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Nagda DPR

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NAGDA CITY 7631.67 Lac



Foreword 1
Executive Summary 3
1.0 Introduction of Project Area 5
1.1 Description of the Project area 5
1.1.1 Connectivity 6
1.1.2 Climate 6
1.1.3 Topography 6
1.1.4 Heritage and Culture 6
2. Water Supply System 8
2.1 Existing Water Works 8
2.1 Augmentation of Existing Water Supply 12
3. Existing Sewerage System 13
3.1 Existing Works 13
4. Population Forecasting 15
4.1 Conclusion for Population Projection 24
4.3 Cumulative Sewage Generation 26
5. Feasibility Analysis 27
5.1 Approach 27
5.1.1 Comparison b/w Centralized and decentralized 29
5.2 Detail of Proposed project 30
5.2.1 Zonal population 33
5.2.2 Design of Sewer System 34
5.2.3 Sewerage network Detail 35
5.2.4 Sewage Treatment plants 35 Selection of Suitable sites 35 Final STP Locations 38 Technology for sewage treatment plant 38 Recommended Process for Treatment 38
6. Design Criteria 41
6.1 Design Parameters 41
7. Proposed Works 44
8. Detailed Design for pumps 60
9. Economical Section of Pipe 77
10. Detailed Estimate 81
11. Challenges and Hindrances in Execution of the Project 97
12. Project Schedule 98
13. Statutory Clearances 100
13.1 SPCB 100
13.2 PWD 100
13.3 MPMKVVCL 101
13.4 Land Availability 101
14. Financial Viability and Sustainability 102

List of Tables

Table 1: Decadal Population 15

Table 2: Ward Wise population 16
Table 3: Comparison of Population Projection 23
Table 4: Projected Waste water Generation 26
Table 5: Sewer Area Statement of Projected area 33
Table 6: Conventional Sewer network Analysis 39
Table 7: Peak Factor 41
Table 8: Design Period of Components 41
Table 9: Diameter of Pipe Used in Design 42
Table 10: Design Parameters for conventional sewer 42
Table 11: Project Schedule 98
Table 12: Land Availability 101

List of Figures

Figure 1: Location of Nagda on State Map 5

Figure 2: Centralized System 29
Figure 3: Decentralized System 29
Figure 4: DWC HDPE Pipe 46
Figure 5: RCC NP3 Pipe 46
Figure 6: Sewage Treatment Plant Based on SBR Technology 49
Figure 7: Manhole 54
Figure 8: House Sewer Chamber 55
List of Annexures
Annexure 1. Drawings
1.1 Plan for House Sewer Connection
1.2 Gully Trap
1.3 House Chambers
1.4 Septic Tank
1.5 Twin Pit Toilet
1.6 Typical Section of Manhole
1.7 Manhole to Manhole Arrangement
1.8 Septic Tank to Soak Pit Arrangement
2. Different types of Connection for Household to Main Sewer Line
2.1 Septic Tank- House Service Chamber- Manhole Layout
2.2 House- Septic Tank- HSC Arrangement
2.3 House- House Service Chamber- Manhole
2.4 Twin pit Toilet to Manhole
2.5 House- Soak Pit to Manhole Connection
3. Typical Layout of Sewer Connections with respect to width of road
3.1 Connection in Road Width 2m to 3m
3.2 Connection in Road Width 3m to 5m
3.3 Connection in Road Width >5m

Annexure 2. Hydraulic Flow Chart with Levels (Zone Wise)

Annexure 3. Pumping Station & Sump Drawings
Annexure 4. Ward Wise Population Details
Annexure 5. Sewer Area Statement
Annexure 6. Comparison of different pipe
Annexure 7. Comparison of different sewage treatment technology
Annexure 8. Soil Strata Details
Annexure 9. SBR Technology Description and Design Calculation for STP
Annexure 10. Khasra Details
Annexure 11. Details of Municipal Council Cleaning Staff
Annexure 12. Sewer Design Sheet
Appendix 13. Depth Matrix
Appendix 14. House Connection Policy for Sewerage Projects
Appendix 15. Index for Land Status
Appendix 16. General Specification
Appendix 17. Capacity of Nallah
Appendix 18. Environmental Social Check List
Appendix 19. Sewer Analysis Report
Appendix.20 Grasim Industry Details

1. Survey map with spot levels and contour

2. Proposed sewerage Index Map
3. Reuse map

Abbreviation Expanded Notation

• ASP Activated Sludge Process
• BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
• COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
• CI Cast Iron
• CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
• CPHEEO Central Public Health and Environmental
Engineering Organization
• DI Ductile Iron
• GoMP Government of Madhya Pradesh
• HDPE High Density Poly ethylene
• HSC House Service Chambers
• IPS Intermediate Pumping Station
• LPCD Liters per Capita per day
• MBR Membrane Bio Reactor
• MLD Million Liters Day
• MPPCB Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board
• MPUDC Madhya Pradesh Urban Development
• NP Non-Pressure
• O&M Operations and Maintenance
• RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
• SBR Sequential Batch Rector
• SCV Self Cleansing Velocity
• SOR Schedule of Rates
• SS Suspended Solids
• STP Sewerage Treatment Plant
• UADD Urban Administration & Development Department
• UASB Up flow anaerobic sludge blanket
• ULB Urban Local Body
• UIDSSMT Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for.
Small & Medium towns
Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

As per the appointment as consultants for the preparation of detailed project report for
the sewerage project of Nagda Town we are presenting this document. The project has
been prepared for the design population of the year 2055 which has been estimated as
133200 (Excluding Grasim Industrial area which also include the area which has the
separate and independent sewerage system). The water supply in the town is available
@135lpcd and accordingly the sewage flow for design purpose has been taken as (80%
of water supply) 108 lpcd. The Ground water infiltration @250 liters per day per
manhole has been considered for design of sewer network. The total municipal area of
town is 24.00Sq Km. The present population density is upto 112persons/ha.

The maximum ground level is 488.84 m and minimum ground level is 456.14m in the
town, thereby having difference of 32.70m. Thus, the town is having mild slopes
towards the course of Chambal River. Accordingly, the design of the sewer network has
been carried out for gravity flow in the sewer lines having self-cleansing velocity. For
Conventional sewer system in the event of non-achieving SCV suitable remedial
measures in term of flushing will be adopted at the time of O&M. In case of non-
cleansing velocity regime as the material of sewer lines is DWC –HDPE which is inert in
nature, the same shall not be affected by the sewage water and also the sludge shall not
be deposited, the same shall be washed off during flushing of the sewer lines. The
flushing of sewer lines shall be done from the treated sewage water transported to
respective manholes through pneumatic cleaning machines.

Looking to the ground topography the entire town has been bifurcated in four Zone.
However, the zone-1&2 is being divided in two subzones, each on either side of railway
line for decentralized sewerage system. Both the sub-zones shall be drain into separate
STPs proposed at Old Nagda and near Takravda Talab. The STP of old Nagda 10.40
MLD shall be based on SBR Technology. The STP of Durgapur (Zone 2) having the
capacity of 2.20MLD base on SBR/suitable technonogy, Pobaliya (Zone 3) and
Government Colony (Zone -4) small treatment system are being proposed. There are 4
nos. of intermediate pumping stations. The sewer network is designed for conventional
sewer system. The effluent discharge parameters of STP is being proposed as per the
guidelines of MPPCB so as to discharge the treated sewage in inland waterways or to be
reused for community and gardening purposes. The House Service Connection are also
being provided for connecting the individual houses.

The designs of various components like sewer lines, pump houses, Sewage Treatment
plant in this project report has been prepared as per relevant clauses of CPHEEO
manual on sewerage and sewage treatment. `

This is a draft report for the approval of Municipal Council Nagda and Madhya Pradesh
Urban Development Company.

The project has been prepared considering the existing municipal area and the scenario
of sewerage system in which the sewage from households drains into open drains either
directly or through septic tanks. The data regarding the land availability for STP &

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Intermediate Pump house along with Rate of water supply & flow of sewage has been
discussed and identified with the officials of Municipal Council Nagda. However, the
necessary activity for land availability along with permissions for Railway and
Highway crossings is in process. The project area is also being confirmed by the
Municipal Authorities.

The Design carried out in this DPR is based on survey and various inputs related to the
availability of sites for construction of STPs and IPS. Also, the Right of Way (ROW)
for laying of sewer lines along the existing roads shall be available. It is to confirm that
the execution of the works proposed in the DPR shall be carried out as per the final
designs taking due care for the structural stability and functional objectivity of the
project after the successful execution of the project.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

The Sewerage project for Nagda is being designed as single zone, however, the area on
either side of Railway line is being divided as Sub zones. Zone-1 has 3 nos pumping
stations from where the sewage shall be pumped into main trunk sewer flowing as per
gravity which shall be flowing up to the respective STP. In Zone 2 and 3, the population
is very less having therefore decentralized wastewater treatment system (DEWATS) and
sanitation are being proposed and in Zone-4 package treatment plant is being proposed
for treating sewage before discharging the effluent in nallah. The population of Nagda is
as below,

S. No. Total Population of the Entire Town

Year Population

1.0 2011 100039

2.0 2025 123500

3.0 2040 148500

4.0 2055 174000

The population considered above includes the population of the Grasim and Lanxess
Industrial Areas of the town. As these two industrial areas have their own sewerage
system it has been excluded from this proposed sewerage scheme. Hence the population
considered for this proposed sewerage project excluding Grasim and Lanxess Industrial
Areas is as below

S. No. Sewerage Project (Considered Population under this Project)

Year Population

1.0 2011 82127

2.0 2025 96000

3.0 2040 114000

4.0 2055 133000

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

The Summarized Details of Major Components of the Proposed Project are Given
Below: -

No. Zone Name Component Capacity (MLD)

Sewerage Treatment Pant Based on SBR 10.40

1 Zone-1 Intermediate Pumping Staion-1 9.50

Intermediate Pumping Staion-2 2.30

Sewerage Treatment Plant Based on 2.20

SBR/Suitable Technology

2 Zone-2 Intermediate Pumping Staion-3 1.55

Intermediate Pumping Staion-4 0.65

3 Zone-3 Treatment Unit-1 0.35

4 Zone-4 Treatment Unit-2 1.00

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

1.0 Introduction of Project area:

1.1 Description of the Project area-
Nagda is a prominent town and a Nagar Palika in Ujjain district of Madhya Pradesh. It
is an industrial town in the Malwa region of western Madhya Pradesh and is situated
on the bank of Chambal River. Nagda is the headquarters of Nagda tehsil. This town is
a major railway junction on the Delhi-Mumbai railway line. The name of the town was
actually Nag-dah which means cremation/burning (dah) of snakes (nag). The ancient
city was developed by king Janmejay. Janmejaya was a Hindu King of Pandava
Dynasty. Nagda has also been mentioned in the literature of Kalidasa. Prior to being an
industrial town Nagda was a small village. Due to the locational advantages of being
near River Chambal and availability of large extent of land the Birla Group set up a
Major facility. Today Nagda is one of the largest Viscose Staple Fiber Manufacturer in
Grasim Industries also have developed Thermal power plant & chemical plant at
Nagda. This Town is located 235 kms from Bhopal the State capital of Madhya Pradesh.
Other major towns in the vicinity of Nagda are Ujjain Dewas and Indore. Kachrod and
Barnawar are minor towns lying in close proximity to Nagda. The town is placed at
about 600 km to the south of Jaipur and About 550 km to the east of Ahmedabad. River
Chambal forms the western boundary and a Branch channel forms the northern
boundary for Nagda.
Figure 1: Location of Nagda

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

1.1.1 Connectivity:
Airport: Nagda has one Air strip which is rarely used by Grasim Management &
Politician at their visit. The nearest airport is located in Indore about 110 km from the
Railways: Nagda is situated on the basin of river Chambal. It is an important junction
station of Western Railways which connect Delhi-Mumbai main line with Bhopal. It is
an important halt for all trains that are bound for Jaipur Mumbai Delhi & Bhopal. The
main lines passing through Nagda Junction are:
• Mumbai- New Delhi line via Kota Junction (broad gauge line).
Roads: The Road Transport has improved a lot after many efforts of local leaders. Now
Nagda has better and easy connectivity with NH79 via Jaora. The distance between
Nagda and other important cities are following:
•Nagda to Indore 110 km (Time 2:15 Hours)
•Nagda to Ujjain 60 km (Time 1:00 Hour)
•Nagda to Ratlam 44 km (Time 0:45 Hour)
•Nagda to Jaora 42 km (Time 0:40 Hour)

1.1.2 Climate of the town:

In general, the summers are quite hot and winters are pleasantly cool. During the
summer season temperatures vary between 30° - 42°C. Temperature during winters
range from 15° to 27°C. During the summer humidity is less than 20%. The average
rainfall received in the town is 1010 mm. The region comes under semi-arid tropical
climate with four distinct seasons South west monsoon (SWM) June – Sep. North East
monsoon (NEM) Oct – Dec. Winter season (Nov – March) and summer season (April –
1.1.3 Topography:
Geographically Nagda is located between latitudes 23°26'N and 23°27'N and
longitudes 75°23' and 75°27'E. The town’s elevation is 497 M with respect to the Mean
Sea Level. The town is generally flat with gentle slope towards the Chambal River
running along the eastern side of the town. Chambal River acts as major primary drain
of the town.
The region mainly has Black Cotton Soil (Chromic Vertisols). These lands have fairly
good but limited agricultural potentialities. Land preparation is difficult dry soils are
hard and wet soils are sticky. The moisture condition of the surface layer is only during
a short period favorable to prepare land. Another difficulty is that the permeability of
the subsoil is very low.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

: Nagda being a prominent town in the region has its own share of cultural and
religious bounty. Some of the notable places of religious importance in and around this
town are:
• Shri Sheshshai Birla Temple
• Delanpur
• Khade Hanuman Mandir
• MukteshwarMahadevMandir
• BadrivishalMandir (Mandi)
• Jain Mandir in Mandi Area
• Jain DadawadiMethwasBirla Gram
• Chamunda Mata Mandir Chambal Tat
• Ganesh Temple(Birlagram)
• Badi Masjid (Mirchi Bazar)
• Holy Church near Nagar Palika
• Shrinathji temple

[Source of Information: Internet (Wikipedia & other sites) & data provided by Municipal Council Nagda]

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

2. Water Supply System-

2.1 Water Supply
The existing water supply system of Nagda city is based on Chambal River. The total
capacity of the existing water supply system of Nagda is 16 MLD. Various components
of water supply have been covered in Nagda under AMRUT scheme and by Nagar
Palika Fund. Municipal Council Nagda executed the water supply scheme by Nagra
Palika Fund. In year 2015 AMRUT scheme was executed in town to fill the gaps.
Table-1 Summary of Water supply schemes executed in Nagda town

S. Name of Year of Works executed under Water Supply

No Scheme Execution Scheme
1 Nagar Palika 2005-2015 Intake Well 16 MLD,
Fund and RWPM: 300m 500mm Ꝋ, DI K9
other schemes WTP: 16 MLD,
CW Feeder Mains: 9800m (200-500mm Ꝋ )
RW & CW Pumps
OHTs: 6225 KL + 4000 KL= 10225 KL
2 AMRUT 2017-2018 Distribution Network : 105553.00 m,
[Source: As per municipal details]
The component wise details of water supply scheme executed under AMRUT and
other schemes are as below:
Work Executed under previous schemes (Nagar Palika Fund, etc)
Intake well & Raw Water Pumping Station:
An Intake Well of 6.5 m diameter and 16.0 meters height is being constructed near river
Chambal. There are 3 numbers of vertical turbine pumps of 65 KW each with a
pumping head of 30 meters for the drawl of 16.0 MLD water from Chambal River. The
water is being drawn from the reservoir type structure created in river due to the
constructed Barrage.

Raw water rising main:

The Raw water rising main comprises of 500 mm diameter DI K-9 pipe, laid from
Intake well to Treatment plant having 350 meters length for conveying 16.00 MLD raw
water from Intake well to Water treatment plant.

Clear water rising main:

The clear water rising main comprises of 200-500 mm diameter DI K-9 pipe laid from
Treatment plant up to Nagda, having a total length of 8423 meters for conveying of
15.20 MLD treated water.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Water Treatment plant:

At present, the installed capacity of existing Water Treatment Plant in Nagda is 16.0
MLD and it comprises of Clariflocculator and Rapid Sand Gravity Filters. The WTP
also comprises of clear water pump house having 3.0 nos. clear water pumps 120.00
KW each having pumping head of 61 meter. The WTP is having a laboratory for
monitoring quality of treated water and arrangements for pre-post chlorination for

During reconnaissance survey conducted in the month of February 2022, it has been
observed that, Water treatment plant, Intake well and other allied infrastructure are in
good structural condition and can be used for the design period of proposed project
year 2040. One old Water Treatment Plant of 2.50 MLD situated there near 16 MLD
WTP which is not is good structural condition need to be discarded.

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document.-1Existing Water Treatment Plant in

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda



14 number of Overhead Tanks (OHTs) having combined capacity of 6225 KL has been
constructed by Nagar Palika Nagda, located at various locations of the city. All the
overhead tanks are in good physical condition and shall be used for water supply of
the city for the future design period. The details of existing OHTs are as follows:
Details of the existing OHTs in Nagda
S. No. Location of OHTs Capacity of Staging
OHT Height
1 Govt. Colony, Ward - 23 175
(KL) 15.0
2 Mirchi Bazar 1000 15.0
3 Ingoria Road Ward No. 25 1400 15.0
4 Bhargav Colony, Ward no - 13 1400 18.0
5 Shri Ram Nagar, Ward no - 14 450 12.0
6 Muktaswar Mata Mandir, Ward no 900 18.0
7 Mehtwas, Ward no - 35 275 15.0
8 Manohar Vatika 75 10.0
9 Varko City 275 12.0
10 Singapore Colony 275 12.0
Total 6225 KL

4 number of Overhead Tanks (OHTs) constructed later in Nagda having combined

capacity of 4000 KL, located at various locations of the city. The details of existing
OHTs are as follows:

S. No. Location of OHTs Capacity of Staging

OHT Height
1.0 By Pass Road near Kasturba 1000
(KL) 18.0
2.0 Near New Over Bridge 1000 18.0
3.0 Near BCI Filter Plant 1000 18.0
4.0 Juna Nagda 1000 18.0
Total 4000 KL

8 number of Sumpwells near various OHTs having cumulative capacity of 7300 KL also
present in existing water supply system
Work Executed under AMRUT Scheme
Distribution Network
The total length of road network in Nagda city is 200 kms. Earlier, there was a need of
replacement of network pipes. Considering the requirement, water supply distribution
system has been laid under AMRUT scheme. Under AMRUT Scheme, HDPE PE 100

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

PN 6 class pipes having diameter 110 mm to 355 mm and length of 105553 meters has
been laid. The details of the existing distribution network are as below:
Details of existing distribution network
S. No. Diameter Length (m) Type and Class of
1 110 mm diameter 65218.0 HDPE PN 6
2 125 mm diameter 21511.0 HDPE PN 6
3 140 mm diameter 6945.0 HDPE PN 6
4 160 mm diameter 2959.0 HDPE PN 6
5 180 mm diameter 1358.0 HDPE PN 6
6 200 mm diameter 1115.0 HDPE PN 6
7 225 mm diameter 1658.0 HDPE PN 6
8 250 mm diameter 549.0 HDPE PN 6
9 280 mm diameter 1255.0 HDPE PN 6
10 315 mm diameter 928.0 HDPE PN 6
11 355 mm diameter 2057.0 HDPE PN 6
Total 105553.00

House Service CONNECTION

The Under phase-1 of AMRUT scheme, House Service Connectionsi were also
provided. House service connection including tapping from a distribution main/ sub-
main including one tapping saddle elbows service pipe from tapping point comprising
of MDPE pipe up to 5 m long having 20 mm diameter to the property boundary as per
the direction with U-ball valve ferrule complete has been carried out. The work also
included excavation and road restoration etc.

In Nagda Municipality, there are approximately 25860 households, of which 16047

have house service connections (provided under previously laid network).

Installation of PLC – SCADA, including Bulk flow water meters for Intake well, Water
Treatment Plant, Rising Mains, Feeder mains and OHTs has already been done. The
work included installation of SCADA PLC for monitoring the quality and pressure of
water upto the start of DMAs (distribution management areas). A Master Control
Centre is being established along with Subsidiary Monitoring Centre in the control
room of WTP.

o Supply and Installation of PLC – SCADA including Bulk flow water meters for
Intake well Water Treatment Plant Rising Mains Feeder mains and OHTs. The
work included installation of SCADA PLC for monitoring the quality and
pressure of water up to the start of DMAs (distribution management areas). A
Master Control Centre is being established along with Subsidiary Monitoring
Center in the control room of WTP.

Presently there are approximately 14000 domestic connection and 50 non-domestic

connections in Nagda town. The Present Tariff system is as follows

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

(a) Domestic Connection Rs. 60 / Connection/Month

(b) Non - Domestic Connections Rs. 120 / Connection/Month
(c) One-time Connection Charges
Domestic Connections Rs 2000
Non - Domestic Connections Rs 2500

The existing project executed by Nagar Palika Nagda and later under AMRUT scheme
consisted of components mentioned in the table below. Despite of implementation of
AMRUT project, there are some gaps in the existing water supply system which shall
be fulfilled in the present Propsed project.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

3. Existing Sewerage System-

The population of Nagda as per 2011 census is 100039. Nagda city is divided in 36
wards. At present there is no integrated Sewerage System in the municipal area of
the Town. But the small pumping stations have been installed for slum area and
mehtwas area by LANXESS for tapping the nallahs

Slum area
Vardhman colony

Singapore city (private colony) situated at the southern side of the town have their own
septage management.

Private colony (Singapore city)

The other area of municipal council sewerage from households and other
commercial establishments are either collected in individual septic tanks or the
sewage from the households flows directly into open drains. The effluent of septic

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

tank also flows into nallah sections present in various locations of town. There are
12969 nos. of existing septic tanks in 14410 houses as reported by the officials of the
Municipal Council Nagda out of which only 10200 no. of septic tanks are

80% of Sewage generated is collected in the Individual Septic Tanks while rest all
sewage is discharged in nallah in the Town. Further the effluent from Septic
Tanks is also discharged in Natural Streams and can be considered a threat to
health and hygiene.

The waste water coming from school colleges hospitals and hotels are also
draining into natural nallahs. Since there is no separate system for the collection
of waste water coming from meat market and hospital the same also drains into
the nallah sections which carry the municipal waste water.

The roads are also having open drains along them which drains in nallahs which
are finally draining into Chambal River. In the absence of any separate system the
waste water coming from commercial and institutional establishments is also
draining into natural nallahs thereby increasing the importance of sewage

The open drains/ nallahs coming from the wards are finally draining into
Chambal River. The sewerage water is polluting the River and also creating
nuisance for the common man. Most of the existing houses are RCC / Brick
masonry structures. The people are having modern amenities and facilities in
houses. Accordingly, the people are willing to have an integrated sewerage
system so that the sewage collection and treatment can be done in systematic
manner and the town may have the clean and hygienic environment. The absence
of integrated sewerage system may be identified as one of the most important
factors affecting the well-being of people living in town and particularly in slums.
People living either in unrecognized slum settlements or on pavement lives in
absence of basic services. While the identified slums have some security of tenure
and fall under the purview of municipal service provision the unidentified or
informal slums and peri-urban settlements fall outside the net of formal service
provision. In the proposed project entire Municipal area including permanent
settlements and slums are being covered under the sewerage system.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

4. Population Forecasting
The design population for the next 30 years has been forecasted for the Nagda town.
The probable population of next 30years has been worked out taking into account the
growth in population of past decades. Four different methods namely Arithmetic
Increase Geometric Mean Incremental Increase and Graphical method of Population
Projection as detailed out in CPHEEO Manual have been worked out below. Looking
to factors governing the future growth and development of the Nagda town likewise
industrial commercial educational social and administrative aspects it is felt that the
most suitable method for population projection will be Incremental Increase method.
Population Forecasting & Estimation
The population of the Nagda city for the past four decades are as below

Table 1: Decadal Population

Year Population

1961 16276

1971 32569

1981 56602

1991 79622

2001 96579

2011 100039

Total 381687

[Source of information: District Census Handbook & censusindia.gov.in]

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

As per census 2011 there are total 36 wards in the town. Ward wise total population of
the town as per census 2011 is presented below in Table 3.

Table 2: Ward wise Population

S. Ward Number Ward Population 2011
1 Nagda Ward No 01 4181

2 Nagda Ward No 02 3443

3 Nagda Ward No 03 4616
4 Nagda Ward No 04 5200
5 Nagda Ward No 05 5646
6 Nagda Ward No 06 1901
7 Nagda Ward No 07 1603
8 Nagda Ward No 08 1925
9 Nagda Ward No 09 1661
10 Nagda Ward No 10 1160
11 Nagda Ward No 11 2571
12 Nagda Ward No 12 1915
13 Nagda Ward No 13 2688
14 Nagda Ward No 14 4644
15 Nagda Ward No 15 1920
16 Nagda Ward No 16 5350
17 Nagda Ward No 17 3474
18 Nagda Ward No 18 3831
19 Nagda Ward No 19 3705
20 Nagda Ward No 20 2296
21 Nagda Ward No 21 5710
22 Nagda Ward No 22 2262
23 Nagda Ward No 23 2341
24 Nagda Ward No 24 1915
25 Nagda Ward No 25 2109
26 Nagda Ward No 26 3439
27 Nagda Ward No 27 2204
28 Nagda Ward No 28 2143
29 Nagda Ward No 29 1824

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

S. No. Ward Number Ward Population 2011

30 Nagda Ward No 30 1212

31 Nagda Ward No 31 2489

32 Nagda Ward No 32 1533
33 Nagda Ward No 33 1165
34 Nagda Ward No 34 2314
35 Nagda Ward No 35 2125
36 Nagda Ward No 36 1524
Total Population: - 100039
[Source: Data provided by Municipal Council Nagda]

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Future population of the city has been forecasted by the following four methods
a) Arithmetic Progression Method
b) Geometric Progression Method
c) Incremental Increase Method
d) Graphical Method

(a) Arithmetic Progression Method:

This method is generally applicable to old cities where the rate of population
growth has become stable. This method usually gives lower population &
should be adopted only when the future growth of the town is expected
to be uniform. Increase in population of each decade is calculated & then
the average increase in population per decade is calculated by dividing
total increase in population with the number of decades considered.

Year Population Increment

1961 16276

1971 32569 16293

1981 56602 24033

1991 79622 23020

2001 96579 16957

2011 100039 3460

Total 381687 83763

Increase of 83763 in 5 decade’s means 16753 per decade is the growth rate.
Taking this into consideration the future population is

2025 100039 +1.4 x 16753 = 123493

2040 100039 +2.9 x 16753 = 148622

2055 100039 +4.4 x 16753 = 173750

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

(b) Geometrical Progression Method:

Geometric mean is calculated for finding the rate of growth. This method is
applicable in the cities where town is growing very fast.

Year Population Increment Rate of Growth

1961 16276
1971 32569 16293 1.00
1981 56602 24033 0.74
1991 79622 23020 0.41
2001 96579 16957 0.21
2011 100039 3460 0.04
Total 381687 83763 2.39

Geometric mean = (1.00 X 0.74 X 0.41 X 0.21 X 0.04)1/5

= 0.297

Population of 2025 = population of 2011 x (1+ 0.297)1.4

= 100039 x (1+ 0.297)1.4

= 143899

Population of 2040 = population of 2011 x (1+ 0.297)2.9

= 100039 x (1+ 0.297)2.9

= 212435

Population of 2055 = population of 2011 x (1+ 0.297)4.4

= 100039 x (1+ 0.297)4.4

= 313611

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(c) Incremental Increase Method

In this method the increment in arithmetical increase of the population is
determined from data of population of the past decades and the average of
that increment is added to the average increase. This method improves the
figures obtained by the arithmetical increase method.

Year Population Increment X Incremental Increase Y

1961 16276

1971 32569 16293

1981 56602 24033 7740

1991 79622 23020 -1013

2001 96579 16957 -6063

2011 100039 3460 -13497

Total 381687 83763 -12833

Average = 1/5 x 83763 = 1/4 x (-12833)

= 16753 =-3208

Pn = P1 + nX + n (n+1) Y/2

P2025 = P2011 + 1.4 x 16753 + 1.4 (1.4+1) x (-3208/2)

= 100039 + 1.4 x 16753+ 1.4 (1.4+1) x (-3208/2)

= 118103

P2040 = 100039 + 2.9 x 16753+ 2.9 (2.9+1) x (-3208/2)

= 130479

P2055 = 100039 + 4.4 x 16753+ 4.4 (4.4+1) x (-3208/2)

= 135636

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d) Graphical Method
In this method the graph is plotted based on the population of previous
decades & it is smoothly extended to obtain future population. To obtain
smooth line of graph the method of least squares is being adopted. The
equation of curve is being derived which satisfy the pair of variables i.e. the
population against the time. Here the population is taken on y-axis & time
(year) on x-axis.
Starting from 1931 to 2011 the observations are as follows:

Year Population

1961 16276

1971 32569

1981 56602

1991 79622

2001 96579

2011 100039

Total 381687

Thus, the set of observations are: (0-16276) (10-32569) (20-56602) (30-79622)

(40-96579) (50-100039)

Here the growth of population is exponentially. Therefore, the equation of

curve is taken as

y = aebx __ eq. (1)

The above equation can be taken in the linear form as below

log10y = log 10a + bx log10e

Y = A + BX …. eq. (2)

Sum (Y) = n A + Sum (x) B …. eq. (3)

Sum (xy) = Sum (x) A + Sum (x2) B …. eq. (4)

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Where Y = log10y A = log10a B = b log10e

Graph is plotted taking Years on X- Axis where the scale is taken as 10 units
equal to 10 years. Tabulating as below the data of population as per the
calculation requirement.
Year X Population log10y = Y Xy x2

1961 0 16276 4.211 0 0

1971 10 32569 4.512 45.12 100

1981 20 56602 4.752 95.04 400

1991 30 79622 4.901 147.03 900

2001 40 96579 4.984 199.36 1600

2011 50 100039 5.000 250.00 2500

Sum 15 381687 28.36 736.55 5500


Eq (3) & (4) will be changed to

28.36 = 6A + 150B --------- (5)

736.55 = 150A + 5500 B --------- (6)

A = 4.33

Solving it we get

B = 0.0157

A = 4.33

Y = A + B.x

Y = 4.33 + 0.0157 x

B = 0.0157 = b log10e

b = 0.0361

A = 4.33 = log10a

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a = 21379

y = 21379 e 0.0361 x

Thus, the graph has been plotted as per above equation. Based on the curve
plotted as per the above equation the population of Nagda for respective
years is as follows

Year Population

2025 221121

2040 381540

2055 658339

Table 3: Comparison of Population projection by different method

Year Arithmetic Geometrical Incremental Graphical

Progression Progression Increase Method Method

2011 100039 100039 100039 100039

2025 123493 143899 118103 221121

2040 148622 212435 130479 381540

2055 173750 313611 135636 658339

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4.1Conclusion for Population Projection

From the population projection in the preceding paragraph, it is concluded that
1. Arithmetic Progression method has given the population projection on the
lower side. This method is suitable for the town like Nagda. This method
shows a growth of 66.98% in 44 years (2011-2055) which is almost 1.26% per
annum or 16.74% for decade. The projection of future population however is
almost equal to the average decadal growth rate of Madhya Pradesh which is
20.43% for the decade ending 2011 but seems to be much more realistic than
the Incremental Increase Method. Thus, the projection given in this method is
realistic and can be adopted for design purpose.

2. The probable population worked out in the Geometric Progression method

shows a growth of 182.50% in 44 years (2011-2055) which is almost 1.71% per
annum or 17.70% per decade. Hence looking to the future development aspects
of Nagda the population projection given by this method seems to be very
much on higher side.

3. Incremental Increase method improves the figures obtained by Arithmetic

method and shows a growth of 34.91% in 44 years (2011-2055) which is almost
1.55% per annum or 15.50% per decade. The projection of future population
given in this method is less than the average decadal growth rate of Madhya
Pradesh. Hence the population projection seems to be on lower side for
considering for design purposes.

4. In case of Graphical Method, the population projection seems to be far from

realistic figure. This method shows a growth of 462.36% in 44 years (2011-2055)
which is almost 4.38% per annum or 43.80% per decade. This projection is far
more than the average decadal growth rate of Madhya Pradesh. Hence the
population projection figures obtained in this method are on higher side and
can’t be adopted for design purposes.

As per the figures obtained from various methods the population projection
obtained from Arithmetic Progression method is in line with the state decadal
growth rate and seems to be realistic.

Thus, for design purpose it is suggested to follow the population given by

Arithmetic Progression Method.

Year Population

2025 123500

Intermediate 2040 148500

Ultimate 2055 174000

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Population of Industrial and Slum Area -

S. Grasim & Lanxess Industrial Area Population

Year Industrial Grasim Slum Total
Population Population Population Excluded
2.0 2025 2185 13359 12559 28103
3.0 2040 2879 16513 15337 34728
4.0 2055 3587 19628 18170 41386
(The detailed Sewer Area Statement of Grasim & lanxess Industrial area is mention in annexure 05)


S. No. Sewerage Project (Considered Population under this Project)

Year Population
1.0 2011 82127
2.0 2025 96000
3.0 2040 114000
4.0 2055 133000

(Considered population for the project is Excluding Grasim & LANXESS Industrial
area which have their separate and independent sewerage system).

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

4.2 Cumulative Sewage Generation:

The generation of wastewater is being estimated@ 80% (108 lpcd) of water
supplied to the town. Presently water @ 135 LPCD is being supplied. The
infiltration rate considered for each manhole is 250 lpcd.

Table 4: Projected Wastewater generation

S.No Year 2025 2040 2055

1.0 Projected Population Considered 96000 114000 133000
under this project
2.0 Prospective Sewer Generation
Component Demand Year Sewage Infiltration Total
Phase Generation MLD MLD
Present 2025 7.72 0.77 8.50
a) STP
Intermediate 2040 9.14 0.91 10.06
Ultimate 2055 10.60 1.06 11.66

Present 2025 1.74 0.17 1.91

b) Treatment
Intermediate 2040 2.11 0.21 2.32
(ZONE-2) Ultimate 2055 2.50 0.25 2.75

Present 2025 0.57 0.057 0.63

c) Treatment
Intermediate 2040 0.65 0.065 0.71
(ZONE-3) Ultimate 2055 0.72 0.07 0.80

Treatment Present 2025 0.31 0.05 0.36

d) unit
Intermediate 2040 0.38 0.04 0.42
Ultimate 2055 0.46 0.05 0.51

Accordingly, the sewer network has been designed for the ultimate requirement of 15.70
MLD whereas the treatment plant and pumps has been designed for intermediate phase
i.e. 13.52 MLD.

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5. Feasibility Analysis
Nagda is an industrial town in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. It is an
administrative headquarters of Nagda tehsil. It lies in Malwa region of
western Madhya Pradesh and it is situated on the bank of Chambal River.
The general slope of the city is towards the river in East-West Direction. Base
year, intermediate year and design year for the present study of Nagda is
considered as 2025, 2040, 2055 and wastewater discharge for 2025, 2040, 2055
is calculated as 11.40 MLD, 13.50, 15.70 MLD.

5.1 Approach

As per the topographical survey and physical conditions, there can be

following options for designing sewerage system of the Nagda town,
i) Centralized Sewer System
ii) Decentralized Sewer System
Decentralized Sewerage System- In Decentralized sewerage system the project
area is divided into various zones as per the ground topography. Each zone is
being provided with separate system of sewage collection, treatment, disposal/
Advantages of Decentralized Sewerage-
1. In general, prediction of sewage volumes is far easier in decentralized
sewerage micro collection areas and to that extent the design becomes
2. Gives the smaller flows, the sewer sizes are also smaller and the depth of
sewer trench is also less, which makes easy to construct and maintain.
3. Addition of areas having independent existing system is easier without
augmenting the size of existing sewers.
4. The STPs are smaller and it is easier to find the reuse prospect nearby as
compare to all the sewage being treated in one far corner of the town.
5. The ecology of rivers, streams and receiving waters are better managed by
discharging smaller volumes of treated sewage at multiple locations than
entire volume being discharged in a single location and also in case of
single STP goes out of order, the entire stretch of water course is polluted.
Centralized Sewerage System- A centralized sewerage system de-facto is
perceived as an underground sewer system to collect the sewage from all over
the habitation as a single zone and involves the challenges as described below,

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1. In the conventional sewerage, due to designing of entire sewage flow in

one zone the sewer sizes are bigger and this brings in additional
redundancy as shown in figure




ws the typical conventional sewerage with all the sewer funneling to a
single STP and the sector to the top right is actually sparsely developed
and sewer are designed for some 30 years hence this results in the
situation where the manholes covers get stolen and the people starts
using the manholes as a virtual garbage bin, which in turn is
compounded by rainfall and lead to near complete chocking of the sewer
2. The house service connections are increased gradually and initially die to
less flow the STP functioning is affected adversely.
3. Conflict of Levies for Recovering the Sewer Costs: Increased cost of
project results in additional financial burden on ULB and thereafter
becomes difficult to be recovered which results in fund collected from
other revenue streams being used for sewage projects.
5.1.1 The detailed analysis for the above two systems is described below-

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Figure 2: Centralized Sewer System Figure 3: Decentralized Sewer System

Isolated Part of the project and

no connectivity found to
connect this area in to main

Required railway
crossing to connect this

Isolated Part of the

project, for connecting
required 2kms of pumping

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Conclusion- As per the generalized overview, decentralized system with 1

STPs and 3 small STPs would be financially more viable than a centralized
system replacing the smaller STPs by pumping stations. The results were in the
favor of the Decentralized sewer system.

5.2 Details of the Proposed Project-

In Nagda, decentralized sewerage is proposed by providing four zones with
one STP based on SBR technology and three small Treatment units. Zone-1
based on SBR technology and the Zone-1 and Zone-2 are separated by railway
track. Zone, 3 and 4 are the isolated parts of the project area and provided with
small STPs. The treated effluent from the STP of Zone-1 shall be use as a
treated water for like gardening purposes, land recharge for industrial usage

However, in Zone 1 is divided in two area on either side of railway track. These
area on North west is further divided into 16 sub-zones, in which sub- zone 1F
carrying the flow of all sub-zones, consisting intermediate pumping station-1,
while sub-zone 1I carrying the flow of 3 sub-zones and consist intermediate
pumping station-2.the natural slope of the sub-zone 1F is at eastern side. And
the waste water generated from sub-zone 1F is collected in IPS-1 by gravity.
The slope of sub-zone 1I is at western direction and also the waste water
generate from the catchment is collected in IPS-2.in zone-1, a SBR based STP is
proposed at near the existing STP of LANXESS at northern direction of the city.
The wastewater discharge by this catchment will be collected in STP by gravity.
However, wastewater from IPS-2 will be lifted in STP.

The entire sewage of Zone 1 shall be drained upto STP situated at old Nagda
and shall be provided desire treatment in a scientific way before disposing in to
adjacent river

Zone-2 is bifurcated by railway track part and it is situated at South-East

direction of the town and contains small treatment unit wastewater discharge
by this catchment will be collected in Sump by gravity provide desire
treatment in a scientific way before disposing in to adjacent river.

Zone-3 is the first isolated part of Nagda Sewerage system and it is situated at
North-East direction of the town and contains one small treatment unit
discharge by this catchment will be collected Sump in by gravity provide desire
treatment in a scientific way before disposing in to adjacent river.

Zone-4 is the second isolated part of Nagda Sewerage system and it is situated
at western direction of the town and contains one small treatment unit
wastewater discharge by this catchment will be collected in sump by gravity
provide desire treatment in a scientific way before disposing in to adjacent

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Nagda divided in to 3 zones with 2 DEWATS, 1P. STPs, 3 IPS and proposed 1 nos. STP

Concept Sewerage Zones - Nagda


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5.2.1 Zonal Population- the population projection for project area have been made for
present, intermediate and ultimate years. The details are provided in the population
projection chapter. As per the population projection the ward wise distribution of the
populations have been done and as tabulated below;

Table 5: Population and sewer area statement of project area

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Seweag Seweag
Populatio Seweage Populati e Populati e
Compon Warde Infiltratio
Zone % Ward n Total Generatio Infiltration Total on Total Generati Infiltration Total n Total Generati Total
S.No. ent No. n @ 250
Name Coverage Covered 2025 n (ML) @ @ 250 lpd MLd Covered 2040 on (ML) @ 250 lpd MLd Covered 2055 on (ML) MLd
Name Covered lpd
2025 108 lpcd 2040 @ 108 2055 @ 108
lpcd lpcd
1 100% 4833 5527 6235
2 100% 4095 4789 5497
3 100% 5268 5962 6670
4 100% 5852 6546 7254
5 100% 6298 6992 7700
6 100% 2553 3247 3955
7 100% 2255 2949 3657
8 100% 2577 3271 3979
9 100% 2313 3007 3715
10 100% 1812 2506 3214
11 100% 3223 3917 4625
1 Zone-1 STP-1 71468 7.72 0.77 8.49 84663 9.14 0.91 10.06 98121 10.60 1.06 11.66
12 100% 2567 3261 3969
13 100% 3340 4034 4742
14 0% 0 0 0
15 100% 2572 3266 3974
16 100% 6002 6696 7404
17 100% 4126 4820 5528
18 100% 4483 5177 5885
19 100% 4357 5051 5759
20 100% 2948 3642 4350
21 0% 0 0 0
31 0% 0 0 0

33 100% 1817 2511 3219

34 100% 2966 3660 4368
2 Zone-2 STP-2 35 100% 2777 16096 1.74 0.17 1.91 3471 19569 2.11 0.21 2.32 4179 23110 2.50 0.25 2.75
36 100% 2176 2870 3578
21 100% 6362 7056 7764

3 STP-3 14 100% 5296 5296 0.57 0.057 0.63 5990 5990 0.65 0.065 0.71 6698 6698 0.72 0.07 0.80

4 Govt STP-4 27 100% 2856 2856 0.31 0.05 0.36 3550 3550 0.38 0.04 0.42 4258 4258 0.46 0.05 0.51

24 100% 2567 3261 3969

Zone -5
Nallah 25 100% 2761 3455 4163
5 Slume 12559 1.36 0.17 1.52 15337 1.66 0.17 1.82 18170 1.96 0.20 2.16
Tapping 26 100% 4091 4785 5493
31 100% 3141 3835 4543

22 100% 2914 3608 4316

Industrial 23 100% 2993 3687 3969
6 Grsim 28 100% 2795 13359 1.44 0.14 1.59 3489 16513 1.78 0.18 1.96 4197 19628 2.12 0.21 2.33
29 100% 2795 3170 3878
30 100% 1864 2558 3266

7 32 100% 2185 2185 0.24 0.02 0.26 2879.139 2879.139 0.310947 0.03 0.34 3587.472 3587.47 0.39 0.038745 0.43

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5.2.2 Design of Sewer System

The proposed project is formulated for the collection of sewage through gravity
sewers and its treatment scientifically for accepted standards of effluent discharge
before it is reuse or disposed. The scheme is framed in accordance with the
guidelines given in CPHEEO Manual of Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Plant
The proposed project has been designed for,

• Conventional Sewer System Velocity Matrix
The project is designed for gravity flow in sewers following the ground
topography. As per the network analysis the details of velocities in the sewer
lines based on conventional sewer system is as below

Conventional sewer network analysis

Total Length Percentage Year
Length Achieved %
MAIN TRUNK (0.60 m/sec) 9721 9721 100 2025
MAIN TRUNK (0.80 m/sec) 9721 9714 100 2055

COMPLETE SEWER (0.30 m/sec) 95132 87757 92 2025

95132 91891 97 2055

COMPLETE SEWER (0.45 m/sec) 95132 50673 53 2025

95132 64694 68 2055

COMPLETE SEWER (0.60 m/sec) 95132 35926 38 2025

95132 38515 40 2055

COMPLETE SEWER (0.80 m/sec) 95132 10927 11 2025

95132 21043 20 2055

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5.2.3 Sewerage Network Details

Type ID Length
Gravity pipe 150 mm 85785
170 mm 1240
200 mm 1990
250 mm 3210
300 mm 219
400 mm 1661
450 mm 0
500 mm 431
600 mm 59
700 mm 1860
150mm 50
200mm 60
Pressure pipe
400mm 40
700mm 30
Total 96635

5.2.4 Sewage Treatment Plants Selection of Suitable Sites
The topography of Nagda town is quite undulating. At present, 3 major nallahs
carrying wastewater from Nagda town are discharging into Chambal River.

Zone-1, the topography of the zone-1 is such that there are 3 drainage areas. The
first is a small area near to Chambal River named Old Nagda. The other two are
the areas on the either side of the Railway Track.

The google image of all the options are given blow

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The areas on the either side of railway track is being designed separately and are
connected through Railway underpass. The STP for this zone for treating sewage from
the entire main town and old Nagda is proposed near River in Old Nagda.

Zone-2, is bifurcated by railwaytrack having the slope towards the Chambal River.
However, to connect this railway side are ward no 21 to the main network we have to
pump at least 2km.

Zone-3, is the first isolated part of the town and situated at west-east of the River, there
is no connectivity found to connect this zone to main network and due to current
urbanization, this catchment area important needs to be considered in the proposed

Zone-4, is the second isolated part of the town and situated at west-east of the River,
there is no connectivity found to connect this zone to main network and due to current
urbanization, this catchment area important needs to be considered in the proposed
project Final STP Locations- Lands for the all components has been identified by
consultation with ULB. Out of the total site requirements lands for STP-1, IPS-1,2 &3
and STP-1 and Small STPs are being identified as GoMP land, free from encroachment
and can be used for project purpose. However, the land for the all components is to be
acquired for which ULB has to be taken a suitable decision. In case the land is not
available and require change of lands than the design is to be modified accordingly.

The main STP-1 is at northwest direction of the city and has an area of approx. 1.00 ha.
Distance to next residential area is around 1000m. treated wastewater from the STP can
be used by ULB. There are no environmental and ecologically sensitive feature as such
near by the proposed location

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Final Location for STP

Final location for IPS-1 Final location for IPS-2

Final location for IPS-3

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda Technology for Sewage Treatment Plant

The project includes construction of Sewage Treatment Plant for treatment of domestic
sewage having suitable technology for the available area and required effluent
parameters. The BOD5 of sewage obtained from the SBSF sewer system shall be upto
75-80 mg/l and BOD5 of sewage obtained from the Conventional sewer system shall
be upto 150-175 mg/l. Hence the average BOD5 of influent sewage shall be upto 150
mg/l. It may be noted that the sewage sample indicates BOD as 80 mg/l as it is a
diluted sample & the BOD shall be higher than the sample results. In order to obtain
effluent parameters, set as per MPPCB norms following technologies are compared for
sewage treatment:

a) Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) - It is a biological reactor with a suspended bio

mass. The solid-liquid separation in membrane bio reactor is achieved by micro
filtration membrane. No secondary clarifier is used and has ability to operate at
high MLSS concentrations. The inlet flow variations cannot be handle. The
construction area is more as compared to other processes and the Operation and
Maintenance cost of the system is high. Hence it cannot be considered as an
appropriate option for a small town like Nagda.

b) Moving Bed Film Reactor (MBBR) – It is an Aerobic biological process where

aeration followed by settling/sludge recycle happens in separate tank. The inlet
flow variations cannot be handle. The capital and O&M cost is high in comparison
of other technologies and many other better technologies are present in market.

c) Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) – It is an Aerobic biological process where aeration

settling and decanting happens in a single tank including nutrient removal and
sludge digestion. As compared to the other technologies the capital and O&M cost
of this process is less and requires less area for construction purpose.

Conclusion- The options have been compared for capital cost (investment and
O&M), staff requirement, easiness and stability of operation, required skilled and
treatment efficiency (detailed comparison of all these methods is mention in
annexure 07). Out of the available options most suitable is SBR (sequencing Batch
Reactor) as it requires minimum land and less o&m cost. Also the quality of
treated sewage is as per CPCB norms. The SBR removes nutrients also. There are
many plants operating successfully in India based on SBR technology. Recommended Process for Treatment

As per the above the sewage treatment plant shall be constructed on SBR technology
This process has an inbuilt mechanism for Nitrification, De-nitrification and Biological
Phosphorous Removal to degrade nutrients like Total Nitrogen (TN) and Phosphorous
(TP). In case the treated sewage is discharged into a lake body, it is critical to have TN
<10 ppm and TP <2 ppm, as otherwise these nutrients lead to massive algae / other

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aquatic plants growth which leads to depletion of the dissolved oxygen in the lake and
subsequent cause extensive damage to the marine ecology. As per present waste water
quality SBR followed by UV system is suitable for achieving the desired effluent
quality. Process flow diagram is given below. This process ensures removal of all
nutrients to acceptable levels in the single stage biological process.

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Figure- Process Flow Diagram of SBR

The biological process shall be based on either continuous inflow SBR with
intermittent discharge systems or Intermitted inflow with intermittent discharge
systems. The biological design for the activated sludge system shall be based upon
the kinetic requirements for nitrification and denitrification, to ensure the required
effluent quality is achieved.

Performance- 1. Outlet: BOD < 10 mg/l

2. COD < 50 mg/l

3. SS < 10 mg/l

4. P < 2 mg/l

5. N < 10 mg/


1. It uses 50% less power consumptions

2. it uses 50% less land area as compare to other treatment process
3. It is capable to handle variable flow & load conditions
4. It should fully automatic, computer controlled.
5. Excellent life 6 times better than conventional.
6. Low life cycle cost.


1. High peal flow can disrupt operation unless accounted for in design

2. Batch discharge may require equalization prior to disinfection

3. Sludge must be disposed frequently.

4. Higher maintenance skills required for instruments.

There are many other treatment processes available in the market and we can choose
any of the treatment process which is proven one and has successful experience and
which suits to their requirement. However, the above-mentioned process is capable to
reduce BOD to the desired level, but the land requirement is less and energy
consumption factor also needs to be kept in mind while selecting the process
technology treatment which are upgrading rapidly now a days. Considering above
facts, SBR technology is selected as it requires small space and having better quality
output as per desired Norms as based on successful operational experience in India.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

6.1 Design Parameters
our designs generally conform to the latest edition of the CPHEEO manual of
sewerage and sewage treatment plant with a minimum of modification to account for
project specific needs.

1. Base year population- Base year population of the proposed project has been
considered as per the CPHEEO manual clause No. 5.1.3 i.e., once the DPR is approved
it takes about one to two year to complete the construction. This completion year is
referred as base year.

2. Peak Factor- peak factors are applied to the average flow to estimate the flow rate in
the sewer during peal flow periods. Peak factor is the function of the contributory
population as given below in the table. The following peak factors as recommended in
CPHEEO manual are adopted in the proposed system formulation.

Table 7 peak Factor

Sr. No. Contributory Population Design Period (Years)

1 Up to 20,000 3.00

2 Above 20.001 to 50,000 2.50

3 Above 50,001 to 7,50,000 2.25
4 Above 7,50,001 2.00

3. Design Period of Various Components- The design period of various components is

being decided as per the relevant provisions of CPHEEO manual of Sewerage and
Sewage treatment. Design period of 30 years for pipeline and all civil structures have
been considered. For electro-mechanical components the design period of 15 years is
being considered. Accordingly, the following design periods have been adopted for
various components.

Table 8 Design Period of Components

Sr. No. Components Design Period (Years)

1 Trunk Main, Branch Sewers, small bore 30
sewers and appurtenances
2 Pumping Stations (Civil Works) 30
3 Pumping machineries 15
4 Rising Mains 30
5 Sewage Treatment Plants 15
6 Effluent disposal 30

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

7 Effluent utilization 15 or as the case may be

4. Hydraulic Design-Based on the topographic survey and design sewage flow the
hydraulic design of the Sewer network is carried out on Bentley Sewer - GEMS

5. Minimum Pipe Diameter-The minimum diameters of the sewer line has been
calculated as per the CPHEEO Manual clause No. 3.14 in the town present/base
year population less than 1 Lakh the minimum diameter of 150mm shall be
adopted i.e.,the minimum flow diameter is being taken as 150mm for designing
of the network for conventional system. The details of flow diameter and
diameter of relevant commercially available pipes is given below for ready refer

Table 9 Diameters of pipes used in Design

S. No. Design Diameter ID/OD (mm) Remark

1 150 150/180 HDPE - DWC
2 170 170/200 HDPE - DWC
3 200 200/238 HDPE - DWC
4 250 250/295 HDPE - DWC
5 300 300/345 HDPE - DWC
6 400 400/480 HDPE – DWC
7 450 450 RCC NP-3
8 500 500 RCC NP-3
9 600 600 RCC NP-3
10 700 700 RCC NP-3

6. Minimum and Maximum Velocity-

As recommended in CPHEEO Manual, the sewer shall be design to develop

self-cleaning velocity of 0.80 m/s for the ultimate peak design flow and 0.60
m/s for initial peak flow. The slope of the sewer lines has been selected to have
the self-cleansing velocity with optimum trench depth so as to reduce the cost of
excavation and for ease in operation during maintenance of the project.
However, due to less velocity in initial lengths small bore sewer system is being
proposed so as to reduce flushing in the pipes, by sewer flushing machine.

The input parameters are as follows,

Table 10 Design Parameters for conventional sewer system

Particulars Minimum Maximum

Velocity (m/s) (Base year flow) 0.60 3.00
Velocity (m/s) (Design year flow) 0.80 3.00

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Slope (m/m) 1/1000 1/100

7.0 Maximum Depth of Flow in Sewer-

The sewers are designed not to exceed 0.8 diameter depth of flow so as to
provide some reserve carrying capacity for sewers and also provide free surface
for the sewage to promote aeration and reduce the septicisation of sewage.
Following are the assumptions considered for design purpose,
a. Sewerage flow of 108 LPCD (80% of the rate water supply which is 135
LPCD) has been adopted.
b. Ground water infiltration has been considered as 250 liters per manhole per
c. Sedimentation tanks have been designed on the basis of average flow, while
consideration of both maximum and minimum flow has been given
importance for designing of screens and grit chambers.
d. Load Calculation:
= (Conduit Length between two manholes) x Projected ultimate population
of town/ (Total design length of town)
e. Sewers shall be at no point of time run more than 80% full. Based on
thisvalue of v/V, q/Qand d/D has been adopted as illustrated for
Formula in CPHEEO Manual.
Manning’s formula,
v = kn (1 / n) R2/3 S1/2
v = cross-sectional mean velocity (m/s)
kn = 1.486 for English units and kn = 1.0 for SI units
n = Manning coefficient of roughness
R = hydraulic radius (m)
S = slope - or gradient - of pipe (m/m)
f. Conventional Sewer network has been designed for self – cleaning velocity
at optimum slope. Small bore solid free sewer system is being proposed in
initial reaches where velocity is less because of less flow.
g. The design is carried out for v/V, q/Q and d/D for average flow of
sewerage. However, the self-cleansing velocity shall be achieved during
peak hours during the day rendering the required cleaning of sewers.
h. As per the CPHEEO Manual (Refer to Chapter No. 4, Page No. 7) for
Sewage Treatment, the capacity of a pump is usually stated in terms of
Average peak flow or Dry Weather Flow, estimated for the pumping
station. The general practice is to provide 4 pumps for a small capacity
pumping station comprising of (a) 2 pumps of 1 DWF, (b) 1 pump of 2 DWF
and (c) 1 pump of 3 DWF.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Proposed project is designed to collect the sewage water from each household and carry
it to a suitable place for providing the desired treatment before the treated waste water
is being finally disposed to Chambal River or Reused for the purposes like irrigation,
gardening, firefighting, Industrial & institutional supply or ground water recharge etc.

The project has been designed based on following Considerations,

a) This project has been prepared for the design population of the town within the
area which is under Municipal Council jurisdiction for public amenities. The
design population for this area has been projected as 133200 (2055, Ultimate).

b) Providing, laying and jointing of sewer network for 100% coverage of town
area. The sewer design has been carried out for gravity flow utilizing the
available ground topography of the project area so as to have a gravity flow
system having self – cleansing velocity and keeping depth of sewer within
limits for ease of maintenance during O&M period. The project has been
designed as a decentralized system.

c) STP based on SBR Technology has been provided for treatment of sewage. The
STP technology is being selected primarily taking into consideration less land
requirement and Operation and maintenance cost and effluent discharge
characteristics as per CPCB guidelines, so that treated water can be discharged
into inland water ways which are being potential drinking water sources.

The total estimated cost of Nagda Sewerage Project is approximately Rs. 7631.67 Lacs.
The details of major works of the proposed project are as below,

The details of major works of the proposed project are as below,

1.0 Piping / Laying / Jointing of Sewer Line

For the collection and conveyance of sewage from the households in the town sewer
network shall be laid. There shall be small bore solid free sewer system and
conventional gravity sewer system. The details of sewer pipeline in both the cases are
as below,

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda


Material Diameter (mm) Length (m)

150/180 85785

170/200 1240

DWC 200/238 1990

250/238 3210

300/345 219

400/480 1661

500 431

RCC `NP3 600 59

700 1860

150 50

DI K-7 200 60

400 40

700 30

Total Length 96635

The work shall include the excavation of trenches, bedding as required, laying of pipe,
back filling and compaction and construction of road as per original condition.
Apart from above Rider mains of 150/180 mm dia has been provided for the length of
24159 m length comprising of DWC HDPE pipe shall be laid in a slope of 1 in 100 for
the maximum length of 150 m. The pipe shall be connected to the house chambers and
shall carry the sewerage which will be connected to main sewer line on the either side
of the road. The work shall include the excavation of trenches, bedding as required,
laying of pipe, back filling and compaction and construction of road as per original

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Figure 4: DWC HDPE Pipe Figure 5: RCC NP3 Pipe

1.1 List of Major Railway Crossing in the Proposed Project

Sr.No. Description Diameter Length

Left side of the

1. 170 100
railway track

1.2 Ring Road, Bypass Road Along / Across Crossing Pipe Length
S.No. Description Road Diameter Length Remark
Old Nagda (Ujjain-jawra 700 mm 10 m
the road
1. Proposed Road)
STP 150 mm Along
Bypass Road 1000 m
170 mm the road

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda
200 mm
300 mm

2.0 Sewage Treatment Plant

Looking to the ground topography the entire town has been designed in four Zone.
However, the zone-1 and is being divided in two subzones, each on either side of
railway line for decentralized sewerage system. Zone-1 shall be drain into STP proposed
at Old Nagda. The STP of 10.40 MLD shall be based on SBR Technology. For Durgapur
(Zone 2), Pobaliya (Zone 3) and for Government Colony small treatment unit are being

The technology is being decided primarily taking into account, the effluent discharge
parameters of treated sewerage which should be as per MPPCB norms for discharging it
in inland waterways or to be reused. Here the STP shall have sewage of BOD 5 upto 150
mg/l considering that for initial reaches the settled sewage is of BOD5 as low as 75 mg/l.

The sludge produced after treatment of sewage shall be used in Integrated Solid Waste
Management (ISMW) for which is based on waste to compost technology. Hence it is
proposed that the sludge shall be stored and transferred within 2-3 days.

• Construction of STP for Zone 1 (main area of town) based on SBR Technology
having capacity of 10.40 MLD, land situated at Old Nagda, near existing STP for
treatment of sewage generated by the probable population of the town for the
intermediate phase i.e., year 2040, which is estimated as 84663. The technology is
being decided primarily taking into account, the effluent discharge parameters
which should be as per MPPCB norms for discharging the treated sewage water in
inland waterways or to reuse for community purposes or gardening. The BOD 5 of
influent sewage shall be weak, medium and strong as the flow during day cycle
may be having BOD5 ranging from 110 mg/l to 250 mg/l, based on which
treatment facility is being provided.

• Construction of STP for Zone 2 based on SBR Technology/Suitable technology

having capacity of 2.20 MLD, situated near Mehtwas Colony, for treatment of
sewage generated by the probable population of the town for the intermediate
phase i.e., year 2040, which is estimated as 20370. The technology is being decided
primarily taking into account, the effluent discharge parameters which should be
as per MPPCB norms for discharging the treated sewage water in inland
waterways or to reuse for community purposes or gardening. The BOD 5 of
influent sewage shall be weak, medium and strong as the flow during day cycle

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda
may be having BOD5 ranging from 110 mg/l to 250 mg/l, based on which
treatment facility is being provided.

2.1 Location of STP’s

The site is being selected primarily because,

a) It is within the possession of Municipal Council.

b) There is a clear access road upto the site of Sewage Treatment plant.
c) The Chambal River flows near to the site which shall be used for discharging the
surplus flow of treated sewage water.
d) The average ground level of the site is above the HFL of Chambal River is
455.601m above mean sea level.

• Proposed STP-1 is
situated at old Nagda the
land acquires by NMC
,10.40 MLD in
Intermediate Phase (2025 -
2034) & 11.65 MLD in
ultimate Phase can be
accommodated in existing

• Area required for

construction will be 1.00

HT connection is 300 mtr

from the Proposed STP

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Figure 6: Sewerage treatment Plant based on SBR Technology in Sehore M.P

The HFL of Chambal River on the Sewage Treatment Plant site has been considered
in reference with the HFL of Chambal River marked on the pier of the railway bridge.
The HFL at railway bridge is 462.663 m which arrives at 455.601 m at the Sewage
Treatment Plant site in reference to the ground level of 469.141 m near the railway
bridge and 462.70m at the proposed area for the construction of Sewage Treatment
The STP shall be having RCC frame structure boundary wall upto 8 feet height so as
to avoid any accidents due to dumping of solid waste near the sewage treatment
plant units. The work shall also include construction of all-weather approach road
and staff quarters for operators and chowkidar.

3. Intermediate Pumping Stations


An intermediate sewage Pumping Station having capacity of 9.50 MLD shall be

constructed at ward no. 5 Indra Colony, near old Chambal generator room of XIS. The
pumping station shall have sump of capacity 235KL. The useful capacity of sump shall

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda
be 65 KL in place of 277 KL below the invert level of pipe is usable required for 15
minutes detention period for Intermediate average flow. The height of the proposed
sump is 7.30 m and dia. is 6.38m. pumps capacity shall be of 2 nos. 24 KW for
Intermediate Average Flow, 1 no. 43.00KW for twice the Intermediate Average Flow, 1
no. 71.00 KW for thrice the Intermediate Average flow of 9.50MLD shall be provided for
pumping of sewage from sump to main trunk. 600 mm diameter 420m long DI K-7 class
pipeline has been proposed.

Second intermediate sewage Pumping Station having capacity of 2.35MLD shall be
constructed at ward no. 21 Infront of MPEB Sub Station & Dev Narayan Mandir
Padlyagaon. The pumping station shall have sump of capacity 57KL. The useful
capacity of sump shall be 21 KL in place of 60 KL below the invert level of pipe is
usable required for 15 minutes detention period for Intermediate average flow. The
height of the proposed sump is 5.48m and dia. is 3.65m. Along with pumps of 2 nos.
4.00KW for Intermediate Flow, 8.00KW for thrice the Intermediate Average Flow for
intermediate flow 15kw of 2.35MLD shall be provided for pumping of sewage from
sump to main trunk. 300 mm diameter 800 m long DI K-7 class pipeline has been
Third intermediate sewage Pumping Station having capacity of 1.55 MLD shall be
constructed near vridhaashram. The pumping station shall have sump of capacity
182KL. The useful capacity of sump shall be 11 KL in place of 35 KL below the invert
level of pipe is usable required for 15 minutes detention period for Intermediate average
flow. The height of the proposed sump is 6.26m and dia. is 2.59m. Along with pumps of
2 nos. 3.00KW for Intermediate Average Flow, 1 no. 8.00KW for twice the Intermediate
Average Flow, 1 no. 18.00KW for thrice the Intermediate Average Flow for intermediate
flow of 1.55 MLD shall be provided for pumping of sewage from sump to main trunk.
250 mm diameter 2165 m long DI K-7 class pipeline has been proposed.

fourth intermediate sewage Pumping Station having capacity of 0.65 MLD shall be
constructed. The pumping station shall have sump of capacity 14KL. The useful capacity
of sump shall be 6 KL in place of 14 KL below the invert level of pipe is usable required
for 15 minutes detention period for Intermediate average flow. The height of the
proposed sump is 4.63m and dia. is 1.95m. Along with pumps of 2 nos. 1.00KW for
Intermediate Average Flow, 1 no. 2.00KW for twice the Intermediate Average Flow, 1 no.
3.00KW for thrice the Intermediate Average Flow for intermediate flow of 0.65 MLD
shall be provided for pumping of sewage from sump to main trunk. 200 mm diameter
470 m long DI K-7 class pipeline has been proposed.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda
3.1 Final Location for IPS -

• Proposed IPS-1 at Indra

colony the land acquires by
NMC ,9.50 MLD in
Intermediate Phase (2025 -
2040) & 10.90 MLD in
ultimate Phase can be
accommodated in existing

• Area required for

construction approximately
400 m2

HT connection is 10 mtr
from the Proposed IPS-

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

• Proposed IPS-2 at Palya

Gaon the land acquires by
NMC ,2.35 MLD in
Intermediate Phase (2025 -
2040) & 2.75 MLD in ultimate
Phase can be accommodated
in existing premises

• Area required for

construction approximately
200 m2 .

HT connection is 20 mtr from

the Proposed IPS-2 location.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

• Proposed IPS-3 at near

vridhaashram the acquire by
NMC ,1.55 MLD in
Intermediate Phase (2025 -
2040) & 1.65 MLD in ultimate
Phase can be accommodated
in existing premises

• Area required for

construction approximately
200 m2 .

HT connection is 200 mtr from

the Proposed IPS-3 location.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda
4. Laterals-

Providing and laying 135/160 mm diameter DWC-HDPE pipe having length of 28665
m for connecting houses service chamber to the manholes on sewer lines. There are
approximately 5733 house service chambers (considering 1 for 3 houses) in
conventional sewer system which are to be connected to the man holes in the sewer
network. The average length of the pipe for laterals is being taken as 10.00m for
connection of each HSC to Manhole thereby providing 28665m of 100/120 mm.

6. Manholes-

Construction of approximately 3832 circular manholes having size of 900/1200/1500mm

bottom diameter and 560m top diameter including ISI marked reinforced concrete heavy
duty cover complete for the conventional gravity sewer system. The depth of manholes
shall vary from 1.60 m to 6.0 m as per the requirement. For the Rider Mains 960nos
manholes having 900mm size is being provided.

Figure 7: Manhole

7. a)House Service Connections-

The total number of households in Municipal area are approximately 19200 out of this
there are approximately 4 private colonies having the length of 9 kms and Considering
10% properties as bulk connections/commercial properties and private colonies. It is
proposed that sewage from the private colonies shall be connected to at the outlet of the
colonies the individual connection is not considered in these colonies is the same are to
be provided by the developer. However, it is suggested that one-time charges based on
the number of households in a colony can be imposed and stablished for the treatment of
the sewage.

b) House Sevice Chmaber Construction of 5733 brick masonry chambers having size of
600mm x 450 mm & 900mm deep shall be connected to the outfall of the individual

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda
household. As per the provision 5733 chambers have been provided i.e., one chamber for
every 3 houses.

Figure 8: House Sewer Chamber

NOTE-Guidelines on House Sewer Connects – As per the CPHEEO manual

clause no. 2.11

(a) There is compelling need to amend the bye-laws to make it compulsory for the
population to avail house service sewer connection wherever public sewer is
provided and if this is not forthcoming, the local authority shall affect the house
sewer connection and institute revenue recovery proceeding.

(b) Include house-service sewer connections as part of the sewerage project itself.

10. Management of Treated Waste Water

10.1 Summary

Reuse of wastewater for domestic and agricultural purposes has been occurring since
historical times. However, planned reuse is gained importance only two or three
decades ago, as the demands for water dramatically increased due to technological
advancement, population growth, and urbanization, which put great stress on the
natural water cycle. Reuse of wastewater for water-demanding activities, which, so far

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda
consumed limited freshwater resources is, in effect, imitating the natural water cycle
through engineered processes. Several pioneering studies have provided the
technological confidence for the safe reuse of reclaimed water for beneficial uses.
While initial emphasis was mainly on reuse for agricultural and non-potable reuses,
the recent trends prove that there are direct reuse opportunities to applications closer
to the point of generation.

10.2 Motivational Factors for Recycling/Reuse

Major among the motivational factors for wastewater recycle/reuse are:

1.0 opportunities to augment limited primary water sources;

2.0 prevention of excessive diversion of water from alternative uses, including the
natural environment;

3.0 possibilities to manage in-situ water sources;

4.0 minimization of infrastructure costs, including total treatment and discharge costs;

5.0 reduction and elimination of discharges of wastewater (treated or untreated) into

receiving environment;

10.3 Types of Treated Waste Water Reuse

Wastewater can be recycle/reuse as a source of water for a multitude of water-

demanding activities such as agricultural, aquifer, aquaculture, firefighting, flushing of
toilets industrial cooling, recreational impoundment, and essentially for several other
non-potable requirements. Potential reuse of waste water depends upon the biological
and hydraulic characteristics of waste water, which determines the methods and degree
of treatment required. While agricultural irrigation reuses, in general, require lower
quality levels of treatment, domestic reuse option (direct or indirect potable and non-
potable) reuse need the highest treatment level.

A) Reuse for Irrigation

Agricultural irrigation has, by far, been the largest reported reuse of wastewater. About
41 percent of recycled water in Japan, 60% in California, USA, and 15% in Tunisia are
used for this purpose. In developing countries, application on land has always been the
predominant means of disposing municipal wastewater as well as meeting irrigation
needs. In China for example, at least 1.33 million hectares of agricultural land are
irrigated with untreated or partially treated wastewaters from cities. In Mexico City,
Mexico, more than 70000 hectares of cropland outside the city are irrigated with
reclaimed wastewater. Irrigation has the advantage of “closing-the-loop” combination of
waste disposal and water supply. Irrigation reuse is also more advantageous, because of

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda
the possibility of decreasing the level of purification, and hence the savings in treatment
costs, thanks to the role of soil and crops as biological treatment facilities. As the water
supply requirements of large metropolis are growing, the option of reuse of wastewater
for domestic purposes is increasingly being considered. Judging from international
experience, there is potential for reuse at all system scales, from household level to the
large irrigation schemes. Reuse has advantages as well as disadvantages at each level.
The choice is conventionally

technical and economic one, though some view it as important that the community as a
whole should become more involved in the working of reuse systems.
Irrigation reuse of wastewater can be for application on:
(i) agricultural crops, woodlots and pastures, or
(ii) landscape and recreational areas.

B) Industrial Reuse
Industrial reuse of reclaimed wastewater represents major reuse next only to irrigation in
both developed and developing countries. Reclaimed water is ideal for many industrial
purposes, which do not require water of high quality. Often industries are located near
populated area where centralized treatment facility already generates reclaimed water.
Depending upon the type of industry, reclaimed water can be utilised for cooling water
make-up, boiler feed and process water, the water quality requirement for industrial
cooling is not generally high. Consequently, cooling water make-up presents a single
largest opportunity for reuse.

C) Non-Potable Domestic Reuse

Adequately treated wastewater meeting strict quality criteria, can be planned for reuse
for many non-potable purposes. Non-potable reuse leads to the both reduction water
consumption from sources, and a reduction in the wastewater flow rate. So, non-potable
reuse scheme can avoid adverse environmental consequences associated with
conventional water source and wastewater disposal system. Non-potable domestic can
be planned either with in the single households /building, or on a larger scale use
through a reticulation system meant only for use non-potable purpose.

D) Indirect Potable Reuse

Indirect potable reuse of treated wastewater may occur unintentionally, when
wastewater is disposed into a receiving body of water that is used as a source of potable
water supply. It can be through planned schemes, such as that of Cerro del la Estrella
sewage treatment plant in Mexico City.

E) Direct Potable Reuse

Direct potable reuse means adding treated wastewater directly in to the normal drinking
water distribution system. Through the idea of such a wastewater reuse may be
repugnant to many, technologically, direct potable reuse of treated wastewater has been

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda
feasible for many years. A classic example of wastewater reuse for direct potable purpose
in an emergency happened in 1950s in the town of Chauhute, Kansas, USA. Due to the
continuous drought for five years.

10.4 Quality Issues of Wastewater Reuse

Despite a long history of wastewater reuse in many parts of the world, the question
of wastewater reuse is still remaining an enigma mainly because of the quality of
reuse water. There always have been controversies among the researches and
proponents of extensive wastewater reuse, on the quality the wastewater is to meet.
In it for irrigation or non-irrigation utilization, especially long term of reuse practices.
It is difficult to delineate acceptable health risk an it a matter that is still hotly
debated. Issue other that quality of reuse water includes, socioeconomic
consideration and hydro-geologic condition. The socioeconomic consideration
includes community perceptions, and costs of reuse system.
However, the economic considerations are necessary because, when “first-hand” water
is available at a cheaper price, it may not be worthwhile to reuse wastewater unless
there are other special condition.

10.5 Reuse of treated Wastewater for Nagda

In the light of order of NGT and Directories given by GoI and GoMP to pollution control
board it is desirable to use treated sewage water for green spaces/ (community and
institutional) Non potable demands for various purposes by (community and
institutional). Accordingly, we have considered reuse of treated sewage water up to 80%
and to supply this water through pumps and pumping main on major roads has been
designed and proposed the discharge is being uniformly distributed on the total length
of pumping main. However, if for the usage of treated water any extension/ addition/
augmentation shall be required the same sham be borne by ULB the benefices it is
suggested to levies suitable charges for supplying treated sewage water.

Note- For the reuse, excavation and restoration of road has been considered in the sub-
estimate of sewer network.

10.6 Wastewater Sludge Reuse

Wastewater sludge is the solid/semi-solid substance, concentrated form of mainly
organic, and some inorganic impurities (pollutants), generated as a result of
treatment of wastewater. For any growing modern city, it is necessary to expand its
sewage collection system to cater to the needs of the growing urban areas and its
population. With the expansion of sewerage system comes the ever-increasing
problem of how best the sludge generated in wastewater treatment facilities can be
disposed. Disposal methods once used for sludge management, such as ocean

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda
disposal, are not environmentally appropriate. Though it is traditionally suggested
that the sludge can be applied on land as soil conditioner and as fertilizer, there are
many issues involved in handling and transportation, and odor nuisance, which are
of concern. Experience in Europe and the USA have shown that land
application/reuse of sludge options are the most promising ones that benefit the
society. Sludge can be reused to reclaim parched land by application as soil
conditioner, and also as a fertilizer in agriculture. The digested sludge shall be used
as, landfill and manure if required

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8. Detailed Design of Pumps

8.1 Design for the pumps and pumping main for Intermediate Average Flow in
1st phase from Intermediate Pumping Station 1 at Near Kabristan, By-Pass
(A)Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 9.50 MLD (Intermediate Average Flow)
for intermediate points from sump well at IPS 1 to Main trunk.
1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Intermediate Average Flow) 9.50MLD
1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
1.3) Static Head 12 m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 420m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 600mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 2 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 No
1.9) Stand by pumps 1 No
1.10) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.11) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (9.50 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.120m3/s
2. Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 0.106
Loss due to fittings, bends = 0.027
Static Head = 12.000
Total head = 12.133
Provide pump for 13.00 m head
Power required for pump: -
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 13.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81x1000 x 0.120 x 13.0/ (0.65 x 1000)
= 22.00 Kw 29.00 HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 9.50MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
a) Two nos. pumps of 22.00 KW having discharge of 120 liters each and pumping
head of 12.00m with 100% stand-by capacity
b) Each pump shall have motor of 29.00 HP
c) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 40.00 KVA

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(B)Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 19.00 MLD (Twice the Intermediate
Average Flow) from intermediate points from sump well at IPS 1 to main Trunk.
1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Twice the Intermediate Average Flow)
1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
1.3) Static Head 12 m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 420.00m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 600mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 1 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 Nos
1.10) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.11) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (19.00 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.240m3/s
2. Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 0.372
Loss due to fittings, bends = 0.093
Static Head = 12.00
Total head = 12.465
Provide pump for 13.00 m head
Power required for pump: -
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 13.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81x1000 x 0.240 x 13.0/ (0.65 x 1000)
= 43.00 Kw 58.00HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 19.00 MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
a) One no. pump of 43.00 KW having discharge of 240 liters and pumping head of
b) Pumps shall have motor of 58.00 HP
c) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 77.00 KVA

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(C)Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 28.5 MLD (Thrice the Intermediate
Average Flow) from Sump Well at IPS 1 to Main Trunk.
1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Thrice the Intermediate Average Flow) 28.5MLD
1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
1.3) Static Head 12.0m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 420.00m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 600mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 1 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 Nos
1.9) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.10) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (28.5 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.360m3/s
2. Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 0.775
Loss due to fittings, bends = 0.194
Static Head = 12.00
Total head = 12.969
Provide pump for 13.00m head
Power required for pump: -
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 13.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81 x1000 x0.360 x13.0/(0.60 x 1000)
= 71.00KW, 95.00 HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 28.50MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
a) One no. Pump of 71KW having discharge of 360 liters and pumping head of 13 m.
a) Pump shall have motor of 95.00 HP
b) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 128.00 KVA

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Capacity of Sump well:

Dry Well-
The Size of the Dry well should be adequate for the number of pumps planned of such size as will
handle the sewage load at the desired capacity of pumping allowances should also be made for future
requirements so that additional or larger pumps can be installed.
Wet well-
As per CPHEEO manual clause no 4.6.6
Size of the wet well should be based on the following:
1. Flow from proposed development and any associated future development
2. Capability to receive flows from surrounding areas as determined by the authorities
The volume of wet well (V) = T × Q/4
where, V: Effective volume of wet well (in cubic meters), T: Time for one pump cycle (in minutes), Q:
Pumping rate (cubic meters per minute)
The value of T is related to the number of starts per hour and it is not advisable to exceed 6 starts per
hour. Accordingly, the value of T in the design is to be taken as 10 minutes for smaller pump capacities
but 15 minutes is desirable and hence, the denominator in the equation is to be used as a value of 4.
Design of sump (10.90 MLD for ultimate period)
Pumping capacity at peak flow = 17.031 Cum/min
Take Detention time 15 minutes for wet well
Volume of the wet well = (17.031*15)/4
= 64 Cum (useful storage capacity of sump)
Capacity of well up to GL
V = 64 KL
H = 2m
A = 64/2 = 32 m2 (Area needed)
D = SQRT (4*32/3.14) (Diameter needed)
D = 6.38m

1. Depth below the invert level = 2 m

2. Height of pump set 1.2 m and floor clearance 0.3 m = 1.5

3. Difference b/w ground level and invert level = 3.84 m

(Adding above three)

Total height = 2+1.5+3.84 = 7.34m

Total Volume of sump = 3.14*6.38^2*7.34/4 = 235 KL

The STP shall have sump of cumulative capacity 235KL. Instead of 235 KL only 64 KL storage capacity

below the invert level of pipe is usable required for 15 minutes detention period for Intermediate

average flow.
The height of the proposed sump is 7.34m and dia. is 6.38m. So, the capacity of sump well including Dry well & wet
well is 235cum.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

8.2 Design for the pumps and pumping main for Intermediate Average Flow in 1st phase
from Intermediate Pumping Station 2 Near Pallaya Gaon.
(A) Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 2.38MLD (Intermediate Average Flow) for
intermediate points from sump well of IPS 2 to Main trunk.

1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Intermediate Average Flow) 2.38MLD

1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
2.3) Static Head 7m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 800m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 300mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 2 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 No
1.9) Stand by pumps 1 No
1.10) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.11) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (2.38 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.030m3/s
3. Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 0.463
Loss due to fittings, bends = 0.116
Static Head = 7.00
Total head = 7.578
Provide pump for 8m head
Power required for pump: -
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 8.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81x1000 x 0.030 x 8.0/ (0.65 x 1000)
= 4.00 Kw 5.00 HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 2.38MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
a) Two nos. pumps of 4.00 KW having discharge of 30 liters each and pumping head
of 8.00 m with 100% stand-by capacity
b) Each pump shall have motor of 5.00 HP
c) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 7.00 KVA

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(B)Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 4.76MLD (Twice the Intermediate
Average Flow) from intermediate points from Sump Well of IPS 2 to Main Trunk.

1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Twice the Intermediate Average Flow) 4.76MLD
1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
2.3) Static Head 7m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 800.00m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 300mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 1 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 Nos
1.10) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.11) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (4.76 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.060m3/s
3. Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 1.623
Loss due to fittings, bends = 0.406
Static Head = 7.00
Total head = 9.028
Provide pump for 9.00 m head
Power required for pump:-
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 9.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81x1000 x 0.060 x 9.0/ (0.65 x 1000)
= 8.00 Kw 11.00HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 4.76MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
a) One no. pump of 8.00 KW having discharge of 54 liters and pumping head of
b) Pumps shall have motor of 11.00 HP
c) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 14.00 KVA

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(C)Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 7.14MLD (Thrice the Intermediate Average
Flow) from Sump Well at IPS 2 to Main Trunk.

1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Thrice the Intermediate Average Flow) 7.14MLD
1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
2.3) Static Head 7.0m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 800.00m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 300mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 1 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 Nos
1.9) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.10) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (7.14 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.090m3/s
3. Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 3.380
Loss due to fittings, bends = 0.845
Static Head = 7.00
Total head = 11.226
Provide pump for 12.00m head
Power required for pump: -
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 12.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81x1000x0.090 x 12.0/ (0.65 x 1000)
= 15.00KW, 20.00 HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 7.14MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
a) One no. Pump of 15 KW having discharge of 90 liters and pumping head of 12 m.
b) Pump shall have motor of 20.00 HP
c) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 27.00 KVA

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Capacity of Sump well:

Dry Well-
The Size of the Dry well should be adequate for the number of pumps planned of such size as will
handle the sewage load at the desired capacity of pumping allowances should also be made for future
requirements so that additional or larger pumps can be installed.
Wet well-
As per CPHEEO manual clause no 4.6.6
Size of the wet well should be based on the following:
1. Flow from proposed development and any associated future development
2. Capability to receive flows from surrounding areas as determined by the authorities
The volume of wet well (V) = T × Q/4
where, V: Effective volume of wet well (in cubic meters), T: Time for one pump cycle (in minutes), Q:
Pumping rate (cubic meters per minute)
The value of T is related to the number of starts per hour and it is not advisable to exceed 6 starts per
hour. Accordingly, the value of T in the design is to be taken as 10 minutes for smaller pump capacities
but 15 minutes is desirable and hence, the denominator in the equation is to be used as a value of 4.
Design of sump (2.74 MLD for ultimate period)
Pumping capacity at peak flow = 5.708 Cum/min
Take Detention time 15 minutes for wet well
Volume of the wet well = (5.708*15)/4
= 21 Cum (useful storage capacity of sump)
Capacity of well up to GL
V = 21 KL
H = 1.5 m
A = 21/2 = 14 m2 (Area needed)
D = SQRT (4*14/3.14) (Diameter needed)
D = 4.22m

1. Depth below the invert level = 1.5 m

2. Height of pump set 1.2 m and floor clearance 0.3 m = 1.5

3. Difference b/w ground level and invert level = 1.98 m

(Adding above three)

Total height = 1.5+1.5+1.98 = 5.48m

Total Volume of sump = 3.14*4.22^2*5.48/4 = 80 KL

The STP shall have sump of cumulative capacity 80KL. Instead of 80 KL only 21 KL storage capacity

below the invert level of pipe is usable required for 15 minutes detention period for Intermediate

average flow.
The height of the proposed sump is 5.48m and dia. is 4.22m. So, the capacity of sump well including Dry well & wet
well is 80cum.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

8.3 Design for the pumps and pumping main for Intermediate Average Flow in 1st phase
from Intermediate Pumping Station 3 near Vriddha Aashram.

(A) Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 1.55MLD (Intermediate Average
Flow) for intermediate points from sump well at IPS 3 to Main trunk.

1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Intermediate Average Flow) 1.55MLD

1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
3.3) Static Head 7m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 2165 m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 250 mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 2 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 No
1.9) Stand by pumps 1 No
1.10) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.11) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (1.55 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.020m3/s
4. Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 1.385
Loss due to fittings, bends = 0.346
Static Head = 7.00
Total head = 8.732
Provide pump for 9.00 m head
Power required for pump: -
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 9.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81x1000 x 0.020 x 9.0/ (0.65 x 1000)
= 3.00 Kw 4.0 HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 1.55 MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
a) Two nos. pumps of 3.00 KW having discharge of 20 liters each and pumping head of 9.00 m
with 100% stand-by capacity
b) Each pump shall have motor of 4.0 HP
c) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 5.00 KVA

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(B)Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 3.10 MLD (Twice the Intermediate
Average Flow) from intermediate points.
1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Twice the Intermediate Average Flow) 3.10MLD
1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
3.3) Static Head 7.0 m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 2165.00m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 250mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 1 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 Nos
1.10) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.11) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (3.10 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.039m3/s
4. Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 4.857
Loss due to fittings, bends = 0.084
Static Head = 7.00
Total head = 13.071
Provide pump for 13.00 m head
Power required for pump: -
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 13.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81x1000 x0.039 x13/ (0.65 x 1000)
= 8.00 Kw 11.00HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 3.10 MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
a) One no. pump of 8.00 KW having discharge of 39 liters and pumping head of 13m.
b) Pumps shall have motor of 11.00 HP
c) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 14.00 KVA

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(C)Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 4.65 MLD (Thrice the Intermediate
Average Flow) from intermediate points.
1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Twice the Intermediate Average Flow) 4.65MLD
1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
4.3) Static Head 7m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 2165 m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 250mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 1 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 Nos
1.10) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.11) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (4.65 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.059m3/s
5. Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 10.118
Loss due to fittings, bends = 2.530
Static Head = 7.00
Total head = 19.648
Provide pump for 20 m head
Power required for pump: -
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 20.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81x1000 x0.59 x20/ (0.65 x 1000)
= 18.00 Kw 24.00HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 4.65 MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
d) One no. pump of 18.00 KW having discharge of 59 liters and pumping head of
e) Pumps shall have motor of 24.00 HP
f) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 32.00 KVA

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Capacity of Sump well:

Dry Well-
The Size of the Dry well should be adequate for the number of pumps planned of such size as will
handle the sewage load at the desired capacity of pumping allowances should also be made for future
requirements so that additional or larger pumps can be installed.
Wet well-
As per CPHEEO manual clause no 4.6.6
Size of the wet well should be based on the following:
1. Flow from proposed development and any associated future development
2. Capability to receive flows from surrounding areas as determined by the authorities
The volume of wet well (V) = T × Q/4
where, V: Effective volume of wet well (in cubic meters), T: Time for one pump cycle (in minutes), Q:
Pumping rate (cubic meters per minute)
The value of T is related to the number of starts per hour and it is not advisable to exceed 6 starts per
hour. Accordingly, the value of T in the design is to be taken as 10 minutes for smaller pump capacities
but 15 minutes is desirable and hence, the denominator in the equation is to be used as a value of 4.
Design of sump (1.62 MLD for ultimate period)
Pumping capacity at peak flow = 7.049 Cum/min
Take Detention time 15 minutes for wet well
Volume of the wet well = (2.813*15)/4
= 10.54 Cum (useful storage capacity of sump)
Capacity of well up to GL
V = 10.54 KL
H = 2.00 m
A = 10.54/1.5 = 5.27 m2 (Area needed)
D = SQRT (4*5.27/3.14) (Diameter needed)
D = 2.59m

1. Depth below the invert level = 1.5 m

2. Height of pump set 1.2 m and floor clearance 0.3 m = 1.5

3. Difference b/w ground level and invert level = 2.76 m

(Adding above three)

Total height = 1.5+1.5+2.76 = 5.76m

Total Volume of sump = 3.14*2.59^2*6.26/4 = 35 KL

The STP shall have sump of cumulative capacity 35KL. Instead of 35 KL only 10.54 KL storage capacity

below the invert level of pipe is usable required for 15 minutes detention period for Intermediate

average flow.
The height of the proposed sump is 6.26m and dia. is 2.98m. So, the capacity of sump well including Dry well & wet
well is 35cum.

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

8.4 Design for the pumps and pumping main for Intermediate Average Flow in 1st phase
from Intermediate Pumping Station 4.

(A) Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 0.63MLD (Intermediate Average
Flow) for intermediate points from sump well at IPS 3 to Main trunk.

1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Intermediate Average Flow) 0.63MLD

1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
4.3) Static Head 7m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 470 m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 200 mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 2 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 No
1.9) Stand by pumps 1 No
1.10) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.11) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (0.63 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.008m3/s
Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 0.172
Loss due to fittings, bends = 0.043
Static Head = 7.00
Total head = 7.216
Provide pump for 8.00 m head
Power required for pump: -
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 8.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81x1000 x 0.008 x 8.0/ (0.65 x 1000)
= 1.00 Kw 1.0 HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 0.63 MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
d) Two nos. pumps of 1.00 KW having discharge of 8 liters each and pumping head of 8.00 m
with 100% stand-by capacity
e) Each pump shall have motor of 1.0 HP
f) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 2.00 KVA

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(B) Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 1.26 MLD (Twice the Intermediate
Average Flow) from intermediate points.
1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Twice the Intermediate Average Flow) 1.26MLD
1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
5.3) Static Head 7.0 m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 470.00m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 200mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 1 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 Nos
1.10) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.11) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (1.26 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.016m3/s
Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 0.605
Loss due to fittings, bends = 0.151
Static Head = 7.00
Total head = 7.756
Provide pump for 8 m head
Power required for pump: -
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 8.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81x1000 x0.016 x8/ (0.65 x 1000)
= 2.00 Kw 3.00HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 1.26 MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
g) One no. pump of 2.00 KW having discharge of 16 liters and pumping head of 8m.
h) Pumps shall have motor of 3.00 HP
i) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 4.00 KVA

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

(C)Design calculation for the pumps for pumping of 1.89 MLD (Thrice the Intermediate
Average Flow) from intermediate points.
1.1) Quantity of Sewage flow (Twice the Intermediate Average Flow) 1.89MLD
1.2) Hour of pumping 22 Hours
5.4) Static Head 7m
1.4) Length of Pipe line 470 m
1.5) Diameter of Pipe 200mm
1.6) Modified Hazen Williams Coefficients 1
1.7) No of pumps 1 Nos
1.8) Duty pump 1 Nos
1.10) Ambient temperature 40 oC
1.11) Average discharge in m3/sec
= (1.89 x 106)/22 x 103 x 60 x 60
= 0.024m3/s
6. Head loss due to friction by using modified Hazen Williams equation
[L (Q/CR)1.81]/994.62 D4.81 taking CR value 1
Frictional Head loss = 1.259
Loss due to fittings, bends = 0.315
Static Head = 7.00
Total head = 8.547
Provide pump for 9 m head
Power required for pump: -
Combined Efficiency = 65% of Pumps and motors
Hm = 9.0 m
Power in KW = w Q H / (η x 1000)
= 9.81x1000 x0.024 x9/ (0.65 x 1000)
= 3.00 Kw 4.00HP
Hence provide following pumps, motors and transformer for pumping of 4.65 MLD
Sewage from Sump to Main Trunk.
j) One no. pump of 3.00 KW having discharge of 24 liters and pumping head of
k) Pumps shall have motor of 4.00 HP
l) Step down transformer of 33KV/220 – 5.00 KVA

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Draft Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Capacity of Sump well:

Dry Well-
The Size of the Dry well should be adequate for the number of pumps planned of such size as will
handle the sewage load at the desired capacity of pumping allowances should also be made for future
requirements so that additional or larger pumps can be installed.
Wet well-
As per CPHEEO manual clause no 4.6.6
Size of the wet well should be based on the following:
1. Flow from proposed development and any associated future development
2. Capability to receive flows from surrounding areas as determined by the authorities
The volume of wet well (V) = T × Q/4
where, V: Effective volume of wet well (in cubic meters), T: Time for one pump cycle (in minutes), Q:
Pumping rate (cubic meters per minute)
The value of T is related to the number of starts per hour and it is not advisable to exceed 6 starts per
hour. Accordingly, the value of T in the design is to be taken as 10 minutes for smaller pump capacities
but 15 minutes is desirable and hence, the denominator in the equation is to be used as a value of 4.
Design of sump (0.72 MLD for ultimate period)
Pumping capacity at peak flow = 1.500 Cum/min
Take Detention time 15 minutes for wet well
Volume of the wet well = (1.50*15)/4
= 6 Cum (useful storage capacity of sump)
Capacity of well up to GL
V = 6.00 KL
H = 2.00 m
A = 6/2 = 3 m2 (Area needed)
D = SQRT (4*3/3.14) (Diameter needed)
D = 1.95m

1. Depth below the invert level = 1.5 m

2. Height of pump set 1.2 m and floor clearance 0.3 m = 1.5

3. Difference b/w ground level and invert level = 1.13 m

(Adding above three)

Total height = 2+1.5+1.13 = 4.63m

Total Volume of sump = 3.14*1.95^2*4.63/4 = 14 KL

The STP shall have sump of cumulative capacity 14KL. Instead of 14 KL only 6 KL storage capacity

below the invert level of pipe is usable required for 15 minutes detention period for Intermediate

average flow.
The height of the proposed sump is 4.63m and dia. is 1.95m. So, the capacity of sump well including Dry well & wet
well is 14cum.

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal 75

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

(D) Design for Economical size of Intermediate Pumping having length 420.m for intermediate design period from Sump of Intermediate Pumping Station 1 to Main Trunk as
per CPHEEO Mannual on Sewerage & Sewage Treatment Second edition December 1993 (IMPS-1)

Phase Sewer Discharge

1 DWF 9.50 MLD

1. Sewer generation
for ultimate design 2 DWF 19.00 MLD
3 DWF 28.50 MLD

2. Length of Pumping Main 420.00 m

3. Static Head of Pump 12.00 m

4. Design Period 15.00 Years

Combined efficiency of
5. 65.00 %
Pumping Set

6. Cost of Pumping Unit 22000.00 Rs/kw

7. Interest rate 9.50 %

8. Life of motor and pumps 15.00 years

9. Energy Charges 8.00 Rs/Unit

Design value of 'CR' for

10. modified Hazen William 1

11 Value of K for minor losses 2.1

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 77 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda


Particulars I st 15 years II nd 15 years
1. Discharge at installation 9.50 MLD 19.00 MLD

Discharge at the end of 15

2. 19.00 MLD 28.50 MLD

3. Design Discharge 14.25 MLD 23.75 MLD

Hours of pumping for

4. discharge at the end of 15 22.00 hours 22.00 hours

Average hours of pumping for

5. 16.50 hours 18.33 hours
design discharge

Kw required at 60% combined

6. 2.715 H1=KW1 4.526 H2=KW2
efficiency of pumping set

7. Annual cost of electrical energy 48211.68 KW1 53568.53 KW2

8. Pump Cost Capitalised, Po C /(1+r)^15 C/ 3.901

9. Energy Charges Capitalised

Cc = Cr {1-(1+r)^-n) /r } Cc = Cr * 7.828

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 78 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Velocity, Head loss, KW required, cost of pump sets for different pipe size

Internal Cost of Pumps @ Rs

S. Head due to friction KW required for peak KW required with 50%
Dia Velocity in m/s Total Head 22000/KW (Rs in
No. & other losses discharge stand by for peak discharge
(mm) thousands)
Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage
2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage
average average average average average
average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow
flow flow flow flow flow
1 100 1322.62 3307.04 30.56 45.84 1334.62 3319.04 3624.12 15021.29 5436.18 22531.93 119595.98 495702.41

2 150 193.65 482.81 13.58 20.37 205.65 494.81 558.43 2239.40 837.65 3359.10 18428.24 73900.18

3 200 49.83 123.93 7.64 11.46 61.83 135.93 167.91 615.20 251.86 922.80 5540.98 20301.52

4 250 17.46 43.32 4.89 7.33 29.46 55.32 80.00 250.37 120.00 375.55 2639.92 8262.21

5 300 7.43 18.40 3.40 5.09 19.43 30.40 52.77 137.60 79.16 206.41 1741.45 4540.95

6 350 3.62 11.86 2.49 3.74 15.62 23.86 42.41 107.96 63.62 161.94 1399.69 3562.77

7 400 1.94 6.33 1.91 2.87 13.94 18.33 37.87 82.94 56.80 124.42 1249.56 2737.14

8 450 1.13 3.64 1.51 2.26 13.13 15.64 35.64 70.78 53.46 106.18 1176.19 2335.90

9 500 0.69 2.22 1.22 1.83 12.69 14.22 34.46 64.37 51.69 96.55 1137.26 2124.14

10 600 0.30 0.95 0.85 1.27 12.30 12.95 33.40 58.60 50.09 87.90 1102.04 1933.87

11 700 0.15 0.46 0.62 0.94 12.15 12.46 32.98 56.40 49.48 84.61 1088.49 1861.34

12 750 0.11 0.34 0.54 0.81 12.11 12.34 32.88 55.83 49.31 83.75 1084.93 1842.39

13 800 0.08 0.25 0.48 0.72 12.08 12.25 32.80 55.44 49.20 83.16 1082.48 1829.42

14 900 0.05 0.14 0.38 0.57 12.05 12.14 32.71 54.96 49.07 82.45 1079.51 1813.79

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 79 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Comparative statement of overall cost structure of pumping main for different pipe size

Ist Stage 2nd Stage

Rate per Capital
metre of investment
cost of Annual Energy Total Total
Internal DI K- 7 Cost of Annual Energy for
pipe for 850 Energy Charges Capitalised Cost of Capitalised
S. finished pipe as pumpsets Energy Charges Pumpsets &
metres (Rs Charges (Rs Capitalised cost (4+5+7) pumpsets (Rs cost (8+12)
No. Dia per PHE (Rs in Charges (Rs in Capitalised (Rs annual
in in (Rs in (Rs in in thousands) (Rs in
(mm) SOR 2018 thousands) thousands) in thousands) electrical
thousands) thousands) thousands) thousands) thousands)
rate (In charges (Rs
Rs) in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 100 1267.32 532.27 119595.98 174724.95 1367777.49 1487905.75 495702.41 804668.21 6299083.54 1741662.46 3229568.21
2 150 1856.14 779.58 18428.24 26922.92 210757.37 229965.19 73900.18 119961.33 939078.31 259650.06 489615.25
3 200 2368.26 994.67 5540.98 8095.15 63370.24 69905.89 20301.52 32955.23 257979.29 71329.88 141235.76
4 250 3101.04 1302.44 2639.92 3856.82 30191.89 34134.25 8262.21 13411.95 104991.10 29029.47 63163.72
5 300 3916.42 1644.90 1741.45 2544.19 19916.35 23302.70 4540.95 7371.27 57703.56 15954.72 39257.42
6 350 4893.46 2055.25 1399.69 2044.88 16007.71 19462.65 3562.77 5783.41 45273.54 12517.89 31980.54
7 400 6104.14 2563.74 1249.56 1825.55 14290.73 18104.02 2737.14 4443.16 34781.84 9616.99 27721.01
8 450 7105.96 2984.50 1176.19 1718.36 13451.64 17612.33 2335.90 3791.84 29683.17 8207.23 25819.57
9 500 8295.40 3484.07 1137.26 1661.49 13006.45 17627.78 2124.14 3448.09 26992.29 7463.22 25091.00
10 600 10523.24 4419.76 1102.04 1610.04 12603.68 18125.48 1933.87 3139.22 24574.40 6794.69 24920.17
11 700 15273.92 6415.05 1088.49 1590.24 12448.71 19952.25 1861.34 3021.49 23652.78 6539.87 26492.12
12 750 17843.96 7494.46 1084.93 1585.04 12407.95 20987.34 1842.39 2990.74 23412.03 6473.30 27460.64
13 800 19900.70 8358.29 1082.48 1581.46 12379.92 21820.69 1829.42 2969.68 23247.16 6427.71 28248.40
14 900 24114.48 10128.08 1079.51 1577.12 12345.97 23553.56 1813.79 2944.31 23048.57 6372.81 29926.36
As per the above calculation the most economical pipe section for pumping of sewer water from intermediate pumping station -1 to manhole 441 having the length
of 420m is coming as 600mm

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 80 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

(D) Design for Economical size of Intermediate Pumping having length 800m for intermediate design period from Sump of Intermediate Pumping Station 2 to Main Trunk as
per CPHEEO Mannual on Sewerage & Sewage Treatment Second edition December 1993 (IMPS-1)

Phase Sewer Discharge

1 DWF 2.40 MLD

1. Sewer generation
for ultimate design 2 DWF 4.80 MLD
3 DWF 7.20 MLD

2. Length of Pumping Main 800.00 m

3. Static Head of Pump 7.00 m

4. Design Period 15.00 Years

Combined efficiency of
5. 65.00 %
Pumping Set

6. Cost of Pumping Unit 22000.00 Rs/kw

7. Interest rate 9.50 %

8. Life of motor and pumps 15.00 years

9. Energy Charges 8.00 Rs/Unit

Design value of 'CR' for

10. modified Hazen William 1

11 Value of K for minor losses 4

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 77 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda


No Particulars I st 15 years II nd 15 years
1. Discharge at installation 2.40 MLD 4.80 MLD

Discharge at the end of 15

2. 4.80 MLD 7.20 MLD

3. Design Discharge 3.60 MLD 6.00 MLD

Hours of pumping for

4. discharge at the end of 15 22.00 hours 22.00 hours

Average hours of pumping for

5. 16.50 hours 18.33 hours
design discharge

Kw required at 60% combined

6. 0.686 H1=KW1 1.143 H2=KW2
efficiency of pumping set

7. Annual cost of electrical energy 48211.68 KW1 53568.53 KW2

8. Pump Cost Capitalised, Po C /(1+r)^15 C/ 3.901

9. Energy Charges Capitalised

Cc = Cr {1-(1+r)^-n) /r } Cc = Cr * 7.828

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 78 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Velocity, Head loss, KW required, cost of pump sets for different pipe size

S. Internal Cost of Pumps @ Rs

Head due to friction KW required for peak KW required with 50%
No Dia Velocity in m/s Total Head 22000/KW (Rs in
& other losses discharge stand by for peak discharge
. (mm) thousands)
Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage
2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage
average average average average average
average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow
flow flow flow flow flow
1 100 205.19 513.97 7.72 11.58 212.19 520.97 145.57 595.65 218.35 893.48 4803.71 19656.48

2 150 29.86 74.62 3.43 5.15 36.86 81.62 25.28 93.32 37.93 139.97 834.39 3079.40

3 200 7.64 19.06 1.93 2.90 14.64 26.06 10.04 29.79 15.07 44.69 331.45 983.13

4 250 2.66 6.63 1.24 1.85 9.66 13.63 6.63 15.58 9.94 23.38 218.77 514.29

5 300 1.13 2.80 0.86 1.29 8.13 9.80 5.58 11.21 8.36 16.82 184.02 369.95

6 350 0.55 1.82 0.63 0.95 7.55 8.82 5.18 10.08 7.77 15.12 170.86 332.68

7 400 0.29 0.97 0.48 0.72 7.29 7.97 5.00 9.11 7.50 13.66 165.10 300.60

8 450 0.17 0.55 0.38 0.57 7.17 7.55 4.92 8.64 7.38 12.96 162.29 285.05

9 500 0.10 0.34 0.31 0.46 7.10 7.34 4.87 8.39 7.31 12.58 160.81 276.86

10 600 0.04 0.14 0.21 0.32 7.04 7.14 4.83 8.17 7.25 12.25 159.47 269.53

11 700 0.02 0.07 0.16 0.24 7.02 7.07 4.82 8.08 7.23 12.12 158.96 266.74

12 750 0.02 0.05 0.14 0.21 7.02 7.05 4.81 8.06 7.22 12.09 158.83 266.02

13 800 0.01 0.04 0.12 0.18 7.01 7.04 4.81 8.05 7.22 12.07 158.73 265.52

14 900 0.01 0.02 0.10 0.14 7.01 7.02 4.81 8.03 7.21 12.04 158.62 264.93

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 79 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Comparative statement of overall cost structure of pumping main for different pipe size

Ist Stage 2nd Stage

Rate per Capital
metre of investment
cost of Annual Energy Total Total
Internal DI K- 7 Cost of Annual Energy for
S. pipe for 850 Energy Charges Capitalised Cost of Capitalised
finished pipe as pumpsets Energy Charges Pumpsets &
No metres (Rs Charges (Rs Capitalised cost (4+5+7) pumpsets (Rs cost (8+12)
Dia per PHE (Rs in Charges (Rs in Capitalised (Rs annual
. in in (Rs in (Rs in in thousands) (Rs in
(mm) SOR 2018 thousands) thousands) in thousands) electrical
thousands) thousands) thousands) thousands) thousands)
rate (In charges (Rs
Rs) in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 100 1267.32 1013.86 4803.71 7018.03 54938.34 60755.90 19656.48 31908.15 249782.57 69063.53 129819.43
2 150 1856.14 1484.91 834.39 1219.01 9542.62 11861.92 3079.40 4998.76 39131.16 10819.55 22681.47
3 200 2368.26 1894.61 331.45 484.24 3790.72 6016.78 983.13 1595.91 12493.04 3454.26 9471.04
4 250 3101.04 2480.83 218.77 319.62 2502.02 5201.63 514.29 834.85 6535.33 1806.98 7008.61
5 300 3916.42 3133.14 184.02 268.85 2104.62 5421.78 369.95 600.53 4701.09 1299.82 6721.60
6 350 4893.46 3914.77 170.86 249.62 1954.06 6039.68 332.68 540.04 4227.54 1168.89 7208.58
7 400 6104.14 4883.31 165.10 241.20 1888.16 6936.57 300.60 487.96 3819.86 1056.17 7992.74
8 450 7105.96 5684.77 162.29 237.10 1856.07 7703.13 285.05 462.72 3622.24 1001.53 8704.66
9 500 8295.40 6636.32 160.81 234.93 1839.11 8636.23 276.86 449.43 3518.19 972.76 9608.99
10 600 10523.24 8418.59 159.47 232.98 1823.82 10401.88 269.53 437.52 3424.99 946.99 11348.87
11 700 15273.92 12219.14 158.96 232.23 1817.97 14196.07 266.74 433.00 3389.62 937.21 15133.28
12 750 17843.96 14275.17 158.83 232.04 1816.44 16250.43 266.02 431.83 3380.42 934.67 17185.10
13 800 19900.70 15920.56 158.73 231.90 1815.39 17894.68 265.52 431.02 3374.12 932.93 18827.61
14 900 24114.48 19291.58 158.62 231.74 1814.12 21264.33 264.93 430.06 3366.56 930.84 22195.16
As per the above calculation the most economical pipe section for pumping of sewer water from intermediate pumping station -2 to manhole 415 having the
length of 800m is coming as 300mm

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 80 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

(D) Design for Economical size of Intermediate Pumping having length 2165m for intermediate design period from Sump of Intermediate Pumping Station 3 to Main Trunk as
per CPHEEO Mannual on Sewerage & Sewage Treatment Second edition December 1993 (IMPS-1)

Phase Sewer Discharge

1 DWF 1.55 MLD

1. Sewer generation
for ultimate design 2 DWF 3.10 MLD
3 DWF 4.65 MLD

2. Length of Pumping Main 2165.00 m

3. Static Head of Pump 7.00 m

4. Design Period 15.00 Years

Combined efficiency of
5. 65.00 %
Pumping Set

6. Cost of Pumping Unit 22000.00 Rs/kw

7. Interest rate 9.50 %

8. Life of motor and pumps 15.00 years

9. Energy Charges 8.00 Rs/Unit

Design value of 'CR' for

modified Hazen William 1

11 Value of K for minor losses 2

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 77 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda


N Particulars I st 15 years II nd 15 years
1. Discharge at installation 1.55 MLD 3.10 MLD

Discharge at the end of 15

2. 3.10 MLD 4.65 MLD

3. Design Discharge 2.33 MLD 3.88 MLD

Hours of pumping for

4. discharge at the end of 15 22.00 hours 22.00 hours

Average hours of pumping for

5. 16.50 hours 18.33 hours
design discharge

Kw required at 60% combined

6. 0.443 H1=KW1 0.738 H2=KW2
efficiency of pumping set

7. Annual cost of electrical energy 48211.68 KW1 53568.53 KW2

8. Pump Cost Capitalised, Po C /(1+r)^15 C/ 3.901

9. Energy Charges Capitalised

Cc = Cr {1-(1+r)^-n) /r } Cc = Cr * 7.828

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 78 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Velocity, Head loss, KW required, cost of pump sets for different pipe size

S. Internal Cost of Pumps @ Rs

Head due to friction KW required for peak KW required with 50%
N Dia Velocity in m/s Total Head 22000/KW (Rs in
& other losses discharge stand by for peak discharge
o. (mm) thousands)
Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage
2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage
average average average average average
average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow
flow flow flow flow flow
1 100 239.31 602.57 4.99 7.48 246.31 609.57 109.13 450.12 163.69 675.18 3601.19 14853.93

2 150 34.18 86.02 2.22 3.32 41.18 93.02 18.24 68.69 27.37 103.03 602.05 2266.72

3 200 8.60 21.63 1.25 1.87 15.60 28.63 6.91 21.14 10.37 31.72 228.07 697.75

4 250 2.95 7.42 0.80 1.20 9.95 14.42 4.41 10.65 6.61 15.97 145.48 351.39

5 300 1.23 3.10 0.55 0.83 8.23 10.10 3.65 7.46 5.47 11.18 120.36 246.04

6 350 0.59 2.04 0.41 0.61 7.59 9.04 3.36 6.68 5.04 10.02 110.95 220.37

7 400 0.31 1.08 0.31 0.47 7.31 8.08 3.24 5.96 4.86 8.95 106.89 196.83

8 450 0.18 0.61 0.25 0.37 7.18 7.61 3.18 5.62 4.77 8.43 104.93 185.50

9 500 0.11 0.37 0.20 0.30 7.11 7.37 3.15 5.44 4.72 8.16 103.91 179.59

10 600 0.04 0.15 0.14 0.21 7.04 7.15 3.12 5.28 4.68 7.92 103.00 174.34

11 700 0.02 0.07 0.10 0.15 7.02 7.07 3.11 5.22 4.67 7.84 102.66 172.37

12 750 0.02 0.05 0.09 0.13 7.02 7.05 3.11 5.21 4.66 7.81 102.57 171.87

13 800 0.01 0.04 0.08 0.12 7.01 7.04 3.11 5.20 4.66 7.80 102.51 171.52

14 900 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.09 7.01 7.02 3.10 5.19 4.66 7.78 102.44 171.12

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 79 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Comparative statement of overall cost structure of pumping main for different pipe size

Ist Stage 2nd Stage

Rate per Capital
metre of investment
cost of Annual Energy Total Total
Internal DI K- 7 Cost of Annual Energy for
S. pipe for 850 Energy Charges Capitalised Cost of Capitalised
finished pipe as pumpsets Energy Charges Pumpsets &
N metres (Rs Charges (Rs Capitalised cost (4+5+7) pumpsets (Rs cost (8+12)
Dia per PHE (Rs in Charges (Rs in Capitalised (Rs annual
o. in in (Rs in (Rs in in thousands) (Rs in
(mm) SOR 2018 thousands) thousands) in thousands) electrical
thousands) thousands) thousands) thousands) thousands)
rate (In charges (Rs
Rs) in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 100 1267.32 2743.75 3601.19 5261.20 41185.56 47530.50 14853.93 24112.23 188754.72 52189.66 99720.16
2 150 1856.14 4018.54 602.05 879.56 6885.39 11505.98 2266.72 3679.54 28804.09 7964.17 19470.15
3 200 2368.26 5127.28 228.07 333.20 2608.35 7963.70 697.75 1132.65 8866.59 2451.56 10415.27
4 250 3101.04 6713.75 145.48 212.55 1663.84 8523.08 351.39 570.41 4465.24 1234.61 9757.69
5 300 3916.42 8479.05 120.36 175.83 1376.46 9975.86 246.04 399.39 3126.48 864.46 10840.32
6 350 4893.46 10594.34 110.95 162.10 1268.94 11974.24 220.37 357.73 2800.34 774.28 12748.52
7 400 6104.14 13215.46 106.89 156.16 1222.45 14544.80 196.83 319.51 2501.16 691.56 15236.36
8 450 7105.96 15384.40 104.93 153.30 1200.07 16689.40 185.50 301.13 2357.27 651.77 17341.17
9 500 8295.40 17959.54 103.91 151.81 1188.36 19251.81 179.59 291.52 2282.07 630.98 19882.79
10 600 10523.24 22782.81 103.00 150.48 1177.96 24063.78 174.34 283.00 2215.39 612.54 24676.32
11 700 15273.92 33068.04 102.66 149.98 1174.07 34344.76 172.37 279.81 2190.43 605.64 34950.40
12 750 17843.96 38632.17 102.57 149.85 1173.06 39907.80 171.87 278.99 2184.00 603.86 40511.67
13 800 19900.70 43085.02 102.51 149.76 1172.38 44359.90 171.52 278.43 2179.63 602.66 44962.56
14 900 24114.48 52207.85 102.44 149.66 1171.56 53481.85 171.12 277.77 2174.44 601.22 54083.07
As per the above calculation the most economical pipe section for pumping of sewer water from intermediate pumping station -3 to manhole 99 having the
length of 2165m is coming as 250mm

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 80 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

(D) Design for Economical size of Intermediate Pumping having length 470m for intermediate design period from Sump of Intermediate Pumping Station 4 to Main Trunk as
per CPHEEO Mannual on Sewerage & Sewage Treatment Second edition December 1993 (IMPS-1)

Phase Sewer Discharge

1 DWF 0.63 MLD

1. Sewer generation
for ultimate design 2 DWF 1.26 MLD
3 DWF 1.89 MLD

2. Length of Pumping Main 470.00 m

3. Static Head of Pump 7.00 m

4. Design Period 15.00 Years

Combined efficiency of
5. 65.00 %
Pumping Set

6. Cost of Pumping Unit 22000.00 Rs/kw

7. Interest rate 9.50 %

8. Life of motor and pumps 15.00 years

9. Energy Charges 8.00 Rs/Unit

Design value of 'CR' for

modified Hazen William 1

11 Value of K for minor losses 2

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 77 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda


N Particulars I st 15 years II nd 15 years
1. Discharge at installation 0.63 MLD 1.26 MLD

Discharge at the end of 15

2. 1.26 MLD 1.89 MLD

3. Design Discharge 0.95 MLD 1.58 MLD

Hours of pumping for

4. discharge at the end of 15 22.00 hours 22.00 hours

Average hours of pumping for

5. 16.50 hours 18.33 hours
design discharge

Kw required at 60% combined

6. 0.180 H1=KW1 0.300 H2=KW2
efficiency of pumping set

7. Annual cost of electrical energy 48211.68 KW1 53568.53 KW2

8. Pump Cost Capitalised, Po C /(1+r)^15 C/ 3.901

9. Energy Charges Capitalised

Cc = Cr {1-(1+r)^-n) /r } Cc = Cr * 7.828

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 78 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Velocity, Head loss, KW required, cost of pump sets for different pipe size

S. Internal Cost of Pumps @ Rs

Head due to friction KW required for peak KW required with 50%
N Dia Velocity in m/s Total Head 22000/KW (Rs in
& other losses discharge stand by for peak discharge
o. (mm) thousands)
Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage
2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage Ist Stage 2nd stage
average average average average average
average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow average flow
flow flow flow flow flow
1 100 10.49 26.34 2.03 3.04 17.49 33.34 3.15 10.01 4.73 15.01 103.96 330.23

2 150 1.52 3.80 0.90 1.35 8.52 10.80 1.53 3.24 2.30 4.86 50.61 106.95

3 200 0.39 0.96 0.51 0.76 7.39 7.96 1.33 2.39 1.99 3.59 43.89 78.88

4 250 0.13 0.33 0.32 0.49 7.13 7.33 1.28 2.20 1.93 3.30 42.39 72.64

5 300 0.06 0.14 0.23 0.34 7.06 7.14 1.27 2.14 1.91 3.21 41.93 70.72

6 350 0.03 0.09 0.17 0.25 7.03 7.09 1.27 2.13 1.90 3.19 41.76 70.24

7 400 0.01 0.05 0.13 0.19 7.01 7.05 1.26 2.12 1.89 3.17 41.68 69.81

8 450 0.01 0.03 0.10 0.15 7.01 7.03 1.26 2.11 1.89 3.16 41.65 69.61

9 500 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.12 7.01 7.02 1.26 2.11 1.89 3.16 41.63 69.50

10 600 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.08 7.00 7.01 1.26 2.10 1.89 3.15 41.61 69.40

11 700 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.06 7.00 7.00 1.26 2.10 1.89 3.15 41.60 69.36

12 750 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 7.00 7.00 1.26 2.10 1.89 3.15 41.60 69.35

13 800 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 7.00 7.00 1.26 2.10 1.89 3.15 41.60 69.35

14 900 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 7.00 7.00 1.26 2.10 1.89 3.15 41.60 69.34

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 79 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Comparative statement of overall cost structure of pumping main for different pipe size

Ist Stage 2nd Stage

Rate per Capital
metre of investment
cost of Annual Energy Total Total
Internal DI K- 7 Cost of Annual Energy for
S. pipe for 850 Energy Charges Capitalised Cost of Capitalised
finished pipe as pumpsets Energy Charges Pumpsets &
N metres (Rs Charges (Rs Capitalised cost (4+5+7) pumpsets (Rs cost (8+12)
Dia per PHE (Rs in Charges (Rs in Capitalised (Rs annual
o. in in (Rs in (Rs in in thousands) (Rs in
(mm) SOR 2018 thousands) thousands) in thousands) electrical
thousands) thousands) thousands) thousands) thousands)
rate (In charges (Rs
Rs) in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 100 1267.32 595.64 103.96 151.89 1188.98 1888.59 330.23 536.05 4196.31 1160.26 3048.84
2 150 1856.14 872.39 50.61 73.93 578.76 1501.76 106.95 173.62 1359.11 375.79 1877.54
3 200 2368.26 1113.08 43.89 64.12 501.93 1658.90 78.88 128.05 1002.38 277.15 1936.06
4 250 3101.04 1457.49 42.39 61.93 484.82 1984.70 72.64 117.91 923.00 255.21 2239.90
5 300 3916.42 1840.72 41.93 61.26 479.57 2362.22 70.72 114.80 898.68 248.48 2610.70
6 350 4893.46 2299.93 41.76 61.01 477.59 2819.27 70.24 114.02 892.54 246.78 3066.06
7 400 6104.14 2868.95 41.68 60.90 476.73 3387.35 69.81 113.32 887.12 245.28 3632.64
8 450 7105.96 3339.80 41.65 60.85 476.31 3857.76 69.61 112.99 884.50 244.56 4102.32
9 500 8295.40 3898.84 41.63 60.82 476.09 4416.55 69.50 112.81 883.13 244.18 4660.73
10 600 10523.24 4945.92 41.61 60.79 475.89 5463.42 69.40 112.66 881.90 243.84 5707.26
11 700 15273.92 7178.74 41.60 60.78 475.81 7696.16 69.36 112.60 881.44 243.71 7939.87
12 750 17843.96 8386.66 41.60 60.78 475.80 8904.06 69.35 112.58 881.32 243.68 9147.74
13 800 19900.70 9353.33 41.60 60.78 475.78 9870.71 69.35 112.57 881.24 243.66 10114.37
14 900 24114.48 11333.81 41.60 60.78 475.77 11851.17 69.34 112.56 881.14 243.63 12094.80
As per the above calculation the most economical pipe section for pumping of sewer water from intermediate pumping station -4 to manhole 99 having the
length of 470m is coming as 200mm

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultant 80 June,2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

10.00 Abstract Estimate for the Sewerage Scheme of Nagda Town in Phase-1

S. Amount
No. (In Lacs)
1.0 Sewer Network Including Manholes, Road Excavation and Reconstruction.
Providing & supply of 150 mm to 700 mm diameter pipe line comprising of DWC
a) HDPE SN 8.0/RCC NP-3/DI K-7 pipe having length of 96693 m for Conventional 461.81
(Gravity Based) sewergae system.
Construction of 3832nos circular Manholes Having the size of 900/1200/1500mm
b) bottom dia and 560mm top dia with cement concrete cover and manhole spacing 586.90
at up to 30m distance
Earth work in Excavation for pipe trench in all kind of soil in areas
including dressing, watering and ramming and disposal of excavated earth
c) 351.94
lead upto 50 meters and lift upto 1.50 meters, disposal earth to be levelled
(Including Excavation for Manholes, chambers)
Dismantling of Flexible pavements, cement concrete road and granular course
d) including the the construction of the same along with the bedding of moorum 1457.95
and carriage of material

Provision for Sewerage Treatment Plant and Sump well including pumping
main, pumps and motors
Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant for 2nos of 0.35 and 1.00 MLD for
a) 130.00
Intermediate design period at Nagda as per item No. of UADD SOR

Intermediate Sewage Pumping Stations for Connecting the Pumpimng Mains to

Main Trunk in Sewer Network
Construction of RCC sumpwell along with providing and installing pumps and
pumping main Comprising of DI-K-7 class pipe of 200 mm to 600 mm diameter
a) 289.11
having length of 3885m from Sump well to Main trunk sewer for 4nos
intermediate pumping stations.

Provision for House Connection chambers, laterals and HSC for connecting
sewer lines to the individual house hold for Conventional System.
Construction of Chambers
Total number of houses to be connected are approximately 17200 and 100%
households to be connected to the sewer network, taking one chamber of 600 x
450 mm, 900 mm deep including Pre Cast RCC cover of 500 mm dia and 100 mm 335.61
thickness (1 for 3 House Holds), 5733 chambers are to be constructed as per item
No. of UADD SOR @5854per chamber.
Connection of Chambers to Manhole (Laterals)
Providing and laying 135/160 mm diameter DWC pipe as per UADD SOR for
b) connecting House Service Chambers to Manhole. Taking 17200 households to be
connected to the chambers (1 for 3 House Holds) i.e 5733 chambers. Thus 5.00
meters of pipeline per Chamber to Manhole thus providing 28665 meters.
Connecting Individual Households to Chambers (HSC)

c) Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 81 June, 2023
Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda
S. Amount
No. (In Lacs)
Providing House Sewer Connection for approximately 17200 houses including
laying of 110 mm P.V.C. - U pipes having length upto 5.00m, construction of 516.00
collecting chamber etc @3190 per house

Providing and laying of HT feeder and Sub Station connection upto sewage
5.0 73.39
treatment plant Pump house

Providing Back Lane house Sewer connecting for approxomately 30kms including
6.0 276.95
laying of 160mm UPVC pipe

Total Cost 4697.55

Total Cost of The Project (Exclusive of GST) 4697.55
Total Cost of The Project Inclusive of GST (@18% Goods and Services Tax) 5543.11

10.00 Abstract Estimate for the Sewerage Scheme of Nagda Town in Phase-2

S. Amount
No. (In Lacs)
1.0 Rider Mains& Manholes
Providing & supply of 150 mm/180 mm diameter pipe line comprising of DWC
a) 77.31
HDPE SN 8.0 pipe having length of 24159 m for Rider Main.
Construction 960 nos Manholes of 900 mm bottom dia and 560 mm top dia
b) Circular Manholes with Cement concrete cover and manhole spacing at up to 93.69
30m distance
Total Cost 171.00
Total Cost of The Project (Exclusive of GST) 171.00
Total Cost of The Project Inclusive of GST (@18% Goods and Services Tax) 201.78

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 82 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

10.1 Detailed Estimate for Providing, laying and jointing of DWC/DI/RCC Pipes for under ground sewer network in Nagda including crossing of Nallah.

S. Amount (In
Particulars No. Length Width Depth Qty. Unit Rate Remarks
No. Lakh)

Providing, supplying, laying and jointing of under ground sewer
1.0 Vol (i)
network by providing DWC HDPE / RCC NP3 /DI K-7 pipes
Providing, suppling, laying and jointing 150/180 mm DWC HDPE
Pipes of renowned duly tested inclusive of all taxes related to UADD SOR
a) central, state and municipal, inclusive of excise duty, inspection 1 85835 - - 85785 RM 320 274.51 Vol (i)
charges, ranspotation charges, transit insuranse, loading/ unloading 11.2.4
and stacking at site/ store etc, complete.

Providing, suppling, laying and jointing 170/200 mm DWC HDPE

Pipes of renowned duly tested inclusive of all taxes related to UADD SOR
b) central, state and municipal, inclusive of excise duty, inspection 1 1300 - - 1240 RM 343 4.25 Vol (i)
charges, ranspotation charges, transit insuranse, loading/ unloading 11.2.5
and stacking at site/ store etc, complete.

Providing, suppling, laying and jointing 200/238 mm DWC HDPE

Pipes of renowned duly tested inclusive of all taxes related to UADD SOR
c) central, state and municipal, inclusive of excise duty, inspection 1 1990 - - 1990 RM 538 10.71 Vol (i)
charges, ranspotation charges, transit insuranse, loading/ unloading 11.2.6
and stacking at site/ store etc, complete.

Providing, suppling, laying and jointing 250/290 mm DWC HDPE

Pipes of renowned duly tested inclusive of all taxes related to UADD SOR Vol
d) central, state and municipal, inclusive of excise duty, inspection 1 3210 - - 3210 RM 882 28.31 (i)
charges, ranspotation charges, transit insuranse, loading/ unloading 11.2.7
and stacking at site/ store etc, complete.

Providing, suppling, laying and jointing 300/345 mm DWC HDPE

Pipes of renowned duly tested inclusive of all taxes related to UADD SOR
e) central, state and municipal, inclusive of excise duty, inspection 1 219 - - 219 RM 1260 2.76 Vol (i)
charges, ranspotation charges, transit insuranse, loading/ unloading 11.2.8
and stacking at site/ store etc, complete.

Providing, suppling, laying and jointing 400/480 mm DWC HDPE

Pipes of renowned duly tested inclusive of all taxes related to UADD SOR Vol
f) central, state and municipal, inclusive of excise duty, inspection 1 1701 - - 1661 RM 1753 29.12 (i)
charges, ranspotation charges, transit insuranse, loading/ unloading 11.2.9
and stacking at site/ store etc, complete.

Providing and Laying non-pressure 500mm diametre (NP3) RCC UADD SOR Vol
g) socket & spigot pipes with rubber gasket joint including testing of 1 431 - - 431 RM 2533 10.92 (i)
joints. 12.3.8

Providing and Laying non-pressure 600mm diametre (NP3) RCC UADD SOR Vol
h) socket & spigot pipes with rubber gasket joint including testing of 1 59 - - 59 RM 3549 2.09 (i)
joints. 12.3.9

Providing and Laying non-pressure 700mm diametre (NP3) RCC UADD SOR Vol
i) socket & spigot pipes with rubber gasket joint including testing of 1 1890 - - 1860 RM 4180 77.75 (i)
joints. 12.3.10

Providing, laying, jointing & testing of socket & spigot centrifugally

cast (Spun) Ductile Iron pressure pipes with inside cement mortar
k) lining 150mm to 300mm (class K-7) with suitable Rubber Gasket
Vol (i) 4.1
(Push on) joints as per IS:5382/85 including testing of joint. (Nallah
150mm Dia DI K-7 1 50 - - 50 RM 1573 0.79 Vol (i) 4.1.3
200mm Dia DI K-7 1 60 - - 60 RM 2007 1.20 Vol (i) 4.1.4
400mm Dia DI K-7 1 40 - - 40 RM 5173 2.07 Vol (i) 4.1.8
700mm Dia DI K-7 1 30 - - 30 RM 12944 3.88 Vol (i) 4.1.12
Tatal length of pipe to be provided (L) - - 96635 448.36

Add 3% for Specials, Specials, Fittings, Valve Chambers,

2.0 - - - - - - - 13.45 Lumpsum
Interconnection etc.

Prividing Rider Mains for connecting the house chamber by

carrying the sewage which will connecte to the main sewer line on
eighter side of the road (25% of the total length)

3.0 Providing, suppling, laying and jointing 150/180 mm DWC HDPE

Pipes of renowned duly tested inclusive of all taxes related to UADD SOR
central, state and municipal, inclusive of excise duty, inspection 1 96635 - - 24159 RM 320 77.31 Vol (i)
charges, ranspotation charges, transit insuranse, loading/ unloading 11.2.4
and stacking at site/ store etc, complete.

Construction of 900 mm bottom dia and 560 mm top dia Circular

4.0 Manholes with Cement concrete cover and manhole spacing up to 960 - - - 960 RM 9760 93.69
no. (17.4+17.4.1)
30 m distance (Rider Main)

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 82 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

S. Amount (In
Particulars No. Length Width Depth Qty. Unit Rate Remarks
No. Lakh)
Construction of 900/1200/1500 mm bottom dia and 560 mm top
5.0 dia Circular Manholes with Cement concrete cover and manhole
spacing up to 30 m distance

Construction of circular type manhole 900 mm internal dia. at

bottom, 560 mm dia at top, depth of manhole 900 mm, common
Burnt Clay Bricks or fly ash bricks of compressive strength not less
than 75 Kgf/ cm2 with 1:4 cement mortar (1cement : 4 coarse sand),
inside & outside plastering minimum12 mm thick with cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of
neat cement. 20 cm thick foundation in cement concrete 1:3:6
(Nominal Mix) with stone aggregate 40mm nominal size, and
making channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (Nominal Mix) with stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size including finishing the channel to
shape, including providing and fixing footrest, manhole cover and
no. 17.4
frame etc. complete. (only excavation as per actual shall be paid
separately) fixing of heavy duty (HD-20) SFRC cover and frame as
per IS 12592 fixed in Cement concrete 1:2:4 (nominal mix) with
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size including centering and
shuttering etc. complete as per standard drawing. Depth of
a) manhole shall be considered as the vertical distance from top of the
manhole cover to the outgoing invert of main drain channel. (as per
Drawing No. - 13-A)

Depth Upto 0.90 m 0 - - - 0 RM 7950 0.00

Extra for increasing depth of manhole mentioned at Item No. 17.4

above 900mm and up to 1650mm. (only excavation as per actual UADD SOR Item
shall be paid separately) no. 17.4.1
1.00 664 - - - 664 RM 8402 55.79
1.10 491 - - - 491 RM 8855 43.48
1.20 356 - - - 356 RM 9307 33.13
1.30 272 - - - 272 RM 9760 26.55 UADD SOR
1.40 220 - - - 220 RM 10212 22.47 ITEM No
1.50 172 - - - 172 RM 10664 18.34 17.4+17.4.1
1.60 164 - - - 164 RM 11117 18.23
1.65 76 - - - 76 RM 11343 8.62

Construction of circular type manhole 1200 mm internal dia. at

bottom, 560 mm dia at top, depth of manhole 1660 mm, common
Burnt Clay Bricks or fly ash bricks of compressive strength not less
than 75 Kgf/ cm2 with 1:4 cement mortar (1cement : 4 coarse sand),
inside & outside plastering minimum 12 mm thick Cement plaster
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat
cement, 25 cm thick foundation in cement concrete 1:3:6 (Nominal
Mix) with stone aggregate 40mm nominal size, and making channel
in cement concrete 1:2:4 (Nominal Mix) with stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size including finishing the channel to shape, including
no. 17.5
providing and fixing footrest, manhole cover and frame etc.
complete. (only excavation as per actual shall be paid separately)
fixing of heavy duty (HD-20) SFRC cover and frame as per IS 12592
fixed in Cement concrete 1:2:4 (nominal mix) with stone aggregate
b) 20mm nominal size including centering and shuttering etc. complete
as per standard drawing. Depth of manhole shall be considered as
the vertical distance from top of the manhole cover to the outgoing
invert of main drain channel. (as per Drawing No. - 13-B)

Depth Upto 1.66 m 15 - - - 15 RM 15197 2.28

Extra for increasing depth of manhole mentioned at Item No. 17.5
above 1660 mm and up to 2300 mm . (only excavation as per actual
ITEM No 17.6
shall be paid separately)
1.70 60 - - - 60 RM 15445 9.27
1.80 156 - - - 156 RM 16066 25.06
1.90 114 - - - 114 RM 16687 19.02
2.00 116 - - - 116 RM 17308 20.08
no. (17.5+17.6)
2.10 101 - - - 101 RM 17929 18.11
2.20 95 - - - 95 RM 18550 17.62
2.30 65 - - - 65 RM 19171 12.46

Construction of circular type manhole 1500 mm internal dia. at

bottom, 560 mm dia at top, depth of manhole 2310 mm in common
Burnt Clay Bricks or fly ash bricks of compressive strength not less
than 75 Kgf/ cm2 with 1:4 cement mortar (1 cement : 4 coarse sand),
inside & outside plastering minimum 12 mm thick Cement plaster
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat
cement, 30 cm thick foundation in cement concrete 1:3:6 (Nominal
Mix) with stone aggregate 40mm nominal size, and making channel
in cement concrete 1:2:4 (Nominal Mix) with stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size including finishing the channel to shape, including - UADD SOR
providing and fixing footrest, manhole cover and ITEM No 17.7
frame etc. complete. (only excavation as per actual shall be paid
separately) fixing of heavy duty (HD-20) SFRC cover and frame as
per IS 12592 fixed in Cement concrete 1:2:4 (nominal mix) with
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size including centering and
shuttering etc. complete as per standard drawing. Depth of
manhole shall be considered as the vertical distance from top of the
manhole cover to the outgoing invert of main drain channel. (as per
Drawing No. - 14-A)

Depth Upto 2.31 m 6 - - - 6 RM 22635 1.36

Extra for increasing depth of manhole mentioned at Item No. 17.7

above depth 2310 mm and up to 4950 mm (only excavation as per
no. (17.7.1)
actual shall be paid separately)
2.40 59 - - - 59 RM 23891 14.10


Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 83 June, 2023

no. (17.7+17.7.1)
Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

S. Amount (In
Particulars No. Length Width Depth Qty. Unit Rate Remarks
No. Lakh)
2.50 84 - - - 84 RM 25288 21.24
2.60 61 - - - 61 RM 26684 16.28
2.70 57 - - - 57 RM 28080 16.01
2.80 47 - - - 47 RM 29476 13.85
2.90 52 - - - 52 RM 30872 16.05
c) 3.00 39 - - - 39 RM 32268 12.58
3.10 47 - - - 47 RM 33664 15.82
3.20 27 - - - 27 RM 35060 9.47
3.30 33 - - - 33 RM 36456 12.03
3.40 16 - - - 16 RM 37852 6.06
3.50 26 - - - 26 RM 39249 10.20
3.60 18 - - - 18 RM 40645 7.32 UADD SOR Item
3.70 13 - - - 13 RM 42041 5.47 no. (17.7+17.7.1)
3.80 12 - - - 12 RM 43437 5.21
3.90 9 - - - 9 RM 44833 4.03
4.00 9 - - - 9 RM 46229 4.16
4.10 7 - - - 7 RM 47625 3.33
4.20 7 - - - 7 RM 49021 3.43
4.30 7 - - - 7 RM 50417 3.53
4.40 9 - - - 9 RM 51813 4.66
4.50 3 - - - 3 RM 53210 1.60
4.60 6 - - - 6 RM 54606 3.28
4.70 7 - - - 7 RM 56002 3.92
4.80 5 - - - 5 RM 57398 2.87
4.90 8 - - - 8 RM 58794 4.70
Extra for increasing depth of manhole mentioned at Item No. 17.7
above depth 4950 mm and up to 9000mm. (only excavation as per
actual shall be paid separately)
4.95 0 - - - 0 RM 59492 0.00
5.00 UADD SOR Item
3 - - - 3 RM 60446 1.81
5.10 no.
4 - - - 4 RM 62354 2.49
5.20 (17.7+17.7.1+17.7
4 - - - 4 RM 64262 2.57
5.30 3 - - - 3 RM 66170 1.99
5.40 2 - - - 2 RM 68078 1.36
5.50 2 - - - 2 RM 69986 1.40
5.60 1 - - - 1 RM 71894 0.72
5.70 2 - - - 2 RM 73802 1.48
Total No. of Manholes 3832 586.90

Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes / cables

or drains etc. by mechanical means / manual means (exceeding
30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides,
6.0 disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m.
Vol (i) 18.2
Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. (Including
Excavation for Manholes, chambers and pipe Network) (For
Depth up to 1.5m)
Soil including dressing, watering and ramming (70 % of total
a) 1 - - - 29873 Cum 151.00 45.11 Vol (i) 18.2.1
Soft rock with or without blasting or bituminous pavement. (20% of
b) 1 - - - 8535 Cum 261.00 22.28 Vol (i) 18.2.2
total depth)
Hard rock requiring chiseling where blasting is prohibited. (10% of
c) 1 - - - 4268 Cum 559.00 23.86 Vol (i) 18.2.4
total depth)

Extra for every additional lift of 1.5m or part thereof over item 16.2
(Note: Only for depth of trench exceeding 1.5m for laying of sewer
line & water line and manhole/ chambers including all site
6.1 clearances, adequate barricades, construction signs, red lanterns
and guards as required, dewatering, scaffolding, timbering,
machinery, tools implements and generally of all means used for the
fullfillment of these items.) (For depth 1.51m-3.00m)

Soil including dressing, watering and ramming (70 % of total

a) 1 - - - 42650 Cum 181.20 77.28
Soft rock with or without blasting or bituminous pavement. (20% of
b) 1 - - - 12186 Cum 313.20 38.17
total depth)
Hard rock requiring chiseling where blasting is prohibited. (10% of
c) 1 - - - 6093 Cum 671.00 40.88
total depth)
6.2 For Depth 3.01-4.50m UADD SOR
Vol (i) 18.2.5
Soil including dressing, watering and ramming (70 % of total
a) 1 - - - 16318 Cum 211.40 34.50
Soft rock with or without blasting or bituminous pavement. (20% of
b) 1 - - - 4662 Cum 365.40 17.04
total depth)
Hard rock requiring chiseling where blasting is prohibited. (10% of
c) 1 - - - 2331 Cum 782.60 18.24
total depth)
6.3 For Depth 4.51-6.00m
Soil including dressing, watering and ramming (70 % of total
a) 1 - - - 7079 Cu.m 241.60 17.10
Soft rock with or without blasting or bituminous pavement. (20% of
b) 1 - - - 2023 Cum 417.60 8.45
total depth)
Hard rock requiring chiseling where blasting is prohibited. (10% of
c) 1 - - - 1011 Cum 894.40 9.04
total depth)
Total Quantity 137027 Cum 351.94

Filling with moorum for pipe bedding or over the pipe including UADD SOR
7.0 1 96635 0.96 0.1 9287 Cu.m 720.00 66.86
supply of moorum (100% of the total Length of DWC-HDPE) Vol (i) 18.3.3

Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled

materials upto a lead of 1000 m, stacking serviceable and UADD SOR
unserviceable material separately and as per relevant clause of Vol. (i) 18.11
section 200
a) Bituminous Course 20% of total length
ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 0.10 3190

Vol. (i) 18.11.1

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 84 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

S. Amount (In
Particulars No. Length Width Depth Qty. Unit Rate Remarks
No. Lakh)
ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 0.10 39
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 0.10 60
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 0.10 96
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 0.10 7 UADD SOR
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 0.10 44 Vol. (i) 18.11.1
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 0.10 13
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 0.10 2
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 0.10 76
Total 3527 Cu.m 420.00 14.81

b) Granular Course 20% of total length

ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 0.15 4785
ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 0.15 59
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 0.15 90
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 0.15 144
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 0.15 11 UADD SOR
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 0.15 66 Vol. (i) 18.11.2
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 0.15 19
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 0.15 4
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 0.15 113
Total 5290 Cu.m 378.00 20.00

Construction of Embankment/Sub grade/ earth shoulders, as per

clause 305 & its sub-clauses, Where required but with approved
materials having CBR>7 obtained from the excavation of road
construction (vide clauses 3.1-3.7) consolidating the original ground
by rolling as directed by Engineer in charge but with a maximum of
6 passes of 8-10 tonnes vibratory rollers and maintenance of surface
during construction to ensure shedding of water & preventing
ponding, shaping & dressing, finishing etc. complete as per clause
305 but excluding scarifying existing granular/bituminous road
10.0 surface (20% of total length) UADD SOR
Vol. (iii) 3.10
ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 0.15 4785
ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 0.15 59
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 0.15 90
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 0.15 144
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 0.15 11
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 0.15 66
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 0.15 19
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 0.15 4
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 0.15 113
Total 5290 Cu.m 76.00 4.02

Water Bound Macadam - Providing, laying, spreading and

compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound
macadam including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing,
rolling with vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade UADD SOR
and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ Vol. (iii) 4.3
binding materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting to the required density and as per
relevant clauses of section-404 of specifications. (20% of total length)

a) Grading (i) (b) Using Screening Non-Crushable type

ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 0.045 1435
ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 0.045 18
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 0.045 27
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 0.045 43
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 0.045 3
Vol. (iii) 4.3 (a)
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 0.045 20
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 0.045 6
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 0.045 1
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 0.045 34
Total 1587 Cu.m 1226.00 19.46

b) Grading (ii) (b) Using Screening Non-Crushable type

ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 0.045 1435
ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 0.045 18
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 0.045 27
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 0.045 43 UADD SOR
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 0.045 3 Vol. (iii) 4.3
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 0.045 20 (ii)(a)
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 0.045 6
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 0.045 1
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 0.045 34
Total 1587 Cu.m 1251.00 19.85

Providing and laying bituminous macadam with hot mix plant

using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with
bituminous binder, transported to site, laid over a previously
prepared surface with mechanical paver finisher to the required UADD SOR
grade, level and alignment and rolled as per clauses 501.6 and 501.7 Vol. (iii) 5.3
to achieve the desdired compaction complete in all respects and as
per relevant clauses of section 504 for Grading I bitumen content
3.25% (20% of total length)
ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 0.08 2552
ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 0.08 31
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 0.08 48
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 0.08 77
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 0.08 6 UADD SOR
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 0.08 35 Vol. (iii) 5.3 (i)
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 0.08 10
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 0.08 2
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 0.08 60

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 85 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Vol. (iii) 5.3 (i)

S. Amount (In
Particulars No. Length Width Depth Qty. Unit Rate Remarks
No. Lakh)
Total 2822 Cu.m 5231.00 147.60

Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on

prepared surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface
and spraying primer at the rate of 0.75 kg/sqm using
mechanical/Manual means and as per relevant clauses of section-
502. (20% of total length)
ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 - 31898
ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 - 390
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 - 597
Vol. (iii) 5.1
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 - 963
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 - 70
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 - 442
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 - 129
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 - 24
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 - 756
Total 35269 Sq.m 33.00 11.64

Providing and applying tack coat with cationic bitumen emulsion

(RS-1) using emulsion pressure distributor on the prepared
bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom and
Vol. (iii) 5.2
as per relevant clauses of section-503.@ 0.25 kg per sqm (normal
bituminous surfaces). (20% of total length)

ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 - 31898

14.0 ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 - 390
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 - 597
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 - 963
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 - 70 UADD SOR
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 - 442 Vol. (iii) 5.2 (i)
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 - 129
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 - 24
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 756
Total 35269 Sq.m 12.00 4.23

Providing, laying and rolling of close-graded premix

surfacing/mixed seal surfacing material of 20 mm thickness
composed of 11.2 mm to 0.09 mm (Type-A) or 13.2 mm to 0.09 mm
(Type-B) aggregates using paving bitumen to the required line,
grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared
Vol. (iii) 5.11
base, including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a
Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity, and finishing to
required level and grade and as per relevant clauses of section-
508.@VG-30 bitumen (20% of total length)
ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 - 31898
ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 - 390
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 - 597
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 - 963
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 - 70 UADD SOR
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 - 442 Vol. (iii) 5.11 (i)
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 - 129
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 - 24
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 - 756
Total 35269 sqm 136.00 47.97

Dismantling of cement concrete pavement i/c breaking to pieces not

ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 0.25 19936
ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 0.25 244
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 0.25 373
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 0.25 602
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 0.25 44
Vol. (i) 18.12
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 0.25 276
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 0.25 81
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 0.25 15
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 0.25 473
Total 22043 Cu.m 749.00 165.11

Providing and laying Cement Concrete grade M-20 (Nominal mix

ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 0.15 11962
ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 0.15 146
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 0.15 224
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 0.15 361 UADD SOR
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 0.15 26 Vol. (iii) 6.6-6.7
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 0.15 166
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 0.15 48
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 0.15 9
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 0.15 284
13226 Cu.m 5029.00 665.14

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Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

S. Amount (In
Particulars No. Length Width Depth Qty. Unit Rate Remarks
No. Lakh)

Construction of Dry lean cement concrete Sub-base over a prepared

subgrade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the
size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 26.5mm, aggregate cement
ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as
per MORTH Specifications Table 600-1, cement content not to be
less than 150 kg/cum, optimum moisture content to be determined
during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less
than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to
site, laid with paver with electronic sensor/mechanical paver,
compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing
and as per relevant clauses of section-601
Deduct from Item No.6.1 above if paver with Electronic sensor/
mechanical paver, is not used and laying is done by any other
method. (Note :- The acceptance criteria regarding level, thickness, UADD SOR
surface regularity, texture finish, strength of concrete and all other Vol. (iii) 6.1-
quality control measures shall be the same as in case of machine laid 6.1.1-6.1.2
work.) This item is to be executed with Prior written permission of
Engineerin-charg Deduct from Item No.6.1 above if static roller is
used in place of vibratory roller.(50% of the total length)

ID/OD 150/180mm 1 109994 1.45 0.10 7975

ID/OD 170/200mm 1 1300 1.50 0.10 98
ID/OD 200/238mm 1 1990 1.50 0.10 149
ID/OD 250/290mm 1 3210 1.50 0.10 241
ID/OD 300/345mm 1 219 1.60 0.10 18
ID/OD 400/480mm 1 1701 1.30 0.10 111
ID/OD 500/640mm 1 431 1.50 0.10 32
ID/OD 600/715mm 1 59 2.00 0.10 6
ID/OD 700/870mm 1 1890 2.00 0.10 189
Total 8817 Cu.m 2504.00 220.79

Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth sides of

foundation in layers not exceeding 20 cms. In depth including
20.0 consolidation of each layer by ramming watering, lead upto 50
m and lift upto 1.50 m in all kind of soils (To be excuted below 1
m from FRL (finished road level)

(Total exacavated qty) - - - - 137027

Volume of Pipe - - - - 57417
Volume of Concrete work - - - - 8817
Volume of Bitumeon work - - - - 11286 Vol. (i) 18.2.8
Volume of Sub grade - - - - 5290
Volume of Macadum base - - - - 5173
Net qty of refilling 49043 Cu.m 89.00 43.65

Carriage of Material by Mechanical transport including loading

21.0 7356 Cu.m 92.87 6.83 UADD SOR
unloading & stacking etc. (15% total length) Distance upto 2 KM
Vol. (i) 18.2.6

Total Cost for Providing, laying and jointing of Sewer Netwok and for Construction of Manholes, construction and restoration of Road as per
actual Site Condition

Total Cost for Providing, laying and jointing of Sewer Netwok and for Construction of Manholes, construction and restoration of Road as per
actual Site Conditio, inlcusive of Goods and Services Tax GST @18%

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 87 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

10.2 Estimate for Pumps & Sumpwell for pumping sewerage from outfall to main sewer line

S.n Amount
Description No. Length Width Depth Qty. Rate Unit Remarks
o. (in Lacs)

Providing, laying, jointing & testing of socket & spigot

centrifugally cast (Spun) Ductile Iron pressure pipes with
1.0 inside cement mortar lining (class K-7) with suitable Rubber
(Vol-I) 4.1
Gasket (Push on) joints as per IS:5382/85 including testing of

a) 600mm dia. (DI K-7) for IPS 1 1 420 - - 420 8918.00 RM 37.46 (Vol-I) 4.1.11
b) 300mm dia. (DI K-7) for IPS 2 1 800 - - 800 3319.00 RM 26.55 (Vol-I) 4.1.6
c) 250mm dia. (DI K-7) for IPS 3 1 2165 - - 2165 2628.00 RM 56.90 (Vol-I) 4.1.5
d) 200mm dia. (DI K-7) for IPS 4 1 470 - - 470 2007.00 RM 9.43 (Vol-I) 4.1.4
Total (L) 3855

Construction of Intermediate Sewage Pumping station with

Pump house including Boundary, Approach road, Gate, site
development & all necessary electrical and mechanical
2.0 accessories. Job includes Pumps and required associated
works to complete the job in all respect UADD SOR
IPS Having pumpingCapacity Vol (i) 22.8
a) 9.50 MLD (IPS-1) 1 - - - 10.00 53
b) 2.30 MLD (IPS-2) 1 - - - 3.00 6.5
c) 1.55 MLD (IPS-3) 1 - - - 2.00 13
d) 0.65 MLD (IPS-4) 1 - - - 1.00 8
Total 16.00 Lacs 80.50


Construction of sumpwell for average peak flow of of 8, 12,16

and 8 Kilo liters capacity (15 minute detention time). The total
4.0 height of sumpwell has been considered from G.L. upto the
invert level of pipe. Accordingly the capacity of sump upto
the GL is 235, 80, 35 and 40KL. UADD SOR
For Zone 1 Vol (i) 23.1
a) 3.14*6.38^2*7.34/4≈235 KL for IPS 1 1 - - - 235.00 1326350
b) 3.14*4.22^2*5.48/4 ≈80 KL for IPS 2 1 - - - 80.00 695652
c) 3.14*2.59^2*6.26/4 ≈35 KL for IPS 3 1 - - - 35.00 305215
d) 3.14*1.95^2*4.63/4 ≈20 KL for IPS 4 1 - - - 20.00 305119
Total 370.00 2632336 KL 26.32

Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes /

cables or drains etc. by mechanical means / manual means
(exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom,
5.0 UADD SOR 2021
dressing of sides, disposal of excavated earth including of all
Vol (i) 18.2.1
lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and
neatly dressed
a) Soil including dressing, watering and ramming 1 3855 1.2 1 4626 151.00 Cum. 6.99

Dismantling of cement concrete pavement i/c breaking to

pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at UADD SOR
6.0 1 3855 1.2 0.2 925 749.00 Cu.m 6.93
designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials up Vol. (i) 18.12
to a lead upto

Providing and laying Cement Concrete grade M-20 (Nominal

mix 1:1.5:3) with 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate,
mixing shall be in mechanical mixer, laying with paver
7.0 compacting by use of pin, plate / screed vibrators including 1 3855 1.2 0.10 463 5029.00 Cu.m 23.26
Vol. (iii) 6.6-6.7
form work by strong steel girders fixed by spikes, separation
membrane 125 micron thick, i/c cutting of joints @ 4
(Deducting the cost of electronic sensor)

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 88 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Construction of Dry lean cement concrete Sub-base over a

prepared subgrade with coarse and fine aggregate
conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not
exceeding 26.5mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1,
aggregate gradation after blending to be as per MORTH
Specifications Table 600-1, cement content not to be less than UADD SOR
8.0 150 kg/cum, optimum moisture content to be determined 1 3855 1.2 0.10 463 2504.00 Cu.m 11.58 Vol. (iii) 6.1-
during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be 6.1.1-6.1.2
less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant,
transported to site, laid with paver with electronic
sensor/mechanical paver, compacting with 8-10 tonnes
vibratory roller, finishing and curing and as per relevant
clauses of section-601

Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth sides

of foundation in layers not exceeding 20 cms. In depth
9.0 including consolidation of each layer by ramming Vol. (ii) 15.15
watering, lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.50 m in all kind
of soils

(Total exacavated qty) 1 - - - 4626 Cum

Volume of Pipe 1 - - - 121 Cum Vol. (i) 18.2.8
Volume of Concrete work 1 - - - 925 Cum
Net qty of refilling 3580 89.00 Cum 3.19
Total Cost for providing pumps for IPS and providing laying and jointiong of Pumping Mains from IPS to Main Trunk in Sewer

Total Cost for providing pumps for IPS and providing laying and jointiong of Pumping Mains from IPS to Main Trunk in Sewer
Networ,inlcusive of Goods and Services Tax GST @18%

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 89 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

10.3 Detailed Estimate for Providing and supply of under ground laterals to connect the house sewer to chambers of diameter 100/120 mm dia
pipes is used.

Particulars No. Length Width Depth Qty. Unit Rate

Providing, Laying & Jointing of DWC (double wall corrugated) PE

Pipes of renowned duly tested inclusive of all cost of inspection
charges, transpotation charges, transit insuranse, loading/ unloading
and stacking at site/ store etc, complete.

Providing, and supply 135/160 mm diametre DWC HDPE pipes for

connecting individual house chambers to manhole (1 chambers in
3HH). At present approximately 17200 households are considered
1.0 5733 5 - - 28665 RM 220
under Conventional Sewer System, total no. of house chambers i.e.
5733, taking 5 meters of pipeline per House Connecting Chambers to
Manhole, thus providing 28665 meters.

Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes / cables

or drains etc. by mechanical means / manual means (exceeding
2.0 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides,
disposal of excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m.
Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed.
Soil including dressing, watering and ramming
a) 1 28665 0.8 1 16052 Cum 151.00
(70% of total depth)
Soft rock with or without blasting or bituminous pavement. (20% of
b) 1 28665 0.8 1 4586 Cum 261.00
total depth)
Hard rock requiring chiseling where blasting is prohibited. (10% of
c) 1 28665 0.8 1 2293 Cum 559.00
total depth)
Total Quantity 22932

Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled

materials up to a lead of 1000 meter, stacking serviceable and
unserviceable materials separately and as per relevant clauses of
a) Bituminous Course 20% of total length 1 28665 0.8 0.10 459 Cu.m 420.00
b) Granular Course 20% of total length 1 28665 0.8 0.10 459 Cu.m 378.00

Construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse graded

material, spreading in uniform layers on prepared surface, mixing by
mix in place method at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller
4.0 1 28665 0.8 0.10 459 Cu.m 604.00
to achieve the desired density, complete in all respect and as per
relevant clauses of section-400. for grading- I Material (20% of total

Water Bound Macadam - Providing, laying, spreading and

compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound
macadam including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing,
rolling with vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade
and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/
binding materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting to the required density and as per relevant
clauses of section-404 of specifications.

a) Grading (i) (b) Using Screening Non-Crushable type 1 28665 0.8 0.045 206 Cu.m 1226.00

b) Grading (ii) (b) Using Screening Non-Crushable type 1 28665 0.8 0.045 206 Cu.m 1251.00

Providing and laying bituminous macadam with hot mix plant using
crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with bituminous
binder, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface
with mechanical paver finisher to the required grade, level and
6.0 1 28665 0.8 0.04 183 Cu.m 5231.00
alignment and rolled as per clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the
desdired compaction complete in all respects and as per relevant
clauses of section 504 for Grading I ( 80-100mm thickness ) bitumen
content 3.3% (VG-30)(20% of total length)

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 89 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Particulars No. Length Width Depth Qty. Unit Rate

Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on

prepared surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface
7.0 and spraying primer at the rate of 0.75 kg/sqm using 1 28665 0.8 - 4586 Sq.m 33.00
mechanical/Manual means and as per relevant clauses of section-
502(20%of total length)

Providing and applying tack coat with cationic bitumen emulsion

(RS-1) using emulsion pressure distributor on the prepared
8.0 bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom and as 1 28665 0.8 4586 Sq.m 12.00
per relevant clauses of section-503. @ 0.25 kg per sqm (normal
bituminous surfaces).(20%of total length)

Providing, laying and rolling of close-graded premix

surfacing/mixed seal surfacing material of 20 mm thickness
composed of 11.2 mm to 0.09 mm (Type-A) or 13.2 mm to 0.09 mm
(Type-B) aggregates using paving bitumen to the required line, grade
9.0 and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base, 1 28665 0.8 - 4586 sqm 136.00
including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a
Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity, and finishing to required
level and grade and as per relevant clauses of section-508. VG-30
bitumen (20% of total length)

Dismantling of cement concrete pavement i/c breaking to pieces not

exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated
locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead upto 1000 1 28665 0.8 0.15 1720 Cu.m 749.00
meter, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately
and as per relevant clauses of section-200.(50%of total length)

Construction of Dry lean cement concrete Sub-base over a prepared

subgrade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the
size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 26.5mm, aggregate cement
ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as
per MORTH Specifications Table 600-1, cement content not to be less
13.0 than 150 kg/cum, optimum moisture content to be determined 1 28665 0.8 0.15 1720 Cu.m 2504.00
during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than
10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid
with paver with electronic sensor/mechanical paver, compacting
with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing and as per
relevant clauses of section-601.(50%of total length)

Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth sides of

foundation in layers not exceeding 20 cms. In depth including
consolidation of each layer by ramming watering, lead upto 50
m and lift upto 1.50 m in all kind of soils (To be excuted below 1
m from FRL (finished road level)
(Total exacavated qty) 22932 Cu.m
Volume of Pipe 324 Cu.m
Volume of Concrete work 1720 Cu.m
Volume of Bitumen work 1055 Cu.m
Net qty of refilling 19833 Cu.m 89.00

Carriage of Material by Mechanical transport including loading

14.0 2975 Cu.m 92.87
unloading & stacking etc. (15% of total length) Distance upto 2 KM

Total cost of work for layinf of Laterals in Nagda for Sewerage Scheme

Total cost of work for layinf of Laterals in Dewas for Sewerage Scheme, inlcusive of Goods and Services Tax GST @18%

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 90 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

laterals to connect the house sewer to chambers of diameter 100/120 mm diameter DWC
pipes is used.

(In Lakh)

Vol (i) 11.2

Vol (i) 11.2.2

Vol (i) 18.2.1

24.24 Vol (i) 18.2.1

11.97 Vol (i) 18.2.2

12.82 Vol (i) 18.2.3


1.93 Vol.18.11.1
1.73 Vol.18.11.2

Vol. (iii) 4.1

Vol. (iii) 4.3

Vol. (iii) 4.3 (i)

2.53 b
Vol. (iii) 4.3 (ii)
2.58 b

9.60 Vol. (iii) 5.3

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 91 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

(In Lakh)

Vol. (iii) 5.1

0.55 Vol. (iii) 5.2

6.24 Vol. (iii)
5.13 (i)

12.88 Vol. (i) 18.12

Vol. (iii) 6.1-


Vol. (ii)





Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 92 June, 2023

9.3 Estimate for House Sewer Connection for Connecting Individual House Holds to Chamber in Nagda Sewerage System.

S. Amount
Particulars No. Length Width Depth Qty. Unit Rate Remarks
No. (In Rupees)

Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for

pipes /cables or drains etc. by mechanical means / UADD
manual means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including SOR Item
ramming of bottom,dressing of sides, disposal of No. 18.2&
excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. 18.2.1
Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed.
All kinds of ordinary soil 1 5 0.5 1 2.50 Cum 151 377.50

Providing, laying and jointing following P.V.C. - U

pipes with solvent cement joint for Non-pressure UADD
2.0 gravity drain and sewer applications including testing 1 - - - 5 RM 214 1070.00 SOR Item
of joints, cost of jointing materials etc. complete in all No. 11.2.2
110 mm

Dismantling of cement concrete pavement i/c breaking

to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock UADD
piling at designated locations and disposal of SOR Item
3.0 1 5 0.5 0.12 0.30 Cum 749 224.70
dismantled materials up to a lead upto 1000 meter, No. 18.14.7
stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials (iii)
separately and as per relevant clauses of section-200.

Providing and laying mechanically mixed cement

concrete with crushed stone aggregate excluding
1 5 0.5 0.12 0.30 Cum 2504 751.20
centering and shuttering (with 40mm nominal size
graded stone aggregate) in Foundation

(a) Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth

sides of foundation in layers not exceeding 20cm. in UADD
4.0 depth including consolidation of each layer by SOR Item
ramming watering, lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m No. 18.2.8
in all kinds of soils
Net Quantity of Refilling 1 - - - 1.000 Cum 89 89.00

Making connection of drain or sewer line with existing

service lines manhole including breaking into and
making good the walls, floors etc. with cement concrete
grade M-15 (Nominal Mix) with stone aggregate 20mm
6.0 SOR Item
nominal size plastered with Cement Mortar 1:3 (1
No. 17.19.1
Cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of
neat cement and making necessary channels etc.
For 100mm to 150mm dia. Pipes 1 - - - 1 Each 494 494.00

TOTAL 3006.40
Say 3006.00 Approx

Particulars Qty. Unit Rate Remarks
(In Lakh)
For 17200 House Sewer Connections in Conventional
17200 - - - 17200 Each 3000.00 516.00
Sewerage System
Total Cost For House Service Connection For Connecting the Each House 516.00
Total, inlcusive of Goods and Services Tax GST @18% 608.88
Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

11.9 Estimate for Connection Back Lane Area for each house under Conventional Sewer Sysytem in Nagda to Public Sewers.
S. No. Particulars No. Length Width Depth Qty. Unit Rate (In Remarks

Providing, laying and jointing following P.V.C. - U pipes UADD

with solvent cement joint for Non-pressure gravity drain and SOR
sewer applications including testing of joints, cost of jointing Vol(II)
materials etc. complete in all respect Item No.
160mm dia 1 17300 - - 34600 Rm 402 139.09

40mm thick fine dressed stone flooring over 20mm (average )

2.0 thick base of cement mortar 1:3 (1cement :3sand) with joints
finished flush with cement mortar 1:3 UADD
SOR Item
Red Sand Stone
No. 11.3.1
a) up to 1m (width of back lane) 1 6900 1 - 6900
b) up to 1.5m (width of back lane) 1 2582 1.5 - 3873
c) up to 2.0m (width of back lane) 1 1692 2 - 3384
Total 11174 14157 Sqm 541 76.59

Providing, Laying & Jointing fittings for structural wall

polyethylene piping systems (pipe with online/offline UADD
coupler, bends and elasticmeric sealing ring) with nonsmooth SOR Item
external annular corrugated and smooth internal surfaces No.
(double wall) for non-pressure underground sewerage,
drainage. (90 degree bend 2 each @10m c/c)
200mm 1 - - - 1850 Each 946 17.50

18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm thick

4.0 cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand) finished with a
top layer 6mm thick cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand)
SOR Item
a) up to 1m (width of back lane) 1 6900 1 - 6900 No. 18.51
b) up to 1.5m (width of back lane) 1 2582 1.5 - 3873
c) up to 2.0m (width of back lane) 1 1692 2 - 3384
Total 11174 14157 Sqm 206 29.16

Road Gully Chambers :- Construction of Brick masonry road

gully chambers with brick work in cement mortar 1:5 (1 UADD
cement: 5 course sand ) and 12mm plaster 1:3 including SOR (Vol-
5.0 foundation in cement concrete grade M-5 (Nominal Mix) 1) Item
with stone aggregate 40mm nominal size Including precast No.
reinforced cement concrete top cover and frame. (As 17.21.2
perDrawing No. 18 (Only for drains having with 1 to 2m)
Chamber 50X45X60cm with horizontal grading 500X450mm
a) 1 - - - 368 Each 3969 14.61

TOTAL 276.95
Total, inlcusive of Goods and Services Tax GST @18% 326.80

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 94 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

10.6 Reuse Plan for Nagda Sewerage Scheme considering 80% of Treated Sewage water to be reused

S. No. Particular Quantity Unit Rate SOR Referance
(In Lacs)

Providing, laying and jointing 200mm diametre DI K-7 pipes for pumping
treated waste water from sump well to main line up to over head tanks. UADD SOR (Vol-
I) 4.1
200 mm dia 2059.00 Rm 2007.00 41.32 4.1.4
150 mm dia 1550.00 Rm 1573.00 24.38 4.1.3
Total 3609.00 m 65.71

3 Add 3% for Specials, Specials, Fittings, Interconnection etc. 1 No. 1.97 Lump Sum

Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes / cables or

drains etc. by mechanical means / manual means (exceeding 30cm in
depth.) including ramming of bottom, dressing of sides, disposal of UADD SOR (Vol-
4 3465 cum 151.00 5.23
excavated earth including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to I) 18.2.1
be levelled and neatly dressed.

Providing, erecting and giving test of submersible pump set conforming

to IS 8034 and motor conforming to IS 9283, with water proof winding.
Pump shall be suitable for various delivery head and discharge with
stainless steel shaft. Motor suitable for working on 415 V ± 10%, 3 Ph, 50
Hz A.C. Supply, with cable guard, thrust carbon/fiber bearing to
withstand entire hydraulic thrust. The pump set shall be suitable for direct
5 coupling, with suitable suction strainer. Pump should have suitable
I) 16.3
discharge out let as per manufacturer's design. Antithrust stream lined
non return valve shall be provided with the pump. 3 m submersible
copper conductor cable in single / double run and 2 pairs of suitable size
erection clamp 10 mm thick shall be provided with each pump.

Supply and Installation of 2 Nos. Submersible Pumps each having

discharge of 35 lps dischrge and 20m for pumping of clear water (treated
Water) from proposed STP clear water sump well to various locations in
Nagda (8hrs of pumping). The pumps are being proposed having 50% UADD SOR (Vol-
a) 2 HP 57457 1.15
standby with all necessary electrical and mechanical accesories of I)
pumping unit complete in all respect. The Pumps shall be of Capacity
(For STP 1 i.e. 20% of 10.40MLD Initial Year
Supply and Installation of 2 Nos. Submersible Pumps each having
discharge of 8 lps dischrge and 15m for pumping of clear water (treated
Water) from proposed STP clear water sump well to various locations in
Nagda (8hrs of pumping). The pumps are being proposed having 50% UADD SOR (Vol-
b) 2 HP 27099 0.54
standby with all necessary electrical and mechanical accesories of I)
pumping unit complete in all respect. The Pumps shall be of Capacity
(For STP 1 i.e. 20% of 2.20MLD Initial Year


Construction of Treated Water Sump Well having minimum Dentention
time of 30 minutes and daily operation of 8 Hours. The Sump Well shall
be constructed with a pump house over it for installtion of all the
operating machineries that are required for runnig of the Submersible UADD SOR 2021
pumps laong with electrical panel boxes Vol (i) 23.1

For STP-1 10.40MLD (20% of the Capacity)

a) 128 KL 830872 8.31
For STP-2 2.20MLD (20% of the Capacity)
b) 28 KL 305148 3.05

Construction of hydrant of 5.0 meter height for filling the tankers, to

7 supply treated wastwwater to the town for various non potable uses 2 Nos 15000.00 0.30 Market Rate

Demolishing C.C./R.C.C. work by mechanical means including stacking

of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material with in 50m, 1082.7 cum 749.00 8.11
Vol. (i) 18.12

Providing and laying Cement Concrete grade M-20 (Nominal mix 1:1.5:3)
with 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate, mixing shall be in
mechanical mixer, laying with paver compacting by use of pin, plate / UADD SOR
649.62 cum 5029.00 32.67
screed vibrators including form work by strong steel girders fixed by Vol. (iii) 6.6-6.7
spikes, separation membrane 125 micron thick, i/c cutting of joints @ 4
(Deducting the cost of electronic sensor)

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 93 June, 2023

Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

Construction of Dry lean cement concrete Sub-base over a prepared

subgrade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of
coarse aggregate not exceeding 26.5mm, aggregate cement ratio not to
exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per MORTH
Specifications Table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/cum,
optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length
433.08 cum 2504.00 10.84 Vol. (iii) 6.1-6.1.1-
construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed
in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with paver with electronic
sensor/mechanical paver, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller,
finishing and curing and as per relevant clauses of section-601

Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth sides of

foundation in layers not exceeding 20 cms. In depth including
consolidation of each layer by ramming watering, lead upto 50 m
and lift upto 1.50 m in all kind of soils
(Total exacavated qty) 3464.64
Volume of Pipe 102
Vol. (i) 18.2.8
Volume of Concrete work 1082.7
Net qty of refilling 2279.61 Cum 89.00 2.03

Planting of Trees and their Maintenance for one Year (Planting of trees by
the road side (Avenue trees) in 0.60 m dia holes, 1 m deep dug in the
ground, mixing the soil with decayed farm yard/sludge mannure, UADD SOR
8 200 Each 724.00 1.45
planting the saplings, backfilling the trench, watering, fixing the tree (VOL III) -11.2
guard and maintaining the plants for one year)

Total Cost of Works invloved for Reuse of Treated Water in the Proposed Project of Sewerage Scheme of Nagda i.e. for
Fire Fighting, Agricultural/Irrigation purposes, Community Toilets, Etc.

Total Cost of Works invloved for Reuse of Treated Water in the Proposed Project of Sewerage Scheme of Nagda i.e. for
Fire Fighting, Agricultural/Irrigation purposes, Community Toilets, Etc. inlcusive of Goods and Services Tax GST 166.80

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 94 June, 2023

11.5 Calculation of estimate amount for 1 Km electric line 33 KV for STP and Reuse ( with 40m span)

Used SOR- UADD ISSR (Vol.- IV) in force from 02.08.2021

Market rate - taken as per SOR of M.P.P.K.V.V.Co. Ltd. w.e.f. 2021-22


o. SOR


& Page

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Supply of support for overhead line RS joist/H beam i.e.

welding, driling of require hole etc. complete as required H-
1 mtr. 325 1810 588250 No. 13.2.6
Beam 152*152 mm, Std weight 37.1 kg per meter ( 25
page 68
Ploe/Km, each pole height= 13m)

Supplying of angle/ channel flat iron fitting for overhead

2 lines such as cross arms, clamps, bracket, welding, and Kg.
other necessary materials as per specification

33 KV "V" cross-arms 75*75*6 mm. MS angle-each weight

2.a Kg. 615 48 29520
24.60 Kg ( 1 Nos. per pole)
Back Clamp suitable for H-beam (MS Flat 65*8mm.)- each
2.b Kg. 96 48 4608 No. 13.58
weight 1.92 Kg ( 2 Nos. per pole)
Page No 74
Top clamps 75*75*6 mm. Angle (each weight 3.58 Kg.) ( 1
2.c Kg. 89.5 48 4296
Nos. Per pole)
UADD item
Earthing Coil (115 turns of 50mm dia and 2.5 mtrs lead of
3 nos. 25 241 6025 No. 15.13
4.00mm GI wire) ( 1 Nos. per pole)
Supply & Erection of 33 KV pin insulator complete with large
4 set 75 640 48000 No. 13.81
steel head GI pipe, nut, washer etc. ( 3 Nos. per pole)
Page 77
AAAC condutor dog legged with 3% sag
5 Km. 3.1 48099 149106.9 Item No
(1.1 Km per phase) 3 conductre for 3-phase
M- 0401011)
Jointing sleeves suitable for 100 sqm. AAAC conductor (6 (SOR Item
6 No. per KM) nos. 6 138 828 No
M- 0404231)

Erection of steel tublar or steel rail pole or H-Beam of length

exceeding 10 meters but not exceeding 13 meters in
cement concrete 1:3:6(a cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 graded
7 each 25 1855 46375 No 13.14
stone aggregate 40 mm. nominal size) foudation, base
Page No 71
padding & muffing including excavation and refilling etc. as
required (4.55 bags of cement/cmt) ( 25 pole per Km)

Supply & Erectiion of Stay set complete (Galvanized) 19

mm. Dia. * 1.8 meter long stay rod anchor plate of size
300mm*300mm. *6.4mm. thimble stay clamps, turn buckle
UADD Items
(19 mm dia*60 cm.), 7/4.00 mm. dia G.I. Stay wireand strain
8 each 5 2000 10000 No. 13.21
insulator etc. in cement concrete 1:3:6(1 cement: 3 coarse
page No. 71
sand: 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm. Nominal size)
foundation including excavation and refilling etc. as required
( 5 Nos. per km)
Primer coat with aluminium paint, brushing complete with UADD Item
9 materail and labour including prepration of surface. ( 25 mtr. 325 55 17875 No. 13.86.3
Ploe/Km, each pole height= 13m) page No. 77
10 Anti climbing device ( 1 Nos. per pole) nos. 25 241 6025 Item
(SOR Item M-
11 Danger boards enamlled type 33kv ( 1 Nos. per pole) No. 25 55 1375
Supplying and drawing guard wire/earth wire/bearer wire
13mm2 (4mm. Dia) G.I. including stringing, binding at UADD Item
12 existing insulators or brackets, jointing, jumpering, Km. 2 8986 137.5 No. 13.8
connecting etc. as required and clearing of obstacles (if Page no. 69
any) ( 8969 per km)
13 M.S. nut and bolts ( 75kg/km) Kg. 75 65 4875 Item M-
Total ( in Lacs) For 1 KM HT feeder 9.17
Total ( in Lacs) For 2 KM HT feeder 18.35
11.6 Calculation of estimate amount for 33/.433 KV outdoor substation
Used SOR- UADD ISSR (Vol.- IV) in force from 02.08.2021
Market rate - taken as per SOR of M.P.P.W.D & MPKVVCL w.e.f. 01.12.2020 & 2021-22 respectively
Applied RATE AMOUNT Item No.
item & Page

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

DTR 33/0.4 KV BIS EE-Level-2 Supplying,
1 ins+B7:B31talling, testing and commissioning
(copper wound)
100KVA EACH 1 4 276296 1105184
200KVA EACH 1 404723 0 MPPWD
315KVA EACH 1 691939 0 Item No.
500KVA EACH 1 1011731 0 42.70 &
630KVA EACH 1 1143748 0 42.71 Page
1000KVA EACH 1 1368847 0 No 176,177
1250KVA EACH 1 1555010 0
1600KVA EACH 1 1977223 0
2000KVA EACH 1 3054050 0
2500KVA EACH 1 3729348 0
H-Beams 152 X 152 mm., 37.1 Kg./Mtr.-11 mtr.
2 mtr. 66 1810 119460 No. 13.2.6
Long = 408.1 kg
page 68
3 channel of 100 X50 9.56 kg/mtr kg 956 48 45888 UADD item
4 isa 50*50*6mm angles 4.5Kg/mtr kg 180 48 8640 No. 13.58
Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning UADD Item
5 of Lightning Arrestors 33kv gaplesss station each 0 4.8 0 No. 15.12.3
type page 88
6 33KV Polymer disc insulator set 0 2132 0
No. 13.82
7 33kv 3ph CT/PT unit nos 5 81232 406160 5
8 33kv 1ph CT/PT unit nos 8 29043 232344 8
outdoor vcb with complete structure and
9 NOS 11 176601 1942611 11
Item No.
10 AAAC conductor DOG KM 9 72079 648711
42..5.4 Page
No 163
11 33kv isolator nos 18 24581 442458
Supply & Erectiion of Stay set complete
(Galvanized) 19 mm. Dia. * 1.8 meter long stay
rod anchor plate of size 300mm*300mm.
*6.4mm. thimble stay clamps, turn buckle
UADD Items
(19mm dia*60 cm.), 7/4.00 mm. dia G.I. Stay
12 EACH 8 2000 16000 No. 13.21
wireand strain insulator etc. in cement concrete
page No. 71
1:3:6(1 cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm. Nominal size) foundation
including excavation and refilling etc. as
Erection of steel tublar or steel rail pole or H-
Beam of length exceeding 10 meters but not
exceeding 13 meters in cement concrete
1:3:6(a cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 graded stone
13 EACH 5 1855 9275 No 13.14
aggregate 40 mm. nominal size) foudation,
Page No 71
base padding & muffing including excavation
and refilling etc. as required (4.55 bags of
Item No.
14 Yard chain link fence Sq.met. 0 876 0
42.75 Page
No 178
15 Danger Boards Enamalled Type 33KV NOS 4 164 656 No 9.11.2
Page No 49
Item No.
16 Anti climbing devices NOS 2 116 232
42.66 Page
No 174
Primer coat with aluminium paint, brushing UADD Item
heme of Nagda Town in
complete Phase-2
with materail and labour including mtr. 5 55 275 No. 13.86.3
prepration of surface. page No. 77
18 MS main gate NOS 6 55391 332346
Item No.
19 Construction of pedestal (plinth) for transformer cu.met. 9 7495 67455
42.87 Page
No 179
Procedure to avoid grass in sub-station yard
20 having Murrum/Hard soil. By laying stone Sq.met. 4 198 792
cursher dust.
21 Earthing of substation nos 9 13966 125694 EARTHING
22 nut and bolts kg 2 50 100 No 15.8
Page No 88
Total Cost of HT Feeder 55.04
Draft Detailed Project Report For Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

10.7 Estimate for Annual Running and Maintenance cost of sewerage system for the first year of Project after

S. Amount (In
Description Qty. Rate in Rs. Unit
No. Lacs)
Energy Charges taking Combined efficiency of Motor &
Pumps 65% for Sewer .
Annual Electrical Charges for running pumps sets for sewer
at sumps (at STP)
(For 0.25MLD Discharge 10 meters head and 22 hours/day)
(a) 8030
(1.00 KWh)
(For 0.85MLD Discharge 10 meters head and 22 hours/day)
(b) 16060
(2.00 KWh)
Sub Total 24090.00
Annual Electrical Charges for running pumps sets for sewer
at sumps (at IPS )
For Zone 1
(For 8.00MLD Discharge 12.00 meters head and 22
(a) 152570.00
hours/day) (19.0 KWh) (IPS-1)
(For 2.00MLD Discharge 7.00 meters head and 22 hours/day)
(b) 24090.00
(3.00 KWh) (IPS-2)
(For 1.62MLD Discharge 7.00 meters head and 22 hours/day)
(c) 24090.00
(3.00 KWh) (IPS-3)
(For 0.55MLD Discharge 7.00 meters head and 22 hours/day)
(d) 8030.00
(1.00 KWh) (IPS-4)
Sub Total 208780.00

Total Electrical Consumption 232870.00 8.00 KW 18.63

2.0 Consumption of Chemicals :

Chlorine consumption for 1.10MLD @ 0.25 (Rs/cum)
(i) 1.10 x 1000 x 0.25 x 365 1.00

3.0 Laboratory maintenance cost L.S. - - 2.00

4.0 Residual Disposal for 1.10 MLD @ 0.25 (Rs/cum) L.S. - - 1.00

Maintenance of civil structures, pumps etc.

Sump, Intermediate pumping stations & STP L.S. - - 7.00

Sewer Network Collection System, Pumping Main and Man

6.0 L.S. - - 7.00
holes & Laterals

Salary & Wages 68.28

Project Manager 60,000
Dy. Project Manager 40,000
skilled/Unskilled staff for each STP Based on SBR ( STP
and IPS)
4 Chowkidar/unskilled staff @12000 for each STP 48,000
8 Chowkidar/Unskilled staff for each IPS @ 12000 96,000
2 skilled staff @ 18000 for each STP 36,000
3 Operator/Skilled staff for IPS @ 18000 54,000
1 Electrician @25000 25,000
1 Mechanical Engineer @25000 for STP 25,000
1 Chemist @ 25000 for STP 25,000
For sewer main of 93Km considering one sweeper in 10 kms
@Rs 10000/- (10 Nos)
Expenditure for Pneumatic Cleaning/Suction machine (1
Taking 10 flush points to be attended per day having distance
of 2.50Kms. Thus 1500 kms in month @ Rs 12/km for Fuel 18,000
and other cost for running the vehicle
1 No. Driver @ Rs 15000 15,000
1 Nos. Helper @ Rs 12000 12,000
Electricty expenditure for hydrant, maintenance of vehicle
Total Salary in One Month 5,69,000

Total Salary in 12 Months 68,28,000 Total 104.92

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 94 June, 2023

Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

11. Challenges and Hindrances in Executing the Project

In order to execute and operate the project successfully there are certain
challenges and hindrances, which need to be sincerely, addressed in the course of
the execution to the start of the execution of the project,

a) Laying of sewer-lines: The sewer-lines are to be laid along the existing

road. This activity should be planned in a way that maximum of 250 m long
road should be excavated at a time and after completing all activities i.e.,
laying of sewer-line, construction of manhole, house chamber, the road
should be restored promptly. Non-adherence to this shall result in
disruption and inconvenience to traffic.

b) House sewer connection: The work of HSC should be made

simultaneously with the completion of the network in clusters. A serious
planning is required that which manhole shall be connected to which
chamber and which chamber to be connected with which houses. The levels
of outfall from household should be above the level of chamber. Also, the
sewage from household should flow directly into sewer-line, by-passing
septic tank completely. This will ensure the required BOD5 strength in
sewage for efficient operation of STP and also septic tank cleaning can be

c) Construction of IPS/STP: For the construction of STP/IPS the land should

be acquired/transferred to ULB prior to the start of work. Also Consent
from Pollution Control Board should be obtained for establishing and
operating STP. The CTE/ CTO from PCB shall be obtained on the basis of
effluent parameters of treated sewage.

d) As per the experience of previously executed schemes in the

UIDSSMT/AMRUT 1.0, it is seen that the outlet level of the house is not in
the accordance of the sewer line. Due to this the sewage from the houses do
no flow in to the sewer line. Municipal authority should ensure that the
outlet level from houses should be proposed as per existing/proposed
sewer line. The same is also mandatory in building permissions norms
given by TNCP.

e) most of the houses have sewer outlet on the back side of the houses, therefore
connecting the sewage outlet from back of house to the front sewer line is a
big challenge. For this sewer line is being proposed in back lanes also.

f) people are not willing to take sewer connection due to economical issues,
resulting in the non-connection of the houses which further result in less
sewage coming up to the STP

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal 97

Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

12. Project Schedule

In order to ensure the financial viability and functional utility of the project it is very
important that the project execution should be planned properly giving due to
consideration to implementation time required for the various components of the
project. It is important that the time schedule should be adhered during the entire
course of project.

The suggestive time frame for the completion of the various activities related to the
execution of the project starting from 1/04/2023 has been prepared. This may vary
during the course of the execution stage looking to the local hindrances like site
availability, NOC, funds etc. The suggested time frame has been decided taking into
account the most reasonable time required for completion of the activity of that stage.

Furthermore, the designs and estimates i.e., the technical and financial viability of the
project is based as per the following time schedule of the project implementation. Any
gross variation in this may affect the same adversely.
Table-11 Project Schedule
S. No. Name of the Activity Duration
1.0 Preparation of Detailed Project including detail survey, designs, 6.00
estimates and all other features as may be required for the various
approvals and execution of the project.
2.0 Approval of the Detailed Project Report by the Municipal Council 6.00
Nagda and forwarding the same to UADD Govt. for the needful.

3.0 Clearance from UADD Govt. along with Administrative and 4.00
Technical Sanction of the project by Urban Development and
Environment Department.
4.0 Making the applications and getting the desired Clearances from 8.00
various Statutory authorities like PWD, District Administration,
5.0 Preparation of Tender documents for the execution of various 2.00
components under the project as per the M.P. UADD Govt.
6.0 Calling open tenders for International Competitive Bidding (ICB) 4.00
including short listing of the eligible Contractors, scrutinizing
bids and selecting the most responsive bid.
7.0 Forwarding the most responsive bid and getting the clearance 2.00
from the M.P. UADD Govt.

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal 98

Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

8.0 Placing the work order on to the successful Tendered, drawing 2.00
the necessary agreement completing all formalities and starting
the work.
9.0 Execution of the various works detailed out in the detail project 104.00
report as per the desired specifications and commissioning the
works for the desired results. This shall include preparation of
execution drawing, NOCs like CTE/CTO, power supply etc. As
may be required for execution and of various activities.
Total 114.00

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal 99

Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda


For the execution of the proposed Sewerage project following Clearances/NOCs shall
be required. It is very important that for timely completion of the project these
clearances/NOCs should be obtained for which an application with the suitable
competent authority shall be made by MPUDC on behalf of Municipal Council,

13.1 SPCB: Disposal of effluent in River

In the proposed project the permission for discharging effluent in Chambal River will
be required from State Pollution Control Board. The CTE and CTO for STP shall be
obtained based on the desired effluent parameters and dilution available in the river.
Also, yearly inspection of the Waste treatment site will be carried out by SPCB for
assuring that the plant is working with desired efficiency. The treatment mechanism
shall be proposed for complying with the effluent discharge parameters as per
CPCB/MPPCB norms. Thus, the permission to establish & setting up the STP and
permission to operate for the operation of the STP shall be required by

13.2 PWD: ROW usage for laying of pipeline along the existing road
In the proposed project for laying of Sewer lines having length of 96635 meters of
diameters ranging from 150mm to 700mm and for construction of Manholes of
diameter 900/1200/1500mm approximately 1.00-2.50-meter-wide strip along the
existing roads shall be required. For usage of ROW along the existing roads, which
are under the jurisdiction of Madhya Pradesh Public Works Department prior
approval, will be required. For this an application has to be made to the concerning
authorities. The permission will be given mainly on following two grounds,
a) Redoing and remaking of ROW as per original condition as far as possible after
laying of pipeline: At present the ROW comprises of WBM/Bituminous /CC
surface. For laying of pipe approximately 2.00 – 5.00m deep and 1.0 - 2.50m wide
trench shall be excavated. After laying of pipe the excavated material shall be filled
back compacted to the desired density. WBM /CC/Bituminous surface shall be use
after the compaction of excavated material in layers.
b) Minimum obstruction to the vehicular traffic during the course of work: During
the course of work due care should be taken that the pipe should be unloaded
keeping the carriage way free for vehicular traffic. Also, the excavated material
should be stacked properly along the trench. Further the excavated trench should
be demarcated with the barricading and signage so as to avoid any accident on
account of moving traffic or the pedestrians falling in the trench.

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal 100

Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda

13.3 MPMKVVCL: For Supply of adequate power

In the proposed project for running of pumps/motors and STPs uninterrupted
power supply shall be required for this HT feeder shall be laid from the nearest
substation to the proposed IPS and STPs. As per the preliminary survey and the
length of HT feeder shall be approximately 2.00 kms. A prior consent of
MPMKVVCL will be essential for laying and connecting the HT feeder from the
proposed substation/taping point based on the demand and available power

It is proposed to obtain the firm commitment prior to the start of the project.
MPUDC shall deposit the charges as may be fixed by MPMKVVCL. For
supervision of the works for laying the HT feeder and thereafter drawl of desired

13.4 Land availability

The project includes construction of 1 no. Sewerage Treatment Plant having
capacity of 10.40 MLD, 3 no. of small treatment units of 2.30MLD, 0.35MLD and
1.00 along with 4 nos. of Intermediate Pumping Station. Following land are being
identified for the proposed IPS/PSTP/STP. These are government land free from
encumbrances. The detailed are as below the land should be transferred to
Municipal Council Nagda for the construction of facilities prior to the start of

Table 12: Land Availability

S. Particulars Area Khasra Ownership Area Available
No. Required No. Details
1.0 Sewage Treatment Plant (I) 1.00 Ha. 40,41,42,56 Govt. 4.75 Ha.
2.0 Sewage Treatment Plant (II) 800 sqm 403/1/3 Govt. 0.366 Ha.
3.0 TREATMENT UNIT (1) 800sqm 1010 Govt. 0.920 Ha.
5.0 Intermediate Pumping Station 500sqm. 400/5 Govt. 0.90 Ha.
6.0 Intermediate Pumping Station 250 sqm. 541/1, 694/2 Govt. 2.70 Ha.
7.0 Intermediate Pumping Station 200 sqm. 1194/1/2/3 Govt. 0.08 Ha.
8.0 Intermediate Pumping Station 150 sqm. - - -

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal 101

Detailed Project Report for Sewerage Scheme of Nagda


The sum of all expenditure required to complete designing, detailed engineering,
construction of all the components including support activities and conducting
investigation studies as may be required for the project constitutes the project cost.

Working as per the above the detailed estimates prepared for the project amounts to Rs.
7631.67 Lakh. The operation and maintenance cost of the project has been worked out
as Rs. 104.92 Lakh for the first year of commissioning. It is assumed that in the first year
of commissioning only 50% households shall be connected to the sewer system, which
will increase up to 80% in second year and 100% in the third year.

A detailed cash flow has been prepared for next 13 years. The Revenue out of sewerage
system in the form of monthly cess @ Rs. 100/- per month shall be levied from the first
year (to be increase up to 5% every year). The Opex cost will include manpower,
electrical, maintenance cost (to be increase up to 5% every year).

Per Capita cost of the project for initial, intermediate and ultimate population is as below,

Year Cost (Rs)

Base Year (2025): Rs.7835.28/-
Intermediate Year (2040): Rs. 6598.13/-
Ultimate Year (2055): Rs. 5655.54/-

Total cost of the project in terms of per kilometer of sewer pipeline is as below,

Total Length 97.00Km

Total Project Cost (Lacs) Rs. 7631.97/-
Cost Per KM(Lacs) Rs. 134.93/-

Vastushilpi Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal 102



MH -22

MH -1 MH -165 MH -57 MH -12 MH -21 ZONE (1F)


MH -15 MH -13 MH -21

MH -26

MH -6

MH -156



MH -75


MH -146 MH -1

ZONE (2F) MH -16 IPS-3

MH -124

MH -18 ZONE (2A) MH -201 ZONE (1I)

ZONE (2B) IPS-3 (STP-2)

MH -1 MH -135










C o n s u l t a n t s
Projects & Consultants Pvt.ltd.
architects,engineers & environmentalists
6, Malviya nagar , Bhopal - 03
Ph. no. 0755 - 2763138 ,2765546,
E - mail :- [email protected]
STP -1 (ZONE 1)
LAND REQ - 1.00Ha
STP- 1 (ZONE 1)
GL - 461.69 m
IL - 458.93 m


IPS -2 (ZONE 1)
IPS -1 (ZONE 1) LAND REQ - 250 Sq.m
SIZE - 277 KL GL - 466.78 m TREATMENT UNIT (ZONE 3)
LAND REQ -400 Sq.m GL - 472.81 m
IL - 463.10 m
IL - 470.85 m
GL - 458.16 m
IL - 454.43 m ZONE- 1(P) (MH-21) TREATMENT UNIT (ZONE 3)
GL-465.57 m CAPACITY-0.35MLD
L A IL-463.84 m
LAND REQ - 500 Sq.m
GL469.51 m
IL468.35 m

150.0 mm
29.4 m
GL469.27 m
IL467.76 m

150.0 mm
14.9 m
GL463.11 m MH-1
IL456.31 m GL464.59 m MH-90
177 IL462.46 m GL469.21 m
MH-177 CO- m IL467.57 m
GL463.40 m 27.1
IL456.50 m 150.0


150.0 m


MH-183 CO 0 m

25. mm

150.0 m
GL463.65 m .0

2 IL456.81 m 150 MH-48
MH-182 CO-18m

150.0 mm
GL464.89 m

22.7 m
GL463.76 m 23.2 mm IL463.72 m MH-91
.0 GL469.11 m
IL457.15 m 150 MH-2
GL463.04 m IL467.27 m
GL460.62 m IL461.63 m
IL456.21 m

150.0 mm
GL463.37 m

150.0 m


30.7 m

150.0 mm
150.0 mm

29.3 m
IL458.31 m


40.2 m
22.0 m

150.0 mm

26.5 m

GL461.80 m
GL462.13 m
IL456.14 m MH-92
MH-181 IL460.97 m
MH-3 -69 GL468.75 m

150.0 mm
GL462.57 m CO m CO IL466.96 m
MH-175 GL462.43 m

18.1 m
IL457.54 m 15 23.7 -43 MH-70 32.3 mm 37. -68 MH-49
GL462.49 m IL459.25 m 0.0 m 0 150 1 m
IL458.82 m m MH-43 GL462.02 m 150. .0 mm GL464.85 m
m GL462.14 m MH-68

150.0 mm
MH-18 IL460.64 m IL462.92 m

25.1 m
GL462.23 m -70 GL462.54 m
IL459.41 m CO CO m

150.0 mm
MH-71 IL461.34 m

19.0 9
IL456.08 m

CO 1 m

15 18.4 -42 CO-

150.0 m

30.3 m
31.5 mm


14. mm
0.0 m GL462.72 m .0 34.3


150.0 mm


150.0 mm
mm 150.0 m

29.2 m

MH-42 IL460.13 m

17.5 m
MH-180 mm MH-67
CO GL462.06 m 71 MH-50
GL461.90 m 19.8 -19 CO- m MH-74 GL463.56 m
MH-20 IL459.53 m GL461.11 m MH-87 GL464.49 m
IL458.10 m 150 m MH-72 31.6 IL461.80 m CO
.0 mm GL461.86 m mm IL459.95 m CO-74 GL462.72 m -66 IL462.68 m

150.0 mm
MH-40 GL462.34 m 150.0 34.6

MH-4 CO MH-66

14.4 m

15. -87
IL455.97 m IL461.55 m 150.0 m

.0 mm

150 2 m
MH-174 GL461.96 m 27 -45

150.0 mm

IL459.92 m
GL461.61 m 150.0 m mm GL464.16 m

GL468.71 m

18.6 m


150.0 m
MH-19 15 .2

GL462.29 m IL459.87 m 0.0 m -72 mm IL463.00 m
IL459.01 m CO m IL466.66 m

IL459.56 m GL461.90 m mm MH-45 30.8 mm MH-73 MH-75

19.1 39
0 mm

IL456.04 m CO-

150. m

16.7 m
GL462.22 m 150.0
18.0 51


GL461.58 m GL463.08 m MH-52

26. -20
IL459.71 m IL459.17 m 150. m

.0 mm

150.0 mm
IL460.42 m GL464.08 m

150 7 m

0 mm

33.2 m


150.0 mm
GL461.60 m MH-39 MH-86 IL462.23 m

30.4 m
GL459.73 m

20.1 -75

.0 mm
150 m
GL462.16 m MH-5 CO-77

150.0 mm

IL458.72 m IL457.55 m GL463.84 m GL464.19 m

30.3 m

CO .8 m

GL461.34 m 30.6

IL460.10 m MH-77
150.0 m CO-76 MH-76 IL462.68 m MH-85

9.6 m
IL458.88 m 21 mm IL462.52 m
MH-79 0.0 mm GL461.03 m 27.7 GL462.60 m MH-83 GL463.72 m CO-10

150.0 mm
15 m IL458.50 m

150.0 mm

IL462.56 m 32.5 m

26.7 m
IL458.22 m 150.0

23. -38
GL458.50 m GL462.90 m MH-104


.0 mm

9.4 m
150 5 m

GL461.53 m MH-46 150.0

IL457.33 m IL458.56 m GL463.34 m CO-103

MH-173 GL461.87 m IL460.37 m GL461.81 m
CO-81 mm
33.0 m IL460.63 m 32.8 m MH-103 MH-94
IL455.88 m

GL462.11 m IL459.87 m -79

GL463.50 m CO-102 GL468.74 m
CO .7 m m 150.0 mm CO CO-84 CO-85 MH-53 150.0 mm MH-102
IL460.96 m 12 m 4.9 -83 29.9 m IL466.36 m

27. -21
GL463.30 m IL460.85 m
20.2 m CO-101

.0 mm

150 3 m
MH-178 MH-41 18.6 m

25.5 3
GL463.29 m

26. -46
0.0 150 m 150.0 mm MH-101

150.0 m
.0 mm

150 7 m
MH-6 MH-80 15 .0 mm mm IL459.88 m IL462.13 m 30.0 m
GL461.26 m GL460.56 m 18.4 m 150.0 mm

150.0 GL464.16 m
IL460.11 m IL459.40 m mm GL460.52 m GL458.51 m MH-81 MH-84 150.0 mm CO-1
IL462.37 m 00

24.8 82

0 mm
IL458.26 m GL463.84 m 30.7

150. m
IL457.19 m GL459.57 m MH-100

150.0 mm
150.0 m



18.1 m
IL457.99 m IL461.96 m mm GL464.84 m
GL461.74 m MH-47 GL460.90 m
CO- IL463.24 m CO-99

150.0 mm
MH-22 MH-124
IL460.57 m 32.0 22 GL460.50 m

40.7 m
IL458.99 m 37.9 m
GL461.65 m 150. m MH-23 IL458.56 m MH-82 MH-105 GL463.63 m 150.0 MH-99
IL455.79 m 0 mm GL460.22 m GL462.19 m CO IL461.89 m mm GL466.41 m
GL460.53 m MH-117 MH-106

16.4 5
27. -11 CO-98


.0 mm
IL459.06 m IL461.03 m IL463.98 m

150.0 mm

150.0 m

150 m
38.2 mm
CO- m
IL455.68 m GL462.11 m

150 7 m 6
GL467.63 m
150 2 m 6

38.4 m
30.3 23

11. -10
41.6 m

.0 mm
30.0 -47
.0 mm

150 m

IL460.41 m IL466.41 m

.0 mm

.0 mm
150. m GL464.51 m 150.0 mm

150 m

0 mm MH-122 MH-128

IL462.82 m

GL459.65 m GL460.07 m CO-122 MH-55 GL463.14 m CO
IL455.58 m CO-24 15.8 m GL460.04 m CO-121
IL458.91 m MH-121 30.7 -97 MH-95

150.0 mm
IL461.97 m MH-126 MH-129

30.5 m MH-62 150.0 mm GL463.66 m MH-127

39.1 m
MH-61 CO-60 MH-60 IL458.59 m 34.7 m GL460.49 m CO-120 150 m GL467.60 m

MH-30 150.0 mm MH-63 CO- GL466.24 m .0 mm

.0 mm
MH-7 GL458.04 m 19
IL461.84 m GL464.77 m
CO-59 150.0 mm IL459.05 m MH-98 MH-97

150 m
MH-25 GL458.02 m 29.6 m GL458.40 m MH-59 35.5 m CO-1 118 IL466.08 m
GL459.86 m GL458.10 m 12.6 MH-116 IL465.07 m
GL459.13 m IL456.73 m CO-58 15.3 m IL462.81 m GL467.84 m

CO-25 IL456.83 m 170.0 mm 27.9 m MH-58

GL459.75 m IL456.98 m GL467.34 m
GL458.96 m 150.0 mm 150.0 m

MH-26 IL458.21 m IL455.48 m IL456.69 m CO-57 MH-57 CO-1

150.0 mm
IL458.58 m 29.9 m 170.0 mm 30.2 m GL459.51 m mm mm GL462.70 m IL465.20 m IL465.40 m


13.7 m
IL457.36 m CO-56 150.0

CO 0 m
150.0 mm GL459.79 m CO-26 MH-27 150.0 mm 32.5 m GL459.94 m IL460.92 m 13.2

IL457.94 m

11. mm
IL458.39 m 27.9 m CO-64 150.0 mm 32.4 m 150.0 m CO- MH-107

GL460.14 m CO-27 CO-61 IL458.36 m
MH-65 20.6 m mm 127

30. -95


150.0 mm
150.0 mm

150.0 mm




MH-120 16.1 GL466.99 m

.0 mm
150 0 m
.0 mm


IL458.22 m 20.7 m CO-62

23.6 m
20.4 m

150 6 m
GL458.12 m 170.0 mm

150.0 m
MH-118 150.0 m

GL460.00 m MH-119 CO-107

150.0 mm 7.4 m GL460.95 m IL465.82 m

CO-63 170.0 mm

IL456.43 m IL458.52 m GL461.46 m MH-115 mm MH-160

MH-28 GL461.37 m 25.5 m
29.6 m 170.0 mm


IL459.50 m


.0 mm
IL460.26 m GL462.94 m

150 6 m
GL460.39 m 5 MH-64 mm IL459.86 m 150.0 mm GL465.01 m
MH-36 170.0

IL457.86 m -6 IL460.98 m IL463.84 m

GL458.30 m
MH-31 GL458.75 m MH-37 CO .7 mmm MH-162

CO 9 m
IL456.55 m MH-130

14. mm
GL458.90 m IL457.28 m GL458.45 m 20 MH-96 GL464.47 m

0.0 GL465.93 m MH-131 MH-164
IL457.57 m IL457.16 m MH-8 17 MH-133


19.4 9
MH-108 GL467.23 m IL463.30 m

.0 mm
IL464.46 m

150.0 mm
GL466.59 m

150 m

150 2 m 0
GL463.96 m

GL457.51 m GL466.73 m GL467.55 m

26.7 m

25. -16
IL465.88 m

.0 mm
GL460.70 m MH-114 IL465.43 m IL462.79 m

CO 9 m
IL455.29 m IL465.56 m IL465.57 m

150.0 mm

29. mm
150.0 mm
IL459.63 m CO-33 MH-33

14.9 m
GL463.56 m


150.0 mm
21.4 m

GL463.81 m

22.8 m

7.2 m GL460.85 m IL461.05 m

22.7 4
GL459.03 m

CO m
IL462.53 m

.0 mm


20.7 7
150 m
21 mm
150.0 mm IL459.67 m MH-109

MH-172 MH-161


.0 mm
.0 mm

150 5 m
IL457.97 m


MH-29 CO-3


GL467.26 m

15 6.9 m

150.0 mm
MH-32 MH-32 GL466.89 m GL465.17 m



16.1 m

CO m

31.3 m

34.8 m

GL459.16 m

150.0 mm
GL458.46 m CO IL466.09 m

20.6 mm
CO m GL461.20 m IL465.60 m IL463.34 m

mm MH-35 -11

32.0 m
IL458.00 m

IL457.21 m 150.0 38.2 mm 9.6 2


GL460.82 m CO- IL459.87 m MH-165
.0 32 MH-113 150 m CO- MH-163
150 .0 mm GL463.95 m

150.0 mm
IL459.60 m

12.9 111

20.8 m
CO m

MH-35 GL464.49 m 19.6 GL464.63 m
150. m

.0 mm
IL462.61 m

7.0 mm

150 m
MH-34 0 mm 150 m CO MH-158 MH-168

GL458.03 m IL461.20 m

IL462.77 m

14. -165

.0 mm

MH-9 .0 mm 12. -110


150 m
GL457.99 m GL466.35 m GL463.59 m

.0 mm

CO m

CO .8 mm

150 7 m
14.9 mm
IL456.66 m MH-134
19.2 m GL457.40 m 150 7 m MH-110 GL466.54 m

IL456.82 m MH-55 IL461.79 m IL462.42 m

-1 m


.0 mmGL466.47 m IL464.74 m GL466.61 m



150.0 m
150.0 mm

IL455.16 m

15.7 m


MH-33 GL460.31 m CO MH-171
IL464.87 m

MH-52 GL464.76 m IL461.34 m

GL458.29 m MH-10 IL457.86 m GL461.73 m

11. -15 GL463.75 mCO-

27. -163
150.0 m
MH-44 IL461.24 m MH-111

.0 mm
GL459.82 m 150 3 m 6

150 0 m
IL457.01 m GL459.09 m IL460.66 m IL462.45 m 20.7 171

150 6 m 8
GL462.07 m .0

28. -15
.0 mm

IL458.76 m GL465.93 m CO-134 mm MH-169
IL455.10 m CO 150. m


150.0 mm
IL461.00 m 12.6 m

150.0 m

IL461.30 m CO- m 14 -15 0 mm GL463.47 m MH-170

15.5 m

150 9 m 6

19. -16
15 .7 5

.0 mm

8.8 mm 150.0 mm

CO .2 mmm
GL462.29 m MH-49 0.0 m MH-166 IL462.16 m GL463.38 m

.0 CO-1

GL466.00 m



IL459.45 m GL462.86 m 150 54 IL462.22 m

MH-123 GL466.16 m GL464.13 m

27.8 m

MH-139 IL461.83 m 18.2 m

250.0 mm
IL460.43 m GL464.80 m IL462.52 m

27.1 m
CO- IL461.69 m MH-156 150.0

MH-53 GL466.22 m 150


IL463.63 m

150.0 m
22.4 GL465.60 m CO-


.0 mm
IL461.38 m MH-150 CO-

GL460.65 m 150.0 m 153 170

IL461.87 m MH-155 33.1

15 .1 m 9

mm GL466.44 m 12.5

IL457.78 m 151

mm CO-15
23.9 150.0 m 150.0 m


CO- GL465.06 m

MH-47 IL461.53 m mm


150.0 m

150.0 m

150.0 m

149 mm

150.0 m

29.7 IL461.92 m

MH-190 MH-11 GL462.66 m mm



150. m MH-154 CO

GL466.68 m

150.0 m 15 4.6 -148

GL459.80 mCO-191 GL459.66 m IL460.11 m MH-45 0 mm MH-148 GL464.49 m 13 -15
MH-191 IL461.46 m

mm 0.0 m
IL458.61 m 21.9 m GL466.13 m 15 .0 2

IL454.99 m GL462.97 m IL461.98 m 0.0 m MH-152

250.0 mm

150.0 mm
150.0 mm GL459.45 m MH-138 CO-1 IL461.65 m

21.0 m
CO-1 mm

38.2 m
IL457.78 m 98 IL460.47 m MH-48 45 GL463.71 m
27.7 MH-28 MH-37 GL464.57 m CO-1 29.3 MH-153
GL463.80 m IL462.55 m
150.0 m MH-197MH-182 O-1 GL460.61 m GL463.32 m IL461.69 m 30.6
46 150.0 m MH-145
GL463.83 m

mm GL458.99 m IL462.15 m MH-30 mm GL465.90 m MH-149
MH-29 CO-28 150.0 m

GL458.37 m

GL458.88 m MH-12 IL459.30 m IL462.09 m

29.4 m

IL457.01 m CO GL464.40 m mm GL466.12 m CO-
IL457.92 m GL460.10 m 25.4 m IL464.46 m

IL454.53 m CO-29 MH-146
25.1 -27

150.0 mm
IL457.82 m GL459.60 m

MH-13 IL461.63 m 25.4 147

22.7 m
20.3 92
IL456.99 m 700.0 mm IL463.33 m


23.1 m

150.0 m
IL454.47 m 700 m MH-27 GL465.53 m

150.0 mm
GL459.51 m

31.9 m
MH-198 700.0 mm .0 mm 150 m MH-147

16. -30
GL461.09 m IL463.50 m

.0 mm
CO-13 .0 mm GL465.82 m

150 8 m
MH-192 IL454.46 m

GL458.55 m

27.7 m

MH-1 CO IL457.04 m

150.0 m


.0 mm
GL459.35 m IL464.65 m

GL468.12 m IL457.48 m -30 mm

29.8 37
0 mm
CO-14 CO-3

29 MH-137

150. m
IL457.68 m m 700.0 GL462.80 m 9


IL467.05 m 60 27.9 26.8 MH-39 MH-18
0.0 m GL462.97 m MH-144


CO .3 mmm
mm O-1 IL458.90 m 150.0 m

GL464.57 m

CO-12 MH-51

150.0 m
700.0 GL463.32 m

mm IL461.80 m GL465.76 m



5.9 m GL459.67 m IL459.04 m GL464.17 m IL461.96 m


IL461.94 m


IL456.96 m CO

150.0 m
700.0 MH-38 IL463.10 m
29.7 -17

0.0 .3 m 2


18 -14

17.2 18
GL463.54 mCO-50

0 mm
MH-183 700 m

0 mm

700. m

150. m
GL468.72 m MH-41 MH-143


GL458.70 m GL459.16 m IL459.15 m31.7 .0 mm MH-17

GL458.35 m

IL467.65 m

MH-2 -29 O-1 MH-26 GL463.20 m CO-3 m MH-50 GL465.17 m

IL457.64 m IL457.28 m CO .5 m IL454.43 m 23.3 8 150.0 GL464.76 m

MH-30 m GL464.23 m

GL468.61 m IL462.13 m mm IL461.98 m

GL461.50 m MH-19

150.0 m
MH-193 150.0 m IL462.01 m

CO .3 m m
IL466.96 m 30 mm IL454.40
GL458.14mm IL463.11 m

21 m
IL458.12 m mm GL464.38 m CO

GL459.36 m MH-29 0.0

20 IL454.63 m 30. -16

IL457.56 m MH-42 IL461.94 m
GL458.53 m MH-43 700 6 m
CO .2 m m


20 m

0 mm
.0 mm
150.0 mm

GL463.49 m

150. m
IL455.13 m GL464.09 m

CO MH-16

GL464.65 m
30.9 m


15 27.2 1
15. -24


IL462.43 m


MH-24 IL463.03 m

GL464.54 m

22.5 m
150.0 m

0.0 m
MH-3 MH-71 IL462.05 m


700 2 m

-28 GL462.45 m IL462.05 m

150.0 m
GL468.82 m .0 mm GL464.74 m

GL458.25 m MH-25

0 mm
22.0 42
CO .7 m m

150. m
IL458.17 m

IL466.86 m IL463.31 m

28.9 19
IL457.18 m 29 m GL461.98 m


.0 mm

700 m

20.6 43
0 mm
MH-184 26. -71
150.0 m


150. m
15 24.3 -3 20 IL458.15 m
150 1 m 25. -70

CO .1 mmm

MH-32 GL458.58 m MH-28


0.0 m .0 mm 150 5 m



GL468.84 m m IL457.50 m GL458.51 m .0 mm MH-70 0

MH-4 21.2 m



.0 mm
m IL455.23 m MH-20 GL465.18 m

150 m
IL467.50 m MH-194 CO-23 700.0 mm CO m
GL468.99 m MH-120 17.5 m GL464.07 m MH-15 MH-140


15 30.5 -119
CO-22 IL463.63 m MH-68 24.7 mm

GL460.22 m MH-201 27.5 m MH-23
IL466.74 m GL458.38 m 700.0 mm GL463.42 m .0

0.0 m
7 GL463.50 m 23.8 m IL461.90 m GL464.58 m

IL457.42 m 700.0 mm 150

GL458.18 m -2 GL465.29 m IL462.26 m MH-141

IL456.67 m IL460.79 m 700.0 mm CO
CO IL457.09 m CO .0 mmm MH-22
MH-21 22 -65 IL464.22 m
IL462.09 m
GL464.36 m
GL463.92 m 15 .5 m
15 25.7 -4 30
150.0 m

24 -69
GL464.61 m

0.0 0.0 MH-65 IL462.14 m

0.0 m
150.0 mm

0.0 m MH-27 IL461.44 m


20 mm

IL461.87 m
30.6 m

MH-5 MH-93 GL465.13 m


150.0 m
GL458.86 m

m GL468.79 m MH-185 GL458.10 m IL463.33 m
IL455.33 m

32. -82


700.0 mm
.0 mm
150 6 m

GL458.46 m

23.0 m
IL457.04 m CO

IL466.61 m
0 mm

150. m

0 mm
IL457.38 m 15 23.5 -68

150. m



MH-196 CO- CO 0.0 m

150.0 m
6 GL458.16 m GL465.18 m


15 30.3 -118
30. -5 GL463.42 m CO-1 -2 MH-82 15 30.5 -64 m

150 2 m IL464.11 m m MH-14
CO .9 m m IL456.82 m

0.0 m
GL468.85 m IL460.73 m 26.4 97 GL467.06 m 0.0 m

.0 mm MH-202
MH-6 31 m GL465.34 m

IL467.34 m MH-195 m
150.0 m IL463.66 m


GL458.36 m 0.0

GL468.51 m GL461.53 mCO-1 IL462.12 m

150.0 m

mm 96 20 MH-64

IL457.27 m18.5 m MH-187 CO-186

IL466.46 m IL456.95 m MH-26 MH-67

15 35.1 -66

GL465.71 m

0.0 m
GL460.16 m MH-94 GL459.38 m MH-118 GL465.18 m


CO mm IL457.16 m 21.0 MH-186

MH-203 GL458.53 m IL455.43 m GL458.30 m IL464.49 m IL463.68 m
30. -6 150.0
m GL458.59 m m


150 4 m MH-7 GL458.33

mm IL457.27 CO- IL456.91 m IL456.98 m
150.0 m

.0 mm m m 204 MH-90

150.0 mm

CO .3 m

26.1 m
IL457.27 16.8

30 -81
30.4 m


GL468.48 m

16 mm
150.0 m GL458.70 m

21.7 94

0.0 m
150.0 m

IL466.31 m 5

mmIL456.87 mCO-90


-2 m

15 .4

15 30.9 -117
CO 20.0 CO .9 m CO MH-197

0.0 m
150 m MH-66 MH-13

33 m -193

20. -7 .0 mm



15 13.2 -169
150 1 m 0.0 MH-81 GL466.09 m GL465.80 m GL467.40 m
150.0 m

150 m

.0 GL468.11 m MH-25 20

0.0 m
GL468.05 m MH-63 IL466.34 m

IL464.82 m IL462.16 m .0 mm


MH-34 MH-117

IL466.20 m GL460.29 m IL466.61 m GL466.07 m CO CO-
GL468.95 m MH-91 GL458.51 m
70 .5 -12
IL455.54 m 22 192
IL464.88 m MH-170 MH-169 25.0

CO .4 m m
MH-188 GL459.18 m 0.0 m
30. -73

IL467.19 m IL457.13 m 150. m MH-192

.0 mm

27 m
150 1 m

CO mm MH-12 GL465.21 m GL465.39 m

23.2 97
IL456.77 m

GL461.81 m 0 mm

28. -8 GL466.65 m


150.0 m
IL464.15 m IL464.28 m

6 GL465.96 m

(ZONE 4)
150 5 m
.0 MH-9
IL457.07 m
4 -11 MH-193 IL464.97 m CO-191
IL462.19 m
mm -2 CO .2 m MH-62 23.7
.0 mm

GL465.68 m

30 -80

GL467.25 m CO .8 m m 25 mm 150. m

150 .2 m

MH-116 GL466.49 m CO IL464.54 m 0 mm

32 m


IL464.25 m 0.0 CO-1

150.0 mm

70 26.6 -11
34. -77

MH-73 0.0 GL459.04 m 15 IL465.43 m 90

.0 mm

29.6 m

150 6 m


MH-24 20 0.0 m 24.0 MH-190

31.0 -9 MH-8

GL468.96 m

150.0 m

MH-10 IL457.69 m MH-80

150.0 m

150. m GL460.82 m MH-11 GL464.49 m GL469.36 m

150.0 mm

150.0 m
IL467.71 m m mm

GL465.01 m GL468.64 m

.0 mm

0 mm
25.5 m

16.8 -8
IL455.65 m GL465.85 m IL468.18 m

150 m
5 IL463.43 m

150.0 mm

IL467.57 m MH-178

IL462.49 m CO-1

38.0 m
-11 IL462.23 m

CO .2 m
88 MH-92 CO .7 m m GL465.22 m CO-178 MH-191

29. -77

27 mm
26.0 MH-11


15 2 m

MH-189 MH-179
GL460.58 m MH-115 25 0.0 IL464.16 m 21.6 m GL468.77 m

150.0 m

MH-35 CO-
GL463.00 m MH-9 MH-194

189 GL465.41 m


0.0 .6 m 6
mm GL463.30 m m 150.0 mm IL465.92 m
30.1 -72

IL456.63 m -23 GL459.96 m 15

150.0 m

GL469.04 m
.0 mm


18 -5
IL464.05 m CO-179
GL467.26 m

150.0 m
150 m

CO- CO .2 m m GL465.14 m

150. mm 12.2 11 MH-12

70 35.0 -10

IL467.04 m IL458.10 m 22.7 m IL466.00 m

32 m

MH-77 0 mm MH-79 IL463.34 m
150. m GL462.36 m MH-77 MH-56 0.0 m


MH-23 0.0 150.0 mm

150.0 m
GL468.79 m GL468.28 m

18. -9
0 mm IL456.93 m 20 4 MH-171

.0 mm
150 1 m

GL467.44 m
150.0 mm

CO GL461.28 m CO GL466.88 m

IL467.39 m -11 m

18.3 m

IL467.22 m GL465.96 m
30.4 92
14.0 -84

CO .7 m m
.0 mm

150.0 m

IL465.72 m
15 18.3 -60

GL - 460.83 m
24.6 IL465.15 m
150 m

IL455.76 m MH-78

MH-72 150 m MH-13 23 m CO-88 MH-88 IL463.93 m


MH-114 GL459.59 m MH-61 0.0 m MH-180

35.8 1

.0 mm
150.0 m

GL468.81 m CO-87
GL461.02 m 150.0

GL469.11 m MH-78 GL462.00 mCO IL457.39 m m 25.0 m GL464.53 m MH-87 MH-196

32. -76

GL467.50 m GL465.79 m
.0 mm

28.3 m
150 3 m

IL467.75 m m


IL468.04 m GL468.23 m MH-84 IL456.85 m13.5 -13 IL458.22 m IL465.77 m 150.0 mm IL462.95 m GL464.69 m IL464.72 m GL468.75 m

150.0 m
MH-10 150.0 mm

13 -79

CO .0 mmm
GL464.12 m 150 m MH-138 IL463.09 m CO-8 IL467.19 m

0.0 m

MH-36 IL466.48 m


CO .1 m GL464.55 m

31.3 6

.0 mm


30. -76
IL462.07 m MH-58

GL468.98 m 31 mm GL460.09 m


150 8 m
IL462.27 m 150.0 m

CO .9 m m

MH-60 GL468.26 m MH-86

IL466.95 m 0.0 IL458.28 m 18. -78
22 m

MH-87 -11

MH-81 CO MH-22 20 MH-132 mm


CO .2 mmm


150.0 m

0.0 5 m CO GL468.00 m IL466.17 m GL464.31 m



32. -14

GL463.30 m

150.0 m
35.2 mm
GL467.00 m GL461.16 m GL459.64 m 18 -75 MH-172

CO- 150 8 m 30 CO-8

mm IL466.80 m IL463.25 m

150.0 mm
MH-74 15 .7

MH-85 IL462.24 m CO

18.1 75 IL464.30 m MH-15 IL455.86 m 0.0 IL458.58 m 31.7 5 GL466.19 m

37.5 m

MH-75 MH-14 .0 mm MH-107 15 0.0 m
GL469.23 m GL464.46 m 28 -58

150. m GL468.96 m GL461.82 m GL462.09 m MH-74 mm 15 .3 150.0 m MH-85 IL463.83 m
34.2 89

0 mm


GL461.99 m
150. m

0 mm 0.0 m

150.0 m

700.0 m
IL468.15 m IL467.89 m IL463.40 m IL456.40 m CO-15 MH-16 MH-59 mm

GL469.01 m GL467.54 m


IL456.53 m -21 IL460.45 m GL468.83 m mm


GL466.66 m

CO MH-79 CO 6 m IL467.94 m MH-76 IL463.88 m CO- MH-195
170. m GL461.88 m IL466.94 m

21.6 m
41.8 -37 MH-76 0 mm IL464.11 m 32.3 84 GL468.75 m

MH-37 GL468.35 m MH-21 31. mm GL468.79 m MH-181 CO-182 MH-182

CO .7 mm
150.0 m

33.3 m
150 IL456.34 m CO-1

15 13.8 -74
10.3 49
0 mm

GL469.10 m 0.0 MH-84

150. m

CO IL467.69 m

GL468.98 m GL466.04 m

.0 mm

IL467.28 m IL466.68 m 19.7 m GL466.18 m

GL461.22 m 20

0.0 m
-1 m
IL - 459.03 m
150.0 m


15 26.6 -112

29.7 6

25.0 m

MH-38 IL467.58 m 19. -59

MH-127 GL468.97

.0 mm

IL466.84 m MH-89 IL464.37 m 150.0 mm IL465.11 m MH-173

150 3 m

MH-83 MH-20 IL455.97 m

0.0 m

170.0 m MH-17 GL461.52 m 150 0 m
35. -74

GL469.16 m 48

MH-57 IL467.53
.0 mm

GL461.40 m IL467.12

CO- m GL466.37 m
150 2 m


GL467.49 m GL462.32 m MH-48 mm GL462.06 m GL461.23 m MH-113 IL459.34 m MH-130 .0 mm MH-187


IL466.63 m IL461.25 m 25.7 CO-17 IL457.66 m GL464.94

O-1 m IL463.72 m
IL466.38 m GL461.84 m mm MH-49 IL456.24 m MH-18 MH-19 IL456.03 m GL462.35 m GL459.23 m GL468.78 m

IL462.90 m m

CO MH-80 29.7 CO-1

150.0 m
31.6 -38 IL460.77 m 150.0 GL461.63 m 170.0 m GL461.32 m
CO-18 GL461.22 m IL458.37 m MH-133 IL458.17 m GL465.57
CO-36 IL466.21 m 87
11. -97



GL468.27 m MH-88 28.0
.0 mm


MH-204 mm IL456.14 m 15.7 m IL456.06 m IL462.38 m MH-183

150 7 m

23.8 m

CO- IL460.56 m
150 m MH-86 -1 GL461.28 m 39.4 m 150.0 m

IL466.77 m GL463.15 m MH-47 m 15

150.0 mm

.0 mm GL468.81 m 170.0 mm -20 34 GL468.32 m CO-35 GL468.23 m CO



28.6 mm IL458.41 m
21.4 m

GL464.49 m MH-135 700.0 mm



IL462.07 m GL462.21 m CO 5 m MH-35

IL467.74 m 0 IL467.16 m 17.6-18

150.0 m
IL462.42 m 18.0 m CO-

MH-97 IL462.97 m 150. MH-112 GL462.76 m m



16. mm
700.0 mm GL468.08 mCO-34

150.0 m
IL461.06 m m 150 m

150.0 m
.0 37.6

23.7 3
25 -111
GL469.21 m GL461.36 m

IL461.49 m

150.0 m

CO CO-19 .0 mm

MH-65 IL462.44 m 17.3 MH-34 150.0 m


31.5 m

CO m

0.0 m

31.3 -39
150.0 mm


700.0 m GL467.86 m

IL467.93 m CO m MH-66 9.5 m IL458.51 m

0 mm
13.5 96

150.0 mm

6.9 mm


150.0 m
GL462.07 m
150. m

15.8 m




150 3 m 0

0.0 m 5
14.5 m

150 m mm
150.0 mm

26.9 mm MH-63 mm MH-131 IL462.45 m CO-33

GL462.11 m MH-175

18. -13

24 -17
25.6 m


.0 mm
.0 mm IL460.77 m 200.0

MH-40 GL467.20 m CO

MH-39 .0 GL466.51 m

MH-56 MH-111 MH-73

150.0 m

150 GL462.13 m IL461.05 m MH-134 GL459.96 m 27.3 -184 GL466.71 m



IL463.60 m

MH-96 GL468.59 m IL464.52 m MH-71 700.0 m MH-33 29.0

GL468.87 m MH-184
29.3 -66
150.0 mm

GL462.28 m GL460.56 m GL466.21 m MH-130


150.0 m
-45 IL461.06 m GL462.86 m IL458.07 m IL463.42 m

10.0 m

CO-4 m

GL469.18 m IL466.47 m IL466.32 m CO m GL460.61 m mm GL467.48 mCO-
150 m 110 IL458.63 m MH-129 GL468.21 m .0 mm

IL461.21 m IL464.11 m GL468.84 m
30.6 0


150.0 mm

MH-41 .0 mm MH-67 IL461.79 m

IL467.99 m 17.0 mm CO- m MH-126 IL462.48 m 19.8 32 MH-32

IL459.04 m IL466.39 m
12.9 m

14 -62

MH-46 MH-110

150.0 m CO-61 MH-64 GL459.99 m IL465.83 m

23.2 m

.0 GL462.17 m


GL467.82 m MH-61 700. m GL467.55 m

0.0 m

GL461.58 m26.4 mm GL462.74 m


150.0 mm
150.0 m

150 GL463.12 m MH-136


mm 9.8 m CO IL458.92 m

17.8 m
GL462.22 m
15.3 0

IL466.16 m CO-44 IL460.02 m MH-108 MH-109 CO-109 IL459.76 m150.0 0 mm


150.0 m

GL462.89 m CO-1

10.8 -63

IL457.78 m MH-185

150.0 mm



.6 9
IL461.41 m 150.0 mm 67 m GL463.07 m 25
36.9 m
150.0 mm

IL461.01 m
GL462.87 mGL462.74 m 20.7 mm
IL462.50 m

22.3 m

16 -12
150.0 mm

29.2 MH-70 CO

0.0 m
IL461.82 m 18.9 m

150 m GL467.68 m
19.0 m


11.6 m

CO CO 150 m 23. -15 MH-176


IL460.44 m

15 32.8 -72
mm 25. -31 24.4 mm
IL461.78 m IL460.73 m 150.0

.0 mm
.0 mm

GL460.78 m

150 m
150.0 MH-68 150.0 150 7 m 3
13. -42 15 14.3 -98 .0 mm CO-1 IL466.61 m

0.0 m

CO-43 CO-54 700 7 m MH-31 GL467.41 m

mm 24
150 2 m MH-181 CO-181 150

GL460.79 m IL459.12 m

150.0 mm
19.6 m 0.0 m .0 mm

MH-45 16.7 m 20.9 .0 mm

MH-62 IL463.30 m

25.6 m

33. -150
CO MH-153

MH-55 IL459.73 m CO-68

.0 mm 150.0 m

150.0 m
mm MH-54 150.0 m 14.0 m CO-123 MH-72 GL467.79 m MH-189
7.2 -41 GL463.01 m

0.0 8 m
MH-95 150.0 GL463.78 m MH-53 mm GL462.54 m MH-98 m 27.4 mm GL468.78 m

GL462.80 m 150.0 mm


150 m GL463.19 m 21.4 m IL462.53 m MH-177 GL466.79 m

150. m CO-12 GL468.99 m


GL469.15 m MH-44 IL462.22 m GL463.50 m IL461.21 m GL462.19 m CO IL461.82 m MH-125

150.0 m

.0 mm MH-42 2 MH-129 IL467.71 m


CO m
IL461.35 m CO-108
150.0 mm

IL461.90 m 0 mm 150.0 mm CO-121 CO GL467.58 m IL465.55 m

24. -99

11.2 m IL465.56 m

18.2 mm
IL468.09 m
11.0 m MH-152 CO-152
24.4 m

GL465.35 m IL462.17 m IL461.13 m MH-153 CO-153 MH-151 GL462.23 m 26. -15


GL467.48 m MH-166

150 6 m 20.2 m IL463.17 m

150.0 mm GL468.98 m 150 4 m 4


24 -128
150.0 mmGL461.94 m 21.7 m GL461.51 m 25.0 m MH-124

150 9 m 7
GL459.85 m IL457.84 m

IL463.08 m
150.0 mm

.0 mm MH-100

150.0 m
IL465.93 m MH-104 GL463.31 m 150.0 mm

15. -17
CO .0 m

.0 mm
MH-154 .0 mm CO

0.0 .3 m

IL465.94 m
29.6 m

MH-43 MH-69 IL460.66 m150.0 mm IL459.04 m150.0 mm GL461.27 m

24 mm

IL458.76 m

MH-51 GL461.39 m GL460.43 m CO-1 IL460.56 m MH-177
70 10.9 -30


GL466.86 m IL457.95 m GL468.56 m



MH-58 IL460.32 m CO IL459.37 m 23.5 04 GL460.73 m CO 0.0 mMH-30

0 mm

GL465.18 m MH-99 GL463.15 m MH-188

GL460.39 m MH-128 IL467.24 m
150. m

IL464.48 m CO-5 31 -83

150.0 mm

17 -10

IL459.18 m MH-121


150.0 mm
GL464.38 m
150.0 m m GL468.12 m

MH-50 GL462.11 m
12.6 m

IL463.49 m 24.4 1 MH-60 IL460.56 m IL458.31 m MH-122 15 .7 CO GL466.98 m

30.3 m
150 .1 0 GL469.13 m

11.5 m
m CO

CO-180 GL459.54 m 0.0 m

(ZONE 4)
IL461.98 m mm MH-155
GL465.80 m CO- 150.0 m GL463.03 m IL460.57 m .0 m MH-157 CO-149 GL459.96 m 15 18.7 -152 IL462.54 m5.2 -29 IL465.92 m

CO-155 MH-156 mm
MH-83 IL466.10 m


28.0 50 mm

150.0 m
15.1 m IL458.47 m 70

0 mm
IL464.40 m mm GL461.12 m GL461.66 m IL458.37 m 0.0 m MH-152 0.0 m

150. m
IL461.96 m GL461.34 m 35.8 m MH-149 MH-28
IL460.06 m 9.6 m IL460.01 m

150. m 150.0 mm


IL459.94 m GL469.10 m m GL468.78 m mm


30.2 -59

150.0 mm
.0 mm

0 mm GL460.24 m m
150 m

GL468.15 m

150.0 m
150.0 mm

6 IL468.04 m MH-150 MH-29

CO IL467.55 m

IL459.17 m

29.0 m
-15 MH-150 IL464.16 m


34. -10 GL468.35 m GL468.27 m CO


MH-101 MH-103
25.6 m

MH-159 CO 9 m

150.0 m
150 1 m 1 MH-180 GL459.88 m CO CO


IL462.54 m 70 27.9 -28

IL466.87 m

150 4 m 6
150.0 m

GL461.49 m GL460.73 mGL460.86 m 12. mm 26 -15 28. -27

.0 mm MH-127

29. -14

-159 GL461.89 m .0

.0 mm
IL458.82 m 15 .6 1 0.0 m 700 6 m

MH-52 IL460.23 m IL459.25 m IL459.80 m CO m IL460.82 m 150 MH-139 GL469.14 m 0.0 m

MH-151 mm .0 mm
150.0 mm

MH-148 mm
150.0 mm

15.2 mm MH-27

GL464.31 m

GL460.66 m IL466.22 m
14.8 m
25.2 m

.0 MH-165 GL462.65 m GL469.40 m

IL462.73 m MH-57 MH-59 150 IL459.59 m MH-146 GL468.04 m
GL463.24 m IL459.26 m CO IL468.25 m
GL465.17 m MH-143 GL469.25 m IL464.19 m

31. -12

GL465.49 m CO

150.0 m
IL462.26 m -160 IL460.70 m 150 3 m 6

IL463.57 m MH-176 GL461.62 m IL467.79 m CO
28.1 .0

MH-154 150 m
GL463.20 m IL458.68 m mm 30. -26
MH-102 .0 mm GL465.67 m MH-126 500 1 m
158 GL461.73 m IL460.71 m .0 mm
IL463.36 m CO-161 MH-162

GL461.26 m CO- m GL469.30 m

IL460.21 m MH-160

150.0 m
MH-158 17.3

IL459.85 m 13.4 IL466.44 m MH-139


MH-106 GL464.56 m MH-26
150.0 m GL465.11 m

150.0 m

mm CO

GL461.82 m
CO .5 mm

GL469.92 m

150.0 IL463.50 m mm IL463.27 m CO-162 GL462.24 m CO GL467.82 m
GL462.73 m 25. -14


34.4 m

IL460.76 m

31 -125 150 5 m 7

-1 m

IL459.42 m IL468.85 m

IL460.68 m CO- 28.2 MH-163 IL464.47 m

167 150.0 m 15
0.0 .3 m

45 5.6 m
MH-167 .0 mm MH-148

24.6 MH-168 GL464.27 m CO-163
11. -173

GL465.83 m 150.0 m mm mm MH-147

.0 mm
150 4 m

GL469.44 m

mm GL465.96 m IL462.73 m18.8 m CO-1 MH-125 GL469.67 m CO
IL464.76 m CO-


15 1 m 9
150.0 mm MH-175 IL468.10 m 36. -24

24. -13
IL464.41 m20.5 168 12.9 m GL469.59 m IL468.61 m

GL462.82 m CO 200 3 m
150.0 m MH-173 IL466.67 m 27. -14


MH-142 .0 mm

150.0 m

IL460.83 m 150 5 m 8

GL465.09 m

MH-105 mm GL461.11 m MH-25 MH-24

CO .0 mm

IL464.02 m MH-164 MH-140 MH-149 GL467.92 m

GL463.95 m IL458.85 m 38. -12

35. -99
GL468.62 m

.0 mm
GL463.61 m GL469.81 m

450 2 m
MH-172 MH-178 150 5 m 4

141 150.0 mm
GL469.00 m IL464.88 m

IL461.91 m MH-170

IL465.27 m

.0 mm
IL468.37 m

150 m
IL460.86 m .0 mm

GL466.32 m GL464.13 m GL463.06 m IL467.75 m


IL464.86 m MH-169 IL461.69 m IL462.00 m MH-124 CO
CO- 24. -14 33. -23
169 MH-146 MH-132 150 1 m 9

GL465.27 m GL469.86 m 200 8 m

150.0 m

LAND REQ - 500 Sq.m


22 -140
21.9 m

IL463.35 m 150.0 m GL461.69 m GL469.66 m IL466.97 m mm .0 mm


.0 mm

0.0 .2 m
IL468.27 m

150 m
mm IL459.58 m MH-138 MH-23


70 MH-174 GL469.84 m MH-99 GL468.87 m

16. -131
150. m GL462.03 m

.0 mm
IL467.74 m GL468.60 m IL465.41 m

150 9 m
0 mm MH-171 IL460.97 m CO MH-137 IL465.68 m

GL462.49 m CO CO
17. -13

28.2 3
GL469.80 m 32. -22

.0 mm
IL460.97 m 11.9-179 150 9 m 8

150 m
MH-141 IL467.79 m 170 4 m


150 m MH-179 .0 mm


27. -98
GL469.67 m .0 mm

150.0 m

.0 mm

450 8 m
.0 mmGL462.09 m

GL460.64 m
33. -14

IL468.61 m 7.0 -13

IL461.02 m IL459.03 m 150 m 7 150 0 m 5
MH-123 .0 mm .0 mm
GL469.84 m MH-145
MH-145 MH-22


IL467.26 m GL469.84 m

29. -136

150.0 m
GL469.05 m

.0 mm
GL460.79 m -144

150 0 m
15.6 IL468.78 m 17 28.8 -21

MH-144 MH-98 IL465.57 m

IL459.73 m 150 m 0.0 m
.0 mm GL460.30 m MH-144 GL469.06 m
MH-136 m
IL459.23 m m

150 1 m 2
GL469.74 m GL469.74 m IL465.72 m MH-21

26. -12
.0 mm
IL468.67 m GL469.34 m

38 -90
IL468.08 m


0.0 .7 m
IL465.71 m

30. -97

.0 mm

450 4 m
33. -144

MH-140 30.7 CO
150.0 m 15 9 27 -20

GL460.18 m MH-143 0.0 m .9

CO m
MH-122 mm MH-90 15
0.0 m

IL459.12 m GL470.01 m mm

4.2 mm
GL469.65 m GL469.31 m MH-20

IL468.95 m

IL467.52 m IL466.50 m GL469.47 m

GL469.71 m CO IL465.87 m
MH-97 CO
21. -109 MH-91
IL468.12 m GL469.53 m 15 9 GL469.32 m
15 24.7 -55
0.0 m 0.0 m CO
IL465.76 m

150.0 mm

18. -89
mm IL468.26 m MH-55 m 31 -19

.0 mm
150 4 m
40.2 m
MH-142 GL469.58 m m 15 .6

GL470.10 m CO 0.0 m
IL468.51 m mm MH-19
21. -10

150.0 mm
IL468.97 m
150 3 m 8

CO GL469.62 m

38.7 m

26.3 2
.0 mm MH-108
15 16.2 -56

.0 mm

150 m

22. -96
IL466.03 m

MH-96 18. -91

450 1 m
MH-109 GL469.69 m 0.0 m CO


MH-134 GL469.74 m GL469.56 m IL467.41 m CO 150 8 m
.0 mm MH-56 m 19. -18

GL469.59 m IL465.80 m
m 150 7 m MH-18
IL467.20 m 25. -11 MH-89 GL469.78 m .0 mm
IL468.52 m MH-141 150 1 m 5 GL469.41 m IL468.27 m
CO GL469.69 m
.0 mm MH-115 29. -57 IL466.13 m

IPS- 4 (ZONE 2)
GL469.77 m IL466.67 m
GL469.74 m 150 6 m CO

30 -95
IL468.70 m .0 mm 30. -17

24.0 107

0.0 .2 m

.0 mm
IL468.68 m MH-116 MH-57

150 m

28.4 150 9 m

MH-121 GL469.74 m GL469.85 m .0 mm

150 8 m 1
150.0 m MH-17

23. -14
.0 mm

35.0 -88
.0 mm
GL469.60 m mm IL468.67 m IL468.10 m


150 m
CO GL469.78 m


IL467.90 m CO MH-95 30. -58 IL466.28 m
MH-107 150 7 m
23. -11 GL469.81 m
MH-58 CO
MH-120 150 7 m 9 IL465.84 m GL469.91 m .0 mm MH-59 29. -16
.0 mm IL467.65 m CO GL469.87 m GL469.94 m 150 3 m
GL469.66 m .0 mm MH-16
CO 24. -116 MH-88
IL467.95 m IL467.80 m GL469.82 m
IL468.19 m -11 MH-110 150 1 m CO
18.3 8
150 m GL469.80 m .0 mm GL469.57 m 30.1 -59 IL466.43 m
IL466.90 m 150 m
.0 mm 29.1 15

30 -94
IL468.73 m .0 mm MH-60


0.0 .2 m

MH-113 150. m


150.0 m
GL469.95 m


0 mm

GL469.70 m GL469.94 m

150.0 m

30. -87
GL469.97 m

GL - 476.59 m


.0 mm
IL467.65 m

150 8 m
IL468.46 m IL466.57 m

24.7 -60

IL468.91 m

MH-118 150 m MH-61 29.5 14

.0 mm 150. m

GL469.75 m GL469.95 m MH-14

0 mm
0 mm

150. m
IL468.68 m IL467.53 m GL469.97 m



19.8 51
0 mm
IL466.72 m

150. m
GL469.88 m
33. -11 27.6 13

GL469.56 m 150 1 m 1 IL468.03 m 150. m

15 32.3 3

.0 mm CO 0 mm MH-13

0.0 m
IL468.50 m
GL469.58 m 27.4 -61


MH-94 MH-70 GL469.99 m

29. -93
IL467.11 m 150 m IL466.86 m 2

.0 mm
GL469.76 m CO

450 7 m
-112 .0 mm GL470.07 m CO-7 33.8

MH-51 150.0 m MH-167
IL465.88 m 17.9 IL469.00 m 22.1 0 MH-71


m mm

30. -86
GL470.05 m 150.0 m GL470.05 m GL471.95 m

150.0 m
.0 mm GL470.17 m

.0 mm
150 1 m

16.8 67
0 mm


150. m
MH-111 IL467.35 m CO-1 IL470.88 m

IL467.04 m

GL469.74 m CO
IL468.56 m
MH-67 32.7 1

150.0 m

21.9 0
MH-93 MH-11

150.0 m

IL - 475.46 m

IL468.06 m GL470.05 m mm
GL469.45 m 150 m GL470.29 m
MH-112 .0 mm IL467.62 m CO-1
IL465.92 m CO-7 IL467.23 m
GL469.72 m MH-114 MH-50 20.5 1 MH-73 32.6 m0

150.0 mm

GL469.72 m 150.0 m MH-10

29.5 m
IL468.66 m GL469.51 m GL469.97 m GL470.19 m 150.0
IL468.26 m MH-69 mm CO- mm GL470.12 m
MH-105 IL467.31 m IL467.46 m IL468.72 m 72
MH-117 GL469.72 m GL470.03 m CO- CO-7 30.4 MH-72 IL467.42 m CO-9

28. -92
150.0 m

.0 mm
450 5 m
IL468.50 m 23.1 68 3 32.0

GL469.61 m IL468.65 m GL470.39 m

29.6 mm 150.0 m


150.0 m
MH-104 MH-9

18.4 -49

CO- 150.0 m

.0 mm
150. m

150 m
IL468.40 m IL469.32 m
GL469.72 m 21.7 69 mm

0 mm GL470.03 m mm GL470.19 m

29.2 -85
150.0 m MH-168 MH-158

.0 mm
IL467.79 m CO IL467.61 m CO-8

150 m
-10 mm IL468.97 m
33.9 m GL472.04 m GL472.36 m

43. 4 CO- MH-8
MH-102 150 1 m 150.0 IL470.73 m IL471.29 m
MH-49 29.2 82

11. -101
MH-92 .0 mm mm GL470.34 m


.0 mm
GL469.37 m 150.0 m

150 2 m
GL469.94 m MH-82

CO .3 m
GL469.55 m CO-7

mm IL467.83 m

IL468.07 m

21 mm
IL465.96 m IL467.55 m GL470.22 m 32.8

CO-8 150.0 m

IL467.88 m MH-7

150.0 mm

IPS -4 (ZONE 2)

27.7 m
MH-66 27.0 mm GL470.48 m
MH-85 GL470.08 m 150.0 m MH-81 CO-6

IL468.05 m

26.8 48

.0 mm
29. -165

150.0 mm
150.0 m

150 m
GL469.49 m GL470.31 m 31.5 m

.0 mm

31.6 65
IL467.73 m

450 7 m

150.0 m

35.2 m
GL469.26 m MH-6

CO IL467.50 m IL468.02 m CO- 150.0

IL468.14 m -1 30.2 80 mm GL470.52 m
15 19.2 02 150. m

23.9 -84
.0 mm
0.0 m MH-80 IL468.26 m

150 m
0 mm 31.4 m MH-159


m MH-48 GL470.46 m

.0 mm
MH-103 150.0

150 m
m CO-79 mm GL472.37 m
GL469.70 m GL469.94 m CO- IL468.17 m MH-79

47 MH-65 29.8 CO- IL471.15 m
IL467.94 m IL467.68 m 28.7 150.0 m GL470.53 m CO-78 MH-78 161 MH-169
CO- 150. m MH-47 GL469.99 m mm IL468.32 m
15.3 m GL470.56 m
32 MH-84 0 mm IL468.93 m CO-77 150. m GL472.15 m
24.4 MH-100 GL470.09 m 150.0 0 mm
400.0 m GL469.51 m IL467.96 m mm IL468.39 m 29.8 m MH-77 IL470.56 m
mm GL469.46 m CO CO-1
30.1 -46

150.0 mm
IL468.27 m 150.0 mm GL470.62 m CO-76

IL468.39 m 30.5 60

28.9 m
CO MH-76
O-1 -31 150. m IL468.59 m 30.2 m GL470.88 m 150.0 m MH-160

32.6 54
0 mm
24.7 0 mm GL470.65 m

150. m
24. -83
GL469.54 m 150.0 mm CO-75

.0 mm
MH-165 400. m mm CO-159

IL468.48 m GL470.96 m

150 0 m

150.0 mm

150.0 mm
0 mm IL468.89 m 29.4 m MH-159


m m

24.5 m
GL469.73 CO- 30.5 m


32.3 m
IL468.80 m

.0 mm
45 150.0 mm GL470.74 m CO-74 CO-158

150 m
IL466.01 m MH-32 26.4 MH-161 150.0 mm GL471.02 m
CO IL469.26 m 30.3 m MH-74 MH-158

GL469.54 m 150. m MH-45 GL470.98 m IL468.95 m 32.0 m
30.1 -30 0 mm
GL470.24 m 150.0 mm GL470.93 m IL468.65 m 150.0 mm GL471.09 m CO-157 MH-170
IL467.22 m 400 m MH-30 IL469.87 m IL469.11 m 32.0 m MH-157 CO-163 MH-163 GL472.26 m MH-160
.0 mm MH-54 IL468.60 m
GL469.92 m MH-46 CO- 150.0 mm GL471.23 m
30.1 m GL471.39 m CO-162
IL470.44 m GL472.44 m
GL470.00 m 44
GL471.55 m CO-164
MH-83 IL469.27 m 30.9 m MH-164
MH-167 MH-31 IL467.31 m GL470.01 m 29.6 MH-4 150.0 mm IL469.63 m 150.0 IL470.98 m

IL468.01 m 150 m 31.0 m GL471.70 m

GL469.82 m

26.7 m
GL469.70 m GL469.67 m IL468.16 m .0 mm MH-44 mm IL470.02 m 150.0
IL468.75 m GL470.95 m mm IL470.64 m
GL470.44 m

IL468.25 m IL467.26 m IL468.70 m

150.0 mm
IL468.89 m

150.0 mm

26.7 m
20.4 m
CO- CO- CO-172
29 GL472.20 m
30.7 30.6 28 36.2 m MH-162


150.0 mm
400 m IL471.14 m CO-171

150.0 m

MH-29 400 m CO-161

31.0 m
.0 mm

.0 mm MH-64 150.0 mm 29.5 m GL472.48 m 18.3 m

GL472.53 m MH-135

150.0 mm
GL470.43 m

32.5 m
GL469.99 m IL470.19 m 150.0 mm

IL467.36 m MH-37 150.0 mm IL470.85 m GL474.13 m
CO- IL468.43 m GL470.71 m IL472.54 m


CO .4 mm
150.0 mm
30.2 27 MH-136

.0 mm
150 m

32.7 m
MH-53 IL469.65 m 35

24.6 m MH-39 MH-40 MH-171

-1 m
400. m CO-38

CO-39 CO-1

MH-41 GL473.41 m



GL470.10 m GL470.81 m 30.8 m

150.0 m
0 mm GL472.34 m 32.1 m

150.0 mm GL470.73 m 30.7 m GL470.63 m 30.1 CO-41 MH-156
IL468.42 m IL469.53 m 150.0 mm m GL470.72 m MH-137 IL472.35 m

IL469.37 m 150.0 mm IL469.22 m 150.0 30.3 m GL471.26 m MH-173 IL470.33 m mm
6 150.0

150.0 mm
CO mm IL469.07 m MH-3 GL473.47 m

IL469.66 m GL471.90 m CO-13

20.6 m
-26 150.0 mm
MH-166 MH-28 30.0 GL471.07 m IL470.84 m MH-166
IL472.19 m 31.3 m
GL470.08 m GL469.89 m 400 m IL468.92 m CO-166 MH-138 mm
.0 mm 7 150.0


CO m
GL472.57 m MH-165

IL469.02 m IL467.41 m 36.4 m CO-13

150.0 m

31.0 mm
MH-63 MH-43 GL473.57 m
IL471.50 m GL472.69 m 32.8 m


150.0 mm

GL470.10 m GL470.55 m IL472.03 m

150.0 m

CO MH-163 IL471.62 m MH-139 38 mm
30.2 -25 150.0

150.0 mm
MH-27 IL468.76 m IL469.30 m


0 mm
33.3 52
GL473.63 m

30.0 m
GL472.69 m

150. m
GL469.64 m 400 m 31.0 m

.0 mm MH-174 IL470.07 m MH-140 IL471.87 m mm MH-134
IL467.46 m MH-2 GL473.68 m CO-139 150.0 GL474.02 m

LAND REQ - 150 Sq.m

150.0 mm
GL471.15 m GL471.76 m
31.0 m

MH-141 IL471.72 m

20.6 m
MH-26 CO- IL472.96 m

150.0 mm
IL470.70 m
IL469.73 m 150.0 mm


30.2 m
GL473.77 m CO-140

150.0 mm
GL469.70 m 30.5
30.7 m

32.8 m
400 m MH-52 MH-155 MH-142 IL471.56 m
IL467.52 m .0 mm MH-164 MH-1
GL470.15 m GL471.32 m 150.0 mm

GL473.69 m CO-141

GL481.35 m

22.0 m
CO-23 GL472.91 m MH-143
IL469.09 m IL470.26 m 30.4 m

150.0 mm
IL471.39 m

MH-25 IL477.10 m

29.7 m
36.2 m IL469.94 m

GL469.76 m
GL473.44 m CO-142 150.0 mm MH-4
400.0 mm CO-22 GL470.43 m MH-124 MH-149 CO-143 IL471.21 m 30.3 m GL474.07 m MH-2
IL467.57 m MH-127 GL471.35 m GL478.05 m
30.7 m IL469.36 m MH-42 MH-1 CO-126 CO-125 CO-124 GL471.39 m MH-148 MH-145 31.4 m 150.0 mm IL473.00 m

150.0 mm
GL473.05 m MH-5
CO-127 GL471.36 m

CO-21 IL468.92 m CO-123 MH-147 MH-146 CO-144 IL473.26 m

18.6 m
400.0 mm GL471.02 m MH-128 IL468.98 m MH-155 MH-154
GL471.24 m
MH-129 IL468.80 m 30.5 m 27.4 m 30.1 m
CO-122 MH-153 MH-151 CO-150 IL470.24 m CO-148 GL472.89 m
GL472.74 m GL472.85 m
GL472.99 m
35.4 m 150.0 mm GL473.98 m MH-3
30.3 m CO-20 IL469.96 m IL470.17 m CO-128 GL471.39 m 30.5 m 170.0 mm 170.0 mm 170.0 mm 38.4 m CO-121 CO-120 MH-119 MH-118 CO-155 GL472.88 m CO-154 GL472.95 m CO-153 CO-152 CO-149 IL470.44 m CO-147 IL470.87 m
400.0 mm MH-130 CO-129 GL471.22 m 30.4 m IL468.75 m 170.0 mm 170.0 mm 28.0 m CO-119 CO-118
IL469.43 m IL469.50 m GL473.00 m CO-151 GL473.15 m 28.7 m 33.0 m 33.1 m
31.7 m IL470.62 mCO-146 IL470.72 m CO-145 150.0 mm MH-6 IL472.86 m GL474.20 m
GL469.87 m 29.7 m CO-19 CO-131 MH-131 CO-130 GL471.23 m 30.4 m IL468.70 m 170.0 mm
30.6 m 30.3 m 29.4 m GL472.53 m 30.7 m GL472.53 m 30.5 m 31.2 m 32.4 m 33.3 m 20.7 m IL469.88 m 150.0 mm 150.0 mm 20.1 m 30.0 m GL474.01 m
MH-23 400.0 mm CO-18 CO-12 CO-11 CO-10 CO-9 m 170.0 mm 150.0 mm IL469.31 m 150.0 mm IL469.37 m 150.0 mm 150.0 mm 150.0 mm IL469.56 m 150.0 mm 150.0 mm IL473.14 m
IL467.63 m 30.2 m CO-17 CO-13 18.7 m GL471.27 m 27.9 IL468.65 m 170.0 mm 150.0 mm 150.0 mm 150.0 mm 150.0 mm 150.0 mm 150.0 mm IL472.75 m
GL470.13 m 400.0 mm 30.3 m CO-16 CO-15 CO-14 28.7 m 30.4 m 30.0 m 30.7 m IL468.60 m 170.0 mm MH-7
30.2 m 22.3 m 27.6 m 170.0 mm MH-126 CO MH-144
IL467.69 m 400.0 mm 16.0 m 26.3 m 400.0 mm 400.0 mm 400.0 mm 400.0 mm GL473.93 m
MH-22 400.0 mm 400.0 mm 400.0 mm
400.0 mm GL471.38 m MH-123 15 27.0 -157 GL473.15 m
400.0 mm 0.0 m IL472.63 m
GL470.24 m GL471.94 m IL471.05 m

150.0 mm
MH-21 IL468.86 m

MH-150 m

27.9 m
MH-20 MH-122 MH-8

150.0 mm
IL467.74 m GL470.43 m IL469.05 m MH-121 MH-120 m


22.1 m
GL470.56 m MH-9 GL472.13 m GL472.45 m GL473.30 m GL474.08 m
IL467.79 m MH-19 MH-10 GL472.32 m GL473.06 m
IL467.84 m MH-18 MH-17 MH-13 MH-12 MH-11 GL471.28 m IL469.11 m IL469.25 m IL470.05 m IL472.50 m
GL470.72 m MH-16 MH-14 GL471.36 m IL469.19 m IL469.76 m
GL470.92 m GL471.32 m MH-15 GL471.71 m GL471.65 m GL471.49 m IL468.34 m MH-132 MH-9
IL467.89 m GL471.48 m GL471.67 m IL468.19 m IL468.29 m
IL467.94 m GL471.57 m IL468.14 m IL468.24 m GL471.49 m GL474.27 m

400.0 mm
IL467.99 m IL468.03 m IL468.10 m MH-117

34.4 m
IL468.05 m IL472.36 m

IL470.43 m MH-157
GL472.95 m MH-10

GL473.48 m

150.0 mm
IL471.58 m GL474.19 m

42.0 m
IL472.42 m
MH-110 MH-109 MH-108 CO-107 IL471.84 m
MH-113 MH-112 CO-111 MH-111 CO-110 CO-109 CO-108 MH-107 MH-11

150.0 mm
CO-113 CO-112 GL471.76 m GL471.73 m GL471.67 m 28.3 m

GL471.56 m GL471.70 m 32.1 m 31.6 m 31.7 m GL471.62 m

20.8 m

CO- m
MH-8 GL474.05 m

GL471.44 m 34.2 m IL470.42 m 150.0 mm

39.4 mm
34.3 m 34.9 m IL469.91 m 150.0 mm IL470.07 m 150.0 mm IL470.23 m 150.0 mm
GL471.49 m IL469.57 m IL469.74 m 150.0 mm IL470.56 m MH-133 MH-12 IL471.73 m
150.0 mm

150.0 mm CO-133

MH-46 IL469.07 m GL473.26 m GL474.01 m
GL472.13 m CO-46 MH-47 MH-116 17.4 m
31.0 m GL472.19 m CO-47 GL473.16 m
IL472.20 m MH-13 IL471.61 m
IL471.07 m MH-42 150.0 mm
150.0 mm IL470.91 m 33.9 m IL472.09 m GL473.85 m

150.0 mm
150.0 mm GL472.19 m MH-14

400.0 mm
IL471.50 m

23.1 m
IL469.32 m

21.0 m
GL473.63 m

MH-43 MH-105
MH-106 MH-15 IL471.41 m
GL472.26 m

150.0 mm
GL471.78 m MH-48 MH-49 MH-156

CO-48 CO-49

20.7 m
IL470.72 m CO GL471.98 m 28.9 m GL471.86 m 29.4 m GL471.90 m IL471.20 m GL473.72 m GL473.17 m
28.6 -43 IL470.92 m 150.0 mm IL470.77 m 150.0 mm MH-7 CO-96
IL470.79 m MH-104 IL472.65 m IL471.23 m
150 m CO-95 MH-95 GL472.61 m GL473.32 m
GL471.66 m 21.3 m CO-94 MH-94 CO-104

150.0 mm
.0 mm MH-44 CO-93 MH-93 MH-115 IL471.13 m

21.8 m GL471.75 m CO-92 MH-92 29.3 m IL471.54 m MH-15

400.0 mm 400.0 mm

11.0 m
GL471.88 m

150.0 mm
GL472.14 m IL469.17 m 150.0 mm 31.2 m 31.5 m GL472.01 m 26.9 CO-91 MH-91 GL473.38 m

31.3 m
150.0 mm IL469.76 m 150.0 GL472.06 m CO-90 MH-90 150.0 mm

5.0 m
GL473.74 m

IL470.55 m CO- mm IL469.92 m 150.0 mm m 30.7 m GL472.14 m CO-89 CO-100 CO-15
IL470.07 m 150.0 MH-16
26.7 44 mm IL470.21 m 150.0
mm IL470.36 m
30.3 m GL472.12 m
32.0 m CO-101 MH-101 38.6 m IL472.30 m
GL473.76 m 33.0
m IL471.61 m
150. m MH-45 MH-6 150.0 mm IL470.51 m
150.0 mm 23.1 m GL472.27 m
150.0 mm MH-17 mm
0 mm
GL472.34 m CO-45 MH-40 GL471.69 m MH-96 IL470.92 m CO-16 IL471.51 m 250.0
MH-34 150.0 mm GL473.69 m
IL470.41 m 25.9 m GL472.52 m MH-50 IL469.20 m GL471.66 m MH-100 MH-18 31.0 m

GL471.31 m

18.6 m

150.0 mm
CO-17 IL471.42 m

150.0 mm MH-59 GL472.20 m CO-50 GL473.70 m 250.0 mm

IL469.53 m MH-51 IL469.65 m CO-102 GL472.33 m MH-103

150.0 mm

24.5 m
IL470.24 m 13.2 MH-89 31.5 m



22.8 m

22.4 m

GL472.76 m MH-58
CO 150.0 m IL471.14 m 25.4 m GL472.18 m GL472.05 m 18.3 m MH-102 IL471.14 m 3
GL473.45 m
CO-18 IL471.18 m
-34 mm IL471.69 m GL472.92 m MH-57 150.0 mm IL470.91 m MH-5 150.0 mm GL472.15 m CO-10 IL471.83 m MH-19 250.0 mm
IL470.67 m 35.1 m


150. m MH-52 40.3 m GL473.75 m

0 mm MH-35
CO-40 MH-41 IL471.85 m GL472.98 m GL473.02 m GL471.86 m MH-97 IL470.78 m 400.0 mm MH-35
IL471.91 m 150.0 mm CO-19 IL471.12 m MH-14

150.0 mm
14.6 m GL472.66 m CO-52 IL469.94 m MH-114
GL471.78 m CO-51 GL471.97 m MH-20 35.5 m

27.7 m
150.0 mm IL469.50 m IL471.95 m 21.2 MH-53 GL473.66 m GL473.88 m

0 mm
27.4 39
IL470.06 m CO-58 m 23.0 m IL470.90 m MH-99 MH-21 GL473.68 m mm MH-60 MH-34

150. m
CO- 150.0 GL473.02 m IL472.56 m CO-20 400.0 IL471.85 m

17.5 m CO-57 mm GL472.66 m GL473.64 m GL473.81 m
33.0 35 IL471.84 m MH-54 150.0 mm MH-88
26.4 m
IL471.07 m GL473.37 m


400.0 mm
150.0 mm 12.6 m

150. m IL471.37 m IL471.02 m IL472.74 m

CO 1 m
GL472.42 m

150.0 m
GL472.83 m CO-54 CO-60 IL472.19 m
400.0 mm

22.9 m

33. mm
0 mm MH-36 150.0 CO-21
IL471.12 m 34.6 m

29.0 m


CO- m
mm IL471.74 m 23.6 MH-61



150.0 mm
GL472.47 m m

MH-4 mm

19.8 m
MH-39 150.0 MH-86 MH-85 MH-84 MH-82 MH-81 GL473.59 m
400.0 mm

MH-87 MH-83 MH-79 150.0

24.0 7
IL469.90 m MH-65 CO-53 GL472.58 m CO-56 CO-86 CO-85 CO-84 CO-83 CO-82 CO-81 CO-80 CO-79 MH-23 CO-22

150.0 m

GL472.08 m

CO- CO-61

GL473.00 m GL472.03 m 30.7 m IL472.05 m

IL471.52 m GL472.02 m 25.0 m GL472.17 m GL472.37 m 30.3 m GL472.53 m GL472.72 m 30.3 m GL472.86 m 31.0 m GL472.88 m MH-45

31.1 m

150.0 m
33.3 36 GL473.25 m 21.8 m 26.1 m 32.2 m 32.4 m 33.0 m GL473.70 m 35.7 m

IL470.06 m MH-24

IL469.59 m IL470.55 m 150.0 mm IL470.73 m IL470.92 m 150.0 mm IL471.29 m 150.0 mm

150.0 m
IL471.46 m 150.0 mm
150.0 mm 150.0 mm IL470.42 m150.0 mm IL471.10 m IL471.81 m CO-23 400.0 mm GL473.60 m

150. m IL471.80 m MH-67 150.0 mm 150.0 mm 150.0 mm MH-98 GL473.57 m
IL470.92 m mm MH-13
0 mm MH-37 31.5 m 150.0 MH-57

GL473.28 m IL471.69 m GL473.95 m
GL472.98 m GL473.18 m IL470.87 m 64 GL473.95 m
IL471.97 m CO-55 MH-56 CO-87
IL471.71 m
CO-24 400.0 mm MH-22 O-1 MH-164 CO-1 57
IL472.00 m
IL469.70 m MH-69 33.4 m

24.6 73
0 mm

20.2 5
MH-80 IL472.88 m

23.5 m


150. m
GL473.66 m GL473.71 m CO-

150.0 m
GL473.68 m 30.3 mm


9.7 m GL472.56 m


24.0 8

21.3 m
CO-25 m


150.0 m
GL473.46 m 400.0 mm

GL472.82 m
33.8 -37


CO- m
150.0 150.0 mm IL470.97 m IL470.34 m 27.0

17.4 mm
mm IL471.14 m 21.5 m IL472.61 m 150.0

300.0 mm
IL472.09 m CO-26 MH-15 GL473.86 m mm

IL471.65 m

22.4 m
150 m

400.0 mm IL472.75 m 150.0

MH-71 18.3 m 58 MH-33

150.0 m

.0 mm MH-3 MH-77 GL473.73 m CO-
MH-64 MH-78 CO-27 MH-59

CO m
GL473.35 m CO-77 CO-15 m GL473.58 m

400.0 mm

24.3 mm
MH-73 MH-75 GL472.31 m CO-78 GL472.47 m IL472.56 m
GL473.81 m IL472.07 m GL472.41 m 29.9 m 30.5 m MH-16
30.6 m GL473.79 m 23.8 mm MH-12
IL472.45 m


150.0 mm

150.0 mm
GL473.25 m IL470.95 m 30.0 m IL471.40 m

400.0 mm


IL472.31 m GL472.76 m 9

30.8 m
IL471.25 m 150.0 mm CO-28 GL473.72 m mm IL472.63 m 150.0 GL474.09 m

22.2 m

CO-5 -55


GL473.47 m
IL471.89 m 150.0 mm 27.8 m IL471.95 m 150.0

150.0 m

150.0 m
MH-66 IL471.70 m CO-76 MH-26 MH-17 CO-16 m CO m IL472.13 m
GL473.77 m 400.0 mm
IL470.81 m 25.0 m 23.2



300.0 mm
33.5 m CO-29 MH-27 GL473.20 m GL473.66 m mm 7 mm 31.1 mm
MH-68 7 MH-55 .0
MH-167 CO-16m 150.0

5.1 m
IL472.32 m IL471.64 m 150.0

30.3 m

CO- m
IL470.78 m

CO-1 GL474.03 m 150

150.0 mm GL473.08 m



150.0 m

GL474.03 m
25.8 m GL473.91 m 27.5 mm

150.0 m
mm MH-28 MH-14 MH-166
GL473.60 m 400.0 IL470.75 m IL472.97 m

IL472.52 m

0 mm
CO-6 IL472.84 m 150.0

MH-70 CO-30 GL473.47 m mm GL473.95 m MH-56

CO 6 m
IL469.63 m 3 MH-2 MH-29 GL473.64 m 150.0 65 IL472.72 m

23. mm
32.3 GL473.94 m MH-76 32.0 m IL470.70 m IL470.49 m CO-1 MH-44 GL473.93 m
150.0 m

GL472.46 m GL473.63 m MH-165
MH-72 mm 30.4 m

mm IL472.43 m GL472.85 m 400.0 GL473.84 m -56 IL472.87 m MH-11
GL473.94 m IL471.05 m CO-31 IL470.65 m 2 GL474.00 m mm CO m -53
MH-63 CO- IL472.32 m IL471.73 m 31.3 m MH-12 CO-1m IL472.94 m 150.0 IL472.16 m MH-43 33.2 mm CO m GL474.23 m

300.0 mm
CO-32 MH-30 24.2 GL474.01 m 150.0 IL472.27 m
GL474.44 m 31.1 62 CO-60
400.0 mm GL473.55 m 36.1 mm MH-32

28.8 m

MH-74 GL473.43 m MH-182 MH-53 .0

150.0 mm
150. m 30.2 m

30.5 CO-33 CO-11 150.0 CO-13

MH-31 IL470.77 m IL472.20 m GL473.88 m

20.8 m
IL472.72 m 150

15.8 m
150.0 m MH-11
30.5 m 30.5 m

150.0 mm
0 mm

GL473.55 m 30.6 m 400.0 mm IL470.60 m GL474.01 m 68 GL474.33 m



21.4 m
CO-61 IL472.65 m

MH-62 mm GL473.41 m GL473.59 m mm MH-13 mm MH-168 CO-1 m
IL471.84 m CO-35 30.3 m 400.0 mm IL472.94 m IL473.27 m
GL474.59 m 19.6 m IL470.92 m 150.0

IL470.55 m 150.0 GL474.03 m 28.1 mm


29.0 m MH-32 CO-10 GL473.57 m MH-54

400.0 mm

IL473.31 m 150.0 mm MH-61

CO 2 m

MH-10 31.9 m IL472.78 m 150.0

18. mm
400.0 mm GL473.30 m IL470.65 m 4 GL474.25 m
MH-33 GL473.71 m 150.0 mm MH-65 54 MH-10

CO-18 IL473.14 m

GL474.62 m IL470.50 m CO- m GL474.45 m
IL473.43 m MH-60
MH-34 GL473.08 m
CO-9 IL471.08 m GL473.82 m 23.6 m 27.8 MH-51
GL473.03 m IL470.45 m 31.8 m IL471.34 m 180
mm mm IL472.51 m
GL474.64 m GL473.77 m 150.0 mm MH-70 CO- m
MH-180 150.0 CO-183 150.0 GL474.43 m MH-31
MH-1 IL470.40 m m m6.4 mm CO
IL473.58 m O-1 m
MH-35 CO-8 IL471.24 m
GL474.40 15.9 m 175 51 IL473.36 m 15 22.5 -9 GL474.08 m
GL473.17 GL473.05 m MH-8 31.3 m CO-70 IL473.22 m m150.0
IL473.23 mm MH-175CO- m CO- m 0.0 m

150.0 mm
GL474.15 m 150.0 IL472.89 m

m m

23.5 m
IL471.21 IL470.35 m GL474.03 m mm MH-71 30.9 m MH-184 GL474.19 m
23.7 MH-52 31.0 mm m
IL470.30 m mm
CO-7 IL471.40 m 150.0 CO-71 GL474.37 m 150.0 mmMH-181
GL474.20 m IL472.86 m 74 IL473.11 m150.0 GL474.40 m 150.

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