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Academic Year - 2023-24
Std-12 - English (FL) (006) (General Stream)
Time : 3 Hrs. Questionpaper Format Total Marks : 100

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1. Objective (O) 26 20
2. Very Short Answers Type (VSA) 14 14
3. Short Answers Type (SA) 10 27
4. Long Answers Type (LA) 05 24
5. Essay Type (EA) 02 15
Total 57 100

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1. Reading Skill 15
2. Writing Skill 25
3. Grammar 20
4. Literature and Supplementary Reading 40
Total 100

: 1 :

Std-12 - English (FL) (006) (General Stream)

Time : 3 Hrs. Questionpaper Format Total Marks : 100

Section A (Prose)
• Prose : Comprehension Passage (04)
• Fill in the Blank (Vocabulary) (04)
• Prose : Textual Questions (12)

Section B (Poetry and Supplementary)

• Poetry Comprehension (Stanza) (02)
• Figures of Speech (03)
• Poetry : Textual Questions (06)
• Supplementary : Textual Questions (09)

Section C (Grammar)
• Rectification of Errors (04)
• Rewrite the sentences using the correct meanings of the given Phrases/Idioms.(03)
• Puntuate the paragraph (comma, semicolon, colon, full stop, exclamation mark,
question mark, apostrophe, quotes, double quotes, hyphen, ellipsis) (02)
• Direct - Indirect (Paragraph) (04)
• Do as Directed (Transformation of Sentences) (07)

Section D (Reading)
• Prose Comprehension (Unseen) (05)
• Paraphrasing of Poem (05)
• Data Analysis / Note Making from the Passage (05)
• Email Writing (Formal / Informal)/Advertisement (05)

Section E (Writing)
• Report Writing/Article Writing (05)
• Job Application (07)
• Essay Writing / Speech Writing (08)

: 2 :
STANDARD : 12 (General Stream) SUBJECT : English (FL) (006) TIME : 3 Hours TOTAL MARKS : 100

1. Prose : Comprehension Passage (1) 2(2) 1(1) 4(4)
2. Fill in the blanks (Vocabulary) 2(4) 2(4) 4(8)
3. Prose : Textual Questions 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 12(4)*
4. Poetry Comprehension (Stanza) 1(1) 1(1) 2(1)
5. Figures of Speech 2(2) 1(1) 3(3)
6. Poetry : Textual Questions 2(1) 2(1)* 2(1) 6(3)*
7. Supplementary : Textual Questions 3(1) 3(1) 3(1)* 9(3)*
8. Rectification of Errors 4(4) 4(4)
9. Idioms and Phrases 3(3) 3(3)
10. Puntuate the paragraph 1(2) 1(2) 2(4)

: 3 :
11. Direct - Indirect (Paragraph) 4(1) 4(1)
12. Do as Directed (Transformation) 2(2) 2(2) 3(3) 7(7)
13. Prose Comprehension (Unseen) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 5(5)
14. Paraphrasing of Poem 5(1) 5(1)
15. Data Analysis / Note Making 5(1) 5(1)
16. Email / Advertisement 5(1) 5(1)
17. Report Writing / Article Writing 5(1) 5(1)
18. Job Application 7(1) 7(1)
19. Essay Writing / Speech Writing 8(1) 8(1)
SUB TOTAL 1(1) 2(2) 5(2) 2(2) 2(2) 8(3) 6(9) 3(3) 8(3) 11(14) 3(3) 3(1) 14(3) 7(1) 4(4) 3(1) 10(2) 8(1) 100(57)
TOTAL 8(5) 12(7) 17(15) 38(22) 25(8) 100(57)

NOTE : (1) Number in the bracket shows total NUMBER of the questions and number outside the bracket shows MARKS of the questions.
(2) * indicates optional marks.
(3) The Sample Paper is set according to the blueprint

Std-12 - English (FL) (006) (General Stream)

Time : 3 Hrs. Sample Question Paper Total Marks : 100

Instructions :
(1) There are 5 Sections in this question paper.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) Read the instructions carefully before answering the questions.
(4) Number the answers correctly.
(5) Write in legible handwriting.

• Read the following passage and select the appropriate answer. [04]
After the grammar, we had a lesson in writing. That day M. Hamel had
new copies for us, written in a beautiful round hand-France, Alsace, France,
Alsace. They looked like flags floating everywhere in the school-room, hung
from the rod at the top of our desk. You ought to have seen how everyone
set to work, and how quiet it was ! The only sound was the scratching of
the pens over the paper. Once some beetles flew in, but nobody paid any
attention to them, not even the littlest ones, who worked right on tracing
their fish-books as if that was French, too. On the roof the pigeons cooed
very low, and I thought to myself, “Will they make them sing in German,
given the pigeons ?”
1. _______________ class preceded the class in writing.
(A) Grammar (B) French
(C) German (D) Music
2. Setting to work made everyone _______________ .
(A) excited (B) restless
(C) attentive (D) thoughtful
3. ______________ was the only sound audible to the students.
(A) Cooing of pigeons (B) Squeaking sounds of beetles
(C) Fluttering of flags (D) Scratching of pens
4. To write in a ‘round hand’ means to write in _______________ writing.
(A) print (B) cursive
(C) legible (D) circular
: 4 :
• Fill in the blanks with appropriate option in the brackets and write the
answers only. [04]
[priest, visited, pray, desolation, remember, Udipi, backyard, temple]
I (5) a story a man from (6) once told me. As a young boy he would
go to school passed on old temple, where his father was a (7) . He would
stop briefly at the (8) and (9) for pair of shoes. Thirty years later,
I (10) his town and the temple which was now drowned in an air
of (11) . In the (12) , where lived the new priest, there were red and
white plastic chairs.
• Answer the following questions in about six to seven sentences each. [12]
13. How did Douglas overcome his fear of water ?
14. Diferentiate the character of ironmaster with his daughter.
15. Gandhiji considered the Champaran episode to be a turning point in his
life. Explain.
16. Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangles industry with reference
to the story, Lost Spring.


16. Describe the financial status of Sophie’s family as mentioned by A. R. Barton.

• Read the following stanza and answer the questions. [02]
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Its loveliness increases, it well never pass into nothingness;
But will keep a bower quiet for us.
Questions :
17. Mention the two qualities of a beautiful thing.
18. What does bower stand for ?
• Choose the correct figures of speech from the options given below : [03]
19. Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon.
(A) Synecdoche (B) Simile
(C) Antithesis (D) Oxymoron
20. Perhaps the earth can teach us.
(A) Hyperbole (B) Personification
(C) Tautology (D) Epigram

: 5 :
21. The polished traffic passed with a mind ahead.
(A) Anti-climax (B) Metaphor
(C) Pun (D) Transferred Epithet
• Answer the following questions in about four to five sentences each. [06]
22. Why has the mother been compared to the ‘late winter’s a moon’ by Kamala
Das ?
23. Write the central idea of the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers.’
24. Describe the ‘childish longing’ of the poet as mentioned in A Roadside Stand.
24. What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us achieve ?
• Answer the following questions in about six to seven sentences each.
25. Explain the political satire used in the story, The Tiger King.
26. What are Geoff Green’s reasons for including high school students in the
Students’ on Ice Expedition.
27. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley ?
Why ?
27. List the activities going on in the streets as viewed by Bana.

• Rectify the Errors [04]
Errors Corrections
My introductory to the Y.M.C.A. (28) _______ ___________
swimming pool revival unpleasant (29) _______ ___________
memories yet stirred childish fears (30) _______ ___________
but in a little while I gathering confidence (31) _______ ___________
• Rewrite the sentences using the correct meaning of the given phrases/
Idioms [03]
32. Don’t go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time.
(very late, too early, early enough)
33. On hearing her voice through the sound equipment, she was struck dumb.
(surprised, furious, excited)
34. He wanted a chance to sneak away as inconspicuously as possile.
(leave stealthily, leave alarmingly, leave hurriedly)

: 6 :
• Punctuate the following passage. [02]
One woman took Kasturba into her hut and said, (35) Look (36) there
is no box or cupboard here for clothes (37) . The sari I am wearing
is the only one I have (38) .
39. Convert the following into Indirect speech. [04]
“I met Danny Casey,” Sophie said.
Geoff looked around abruptly, “Where ?”
“In the arcade–funnily enough.”
“It’s never true,” said Geoff.
“You told Dad ?” said Geoff.
• Do as Directed. [07]
40. I have nothing else to do. [Make it interrogative]
41. Why not organise yourself into a co-operative ? [Make it Assertive]
42. His greatest ambition was to ship out good iron to the market.
[Change the Degree]
43. She was not at all pretty, but seemed modest and quite shy.
[Make it complex]
44. As soon as they got up from the table, he went around to each one present.
[Begin with No sooner...]
45. It is a supremely serviceable medium of communication.
[Add a Question tag]

46. Rajendra Prasad has recored the upshot of their consultations.

[Change the Voice]
• Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. [05]
The Romans began to make great preparations when they heard that a great
army was coming to fight them. They brought all the people from the
neighbouring villages into Rome. The river Tiber flowed round the town
and people were safer there than in their own little villages. The great army
marched nearer and nearer, setting fire to the villages and burning all the
wheat fields on their way.
At last the Romans decided to cut down the bridge over the river Tiber.
It was the only way to stop the enemy from marching into Rome. ‘Nothing
else can save the town’, the people cried. But they were too late ! A messenger
came running in haste and fear to say : ‘The enemy is here !’ But Horatius
and two young soldiers held the whole army back till the bridge was cut

: 7 :
Questions :

47. How did the Romans prepare themselves ?

48. Why were people brought from their villages ?

49. What was planned to stop the enemy ?

50. Mention Horatius’s bravery.

51. Give the noun forms of (A) decided (B) flowing

52. Paraphrase the following poem. [05]

“Hope” is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul–
And sings the tune without the word –
And never stops–at all–
And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –
And sore must be the storm–
That could a bush the little Bird
That kept so many warm-
I’ve heard it in the chilliest land–
And on the strangest Sea–
Yet–never–in Extremity,
It asked a crumb–of me.
5 3 . ´ Study the following chart and interpret it in six to seven sentences. [5]
Pet Club Members’ Animal Preferences (100 students)

Students’ Animal
Dogs 50%
Cats 25%
Birds 10%
Guinea Pigs 10%
Mice 5%

5 3 . ´ Read the following text and prepare notes for the same.
Corporate Social Responsibility has not been specifically defined anywhere. Though
in its general meaning, it requires organizations to consider the company’s impact on
society and the environment as they conduct business. Technically it is a good principle
and is meant to benefit the society and also to take care of nature, but when its
practicability is considered, there are a lot of problems which arise in its implementation,

: 8 :
which the companies have to deal with. The blog would try to cover all those reasons
which seem apparent to the author. The first and foremost point which goes against
implementing the social respnsibility is that the cost which is required for its proper
implementation is very high. Further, at the initial stage, it requires a high labour
workload. It requires for early planning and troubleshooting strategies, which usually
require massive time and cost, thus would lay a burden on the company. The company
has to make long-terms strategies which would have such impact on maximizing the
benefit while taking care of its social responsibilities. Risk awareness as a result of
the implementation has to be taken into consideration and monitored. Unlike public
services which function to serve the public need. The main aim of most of the private
businesses is to maximize profit. Their main aim behind such incorporation thus makes
it difficult to implement the social responsibility accounting system, as it requires a
substantial amount of money. For example, it might happen that the policies and
procedures, of a company, on disposal of chemical waste, in accordance to the rules
and regulation in that regard. However, it may not be sufficient to achieve the target
of accomodating environmental and social needs. The implementation process require
sheavy workload, and this may deteriorate the morale of the staff working in a
company. Logically thinking, if some employees have to work extra than their scheduled
hours without getting any extra pay for the same, they would prefer to quit their
job and would seek some other place to work. Thus, this will increase the labour cost
of the comapny as they would be left with no other option than to recruit new staff
and equip them with the necessary training, which would further be a burden on
the capital of the company.
54. Write an email to the Municipal Commissioner complaining him/her about
accumulation of garbage in front of your school. [05]
54. You have started a dance academy. Draft an advertisement for its promotion.

55. Write a report on the “Annual Sports Meet” held in your school for the local
newspaper. Mention all the details. [05]
55. Write an article for your school magazine on the topic, Sensible use of
56. You are Seema/Samir Hayden. Apply for the post of a Research Assistant in
the field of Mass Communication to the Director, ABC TV, Chanakyapuri,
New Delhi. [07]
57. Write an essay in about 250 words on any One of the following topics. [08]
(A) Impact of Social Media on Teenagers
[Technology development ..... Importance of social media ...... impact ......
effect ...... your views]
(B) Time and Tide wait for None
57. On the occasion of Annual day Celebration in your school, you are invited as
a chief guest. Prepare a speech in about 250 words for the occasion.

: 9 :

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