Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing

Abstract: possibility of sharing computing resources

remotely.Telecommunications companies started
The utilization of hosted services like servers, offering virtual private network (VPN) services,
databases, networking, software, and data storage laying the groundwork for the internet-based
through the internet is referred to as cloud infrastructure that would become essential for cloud
computing. A cloud service provider maintains the computing.Companies like started
physical servers where the data is kept. In cloud the delivery of business applications over the
computing, system resources particularly data internet, marking the early stages of cloud-based
storage and processing power are made accessible services.Amazon launched AWS, providing web
on-demand and are not directly managed by the services such as storage and computing power on a
user. Cloud computing is like renting computer pay-as-you-go basis. This marked a significant
power over the internet. Instead of having your own milestone in the evolution of cloud computing.
computer, you use remote ones to store data and run Cloud computing gained widespread popularity,
programs. It's flexible, and you only pay for what with businesses increasingly adopting cloud
you use. This means you can access your stuff from services for data storage, application hosting, and
anywhere with an internet connection. It's a cost- infrastructure solutions.
effective and efficient way to handle computing
needs without the hassle of owning and maintaining 1.2)Service Providers:
physical hardware. I. Alibaba II. Oracle
1)Introduction: III. RackSpace IV. Red Hat
V. VMware VI. IBM
1.1)Background: Cloud
Before Computing, client Server Architecture was VII. AWS VIII. Google
used where all the data and control of client resides Cloud
in Server side. If a single user want to access some
1.3)Cloud Computing Types:
 Public Cloud: Public clouds deliver
resources, such as compute, storage,
network, develop-and-deploy environments,
over the
internet. They
are owned and
run by third-
party cloud
data, firstly user need to connect to the server and service providers, like Google Cloud. Public
after that user will get appropriate access then. cloud contains cloud models like IaaS, PaaS,
Distributed Computing came into existence, in this SaaS. Example of public cloud Google
type of computing all computers are networked Workspace, Amazon Web Services
together with the help of this, user can share their (AWS), Dropbox etc.
resources when needed thus then cloud computing  Private Cloud: Private cloud are built, run,
emerged. and used by a single organization, typically
Originating in the 1960s with the introduction of located on-premises. They provide greater
utility computing, the concept of cloud computing control, customization, and data security but
has its origins in history. Early models explored the come with similar costs and resource
limitations associated with traditional IT
environments, also referred to as internal
cloud. HP Data Centers, Microsoft etc are
some of examples.
 Hybrid Cloud: Hybrid clouds work by
combining two or more separate computing
environments. Public+Private=Hybrid.
Strong hybrid cloud networking is critical
for a hybrid cloud deployment to function
correctly. Interconnectivity between
environments is typically established using a
local area network (LAN), a wide area
network (WAN), a virtual private network
(VPN), and application programming
interfaces (APIs). The best hybrid cloud
provider companies are Amazon,
Microsoft, Google, Cisco, and NetApp

Now Let us talk about on any computer or Internet-connected device. SaaS

providers are, netSuite, google apps,
1)SaaS: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is the
Oracle CRM etc.
broadest market. In this case the provider allows the
customer only to use its applications. The software 2)IaaS: IaaS in cloud computing is when you rent
interacts with the user through a user interface. access to cloud infrastructure resources as
These applications can be anything from web based individual services from a cloud service provider
email, to applications like Twitter or If (CSP), including servers, virtual machines,
you’ve used a web-based email service such as networking resources, and storage. IaaS helps
Outlook, Hotmail, or Yahoo! Mail, then you’ve eliminate much of the complexity and costs
already used a form of SaaS. With these services, associated with building and maintaining physical
you log into your account over the Internet, often infrastructure in an on-premises data center. The
from a web browser. The email software is located CSP is responsible for managing and maintaining
on the service provider’s network, and your the infrastructure, so you can concentrate on
messages are stored there as well. You can access installing, configuring, and managing software and
your email and stored messages from a web browser
keeping your data secure.IaaS providers are Middleware software: Operating systems,
Rackspace, Digital Ocean, Amazon’s aws etc. frameworks, development kits (SDK), libraries.

3)PaaS: Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a etc…

complete cloud environment that includes
everything developers need to build, run, and
manage applications—from servers and operating
systems to all the networking, storage, middleware,
tools, and more. PaaS solutions are specific to
application and software development and typically
include: Cloud infrastructure: Data centers,
storage, network equipment, and servers

3. Service: The service component manages which

type of service you can access according to the
1.4)Cloud Computing architecture: client’s requirements. They are basically of three
types IaaS,SaaS,PaaS.
Cloud computing technology is used by both small
and large organizations to store information in the 4. Runtime Cloud: Runtime cloud offers the
cloud and acess it from anywhere and anytime using execution and runtime environment to the virtual
an internet connection. Cloud computing machines. Runtime cloud offers the execution and
architecture is a combination of service-oriented runtime environment to the virtual machines.
architecture and event-driven architecture. The
cloud computing architecture is divided into the 5. Storage: Storage is another important Cloud
following two parts –
computing architecture component. It provides a
1)Front end: In cloud computing, frontend platforms large amount of storage capacity in the Cloud to
contain the client infrastructure—user interfaces, store and manage data.
client-side applications, and the client device or
network that enables users to interact with and 6. Infrastructure: It offers services on the host
access cloud computing services. The front end
includes web servers like Chrome, Firefox, internet level, network level, and application level. Cloud
explorer, and mobile devices. infrastructure includes hardware and software
components like servers, storage, network devices,
2)Back end: The back end is used by the service
provider. It manages all the resources that are virtualization software, and various other storage
required to provide cloud computing services. It resources that are needed to support the cloud
includes a huge amount of data storage, security computing model.
mechanism, virtual machines, deploying models,
servers, traffic control mechanisms, etc. 7. Management: This component manages
components like application, service, runtime cloud,
Components of Cloud Computing:
storage, infrastructure, and other security matters in
1. Client Infrastructure: Client Infrastructure is a the backend. It also establishes coordination
front-end component that provides a GUI. It helps between them.
users to interact with the Cloud.
8. Security:
2. Application: The application can be any Security in the backend refers to implementing
software or platform which a client wants to access. different security mechanisms for secure Cloud
systems, resources, files, and infrastructure to the end-user.

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