E405266 - IPM Motor For Electric Vehicle Mitsubishi
E405266 - IPM Motor For Electric Vehicle Mitsubishi
E405266 - IPM Motor For Electric Vehicle Mitsubishi
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd (MHI) has recently developed small-size, light-weight and high-power IPM
motor and inverter for electric vehicles. This paper describes the system configuration of the electric vehicle and
hybrid vehicle and the technologies used for the small-size, light-weight and high-power IPM motor and inverter
developed by MHI for electric vehicles. With the skillful arrangement of permanent magnets, optimized combination
of rotor poles/stator slots, adoption of concentrated winding, etc., the motor is designed to ensure high current den-
sity, high torque constant and high power factor in order to realize high power, approximately 2.5 times higher, in
terms of power/volume ratio, than the conventional motor. Realization of small size and light weight has also been
achieved in inverter through optimization of water-cooling structure and by integrating the power circuit and the
control circuit in one board.
Generator Inverter
Inverter Generator Inverter Inverter
mechanism Motor
Engine Motor/
Motor Motor Engine Generator
Electric vehicle Hybrid electric vehicle Hybrid electric vehicle Hybrid electric vehicle
(series type) (parallel type) (series & parallel type)
Fig. 1 System configuration of electric vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle
The electric vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle are classified mainly in 4 types of system.
6 Weight (kg) 18 40
7 Volume (m3) 0.01734 0.05337
Inverter board
Power circuit section + Battery
External interface
Power module
Current detector
power/volume ratio has been increased to 2.5 times be reduced to one-third and the weight to half as com-
larger than that of the conventional servo motor. pared with the conventional servo amplifier with the
3-2 Inverter same power (output).
The main specifications of the inverter for electric ve-
hicle and the conventional servo amplifier are given in 4. Product Specifications
Table 2 and the internal configuration of inverter in Specifications of motors so far developed for electric
Fig.. 5 . The inverter largely differs from the conventional vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle are given in Tabl
ablee 3,
servo amplifier in (I) the adoption of CAN, the interna- indicating that the small size, light-weight and high-
tional standard for communication with upper controller power motor and inverter have been realized by using
and (II) the field-weakening control by means of current the technologies for small size, light weight and high
control. power mentioned in Section 3.
The conventional servo amplifier uses forced air cool- The rotational frequency (speed) vs. torque and power
ing system for cooling the power module, while the newly characteristics of Type 3 motor applied to parallel hy-
developed inverter uses water cooling in order to reduce brid system is shown in Fig. 6 6, while the system
the size. In addition, the water cooling system is designed configuration of the hybrid electric vehicle using this
to have optimized cooling fan to ensure small size and motor in Fig. 7
7. In this system, the battery voltage is 42
high efficiency. V and the motor has three functions working as a starter,
Furthermore, the inverter is designed to totally en- generator and auxiliary driving force at the time of start
closed and waterproof structure so as to be installed and acceleration. The use of MHI small-size, light-weight
inside the engine room. In addition to this, the power and high-power motor and inverter has been verified to
and control circuits are integrated into one board for less improve the fuel consumption by 40%.
wiring and small size to upgrade work efficiency at the
time of assembly. 5. Conclusion
By using the aforesaid technologies, the volume could We have so far described the technologies for small-
140 14
120 12 Inverter
: Power
100 10
Torque (Nm)
: Torque
Power (kW)
80 8
60 6
40 4
20 2 Motor
0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000
Rotational speed (rpm) Fig. 7 System of hybrid electric vehicle using Type-3 motor
Fig. 6 Speed vs. torque and power characteristics (Type-3) Battery voltage is 42V, and the motor carries out functions of starter,
Indicates the high power maintained over the high-speed zone. generator and auxiliary to driving force at start and acceleration.
size, light-weight and high-power motor and inverter We are determined to carry on our development mis-
developed by MHI for electric vehicles. The newly devel- sion to produce the motor and inverter smaller in size,
oped motor has realized a power about 2.5 times as large lighter in weight and higher in power, to improve reli-
as that of a conventional servo motor of equivalent vol- ability of our products and to widen the applicable vehicle
ume through skillful arrangement of permanent magnet, types.
optimization of rotor pole number/stator slot number,
adoption of concentrated winding, etc. Further, the in- Reference
verter has realized a volume as large as one-third of a (1) The Relation between Motor Generator Output Power and
Fuel Consumption Improvement, and Manufacture’s Cata-
conventional servo amplifier of equivalent power through
log Data, D & M Nikkei Mechanical, Nikkei BP No.573 (2002)
water-cooling structure and integration of control and p.81
power circuits in one board.
Furthermore, these technologies were used in the
motor and inverter for hybrid electric vehicle system,
and have been found to be substantially effective for
improving the fuel consumption.
Akira Nishio Masahiro Hirano Yoshiki Kato Takayuki Irie Tsutomu Baba