French SrSec 2024-25

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CLASS – XI (2023-2024)
CLASS-XI (2024-2025)

Time: 3 hours Marks: 80+20


A) Comprehension/ Reading: 20
● One passage from the prescribed book 10
● One unseen passage (Factual/Descriptive) 10
(with a picture/diagrammatically represented data)

B) Writing Skills/Compositions: 20
▪ Writing a story based on outlines provided (about 120 words) 10
● Informal letter (about 80 words) 10

C) Applied Grammar 25
The following grammar topics will be tested through filling the blanks/ transformation of
sentences/ sentence correction (not involving punctuation and spelling)
● Prepositions
● Interrogative adjectives and pronouns
● Relative pronouns (simple and composed)
● Personal pronouns
● Tenses (excluding the passé simple and passé antérieur)

D) Culture 15
▪ Prose (Lessons 1 – 12)
5x 2 = 10
▪ Fill in the blanks based on general
information in the lessons 5x1=5

E) Internal Assessment 20

It may be divided into two parts

a. ASL – 10 marks [(Listening (5 marks) speaking (5marks)]
b. Project work – 10 marks
(It may be a power point presentation or an illustrated file)
The project may be on one of the following themes:

1. A French/ francophone writer

2. A Francophone country
3. French cuisine
4. A French region

( Please refer to the latest guidelines issued by the CBSE on their website from time to time)
It is recommended that listening and speaking skills be regularly practised and
art-integrated projects based on activities like role play, skit, dramatisation etc. be encouraged.

Prescribed Book:

Cours de Langue et de Civilisation Françaises – II

by G.Mauger Lessons 1-12

CLASS – XI(2023-2024)
CLASS-XI (2024-2025)

Time: 3 hours Marks: 80+20
The Question Paper will be divided into four sections:

Section A: Comprehension / Reading 20 Marks

Section B: Writing Skills/ Composition 20 Marks
Section C: Applied Grammar 25 Marks
Section D: Culture 15 Marks

Section wise weightage:

Section Details of Type of Questions Marks

Section A 1 Unseen Prose True or False 10
(Understandi Passage Short answer questions Vocabulary (10/14)
ng) 1 Seen Passage Search: 10
Fill in the blanks/nouns/verb (10/14)
language expressions/adjectives/
Section B Creative long answers Story writing based on outline 10 (1/2)
Writing) Informal letter 10 (1/3)

Section C Grammar • Prepositions 5 (5/7)

(Application ) • Interrogative adjectives and 5 (5/7)
• Relative pronouns ( simple and 5 (5/7)
• Personal pronouns 5 (5/7)
• Tenses (excluding the passé 5 (5/7)
simple and passé antérieur)
[These will be tested through filling the
blanks/ transformation of sentences/
sentence correction (not involving
punctuation and spelling) ]
Section D Culture (Lessons 1- 12) - Short answers based on the 10
(Rememberi prescribed chapters from the (5/7)
ng and textbook
analysing ) - Fill in the blanks based on 5
general information in the lessons (10/14)
Note : The Question paper has to include 33% internal choice.
CLASS – XII--(2024-25)
CLASS-XII (2023-24)

Time: 3 hours Marks: 80+20


A) Comprehension/ Reading:
● One passage from the prescribed book 10
● One unseen passage (Factual/Descriptive) 10
(with a picture/diagrammatically represented data)

B) Writing Skills/Compositions:
● Writing a story based on outlines provided (about 120 words) 10
● Informal letter (about 80 words) 10

C) Applied Grammar
The following grammar topics will be tested through filling the blanks/ transformation and
re-ordering of sentences/ sentence correction (not involving punctuation and spelling)
● Prepositions
● Interrogative adjectives and pronouns
● Relative pronouns (simple and composed)
● Personal pronouns
● Tenses (excluding passé antérieur and passé simple)
● Direct and reported speech
● Negations

D) Culture
(Lessons 18 – 23)
▪ Prose 5 X 2 = 10
▪ Fill in the blanks based on general 5X1=5
information in the lessons

Prescribed Book:

Cours de Langue et de Civilisation Françaises – II by G.Mauger

Lessons 18-23
E) Internal Assessment 20

It may be divided into two parts

a. ASL – 10 marks [(Listening (5 marks) speaking (5 marks)]
b. Project work – 10 marks
(It may be a power point presentation or an illustrated file)
The project may be on one of the following themes:

1. A French/ francophone writer

2. A Francophone country
3. French cuisine
4. A French region

( Please refer to the latest guidelines issued by the CBSE on their website from time to time)
It is recommended that listening and speaking skills be regularly practised and
art-integrated projects based on activities like role play, skit, dramatisation etc. be encouraged.
FRENCH (Code: 118)
Time: 3 hours Marks: 80+20

The Question Paper will be divided into 4 Sections:

Section A Comprehension 20
Section B Writing skills 20
Section C Grammar 25
Section D Culture and Civilisation 15

Section Details of Topics/ Sections Type of questions/Sub-topics Marks

Section A Seen prose Text with short answers questions 10

(Comprehension) (10/14)
Unseen Prose One-word answers 10
Vocabulary search (10/14)
Nouns, verbs…

Section B Creative Long Answer Informal letter 10

(Expression écrite) (1/3)

Story writing based on an outline 10


Section C Grammar 1. Tenses (excluding passé antérieur and 5

(Application) passé simple)

2. Relative pronouns (simple and 5

3. Personal pronouns 5
4. Direct and reported speech 5
5. Interrogative adjectives and pronouns 5
6. Prepositions 5
7. Negation 5
8. Jumbled Sentences 5
Note: Topic 1 (Verbs) is compulsory.
The student will be tested on any 4 of the
remaining topics. (Total 5 Questions)

Section D L. 18-23 Short answers based on the 10

(Culture) prescribed chapters from the (5/7)
Fill in the blanks based on (10/14)
general information in the lessons

Note : The Question paper has to include 33% internal choice.

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