C R9 Zamboanga-City Forms3
C R9 Zamboanga-City Forms3
C R9 Zamboanga-City Forms3
I hereby certify that uploaded RAT Forms and Certifications from Department Heads are:
4(N) Utilization percentage of the 20% component of the
National Tax Allotment for local development projects (please 40
supply information)
5(N) The LGU is a beneficiary of the Performance Challenge Yes
Fund in CY 2019 and/or prior year/s No
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with no unobligated balances.
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with all unobligated balances reverted
back to the National Treasury.
If yes, the PCF fund utilization status is: (please tick as
There are received funds that are not fully liquidated
and disbursed.
There are unobligated balances that are yet to be
reverted back to the National Treasury.
The LGU is included in the list of LGUs with
pending PCF-funded projects from DILG-BLGD.
6(N) The LGU is a beneficiary of CY 2021 funding assistance Yes
from Local Government Support Fund (LGSF) (please tick as
appropriate) No
If yes, based on the accomplished Form 2A Accountant’s Office,
the status of utilization is as follows:
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with no unobligated balances.
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with all unobligated balances reverted
6.1 Financial Assistance to LGUs (FA to LGUs). (please tick back to the National Treasury.
as appropriate) There are received funds that are not fully liquidated
and disbursed.
There are unobligated balances that are yet to be
reverted back to the National Treasury.
Not applicable. LGU did not receive funds.
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with no unobligated balances.
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with all unobligated balances reverted
back to the National Treasury.
6.2 Assistance to Cities (AC). (please tick as appropriate)
There are received funds that are not fully liquidated
and disbursed.
There are unobligated balances that are yet to be
reverted back to the National Treasury.
Not applicable. LGU did not receive funds.
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with no unobligated balances.
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with all unobligated balances reverted
6.3 Conditional Matching Grant to Provinces (CMGP). back to the National Treasury.
(please tick as appropriate) There are received funds that are not fully liquidated
and disbursed.
There are unobligated balances that are yet to be
reverted back to the National Treasury.
Not applicable. LGU did not receive funds.
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with no unobligated balances.
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with all unobligated balances reverted
6.4 Disaster Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Assistance back to the National Treasury.
Program (DRRAP). (please tick as appropriate) There are received funds that are not fully liquidated
and disbursed.
There are unobligated balances that are yet to be
reverted back to the National Treasury.
Not applicable. LGU did not receive funds.
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with no unobligated balances.
All the received funds are fully liquidated and
disbursed, with all unobligated balances reverted
6.5. Support to Barangay Development Program (SBDP). back to the National Treasury.
(please tick as appropriate) There are received funds that are not fully liquidated
and disbursed.
There are unobligated balances that are yet to be
reverted back to the National Treasury.
Not applicable. LGU did not receive funds.
If data in the provided NGA database contains errors, LGU
submitted certification/s to the DILG Region’s PDMU (Form Yes
2E.1) on the utilization rate that will support the correct data Not applicable
for the following funds (please tick as appropriate)
7 The LGU has an approved annual budget for the fiscal year Yes
2023. (please tick as appropriate) No
If yes, please indicate date of approval (dd/mm/yyyy): 03-11-2022
MAY 31, 2023
Date: _______________________________
RAT Leader
RAT Member
RAT Member
Official Release of this Form: (Please affix release stamp of DILG RO/PO here)
07/21/2023 11:00:17 am
Department of the Interior and Local Government Form CM 3.2
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance (Cities/Municipalities) Disaster Preparedness
CY 2023
If copy has been transmitted for attestation, please
indicate the date received by the CSC:
If an Executive Order or similar document was issued for
designation, please indicate date of approval:
Date of appointment (please supply information) 01-06-2015
[ ] Vacancy happened within 2022 or 2023
In case plantilla position is vacant due to separation from [ ] Vacated position has the prescribed SG
service, please tick all applicable items: [ ] Efforts to hire new LDRRMO is already on-going
[ ] With designated LDRRMO Head in the meantime
2.2 The LDRRMO has staff complement.
2.2.1 Number of LDRRMO staff with plantilla positions
(please supply information)
2.2.2 Number of LDRRMO staff with temporary position
(please supply information)
2.2.3 Number of permanent staff designated from other office
(please supply information)
2.2.4 Number of temporary staff designated from other office
(please supply information)
2.2.5 Number of COS/Job Order/Contractual staff designated
from other office (please supply information)
2.2.6 Number of vacant LDRRMO plantilla positions (please
supply information)
[ ] Vacancy happened within 2022 to 2023
In case plantilla position is vacant due to separation from
service, please tick as appropriate: [ ] Efforts to hire new LDRRMO staff is already on-
Office structure / space
2.3 LDRRMO occupies a workspace (please tick as appropriate)
Designated desk space
3 The LGU has an approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan Yes
(CLUP) (please tick as appropriate) No
[ ] (N) Department of Human Settlements and Urban
3.1 If yes, the CLUP covering CY 2023 is approved based on Development (DHSUD) data
(please tick as appropriate): [ ] Sangguniang Panlalawigan Resolution
[x] DHSUD or HLURB Resolution
Date approved (dd/mm/yyyy) (please supply information) 08-10-2021
Period covered (yyyy-yyyyy) (please supply information) 2016-2025
[ ] Approved CLUP covering until CY 2022
[ ] Draft was made after the lapse of the previously-
approved CLUP
3.2 If no, please tick conditions applicable to the LGU's CLUP [ ] Final draft is under review, at least, of PLUC /
status: Regional DHSUD
[ ] Final draft contains results of risk assessment per
PLUC/DHSUD Certification
[ ] No CLUP
Date final draft was received by PLUC / DHSUD
(dd/mm/yyyy) (please supply information)
Period covered by draft CLUP (yyyy-yyyy) (please supply
Period covered by previous CLUP (yyyy-yyyy) (please supply
3.3 Engaged component barangays in the planning process Yes
(please tick as appropriate) No
3.4 There is an initiative to communicate the plan to their Yes
component barangays (please tick as appropriate) No
4.1 The LGU has an approved Local Disaster Risk Reduction Yes
and Management (LDRRM) Plan and Budget covering CY
2023 (please tick as appropriate) No
[x] Incorporates hazard, vulnerability and risk
If yes, please tick conditions applicable to the LGU's LDRRM assessment data
Plan: [x] DRR-CCA development initiatives are incorporated
in the CY 2023 Annual Investment Program (AIP)
Date approved (dd/mm/yyyy) (please supply information) 21-11-2022
Period covered (yyyy-yyyy) (please supply information) 2022-2026
4.2 The LGU has an approved Local Disaster Risk Reduction Yes
and Management (LDRRM) Plan and Budget covering until CY
2022 only (please tick as appropriate) No
[x] Incorporates hazard, vulnerability, and risk
If yes, please tick conditions applicable to the LGU's LDRRM assessment data
Plan: [x] DRR-CCA development initiatives are incorporated
in the CY 2022 Annual Investment Program (AIP)
5 [ For C/M only] The LGU has a Local Climate Change Action Yes
Plan (LCCAP) (please tick as appropriate) No
[x] Approved, stand-alone plan
[ ] Draft, stand-alone plan
[ ] Integrated in CLUP(climate change actions
integrated in the approved/under review CLUP)
5.1 If yes, please indicate status of LCCAP
[ ] Integrated in CDP (climate change actions
integrated in the approved CDP)
[x] Covering CY 2023
[ ] Covering until CY 2022
Date approved (dd/mm/yyyy) (please supply information for
approved LCCAP)
Period covered (yyyy-yyyy) (please supply information for
both approved and draft LCCAP)
[x] Results of risk assessment
5.2 If yes, LCCAP contain (please tick all applicable items)
[x] Climate change adaptation and mitigation actions
5.3 Approved LCCAP (either stand-alone/integrated in other Yes
plans) submitted to CCC No
6 The LGU has Contingency Plans for its hazards (please tick [x] Top 1 hazard
all applicable items) [x] Top 2 hazard
6.1 Contingency Plan for Top 1 hazard
Status of approval (please tick as appropriate)
Not yet approved
Date approved (dd/mm/yyyy) (please supply information) 13-12-2022
[x] Background with: (a) Hazard analysis that consider
biological/health hazards, (b) anatomy of the
hazard, (c) scenario generation that include in worst
case scenario the possibility of uncontrolled
transmission of disease, (d) affected population
[x] Goals and Objectives that include statement/s on
ensuring the safety of disaster managers,
coordinators, responders, and the public
[x] Response Arrangements or Coordination,
Command & Control Protocols that indicate the
expanded roles of the EOC, Response Clusters,
and IMT to simultaneously respond to the worst-
case disaster while mitigating the risk to disease
Plan contains the following elements (please tick all
[x] Response Arrangements or Coordination,
applicable items)
Command & Control Protocols that reiterate the
practice of health and safety precautionary
measures as part of the response protocols
[x] Response Arrangements or Coordination,
Command & Control Protocols that indicate the
implementation of alternative work arrangements for
[x] Response Arrangements or Coordination,
Command & Control Protocols that indicate the
consideration of the relevant policies and
mechanisms used for COVID-19 response
[x] Activation, Deactivation & Non- Activation Protocols
that include the protocols for the strict observance
of health and safety precautionary measures.
6.2 Contingency Plan for Top 2 hazard
Status of approval (please tick as appropriate)
Not yet approved
Date approved (dd/mm/yyyy) (please supply information) 13-12-2022
[x] Background with: (a) Hazard analysis that consider
biological/health hazards, (b) anatomy of the
hazard, (c) scenario generation that include in worst
case scenario the possibility of uncontrolled
transmission of disease, (d) affected population
[x] Goals and Objectives that include statement/s on
ensuring the safety of disaster managers,
coordinators, responders, and the public
[x] Response Arrangements or Coordination,
Command & Control Protocols that indicate the
expanded roles of the EOC, Response Clusters,
and IMT to simultaneously respond to the worst-
case disaster while mitigating the risk to disease
Plan contains the following elements (please tick all
[x] Response Arrangements or Coordination,
applicable items)
Command & Control Protocols that reiterate the
practice of health and safety precautionary
measures as part of the response protocols
[x] Response Arrangements or Coordination,
Command & Control Protocols that indicate the
implementation of alternative work arrangements for
[x] Response Arrangements or Coordination,
Command & Control Protocols that indicate the
consideration of the relevant policies and
mechanisms used for COVID-19 response
[x] Activation, Deactivation & Non- Activation Protocols
that include the protocols for the strict observance
of health and safety precautionary measures.
Has CP approved by LDRRMC not earlier than CY 2020
devoted to COVID/EREID-related concerns and strategies
(please tick as appropriate)
7 The LGU utilized at least 60% of the 70% Disaster
Preparedness and Mitigation component of its FY 2022 Local Yes
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund
(LDRRMF)(based on certified Form 2A) (please tick as No
7.1 Source of Fund:
Estimated revenue from regular sources (please supply
Amount of LDRRMF for FY 2022 (please supply information)
8.3 Percent-all
Percent-allocation for LDRRMF (please supply information) 5
7.2 Utilization of 70% component of FY 2022 LDRRMF:
Total amount of 70% component (please supply information) 203495762.85
Amount utilized (please supply information) 187142735.85
Percent-utilization of 70% component (please supply
7.3 Percent completion of CY 2022 PAPs as of December 31,
2022 (based on accomplished Form 2F: DRRM Office) (please 0
supply information)
8 The LGU operates a multi-hazard Early Warning System
8.1 At least one (1) marker is present in high risk areas located [x] Top 1 hazard
in the LGU for the following hazards (please tick all applicable
[x] Top 2 hazard
8.2 With audible and wide-ranging warning and alarm system Yes
(please tick as appropriate) No
8.3 With automated rain gauge / locally-innovated technology Yes
(please tick as appropriate) No
8.4 Information on EWS is present in conspicuous places Yes
(please tick as appropriate) No
8.5 With Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on the end-to-
end use of EWS and feedbacking mechanisms communicated to
residents in high risk areas (please tick as appropriate)
9 The LGU has pre-emptive and forced evacuation Yes
mechanism captured in an EO or equivalent issuance.
(please tick as appropriate) No
10 The LGU has an established Evacuation Management
system and resources in place.
10.1 Evacuation center
Name (please supply information) Cabatangan Evacuation Center
Location (please supply information) Cabatangan, Zamboanga City
Status of the Evacuation Center (please tick as appropriate)
Temporary (in partnership with school / child-
development centers)
Facilities present
[x] Kitchen area
[x] Water supply
a. Minimum requirements (please tick all applicable items) [x] Communication means
[x] Toilet and bath; hand-washing facilities
[x] Waste disposal system
[x] Health service station
[x] Power supply with back-up system
[x] Administrative office
b. Other functional requirements (please tick all applicable
items) [x] Storage area
[x] Laundry Area
[x] Provision for management of livestock and
domestic animals
[x] Breastfeeding station
[x] Couples’ room
c. Socially-inclusive facilities ((please tick all applicable
items) [x] Child-friendly learning space
[x] Ramps or other assistive device for PWDs and
Evacuation Center Management Plan or other camp
management-related protocol/system integrating the observation
Not Available
of minimum health protocols
System for registration (please tick as appropriate)
Not Available
Localized information guide with facilities and map in evacuation Present
center (please tick as appropriate) Not present
Organized EC Management Teams/Committee
Not Available
10.2 Percentage of barangays with evacuation information guide
(For CM only) (pls. supply information)
10.3 Prepositioning of goods and service
System for mobilization and management of volunteer Present
groups (please tick as appropriate) Not Available
[x] Stockpile includes food packs and hygiene kits
(indicate # packs and kits below)
Goods for relief operations (please tick all applicable items) [ ] Partnership with suppliers (e.g. supermarket,
[ ] None
a. Number of stockpiled food packs (please supply
b. Number of stockpiled hygiene kits (please supply
[x] In-house (LGU’s own medical service)
Medical services after a disaster (please tick all applicable [ ] Partnership with other government (national/local)
items) medical service
[ ] Partnership with private/ NGO entities
[x] In-house (LGU-based professionals)
[ ] Partnership with other government (national/local)
Psycho-social support (please tick all applicable items)
[ ] Partnership with private/ NGO entities
System to ensure peace and order and security in the event of Present
disasters (please tick as appropriate) Not present
[x] In-house (LGU-owned assets)
Transport services for the possibly affected residents to [ ] Partnership with other government (national/local)
identified evacuation center offices
[ ] Partnership with private/ NGO entities
11 The LGU has Search and Rescue (SAR) or Emergency
Response (ER) teams
11.1 Organized
11.2 Trained on search and rescue and basic life support
relative to Top 1 and Top 2 Hazards not earlier than 2018
(please tick as appropriate)
11.3 Facilitated SAR/ER training relative to Top 1 and Top 2 Yes
Hazards not earlier than 2018 (please tick as appropriate) No
[x] Motorized vehicle
[x] Generator set
[x] Water rescue kit (at the minimum: rope, life jacket,
flotation ring or alternate)
[x] Extrication kit (at the minimum: spine board, shovel
11.4 Equipage (please tick all applicable items)
or alternate digging device)
[x] Personal protective equipment (at the minimum:
helmet, goggles, work gloves, boots)
[x] First aid kit
[x] Emergency medical kit and survival kit
12 The LGU has a LDRRM Operations Center with SOP
Permanent (functions 24/7 daily)
12.1 LDRRM Operations Center (please tick as appropriate) Temporary (functions 24/7 during disasters)
Stand-alone plan/manual/protocol
12.2 Status of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for
Integrated in approved LDRRM Plan or
coordination and monitoring of actions in the event of disasters
Contingency Plan
(please tick as appropriate)
Not available
13 The LGU has an Incident Command System (ICS) (please Contained in an executive order or similar issuance
tick as appropriate) No issuance
13.1 Number of LDRRMC head/members (LGU-based) trained
in various levels of ICS:
a. Level I (please supply information)
b. Level II (please supply information)
c. Level III (please supply information) 1
d. Level IV (please supply information)
13.2 Number of LDRRMO staff trained in various levels of ICS:
a. Level I (please supply information)
b. Level II (please supply information)
c. Level III (please supply information) 1
d. Level IV (please supply information) 3
14 Percentage of barangays in the LGU that have approved
community-based disaster risk reduction and management
(CBDRRM) plans (based on accomplished Form 2F: DRRM
Office) (please supply information)
15 The LGU has participated in and complied with the Yes
submission of requirements for the 2023 Gawad KALASAG
Seal for LDRRMCOs (please tick as appropriate) No
If yes, the date of the Certificate of Compliance issued by the
OCD Regional Office is (dd/mm/yyyy): (please supply 22-05-2023
MAY 31, 2023
Date: _______________________________
RAT Leader
RAT Member
RAT Member
Official Release of this Form: (Please affix release stamp of DILG RO/PO here)
07/21/2023 11:00:49 am
Department of the Interior and Local Government Form CM 3.3
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance (Cities/Municipalities) Social Protection and Sensitivity
CY 2023
Date passed (dd/mm/yyyy (please supply information)
c. Localized Provincial GAD code (please tick as appropriate)
If yes, please indicate date of adoption of Provincial Code
Reviewed and was found fully compliant in form and
content per PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA JMC No.
2.5.a CY 2022 GAD Plan and Budget (please tick as 2016-01 (based on accomplished Form CM 2E:
appropriate) DILG Field Office)
Submitted to DILG Field Officer for review
None of the above
Reviewed and was found fully compliant in form and
content per PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA JMC No.
2.5.b CY 2023 GAD Plan and Budget (please tick as 2016-01 (based on accomplished Form CM 2E:
appropriate) DILG Field Office)
Submitted to DILG Field Officer for review
None of the above
2.6 CY 2022 GAD Accomplishment
a. Fund Utilization Rate (based on accomplished Form CM
2A: Accountant's Office)
Amount allocated (please supply information) 366370312.64
Amount utilized (please supply information) 283700037.05
Percent utilization (please supply information) 77
b. Completion rate of PPAs (based on accomplished Form
CM 2H Planning and Development Office) (please supply 100
3. The LGU has mechanisms in support of efforts against
trafficking and violence against women and their children
3.1 Organized Local Committee on Anti-Trafficking and Violence
Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC) (please tick
as appropriate)
3.2 Percentage of barangays with respective VAWC desks
(based on accomplished Form CM 2J: SWD Office) (please 100
supply information)
3.3 Percentage of barangays with submitted quarterly reports for
CY 2022
CY 2022 - 1st quarter (please supply information) 90
CY 2022 - 2nd quarter (please supply information) 90
CY 2022 - 3rd quarter (please supply information) 90
CY 2022 - 4th quarter (please supply information) 90
4. The LGU has the following Efforts on Early Childhood Care
and Development (ECCD)
4.1 The LGU has encoded ECCD Child Profiles for SY Yes
2021-2022 in ECCD-IS (please tick as appropriate) No
(N) Total number of enrollees in LGU-managed ECCD
facilities encoded in the ECCD-IS (please supply information)
(N) Number of enrollees with profiles encoded in ECCD-IS
(please supply information)
Percentage of ECCD Child Profiles encoded in the ECCD-IS
(please supply information)
4.2 (N) The LGU has implemented the Supplementary Feeding
Program Cycle 11 (please tick as appropriate)
Not applicable
Accomplishment Rate as of March 31, 2023 (please supply
Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities and Older Persons
5 The LGU has physical features and a local office promoting
accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and Older
[ ] Not a historical site/under construction
5.1 City/Municipal Hall (please tick as appropriate) [x] Historical Site
[ ] Under construction
[x] Ramps
Based on the Photo Documentation and Information in [x] Toilet
Certified Form 2G Engineering Office. The LGU complied
[x] Signages
with BP 344 requirements in the following: (please tick as
appropriate) [x] Parking space for persons with disabilities
[ ]None of the above
If under construction, LGU has a facility or building catering
to all PWD-related concerns or services and construction Yes
plans include the provision of ramps with 2-level handrails No
(please tick as appropriate)
[x] Not a historical site/under construction
5.2 Main health facility (please tick as appropriate)
[ ] Historical Site
[ ] Stairs (if applicable)
[ ] Walkways
[x] Corridors
[x] Doors and building entrance
[x] Washrooms and toilets
[x] Ramps
Based on the Photo Documentation and Information in [x] Parking space for persons with disabilities
Certified Form 2G Engineering Office. The LGU complied [x] Switches, Controls, Buzzers
with BP 344 requirements in the following: (please tick as [x] Handrails
appropriate) [x] Floor Finishes
[ ] Drinking/Water fountains
[ ] Public telephone
[x] Seating accommodations
[x] Signages
[ ] Elevator (if applicable)
[x] None of the above
Copy of plan to be implemented in the next 3 years (in case Stand-alone plan
minimum requirements on health facility could not be Integrated in approved CDP, LIPH, LDIP, AIP, or
complied with) (please tick as appropriate) annual budget.
[ ] Not a historical site/under construction
5.3 Tertiary Education Facility / TVET Center (please tick as [ ] Historical Site
appropriate) [x] Under construction
[ ] No Tertiary Education Facility / TVET Center
[ ] Ramps
Based on the Photo Documentation and Information in [ ] Toilet
Certified Form 2G Engineering Office. The LGU complied
[ ] Signages
with BP 344 requirements in the following: (please tick as
appropriate) [ ] Parking space for persons with disabilities
[ ]None of the above
If under construction, LGU has a facility or building catering
to all PWD-related concerns or services and construction Yes
plans include the provision of ramps with 2-level handrails No
(please tick as appropriate)
6. The LGU has a local office that heads programs / projects /
activities for PWDs
[x] Established office through an Ordinance
[ ] Established office through an Executive Order
Persons with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) (please tick all
[ ] Appointed PDAO Head who is PWD
applicable items)
[ ] Appointed PDAO Head who is not PWD
[ ] No PDAO
PDAO is headed by:
a. Position title (please supply information) Social Welfare Development Office II
b. Salary Grade (please supply information) 11
c. Nature of appointment (please tick as appropriate) Temporary
In case appointment is temporary, period has not Yes
exceeded one year (please tick as appropriate) No
[x] With affixed signature of CSC Field Office (FO)
[ ] Approved by LGU accredited to take final action on
d. Status of appointment (please tick as appropriate) appointments thru CSC Resolution
[ ] Copy is transmitted to CSC for attestation
[x] Executive Order or similar document is issued for
If copy has been transmitted for attestation, please
indicate date received by the CSC:
If an Executive Order or similar document was issued
for designation, please indicate date of approval:
e. Date of appointment (please supply information)
[ ] General assembly (GA) with the PWD sector was
[ ] GA nominated at least 3 qualified applicants (for
PDAO Head recruitment process (please tick all that apply)
C/M only)
[ ] Personnel Selection Board (PSB) included
participant from the PWD sector (for C/M only)
If PWD sector was represented in PSB proceedings, [ ] LGU employee with disability
participant was (please tick all that apply) [ ] GA-nominated observer
[x] Accomplishment Report of PWD-related PPAs with
at least 50% budget utilization (vs. budget
PDAO has accomplished the following (please tick all allocation)
applicable items) [x] All currently issued IDs 100% uploaded in the DOH
[ ] None of the above
[x] At least one sign language interpreter in the LGU
[ ] At least one LGU staff trained in basic sign
language assigned in the PDAO
7. [For HUCs only] Presence of a Sign language interpreter in [ ] LGU has allotted a budget for hiring a sign
the LGU (please tick as appropriate) language interpreter
[ ] LGU has a list of external service providers that
can be tapped by LGU
[ ] None of the above
8 The LGU has an established Senior Citizens Center (SCC) Yes
based on Certified Form 2E - Photo Documentation (please
tick as appropriate) No
[x] LGU
[ ] DSWD - Field Office
8.1 SCC is managed by (please tick all that apply)
[ ] Partner - LGU
[ ] Partner - private agency / organization
Upholding Indigenous Peoples Representation in local
decision-making bodies
[ ] Has Certificate of Affirmation issued by the NCIP
Regional Office
[ ] Seats in the Sanggunian
9. (N) The LGU's Indigenous People mandatory representative [ ] Receives compensation and other regular benefits
(please tick all applicable items) of a Sanggunian member
[ ] Attends Sanggunian sessions as indicated in the
Minutes of the Meetings
[x] Not applicable
Support to decent shelter for all and low-cost housing
10. [For Cities only] The LGU has illegal dwelling units within Yes
its jurisdiction (based on accomplished Form 2H: Planning
and Development Office) (please tick as appropriate) No
10.1 Percent accomplishment of CY 2022 targets for
resettlement PPAs (based on accomplished Form 2H: Planning 102
and Development Office) (please supply information)
10.2 LGU effort(s) to control, prevent and/or remove illegal
dwelling units
Ordinance prohibiting illegal settlements, relocation and/or Present
reintegration of informal settlers (please tick as appropriate) Not present
[x] Local Housing Board
Has the following office or entity (please tick as appropriate) [ ] Local Housing Office
[ ] Task Force
Approved Local Shelter Plan, or approved Resettlement and Present
Relocation Action Plan (please tick as appropriate) Not present
If yes, timeline of plan (yyyy-yyyy) (please supply
Resettlement and relocation PPAs (please tick as Present
appropriate) Not present
Local initiatives supporting the marginalized sectors
11 The LGU accomplished PPAs / utilized funds for the
marginalized sectors
11.1 Senior citizens and Person with disabilities
Fund utilization CY 2022 (based on accomplished Form 2A:
Accountant’s Office)
a. Total amount allocated (please supply information) 93412880.98
b. Amount utilized (please supply information) 33766250.00
c. Percent utilization (please supply information) 36
Percent completion of PPAs (based on accomplished Form
2H: Planning and Development Office) (please supply 128
11.2 Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC), CY
2022 Fund
Source of fund, CY 2022 (based on accomplished Form 2A:
Accountant’s Office)
a. IRA/NTA amount received (please supply information) 4782763367.00
b. Amount allocated (please supply information) 284868765.14
c. Percent allocation (please supply information) 6
Fund utilization (based on accomplished Form 2A:
Accountant's Office)
a. Total amount allocated (please supply information) 284868765.14
b. Amount utilized (please supply information) 226811803.70
c. Percent utilization (please supply information) 80
Percent completion of PAPs (based on accomplished Form
2H: Planning and Development Office) (please supply 135
information) (please supply information)
12(N) [for HUCs only] The LGU has a Residential Care Facility
(RCF) for the vulnerable sectors
(N) DSWD or BARMM MSSD-Accredited
Ongoing application for DSWD or BARMM MSSD-
12.1 LGU-managed facility (please tick applicable condition) Newly-established facility, operation is less than 1-
Not listed in NGA data, but LGU provided valid
If DSWD-accredited, period of effectivity (please supply
DSWD - Field Office
12.2 Partner-managed facility (please tick applicable condition) Partner - LGU
Private Social Welfare and Development Agency
Please provide period of effectivity of accreditation:
Please provide name of partner / facility:
Efforts to strengthen the Local Social Welfare and
Development Office
13 The LGU has a Local Social Welfare and Development
Office (LSWDO)
13.1 LSWDO is headed by:
Position title (please supply information) City Government Department Head II
Salary Grade (please supply information) 26
Nature of appointment (please tick as appropriate) Temporary
[ ] Vacancy happened within 2022 to 2023
In case plantilla position is vacant due to separation from [ ] Vacated position has the prescribed SG
service, please tick all applicable items: [ ] Efforts to hire new LSWDO is already on-going
[ ] With designated LSWDO Head in the meantime
In case appointment is temporary, period has not Yes
exceeded one year (please tick as appropriate) No
With affixed signature of CSC Field Office (FO)
Approved by LGU accredited to take final action on
Status of appointment (please tick as appropriate) appointments thru CSC Resolution
Copy is transmitted to CSC for attestation
Executive Order or similar document is issued for
If copy has been transmitted for attestation, please
indicate date received by the CSC:
If an Executive Order or similar document was issued for
designation, please indicate date of approval:
Date of appointment (dd/mm/yyyy) (please supply
No, because he/she is hired prior to the enactment
Registered social worker (please tick as appropriate)
of RA 9433
Not a registered social worker
Validity of PRC license (please supply information) 10-12-2023
13.2 Number of staff assisting the LSWDO with PRC license
(please supply information)
Validity of PRC license (please supply information for at least
one staff)
13.3 LSWDO has a procedure / manual of operations or local Yes
guidelines on case management (please tick as appropriate) No
[x] Hazard allowance amounting to 20% of monthly
basic salary
[x] Transportation Allowance
[ ] Housing and Living Quarters Allowance (if outside
13.4 All public social workers are provided with Magna Carta of a 50 km radius of the workstation)
grant benefits (please tick as appropriate) [x] Longevity - 5% of the latest monthly basic pay for
every 5 years of continuous efficient and
meritorious service rendered
[x] Clothing Allowance
[ ] None of the Above
13.5 Use of CBMS data as a registry to update the profiles of
current beneficiaries of social development programs (please
tick as appropriate)
[ ] On-going CBMS data gathering
[ ] Proposed PAPs to implement CBMS
13.6 Efforts to implement CBMS (please tick as appropriate) [x] Use of other socioeconomic database, profiling or
tracking/targeting system other than CBMS
[ ] Others
[ ] Social Protection Development Report (SPDR) is
[ ] Submitted to the PSWDO for municipalities and
component cities (for profiling only)
14. LGU efforts on mainstreaming social protection (please
[ ] Social Development Plan based on the SPDR is
tick as appropriate) integrated in the CDP and LDIP (for profiling only)
[ ] Policy issuance on any area of recommendation of
the SPDR (for profiling only)
[x] None of the above
Providing free employment facilitation services
Established office through ordinance
Established office through Executive Order
Allocated with budget in CY 2023 Annual
15. The LGU has a Public Employment Service Office (PESO) budget/appropriation ordinance
(please tick as appropriate)
No PESO due to PS limitation
No PESO but with designated officer
15.1 PESO is headed by:
Position Title (please supply information) Asst. CHRMO
Salary Grade (please supply information)
Nature of appointment (please tick as appropriate) Temporary
In case appointment is temporary, period has not Yes
exceeded one year (please tick as appropriate) No
[ ] Vacancy happened within 2022 to 2023
In case plantilla position is vacant due to separation from [ ] Vacated position has the prescribed SG
service, please tick all applicable items: [ ] Efforts to hire new PESO is already on-going
[ ] With designated PESO Head in the meantime
With affixed signature of CSC Field Office (FO)
Approved by LGU accredited to take final action on
Status of appointment (please tick as appropriate) appointments thru CSC Resolution
Copy is transmitted to CSC for attestation
Executive Order or similar document is issued for
If copy has been transmitted for attestation, please
indicate date received by the CSC:
If an Executive Order or similar document was issued for
designation, please indicate date of approval and reason May 10, 2023
for designation: (please supply information)
Date of appointment (please supply information)
16. The LGU has an organized Local Development Council
Constituted according to Sec. 107 of the LG Code
16.1 Composition (please tick as appropriate)
Not constituted per Sec. 107
Number of LDC members (please supply information) 154
Number of representatives from non-government
organizations (NGOs) (please tick as appropriate)
Percentage of NGO representation (please supply
More than ¼ of the fully organized LDC
Please tick applicable condition: ¼ of the fully organized LDC
Less than ¼ of the fully organized LDC
[ ] Insufficient number of organized CSOs in the
If less than 1/4 of LDC, please tick all applicable
[ ] Insufficient number of accredited CSOs in the
items: locality
[ ] Others
If others is ticked, please specify:
16.2 Executive Committee (please tick as appropriate)
Not present
[x] Constituted
[x] Provides technical assistance, documentation of
16.3 Secretariat (please tick all that apply) proceedings, and preparation of reports
[ ] Tapped assistance of NGOs, academe, and / or
research institutions
As an organized functional committee of LDC
16.4a Local Project Monitoring Committee (please tick as
As a stand-alone committee
Not present
[x] Social development
[x] Economic development
16.4b Other Sectoral or functional committees (please tick all [x] Physical/ land use/ infrastructure development
present committees) [x] Environmental management
[x] Institutional development
[ ] Others.
16.5a Number of meetings between CY 2022 January to June
(please supply information)
16.5b Number of meetings between CY 2022 July to December
(please supply information)
[x] Participation recorded in meeting/s held between
CY 2022 January to June
16.6 NGO participation in LDC meetings (please tick all that [x] Participation recorded in meeting/s held between
apply) CY 2022 July to December
[ ] With submitted Plan of Action in CY 2022
[ ] None of the above
[x] Has Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP)
16.7 Functions Sanggunian-approved/adopted plans and
[x] Has a Local Development Investment Program
investment programs that cover CY 2023 (please tick all that
[x] Has an Annual Investment Plan (AIP)
Strengthening population services
[ ] Established office through an Ordinance
[ ] Established office through an Executive Order
[x] With appointed population officer
17. The LGU has a Population Office. (please tick as
appropriate) [ ] With designated population officer
[ ] No Population Office but with designated officer or
[ ] No Population Office
The Population Office is headed by:
Position Title: (please supply information) Population Program Officer IV
18. [For Cities and 1st-3rd Mun. only] The LGU has Yes
established a Teen Center (community or school-based)
based on Certified Form 2E (please tick as appropriate) No
If yes, please supply the following information:
Name of Center: (please supply information) Reproductive Health and Wellness Center
Date established (dd/mm/yyyy): (please supply information) 21-06-2001
FOR PROFILING. Other initiatives on social protection and
poverty alleviation
19. Percentage of barangays with approved Comprehensive
Barangay Juvenile Intervention Program (CBJIP) (please 0
supply information)
20. [For cities with IP presence only] The LGU has an Yes
Integration of the Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development
and Protection Plan (ADSDPP) or components therein in the
Local Development Plan (please tick as appropriate) Not applicable
[ ] Presence of Local ordinance supporting/adopting
the 4Ps program implementation (i.e. social case
management process and graduation/exit
[ ] Inclusion of 4Ps related programs and activities
with budget allocation in the Annual Investment
21. Presence of support to/adoption of the Pantawid Program (AIP), Comprehensive Development Plan
Pamilyang Pilipino Program (please tick as appropriate) (CDP) and/or Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan
[ ] Package of supplemental intervention and support
services as agreed in the household intervention
plan provided to the graduated/exited beneficiaries
[x] None of the Above
MAY 31, 2023
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07/21/2023 11:01:01 am
Department of the Interior and Local Government Form CM 3.4
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance (Cities/Municipalities) Health Compliance and
CY 2023 Responsiveness
5 (N) The LGU has this TB Treatment Success Rate in CY
2021 (please supply information)
Data differ; included in the accomplished Change
LGU-NGA Data Discrepancy Check (please tick as appropriate) Request Form
No data discrepancy
6 (N)The LGU has this mean stunting rate among children
under-five based on CY 2022 OPT Plus (please supply 3.2
Data differ; included in the accomplished Change
LGU-NGA Data Discrepancy Check (please tick as appropriate) Request Form
No data discrepancy
7 (N) The LGU has an institutionalized DRMM-H system
Data differ; included in the accomplished Change
LGU-NGA Data Discrepancy Check (please tick as appropriate) Request Form
No data discrepancy
8 (N) The LGU has a functional Local Epidemiology Yes
Surveillance Unit No
Data differ; included in the accomplished Change
LGU-NGA Data Discrepancy Check (please tick as appropriate) Request Form
No data discrepancy
MAY 31, 2023
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07/21/2023 11:01:13 am
Department of the Interior and Local Government Form CM 3.5
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance (Cities/Municipalities) Sustainable Education
CY 2023
[x] Operation and maintenance of public schools
[ ] Construction and repair of school buildings
[ ] Facilities and equipment
[ ] Educational research
[ ] Purchase of books and periodicals
c. Completion or fund utilization was for the following items
(please tick all applicable items) [x] Sports development
[ ] Implementation of the National Feeding Program for
under malnourished children in public day care,
kindergarten, and elementary schools
[ ] Others
[ ] No PAPs conducted
If others, please specify:
4. No. of LGU planned PPAs in the LDIP/AIP or SEF
Budget/LSB Plan covering CY 2023 aligned with identified
local priority education reform areas of DepEd Division Office
(please supply information)
5. The LGU provided support to programs and projects that
promote inclusive education
a. No. of PAPs in CY 2022 that promote inclusive education
(please supply information)
[x] Programs for the Gifted and Talented
[x] Programs for Learners with Disabilities
[x] Madrasah and ALIVE Program
[x] Indigenous People Education Program
[x] Special Education
[x] Alternative Learning System
b. PAPs conducted are in relation to (please tick as appropriate) [x] Parent effectiveness service programs
[ ] Family or community livelihood project or similar
programs that supports school age children’s
[ ] Establishment and maintenance of Child
Development Centers
[ ] Others
[ ] No PAPs conducted
If others, please specify:
6. [For Profiling] Improvement in Pupils' Performance
6.1 Presence of Out-of-School Youth SY 2020-2021 (please
supply information)
6.1 Presence of Out-of-School Youth SY 2021-2022 (please
supply information)
6.2 Incidence of Bullying SY 2020-2021 (please supply
6.2 Incidence of Bullying SY 2021-2022 (please supply
MAY 31, 2023
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07/21/2023 11:01:24 am
Department of the Interior and Local Government Form CM 3.6
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance (Cities/Municipalities) Business-Friendliness and
CY 2023 Competitiveness
4 The LGU has streamlined process in doing business using Fully automated
Electronic Business One Stop Shop (eBOSS) (please tick as Transitioning to fully automated
appropriate) (please tick as appropriate) No
1 step (Online application, Online payment: Online
release of permit thru courier service)
2 steps (Online application, Online payment:
Manual release of permit (face to face))
3 steps (Computerized: Setting an
4.1 Number of steps followed prior to the release of business or
appointment/Submission, Receipt of Order
mayor's permit per Citizens Charter (please tick as appropriate)
Payment, and Pay and Claim)
4 steps (Computerized: Setting an appointment,
Submission, Receipt of Order Payment, and Pay
and Claim)
More than 4 steps
4.2 New businesses and business renewals are processed using
eBOSS for not more than three (3) days (per Certified Form 2B
BPLO) (please tick as appropriate)
All-year round
4.3 Has a Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) Seasonal
4.4 Has integrated Barangay Clearance on Business Permit Yes
process (for cities only) (please tick as appropriate) No
[ ] City ordinance(s) on the integration of barangay
If yes, please indicate if the City has the following: (please [ ] Copies of barangay ordinance(s) or similar
issuance(s) allowing city government to collect
tick as appropriate)
barangay clearance fee
[ ] Sample order of payment reflecting barangay
clearance fees
Computerized tracking system/Computer-aided
5 The LGU has updated Local Economic Development (LED) tracking system
Data generated through (please tick as appropriate)
Manual tracking system
Kindly provide data on the following (per Certified Form 2B
5.1 Number of new businesses
CY 2021 (please supply information) 2195
CY 2022 (please supply information) 2445
5.2 Number of business renewals
CY 2021 (please supply information) 11600
CY 2022 (please supply information) 11935
5.3 Amount of capital investment derived from registered
new businesses
CY 2021 (please supply information) 1226936602
CY 2022 (please supply information) 2820996684.64
5.4a Number of employees derived from registered new
businesses and business renewals for CY 2021 (please 26976
supply information)
5.4b Number of employees derived from registered new
businesses and business renewals for CY 2022 (please 26152
supply information)
Passed ordinance(s) amending/revising existing
6 [For cities only] The LGU has a Local Investment and Code
Incentives Code (LIIC) (please tick as appropriate)
Formulated other related Investment Codes
No Investment and Incentive Code
If yes, please indicate year adopted (yyyy)
If amended/revised existing code, please indicate year (yyyy) May 8, 2015
Public-private Partnership Code
If formulated other investment-related codes (please tick
Joint Venture (JV) Code
applicable items)
Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) Code
MAY 31, 2023
Date: _______________________________
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07/21/2023 11:01:36 am
Department of the Interior and Local Government Form CM 3.7
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance (Cities/Municipalities) Safety, Peace and Order
CY 2023
1(N) Passed the 2022 Peace and Order Council (POC) Yes
Performance Audit rating and is eligible for award (please No
tick as appropriate) Not yet available
MAY 31, 2023
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07/21/2023 11:01:48 am
Department of the Interior and Local Government Form CM 3.8
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance (Cities/Municipalities) Environmental Management
CY 2023
b. Percent-completion of plan based on Form 2M (please
supply information)
2.1.3 Has an operational Residual Containment Area (RCA) Yes
(please tick as appropriate) No
3(N) The LGU has a 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan Yes
(SWMP) (please tick as appropriate) No
Approved per NSWMC data
3.1 If YES, the SWMP is (please tick as appropriate)
Final draft submitted for review to NSWMC
If under review, please provide date received by NSWMC 12-02-2020
3.2 If YES, provide the timeframe of the SWMP
4 The LGU has access to a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Yes
/ storage for recyclable materials (please tick as appropriate) No
4.1 If YES, percentage of barangays serviced by MRF with a
recording system either LGU-managed or partnership with entity 100
similar to MRF, e.g., junkshop (please supply information)
[ ] Has proposed programs on increasing the number
of operational MRFs budgeted under the SWMP
4.2 If not all barangays are serviced by an MRF, there are efforts [ ] Has proposed programs for expanding its operation
on increasing access (please tick as appropriate) of a single MRF servicing multiple barangays
budgeted under the SWMP
[ ] Other initiatives to increase access to MRF
If other initiatives to increase access to MRF, kindly specify
(please supply information)
5(N) The LGU has access to a sanitary landfill (SLF) for final Yes
disposal (please tick as appropriate) No
[x] LGU-owned and operated Sanitary Landfill (SLF)
5.1 If YES, LGU has access to final disposal facility through
[ ] Partner-LGU’s SLF
(based on certified Form 2M) (please tick all that apply)
[ ] Private company’s SLF
[ ] Operates a Temporary Residual Containment Area
[ ] Ongoing construction of LGU’s own SLF
5.2 If NO, LGU has the following efforts to improve access to a [ ] Proposed construction of LGU’s own SLF budgeted
final disposal facility (based on certified Form 2M) (please tick all under their approved SWMP
that apply) [ ] Partnership with other LGU with ongoing
construction of SLF
[ ] Other initiatives to access an authorized SLF or to
completely address residual wastes.
If other initiatives to access an authorized SLF or to
completely address residual wastes” is ticked, kindly provide
a short description of initiatives:
5.3 Percentage (%) of barangays covered by segregation
collection (please supply information)
Wetland and Water Management
6 The LGU has initiatives contributing to biodiversity Yes
conservation and enhancement focusing on inland wetlands
and water bodies (please tick as appropriate) No
[x] Registry and map of all wetlands and water bodies
within their administrative jurisdiction, included in
the LGU ecological profile, CLUP, CDP, LCCAP, or
[x] Ordinance establishing wetland/s or water body as
a conservation area or with protection purposes
[x] Integration of program/project/activity on
biodiversity conservation and enhancement in the
Local Development Investment Program or Annual
6.1 If YES, the LGU has: (please tick all that apply)
Investment Program covering CY 2023
[x] Management plan for an inland wetland or
[x] Wetland information sheet with the profile and
assessment of the wetland/waterbody prepared in
coordination with DENR
[x] Program or project conducted on biodiversity
conservation and enhancement and/or water
management in CY 2022 or 2023
7 The LGU has initiatives on Water Quality Management Yes
(please tick as appropriate) No
7.1 If YES, the LGU has:(please tick all that apply)
[x] Annual Water Quality Monitoring Results of a water
body indicating the water quality within the RIVER
classification conducted by the LGU for at least two
consecutive years
[x] At least one water quality monitoring result for any
freshwater, marine waters, or groundwater source
generated by the LGU in CY 2020 or later
Initiative 1
[x] At least one water quality monitoring result for any
freshwater, marine waters, or groundwater source
generated in partnership/collaboration with other
government agencies and private organizations in
CY 2020 or later
[ ] Request for DENR-EMB’s technical assistance on
water quality monitoring
[x] Water quality monitoring unit created with
Initiative 2
[ ] Has at least an Executive Order or other issuance
creating the Water Quality Monitoring Unit
[x] Water quality management and monitoring
program/project/activity in the LDIP or AIP covering
CY 2023
Initiative 3
[ ] Water quality management and monitoring
program/project/activity conducted in CY 2022 or
CY 2023
[ ] Compliance scheme or localized Water Quality
Initiative 4 Management Area Action Plan(for LGU WQMA
7.1.1 If the water quality monitoring result is not for river,
specify the source (i.e., other freshwater, marine waters or
groundwater) of sample (please supply information)
Parks and Green Spaces Development
[x] At least one public parks or green spaces
maintained by the LGU
[x] List and map of public parks and green spaces in
their jurisdiction should be included in the
Ecological Profile, CLUP, LCCAP or FLUP
8. Establishment or Maintenance of Public Parks and Green [x] Integration of program/project/activity for public
Spaces (please tick all that apply) parks and green spaces development/maintenance
in the Local Development Investment Program or
Annual Investment Program covering CY 2023
[ ] Site Profile and Assessment of at least one public
park or green spaces
[ ] None of the above
MAY 31, 2023
Date: _______________________________
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07/21/2023 11:02:00 am
Department of the Interior and Local Government Form CM 3.9
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance (Cities/Municipalities) Tourism, Heritage
CY 2023 Development, Culture and Arts
1. The LGU has a tourism officer who holds the following Temporary
position (please tick as appropriate) Designated
2 The LGU has a tourist information and assistance Yes
center/desk (based on accomplished Form 2E: DILG Field
Office) (please tick as appropriate) No
3. The LGU has a Local Tourism Development Plan
3.1 Approved Local Tourism Development Plan (please tick as Yes
appropriate) No
If YES, please indicate period coverage (yyyy-yyyy) (please
supply information)
Executive Order
3.2 Tourism Development Plan Committee or Technical Working
Group (please tick as appropriate)
None of the Above
3.3 Approved Work Plan for the formulation of the Tourism
Development Plan (please tick as appropriate)
Not applicable
3.4 Draft Local Tourism Development Plan (please tick as
Not applicable
4. The LGU has submitted its Annual Supply Tourism
Statistics Report for CY 2022, based on the DOT standard Yes
reporting format under SLTSS, to DOT Regional Office No
(please tick as appropriate)
If yes, please indicate date submitted (dd/mm/yyyy) (please
supply information)
5 The LGU has a local council for culture and the arts (please Yes
tick as appropriate) No
5.1 If YES, please indicate date constituted (dd/mm/yyyy):
(please supply information)
6 The LGU appropriated budget for the conservation and
preservation of cultural property in CY 2022, as of December Yes
31, 2022 based on certified Form 2A Accountant (please tick No
as appropriate)
If yes, please supply information:
Amount allocated 22246400.00
Amount utilized 20581266.00
Percent utilization 93
7 The LGU has a cultural property inventory / registry, using Yes
the templates provided in DILG-NCCA JMC No. 2021-001, and
updated not earlier than 2022 (please tick as appropriate) No
[x] Names of property
[x] Significance
[x] Type
7.1 Contains required elements (please tick as appropriate) [x] In photograph/multimedia file
[x] Location (recorded, but kept confidential)
[x] Ownership(recorded, but kept confidential)
[ ] None of the above
7.2 Date last updated (dd/mm/yyyy) (please supply information) 08-08-2022
7.3 Date submitted to NCCA for review (dd/mm/yyyy): (please
supply information)
7.4 Adopted by the Sanggunian through the following instrument
(please tick as appropriate)
None of the above
Date adopted (dd/mm/yyyy): (please supply information) 23-08-2022
8 The LGU‘s history and culture is documented and
published through the following media
8.1 LGU’s official website (please tick as appropriate)
8.2 Magazines / newsletters (please tick as appropriate)
8.3 Books (please tick as appropriate)
8.4 Digital media (please tick as appropriate)
If yes, please specify digital media format (please supply
Facebook Page
8.5 Other form (please tick as appropriate)
If yes, please specify:
MAY 31, 2023
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07/21/2023 11:02:11 am
Department of the Interior and Local Government Form CM 3.10
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance (Cities/Municipalities) Youth Development
CY 2023
2.3 The LGU has appropriated a budget for the LYDO functions
and operations for CY 2022 per certified Form 2A Accounting
Office (please tick as appropriate)
2.3.1 Total budget appropriated for LYDO (please supply
2.3.2 Percent-utilization of budget appropriated (please
supply information)
2.4 The LYDO has provided technical assistance (TA) in the
conduct of at least one (1) training for SK and/or LYDC Yes
members from 2018 onwards in CY 2022 (please tick as No
3 The LGU has a Local Youth Development Plan (LYDP) Yes
approved by the LYDC (please tick as appropriate) No
Is stand-alone and Sanggunian-adopted
3.1 If Yes, the LYDP (please tick as appropriate) Has been integrated into Comprehensive
Development Plan (CDP)
Period covered (please supply information) 2023-2025
Final draft of LYDP already transmitted to LYDC for
review and approval
3.2 If NO, the LGU has (please tick as appropriate)
Draft LYDP formulated by the SK Pederasyon
No LYDP formulated by the SK Pederasyon
4 The LGU provides support to youth development
4.1 LGU passed at least one (1) youth-related issuance in CY Yes
2022 No
4.1.1 If yes, please indicate the title of the ordinance or
An ordinance creating the LYDC for the City of
resolution passed (provide only 2, separated by semi-colon,
Zamboanga and for other related purpose
if more than 1)
4.2 LGU has at least one (1) functional youth development
facility other than the LYDO office/space (please tick as
4.2.1 If yes, please indicate the name and address of facility CSWD Conference Room
4.3 Other LGU office (other than LYDO) has conducted at least
one (1) youth-related program or youth-related service in CY
2022 (please tick as appropriate)
4.3.1 If yes, please indicate the name of the identified
program or service (provide only 2, separated by a semi- CSWDO; CDRRMO
colon, if more than 1):
MAY 31, 2023
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07/21/2023 11:02:27 am
Department of the Interior and Local Government Form CM 3.11
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance Summary of Initial Results
Column 1
Initial Processing
1.1. Most recent COA Opinion is ☐ ☒ ______________
un/qualified plus 30% of
recommendations fully acted upon
1.2. FDP compliance for CY 2022 2nd to ☒ ☐ ______________
1 of 16
Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Column 1
Initial Processing
2.1 Full LDRRMC membership and ☐ ☒ ______________
and Budget
Consideration: With an approved LDRRM
Plan covering until CY 2022 with DRR-CCA
development initiatives incorporated in the
approved CY 2022 AIP.
2.5 Approved LCCAP or approved ☒ ☐ ☐ ______________
2 of 16
Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Column 1
Initial Processing
mechanism captured in an EO or
equivalent issuance
3 of 16
Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Column 1
Initial Processing
Column 1
Initial Processing
Column 1
Initial Processing
Considerations: conditions cited in
technical notes
3.8 Established Senior Citizens Center ☒ ☐ ______________
accredited LGU-managed
6 of 16
Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Column 1
Initial Processing
a) Appropriate composition;
b) Executive Committee;
c) Secretariat
d) Local Project Monitoring
Committee (either as a
functional committee under
LDC or a stand-alone
e) Meetings (both semesters in
CY 2022);
7 of 16
Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Column 1
Initial Processing
f) satisfactory participation of
CSOs; and
g) approved plans and
investment programs - CDP,
appointed or designated
Population Officer/Coordinator
(community or school-based)
[for cities and 1st-3rd class muns
8 of 16
Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Column 1
Initial Processing
a) organized LSB
b) met at least once a month in
CY 2022
Consideration: The LSB conducted a
special/emergency meeting to comply with the
monthly meeting requirement.
Column 1
Initial Processing
office in CY 2022
10 of 16
Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Column 1
Initial Processing
controlled dumpsite
Consideration: Closed dumpsite as of CY
2022 with an approved SCRP, and access
to an authorized landfill or with Residual
Containment Area with proposed
programs for access to authorized SLF
8.3 Approved 10-year solid waste ☐ ☒ ☐ ______________
management plan
Consideration: SWM Plan that is still under
review of NSWMC
8.4 All component brgys serviced by ☒ ☐ ☐ ______________
Materials Recovery Facility with
recording system of wastes
Consideration: with planned programs on
increasing operations MRFs or expanding
its operation of a single MRF servicing
multiple brgys
8.5 Access to sanitary landfill and ☒ ☐ ☐ ______________
segregated collection of wastes
Consideration: conditions cited in technical
8.6 Initiatives contributing to ☐ ☒ ☐ ______________
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Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Column 1
Initial Processing
a) Annual Water Quality Monitoring
Results of a water a body
indicating the water quality within
the river classification
b) Water Quality Monitoring Unit
created with monitoring
c) Water quality management and
monitoring PAP/s in the LDIP or
AIP covering CY 2023 or already
conducted by the LGU in CY
2022 or 2023
d) Compliance scheme or localized
Water Quality Management Area
Action Plan (for LGU WQMA
*With additional considerations cited in
technical notes
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Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Column 1
Initial Processing
tourism officer
center or desks
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Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Column 1
Initial Processing
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Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Column 1
Initial Processing
a) Policy,
b) Facility, and
c) Completed PPA by LGU office
other than LYDO.
Area Processing: Passed any three of ☒ N/A ☐ N/A ______________
items 10.1 to 10.4
☒ Did not pass the 2023 SGLG criteria based on review and initial processing
Date: MAY 31, 2023
1. RAT Leader
2. RAT Member
3. RAT Member
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Department of the Interior and Local Government
CY 2023 Seal of Good Local Governance
Official Release of this (Please affix release stamp of DILG RO/PO here) 07-20-003
Form: 07/21/2023 10:57:54 am
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