Zhang 2015
Zhang 2015
Zhang 2015
Abstract— This paper presents an energy harvester with at its resonant frequency. Previous energy harvesters, whose
microfabricated flexible coils (rolled and aligned to a magnet resonant frequency is tens or hundreds of hertz, are ineffective
array for maximum magnetic flux change) and magnetic spring in harvesting vibration energy at less than 10 Hz [9], [10].
to generate electrical power from human body motion. The
magnet array is suspended by a magnetic spring for a res- Thus, it is highly desirable to make the harvester’s resonant
onant frequency of several hertz. An analytical model of frequency less than 10 Hz, where many commonly available
vibration-driven energy harvester with magnetic spring through vibrations such as human body motion, bridge vibration, ocean
magnet and coil arrays is developed to explore the power wave, etc. are occurring. For scavenging traffic-induced bridge
generation with various magnet ranges and vibration amplitudes. vibrations, an electromagnetic energy harvester occupying
Experimental results show that the electromagnetic energy har-
vester with six 7-turn microfabricated coils (occupying 3.8 cc 68 cc was shown to generate an average power of 2.3 μW
and weighing 8.5 gram) generates an induced electromotive (into 1.5 k load) from 0.54 m/s2 acceleration at 2 Hz
force (EMF) of Vrms = 6.7 mV with 0.53-μW power output (about 3.4 mm vibration amplitude) [11]. Another electro-
(into 21- load) from 0.27-g acceleration at 8 Hz (corresponding magnetic power generator with stacked multilayer magnets
to 1.05-mm vibration amplitude). Its larger-scale version with occupying 18 cc generated an average power of 120 μW
sixteen 200-turn wire-wound coils (occupying 26 cc and weighing
98 gram) generates an EMF of Vrms = 1.3 V with 4.3-mW (into 680 load) from a root-mean-square (rms) acceleration
power output (into 100- load) from 0.5-g acceleration at 5.5 Hz of 0.25 m/s2 at 4.1 Hz [12]. To increase the power output at
(corresponding to 4.1-mm vibration amplitude). When the larger- low vibration frequency, the energy harvesters were developed
scale version of the energy harvester is placed in a backpack to convert low-frequency vibrations to a higher frequency by
of a human walking at various speeds, the power output is employing the frequency up-conversion technique [13], [14].
increased as the walking speed is increased from 0.45 m/s (slow
walking) to 2.68 m/s (slow running), and reaches 14.8 mW However, the resonant frequencies for these devices were still
at 2.68 m/s. [2014-0323] around 100 Hz, and much of the vibration energy was lost in
the conversion process.
Index Terms— Electromagnetic vibration-energy harvesting,
magnetic spring, flexible coils, magnet array, human body The kinetic energy from human body can be converted to
motion. electrical energy for powering portable devices. For example,
a suspended-load backpack consisting of a pinion gear and
I. I NTRODUCTION a set of springs fixed on a pack frame was developed to
Fig. 2. (a) Simulated spring constant versus displacement as a function of magnetic field intensities (Q T Q B ) for a proof mass of 40 gram. (b) Simulated
spring constant versus displacement as a function of proof mass for Q T Q B = 400 A2 m2 .
the two magnets is plotted for a given proof mass and magnetic near the initial position
field intensities of the magnets, as shown in Fig. 2a and 2b,
μ0 Q T Q B μ0 Q T Q B 1 2 3
respectively [24]. The spring constant varies with vibra- FM = = ( 2 + 3 z + 4 z2 · · · )
tion amplitude since the magnetic force has a non-linear 4π(r0 − z) 2 4π r0 r0 r0
relationship μ0 Q T Q B 1 2
with the displacement, and the resonant frequency ≈ ( 2 + 3 z). (3)
4π r0 r0
( f = 2π
m ) at initial position is calculated. As can be seen
in Fig. 2, the resonant frequency is decreased by increasing For a sinusoidal vibration y(t) = Y0 cosωt = Re{Y0 e j ωt } and
the magnetic field intensities (Q T Q B ) or decreasing the proof z(t) = Z 0 cos(ωt + θ ) = Re{Ze j ωt }, the complex constant
mass. of the relative displacement between the proof mass and the
For a vibration-driven power generator the absolute motions frame is
of the proof mass and the frame are x(t) and y(t), respectively,
while the relative displacement between the proof mass and mω2 Y0 mω2 Y0
Z = μ0 Q T Q B
the frame is z(t)(= x(t) − y(t)). The equation of motion for −ω2 m + j ωd + −ω2 m + j ωd + 2mg
2πr03 r0
the system is given by
(ω/ωn )2 Y0
= (4)
mz(t) + dz(t) + (FM − mg) = −my(t) (2) 1 − (ω/ωn )2 + j 2ζ ω/ωn
where d is damping constant. The FM in Eq. (2) can be where Y0 is the frame’s vibration amplitude or the
approximated with the following equation for a small vibration input vibration amplitude; ω is the vibration frequency;
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 3. Calculated magnitude and phase of the relative displacement amplitude Z 0 versus vibration frequency ω as a function of damping ratio ζ.
ωn (= 2g
= 4g μ0πmg where A0 (= ω2 Y0 ) is the acceleration amplitude. For a given
r0 Q T Q B ) is the resonant frequency;
vibration frequency, the EMF has a linear relationship with
ζ(= 2mω d
) is the damping ratio. From the equation for the the vibration amplitude Z 0 . Figure 3 indicates that Z 0 is less
resonant frequency, the initial distance (r0 ) between the two than Y0 at a frequency lower than ωn , decreasing rapidly as the
magnets can be used to estimate the resonant frequency. Also, vibration frequency decreases. This is fundamental reason why
the resonant frequency is decreased by increasing the magnetic the energy harvesters with high resonant frequency are inef-
field intensities (Q T Q B ) or decreasing the proof mass, which fective in harvesting energy from low-frequency vibrations.
increases the initial distance between the two magnets. Since At the resonant frequency, the EMF simplifies to
the initial distance (r0 ) between the two magnets is inversely
d A0 d m A0
proportional to the square of the resonant frequency, there is a
ε0− peak = = (7)
trade-off between the device volume and resonant frequency. dz 2ζ ωn dz d
The relationship between Z 0 and Y0 is dependent on the Since the damper (d) is consisted of the electrical
frequency ω and damping ratio ζ as shown in Fig. 3. Near the damping (de ) and mechanical damping (dm ), we have
resonant frequency ωn , Z 0 increases as the damping ratio ζ
decreases. But Z 0 is close to Y0 at a frequency significantly d = de + dm (8)
higher than ωn , as Eq. (4) simplifies to
where de (= 2mωn ζe ) is due to electrical resistive elements,
(ω = ωn ) while dm (= 2mωn ζm ) is due to mechanical damping. The
Z 0 = 2ζ (5)
Y0 (ω ωn ) generated electrical power is [26]
According to Faraday’s law, the zero-to-peak magnitude of 3
electromotive force (EMF) ε is proportional to the time-rate mζe Y02 ωωn ω3
Pe = (9)
change of magnetic flux through a coil, and is 2 2
d d dz d 1 − ωωn + 2ζ ωωn
ε0− peak = − = = ωZ 0
dt dz dt dz
At the resonant frequency, Eq. (9) simplifies to
d ω/ωn2
= A0
2 2 ω
2 mζe Y02 ωn3
1 − (ω/ωn ) + 2ζ ωn Pe = (10)
4ζ 2
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Fig. 4. Calculated relative displacement between two magnets of the magnetic spring (with 10 Hz resonant frequency) for a fixed input vibration amplitude
of 0.1 m: (a) versus time at 2, 3 and 4 Hz vibration frequency and (b) versus vibration frequency.
Thus, decreasing the proof mass for a lower resonant by solving Eq. (2). Thus, a numerical method is used with
frequency will reduce the electrical power output. Conse- MATLAB to estimate the relative motion between the proof
quently, increasing the magnetic field intensities (Q T Q B ) of mass and the frame for the magnetic spring with 10 Hz
the magnetic spring is a better way to lower the resonant resonant frequency at different vibration frequencies under a
frequency with less impact on the power output. fixed sinusoidal vibration with 0.1 m amplitude, as shown in
However, as the vibration amplitude increases, the variation Fig. 4. When the vibration frequency is lower than the resonant
of the spring constant cannot be neglected for a large relative frequency, the relative displacement amplitude is smaller than
displacement between the proof mass and the frame. Since the vibration amplitude, and increases as the vibration fre-
the magnetic force (FM ) is not linearly proportional to the quency increases (Fig. 4a). At a vibration frequency near and
relative displacement between the two magnets, the relative higher than the resonant frequency, the relative displacement
motion between the proof mass and the frame is not sinu- amplitude is close to the vibration amplitude, but the amplitude
soidal even under a sinusoidal vibration, and it is difficult value is not exactly same in each vibration period. Even
to express the relationship between the relative displacement though the displacement waveform is not sinusoidal, the non-
amplitude and the vibration amplitude with an exact solution linear magnetic suspension system still shows the relative
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 5. (a) Calculated magnetic field distribution of the array of two alternating north- and south-orientation magnets passing through a coil. (b) Calculated
magnetic field distribution of the array of four alternating north- and south-orientation magnets passing through a coil. The simulated output voltage in time
as a function of the displacement amplitude from 0.1 to 12.7 mm (c) and from 19.1 to 38.1 mm (d) for two magnets. The simulated output voltage in time
as a function of the displacement amplitude from 0.1 to 12.7 mm (e) and from 19.1 to 38.1 mm (f) for four magnets. (g) The rms values of the simulated
EMFs versus the displacement amplitude.
displacement’s dependency on the input-vibration frequency The magnet array with alternating north- and south-
that is typical of a linear system. The parameters used in the orientation provides a rapidly changing magnetic field, and
calculation are listed in Table II. a high power level has been generated when the magnet
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 6. Brief microfabrication process of the flexible coils: (a) Spin photoresist and deposit parylene. (b) Deposit and pattern Ti/Cu for connection between
the coils. (c) Deposit and pattern parylene isolation layer. (d) Electroplate copper coils. (e) Dice the wafer to expose photoresist. (f) Lift-off to release the
coils. (g) Roll the coils on a teflon cylinder.
array vibrates to make the boundary between the magnets output voltage with multiple cycles with the number of the
pass through the coil array. The relative displacement between cycles increasing as the vibration amplitude increases. It is
the magnet and coil arrays in response to external vibrations noted that the peak value in each of the multi-cycle waveform
causes the magnetic flux () to vary through the coils, and the is different from one another, since the vibration velocity of
magnetic flux () through a multi-turn coil is obtained with the magnet array (with respect to the coil) varies sinusoidally
n n → −
− → in time.
= i = ( B · d Si ) (11) The rms values of the output voltages are calculated from
i=1 i=1 Si
the measured waveforms in Figs. 5c, 5d, 5e and 5f, and are
where n is number of coil turns; i is magnetic flux through shown to increase almost linearly as the vibration amplitude
the i t h coil; B is magnetic flux density; Si is area of the increases for the array of four magnets (Fig. 5g). With multiple
i t h coil. The magnetic flux () is a numerical integral of cycles of magnetic flux change in each mechanical cycle,
magnetic flux density which is obtained by COMSOL sim- the high energy-conversion efficiency through the magnet and
ulation, and the EMF is calculated by ε = − d dt
when the
coil arrays is maintained even at a large vibration amplitude.
magnet array vibrates in the direction parallel to its surface. For an array of two magnets, when the magnets move out
Here we assume that the magnet array vibrates sinusoidally of the coil (for example, the vibration displacement from
with vibration displacement between the magnets and coils 19.1 to 38.1 mm), the voltages increase at a lower rate. Thus,
from 0.1 to 38.1 mm. A 100-turn coil is located at the height the maximum relative displacement between the coils and
of 250 μm over the magnet surface. The values used in the magnets needs to be within the range of the magnets for high
simulations are listed in Table III. energy-conversion efficiency.
The magnetic flux density (Bz ) along the direction parallel
to the planar surface (y-direction) for an array of two magnets
and four magnets (12.7 × 12.7 × 3.2 mm3 ) with alternat- III. FABRICATION
ing north- and south-orientation is shown in Figs. 5a and 5b, The coil array has been fabricated on a flexible parylene
respectively. The simulated output-voltage waveforms for film in a microfabrication process as shown in Fig. 6. First,
various input vibration amplitudes in one mechanical cycle photoresist AZ4620 is spin-coated on a silicon wafer as a
are shown in Figs. 5c and 5d for two magnets, and sacrificial layer, and 8 μm thick parylene is deposited to
in Figs. 5e and 5f for four magnets. The output voltage peaks cover the whole wafer. After a Ti/Cu (10 nm/200 nm) is
when the magnet-to-magnet boundary passes through the coil, deposited by E-beam evaporator and patterned for connec-
and the peak value increases as the displacement increases, as tion between the coils, 1 μm thick parylene is deposited
expected from Eq. (6). For two magnets, when the magnets for isolation and patterned to form via holes. Another
move out of the coil (i.e., the vibration displacement is Ti/Cu (10 nm/200 nm) is deposited as a seed layer, and then
increased from 19.1 to 38.1 mm), the output voltage is near photoresist AZ4620 is spin-coated and patterned to obtain
zero for a relatively long time during the vibration as shown a mold for the copper coil. After 25 μm thick copper is
in Fig. 5d. For four magnets, the magnet array provides mul- electroplated on the front side, the photoresist is removed in
tiple cycles of magnetic flux change in each mechanical cycle acetone, and the seed layer is etched away. The wafer is then
when the vibration amplitude is large enough for the multi- partially diced to expose the photoresist sacrificial layer, and
pole magnets to pass through the coil. Thus, one mechanical the coils embedded in 9 μm thick parylene are released by a
cycle of a large vibration amplitude produces an electrical lift-off process. Six 7-turn coils of 25 μm thick electroplated
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 7. (a) Photos of the coils on a released parylene film. (b) Side-view and (c) top-view photos of the energy harvester with microfabricated flexible coils
and magnetic spring. (d) Magnet array suspended by the magnetic spring in the teflon cylinder.
copper are connected in series by another copper layer through to be 5.8 Hz from ωn = 2g r0 . The energy harvester II was
via holes on the flexible parylene film, rolled and fixed by measured to show a 4 Hz resonant frequency since stronger
two pieces of tape at the joining edge on the cylinder which magnets were used in the magnetic spring with 4 cm initial
is used to house the generator as shown in Figs. 7a and 7b. distance [24]. The detailed parameters of the energy harvester
Four diametrically magnetized magnets (6.4 mm in diameter, with microfabricated flexible coils and the larger-scale energy
3.2 mm in thickness) are suspended by the magnetic spring harvesters are listed in Table IV-VI.
with an initial distance of 8 mm in a teflon cylinder (of which
the wall thickness is 1.5 mm), and surrounded by the coils IV. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
aligned to the boundary between the magnets, as shown The energy harvesters are characterized with a vibra-
in Figs. 7c and 7d. The resonant frequency is estimated to be tion shaker system, which includes a function generator,
power amplifier, shaker table, laser Doppler displacement
7.9 Hz from ωn = 2g r0 . Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets (grade meter (LDDM) and oscilloscope. The shaker table provides the
N52 from K&J Magnetics, Inc.), which are the strongest
vibration, while the function generator controls the vibration
commercial magnets for the size, are used to provide the
frequency and amplitude. The vibration amplitude is measured
magnetic field.
with the LDDM, while the EMF from the power generator
Based on the same principle, a larger-scale energy
is observed at the oscilloscope. With the rms values of the
harvester I (occupying 1 × 2.6 × 10 cm3 and weighing
voltages that are obtained from the waveforms, the power
98 gram) and energy harvester II (occupying 2 × 3 × 20 cm3 outputs delivered to the loads of various resistances can be
and weighing 180 gram) scaled up to ten magnets and sixteen calculated.
coils have been fabricated, and shown to generate enough
power to light up a light-emitting diode, when shaken by a A. Energy Harvester With Microfabricated Flexible Coils
hand at a few Hz, as shown in Figs. 8a-8c. Sixteen coils wound For the energy harvester with four disk magnets and
by a coil winder are arranged over the boundaries between six microfabricated flexible 7-turn coils, the measured EMFs
the magnets of the 2 × 5 magnet array in a laser-machined as a function of vibration frequency at various input accelera-
plastic cylinder (that houses the harvester). For the energy tions are shown in Fig. 9a. At a fixed acceleration, the EMFs
harvester I, the magnetic spring with an initial distance of depend on the vibration frequency, peaking at the resonant
1.5 cm between the two magnets is used to suspend the magnet frequency. From the acceleration of 0.27 g at the resonant fre-
array in the prototype, and the resonant frequency is estimated quency of 8 Hz, close to the theoretical resonant frequency of
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 9. Measured EMF of the energy harvester with microfabricated flexible coils: (a) EMF versus vibration frequency as a function of accelerations and
(b) EMF and power output (into 21 load) versus input acceleration at the resonant frequency.
energy harvesters, as shown in Table VII. Since a larger input of 5.5 Hz, our energy harvester with volume of 26 cm3
acceleration brings in a larger damping, FOM typically drops produces highest power density (0.16 mW/cm3 ) and best FOM
as the input acceleration increases. At the resonant frequency (0.64 mW/cm3 /g2 ) from 0.5 g acceleration, although higher
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 10. Measured EMF of the larger-scale energy harvester I (26 cc, 98 gram): (a) EMF versus vibration frequency as a function of acceleration, (b) EMF
and power output (into 100 load) versus input acceleration at 5.5 Hz, and (c) EMF and power output (into 100 load) versus input acceleration at 2 Hz.
FOMs of 1.2 and 0.7 mW/cm3 /g2 are reported with a large The power output increases as the walking speed increases
volume of 500 cm3 in [18] and at a lower acceleration of since both the vibration frequency and amplitude increase. The
0.04 g in [22], respectively. power output from the energy harvester I increases rapidly,
as the walking speed increases beyond 2 m/s (slow running),
C. Harvesting Energy From Human Body’s and reaches 14.8 mW at 2.68 m/s. The speed higher than
Walking/Running Motion 2 m/s corresponds to running, and provides larger vibration
When the larger-scale energy harvester I is placed in a amplitude than walking condition, in addition to increased
backpack of a human walking at various speeds, the harvester vibration frequency. This causes the power level to increase
produces mW level of power from a walking motion. The rapidly as the walking speed increases beyond 2 m/s.
measured output voltages at walking speeds of 0.45, 1.12 and When the larger-scale energy harvester II with 4 Hz resonant
2.68 m/s are shown in Figs. 11a, 11b and 11c, respectively. frequency was placed in a backpack of a human walking, it
From the output–voltage waveforms, we see that the most showed higher power outputs of 25.6 mW at 2.68 m/s and
electrical powers are at 1.33, 1.67 and 2.86 Hz for 0.45, 1.12 32 mW at 3.58 m/s [24]. As the walking speed increases, the
and 2.68 m/s walking speed, respectively, similar to where frequency gets closer to the resonant frequency (4 Hz) of the
the most mechanical powers are for those walking paces. harvester II, and the relative motion between the magnet and
As the walking speed increases, the peak value of the output coil array increases rapidly. In case of the energy harvester I
voltage increases, and the frequency (where most mechanical with 1.5 cm initial distance, increasing the walking speed
power resides) also increases. The maximum power outputs beyond 2.68 m/s does not generate any higher power due to the
as a function of walking speed for the larger-scale energy hitting of magnets in the magnetic spring. But for the energy
harvesters I and II are shown and compared in Fig. 11d. harvester II, the 4 cm initial distance between the two stronger
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 11. Measured output voltage of the larger-scale electromagnetic energy harvester I (26 cc, 96 gram): (a) output voltage at a walking speed of 0.45 m/s
(b) output voltage at a walking speed of 1.12 m/s, (c) output voltage at a walking speed of 2.68 m/s, and (d) power output versus the walking speed for the
larger-scale energy harvesters I (weak magnetic spring) and II (strong magnetic spring).
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and allows the harvester to work at a higher waking speed circuit is needed to drive a resistive load, as the harvesters
without the magnets hitting each other. The harvester’s weight can drive any resistive loads (e.g., incandescent light bulbs,
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
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nets,” J. Microelectromech. Syst., doi: 10.1109/JMEMS.2014.2332165. Qian Zhang received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
[9] P. D. Mitcheson, E. M. Yeatman, G. K. Rao, A. S. Holmes, and from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2006
T. C. Green, “Energy harvesting from human and machine motion for and 2009, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from
wireless electronic devices,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 96, no. 9, pp. 1457–1486, the University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
Sep. 2008. CA, USA, in 2014, where he is currently a Post-
[10] M. Mizuno and D. G. Chetwynd, “Investigation of a resonance micro- Doctoral Researcher in Electrical Engineering.
generator,” J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 209–216, 2003. His research interests include power MEMS, elec-
[11] T. V. Galchev, J. McCullagh, R. L. Peterson, and K. Najafi, “Harvesting tromagnetic transducers, and vibration-driven energy
traffic-induced vibrations for structural health monitoring of bridges,” harvesting.
J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 104005-1–104005-13,
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Yufeng Wang received the B.S. and M.S. degrees Eun Sok Kim (M’91–SM’01–F’11) received the
from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2009 B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the University
and 2012, respectively. He is currently pursuing of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA, in
the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering with the 1982, 1987, and 1990, respectively, all in electrical
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, engineering.
CA, USA. He joined the University of Southern California,
His research interests include piezoelectric micro- Los Angeles, CA, in Fall 1999, where he is currently
machined ultrasonic transducers, electromagnetic a Professor and the Chair of the Ming Hsieh Depart-
transducers, and vibration-driven energy harvesting. ment of Electrical Engineering-Electrophysics. From
Spring 1991 to Fall 1999, he was with the Depart-
ment of Electrical Engineering, University of Hawaii
at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA, as a Faculty Member. He was with the IBM
Research Laboratory, San Jose, CA; NCR Corporation, San Diego, CA; and
Xicor Inc., Milpitas, CA, as an Intern, a Design Engineer, and a Summer-
Student Engineer, respectively.
Prof. Kim is an Expert in piezoelectric and acoustic MEMS, has authored
about 200 refereed papers, and holds 10 issued patents, but has recently
launched a research program on electromagnetic vibration-energy harvest-
ing. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics. He serves as an Edi-
ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, and is on the Editorial
Board of the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. He was
a recipient of the Research Initiation Award from 1991 to 1993 and the
Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award by the National Science
Foundation. He received the Outstanding Electrical Engineering Faculty of the
Year Award at the University of Hawaii in 1996 and the IEEE T RANSACTIONS
Award in 2006.