Journal Sugiyanto - Alexander - Edited
Journal Sugiyanto - Alexander - Edited
Journal Sugiyanto - Alexander - Edited
Accounting Department Pamulang University
*Email : [email protected]
Alexander Candra
Program Pascasarjana Sekolah Tinggi Agama Budha Jakarta
*Email: [email protected]
This study aims to analyze the influence of accounting conservatism, real earnings
management, and information asymmetry on stock returns. This study uses the sample of
all manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period
2013 to 2015. The total number of companies used as sample research is 44 companies
with observations for three years. Pursuant to purposive sampling method, total of
research sample is 132 financial reports and annual reports. The results of this study
indicate: (1) Good corporate governance has a significant negative effect on stock return
with a significance value of 0.002<0.050; (2) Conservatism with accrual-based
conservatism proxy has a significant negative effect on stock return with a significance
value of 0.032 <0.050; (3) Real earnings management with the proxy of discretionary
cash flow has no effect on stock return with a significance value of 0.050; and (4)
Information asymmetry with proxy of bid-ask spread has no effect on stock return with
significance value of 0.453> 0.05.
Table 1
Operational Variables of Measurement
Variable Measurement Scale Referents
Good corporate governance is measured using
disclosure method or content analysis based on
five principles and concept (concept) using
dichotomy that is score 1 (one) if yes do, and Ross A and Commented [m5]: Tidaka ada di rerferensi
Good score 0 (zero) if not do with total maximum Crossn. K (2012)
Corporate percentage of weight of score is 100%. The Rati ASEAN capital
Governance number of weighting scores is calculated by the o market forum
( X1 ) formula: value 1: express disclosure value 0: (ACMF.2014)
states not disclose ASEAN capital market forum
(ACMF), ASEAN corporate governance scorecard
n x 100%. K Where: GCG: ASEAN corporate
governance scorecard indeks.
Lee and T.J Commented [m6]: Lengkapi di refer
Conservatism Accrual = Rati
Wong Commented [m7R6]: ensi
( X2 ) o
CONACCit = (2010)
Rati Roychouwdhury
Cash flow discretionary = o (2006)
( X3 )
Rati Callahan et al
Spread = o (1997)
( X4 )
Rati Hartono
Stock return = o (2013) Commented [m8]: tidak ada di referensi
In this research the data is collected annual reports (annual report), and
by means of documentary collection, corporate financial statements Stock
i.e. the use of data derived from existing return.
documents. This is done by tracking and
recording the necessary information on
secondary data in the form of financial RESULT AND DISCUSSION
statements and annual reports of
Descriptive Statistic
sample companies. Other supporting
Descriptive analysis is a method in
data were obtained by using literature
which all data related to the study are
study from scientific journals and
collected and grouped for analysis and
literature containing the discussion
interpretation objectively by comparing
related to this research. Data obtained
the minimum, maximum and average
from in the form of
values of the sample.
Table 1 : Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
GCG 132 -,88300 ,74530 -,0478826 ,34736481
KON 132 -,98300 ,64530 -,1478826 ,24736481
REM 132 -,37930 ,63820 ,0800780 ,12693781
IA 132 -,52630 2,00000 ,0820258 ,31287747
RETURN 132 -,00890 ,00750 -,0007402 ,00252378
Valid N (listwise) 132
Table 4
Statistical Test Results t Coefficientsa
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -,001 ,000 ,000 -4,554 ,000
GCG -,002 ,001 -,285 -3,167 ,002
KON -,002 ,001 -,185 -2,167 ,032
REM ,003 ,002 ,169 1,977 ,050
IA ,001 ,001 ,064 ,753 ,453
a. Dependent Variable: RETURN
Source : Self Proceed