Injection On-Site Checksheet
Injection On-Site Checksheet
Injection On-Site Checksheet
1. ECO/Drawing acquisition
2. Drawing Management
ECO/Drawing 3. ECO/4M product notation Management
Specialized Area
1. Time check standard & Execution
2. Compliance with CTQ/CTP
3. Process inspection data & Verification
5 Time Check
1. Buyer Claim, CSKD Claim, and LG Incoming Issue check and improvement
1. Original Resin identification: Incoming Date, Grade, Maker, weight, Colour Lot No.
2. Original resin and scrap storage is distinguished
3. Scrap Identification: Grade, Colour, Original part, Runner/Part NG, Crushing date
4. Mixing history verification (LG guide Max 15% mix ABS & HIPS, Stand part and PC- PV Team
ABS not allowed), Only runner allowed to mix
1. Production history (sheet) is managed for each mold, and production date/mold
modification date/number of punches are managed.
2. Inspection standards are established based on the number of mold punches, and
inspection/action history management (Asking data and taking 1 sample mold) PV Team
3. Make sure that Long Term Mold is re-wrapped or covered and stored separately
1. Ink Management (expiry date, mixing composition with tinner) and history of mixing
2. Print screen must be cleaned after using and wrapped (Max usage: recommendation
30.000 usage)
3. Checking parameter of drying temperature, drying time/speed, Pre-heat temperature
and time. Checksheet monitoring QA
4. Make sure that Alcohol test, tape test (Alcohol 95% up, 3M tape, Jig 1 kg, tape test
angle 15 degree)
1. Breaking test minimum 4 EA sample for common model and 2 EA per cavity for L/R
2. Compare data inspection vs metjod and spec on drawing
3. Check Scan Barcode application, Jig L/R etc. to prevent mixing or wrong P/N QA
4. Tilt measurement using correct method and spec based on drawing