 (newer
Mobil 1 0W-20 AFE designed for enhanced fuel economy Toyotas and Hondas), 5W-20 and certain
BQ 1 09 0168 55 Gallon Drum and cold weather performance hybrids
Advanced full synthetic formulation Most vehicles that specify 5W-30 or
Mobil 1 0W-30 AFE BQ 1 09 0174 6/1 Quart Cases designed for enhanced fuel economy 10W-30
and cold weather performance
BQ 1 09 0164 6/1 Quart Cases Multi-vehicle, fully synthetic fluid Vehicles that require Dexron III, Ford
designed to meet the demanding
Mobil 1 Synthetic ATF Mercon and Mercon V performance
BQ 1 09 0163 55 Gallon Drum requirements of modern passenger levels
Boosted, higher viscosity, advanced HT/HS applications. Racing and Flat
Mobil 1 15W-50 BQ 1 09 0023 55 Gallon Drum full synthetic formula designed for tappet applications
performance vehicles
SUITABLE for use in modern high
Mobil 1 Gear Oil Exceeds the most severe service performance automobiles like SUV’s,
(Mobil 1 Gear Lube BQ 1 09 0085 12/1 Quart Cases requirements in both conventional and
26 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
75W-90) limited slip applications Vans and Light duty trucks requiring API
GL-5 level performance
M ercedes-Benz automobiles are designed to perform on
the most challenging roads and conditions. Shouldn’t the oil
used in Mercedes-Benz engines do the same? We think so.
Product Name Part Number Quantity Product Description Recommended Consumer Applications
Mercedes-Benz SPEC.
Many advanced
steering, stability
control, and propulsion
technologies in the front-drive
CLA depend upon precise suspension
geometry for proper vehicle operation.
Here are some front wheel drive suspension
basics for collision repairers who will be working
on this history-making model.
28 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
Photo courtesy Mercedes-Benz
December 2013 29
FWD & MacPherson Struts
For the young, upscale market that the CLA ahead. As the driver turns the steering wheel,
250 is intended to attract, it offers luxury, a ton the cornering forces of the tires act against the
of advanced technology and safety features, and momentum of the vehicle to change its direction.
aggressive design cues, all at a new, competition- Newton’s First, meet Newton’s Second.
busting price point. Technicians – if you cut your
collision repair teeth on Mercedes-Benz rear A little patch will hold us
wheel drive vehicles, read on because FWD and All of the forces that contribute to directional
MacPherson strut front suspension mean there are control, cornering ability, vehicle stability, velocity
some new things to take into consideration. or thrust, and ride comfort must accomplish their
goals through the small patch of tire tread that
The suspension of this front wheel drive model is actually in contact with the road at any one
is tasked with controlling vehicular movement time. The job of the suspension is to turn, tilt, and
under a variety of speeds, weight loads, road position the wheels so that little patch of tread
conditions, and driver intentions. This routinely maximizes its grip on the road in spite of all of the
requires resisting or redirecting the kinetic different forces at play.
energy of a 3,300 lb. vehicle that is in a constantly
changing state of motion. Secondary damage
That Newton guy
Collision energy can travel through the vehicle
Newton’s First Law says that a body in motion to other areas that may be only indirectly
will continue that motion until it is acted upon by related to the point of impact, where it can cause
an opposing force. Just to make life fun, Newton’s secondary, or hidden, damage.
Second Law says that there is always an opposing Secondary damage may be difficult to catch with a
force, and it will generally equal the other. traditional visual inspection. If you miss a bent strut
Think about a vehicle about to enter a turn. or control arm, the tire patch won’t hold the road
The inertial force established by the vehicle’s properly, and your finished repair will come back
speed, weight, and balance wants to push straight from the alignment bay needing additional work.
30 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
The position of the strut
towers is particularly
important. Any deviation due
to collision damage will have
a big effect on caster (not
adjustable), camber, and
vehicle dynamics.
Camber is the inward or outward tilt of
the top of the wheel when viewed from
the front or rear of the vehicle. Measured
in degrees, an inward tilt is said to be
negative, and an outward tilt positive.
Proper camber helps position the wheel so
that it contacts the road with as even an To adjust camber on the CLA 250, loosen the nuts (1b)
amount of force as possible across the width that attach the strut to the steering knuckle. Use a wedge
of the tire as the spring compresses and between the strut tube and the wheel rim to force the rim
rebounds. This minimizes uneven tread outward to achieve a more positive setting, and to hold
wear, and, more importantly, helps keep the the setting in place. Once you’ve got camber where you
vehicle rolling straight down the road. want it, tighten the upper nut first, then the lower nut,
and re-check the setting. Torque the nuts to 110 Nm, then
twist an additional 90 deg.
32 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
Here’s where RWD and FWD differ. With RWD, as Normal wear to the tie rod ends and other
the vehicle is being powered down the road, tread steering linkage parts, in addition to collision
drag tends to push the leading edges apart. This damage, can cause toe to become out of
force is obviously not present while you are making compliance with the carefully-considered OE
the adjustment, so the specification will typically be specifications. Any other toe setting will produce
toed in slightly to compensate for dynamics. the scrubbing that eventually causes a feathered
or sawtooth wear pattern on the tire.
With FWD, the front wheels are pulling the
vehicle forward whenever engine power is applied Check for feathered or sharp edges by rubbing
to them, which would tend to force the leading your hand lightly across the tread. If it feels smooth
edges of the tires together. So, you might expect when you move your hand toward the center of the
that the specification would be toed out. That vehicle but rough when you reverse hand movement
doesn’t take into account coasting, however, toward the outside, the cause is excessive toe-in.
during which mode the forces would be the same Sharp edges will point in the opposite direction if
as those of a RWD vehicle. Always check WIS the problem is excessive toe-out.
for the specified setting, which represents a
proper compromise. Mercedes-Benz engineered Thrust A ngle
in less than 1/4 of a degree of toe-in. Permissible If the steering wheel is not centered while the
difference in toe between the right and left sides vehicle’s wheels are moving straight, or the body
of the front axle is ±0° 10’. appears to be moving at an angle (“dog tracking”),
you have a thrust angle problem. The first steps in
Toe settings have a major impact on tire wear. correcting this problem include ensuring that side-
Excessive toe-in or out causes tires to scrub to-side specifications are met, and replacing damaged
against the road surface even when driving tie rods, control arms or other rear suspension
straight. If toe is off by 1/8 in. (3mm), each tire on components. You can adjust rear toe to the vehicle
that axle will scrub the road sideways 28 feet for centerline as part of a four-wheel alignment.
every mile traveled. Too much toe-in accelerates
outer tread wear, while excess toe-out causes rapid R ide H eight & SAI
wear of the inside tire edge. If ride height is unequal by as little as 1/8”
(3mm) side-to-side, it can negatively affect both
toe and camber. Sagging, bent, or broken springs
34 Mercedes-Benz StarTuned
Sourcing Mercedes-Benz
Repair and Parts Information
December 2013 35
Performance. Reliability. Success.
With our competitively priced replacement parts, you no longer have to settle for anything less than
Mercedes-Benz quality. But that’s just part of the story. You see, our brake pads, rotors, v-belts and
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last, and so will your relationship with your customers.
MSRP excludes state and local taxes and freight if applicable. Prices may vary by dealer. See your authorized
Mercedes-Benz dealer for additional details or a copy of the Mercedes-Benz parts limited warranty.