CABP CCBP 2022 09september LR

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Sustainable, Safe & Reliable On-Site Utilities Powering Automation


September 2022

24 Moisture: the Assassin

in Compressed Air

13 Cartiera Confalone Cuts Cost

of Compressed Air
18 Sustainable Stellantis Energy
Center Halves HVAC Energy Costs
30 Compressed Air System Design
for Dust Collectors
36 Cooling System Energy Savings
in Three “Easy” Steps
The Blueprint for
a New Footprint
Kids love to make footprints and leave a lasting impression, but
have you ever thought about the footprint and lasting impression
that your production leaves? At Atlas Copco, we’re here to help
you create substantial efficiency savings that boost your bottom
line and drive your company-wide sustainability efforts. Let’s
create a better tomorrow, and reduce our carbon footprint, by
maximizing efficiency today.

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 | V O L U M E 1 7 , N O . 8


6 Compressed Air Technology & Industry News
13 Cartiera Confalone Tissue Paper Line Cuts
the Cost of Compressed Air
By Ilari Pakkala, Sulzer

24 Moisture: the Assassin in Compressed Air

By Pascal van Putten, VPInstruments and Frank Moskowitz,
Compressed Air Challenge

30 Compressed Air System Design for Dust Collectors 13

By Hank van Ormer, AP Energy


18 Sustainable Stellantis Energy Center Halves
HVAC Chilled Water Energy Costs
By Ryan Cowan, tekWorx

36 Cooling System Energy Savings in Three

“Easy” Steps
By Clayton Penhallegon, Jr., Integrated Services Group

18 43 Chiller & Cooling System Technology & Industry News

4 From the Editor
49 Advertiser Index
49 The Marketplace |
Jobs and Technology
24 36

Compressed Air Best Practices ® (USPS# 17130) is published monthly except January-February combined by Smith Onandia Communications LLC, 37 McMurray Rd., Suite 104, Pittsburgh, PA 15241.
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Danone North
Doug Barndt Energy Manager
The Best Practices 2022 EXPO & Conference
Facilities Gentex
We will be distributing this September 2022 Issue at the Best Practices 2022 John Bilsky
Maintenance Corporation

Industrial Energy Managers

EXPO & Conference, taking place October 4-6, 2022 in Atlanta. Bhaskar Dusi
Corporate Energy
William Jerald Energy Manager CalPortland
We hope you will consider attending the largest North American event
Director Corporate Intertape
dedicated to Sustainable, Safe & Reliable On-Site Utilities Powering Michael Jones
Energy Polymer Group
Automation. The focus is on the systems making plant automation possible – compressed air, Robert Kirts GTS Energy Manager
Stanley Black
& Decker
vacuum, nitrogen and cooling/chilled water systems.
Director Energy Purdue
Brad Runda
& Utilities University
Sustainable On-Site Utilities content focuses on Energy and Water Conservation Measures. VP, Global Marketing
David Andrews Sullair
In Track #1 of the Conference, leading experts will share how these can be the biggest & Communications
Compressed Air
projects supporting a corporate sustainability strategy with science based kW and water-use Steve Briscoe President
reduction targets. A particular emphasis will be placed on the recommended measurement and Compression
Tim Dugan President
monitoring of energy/water consumption. Engineering Corp.
Compressed Air
Paul Edwards Principal
Safe & Reliable On-Site Utilities topics target Environmental, Health & Safety job titles and all Tilo Fruth President Beko USA

Cooling & Compressed Air System Assessments

Maintenance personnel. Safety and Reliability is the focus of Conference Track #2 and Chair Tom Paul Humphreys VP Communications Atlas Copco
Taranto’s focus will be on the idea that, “On-site utilities are production variables.” Compressed Education Compressed Air
Chad Larrabee
air is a food ingredient, yet is it part of a firms’ formal SQF/BRC/ISO quality management Committee Chair & Gas Institute
Zorn Compressor
system? What maintenance practices are mandatory to ensure quality/safety compliance and to Frank Melch Vice President
& Equipment
ensure reliability? How can we eliminate down-time, product rejections and increase production Wayne Perry Sr. Technical Director Kaeser
machinery output? What temperature, flow, dew point measurements are needed? Arizona
David Robertson Sr. Sales Engineer
Senior Energy 2RS Consulting
The goal of the event is to support all people directly involved with on-site utilities. Equipment Mark Rogan
Engineer Engineers
sales engineers, engineering firms and manufacturing personnel receive many experience options Nitin Shanbhag President Mikropor America
including formal Compressed Air Challenge training, an exciting EXPO, a conference with VP Channel FS-Curtis
Matt Smith
Continuing Education (PDH Credits), CAGI Certification Exams and Networking Opportunities. Partner Sales & FS-Elliott
Data Power
Tom Taranto Owner
How much does your firm invest in training? Are your people armed with the absolute best Derrick Taylor Manager PneuTech USA
knowledge and certifications? Are they motivated? The Best Practices 2022 EXPO & Conference Hank van Ormer Technical Director Air Power USA
will gather the leading experts in the world and we hope to see you there! Register today at Woodard
Bert Wesley Sr. Principal & Curran

Thank you for investing your time and

efforts into Compressed Air and Chiller
& Cooling Best Practices.

tel: 412-980-9901, [email protected] SFI-00993



Compressed Air Technology & Industry News

Kaeser Marks a Full Year of Green Energy For more information on our commitment to the environment, visit
Both Kaeser Compressors, Inc, in the US and Germany’s Kaeser For more information on our
Kompressoren SE are marking a full year of operations using only products and services, or to be connected with your local authorized
green energy. Not only are all Kaeser compressors manufactured Kaeser representative, please call (877) 417-3527.
with 100% renewable energy, Kaeser matches its consumption with
renewable energy in both the US and Germany. About Kaeser Compressors, Inc.
Kaeser Compressors is a leader in reliable, energy efficient compressed air
This milestone has been achieved with three key programs. First, over a equipment and system design. We offer a complete line of superior quality
year ago Kaeser Kompressoren SE installed a photovoltaic system which industrial air compressors as well as dryers, filters, SmartPipe™, master controls,
generates approximately 650 MWh for our main manufacturing plant and other system accessories. Kaeser also offers blowers, vacuum pumps, and
in Coburg, Germany. Second, Kaeser purchases renewable energy credits portable gasoline and diesel screw compressors. Our national service network
for our remaining manufacturing facilities. And third, in the US, Kaeser provides installation, rentals, maintenance, repair, and system audits. Kaeser is
Compressors is part of Dominion Energy’s Green Power Program and pays an ENERGY STAR Partner. For more information, visit
a premium per kWh for the US headquarters in Fredericksburg, Virginia
to match energy consumption with renewable resources. And for our 20+ Atlas Copco Invests in Production Technology
branch locations across the country as well as our teleworkers, we purchase and R&D in Belgium
RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) from Dominion Energy exceeding Atlas Copco will invest 70 MEUR over three years in production capacity
the amount of power consumed. Energy for the RECs is purchased from and expanded R&D facilities in Antwerp, Belgium. The investments
a broad range of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass, include an extension of the Compressor Technique business area’s smart
geothermal, hydropower, wave/tidal power, and landfill gas recovery. factory, as well as production technology.

These initiatives align with Kaeser’s ongoing commitment to reducing, The investments in Wilrijk, where Atlas Copco develops and produces
and where possible, eliminating impact on our shared environment. compressors, include production technology and machinery, increased
R&D capacity through expansion of laboratories, additional production
“Not only are our products and systems designed for exceptional energy space for key compressor components, and more office space.
efficiency and maximum environmental compatibility, but Kaeser also
incorporates environmentally responsible practices in our everyday Atlas Copco will also continue to invest in upskilling and reskilling
operations and in the design and selection of our facilities,” said Frank the workforce.
Mueller, president of Kaeser Compressors, Inc. “We are committed to
lowering our carbon footprint by manufacturing with green energy, “The site in Wilrijk is our most advanced R&D excellence center for
to support renewable energy through Dominion Energy’s Green Power compressed air,” said Vagner Rego, Business Area President Compressor
Program, and to demonstrate community leadership in this immediate Technique. “Here more than 800 engineers develop, test and produce
and sustainable way.” new sustainable technologies and more energy-efficient solutions for our
customers. We are investing in creating an attractive and future proof
work environment for our employees, putting maximum effort into a
lifelong learning mindset.”

About Atlas Copco Group

Great ideas accelerate innovation. At Atlas Copco we have been turning industrial
ideas into business-critical benefits since 1873. By listening to our customers
and knowing their needs, we deliver value and innovate with the future in mind. In
2021, Atlas Copco had revenues of BSEK 111 and at year end about 43,000
employees. For more information, visit

Kaeser marks one year anniversary in using green energy for compressor
manufacturing and US operations.


Compressed Air Technology & Industry News

Doosan Industrial Air Launches D100vsd compressors. Parts for the compressors
VSD Air Compressors are available and ready-to-ship, and a network
Doosan Industrial Air announced the launch of of technicians are trained and supported by
the Doosan® D50vsd and D100vsd oil-flooded, the Doosan Industrial Air factory in Statesville,
variable speed drive (VSD) air compressors for N.C., U.S.A..
industrial manufacturing operations. Doosan
VSD models adjust their motor speeds in real For more information on the Doosan D50vsd
time to match facility demands, which reduces and D100vsd oil-flooded, variable speed drive
their energy consumption to industry-low compressors, call Doosan Industrial Air at
levels. The D50vsd and D100vsd are the first 800-633-5206 or email industrialairsales@
Doosan Industrial Air VSD models.

“Facility air needs fluctuate throughout About Doosan Industrial Air

the day, and these models match those The D50vsd and D100vsd are the first Doosan Industrial Doosan Industrial Air offers one of the broadest,
Air VSD models.
fluctuations,” said Patrick Jakeway, general most comprehensive rotary air compressor lines
manager for Doosan Industrial Air. “Replacing Doosan Industrial Air backs its products with on the market and unrivaled customer service for
a conventional compressor with a VSD model strong aftermarket support, starting with an industrial manufacturing operations. Doosan Industrial
can dramatically reduce energy costs in a industry-leading, five-year bumper-to-bumper Air is a brand of Doosan Portable Power, a company
manufacturing plant.” warranty on all purchases of new D50vsd and with more than 100 years of manufacturing expertise
and application experience with a focus on providing
the highest quality machines. Doosan Portable
Power is headquartered in West Fargo, North
Dakota, with manufacturing operations in Statesville,
North Carolina. For more information on Doosan®
products, visit

Brehob Expands into Evansville,

Indianapolis-based Brehob Corp. has hired
territory manager Kevin Duke to drive growth
in its new Evansville, Indiana service area.
Duke brings 25 years of sales experience in
the local area to the role – including a recent
position as territory manager for a crane and
hoist company. He will help Brehob expand
its air compressor product line and accelerate
growth along the Ohio River.

The decision to expand into the Evansville

area was driven by Brehob’s partnership with
Quincy – one of the leading air compressor
manufacturers in the world – and the growing
number of industrial customers Brehob serves
in southern Indiana and western Kentucky.
Expansion into the market was a natural move


for the company, Duke said. “Evansville and at significantly lower operating costs. The
Owensboro are what I like to call production- dryer design incorporates upward gas flow for
based cities. Between compressed air sales and maximum efficiency, desiccant bed protection
service and preventative maintenance, there’s and will continuously produce a -100˚F dew
a lot of companies Brehob could support in the point. DLX heatless desiccant dryers are also
area,” he said. equipped with advanced controls to help with
troubleshooting and maintenance ease, data
The territory will initially focus on supporting logging, remote monitoring, and intuitive, user-
Brehob’s air compressor product line, but will friendly viewing.
expand to also sell and service electric, crane
and hoist product lines to customers in the Please contact your local FS-Curtis channel
area. Future plans include opening a physical partner for more information at https://
facility in the area that will be home to not
only Duke, but a team of local technicians and
support staff to help Brehob fully serve its local About FS-Curtis
FS-Curtis DLX Dryer.
customer base. Until then, Duke will manage FS-Curtis is committed to offering a world-class
the territory out of Brehob’s Louisville offices. portfolio of compressed air technology products. industry serving markets through our ever-growing
He is excited to be part of the Brehob team. Through the dependability of our people and our global presence. For more information find us online
quality-focused manufacturing, FS-Curtis will continue at
“You’ve heard the old saying, if you can’t beat to be a leading company in the compressed air
‘em, join ‘em? I’d do bids against companies
who had Brehob as their service provider, and
Brehob did them right. Being a family owned
company, they have 69 years of doing things
right,” Duke said. S
.com •800-

About Brehob
With operations in seven cities and four states,
Brehob has been a one-stop shop for industrial 9
092 9
096 9
6 9
8 1
equipment service needs since 1953. From motors
to maintenance, compressors to customer service,
and hoist to help, Brehob has the machines,
resources and expertise to help your business run
smoothly and efficiently, while keeping your downtime
down and your bottom line strong. Learn more at

FS-Curtis Announces the DLX

Series Dryer
FS-Curtis is excited to announce the newest
addition to the D Series desiccant dryer line,
dryers that combine the benefits of desiccant
drying technology with an industry-leading
design. The DLX dryer delivers heatless, clean,
and dry compressed air to your operation I
es350–2000 9

Compressed Air Technology & Industry News

Teledyne FLIR Extends Si-Series The redesigned Si124, Si124-PD for partial design further improves on the one-handed tool
Acoustic Imaging Camera Family discharge inspection, and the Si124-LD for air operation that is so important for safe use.”
Teledyne FLIR, part of Teledyne Technologies leak detection, feature an expanded acoustic
Incorporated, announced the expansion of its imaging range from 2 kHz to 65 kHz. The The new hard carrying case included with
Si124 industrial acoustic imaging family of ability to detect sounds in the expanded 36 kHz each new purchase offers slots for up to four
cameras by introducing a new set of sound to 65Khz frequency range provides condition integrated batteries for eight full hours of
imaging cameras that feature a wider acoustic monitoring professionals the ability to increase continuous operation. For those who prefer the
detection range, up to 65Khz, and an integrated the utility of the camera by detecting very small tethered battery option, which is carried in a
battery with a quick start power button to make leaks and discharge at short distances. shoulder bag or pouch, users can still purchase
condition monitoring and inspection more it as an optional accessory.
efficient and effective. “With our updated ULTR mode, inspectors can
isolate 30 kHz to 65 kHz soundwave frequencies New and existing customers can also use the
In the industrial world, vacuum leaks, to quickly locate the smallest of air leaks, FLIR Si-series plugin for FLIR Thermal Studio,
compressed air system leaks, electrical partial making the Si124 family of acoustic imagers empowering operators to import acoustic
discharge, and mechanical troubleshooting even more effective,” said Rob Milner, Director, images from the camera to the FLIR Thermal
can create troublesome challenges that require Global Business Development, Teledyne FLIR. Studio suite to easily edit and analyze acoustic
specialized tools to detect. “At the same time, our new integrated battery imagery alongside their thermal camera


imagery to create extensive, advanced reports as Visit Magazine’s annual Best Workplaces list.
part of a comprehensive predictive maintenance condition-monitoring-solutions/choose-si124 Atlanta Compressor is among the top American
or condition monitoring program. for regional pricing and availability. companies creating exceptional workplaces
and company culture. Inc’s Best Places to Work
The FLIR Si124 industrial acoustic imaging About Teledyne FLIR celebrates a workplace where team members
cameras sense, display, and record sound waves Teledyne FLIR, a Teledyne Technologies company, willingly go above and beyond in their work,
by producing a precise acoustic image derived is a world leader in intelligent sensing solutions for advocate for their company and have low
from the 124-microphone array. The acoustic defense and industrial applications with approximately turnover rates.
image is overlaid onto a visible camera image 4,000 employees worldwide. Founded in 1978,
within an easy-to-use, ergonomic, one-handed the company creates advanced technologies to help Atlanta Compressor is a purpose-driven
camera solution. Compared to traditional professionals make better, faster decisions that save company that provides peace of mind to
inspection methods including soap-bubble lives and livelihoods. For more information, please manufacturing and other industrial companies
and single microphone acoustic inspection, visit by supplying and maintaining production
the Si124 can help locate issues up to 10 times critical equipment. The Atlanta Compressor
faster for common mechanical, electrical, Atlanta Compressor Named to Best team’s work has had a substantial impact,
vacuum, and compressor systems. Workplaces List providing more US manufacturers with
Leading compressed air distribution company increased production efficiency when it’s
The entire Teledyne FLIR Si124 family of Atlanta Compressor has been named to Inc. needed most. This work attracts intelligent,
devices, including the tethered and cordless
battery options of Si124, Si124-PD, and Si124-
LD, are available for purchase globally from
Teledyne FLIR.

Teledyne FLIR Extends Si-Series Acoustic Imaging

Camera Family with Expanded Frequency Range and
Integrated Battery. 11

Compressed Air Technology & Industry News

compassionate and dedicated team members to become the best versions of themselves. Our
who will change the compressed air industry culture makes Atlanta Compressor a unique
for the better. Since 2015, the company saw place to work and build your career.”
impressive growth of more than 560% in
revenue, increasing their market share by About Atlanta Compressor
a factor of 17, and expanding into three Atlanta Compressor provides compressed air
new states (Nashville Compressor, Charlotte systems and other critical equipment to some
Compressor, and Greenville Compressor). of the world’s largest manufacturing and other
industrial companies. For more information,
“We’re honored to receive this recognition visit
from Inc. Magazine for the incredible team
and culture we’ve built at Atlanta Compressor,” Chicago Pneumatic Hires Northeast
said Morty Hodge, CEO and Founder of Atlanta Regional Sales Manager
Raymond Batkay, Northeast Regional Sales Manager,
Compressor. “Our purpose is to provide peace of Chicago Pneumatic Compressors, the Rock Chicago Pneumatic Compressors.
mind, which also applies to our team members. Hill, SC based compressor manufacturer,
It is our leadership’s responsibility to inspire has hired Raymond Batkay as the Northeast accounts in ME, NH, VT, RI, MA, NY, CT, PA, NJ,
personal growth in our team, a job we take Regional Sales Manager. Raymond is DE, MD and Northern VA.
very seriously. We want all our team members responsible for managing and developing
Raymond earned his MBA in Organizational
Management from the College of Mount Saint
Vincent and his BA in English and History from
Eastern Connecticut State University. After
serving 10 years as Administrative and Personnel
Officer in the United States Navy, Submarine
Force, Raymond became the Sales Director of a
large Northeastern air compressor distributor,
and then worked as a Channel Partner Manager
for an air compressor manufacturer. Raymond
brings with him a great deal of industry
knowledge and experience and is a great
addition to the Chicago Pneumatic team.

About Chicago Pneumatic

Since 1901, Chicago Pneumatic has delivered
reliability with a deep understanding of customer
needs. We are a global manufacturer of high-
performance air compressors, compressed air
dryers and compressed air treatment products
for professional and industrial applications.
Our products are engineered for performance
and lasting customer value. People. Passion.
Performance. This is our promise. To contact us,
visit, email cp.sales@ or call 877-861-2722.


Cartiera Confalone Tissue Paper Line

Cuts the Cost of Compressed Air
By Ilari Pakkala, Area Sales Manager, Sulzer

c The pulp and paper industry depends on or new production line is being designed. Oil separation equipment needs to be
reliable sources of energy, water and compressed This can lead to opportunities to save energy properly maintained and any problems with
air; maintaining cost-effective supplies of being missed. performance can result in contamination of
these utilities is important to every successful the compressed air supply. One way to avoid
business. Within paper making processes, a Typically, mill owners have a choice of three this scenario is to opt for a 100% oil-free
clean, oil-free air supply is essential for the designs of air compressor: oil-injected screw air compressor, which means no oil is used
reliable operation of pneumatic equipment compressor, an oil-free screw compressor or anywhere in the operation of the equipment,
and a high-quality end product. For one a turbo compressor. For any system that uses including any gearboxes.
manufacturer in Italy, the selection of an oil- oil for lubrication, it is essential to have an
free turbocompressor enabled both operational oil separator adjacent to the air compressor to Annual Maintenance Costs
and maintenance costs to be reduced. ensure any trace of oil is removed before the In the paper industry, energy costs are a major
air is made available to the manufacturing factor and gaining a few efficiency percentage
Paper manufacturing is, like all industries, equipment and tools. points with the choice of air compressor will
affected by rising energy costs and raw
materials. Individual manufacturers are
looking to expand production, not only to keep
up with rising demand, but also to benefit
from economies of scale. Any project that can
optimize energy costs and reduce maintenance
spending can improve the competitive edge
of a company.

Air Compressor Choices

The compressed air system is one area where
significant improvements can be made. It is
vital to a wide range of pneumatic equipment
used throughout the paper making process, so
reliability and efficiency are key. Yet, despite
the air compressor being at the heart of this
system, it is often over-looked when a plant The new tissue line at Cartiera Confalone S.p.A. in Italy benefits from completely oil-free compressed air. 13

Cartiera Confalone Tissue Paper Line Cuts the Cost of Compressed Air

improve the overall energy bill. However, and helping to ensure high-quality products the food and beverage sector. The low-
the area that will have the most significant are delivered to customers. pressure, high-volume turbo blowers
impact in terms of annual costs is that use the same technology have been
maintenance and servicing. Proven Technology supporting the wastewater industry
The turbocompressor uses high-speed rotor and saving considerable costs for energy
Traditional designs of air compressors suffer technology proven with over two decades and maintenance for many years.
from increased levels of wear over the years, of operation in challenging industrial
and with five-figure bills commonly attributed environments and magnetic bearing In addition, modern air compressor designs
to annual maintenance, a performance technology which means there is never any now allow waste heat to be recovered (up to
review of the compressed air system could contact between static and rotating parts, 93% of the total power consumption) and
yield significant savings. For example, even during starts and stops. As a result, used elsewhere in the plant, which can reduce
Sulzer’s development of the HSR oil-free there is no mechanical wear, no performance expenditure on water heating. These two
turbocompressor product line uses active degradation over time and an absolute compelling arguments led the owner of an
magnetic bearing technology, eliminating minimal requirement for scheduled Italian paper mill to select Sulzer’s HSR air
any lubricated bearings or seals and offers maintenance. compressor for two separate sites.
a near maintenance-free machine.
Such attributes are now keenly sought by Round-the-Clock Production
This also provides a 100% oil-free air supply, several industries, especially manufacturing, at Cartiera Confalone
preventing the potential for contamination automotive, textiles, medical as well as Cartiera Confalone S.p.A. had commissioned
a brand-new, high-quality tissue paper line
but the installation did not include an air
compressor as part of the turnkey package.
At the same time, the company wanted to
replace the existing air compressor on the
converting line. With so much pneumatic
equipment on the lines, it was essential to
find the best solution that would be capable
of operating round-the-clock to match the
production schedules.

However, in the past, the company had

experienced significant maintenance issues
with their air compressors and the oil
separator equipment. For a business that
is renowned for high-quality products, the
risk of any oil contamination needed to be
avoided. Furthermore, the annual running
costs of the air compressor equipment were
a concern going forward.

Sulzer’s agent in Italy, Adrien Frediani,

explains: “When Mr. Confalone spoke to us
about new air compressors, he was certain
that he wanted 100% oil-free technology, as
well as improved reliability. The additional


benefits of much lower maintenance costs and

the heat recovery system certainly played in
Sulzer’s favor.”

Flexible Operation
Having researched the benefits of the
turbocompressor, the customer invited Sulzer
to assess each potential installation and
develop a best air compressor specification
for the production lines. Generally, the tissue
line is operating round-the-clock, seven days
a week, whereas the converting line has to
alter its working hours to reflect demand.
The flexibility of the turbocompressor means
that both routines can be achieved with equal
levels of efficiency and reliability.

We see
The turbocompressor was specified to
be capable of delivering the normal air
consumption of the production line, allowing
a legacy compressor to be held as a backup.
It is expected to run continuously while the
manufacturing line is operating, making
reliability and efficiency high priority features. new insights into energy
consumption supporting
The converting line was the first to be
equipped with a 3-stage turbocompressor that
environmental sustainability goals.
delivered 8-9 bar pressure. The unit was fitted Manufacturing plants typically lose 30% of compressed air due to
with intercoolers and an aftercooler, which pneumatic system leakages. This impacts energy efficiency and
optimize the pressurization process as well environmental sustainability goals. Emerson’s Industrial Internet
of Things (IIoT) solutions and analytics software provide actionable
as capturing heat energy that can be used
insights to reduce waste and optimize the energy consumption of
elsewhere in the factory. your machines.

Responsive Performance Discover how digitally transforming

The turbocompressor supplies an air storage your operations can help meet your
sustainability goals:
vessel which acts as a buffer to ensure
a consistent pressurized air supply. This
is important to cater for larger pieces of
equipment as they start and stop operations,
allowing all other machinery to continue
at the same time.

The first HSR turbocompressor was in operation

for several months before the new tissue line
was constructed. In that time the production The Emerson logo is a trademark and a service mark of Emerson Electric Co. © 2022 Emerson Electric Co. 15
Print Ad_We See-Factory Automation_ENUS_4.875x9.875in.indd 1 6/1/2022 4:31:02 PM

Cartiera Confalone Tissue Paper Line Cuts the Cost of Compressed Air

team on the converting line found the quicker than the legacy unit and this enabled Since installation, the compressor has
compressor to work immaculately. Moreover, it the line pressure to be reduced from 9 bar completed over six months in service and
was able to respond to increased demand much (130 psi) to 7 bar (101 psi). there have been no issues or maintenance
costs. In fact, the negligible requirements for
maintenance will have a significant impact
on the annual budget with an expected
reduction of around 75% for servicing.

Ongoing Savings
The most significant saving has come from
the heat energy that has been recovered from
the turbocompressor cooling system. The hot
water has been used to heat all the water
required in the washrooms of the converter
plant, effectively making the gas boiler
redundant. This alone will result in a EUR
10,000 (Euro) savings over 12 months.
The Sulzer HSR oil-free turbocompressor installation supports the new tissue line of Cartiera Confalone S.p.A. in Italy.

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the Best Practices 2022 EXPO & Conference
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FRL EVO - Air Treatment
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Tel: (615) 771-6650


In the meantime, the second turbocompressor must invest in the best equipment. A completely About Sulzer
unit was installed on the new tissue line. oil-free compressor was essential for both of Sulzer is a global leader in fluid engineering. We
Sulzer has remained in contact with the our expansion projects and the HSR has proven specialize in pumping, agitation, mixing, separation
maintenance team at the paper mill to ensure to be a great success.” and application technologies for fluids of all types. Our
on-going satisfaction with the compressor. The customers benefit from our commitment to innovation,
feedback has been very positive and production About the Author performance and quality and from our responsive
has been progressing well. The team was Ilari Pakkala is an Area Sales Manager at Sulzer in network of 180 world-class production facilities and
pleasantly surprised by the minimal time Finland. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in service centers across the globe. Sulzer has been
required to start the compressor and inquired Engineering. Since 2010, he has been responsible headquartered in Winterthur, Switzerland, since 1834.
about running the machine at idle for short for export sales of industrial process pump, mixer In 2021, our 13’800 employees delivered revenues
periods. Sulzer was able to remotely make and compressor solutions among others to Italy. of CHF 3.2 billion. Our shares are traded on the SIX
some minor modifications to the compressors To contact email: [email protected] Swiss Exchange (SIX: SUN).
control structure that optimized the operation
of the machine for the application.
To read similar Pulp & Paper Industry articles, visit
Fabio Confalone, plant manager, explains:
“We need to produce the highest quality paper
products for our customers and that means we For expert presentations, visit our Webinar Archive Section dedicated to Air
Compressor Technology at

Fast Installation

No Special Tools Needed

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Sustainable Stellantis Energy Center

Halves HVAC Chilled Water Energy Costs
By Ryan Cowan, Engineering Manager, tekWorx

cThe Sterling Heights Transformation purified water equipment, non-potable water seeking to create an environmentally friendly
The Sterling Heights Assembly Plant (SHAP) supplies and associated equipment. Production structure that would utilize technology to
first opened in 1953 as a missile plant, at the retooled plant launched in March 2018. decrease operational costs. Stellantis tasked
producing jet engines for the U.S. Army. tekWorx, an engineering and technology
More than 30 years after its 1980 conversion A Push for Sustainability firm specializing in real-time optimization
to an automobile plant, millions of vehicles At the onset of construction for the SHAP of chilled water systems, to assist in designing
have rolled off the line at SHAP. South Energy Center, Stellantis management and implementing energy saving HVAC
was focused on efficiency and sustainability, solutions at the new Energy Center site.
The Sterling Heights facility has undergone
extensive overhauls and re-tooling in the last
decade. In 2010, Stellantis (formerly FCA)
announced it would invest nearly $850 million
in a new state-of-the-art paint shop at the
SHAP Site, as well as the installation of new
machinery, tooling and material-handling
equipment. The following year, the company
added another $165 million to the investment
to build a one million-square-foot body shop.

In 2016, it was announced that the auto giant

would invest $1.48 billion to again retool the
SHAP site to build the next generation Ram
1500 and support the future growth of the Ram
brand. The overhaul included an upgrade of the
South paint shop and its Energy Center, which
houses chillers, hot water generators, pumps,
Figure 1: Sterling Heights Assembly Plant


Equipping the Energy Center Additionally, the condenser water loop algorithms and Tridium Niagara® N4 hardware
Focusing on energy at the onset of the project was designed to be variable flow. The same for the real-time control and optimization of
meant that attention was placed on optimizing principle applies on the condenser side: the chilled water system. With trucks rolling
the system in the design phase, rather than over-flowing the loop results in low condenser off the line every minute, the decision was
retroactively optimizing an existing plant water ΔT. Varying the flow through the made to implement tekWorx Xpress® solution
that had the potential to be over-engineered condenser water loop as the load conditions on an industrial Allen-Bradley ControlLogix
to meet design day-load conditions. The early vary saves pump energy while maintaining PLC. Known for high reliability, this option
involvement of tekWorx and partner Johnson the safe operation of the chiller. is well suited for industrial environments
Controls ( JCI) ensured equipment was with a wide range of ambient temperatures
properly sized for the various load conditions, Reverse osmosis (RO) was also utilized at the and humidity. The front-end graphics, trends
while still providing additional capacity for Energy Center to reduce city water usage and and alarms resided on Tridium’s Niagara N4
future loads. More importantly, tekWorx and therefore, reduce utility costs. The RO reject software platform. This architecture ensured
JCI worked with Stellantis to select HVAC gets treated and used as tower water makeup, maximum operating reliability and efficiency
equipment based on efficiency ratings for the thus reducing water usage. while providing an interface with a detailed and
shoulder months and low-load conditions that holistic view of the plant and its equipment.
would also operate the complete system most Control & Optimization
efficiently during design days. In addition to this efficient hydronic tekWorx Xpress® optimization algorithms
configuration, tekWorx also installed its Xpress® continuously adjust equipment sequences
Paint and body operations at the SHAP solution, a combination of adaptive control and key setpoints based on parameters related
South site are cooled with 6 x 1,000-ton York
chillers. The Energy Center also has a 1,000-
ton heat exchanger and 6 x 1,000-ton variable

speed Marley cooling towers. All chilled water
plant equipment is controlled by the tekWorx

Xpress® system.

Optimizing Energy Consumption

While the Variable Primary pumping concept
was first implemented back in 1995, many
modern designs still utilize the Primary/
Secondary pumping concept. Primary/
Secondary systems often suffer from “low ΔT
syndrome”, a condition wherein cold water
from the chiller and warm water from the
load mix before returning to the chillers. This
low ΔT reduces chiller capacity and places the
Large Cycling Consistent Dewpoints
chiller on a less than desirable point on its Refrigerated Air Dryers Reduced Energy Costs
Small Footprint
efficiency curve. tekWorx designed the SHAP
South Energy Center with a Variable Primary
chilled water pumping configuration to The ideal choice for general purpose or non-critical use of compressed is a
eliminate the mixing and raise the ΔT to design refrigerated air dryer. Parker’s PSE Refrigerated Air Dryer is designed for flow
ranges from 325 to 6,000 SCFM and up to 12,000 SCFM with a dual installation.
levels. Chiller energy is saved by continuously Its SmartPack heat exchanger and micro-channel condenser help to deliver a
providing exactly the amount of cooling lightweight air dryer that is easy to install in any compressor room.

demanded by the load.

ADV_CABP_September Print_Ad 072022.indd 1 7/19/2022 9:22:26 AM 19

Sustainable Stellantis Energy Center Halves HVAC Chilled Water

Energy Costs

to process requirements and outdoor air chillers utilize a variable orifice which allows
temperature. This ensures maximum system the chiller control panel to adjust refrigerant
efficiency in real-time while maintaining cooling flow to the evaporator and maintain the
requirements at the lowest total kW per ton. proper refrigerant levels in both shells. This
tighter control of refrigerant flow allows for
The following tekWorx sequencing and control more efficient part-load operation.
algorithms were implemented at the SHAP
TECHNOLOGIES South Energy Center: YORK® YMC² magnetic bearing centrifugal
chillers, supplied by Johnson Controls,
p Selective sequencing of the chillers to were selected for the project for a variety
operate the most efficient combination of efficiency reasons.
of chillers while satisfying the
dynamic load. They can utilize colder tower water than
other types of chillers, thereby eliminating
p Adaptive sequencing of the primary the need to incorporate head pressure control.
chilled water and condenser water The magnetic bearing chillers operate with
pumps to reduce the overall pump even colder tower water than a standard
group energy across the entire oil-lubricated machine because they utilize
operating range of chilled water magnetic bearings and don’t have to account
and condenser water loop flows. for oil return or oil slugging.

up to
Adaptive cooling tower fan sequencing The chillers, ASHRAE 90.1-2004, 2007 and

to maximize cooling surface area 2010 compliant, also were equipped with

psi while meeting the flow requirements

of the towers to reduce the overall
York’s proprietary QuickStart feature. This
feature is designed for critical cooling
cooling tower fan energy. installations where the goal is to re-establish
+ Reliable pressure dew
cooling as fast as possible after a power
points up to -94F p Resetting the condenser flow setpoint failure. The QuickStart feature minimizes the
+ Innovative pipe bridge with to leverage the pump affinity laws time to restart and load the chiller to rapidly
non-electric switch over valve for pump energy savings while achieve the specified leaving chilled water
+ User-friendly control unit simultaneously providing relief to temperature. This feature also includes an
included as a standard the chiller compressor for additional
energy savings.

Equipment Optimization
All chillers were supplied with variable
frequency drives (VFD). Because the South
Energy Center serves critical processes, the
entire chiller plant is engineered for a fully
loaded, design day condition which occurs
about 1% of the time. The other 99% of
the time, the VFDs ensure that the plant
Figure 2: YORK® YMC² chillers reduce energy
can operate more effectively at part load consumption and increase efficiency via advanced
conditions. In addition to the VFDs, the design and active magnetic-bearing technology.

Figure 3: SHAP South Energy Center annual power consumption by monthly averages, baseline vs. Xpress® optimization mode.

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Sustainable Stellantis Energy Center Halves HVAC Chilled Water

Energy Costs

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), which Energy Center have resulted in an average
keeps power flowing to the chiller’s control annual total system efficiency of 0.42 kW/ton
panel as well as the required portions of the over the last three years.
VSD control circuit. In a process load scenario
like that of SHAP, avoiding downtime is Xpress® optimization mode has saved nearly
critical. This feature allows the Energy Center 3,000,000 kWh annually and reduced annual
to get to 100% load conditions within three energy expenses by approximately $175,000.
and a half minutes after a power failure.
Continuous Monitoring and
QuickStart also ensures the site can Verification
automatically transition between Mechanical In addition to the hydronic, control and
and Free Cooling without fear of losing supply equipment implementation, the other major
temperature to the load. Systems that take factor in this efficiency project was the
too long see too high of a spike in the supply implementation of the System Performance
temperature and cannot remain in free Dashboard. This interface views Key
cooling mode for as long. Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as kW
and kW/ton performance for each piece of
Energy Savings major equipment as well as those of the
The Xpress® control and optimization solution total chilled water system. The intuitive user
implemented at SHAP for the chilled water interface includes a baseline vs. projected
system leverages several key algorithms to vs. actual graph showing real-time energy

Need To continuously operate the Energy Center

equipment as efficiently as possible. According
performance relative to historical data
and trending capabilities to provide an

Reduce to ASHRAE, any chilled water system with an

annual average plant efficiency of 0.70 kW/ton
instant look at the long-term view of system
performance. The system equips the site
or less receives a rating of excellent. The net operations team with real-time energy data for
Plant Water result of the algorithms being implemented all chilled water equipment to quickly identify
and the equipment utilized at SHAP South energy waste and equipment problems, as
We can help.

For more information

contact us at:

330-837-5141 Figure 4: SHAP South System Performance Dashboard provides a window into the system with real-time and
historical efficiency KPIs for troubleshooting performance-related issues and maintaining maximum system efficiency.


well as overcharges and errors on energy About the Author

bills. The operations team also benefits from Ryan Cowan, Engineering Manager at tekWorx, was involved in the SHAP project from start to finish.
the alarming functionality of Xpress® which A graduate of the University of Cincinnati, he specializes in complex automotive and pharmaceutical
sends emails or texts to facilities staff when controls and optimization projects.
equipment such as a fan, pump or chiller is
operating outside expected parameters. About tekWorx
tekWorx is the leader in chilled water plant optimization. Using proven adaptive control algorithms, tekWorx
Long Term Savings Go Beyond Dollars solutions ensure the most efficient combination of plant equipment is operating at its most efficient point.
In addition to significantly reducing energy use tekWorx cuts cooling and operating costs 20-50%, often eliminating any need for new equipment or plant
and expenses, the design and optimization of expansions. For more information, contact [email protected] or visit
the SHAP South Energy Center has resulted in a
LEED Gold certification, the U.S. Green Building
To read similar Chiller Technology articles visit
Council’s second highest designation. The SHAP
South optimization project demonstrates how
effective technology can simultaneously benefit
operations and the environment. Visit our Webinar Archives to listen to expert presentations on Chiller Technology
at 23

Moisture: the Assassin in

Compressed Air Installations
By Pascal van Putten, CEO, VPInstruments and
Frank Moskowitz, Instructor, Compressed Air Challenge

cDew Point Monitoring point measurements that can prevent a lot of changing the pressure of a gas also changes the
Prevents Production Downtime problems and (unnecessary) costs. dew point temperature. The lower the pressure,
and Product Rejection the lower the dew point. For example, if
Compressed air users often assume the air Moisture Content and Dew Point atmospheric air with a relative humidity of 30
flowing from the pipe system is clean and dry. The dew point is expressed in degrees to 50% is compressed to a pressure of 100 psig,
However, this is rarely the case and besides dust Fahrenheit and is a measure of the amount that air becomes 100% saturated. The current
and dirt particles, moisture in particular is of water vapor in (compressed) air or in a compressed air temperature (which is higher
the most underestimated threat. This not only gas. We explicitly refer to pressure dew point than the ambient temperature) is the actual
applicable for the correct functioning and service for compressed air because the dew point pressure dew point. As soon as the temperature
life of the compressed air installation itself, but temperature is measured at a pressure that drops, the moisture in the compressed air will
also for the processes and components controlled is usually a factor 6 to 8 higher than the condense, allowing many liters of water per
by compressed air. Correct control and accurate atmospheric pressure. This is important because week to enter the system.
monitoring of the moisture content with dew
point sensors is therefore more important than
many people think!

Moisture can freeze in compressed air systems

and cause rust and pitting in pipes and
components. It can also flush out the lubricant
resulting in accelerated tool wear and damage to
valves and cylinders. Moist air is also a rewarding
breeding ground for bacteria, which especially
in the food and pharmaceutical industries can
lead to product rejection and costly production
downtime. It is therefore strange that many
companies limit themselves to measuring only
basic quantities such as pressure, flow and
(absorbed) power. Because it is precisely dew VPVision processes all results of flow, pressure, dew point, temperature, and energy use with which the system
behavior of compressed air systems can be continuously monitored and analyzed.


Causes of Moisture Problems unique internal heating system which allows

Moisture problems can have various causes. A them to recover very quickly after exposure to
common occurrence is the flooding of water a lot of moisture. This can be easily the case,
separators or combined oil/water separators for example, if dryers, water separators and/or
behind the compressor due to mechanical drains do not function properly.
problems such as a stuck float. If this stays
unnoticed, water flows unobstructed into the The big question is of course, how many
compressed air system and can collect in a dew point sensors should be installed in
buffer tank. Investing in a float drain, a timer a compressed air system and where they
drain, or an electronic condensate drain system should be placed in order to realize reliable
is therefore not a superfluous luxury. Clogged measurements. The simplest (starting) solution
cooling elements of aftercoolers and oil coolers, is to install a dew point sensor just after the
but also ignorance about the operation of dryer and in front of the dry tank. In this way,
refrigerated dryers in relation to the ambient the dryer is monitored for correct operation.
temperature are other causes of moisture It is also possible to place the sensor after the
problems. For example, if a refrigerated dryer dry tank, but then take into account a delay
after the (wet) buffer tank cools the air to in the measurement signal. If there are two
a pressure dew point of (actually) 50°F and or more dryers in parallel, it is recommended Years of too much moisture in the compressed air results
in this specter. It causes rusting, pitting corrosion and
in winter and on cool evenings the ambient to install a dew point sensor after each dryer.
can even clog entire pipes.
temperature of the pipe network drops to
40°F, this is often ignored. But that 10-degree
temperature drop alone, creates about 1.45
gallons of condensation water in the pipe
system during a 40-hour working week and
with 24/7 production even 6 gallons! With dew Introducing the
point measurement behind the cooler, this can
be discovered very quickly, and measures can
NEW PH 45-690 HE
be taken on time. So, when choosing a dryer
and the pressure dew point that is achieved, the
Structured Desiccant
average ambient temperature must be taken Adsorption Dryer
into account in addition to the requirements
that the process places on the compressed air!
The Pneumatech PH HE adsorption dryer
Installing Dew Point Meters has always earned its High-Efficiency
label. The all new PH 45-690 HE
Mirror, capacitive metal oxide and polymer structured desiccant models take these
sensors are the three best-known instruments energy savings to a new level. Thanks to
the groundbreaking solid desiccant, the
for measuring the dew point. Capacitive newest additions to the PH HE range
polymer sensors are, however, the best offer the lowest total cost of
ownership on the market.
protected against dust and dirt, insensitive to
condensation, have good long-term stability
Contact Us For More Information
and have an attractive price/performance ratio.
With these sensors, a change in capacitance 1-800-336-2285
is translated into the dew point temperature, [email protected]
displayed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
VP Dew Point Sensors in particular have a 25
Sustainable, Safe & Reliable
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Opening Session Tuesday, October 4, 10:15am – 12:00pm Conference Schedule
6:00pm–8:00pm Welcome Reception at
Renaissance Waverly –
Sponsored by Mikropor


8:00am–10:00am Conference Session #1
10:15am–12:00pm Opening Session
1:30pm–6:30pm EXPO HALL OPEN
CAGI Remarks Reliable Compressed Air Aligning Our Incentives Efficiency, Connectivity, 2:00pm–5:30pm New Technology EXPO
Chad Larrabee, Education Quality & Verification Michael Younis, Director Reliability of Compressed Classroom
Committee Chair, Compressed John Bilsky, Facilities Specialist of Energy and Sustainability Air Treatment Systems –
Air & Gas Institute CoE, Georgia-Pacific
5:30pm–6:30pm Show Floor Reception
for Compressed Air, Purified 10 Easy Tips
Water and N2 Systems, Tilo Fruth, President, 6:00pm Daily EXPO $1,000 Energy
Gentex Corporation BEKO Technologies Treasure Hunt RAFFLE!
7:00pm–10:00pm Networking Event at
Plenary Session Wednesday, October 5, 10:15am – 12:00pm – Sponsored by BEKO
Kaeser Compressor


8:00am–10:00am Conference Session #2

10:15am–12:00pm Plenary Session
1:30pm–6:30pm EXPO HALL OPEN
2:00pm–5:30pm New Technology EXPO
5:30pm–6:30pm Show Floor Reception
Welcome! Market Trend Towards Air- Managing Operational Multi-Factory Remote 6:00pm Daily EXPO $1,000 Energy
Roderick Smith, Publisher, Over-the-Fence Systems Energy at Intertape Control & Monitoring Treasure Hunt RAFFLE!
Best Practices Magazines Steve Briscoe, Director of Sales, Polymer Group of Chilled Water and
& EXPO Pattons Inc. Dr. Michael B. Jones, Compressed Air System THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022
Director of Corporate Energy, Performance
Intertape Polymer Group Dean Smith, Manager of Auditing
& System Design, iZ Systems
8:00am–10:00am Conference Session #3
10:15am–12:15pm Conference Session #4
New Technology EXPO Classroom
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm (SHOW FLOOR) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm (SHOW FLOOR)

2:00- Another Energy Solution from Hertz 2:00- FS-Connect a New Way to View Your Compressor from FS-Elliot
2:25 Bob Groendyke, VP & General Manager, Hertz Kompressoren USA 2:25 David Sleeman, Aftermarket Sales Manager, FS-Elliot
2:30- Point of Use Oil-Free Air with Catalytic Conversion 2:30- High Pressure Air & Gas Applications to Meet and Exceed Your Customer’s Needs
2:55 Nitin Shanbhag, President, Mikropor America 2:55 Josh Peter, Atlantic Regional Sales Manager, Sauer Compressors USA
3:00- Distributed Production of N2 | O2 | H2 - Benefits & Applications 3:00- Compressed Air Piping, The Good, The Bad, The Future
3:25 Yulia Burt, Sales & Business Development Director - Industrial Division, Xebec Adsorption 3:25 Bill Kirkpatrick, Regional Sales Director, Applied System Technologies
3:30- Point-Of-Use Compressed Air Drying Solutions for Moisture Sensitive Applications 3:30- AMS (Air Management System): Beyond Traditional Air Prep Systems
3:55 Jim DiMaiolo, Industrial Market Manager, Altec AIR 3:55 Nathan Eisel, National Product Development Manager, SMC Corporation of America
4:00- Compressed Air Dryer Refrigerant and Environmental Sustainability 4:00- Is Control Gap a Problem for Oil-Free Rotary Screw Air Compressors?
4:25 Pam Tetterton, Area Sales Manager, BOGE America 4:25 Jeff Yarnall, Auditor, Rogers Machinery Company
4:30- ABC Compressors New Range & Technology 4:30- Why Thermal Mass Flow is a Great Technology for Insights into Your Compressed Air Savings
4:55 Nacho Urbistando, Sales Area Manager, ABC Compressors USA 4:55 Pascal van Putten, CEO VPInstruments
5:00- Importance of Oil Free Compressed Air in Food and Beverage Safety 5:00- Leak Lifecycle Management
5:25 Gershom Joel, Product and Support Manager, ELGi North America 5:25 Colin Sewell, CEO & Founder, Prosaris
TRACK 1: On-Site Utility Sustainability: TRACK 2: On-Site Utility Reliability,
Energy & Cooling Water Conservation (Room 104) Safety and Quality (Room 105)

Receive actionable project ideas on how to reduce the water and Learn techniques to improve production up-time with high-quality and
energy consumption of your plant. Learn the latest system assessment reliable on-site utilities. Discuss the establishment of compressed air
techniques from world-class auditors. Meet experts who can answer specifications and compliance verification for the safe production of
questions regarding system automation, measurement and monitoring food, beverage and drug products – and to reduce production spoilage/
to verify energy savings. Receive 8 PDH credits. reject rates. Receive maintenance check-lists and training to maintain
Track Chair: Jon Jensen, Energy Conservation Group Manager, SMC Corp. of America required pressures and flows. Receive 8 PDH credits.
Track Chair: Tom Taranto, Principal, Data Power Services

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4 8:00 am – 10:00 am SESSION #1

Chair: Chad Larrabee, Global Product Management Leader, Ingersoll Rand Chair: Tom Taranto, Principal, Data Power Services
Evaluation of Supply & Demand to Improve Compressed Air System Efficiency Compressed Air as a Quality/Safety Manufacturing Process Variable –
Case Studies Compliance Verification Tips
Brian Mann, Air Systems Manager, Sullair Corporation Tom Taranto, Principal, Data Power Services
How System Assessments can Reduce Maintenance & Repair Costs on Aging Equipment Verifying Compressed Air Dryer/Filter/Drain Performance for Quality Reporting Systems
Chris Knuffman, Business Line Manager – Reciprocating and Rotary Screw Compressors, Nitin G. Shanbhag, President, Mikropor America
Quincy Compressors Avoiding Quality-Related Production Downtime: Realtime ISO 8573-1 Compressed Air
Strategies for Improving Compressed Air System Efficiencies Through Innovative Solutions Quality Monitoring and Audits
Neil Mehltretter, Technical Director, Kaeser Compressors Simon Gleissner, General Manager, SUTO iTEC
Maximizing Efficiency With Large Demand Fluctuations From Air Compressors to Purification: Compressed Air Asset Management
Mark Krisa, Global Technology Manager – Air Systems and Digital Solutions, Ingersoll Rand Gorazd Bregar, CEO, CALMS Air


WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 8:00 am – 10:00 am SESSION #2
Chair: Doug Barndt, Utilities Engineering Manager, Danone North America Chair: Bert Wesley, Senior Principal, Woodard + Curran
Improving Industrial Energy and Cooling Water Efficiency-Lessons Learned Over 16 Years Oil-Free, Water-Cooled Air Compressor System Designs
Doug Barndt, Utilities Engineering Manager, Danone North America Tim Dugan, President, Compression Engineering Corporation
Low-cost / No-Cost Flow Reduction: Demand Side Projects for Energy Efficiency Cooling System Designs for Water-Cooled Air Compressors
Jon Jensen, Energy Conservation Group Manager, SMC Corp. of America Bert Wesley, Senior Principal, Woodard & Curran
Critical Insights for Cooling Systems: Off-Design Turndown, Thermal Balancing, Nitrogen System Designs for Food Industry Applications
and Nominal Ratings Mike Flowe, Nitrogen Generation Specialist, Flowe Nitrogen Systems
Clayton Penhallegon Jr., Managing Member, Integrated Services Group Reducing Energy Consumption For Temporary Air Compressor & Blower Needs
Greener Compressed Air Systems – Reducing the Environmental Impact of Air Systems Matt Piedmonte, Director, Aerzen Rental
Paul Edwards, Principal, Compressed Air Consultants


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 8:00 am – 10:00 am SESSION #3
Chair: Eddie Ostervold, President, E.W. Klein & Co. Chair: Josh Wamser, Principal, Industrial Compressor Solutions
Sizing Vacuum Pumps for Reliability and Efficiency Compressed Air & Vacuum Piping Analysis
Dayne Crowley, Product Manager, Gardner Denver Nash Tim Dugan, President, Compression Engineering Corporation
Optimized Maintenance and Water Usage of Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps in Paper Industry Use of Sonic Nozzles for Compressed Air Balancing and Distribution
Dan Barnette, Vice President, E.W. Klein & Co. Mustafa Uslu, CEO, Revindus
How to Save 90% of Water Consumption on a Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump Compressed Air Distribution Piping and Pressure Drop
Eddie Ostervold, President, E.W. Klein & Co. Scott Folsom, Director of Channel Development, FS-Curtis
System Design: Dry vs. Wet Vacuum Pumps in Plastics Design Compressed Air Distribution like an Electrical Grid
Tie Duan, Solutions Engineer, E.W. Klein & Co. Josh Wamser, Principal, Industrial Compressor Solutions

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 10:15 am – 12:00 pm SESSION #4

Chair: Clayton Penhallegon Jr., Managing Member, Integrated Services Group FOR ONSITE UTILITIES
Can Compressed Air Audits be Automated with Auto-Analyzers? Chair: Roderick Smith, Publisher, Best Practices Magazine & Expo
Rok Trelc, Compressed Air Consultant, HPE Food Processing Best Practice On-Site Utility Guides for Cooling Water, Nitrogen,
Your Fundamental KPI with Air Compressors: Efficiency! Compressed Air & Vacuum
Pascal van Putten, CEO, VPInstruments, Roderick Smith, Publisher, Best Practices Magazine & Expo
Driving Success with VFDs in Cooling Systems Roundtable Discussion: Dairy (Milk & Cheese) Best Practice Guide Working
Clayton Penhallegon Jr., Managing Member, Integrated Services Group Group Creation, Content Structure
DOE’s MEASUR Tool – Compressed Air Module Overview Frank Melch, Vice President, Zorn Compressor & Equipment
Alex Botts, R&D Research Assistant, Oak Ridge National Laboratories Energy Incentive Program Administrator Minimum Data/Reporting Needs
for Compressed Air System Assessments
Christopher Sullivan-Trainor, Consortium for Energy Efficiency
Roundtable Discussion: Vacuum Audit Case Study and Need for Energy Incentives
Targeting Vacuum Systems?
Ron Marshall, Chief Auditor, Marshall Compressed Air Consultants


To Register Visit:

Moisture: the Assassin in Compressed Air Installations

After all, if only one sensor is used in the

central pipe to the buffer tank, it will not
immediately be possible to determine which
dryer is causing problems in the event of a
deviating measurement. It is also wise to install
an extra dew point sensor in the supply line of
critical processes. If something goes wrong with
the dew point, timely action can be taken and
costly production downtime can be avoided.

The Power of Combined

To determine the causes of a deviating dew
point quickly and in a targeted manner, it is
necessary to perform additional measurements.
By installing a 3-in-1 VPFlowScope sensor after
The operation of the VP Dew Point transmitter is based on a so-called capacitive polymer sensor that is resistant the dryer, mass flow, pressure and temperature
to dust and dirt, is insensitive to condensation and has good long-term stability. are also measured. As soon as the dew point
rises, it will then be possible to quickly see
what is causing this, for example, a rising
refrigeration dryer inlet temperature and/
or a high airflow. A decrease in flow and/or

Grade D Breathing Air Solutions pressure can also be an indication that the
dryer is contaminated internally, while flow
measurements can also be used to monitor the
leakage level. This is important because, apart
from the energy loss, condensation can flow
back into the pipe network via leaks, which risk
increases with lower dew point applications.
CO airline monitor
Additional measurements can also be used to
visualize the pressure loss across the dryer and
ProAir 2200
Four gas airline monitor filter installation, so that the moment of filter
replacement can be predicted precisely. By also
AFS-50 measuring the power, in combination with the
Air filtration system
other measurements, the efficiency of the dryer
can be calculated and compared with that of
AirGuard other dryers. This can then be used to optimize
Portable breathing air system
maintenance, for example, and also to see
afterwards whether the right choices have been
Protect and Refresh Your Breathing Air made when purchasing the dryer(s).

Dryer Selection
In the context of energy savings, it is important
to take a critical look at the pressure dew point


actually required and/or the need to cool all and power measurements. By displaying and for optimization of the total compressed
air centrally. Decentralized drying, only for the everything clearly in a monitoring system air system. Permanent monitoring extends
processes that require it, is also an option. Often specifically developed for this purpose, such as equipment life, reduces maintenance and
people choose “out of safety” for air that is too VPVision, the system behavior can be monitored energy costs, and prevents product loss and
dry, with a pressure dew point that is too low. and analyzed 24/7, 365 days a year. production downtime.
However, this will cost an unnecessary amount
of energy. A good guideline for determining Fluctuations in demand, in dew point, a For more information visit
the correct dew point is the ISO 8573-1:2010 compressor temperature that is too high;
standard. Here the dew point values are divided everything is visualized in good time and an This article was created in collaboration with
into seven classes: Class 0 to Class 6. Class 0 alarm is issued if things get out of line. It also Compressed Air Challenge Instructor Frank
(Defined as anything better than Class 1) is the provides extremely valuable information for Moskowitz and Pascal van Putten, CEO
highest category that only applies in rare cases, maintenance optimization, to make the right of VPInstruments from Delft, Netherlands.
for example when compressed air is needed in investment decisions for future expansion
the highest category cleanrooms. Class 1 has a
pressure dew point of -94 °F, Class 6 of +50 °F.
To read similar Instrumentation Technology articles, visit
Properly analyzing what is really needed can
save a lot of money both when investing in
the dryer installation and during subsequent For expert presentations, visit our Webinar Archive Section dedicated to Compressed
Air Measurement at
operation. To illustrate, the energy consumption
of a refrigerated dryer is roughly 0.8 kW/100
CFM, while an adsorption dryer requires about
five times as much energy, i.e. about 3 to 4 We Make Valve Automation Easy!
kW/100 CFM!

Wet and Dry Storage Tanks

Compact, Fast-Acting, High-Cycle
It is recommended to install a wet tank Switching Valves for Desiccant Dryers
downstream of the air compressor and
upstream of the compressed air dryer. It is also
recommended to install a separate “dry air
storage tank” downstream of the dryer. This
protects the dryer against overload and also
makes it possible to size the dryer based on
the average flow instead of on a (short-term)
peak demand. As a result, a smaller dryer can
generally be chosen. In addition, the extra tank
VA Series VAX Series
helps to achieve a more stable system pressure
and can even have a beneficial effect on
Angle Valves
compressor sizing and control. Try Our Easy to Use Online Valve Configurators

System Optimization
The base for a healthy and optimally profitable
compressed air installation is permanent
monitoring, in which dew point measurements
are combined with flow, pressure, temperature 29

Compressed Air System

Design for Dust Collectors
By Hank van Ormer, Technical Director, AP Energy

c Basic Operating Theory of a Pulse a steady repeatable pressure level for each from the element. The dust then dumps into
Jet Dust Collector pulse, particularly if timers are used to control the “hopper” or collector drawers.
The dust is collected on the bag or fingers, the pulses. The operator may experiment to
and when the cake of dust is of appropriate find the “right timing sequence” at a desired Each pulse cleans a series of filter elements
thickness and structure, a pulse or pulses of compressed air inlet pressure. However, if this leaving the remaining cartridges available to
compressed air hits or shocks the bag and pressure varies, then performance will not be continue filtering the air. Each diaphragm valve
knocks the cake off. This pulse may sometimes consistent or satisfactory. typically operates one pulse jet blow pipe. Each
be accompanied by physical shaking and even pulse jet blow pipe contains a nozzle for each
reverse air flows, depending on design. Dust Collector Reverse Flow Filter cartridge – usually up to three cartridge filters
Pulse Cleaning per pipe. As the pulse of air reaches the nozzle
When the cake is removed correctly from the The reverse flow filter dust collector utilizes it is accelerated through the smaller diameter
dust collector, the system removes dust from its cartridge elements which are cleaned by creating a low pressure center, or Venturi,
assigned environment and has a normal bag “back flushing” with compressed air. This pulling in surrounding air through the filter in
life. When the cake is not removed efficiently, momentary air flow reversal is induced by a counter-flow direction.
the dust collector does not remove dust a short burst of compressed air similar to
effectively from its assigned environment and pulse jet sock or bag filter. The compressed The rated flow of compressed air per pulse is
the bag life can be significantly shortened. air is released from the storage receiver by a often 3 to 6 cubic feet (this may vary at any
fast-acting high flow diaphragm valve. This site and the proper data will be needed), with
Dust collection system designs specify the “pulse” of air dislodges the accumulated dust normal pulse duration of 0.15 to 0.5 second,
compressed air inlet pressure to the
manifold and pulse valves necessary
for effective dust removal. The pulse
valve sends a given volume or weight
of air to the bag at a predetermined
velocity to strike and clear the cake.
The actual amount of weight of air
is dependent upon the pulse nozzle
being fed compressed air at a pre-
determined and steady pressure.
The dust collector must receive the
correct pressure (or close to it) and Figure 1. How to Correct for Pressure Drop


and one valve opening every 15 seconds. requirement for the optimum timer p Too small or an incorrect regulator,
Obviously there are other designs with different setting may well change as various which is unable to handle the required
specifications. Most of the time there will be product runs change, or this may rate of flow required by the dust
only one valve opening every 15 seconds but change seasonally. These settings collectors
sometimes there could be two or more pulses have to be set carefully during initial
simultaneously. installation and then monitored p Figure 1 illustrates a common
regularly installation or system situation that
Installation Considerations for Proper causes restricted compressed air flow.
Compressed Air Supply p Lack of sufficient compressed air storage Prior to the installation or operational
Short bag life usually comes from the pulsers near the inlet manifold to supply the change, the proper rate of flow was not
hitting the bag when the cake is not ready to required pulse air without collapsing identified for the dust collector cleaning
flake off or the cake has gone too long between the inlet pressure. With too low an inlet action. Feed line sizing, regulator
pulsing and has grown too thick and heavy to pressure, the mass weight of the air sizing, and air supply all require an
clean effectively. This causes not only short bag pulse is too low, which then becomes identified rate of flow. Using average
life, but also very poor performance. There are ineffective in removing the cake flow rate instead of the rate of flow can
several possible causes for this, including: be misleading and typically results in
p Too small a feed line to the dust misapplications. This is true for both
p Incorrect timer settings for the collector entry will have the same Pulse Jet and Reverse Flow.
operating conditions. The actual effect as lack of air supply 31

Compressed Air System Design for Dust Collectors

Improper compressed air delivery and supply short time period. Dust collectors normally illustrates how to apply this storage to lower
may create an ineffective pulse. This can be have this characteristic. the rate of flow.
addressed by:
Sequence controllers can have a very significant Additional Dust Collector Installation
p Using proper line size to handle rate impact on the required rate of flow. For Guidelines
of flow without high pressure loss example, the following table illustrates a dust It is recommended that every feed line have a
collector system which has six pulsing valves quality pressure gauge installed near the dust
p Using storage to supply air that use 3.5 ft3 over ½ second for each pulse. collector entry. Observe the pressure gauge
without pulling down feed When this is a problem, appropriate storage when the pulser hits. If the pressure drop is too
to the receiver/collector and piping can be an effective correction when high (over 10 20 psig), start looking for the
properly implemented. cause. Record the specifications on the dust
p Monitoring inlet pressure collector (scfm per pulse, feed line pressure,
and drop at pulse The impact of two different rates of flow time per pulse, cycle time between pulses).
shows similar differences in regulator sizing Calculate the rate of flow and check line size
p Monitoring flow if they are used on the feed line flow. The and storage. If additional storage is required,
high flow velocities entering the manifold and it can be calculated by using the formulas
Rate of Flow controls for the pulse valves will create extra presented in the “Example of Calculating
Flow rate is the average flow of compressed pressure loss through the nozzle, affecting the Storage Size” shown in Table 2.
air in cubic feet per minute either required by performance of the pulse cleaner. The same
a process or delivered to the system. Rate of effect would show up in air receiver sizing to The sequence and pulse jet nozzle size depend
flow is the actual rate of flow of compressed minimize both system and feed line pressure on the number of bags, type of bags, length
air demand expressed in cubic feet per minute drops, if that is a question. of the bags, and the materials being trapped.
regardless of duration. Even relatively small These will vary by make and model. Some rules
air demands in cubic feet can have a very Table 2 provides an example of how to of thumb that often apply:
high rate of flow, if they occur over a very calculate storage size. The following figure

Typical sizing (each valve uses 3.5 scfm/pulse – 6 valves on collector) Pulse rate of flow to dust collectors

Rate of flow and sizing with Rate of flow and sizing with Objective: Size storage to allow pulse of 21 ft3 in
one valve hitting every 7 seconds six valves opening at once every 7 seconds 0.5 seconds to only drop 4 psig
Rate of Flow = (1) × (3.5) = 3.5 × 60 ÷ 0.5 = 420 scfm Rate of Flow = (6) × (3.5) = 21 × 60 ÷ 0.5 = 2,520 scfm 6 valves × 3.5 ft3 = 21 ft3
21 ft3 × 60 sec ÷ 0.5 sec = 2,520 scfm rate of flow
The line size recommendation from the air supply to the dust The line size recommendation from the air supply to the dust
collector – 90 psig line pressure = 2" to 3" collector – 90 psig line pressure = 4" to 6" Calculating storage size
V = (C) (Pa)
A 2" feed line will handle the 420 scfm flow at 90 psig line A 6" feed line will handle the 2,520 scfm flow at 90 psig line T = Time (seconds) T (P1 – P2)(60 seconds)
pressure with a velocity of 43 fps, which is about as high pressure with a velocity of about 30 fps, which is conservative V = Volume storage (ft3)
as it should go in this application C = Capacity scfm (2,520) V = (2,520) (14.5)
0.5 (100 – 96) (60 seconds)
rate of flow
A 2" line at 2,520 scfm would have a minimum pressure loss Pa = Psia (14.5) V = 36,540
A 3" feed line will handle the 420 scfm flow at 90 psig with
of 30-50 psid, depending on timing and turbulence. This would P1 = Initial receiver 0.5 240
a velocity of about 19 fps – very conservative
be completely unacceptable pressure (100) V = 76 ft3
A 2" line would have a pressure loss of about 1 psid every 100' A 4" line would have a pressure loss of about 1.1 to 1.2 psid per P2 = Final receiver 76 ft3 × 7.48 gallons/ft3 =
pressure (96) 568 gallons or more receiver
at 420 scfm flow, which may be acceptable depending on feed 100' at 90 psig, and combined with moderate velocity, should be size required
line design and length acceptable depending on the length and design of the feed line
Calculating 7-second refill rate of flow:
A 6" line would have a minimum pressure loss of 0.15 to 0.20 Time allowed = 6 sec
A 3" line would have pressure loss of less than 0.10 psid per
psid at 90 psig with very low velocities and should be acceptable 21 ft3 × 60 sec ÷ 6 sec = 2,109 scfm rate of flow
100' at 420 scfm flow, which should be very acceptable
with “normal” installations Effect on header: Negligible


p ½ second is commonly used for

the pulse duration.

p Air flow per pulse jet is very often

from 3.5 ft3 to 10 ft3.

p Dust collector capacity is often

increased first by lengthening the
bags and/or increasing the number
of bags in the housing.

p As the bag length increases, the

pulse jet air demand increases.
In one example, increasing from
18" length bags to 84" length bags
increases the pulse demand about
25% incrementally.
Storage to Decrease the Rate of Flow

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Compressed Air System Design for Dust Collectors

p As the number of bags of the same level. There are some excellent electronic
design increases, the pulse air monitoring systems available which will
required increases by about the same identify leaks from failed solenoid pulse
percentage. jet valves. These can also monitor filter
performance and condition and monitor the
The number of pulse jets, sequence, and air system’s capability to stay in compliance.
demand need to be known to install any dust
collector correctly to ensure an adequate flow For these monitoring systems to perform as
of compressed air at the proper pressure. designed, the compressed air supply should Table 3. Compressed Air Use for a 10-row Dust Collector.
deliver solid, consistent pressure at the point- (supplied by FilterSense)

With the variety of filters of modern high- of-use. A paddle switch visual alarm can
performance materials available today, many easily be installed on the air supply pipeline. has to be correct for proper operation. When
operations are modifying their older dust Whenever the paddle sensor sees compressed not installed properly, there can be a significant
collectors; however, too often the effect on air flow, the light turns on. When the pulse negative impact.
compressed air requirements is not considered. jet hits, the light turns on and then turns off
when it closes. If the light stays on, there is Table 3 indicates estimated compressed air
Compressed Air Leaks continuous flow – a leak! savings based on valve size for a 10 row
in Dust Collectors pulse jet dust collector with either a pressure
Pulse jet dust collectors are a continuing source Automatic Pressure Differential differential control or timer control set at 356
of leaks, particularly when pulse jet diaphragms Pulse Controllers pulses /hour.
fail which can create a very large compressed A demand-side controller is always suggested
air leak. An open 3/4" diaphragm pulse valve for properly installed applications. This senses When a plant or operation with significant
can leak up to 200 250 scfm, equivalent to 50 the filter condition and only pulses the bag dust collecting is reviewed, it is very rare to
to 60 hp worth of compressed air, and costing at the right time. There are some excellent find an operator who is aware of what the
about $24,000 /year. electronic control systems available which can dust collector’s operating specifications are
be very economical and will usually improve and how or why the pipe sizes were selected.
Often, these failures/leaks are hard to hear bag life and reduce air usage. Typically, when returning conditions to the
and sometimes, when first heard, are ignored originally manufactured specifications, the
in the hope that someone else will notice Projects, which are very effective in unit will run as intended.
and repair it. After all, it is a hot, or cold, optimizing compressed air usage, are always
dusty, noisy job, often high above ground recommended; however, the storage and piping Dust Collector Troubleshooting
and Maintenance Tips
All dust collectors need routine maintenance
of clearing plugged tubes, in addition to:

p Continuous diaphragm/valve repair

p Cleaning and checking magnehelic

gauges and other critical sensors

p Reset timers, if required

When pulse valve diaphragms become worn and

do not seal, filter cleaning becomes ineffective
Remote Monitor Gauge Reading


and often the operators adjust the timers to a poorly operating, and even more so leaking, plants to not only effectively use compressed
more frequent cycle, which offsets the lack of valves and diaphragms can use significant air, a plant’s most expensive utility, but to also
performance. This is a poor practice. volumes of very expensive compressed air. It enhance continuing productivity and quality
behooves any plant that operates pulse jet dust of overall plant performance.
Generally speaking, all diaphragms should collectors to know them well and maintain
be replaced within a 3 to 5 year period. them properly. For more information contact Hank van Ormer,
Ideally, when replacing one, replace them all. Technical Director, or Don van Ormer, Senior
Obviously, different operating condition and Conclusion Auditor, AP Energy (formerly Air Power USA) at
controls will yield varying results. The preceding information is designed to tel: 740.862.4112, Visit
help create clear operating guidelines for all
Proper operating valves and diaphragms will
allow better filter cleaning, reduce particle
emission and use less compressed air: To read similar articles on Compressed Air End Uses, please visit

p A 3/4" ASCO-manufactured pulse valve

diaphragm kit retails for about $20 to
Visit our Webinar Archives to listen to expert presentations on Compressed Air
$25 each Piping Design at

p A 3/4" pulse valve leak may well be

as high as 200 scfm. The 1 ½" and 2"
valves can and do leak up to 1,000 scfm

p Monitor all control sensors

(Δ pressures, time delays, cycle
times and cleaning times) per
manufacturer specifications

p If pulse cleaning never stops when

it should, then:

` Check if the pressure tubing

is disconnected

` Check electrical connections

` Check high and low pressure


Diaphragm and valve maintenance is often

overlooked in many plants until losses grow
to the magnitude where there is not enough
air to feed the hungry leaks, at which time a
crisis arises, possibly leading to the purchase
of additional compressed air. It is obvious that 35

Cooling System Energy Savings

in Three “Easy” Steps
By Clayton Penhallegon, Jr., P.E., Integrated Services Group

This food service products plant has a 1200 ton centrifugal chiller system (left) and three 580 tower ton cross-flow cooling towers (right).

cAn Illinois food service products injection molded plates and flatware for the per chiller, the recirc pumps share a common
manufacturer now saves nearly 60% of their food service industry. Tower water is used header arrangement so any pump can flow to
base annual cooling energy costs through to provide cooling for injection molding any chiller. The process CHW is pumped from
improvements made in three phases over machine hydraulics, air compressors, and the cold well tank to the plant by five 75 HP
several years. The plant, which has a 1200 ton chiller condensers. Chilled water is used for process pumps, and a separate 25 HP pump
chilled water plant, implemented upgrades mold cooling and room humidity control to circulates CHW to the humidity control AHUs.
including pump and tower fan VFDs and mitigate condensation on the molds.
enhanced function controls, free cooling, When initially studied, operation and control
and chiller compressor drive retrofits. The As a purpose-built system, the cooling equipment of the system was rudimentary. Pumps in each
revisions built through successive phases to was generally well matched to the overall plant loop were controlled to their amp ratings by
capture further benefits from more complete loads. Both the tower water and chilled water partially closed discharge valves, and any flow
utilization of the preceding steps’ capabilities. are open tank, recirculation and process loop or efficiency considerations were second to the
design systems with hot well / cold well tanks electrical operation of the pumps. The tower
Each step had to meet corporate payback connected by flow-equalization piping. The water setpoint was maintained by staging the
criteria however the thresholds were loosened tanks are sufficiently large that they don’t have three single-speed tower fans off and on. There
as the successes became apparent. The initial the excessive turbulence and air induction that were no other automatic controls – plant
upgrades were performed under a 2.0 year characterizes so many systems that have grown operators manually turned pumps and chillers
energy-only simple payback (SPB) cut-off to multiples of their original size1; nevertheless, on and off as needed to meet the perceived
while the subsequent phases were allowed to this system was found to have the same inherent loads. Due to the generally stable operation
meet a 2.5 year SPB. As with many projects flow issues common with tank-based systems. of the plant, this provided adequate cooling
of this nature, the plant also realized lower and the system operation was considered
maintenance labor and equipment capital Three gear-drive, cross-flow cooling towers satisfactory by the plant staff and management.
replacement costs coincident with improved provide tower loop heat rejection totaling
process stability and reliability; however, as is roughly 1750 tower tons. Tower water flows Initial Conditions
also common with many projects like this, the through a hot well tank, is pumped by four 30 The plant cooling load averaged around 620
only benefits actually counted for the financial HP recirculation pumps to the towers, drains tons with summer peaks to near 800 tons, and
justification were the energy savings due to to a cold well tank, and is then pumped by the plant normally operated two of the three
their clearly discernable nature. four 75 HP process pumps into the plant. chillers in a rotation. Given the pumps and
tower fans in the system multi-loop design,
Plant Details and Cooling Chilled water (CHW) is provided by three 400 the average plant efficiency ran around 1.375
System Design tonR centrifugal chillers. CHW is pumped from kW per ton. With the high operating hours in
The main products of the plant, which a hot well tank to the chillers by three 20 HP the plant, the total annual cooling cost was
operates around 8600 hours per year, are recirc pumps; while nominally installed as one roughly $570,0002.

: The Voice

of the Compressed
Challenging Injection Molding also logged 1 minute trend data of power and Air Industry
Cooling Requirements water conditions including flows, temperatures,
One characteristic detail of injection molding and pressures. Cooling water uses in the plant
plants is high flow / low delta T process were reviewed so the application considerations CAGI (The Compressed Air and
cooling to the injection molds to provide near could be included in the analysis. Gas Institute) has been running
uniform cooling across the molds. The target performance verification on
temperature change across molds is typically While the cooling systems were built products for years, but did you
around 2°F – this means the CHW flow for the intentionally for the anticipated loads
know they now also have a
actual cooling provided is around 12 GPM per (unlike many plant systems that grow
testing program for the people
ton vs. the standard 2.4 GPM per ton with a incrementally over time as the cooling
10°F DT common in cooling water applications. needs increase), the systems showed many who serve you?
hallmarks of typical cooling systems:
In practice, the 2°F mold delta T ends up
being more like a 4 to 4.5°F DT at the chiller p Constantly varying “sawtooth” tower
plant with flows between 5 and 6 GPM per ton water supply temperature due to fan
(inverse change in flow to the DT). This is due cycling, along with excess fan drive
to the blending with the mold cooling return mechanical wear from frequent across-
water of return CHW from air handling units, the-line starts
machine hydraulics (if all on one system), and
other uses (some lines use local circulating p 100% tower fan operation and energy
pump temperature control units [TCUs] to waste seasonally (~June to Sept.) when
provide higher mold flow rates at higher wet bulb conditions made the fixed set The benefit? You can be assured
supply temperatures). point unattainable regardless of the that the person serving you has
load on the towers been knowledge-tested and
Because the chillers were selected for typical has passed a comprehensive
10°F evaporator delta Ts and the recirc pumps p Discharge valves partially closed on compressed air exam. Next
and piping were designed to meet this criterion, many pumps to avoid over-amping
time you’re looking for advice
the chillers have to be run at temperatures the motors
and support with compressed
below the target CHW supply temperature. In
this plant, the chillers normally have to be run p Imbalanced and excessive flows air, check if they hold Certified
at a 45°F set point to have around 50°F water on recirc loops Compressed Air System
supplied to the plant floor. Specialist (CCASS) status.
p Pressure variations on process loops
Opportunities Identified as machine loads varied
ISG was contracted to study the systems for
potential efficiency improvements and possible p More pumps than necessary operating
qualification for local utility efficiency rebates. much of the time due to operators ®

The review consisted of a detailed audit which needing on-line redundancy in case
included recording system operating conditions of “2:00 AM” failures
and gathering detailed data to support an
eventual local utility rebate application. ISG presented the manufacturer with
ISG documented the system equipment and recommended improvements that spanned
configuration (e.g. hot well / cold well tanks, a range of Tier 1 and Tier 2 upgrades (see
recirc loops, etc.), noted operating status such sidebar) which in aggregate would qualify for
Learn more at
as on / off and balancing device states, and local utility incentives as a Custom Project 37

Cooling System Energy Savings in Three “Easy” Steps

application. The suggested measures included p Add VFDs to tower water and CHW recirc Step 1 – Upgrades and Results
(Tier level in [X] brackets): and process pumps (16 total) [T1] The manufacturer approved the recommended
upgrades and a utility rebate application was
p Add VFDs to the tower fans p Open all partially closed pump discharge filed for the current program year. In addition
(three total) [T1] valves and tower inflow valves [T1] to 19 VFDs for the pumps and tower fans, the
project also included cooling system controls
p Control towers to run in parallel vs. p Install process differential pressure and adding network communication cards to
staged On / Off to reach set point [T1] sensors on the tower water and CHW the chillers. The drives were also networked for
piping [T1] intelligent bus control, and the entire cooling
p Implement wet bulb reset control on system could be supervised remotely through
the tower water supply set point [T2] p Control recirc loop flows continuously the plant LAN.
to more closely balance with process
p Calibrate tower set point reset selection loops [T2] All the specific efficiency measures listed above
to chiller efficiency beneficial range [T2] were implemented along with system operation
functions including overall on / off control,
chiller rotation selection, chiller fault and
system high load response, and other fault
alarming. Controls data trending facilitated
the required utility rebate M&V documentation
as well as supporting troubleshooting and
performance monitoring, and includes drive
frequency and real power (kW), major chiller
data points (power, temperatures, refrigerant
and oil conditions, etc.), and numerous system
parameters such as loop temperatures, pump
header pressures, loop differential pressures,
and key water flows.

The effects of the changes were impressive:

Annual savings were just under $210,000 and
total energy savings were 37% of the base with
Cooling system flow diagram the peak summer demand being reduced by over
20%. The overall plant kW per ton was reduced
nearly 32% from 1.374 to 0.935. Finally, the
project received an efficiency incentive of nearly
$90,000 which was capped due to aggressive cost
control and unusual installation circumstances
(more internal labor than is typical); under
more typical project costs, the incentive could
have been around $230,000.

Step 1 – Savings Details

Perhaps surprisingly to someone unfamiliar
with these systems, virtually all of the savings
came from pump application improvements.


Only 7% of the savings were from tower

fans and while there were chiller efficiency
improvements from the more capable tower
setpoint control, this was essentially ignored
due to the requirement to document the savings
over an extended period for rebate purposes
which were already capped.

The eight CHW pumps, with one exception, all

had their discharge valves choked to limit the
motor amps. These valves were all opened fully,
balance valves on the CHW recirc loop (the
chillers) were opened, and active flow control
was added to all of these (differential pressure
to the floor on the process loop, process-linked
Partially closed chilled water pump discharge valves.
flow to the recirc loop).
lower than the process loop flow while still float within a band that meets the summer
The tower pumps had open valves initially but meeting the target supply temperature to the peak design conditions on the high end but also
very often had significant excess flows. Process chillers and plant floor by mixing warm process minimizes chiller and pumping power when
loop tower water differential pressure sensing return water. The entire system is allowed to possible on the low end.
was added in two locations, one in the headers
serving the chillers and air compressors, and the
other in the plant floor loop serving the injection
machine hydraulics (coincidentally also adjacent
to the CHW DP sensor). The initial expectation
was that the controls would look at both sensors
and conduct pump speed control based on
separate DP setpoints for the two locations, but
in practice the chiller header pressure was found
to control the application leaving the process
floor loop sensor informational only.
Join Our Fundamentals of
Compressed Air Systems Training
Further tower water pump savings were realized
by aggressively resetting the tower water supply Both the in person and the web- This course will teach you how to:
temperature seasonally. The northern Illinois based versions of our popular Level 1 • Calculate energy cost of compressed air
climate has many hours each year when the introductory courses are designed to in your facility.
towers could supply water cooler than the teach facility engineers, operators and • Improve efficiency and reliability
maintenance staff how to achieve 10-30% • Identify inappropriate uses of compressed air
originally found 72°F setpoint. In addition
cost savings through more effective • Establish a leak prevention program
to floating the setpoint up when the wet bulb
production and use of compressed air. And much much more!
temperature was higher than ≈ 66° (the
threshold where the towers could not meet the
72° water temperature target), the setpoint View our training calendar by scanning the QR
code or for more information, you can contact
was allowed to come down when economically [email protected]
possible to as low as 57° on the tower recirc
loop. This allowed the recirc loop flow to be /company/compressed-air-challenge 39

Cooling System Energy Savings in Three “Easy” Steps

Step 2 – Free Cooling data with expected annual energy savings of lower running loads due to production changes.
Once the initial project results were validated, around $53,000; the plant would further see Actual energy savings were calculated at
the manufacturer was receptive to opportunities reduced runtime and wear on the chillers and $71,000 per year and earned a $57,000 rebate.
for further savings. The tower water setpoint commensurate maintenance savings. Annualized total plant kW per ton decreased
control capability described above set the further to 0.668, over 50% less than the
stage for the plant to implement so-called Once in operation, the system saved more initial figure; total yearly savings were nearly
free cooling3 for several thousand hours per than projected as the operating hours were $300,000 when this was complete.
year in the northern Illinois climate. The greater than the conservative initial estimates
utility approved another efficiency incentive (nearly 4000 hours in the first year vs. 3050 As often happens when system operations
application for the measure based on baseline estimated) with free cooling running into May are changed, several minor problems were
data provided from the cooling controls trend on cool nights; this was offset somewhat by uncovered when the chillers were shut down

ISG Efficiency Measure Tier System

ISG uses a ranking system to describe potential recirc and process loops or reducing to closed loop “Process Water” systems,
efficiency improvements for cooling systems. The excess primary chiller CHW loops essentially year-round free cooling but at
categories include the degree of energy savings p Implementation of process-driven temperatures supported by towers only
impact but also include related benefits such as pump speed control such as p Major piping and equipment upgrades
reduced equipment wear and other integral cost differential pressure (e.g. pump changes, tower rebuilds
reductions or operational benefits. / replacements) to enable system
Tier 2: Advanced Efficiency Improvements – consolidations or seasonal shutdowns
The categories, or Tiers in our terminology, 2nd step measures that leverage the Tier 1
broadly describe the complexity or degree changes to enable deeper energy savings. Tier 4: Complete System Efficiency
of change from the initial conditions. While p Wet bulb reset control of tower water Improvements – comprehensive system upgrade
the Tiers generally correlate to total savings, supply temperature measures superseding the three lower tiers and
investment, and / or payback period, this is p Tower water pump control using incorporating those features by initial design.
not the basis of the rankings; rather the Tier colder TW to enable reduced flows p Replacement of original systems

category indicates the sequence location of a when available with newly installed, high efficiency
potential measure in an upgrade process with p Linking of recirc loop flows to process cooling plants
lower Tier measures preceding higher Tier loop flows for dynamic pump control p Major rebuilding of existing systems

measures as generally necessary precursors. p Tailoring TW setpoint control to with major component replacements
chiller type for best chiller efficiency (chillers, towers) and conversion
Tier 1: Basic Efficiency Improvements – 1st improvements from open systems with bulk water
step measures that save energy and position p Limited piping changes to enhance tanks to closed systems with pressure
systems for higher Tier measure applications. system operation and further leverage control and thermal expansion tanks
p VFDs for tower fans and system pumps control capabilities (bladder or otherwise)
p Control of tower fan to current set point

with speed adjustment instead of cycling Tier 3: Capital Efficiency Improvements – Most cooling systems have opportunities to
p Opening of pump discharge valves 3rd step measures that require Tier 1 and Tier employ several of the measures across different
choked for amp control by reducing 2 measures for most effective utilization. tiers. For example, a common sequence would
pump speed p Chiller compressor VFD retrofits and / be adding drives to tower fans and pumps
p Opening of balance valves and circuit or high efficiency chiller replacement (Tier 1), reducing the tower water temperature
setters for further pump speed reduction p “Free cooling” plate heat exchanger seasonally though wet bulb control (Tier 2),
p Flow control improvements such as systems for seasonal CHW supply and retrofitting VFDs on chiller compressors
balancing of nominal flows between p Conversion of CHW cooled equipment to leverage the colder TW (Tier 3).


completely with the plant still running. These

included leaking shut off valves, chiller oil
heater issues, and chiller start-up transition
sensitivities with cold tower water. While these
were frustrating, solving them ultimately
served to help improve the overall cooling plant
operations; in particular, implementing chiller-
based head pressure control of the chiller
condenser valves dramatically improved the
start-up reliability when transitioning back out
of free cooling or when doing a cold start after
a winter shutdown.

Additional benefits from the free cooling

were achieved by designing the plate heat
Free cooling plate heat exchanger.
exchanger for lower pressure drop and higher
flows than the chillers themselves. Combined the CHW supply temperature to the floor is temperature is to the required plant supply
with the reduced total process CHW flow from closer to the recirc loop return temperature temperature, the more hours the system
not requiring humidity control AHUs to run, from the plate HX. The closer the recirc can operate.

an epic level

2023 EXPO
Register now at

Cooling System Energy Savings in Three “Easy” Steps

and with typical free cooling operation

reducing the chiller hours, the project would
have paid back under in roughly 2.8 years.

Following the last step, the annual average

plant efficiency was 0.542 kW per ton with total
bill savings of over $340,000 – in aggregate the
efficiency measures are saving nearly 60% of
the original energy usage while also providing
multiple other benefits to the plant.

This plant was able to realize dramatic efficiency
increases and energy cost savings through a
multi-step program. Each step improved the
overall system performance while also leveraging
A 400 ton centrifugal chiller with VFD retrofit. further improvements from the earlier measures.
Other facility operators who would like to
Step 3 – Chiller Compressor the lowest overall chilling energy for whatever achieve similar results should consider how
VFD Retrofits the weather throws at the plant. similar incremental measures can be applied
After the success of the first two cooling in their plants; and aggressive use of utility
system upgrade projects, the plant wanted to In the first year, during which the free cooling efficiency incentives should be factored during
pursue the last practical efficiency opportunity was allowed to run reduced hours to validate the planning process as part of the justification –
remaining – adding VFDs to the centrifugal the drive benefits, the upgrades saved over in this case the utility rebates facilitated notably
chiller compressors. The chiller manufacturer $75,000 from the chillers and an additional more extensive upgrades than the manufacturer
offers factory-designed drive retrofits that $10,000 from incremental pump savings would have been able to fund independently,
include the drive, complete installation, (harvesting lower tower water temps when yielding much deeper energy savings than would
and control integration on the chiller. available instead of limiting the turndown due have otherwise been possible.
to chiller inability to use the colder water). The
These retrofits were submitted and qualified for project cost was around $260,000 but a rebate For more information about Integrated Services
custom incentives under the rebate program of nearly $124,000 was available due to special Group visit, email:
because installing the drives enabled further program year incentives that made the payback [email protected], tel: 770.823.8235
control settings tuning and greater savings in just over 1 year. Even under normal incentives
the pumps and the chillers themselves than
would have been possible with a standard Endnotes
1. Very many plants outgrow their initial tank systems such that the flow rate through the tanks exceeds the tank size, e.g. a 1500 gal. tank with a 1200 gal. usable
fixed setpoint tower control system. Had the storage capacity will be flowing 1800+ GPM; not only does this hurt the temperature segregation of the hot and cold wells, it also creates significant aeration issues
in the piping system.
application not been made under the Custom
2. All costs and efficiency figures are normalized to the per kWh and load figures from the beginning of the work. The power cost and load has increased modestly
program, for example as a straight prescriptive since the original evaluation, increasing the absolute benefits, but the units were kept consistent for comparability across the changes.
3. Free cooling, or water-side economizing, is cooling the tower water below the chilled water temperature to enable heat exchanger-only cooling. The chillers are
$ per VFD HP rebate, the payment to the plant turned off yielding significant savings with only modest incremental tower fan power required.
would have been significantly lower.

To read similar Chilled Water System Assessment articles

Savings from the chiller VFDs are offsetting to
the free cooling, as more of one indicates less of
the other; however together they give the plant
Visit our Webinar Archives to listen to expert presentations on Chiller Technology


Chiller & Cooling System Technology & Industry News

Carrier Adds Heat Recovery and Chillers and Heat Pumps, Carrier HVAC. “Free- reducing its customers’ carbon footprint
Free Cooling Options to R-32 Scroll cooling is particularly valuable in higher by more than 1 gigaton.
Chiller in Europe latitudes, where cooler climates offer the greatest
Carrier has introduced high-performance opportunities for harnessing natural ambient For more information, visit
heat recovery and free cooling options to its conditions rather than relying on mechanical
AquaSnap 30RBP air-cooled scroll chiller range cooling. Under these conditions, it is possible Trane Premieres Ascend Model
on lower GWP R-32 refrigerant, providing even for free cooling to meet most of an application’s ACX, Air-to-Water Heat Pump and
greater energy savings and further reducing cooling needs, delivering huge potential savings Redesigns Precedent Rooftop Units
operating costs for end users. Carrier is part for the end user.” Trane has released the Ascend Air-to-Water Heat
of Carrier Global Corporation, the leading Pump Model ACX, the first air-to-water pump
global provider of healthy, safe, sustainable and Carrier’s hydronic-based free-cooling system solution in its portfolio that provides both
intelligent building and cold chain solutions. automatically activates when the outdoor air electric heating and cooling, giving building
temperature drops 1°C below the chiller’s return owners an avenue to pursue decarbonization
Carrier was the first European manufacturer water temperature, harnessing the full free via electrification. Trane also announced it is
to introduce a fully optimized scroll chiller cooling opportunity and maximizing energy bringing a new generation of Precedent rooftop
range on R-32. AquaSnap units also have an savings. For example in Berlin, the hydronic free units to market, consolidating the legacy
outstanding seasonal energy performance ratio cooling potential is 50 to 95% of annual chiller Precedent and Voyager 2 offerings. The first
for cooling of up to 6.62, reducing indirect GHG run-time, depending on the application. In more models in the redesigned series, the Precedent
emissions resulting from energy use. The latest northern locations, the potential free cooling standard efficiency 6- to 25-ton units, are
heat recovery and free cooling options extend opportunity is even greater. available now.
energy savings, further reducing GHG emissions.
If free cooling is not sufficient to meet Trane’s Ascend air-to-water heat pump model
The heat recovery system enables chillers requirements, a mixed mode – using both ACX combines chiller and heat pump technology
to produce domestic hot water up to 80°C, free cooling and mechanical cooling – is to both heat and cool a building using electricity.
while continuing to provide cooling, useful automatically activated, ensuring the cooling In cooling mode, the model ACX moves heat
for applications requiring hot water. The free needs of mission critical applications are from inside the building to the outside. In
cooling option makes use of favorable ambient always met. heating mode, a reversing valve changes the
and load conditions, harnessing free cooling flow of energy to bring heat from outside of the
from the environment to augment or replace Energy efficient solutions like the AquaSnap building to the inside. The heat pump moves
mechanical cooling. scroll chiller with heat recovery and free heat using a compressor, rather than simply
cooling support Carrier’s 2030 ESG Goal of generating heat. This technique can make heat
Two versions of free cooling are available. pumps up to three times more energy-efficient
Partial free cooling is designed for applications than other forms of electric heating.
with a variable primary cooling load, such as
offices and healthcare, which may also have “Over 180 cities, more than ten counties, and
a constant residual cooling need. Examples eight states across the U.S. have goals to power
include computer suites or scanner facilities. their communities with 100% clean, renewable
The total free cooling option is designed for energy. As the grid gets greener, the need for full
applications with a constant cooling need electric heating and cooling is growing,” said
throughout the year, such as industrial Dave Molin, VP of Trane Product Management,
processes and data centers. Equipment, Controls and Digital.

“Heat recovery and free cooling can deliver As a result of its boiler-free heating, the
significant energy savings for most applications,” model ACX achieves high energy efficiency
said Eric Pollet, Marketing Product Manager, Carrier AquaSnap 30RBP air-cooled scroll chiller range for cooling and heating. The unit’s heating
on R-32 refrigerant. 43

Chiller & Cooling System Technology & Industry News

efficiency exceeds ASHRAE standard 90.1- p A scroll compressor makes electrification the data center market at their new production
2019: 2.77 COP for heating and a cooling more affordable and practical without facility in Rockbridge, Virginia, and further
requirement of 9.215 EER. compromising efficiency or sound. confirmed a significant order with data center
giant, Corscale.
The Ascend model ACX can help builders and p The fin and tube coil support
operators meet current HVAC regulations, attain a smaller footprint, and the Airedale by Modine is Modine’s data center
certifications, or achieve a net-zero energy transverse “V” condenser coils cooling brand, providing energy and water
building with its all-electric functionality and are easy to access for service. efficient cooling solutions for a data center
other energy-efficient features: market that is expanding to meet the demands
The new Precedent portfolio will include of a planet increasingly reliant on data.
p AHRI compliant capacities from 3-25 tons, a full range of
tonnages and heating types, and improved With Airedale by Modine cooling solutions
p Variable speed fans, variable efficiency levels. The new single-product family set to be installed at Corscale’s Gainesville
speed permanent magnet motors, of light commercial unitary rooftops will be Crossing Data Campus, the Company has
intermediate discharge valves released in phases now through 2024. secured a pipeline for its OptiChill free-cooling
on the compressor, and braze plate chillers, AireWall fan walls and SmartCool
evaporators enhance efficiency. Available immediately, the Precedent standard ONE computer room AHUs.
efficiency 6- to 25-ton cooling and gas units
p Dual expansion refrigerant flow valves feature various upgrades, including part-load Corscale, the exclusive data center platform
optimized for heating and cooling modes efficiency ratings that comply with of Patrinely Group, is focused on delivering
enable system reliability. new industry requirements. sustainability at scale for hyperscale operators
and enterprise clients. Following a period of
p The heat pump generates hot water About Trane consultation, Corscale appointed Modine for its
temperatures up to 140°F and operation Trane creates comfortable, energy-efficient history of free-cooling technology paired with
down to 0°F ambient. indoor environments for commercial and in-depth knowledge of the data center industry.
residential applications. For more information,
p The Symbio 800 unit controller comes visit Modine developed the data center chiller
factory-mounted and pre-programmed based on its OptiChill range, working
with algorithms that respond to building Modine Launches U.S. Chiller closely with Corscale engineers to deliver
conditions and maintain efficient chiller Production with Corscale Data Centers a cooling solution operating at higher
plant operations. Modine Manufacturing Company announced it water temperatures and fluid temperature
commenced full scale production of chillers for differentials than traditional offerings. The
chiller is designed to meet North American
safety standards, using American materials.

The new Corscale chiller operates using twin

screw compressors and has a number of special
features, included to enhance efficiency and
performance, including:

p High-capacity twin-screw compressors

with staged capacity control

p Enhanced controls including fast-start,

input power limiting and intelligent
Ascend Air-to-Water Heat Pump Model ACX, and Precedent Enabled by Symbio 700 units from Trane (left to right).


management of compressors, refrigerant regulatory deadlines continue continues to offer reliable,

and pumps to drive product innovations. high-efficiency and lower-
GWP refrigerant solutions to
p An on-board variable speed pump Recent additions to Emerson’s support manufacturers’ needs
to precisely match cooling demand, compressor portfolio to to redesign their systems to
reducing waste energy expenditure while help meet efficiency and meet efficiency and refrigerant
maintaining water-side temperature lower GWP refrigerant regulations.
differential and saving on space and requirements include the
electrical distribution requirements Copeland ZPK7 and ZPKZ About Emerson
scroll compressors for Emerson, headquartered in
p 100% contained Glycol loop to isolate the residential and commercial St. Louis, Missouri, is a global
economizer from the cooling loop and air conditioning. Other recent technology and engineering
increase efficiency of the AireWall units additions include the ZPSK7 company providing innovative
two-stage scroll compressor 100 years of Copeland technology
solutions for customers in industrial,
p Enhanced controls platform including for residential and light innovation continues to advance commercial and residential
redundancy back-up and fast-start mode, commercial air conditioning efficiency gains and lower GWP markets. For more information,
refrigerant adoption.
to minimize the risk of disruption in the applications; an expanding visit
event of mechanical breakdown CO2 compressor product line for commercial
refrigeration applications; advancements in Danfoss Announces Science Based
p On-board active harmonic filtration, R-290 compressor technology; and A2L-qualified Targets for Climate Change
ensuring a clean power supply to the compressors, condensing units and components. The Science Based Targets initiative has
data center, while saving on external validated that the corporate GHG emissions
plant requirements. “Lower GWP options, a heightened focus on reduction targets submitted by Danfoss are
sustainable solutions and higher efficiency in conformance with the SBTi Criteria and
“We selected to work with Airedale by Modine requirements continue to drive product Recommendations version 4.2. The science-
because we wanted something that mirrors development,” said John Schneider, President, based target provides a clearly defined pathway
our dedication to deliver sustainability at HVACR Technologies Americas, Emerson. for companies to reduce GHG emissions in line
scale,” said Nic Bustamante, Senior VP, with the goals of the Paris Agreement and help
Development at Corscale. The Copeland brand’s legacy of reliability to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.
and inventiveness continues to serve as
About Modine the foundation for regulation-ready, next- The SBTi’s Target Validation Team determined
At Modine, we are engineering a cleaner, healthier generation compression technology. The new that Danfoss’ scope 1 and 2 target ambition is
world. Building on more than 100 years of ZPKZ, ZPK7 and ZPSK7 scroll compressor in line with limiting warming to 1.5°C. As part
excellence in thermal management, we provide platforms are Emerson’s most efficient fixed- of the science-based target, Danfoss will reduce
trusted systems and solutions that improve air speed and two-stage compressors to date, absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by at
quality and conserve natural resources. For more developed to help meet the upcoming 2023 DOE least 46.2% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
information, visit higher-efficiency minimums. They are currently In addition, Danfoss has committed to being
available with R-410A refrigerant compatibility carbon neutral in scope 1 and 2 emissions by
Emerson Marks 200 Million Copeland and will have versions optimized for the next 2030. Danfoss will reduce absolute scope 3 GHG
Scroll Compressor Installations generation of lower GWP A2L refrigerants. emissions by 15% in the same time frame.
Emerson announced it achieved 200 million
Copeland compressor installations worldwide, Nearing the end of its 100th-anniversary “We have built a strong foundation to achieve
a milestone that comes as the company celebration of the Copeland brand, Emerson our science-based target, an important pillar
concludes its 100th-anniversary celebration extends its focus on rigorous product testing of Danfoss’ new 2030 ESG ambition,” said
of the Copeland brand and as more industry and extensive research. The company Kim Fausing, President & CEO, Danfoss. “Our 45

Chiller & Cooling System Technology & Industry News

science-based target expands our GHG emissions innovative engineering dates back to 1933. Danfoss Commercial Business Unit. Vince Canino will
reduction goals beyond our own business, across is family-owned, employing more than 40,000 lead a new business unit within Smardt that
the entire value chain. It reflects our continued people, serving customers in more than 100 will accelerate the introduction of TICA’s
dedication to acting on climate change and countries through a global footprint of 95 factories. products and develop new business models for
becoming the preferred decarbonization partner For more information, visit green solutions for the North American market.
to our suppliers and customers.”
Ashraf Abdalla Named CEO About Smardt Chiller Group
Danfoss announced in March 2022 it reached its of Smardt Chiller Group Smardt, the Canadian-based global leader in oil-free
2030 target of doubling the energy productivity Following the recent announcement of TICA’s chillers founded in 2005 by Roger Richmond-Smith.
in its factories globally – nine years ahead of 100% ownership of Smardt, Mr. Jiang Li, For more information, visit
time. Energy productivity improved by 104% in Chairman of the TICA Group and Smardt’s Board
2021 from the baseline year 2007, and energy of Directors, announced Ashraf Abdalla as the Daikin Applied Takes Majority Position
intensity was halved between 2007 and 2021. new CEO of Smardt succeeding Vince Canino. in CM3 Building Solutions
Danfoss produced twice the output in 2021 as Daikin Applied Americas announced it has
in 2007, with the same energy consumption. “As we look forward to propelling Smardt taken a majority interest in CM3 Building
Subsequently, Danfoss said it would put upward to the next level and utilizing improved Solutions, Inc., a service and solutions provider
sustainability at the center of its Core & Clear business models for the group, I am pleased offering building automation and technology,
2025 strategy and has the ambition to take to announce Ashraf Abdalla as the new CEO energy services, security and fire protection,
leading positions within Decarbonization, of Smardt,” said Mr. Jiang. “Ashraf will head and HVAC support throughout Pennsylvania,
Circularity, and Diversity & Inclusion. the transformation of Smardt, ensuring the Delaware and New Jersey.
achievement of our long-term goals and will
Martin Rossen, SVP, Head of Group report directly to the board.” This new relationship expands Daikin
Communication & Sustainability has been Applied’s ability to serve customers across
responsible for developing Danfoss’ ESG Ashraf Abdalla joined the Smardt Chiller Group the entire lifecycle of their building systems
strategy and setting the ambition for reducing in August 2020 as Global Chief Operating and operation. Daikin Applied, a division of
emissions across the business. He added: Officer. Mr. Abdalla previously served York Daikin Industries, Ltd., the world’s number
International and Johnson Controls as VP one air-conditioning company, has a legacy
“The validation of our science-based target of Chiller Solutions Global Line of Business, of designing and delivering innovative
confirms that Danfoss’ climate ambitions are VP and GM of the Middle East and Africa HVAC solutions that not only provide
in line with science and the goals of the Paris region, and VP and GM of the Global Applied superior comfort, but address larger societal
Agreement. But it’s more than order in our own concerns like improving indoor air quality
house. Customers, employees, and the public and cutting carbon emissions. Its offerings
increasingly demand transparency and reward include equipment, services and controls for
action on ESG. For good reasons. Companies commercial and industrial facilities.
can’t simply get away with saying that they act,
they need to document it. The science-based “With CM3’s solutions expertise, Daikin
target provides a level playing field. It gives a Applied will network its HVAC technologies
competitive edge to the companies that truly with other building systems, such as security,
care and take action.” life safety, retro-commissioning and energy
services,” said Nick Brazis, VP of Corporate
About Danfoss Development. “The connectivity effectively
Danfoss engineers solutions that increase machine modernizes facilities and building portfolios to
productivity, reduce emissions, lower energy maximize performance. Customers will have
consumption, and enable electrification. Our an enterprise-wide view and command of their
Ashraf Abdalla, CEO, Smardt Chiller Group.


entire operation, as well as comprehensive Mehboob introduced the theme for the 2022- ASHRAE introduced its newest Directors and
data and analytics to reduce carbon emissions 23 Society Year, “Securing Our Future.” The Regional Chairs who will serve three-year terms
without reducing occupant comfort.” theme examines how the crucial personal and from 2022–25:
professional events of the past can help us p Region IV Director and Regional

“Today, when buildings use 75% of the leverage relationships, knowledge and change, Chair: Bryan Holcomb, Member
country’s power and 40% of its energy, as the formula for making an impact and ASHRAE, Vice President Sales &
we need to help customers manage their embracing our diverse world. Preconstruction, Environmental Air
entire environment to achieve the next level Systems, Oak Ridge, NC
of efficiency and sustainability,” said Jeff “What a heritage we possess. ASHRAE should be p Region V Director and Regional Chair:

Drees, Executive VP. “We can maximize HVAC proud. We all should be proud,” said Mehboob. James Arnold, P.E., Member ASHRAE,
performance when we can fully assess and “It’s imperative that we continue to hunger engineer, Gutridge, Dublin, OH
support the building envelope. Our relationship for, and seek information about our market, p Region VI Director and Regional

with CM3 opens new opportunities to improve our changing world, and our technological Chair: Susanna Hanson, Member
our customers’ effectiveness.” advances. Breaking down silos and embracing ASHRAE, Application Engineer, Trane,
change will infuse a new dynamism in our La Crosse, WI
CM3 will continue to operate under its society at all levels, bringing to our members p Region XII Director and Regional Chair:

current name and leadership including Bruce new knowledge, technology and tools in a timely John Constantinide, P.E., Member
Michelson, John Hollister and Tom Monahan. fashion - helping them to successfully navigate ASHRAE, Energy Manager, Cape
the rapidly changing world.” Mehboob is a Canaveral Space Force Station,
“CM3 strives to provide best-in-class service principal consultant for S. Mehboob & Company Merritt Island, FL
and technologies to our customers, including Consulting Engineers in Karachi, Pakistan. p Region XIII Director and Regional

exceptional quality and service with every Chair: Cheng Wee Leong, P.E., Member
customer interaction,” said Michelson. “We Elected officers who will serve one-year terms ASHRAE, Director, Method Engineering
share Daikin Applied’s commitment to creating are as follows: Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
unrivalled customer experiences, and are p President-Elect: Ginger Scoggins, P.E.,

excited that together CM3 and Daikin Applied Fellow ASHRAE, Principal, Engineered ASHRAE also introduced its newest
will deliver fully-integrated, comprehensive Designs Inc., Cary, NC Directors-at-Large:
building solutions that help our customers take p Treasurer: Dennis Knight, P.E., Fellow p Blake Ellis, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE,

the next step in energy efficiency and building ASHRAE, Principal, Whole Building Principal, Burns & McDonnell,
modernization.” Systems, LLC., Mount Pleasant, SC Overland Park, KS
p Vice President: Billy Austin, P.E., BCxP, p Luke Leung, P.E., Member ASHRAE,

About Daikin Applied Americas BEAP, BEMP, HBDP, HFDP, OPMP, Sustainable Engineering Practice
Daikin Applied, a member of Daikin Industries, designs Member ASHRAE, Principal, Shultz Leader, Skidmore Owings & Merrill,
and manufactures advanced commercial and industrial Engineering Group, Charlotte, NC Clarendon Hills, IL
HVAC systems for customers around the world. p Vice President: Dunstan Macauley p Wei Sun, P.E., Member ASHRAE,

For more information, visit III, Member ASHRAE, Director President, Engsysco, Ann Arbor, MI
of Mechanical Engineering, Setty
ASHRAE Welcomes 2022-23 President, & Associates, Rockdale, MD About ASHRAE
Officers and Directors p Vice President: Sarah Maston P.E., Founded in 1894, ASHRAE is a global professional
ASHRAE introduced its 2022-23 Society president, BCxP, Member ASHRAE, Director, society committed to serve humanity by advancing
executive committee officers and directors. Commissioning & Energy Services, the arts and sciences of heating ventilation, air
Colliers Project Leaders, Hudson, MA conditioning, refrigeration and their allied fields.
Farooq Mehboob, Fellow Life Member ASHRAE, p Vice President: Ashish Rakheja, Member For more information, visit
will serve as the 2022-23 Society president. ASHRAE, Director/Chief Operating
During his inaugural presidential address, Officer, Aeon, Noida, India. 47
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High Efficiency
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