12.1 Leadership Test (1) (30Qs)
12.1 Leadership Test (1) (30Qs)
12.1 Leadership Test (1) (30Qs)
This questionnaire contains statements about leadership style beliefs. Next to each
statement, circle the number that represents how strongly you feel about the
statement by using the following scoring system:
Almost Always True - 5
Frequently True - 4
Occasionally True - 3
Seldom True - 2
Almost Never True - 1
Be honest about your choices as there are no right or wrong answers - it is only for
your own self-assessment.
4. I do not consider 5 4 3 2 1
suggestions made by my
team members as I do not
have the time for them.
This questionnaire is to help you assess what leadership style you normally
operate out of. The lowest score possible for a stage is 10 (Almost never)
while the highest score possible for a stage is 50 (Almost always).
The highest of the three scores indicates what style of leadership you
normally use. If your highest score is 40 or more, it is a strong indicator of
your normal style.
The lowest of the three scores is an indicator of the style you least use. If
your lowest score is 20 or less, it is a strong indicator that you normally do
not operate out of this mode.
If two of the scores are close to the same, you might be going through a
transition phase, either personally or at work, except:
If you score high in both the participative and the delegative then you are
probably a delegative leader. Or, If there is only a small difference between
the three scores, then this indicates that you have no clear perception of the
mode you operate out of, or you are a new leader and are trying to feel out
the correct style for you.
Leadership Styles Survey AFSCME Education Department 05-07 4
Final Thoughts
Normally, some of the best leaders operate out of the participative mode and
use the other two modes as needed. An example of an exception would be a
leader who has a new crew, or temporary workforce, or new volunteers. That
leader would probably need to operate out of the authoritarian mode most of
the time. On the other hand, a leader who has a crew of professionals or a
crew that knows more than she or he does, would probably operate out of the
delegative mode.
Leaders who want their team members to grow, use a participative style of
leadership. As they "grow" into their jobs, then they are gradually given more
authority (delegative) over their jobs.