Handouts EE Design
Handouts EE Design
Handouts EE Design
1. Brightness
2. Brightness ratio or contrast
3. Glare
4. Diffuseness
5. Color
6. Aesthetics
7. Psychological reaction to color and fixtures
8. Economics
This quantity called Light Flux Density is the common term Foot-
candle (fc) represented by the formula:
Footcandle = Lumens/Area
Footcandle = Lumens/Area
Fc = 3,200 lm. = 16 footcandle
10 x 20 ft.
The footcandle is an important unit of measure in calculating the desired
illumination and layout of fixtures. In the absence of Tables of equivalent
footcandles for a particular fixture, a rule of thumb of 10-30-50 illumination
level is here presented.