Pietila Miika
Pietila Miika
Pietila Miika
There were many challenges during the research work and the biggest challenge
was to allocate time for the research and that of course the time came mostly from
my spare time. Second challenge was to interpret all the material introduced during
the overall research. Regulations and standards leave a great deal of room for
interpretation and how different requirements can be utilized in the target software
development environment.
There were several things I learned during the thesis work. How to analyse source
material from more than one perspective, how to incorporate and view requirements
and standards from stakeholder’s points of view and how to gather this information to
understandable and clear structure to be shared and to be used in future process
development. In the end the overall thesis and report were success and customer
were really satisfied with the results and future development opportunities.
I would like to thank my supervisors and stakeholder group for helping me to get the
research work and thesis done and finalized and especially thank my family for
dealing with long nights and weekends upstairs.
Miika Pietilä
The methods used in the thesis was selected to be action research. The action
research method allowed to analyse the background and source material in the
planning stage, execute a current state analysis for the gathered material in the
acting stage and finalize the process prototype in stakeholder workshops in
developing stage. Finally, the final process prototype was built to the application
lifecycle management (ALM) system and shared with the stakeholder and wider
product development group in the reflecting stage.
The results of the thesis show that similarly structured process can be used to
develop software for non-regulated and regulated software products. New process
structures need to be put in place and also new documentation generated by that
process needs to be implemented and preferably have document templates in place
to easily fulfil the requirements. Using regulated process structure, documentation
templates and hierarchy for non-regulated software also ensures that good common
practices are used in both environments and are then cohesive between projects.
List of Abbreviations
1 Introduction 1
3 Background 13
3.1.1 EU Legislation 13
References 54
Appendix 1: Requirement Gap Analysis
Appendix 2: Process Requirements Based on Software Environment, SSC, and
Appendix 3: Workshop Meeting Minutes
List of Abbreviations
CDRH The Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Devices and
Radiological Health. Regulates companies manufacturing,
repackaging, relabelling, and importing medical devices sold in the
United States.
1 Introduction
Medical devices are regulated multiple ways in multiple areas all over the world.
In the context of this thesis the specific device types in focus are in vitro
diagnostics (IVD) devices, general purpose laboratory equipment (GPLE) and
research use only (RUO) devices.
IVD devices are mainly used in different types of testing of biological samples.
These samples may for example include tissue samples, blood samples or
urine samples to obtain information about person’s health. Examples of
common IVD tests are self-test for pregnancy and blood glucose monitors which
are commonly known test for public use. More sophisticated tests or diagnoses
performed in a regulated clinical laboratory environment such as HIV (Human
Immunodeficiency Virus) tests, identification of blood types and cancer
screening. What differentiates IVD devices from medical devices and
pharmaceuticals is that IVD devices do not come into contact directly with a
person, do not treat patients or do not cause direct harm to a patient. IVD thus
are for providing information about how the patient’s body is functioning. The
main risks concerning IVD products are that their usage cause incorrect
diagnosis. Due to the risk posed by IVD devices, different regulations, norms,
and standards apply for these types of devices. In most countries they are
required to be registered. [1]
Developing software and firmware for in IVD devices is more strictly regulated
than developing software for RUO or GPLE devices. Additional standards and
requirements for software development processes needs to be considered
when moving from GPLE or RUO device development processes to IVD
regulated application lifecycle management (ALM) processes.
The customer of the thesis work is established medical device developer and
supplier in producing instruments, instrument consumables and device related
software. The company provides GPLE, IVD and RUO devices in multiple
regulated fields, but processes may vary between different geographical areas.
The thesis focuses on software development process and tool used in the
application lifecycle management. The processes, documentation produced by
the processes and tools needs to be evaluated to get a picture of what needs to
be done to make those parts of software development process conform the
current IVD regulations. Since the customer is focusing on IVD related software
development, it is particularly important that the software development process
is designed to fulfil the requirements.
The company has all the required Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), work
instructions and document templates for the Design History File (DHF)
available. These documents are the basis on designing and implementing a
process structure which is then used in software development to fulfil the
process requirements and documentation requirements emerging from this
study. These available documents will be used to conduct a gap analysis
between the current processes documentation which is used to develop GPLE
devices containing software and the new processes and documentation
developed for the RUO and IVD devices containing software. From this gap
analysis a process prototype is developed to be analysed by stakeholders in
workshops. Stakeholders participating the overall development of the process
are individuals working in the software development department and involved in
the practical use of the software development in general. This group includes
R&D Software engineering manager for PC software, R&D Software
engineering manager for embedded software, Software architect, Software
product owner and R&D Manager of Product Lifecycle Management. The
analysis is executed in iterations where the process is evaluated, feedback is
analysed, and process is developed based on the feedback and analysis. Final
product of the thesis work is a final process prototype to be taken into
production use in the company’s software development team’s ALM system
where it will be used to develop the next IVD device software system.
This section explains the chosen research methods for the thesis, reasoning
behind the selected research method and explanation on how the research
method is used in the thesis
The main premise of the thesis is software development process. These types
of processes are very constructed processes and based heavily on predefined
regulations and requirements. The thesis research subject is a real-world
problem which needs to be solved and the target is to develop high-level
software development process prototype to be used in IVD software
development as a platform for future projects.
Based on these there needs to be a plan for the new process design and
implementation. The thesis subject also relies heavily on researching the
subject matter, the current implementation and requirement level research
produced by the legislation. This research should also include collaboration with
the team members involved in the software development process to get to know
the practical implications of the process itself. There also needs to be a process
prototyping phase where the new process template is evaluated with
stakeholders and final prototype which is then evaluated in the production use.
Looking at the overall background and research structure, the action research
method was a good fit to be used to conduct this research. The thesis subject
focuses on software development process which is very constructed process by
default and the overall subject depends on real world execution and prototyping.
The main idea of action research is acting on research. This means that the
theory behind the research is connected to a practical solution which is then
executed to improve the problem behind the identified theory. It is an iterative
model which contains certain phases. These phases include a planning stage,
acting stage, developing stage and reflecting stage. Figure 1 shows how each
phase is connected and what is included in each phase in the concept of action
research model visualized after [3].
Action research is not very strictly defined method and can be tailored to meet
the needs of each different research topics in different areas. To facilitate action
research in this thesis, the overall workflow differs from the original concept
Based on each step of the action research process in theory, the overall
research approach for the thesis was created. Figure 2 shows the overall
process which will be used to conduct the research and how each phase is
linked to the action research stages:
Each of the stages and how they are managed in the customized process are
explained in detail in the following subchapters.
The first phase of the action research is the planning stage. The first step of the
planning stage is to identify and limit the researched topic. In this thesis the
identification of the topic and limiting the scope of the research is presented in
the Introduction section where the overall premise of the thesis is introduced,
and the focus of the thesis is explained. [3 pp. 36]
The second step is to develop a research plan based on the identification and
limiting the research subject. This plan includes a data collection plan for the
current state analysis, background information and data analysis plan used in
the thesis [3 pp. 36]. This is also included in the Introduction section together
with the first step of the planning stage.
Third step of the process is to gather all the information necessary to conduct
the research. In this thesis this includes the current state analysis of the
software development processes and the new requirements affecting these
processes provided by the customers SOPs and process templates. This step is
included in the section Current State Analysis.
Fourth step of the planning process is to review the related literature connected
to the topic of the research [3 pp. 36]. This includes the technical background of
the IVD requirements and the reasoning why this thesis is made and what are
the current requirements affecting the processes described in the thesis
These chapters include all the necessary planning and background information
needed to start the whole action research process and are embedded to the
overall structure of the thesis.
Acting stage includes data collection, gap analysis including current state
analysis results and overall data analysis where all the gathered information is
The first step of the acting stage is to collect all the necessary data gathered in
the current state analysis and background information research [3 pp. 36]. After
data is researched and gathered from both the customer processes and IVD
related source material, it is assumed that the preconstructed structure of data
used when gathering information is similar. Then it is easier to do analysis and
especially gap analysis between the current implementation and what is needed
to be implemented. It helps to find the similarities and differences between the
source materials. Interview structure in the development stage should also be
based on similar structure.
Practical data collection methods will be divided into three main phases. The
first step is to start investigating the current application lifecycle management
system and software development process to find out what the customer
currently has and what is missing based on the first part. The second phase is
to study and research the IVD documentation which includes the processes,
work instructions and document templates and how these fit to the customers
current implementation.
The second step is to analyse the collected data. Data analysis method used in
this thesis will be mostly qualitative. When researching the source material,
observations will be made on the source material and data is then analysed
based on predetermined structure using inductive process. This means that the
research examines the source material and data for common patterns and
similarities and based on this analysis a general theory is formed from the
source material [3 pp. 43]. Traditionally during qualitative research processes,
data analysis is conducted in parallel with data collection phases and is finalized
when data collection is finished. Action research however the data analysis
continues throughout the research process [3 pp. 36].
Third step of the acting phase is to execute a gap analysis for the collected and
pre-analysed data. A gap analysis means a method to measure current results
to the expected results. It tries to find missing or insufficient information,
strategies or processes between the current state and expected state. This
method then gives results for recommended actions which can be conducted to
achieve the expected state. [4]
Purpose of the gap analysis in the thesis is to compare each of the stages and
structure gathered and to create gap analysis matrix to be further analysed. In
the analysis, following key points are identified:
• Material used in the current process but not needed in the new IVD
development environment.
Based on the previous gap analysis and identified changes all results are
gathered to a single gap analysis matrix. All changes differences and change
request must be reasoned within the matrix based on the new IVD
requirements. From this structural document the first prototype can be
structured to be reviewed.
This stage also includes stakeholder workshops where the prototype design is
evaluated, and feedback is gathered to be implemented in the current process
prototype. The differences in the iterative process are most evident in this stage
of the process. The main iterative cycle is focused on the development phase
between the stakeholder workshops and process prototyping. The data
managed in the planning and acting stages cannot be influenced by the
development phase in the concept of the thesis. Therefore, the iterations are
restricted to the development phase only. Going back to previous phases is not
restricted during the action research process, but it is not defined as a regular
iterative cycle.
When this combined data retrieval phase is done, the interview material is
analysed, and feedback is gathered from stakeholders. After this all the
gathered information is combined and analysed; things that are already
implemented correctly to the current process, things that need to be integrated
to the current process, user needs for the new process and documentation of
the current process. This evaluation is done by prototyping and gathering
feedback from the stakeholders in an iterative process. This iterative
development includes conducting interviews and discussions with stakeholders
about their expectations on best practices to integrate these processes. This
also includes prototyping of the new high-level structure and process.
The last step of the development phase is to gather all the feedback and
changes from the previous step and create final prototype. This includes
creating a high-level process description and prototype to single document. The
document can be then presented and shared in the reflecting phase for
stakeholders and also for related groups outside the software development.
This stage also includes retrospective analysis on how the theoretical research
connects to the current designed process and documentation changes in the
new solution to evaluate the impact of the changes to the process and if
planned goals were achieved. If there are any pending items or change request
rising from the reflecting stage or the environments have been changed after
the final process has been finalized, the action process can be started from the
planning stage and the action research process can be executed as another
iterative round.
3 Background
This section explains the legislative background information for the thesis. The
focus is on the European Union (EU) and United States (US) market areas. This
section also explains what the regulatory organisations in each market area are
and what are the main legislative acts which need to be considered when
developing IVD software. The last two sub-chapters overview the harmonized
standards for these acts and how they related to software development
In the context of this thesis, two major regulative authorities and marketing
areas are being studied. The EU and US markets are the two major market
areas which the customer is focusing on so the path to market in these areas
are the most important ones. There are also other target areas but fulfilling the
requirements in these areas also fulfil the requirements in other secondary
market areas as they are or with minor adjustments. The next two chapters
explain the overall legislations and regulations related to these two main target
3.1.1 EU Legislation
The main legislative acts concerning medical devices are MDR (Medical Device
Regulation) EU 2017/745 and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device regulation
2017/746. Both, as all, regulations need to be applied as they are in all the
member states of the EU. The IVDR defines the purpose of the regulation:
The main objective is to define main regulative requirements for safety, quality,
and performance of IVD devices. This ensures that the devices in use in EU
area are safe and not a health risk to patients or users. Following the regulation
also guarantees that the device performance and reliability is in the level as
manufacturers state. [6 pp. 1]
The IVDR describes the methods that all the IVD medical device manufacturers
must follow to sell the devices in EU area. Device manufacturer must specify in
which risk category specified by the regulation the device belongs to. This can
be achieved by conducting formal risk analysis for the device and its intended
use. In addition to the risk analysis, manufacturer shall meet the general safety
and performance requirements specified in Annex I of the IVDR. The IVDR also
specifies a conformity assessment procedure for all devices which can be
conducted by the manufacturer. In particular cases for higher risk class devices,
a notified body must conduct the conformity assessment. In most cases
however the risk category is so low that manufacturer may conduct the
conformity assessment without involving a notified body. [5 pp. 27]
Fulfilling all the requirements set in the IVDR the manufacturer can obtain CE
(Conformité Européenne) marking for the device which is manufacturers
guarantee that the device has been developed according to EU regulations and
can be sold in the EU area as IVD device.
The main FDA branch which regulates medical devices and radio emitting
products is the CDRH (Center for Devices and Radiological Health). CDRH has
the role of evaluation safety and effectiveness of medical devices during
manufacturing processes and after the device reaches the market. [8]
There are also requirements to consider for the manufacturers to get IVD
devices to the US market. Device manufacturer must register the manufacturing
establishment to FDA database providing information about the manufacturing
facilities and import methods. The manufacturer is also responsible to register
their IVD product to medical device listing for FDA. This does not automatically
give the manufacturer permission to produce and distribute the device for US
market. To get permission, device manufacturer must define an intended use
for the product and do a risk analysis for the product related to its intended use.
Device manufacturer must also follow a quality system regulation requirement
intended for the specified IVD product, classify the device based on its intended
use and register its country of origin. The main regulation which manufacturers
must follow is 21 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 820. After these
processes, registrations and approvals, manufacturer can produce IVD products
for US markets. After the IVD device has been released to market, FDA
regulates the manufacturing, distribution, and customer feedback by conducting
audit to the manufacturing facilities and organization. [9]
This section focuses on defining and delimiting the scope of the evaluated IVD
requirements and what is the definition of IVD medical device and how software
is treated in the regulated environment. There is other legislation in the global
and local aspect affecting IVD products but in the context of the thesis, the
focus is on the IVD devices and especially software classified as IVD device or
as part of an IVD device.
IVD devices are medical devices which have specific intended use and fall
under the legislative requirements of medical devices and MDR. IVD devices
have more specific areas of use and both the EU and FDA have their own
definition of IVD medical device. The IVDR specifies IVD medical device as
FDA has its own definition for IVD devices the regulation The 21 CFR Part 809:
“In vitro diagnostic products for human use” specifies it as follows:
Both definitions have similar specifications for IVD devices, but the IVDR
definition is more detailed. In more simple terms the IVD devices are tests for
biological samples from human body to determine persons health. This includes
detecting and preventing diseases and other conditions, curing, and treating
diseases, and monitoring overall health. Examples of these IVD devises are
pregnancy tests, blood glucose tests, HIV and COVID-19 tests. [11]
Invasive products which are in direct contact with human body to obtain
specimens are not regulated by IVDR but MDR. IVD regulated test and devices
are always conducted outside the human without contacting or invading the
body tissue. [5 pp. 51]
Software can be qualified as IVD medical device if the medical device has
medical implications based on its intended use. When the manufacturer
describes the IVD medical device intended use, the software related to the
medical device or if the software itself is a medical device must have effect on
the classification or qualification of the medical device.
The IVDR further clarifies the software classification in context of IVD medical
The FDA regulations are not defining the IVD medical device software and
especially in so detail as the IVDR. The 21 CFR Part 809: “In vitro diagnostic
products for human use” does not differ IVD medical device software from the
IVD medical device definition. When compared to the IVD device definition it is
similar to the IVDR definition of medical device. The “General Principles of
Software Validation; Final Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff” which is an
FDA guidance for medical device manufacturer lists software related
specifications for which the guidance applies:
The FDA interpretation would also support the fact that if the software impacts
the device classification and qualification of the IVD medical device itself or as a
part of an IVD system, the software needs to be managed as regulated software
within EU and US marketing areas. [13 pp. 7]
To fulfil the requirements set by the regulations and requirements set by these
regulations, the manufacturer may use internationally recognized standards.
FDA designation for these standards is recognized consensus standard and EU
describes them as harmonized standards. Globally recognized standards can
be used to conform with the safety and performance requirements required by
the FDA IVD regulations and IVDR. These standards are made possible by
global working groups which include International Organisation for
Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
The most important requirement from both FDA and EU is that the manufacturer
must have Quality Management System (QMS) in place when manufacturing
and distributing IVD medical device. The purpose of these quality management
systems is to ensure that the products and services are provided with high
quality standards throughout the manufacturing organization. These quality
management systems describe processes and procedures which allow
manufacturers to demonstrate that they can manufacture IVD medical device
and services related to those products and that these meet the regulatory and
customer requirements defined to the products. The stages of device lifecycle
specified by the different quality management systems may include device
design and development processes, production processes, storage processes,
distribution processes, installation and servicing of the device and technical
support for the device. This also applies to suppliers and external services
which are used during the device life cycle. [5 pp. 100]
FDA uses its own quality management systems specifications which is a part of
Current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) requirements set by the
regulation 21 CFR Part 820 (QSR). This system allows manufacturers in US
market area to fulfil the same requirements as the ISO 13485 for IVD devices.
FDA has not yet approved the ISO 13485 to be recognized consensus
standard, but the FDA has issued a proposed rule on 23 rd of February 2022 to
align the quality management system regulations and include the ISO 13485 as
recognized consensus standard. [15]
Even though the US and EU market areas require different quality management
systems, the general structure and requirements can be traced between both
systems. Correlations between the two can be seen in Table 1.
ISO 13485:2016
Regulatory section QSR [16]
Based on this comparison and evaluation, the ISO 13485:2016 can be used
fulfil the requirements to a degree but using the standard does not automatically
fulfil the FDA regulation. QSR must be integrated to the manufacturers quality
management system to get the FDA approval.
The detail level of the whole software development process is dependent on the
Software Safety Class (SSC) which are defined in the IEC 62304. There are
three different SSCs: A, B and C. This safety class definition only applies to the
IEC 62304 standard and should not be mixed with medical device safety class
[5 pp. 68]. SSCs are specified in the IEC 62304 as follows:
Similarly, in QSR the estimated severity device inflicted injury is divided into
levels which are called Level of Concern (LOC). These levels are specified in
the Guidance for the Content of Premarket Submissions for Software Contained
in Medical Devices document. The levels describe the severity of injury caused
Safety Level of
Number Section Description
Class Concern
General Required
General requirements for for Level
4 for safety
Requirements the software of Concern
class [20]
manufacturer. [21]
manufacturer to
Quality Minor,
use and document
4.1 Management A, B, C Moderate,
the used quality
System Major
manufacturer to
comply with ISO
4.2 Risk Management A, B, C Moderate,
14971 risk
manufacturer to Minor,
Software Safety
4.3 assign safety class A, B, C Moderate,
for the regulated Major
Requirements for
Software Minor,
the software
5 Development A, B, C Moderate,
Process Major
Safety Level of
Number Section Description
Class Concern
Requirements for
Software Minor,
the software
5.1 Development A, B, C Moderate,
Planning Major
Requirements on
how to define and
Software Minor,
document software
5.2 Requirements A, B, C Moderate,
requirements from
Analysis Major
the system level
Requirements on
how to define and
document software Moderate,
5.3 Architectural B, C
architecture from Major
the software
Requirements for
Software Detailed software unit and
5.4 B, C N/A
Design interface design
Safety Level of
Number Section Description
Class Concern
Requirements for
software system Minor,
Software System
5.7 testing when testing A, B, C Moderate,
system Major
Requirements for
defining system
completion and
5.8 Software Release A, B, C N/A
requirements for
the released
Requirements for
software Moderate,
6 Maintenance A, B, C
maintenance Major
Requirements for
Problem and feedback, problem
6.2 Modification resolution process A, B, C
Analysis and evaluation
Safety Level of
Number Section Description
Class Concern
planning and
implementation for
the software
Requirements for
analysing software
Analysis of
contributing to
Software Minor,
7.1 Contributing to B, C Moderate,
situations, potential
Hazardous Major
causes, sequence
of events and
Requirements for
planning and
Risk Control documenting risk
7.2 B, C Moderate,
Measures control measures
for each identified
Requirements for
planning and
Verification of documenting Minor,
7.3 Risk Control verification B, C Moderate,
measures activities for each Major
risk control
Safety Level of
Number Section Description
Class Concern
Requirements for
Risk Management risk analysis and Minor,
7.4 of Software management for A, B, C Moderate,
Changes changes affecting Major
Requirements for
Configuration Moderate,
8 management A, B, C
Management Major
process including
configuration items
and SOUP.
Requirements for
Configuration identifying each Moderate,
8.1 A, B, C
Identification item in the software Major
Requirements for
change control
process when
8.2 Change Control changes are A, B, C
planned to be
implemented to the
Requirement for
Configuration manufacturer to Moderate,
8.3 A, B, C
Status Accounting retain records Major
history of the
Safety Level of
Number Section Description
Class Concern
configuration items.
Requirements for
Software Problem the software Minor,
9 Resolution problem resolution A, B, C Moderate,
Process process of the Major
software product.
When the safety class is defined, the IEC 62304 determines which
requirements are applicable for each class software. If the safety class is
determined to be class C after all risk management procedures, all
requirements apply to that software product. On the other hand, low risk class A
software is exempted from particular requirements which can be seen form
Table 2.
When all the requirements combined from the ISO 13485, QSR and IEC 62304
Table 3 shows the connection between each section of the requirement.
Regulatory section QSR [15] 13485:2016 62304:2006
[17] [20]
Software Safety
N/A N/A 4.3
Software Configuration
N/A N/A 8
addition to the design requirements from the QSR and ISO 13485 the IEC
62304 defines additional software related requirements. Based on this,
combining these structures to a similar process can be quite straightforward on
a higher level. Combining more detailed information on each requirement would
require additional work.
Figure 4 shows the IEC 62034 software development process workflow. This
workflow shows all the related process phase where requirements are applied.
Figure 4. IEC 62304:2006 software development process workflow [20 pp. 13].
This section explains the status of the customer’s software development process.
It also gives an overview of what kind of processes are currently used and what
documentation is available.
The first phase of determining the current development process was to gather
all the information from customer databases. It is known that the software
development process is not designed to be valid in IVD regulated environments,
its main purpose is to develop software for general laboratory use. It started by
going through the software development process and referenced standards.
Two main documents identified in the customer’s systems are the main process
description documents for product development process and the software
development process:
After this the focus moved to the software development process. When going
through the document, it was clear that the only reference was to the ISO
9001:2015 standard. This is clearly a custom software development process
and none of the current software development standards are referenced here.
This strengthens the assumption that there is no regulation related standards
Customer already has FDA and IVDR product and software development
process documented. However, this documentation is not in use in the
department which is expected to start developing software for IVD products.
The new documentation does not follow the same processes or SOPs that the
target environment is currently executing.
This section describes the practical research work based on the gathered
background data and current state analysis. The first phase includes data
collection and analysis which consist of gathering all the related data and
documentation for the gap analysis to be conducted and the first prototype to be
introduced to the stakeholders. The second phase is to execute the process
prototyping phase together with stakeholders to evaluate and get feedback for
the final process prototype. The prototyping phase will be executed in iterations
to get feedback for the prototypes as soon as possible. Third and fourth phase
represents the final process prototypes and review if the set targets were
achieved and if the process is ready to be put to production.
The focus of the data collection was to gather all the data from current state
documentation and organize the data in format which allows the best starting
point for gap analysis between the main two source material sets: current
software process and the new IVD process documentation. The data combines
all the sections from QSR, ISO 13485 and IEC 62034 requirements to a single
dataset in high level to show the overall structure to be basis of the gap
When looking at the gap analysis the main finds are that all the IVD specific
requirements are missing from the current process. For example, defining the
LOC and SSC are missing from the current process. This was expected since
the current process did not take IVD requirements into account. Other
significant difference was that some of the IVD related processes are not
defined in the current process in software level. These processes include:
Rest of the gaps include single items, process parts and deliverables which are
not included in the current process.
The gap analysis consists of seven different datasets in each column. First
column defines the main standard or regulation related to the requirements, the
second column describes the section number of each requirement in the related
standard or regulation. The third column defines the requirements form QSR,
ISO 13485 and IEC 62034. Fourth column describes if the requirements is
included in the current software development process. Fifth column describes
all the deliverables needed to be produced to comply with each requirement.
Sixth column describes if the requirement is included in the new process.
Seventh column includes initial analysis on the gap analysis for each
requirement. The whole gap analysis sheet can be found from Appendix 1.
The gap analysis results identified that the integrated process model requires
several new process phases and additional documentation. After the initial gap
analysis, it was also recognized that the main structure of the processes is
almost identical, so it will make further integration and prototyping a lot easier.
Since the new IVD process includes all the necessary requirements to be used
in IVD software development, the structure can be used to create the first
process prototype for software development. Based on the different
requirements for different SSC’s, there needs to be separate processes for
each safety classification combinations. In addition to these also GPLE and
RUO processes needs to be defined.
Based on the device classification and the requirements defined in the QSR,
ISO 13485, and IEC 62304 the GPLE, RUO, SSC level A and LOC level Minor
can be combined to a single process, SSC level B can be combined with LOC
level Moderate and SSC level C can be combined with LOC level Major. This
then produces three different process prototypes:
The process used in the prototyping phase will be the Process 1. After
discussion with the customers stakeholders, most future projects will be
developed for GPLE and RUO only use so this would be the most beneficial to
be developed further. Process 1 will also enable the product to be conforming to
SSC level A and LOC level minor environments without major modifications.
Process 1:
• Software Development
Supporting processes:
After the data collection phase, the first prototype for stakeholder evaluation
was done. This first prototype was used for peer analysis in workshops to
gather information, improvement ideas and additional comments from
stakeholders to improve the first prototype. This is to make sure that all the
stakeholders from different areas have overall picture of the process to be
develop and how it would affect each of their software development areas. In
the next subchapters, implementation and structure of the workshops are
The MVP is specification for the prototyping process which are required to be
achieved during the process development phase. The MVP is based on the
requirements defined in the Figure 3 where the high-level requirements are
introduced. The main specifications for the MVP are:
The first workshop session is structured to introduce the overall research, the
goals of the research project and overview of the new process prototype in high
level. Before each workshop session, agenda and the current prototype are
sent to the stakeholders to see the overview of the session and prepare for the
session beforehand. The structure and agenda for the sessions are:
Workshop sessions are stopped when no changes are requested in high level
and stakeholders are satisfied with the high-level process structure.
The workshop sessions were held during the November and December of 2022.
After each of the pre-planned session, some time was reserved for
implementing the changes based on the discussions in the workshops and
change requests rising from the individuals participating the meetings. All the
workshops followed the structure defined in section 5.2.2 and meeting minutes
were gathered during the sessions and then recorded after the sessions were
executed. All the meeting minutes can be found from Appendix 3.
The content and structure of the workshop sessions were as planned, and
many ideas and improvements were introduced during these meetings. All the
participants were motivated and willing to bring up their own ideas and views to
the discussions and to the process structure itself. The structure of the
workshops themselves was followed each time and since the structure was
identical in each session, the flow of the discussion was effortless. The
scheduled 1-hour time slot was adequate for most of the sessions but some of
the sessions might have benefitted from additional time. The final session did
not produce any major modifications of change requests so the participants
concluded that this would be the final formal workshop for this research.
Workshops were extremely helpful for building the process itself. Comparing to
the initial process prototype, multiple visual and structural changes were made,
more process phases were introduced to get more clear vision on how the
software development process fits the overall product development process.
There were also items missing from the initial process prototype which were
added during the workshops. All the generated actions points were executed
before each workshop sessions and shown to the participants during the
All the invited participants contributed to the discussion in some level. More
project and process-oriented participants had a good view on the higher level of
development process and more technical people had a more detailed view on
the individual process steps and documentation themselves. This led to a good
discussion on how the process is formed in high level process and product level
and in detailed day to day software development level.
The final process prototype was finished after the workshop sessions based on
the gathered feedback. All the changes and ideas found during the workshop
sessions were gathered to the final process prototype. Each individual change
can be found from the Table 4.
The overall structure of the final process prototype remains similar to the
original. The software development planning process, software development
process, software verification process and software transfer and release
process and supporting processes are in the same place as in the initial
process. This is because the process itself relies heavily on the used standards
and changing the overall structure would make the traceability to standards
more difficult. Following the overall standard structure will make changing or
updating the process easier as standards are updated in the future. Unique
numeral identifier from 1 to 6 was also introduced to each process phase to
easily identify the process sequence and individual process phases and
documents. The phase also defines the document number for each document
for the current software project. Example of process phase can be seen in
Figure 6.
There were some reviews identified in the initial structure but during the
workshops it was clear that more documents needed formal reviews in certain
phases of the application lifecycle. Required reviews were added to critical
documents and formal phase reviews including development phase review and
verification phase review. These phase reviews contain all the gathered
documentation and deliverables required for the specific phase and the purpose
is to finalize the previous process phase. Phase reviews and reviews for the
individual documents have unique symbol in the process which clearly
separates them from other documentation. Example of review can be seen in
Figure 7.
In addition to reviews, tasks are also introduced in the final process prototypes.
These tasks can be assigned to an individual who is responsible for that specific
document and contains template identifier which can be linked to a document
template. This template can be then used for that development phase to fulfil
the documentation requirements. Tasks are also indicated with unique icon in
the system, example can be seen in Figure 8.
One topic in the workshop discussion was that requirements specific for IVD
software products only, needs to be differentiated from the RUO/GPLE
requirements. This was implemented using two methods: Software
development plan now includes checklist for what process phases and
documentation needs to be included for IVD product based on LOC and SSC
and what needs to be included in the for the RUO/GPLE software products.
These requirements need to be analysed and reviewed for each individual
software project, so this was added as a requirement for software development
plan. Second indicator for separating IVD from RUO/GPLE was to tag all the
phases, tasks, and reviews to indicate that some of the items were only
required for IVD software products, example of the “IVD only” tag can be seen
in Figure 9.
Supporting processes for the software development process remain mostly the
same. Design History File process was added to the list because it was required
for IVD and RUO/GPLE products. Unique document number was added to also
supporting processes so that the documentation can be easily identified. The
list and details of the supporting processes can be seen in Figure 10.
The initial process prototype was used as a basis for the entire process and
used as a platform for the modifications. All the modifications shown in the
Table 4 were implemented into the final process prototype. Final process
prototype can be seen in Figure 11.
After the workshops and finalizing the process prototype it was time for the final
analysis and sharing the results. Comparing the final process prototype to the
specification of the MVP shows that all the required items were achieved:
Requirement Reasoning
Requirement Reasoning
Comparing the MVP and final process, all the set goals were achieved and
additional details which were not required were also introduced into the
process. All stakeholders were satisfied with the result as a good starting point
to further develop the process and process details. After these conclusions, the
results were ready to be shared. Results in the ALM were shared with the
stakeholders participating the workshops and the audience was also later
expanded to include software management, software development team
members and project management.
Future for the process is to include expertise from quality management and
regulatory experts from different product areas to give independent advice and
opinions to the process itself and that the process is feasible to implement in
regulated and non-regulated environments. This involvement and development
would finally lead to official SOPs describing the overall process and individual
phases. This would also include creating work instructions on how to create all
the necessary documentation on practical level.
During the current state analysis of the research, it was soon obvious that some
gaps were identified, and changes needed to be implemented for the current
process. The overall process however was similar between the two
environments and after the gap analysis it was soon clear that it was possible to
move from non-regulated environment to regulated one when concerning
software development. Since the current GPLE/RUO process was developed
based on ISO 13485:2016, the development process relied on current good
development practices but not as detailed as the IVD process documentation
which relied on more detailed IEC 62304:2006 standard. This showed that
using this standard is a good practice to also be utilized in other than regulated
environments. There were no major changes identified during the current state
analysis and data collection; some new processes and process phases and
some new documentation needs to be produced.
In the workshop phase the whole team concluded that IVD processes and
GPLE/RUO processes can have similar process and documentation structure
with the latter having fever requirements. Based on this observation, the
process was constructed identical to both software environments but with
different streamlined requirements for certain phases as described in the final
process prototype. Stakeholders participating the workshops were satisfied with
the overall results stating that the prototype is a good overview of the used
process phases, documents and reviews included and consensus was that
further development is necessary for the prototype before it can be included in
the product development.
Since the final process prototype was developed and implemented based on
the most low-risk LOC and SSC categories, some additional work was left to be
done. There are multiple additional process and documentation requirements
for higher risk software which are not included in this research. However, this
needs to be researched and implemented in the future process prototypes to
obtain all the requirements included in the process. Second future improvement
would be also to cover clinical evaluations and usability evaluations as part of
the overall product development process. Since the focus was on software
development part, these requirements were left out. These should be
considered when implementing the overall process in the future. This research
was very tightly focused on creating process prototype and therefore future
development is necessary for it to be usable in production environments. All the
related processes and process phases need a SOP documentation which is
then referenced in the process. Template files for each specified document to
be included in the ALM must be designed and created. All these need to be
gathered into a single software development lifecycle procedure which can then
be taken officially into use after quality and regulatory approvals. One
interesting point during the prototyping phase was that software design
description is not required for lower risk software. The customer stated that it
was customary practice to document software design description for all software
products in some level but there was no common way to do this. This needs to
be investigated in the future to determine, does the customer want to produce
design description for future projects even when it is not required for certain risk
Overall, the research project was quite challenging but in the end rewarding.
The results were conclusive and the MPV was achieved, and expectations were
surpassed by getting additional content and information to the final process
prototype. Using the action research approach and especially workshop type
development cycles were easy way to analyse the process in iterations and
motivated participants from several areas really helped to form the final result
which gave a great deal of insight to the author and also to the whole software
development team about processes in different environments.
5 Pitkänen H., Raunio L., Santavaara I., Ståhlberg T., European Medical
Device Regulations MDR & IVDR. Business Finland. 2020.
Standard Requirements form QSR, Current state process Included in the IVD
No. Required Deliverable Analysis
/Regulation ISO 13485, IEC 62304 phase process
Reference to 13485:2016
Reference to
Current development Reference to QSR and IEC
Quality Management Reference to IEC
IEC 62304 4.1 process does not Referenced in planning 62304 is missing from the
System 62304:2006
reference the required current processes.
Reference to 21 CFR
quality management
Part 820
24971:2020 24971:2020
Reference to IEC Reference to IEC
62304:2006 62304:2006
Software Development
IEC 62304 5
Appendix 1
4 (18)
Standard Requirements form QSR, Current state process Included in the IVD
No. Required Deliverable Analysis
/Regulation ISO 13485, IEC 62304 phase process
Risk Management
Defined in the current process
IEC 62304 Software Development Defined Risk Management Plan Plan, Risk
5.1 and required in the new process
Planning Management Report
IEC 62304, Software Hazard Software Hazard Defined in the current process
N/A Defined Software Hazard Analysis
QSR Analysis Analysis and required in the new process
Software Product Software Product Software Product Defined in the current process
QSR N/A Defined
Specifications Specification Document Specifications and required in the new process
Software Product
N/A Not defined Reviews for all the identified
Requirement Design Review
ISO 13485, documents are not defined in the
Design Review Design Review
QSR current process and required in
Software Product
N/A Not defined the new process
Specification Design Review
Appendix 1
9 (18)
Standard Requirements form QSR, Current state process Included in the IVD
No. Required Deliverable Analysis
/Regulation ISO 13485, IEC 62304 phase process
Software Architecture
N/A Not defined
Design Review
Software Maintenance
IEC 62304 6 Not defined
Process Software Maintenance, Software Maintenance Not defined in the current
Decommissioning and Process, separate process and required in the new
Establish software Disposal Plan process process
IEC 62304 6.1 Not defined
maintenance plan
Appendix 1
15 (18)
Standard Requirements form QSR, Current state process Included in the IVD
No. Required Deliverable Analysis
/Regulation ISO 13485, IEC 62304 phase process
Problem and
IEC 62304 6.2 Not defined
Modification Analysis
IEC 62304 6.3 Not defined
Risk management of
IEC 62304 7.4
software changes
Appendix 1
17 (18)
Standard Requirements form QSR, Current state process Included in the IVD
No. Required Deliverable Analysis
/Regulation ISO 13485, IEC 62304 phase process
Software configuration
IEC 62304 8
management Process
IEC 62304 8.1 Software Configuration Not defined in the current
identification Software configuration
Not defined Management Process, process and required in the new
Management Process
separate process process
IEC 62304 8.2 Change control
Configuration status
IEC 62304 8.3
Appendix 1
18 (18)
Standard Requirements form QSR, Current state process Included in the IVD
No. Required Deliverable Analysis
/Regulation ISO 13485, IEC 62304 phase process
• Software Development
Supporting processes:
• Software Development
o Software Integration
▪ Evidence of integration
Supporting processes:
• Software Development
▪ Software Integration
▪ Evidence of integration
Supporting processes:
• Software Architect
• Product Owner
• Minimum viable process was introduced, and scope was clarified even further.
• Initial process prototype was presented by going through each of the process
Action points:
• Use Excel to visualize the process more. This also adds ability to modify the
process more easily. Add also trace to ISO 9001, ISO 13485, and IEC 62304.
Next meeting:
It was decided with the participants that next meeting will be arranged when
action points are implemented, and next free slot is available for all participants
within 2 weeks.
Appendix 3
3 (8)
• Software Architect
• Product Owner
Action points:
• Which reviews are needed and in which phases of the process for each
Next meeting:
It was decided with the participants that next meeting will be arranged when
action points are implemented, and next free slot is available for all participants
within 2 weeks.
Appendix 3
5 (8)
• Software Architect
• Product Owner
o Review process was discussed and some of the initial review points
are not in logical place.
• Discussion arose around the different gate phases in RUO and IVD
processes. It was requested that all the gates outside the software process
could be visible in the overall view of the prototype.
Action points:
• Recheck the reviews and modify the process prototype to show them more
Next meeting:
It was decided with the participants that next meeting will be arranged when
action points are implemented, and next free slot is available for all participants
within 2 weeks.
Appendix 3
7 (8)
• Software Architect
• Product Owner
• In a final note, the participants agreed that this prototype was a good overview
of the processes and phases and a good continuing point to further develop
the process in more detailed level.
Action points:
• Add the final process prototype to the ALM system and share it with the
participants when done.
Next meeting:
It was decided with the participants the level of the process prototype is
sufficient at this point and that this workshop is the final one at this stage.