Electricalenergygenerator PDF
Electricalenergygenerator PDF
Electricalenergygenerator PDF
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Electric Energy Generator [1]. According to a study by National Renewable Energy
Laboratory wind energy is the fastest growing electricity-
Chih-Ta Chen, Rashed Adnan Islam, and Shashank Priya generating technology in the world.1 In the past 10 years,
global installations of wind energy systems have grown at
Abstract—This study reports an extremely cost-effective least tenfold—from a total capacity of 2.8 gigawatts (GW)
mechanism for converting wind energy into electric en-
in 1993 to almost 40 GW at the close of 2003. In the United
ergy using piezoelectric bimorph actuators at small scale.
The total dimensions of the electric energy generator are States, wind energy installations tripled in only 5 years
5:08 11:6 7:7 cm3 . The rectangular, box-shaped body from 2000 MW in 1998 to more than 6000 MW in late
of the overall structure is made using 3.2-mm thick plastic. 2003.1
Slits are made on two opposite faces of the box so that two In spite of this continuing success of windmills at large
columns and six rows of bimorph actuators can be inserted.
Each row of bimorph actuators is separated from each other
scale, there have been very few attempts on the devel-
by a gap of 6 mm, and the two columns of bimorphs are sep- opment of small-scale wind electric plant [2]. If small
arated from each other by a gap of 6.35 mm. In between scale wind-electric plants generating power in the range of
the two columns, a cylindrical rod is inserted consisting of 100 mW having dimensions of a few cubic centimeters and
six rectangular hooks. The hooks are positioned in such a costing around $5–$10 can be fabricated, then it can offer
way that each of them just touches the two bimorphs on
either side in a particular row. As the wind flows across the
an attractive solution to various common household needs.
generator, it creates a rotary motion on the attached fan Multiple small windmills located around the house-fence
that is converted into vertical motion of the cylindrical rod can run security systems and power night lamps. In farm
using the cam-shaft mechanism. This vertical motion of the houses, a larger version of such small-scale windmills can
cylindrical rod creates oscillating stress on the bimorphs be used for powering the signal lights (consisting of multi-
due to attached hooks. The bimorphs produce output volt-
age proportional to the applied oscillating stress through
ple LEDs requiring power in the range of 10–50 mW), var-
piezoelectric effect. The prototype fabricated in this study ious sensors (temperature, pressure, etc. requiring power
was found to generate 1.2 mW power at a wind speed of in the range of ∼10 mW) and wireless communication
12 mph across the load of 1.7 kΩ. stations (windmills acting as a centralized power source)
[3], [4].
Typical applications for the use of piezoelectric energy
I. Introduction harvesting have inherent and obvious forms of energy to
capture, store, and use. Examples include active sports
odern wind turbines generate electricity using slen-
M der aerodynamic blades and tall towers. A large,
whole-house windmill often produces 8,000 to 12,000 W
equipment such as tennis racquets and skis that use strain
to power actuators for feedback control loops, and watches
that use body motion to supply power. Other suggested
of electricity having a blade diameter of 20 ft or more and applications include the use of aircraft engine vibrations,
weighing around 15–20 pounds. An average speed of 10 airflow over wings, and vibrations induced by driving. The
to 11 mph is typically needed to make the electricity eco- electric power generated can be stored in a capacitor, or
nomically feasible; however, some windmill designs begin miniaturized Li-ion batteries, or it can be immediately
producing electricity at a wind speed as low as 8 mph. used for powering [5]. The process of mechanical to electri-
Generally, windmills are designed so maximum efficiency cal conversion is lossy in nature and depends on the design
occurs at wind velocities of about 18 mph [1]. Efficiency and implementation of the transduction scheme, rectifying
is dependent on wind velocity, and average operating ef- and storage methods, frequency and stress amplitudes, re-
ficiencies usually are about 20%. At low air velocity, ef- sponse time of piezoelectric, and loads.
ficiency can be lower than 20%. Wind power density is Engines and electrical motors in many common ma-
a term commonly used to describe the mechanical power chines can be used for tapping into the stray vibrations
available per unit area swept by the blades. Roughly, wind to produce electricity. A car delivers vibrations between 50
power density is equal to 0.056 ν 3 where ν is in miles per and 120 Hz with a force of 500 kgf, and a farm house feeder
hour and assuming the density of air as unity. It can be provides vibrations of 10–15 Hz with a vertical oscillation
seen from this expression that a large amount of power is load of 350 kg. Previously, Kim et al. have demonstrated
available even with nominal wind velocities and efficien- the capability of harvesting the electrical energy from me-
cies of the order of 10–20%. The efficiency of the windmill chanical vibrations in a dynamic environment through a
can be increased by optimizing the size and, in fact, large cymbal piezoelectric transducer [6], [7]. The mechanical
windmills operate at maximum efficiencies of about 40% vibrations were in the range of 50–150 Hz with force am-
plitude of the order of 10 N. The metal cap enhances the
Manuscript received May 27, 2005; accepted September 23, 2005.
The authors are with the Materials Science and Engineering De-
partment, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019. 1 Website: http://www.nrel.gov/features/
c 2006 IEEE
chen et al.: mechanism for converting wind energy to electric energy 657
keff = 1− , (5)
which for the present case comes out to be about 1 kΩ. This
magnitude of the matching impedance is in good range for
incorporating it with the charging circuits. A low magni-
tude of the matching load is required because the batteries
or other external devices have impedances of the order of
a few tens of ohms [11].
It was found that, at a given wind speed, the frequency
of the oscillation saturates and the power attains a con-
stant magnitude. The power increases with increasing wind
speed, which is related to the increment in the frequency.
Fig. 7(a) shows the variation of the power as a function of
the frequency. A linear variation was obtained that is ex-
pected from (1). At the frequency of 12 Hz, the magnitude
of generated power was 1.2 mW across the 1.7 kΩ load.
This magnitude is slightly higher than the calculated value
Fig. 7. (a) Variation of the power as a function of the frequency.
using the equivalent circuit. The reason for this difference
(b) Power-speed relationship for the fabricated generator.
can be associated to the higher bimorph displacement than
chen et al.: mechanism for converting wind energy to electric energy 661
the 0.5 mm (measured using the polytec laser vibrometer) load. The measured power was found to be in agreement
and change in the magnitude of the capacitance under dy- with the prediction based on an equivalent circuit.
namic conditions. The exact real-time displacement of the
bimorph is difficult to be measured at the higher oscillating
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