2-2 AIML Operating System QB

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1 Define an operating system? State and explain the basic 8 Section-I 1

functions or services of an operating system?
2 Identify various types of Operating System Components. 8 Section-I 1
3 A) Sketch the structure of operating system with its 8 Section-I 1
different layers? (4M)
B) Explain different types of operating systems?(4M)
4 Elaborate the following: 8 Section-I 1
A) Simple Batch Systems,Multi Programmed Systems.(4M)
B) Time Shared Systems,Real Time Systems,Distributed
Operating Systems.(4M)
5 Illustrate Round Robin and Priority scheduling algorithm 8 Section-I 1
with suitable examples.
6 Determine various Preemptive Scheduling Algorithms with 8 Section-I 1
7 Assume the following workload in a system. All jobs arrive at 8 Section-I 1
time 0 in the order given.
Process Burst time Priority

P1 9 5

P2 4 3

P3 5 1

P4 7 2

P5 3 4

Draw a Gantt chart illustrating the execution of these jobs

using Priority CPU scheduling algorithm and also Calculate
the average waiting time and average turnaround time.
8 What is a Thread? Explain about types of Threads. 8 Section-I 1
9 Analyze the following: 8 Section-I 1
A)Process Control Block (4M)
B)Process Life Cycle (4M)
10 Consider the following five processes each having its own 8 Section-I 1
unique burst time and arrival time.Perform SJF Algorithm to
find average waiting time and turn around time.
Process Arrival Burst
ID Time Time
P1 2 6
P2 5 2
P3 1 8
P4 0 3
P5 4 4
11 A) Define a Deadlock.Brief about Deadlock Ignorance 8 Section-II 2
B) Determine the four necessary conditions for a
deadlock to occur. (4M)
12 How deadlocks can be detected in single instance and 8 Section-II 2
multiple instance resources? Explain with an example.
13 A) Formulate the differences between Deadlock and 8 Section-II 2
Starvation. (4M)
B) Briefly explain about Deadlock Characterization.(4M)
14 Discuss in detail about various deadlock handling strategies. 8 Section-II 2
15 Examine deadlock Avoidance in detail with Bankers 8 Section-II 2

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