Ellen Goldring
Ellen Goldring
Ellen Goldring
2020 Peabody College-Outstanding Faculty Colleague Award (for mentoring of junior faculty,
and research support )
2019-current Faculty Affiliate, Tennessee Education Research Alliance (TERA)
2019- 2024 Editor-in-Chief, American Education Research Journal
2018-current Senior Research Fellow, Asian Pacific Center for Leadership and Change
The Education University of Hong Kong
2016 Roald F. Campbell Lifetime Achievement Award, University Council of Educational
2015-22 Eduscholar Top Influential Education Policy Scholars
2013- International Associate of the newly formed Robert Owen Centre Educational Change at
the University of Glasgow.
2013 Vice President, Division L Politics and Policy, American Education Research
2011 International Academic Board Member, The Institute for the Management and
Economics of Education (IBB), Switzerland
2011 Advisory Board, Consortium for Applied Studies in Jewish Education (CASJE)
2010 American Educational Research Association Fellow
2009 Senior Research Fellow and Board Member, Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and
Change, The Hong Kong Institute of Education
2009 Patricia and Rodes Hart Endowed Chair
2009 Outstanding Journal Article, Journal of Educational Administration
2006 National Academy of Education/AERA, Committee on the Education Research Doctorate
2005 Learning Sciences Institute Fellow, Vanderbilt University
2004 Alexander Heard Distinguished Service Professor, Vanderbilt University
2004 Testimony before the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, United
States Senate, Hearing on “Pell Grants for Kids”
2003 Co-editor, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
2002 Peabody College Distinguished Lecturer Award Alumni Association
2002 Member, Task Force on Developing Research to Improve Educational Leadership;
Division A-American Educational Research Association, The Laboratory for Student
Success, and the University Council for School Administration
2001 Glassman Fellow, Visiting Scholar, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
1999 Selected as participant for “A Study of Productive and Influential Scholars in Educational
Administration” AERA-Division A
2020-2022 Principal Pipeline Learning Community (PPLC): Readiness and Strategies for
Accelerated Take-Up, Wallace Foundation, Co-PI, $600,000
2019-2020 A Research Synthesis of the Role of Assistant Principals and Pathways to the
Principalship, Wallace Foundation, Co-PI, $630,000.
2014-2019 Evaluation and Analysis of the Principal Supervisor Initiative (Principal Investigator
at VU), Wallace Foundation, $2,500,000.
2013-2014 Examining the Updated SAM (School Administration Manager) Process with
Consideration of the Potential for a Randomized Control Trial, (Principal
Investigator), Wallace Foundation, $125,000
2012-2014 Supporting Principals to Use Teacher Effectiveness Measures for Human Capital
Decisions, (Principal Investigator), Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation, $ 590,000.
2007 Does Race Matter? The Shifting Landscape of School Desegregation in American
Cities, (Co-PI,) Vanderbilt Center for Nashville Studies, $39,200.
2007, 2009 School Principal Development and Leadership Evaluation in China, Vanderbilt
International Office, $25,000.
2006-2009 Opening the Black Box of Choice and Regular Public Schools: A Study of
Achievement Growth, Instruction and Alignment (Co-principal Investigator, with
Mark Berends), Institute for Educational Sciences, $3,000,000
2005-2010 Center on School Choice, Competition and Achievement (Investigator, with Mark
Berends, PI), Institute of Education Sciences, $10,000,000.
2004-2006 Public School Choice: Magnet Schools, Peer Effects, and Student Achievement,
(Principal Investigator), Institute of Education Sciences, $457,452.
2002-2003 Institute for School Leadership: First Year Evaluation, (Co-Principal Investigator
with Nancy Vye),VU, Learning Sciences Institute $58,000
Berends, M., Cannata, M., and Goldring, E. (eds). (2011). School Choice and School
Improvement: Research in State, District and Community Contexts. Boston: Harvard
Education Press.
Crowson, R., Goldring, E., & Hanes, K. (2010). Successful Schools and the Community
Relationship. CA: McCutchan Publishing.
Crowson, R., & Goldring, E. (eds), (2009). The New Localism in American Education, Volume I,
National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE) Yearbook. New York: Wiley.
Militello, M. Rallis, S., & Goldring, E., (2009). Leading with Inquiry and Action. Newbury
Park, CA: Corwin Press. (Also translated into Chinese)
Smrekar, C., & Goldring, E. (Eds). (2009). From the Courtroom to the Classroom: The Shifting
Landscape of School Desegregation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Goldring, E., and Berends, M. (2008). Leading with Data: A Path to School Improvement.
Newbury Park, CA: Corwin Press. (Also translated into Chinese)
Goldring, E., & Rallis, S. (2000). Principals of Dynamic Schools: Taking Charge of Change
(2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Corwin/Sage.
Smrekar, C., & Goldring, E. (1999). School Choice in Urban America: Magnet Schools and the
Pursuit of Equity. New York: Teachers College Press.
Goldring, E., & Rallis, S. (1993). Principals of Dynamic Schools: Taking Charge of Change.
Newbury Park, CA: Corwin/Sage.
ARTICLES (*student)
Moyer, A.* & Goldring, E. (revise and resubmit). Match or Mismatch? Assistant Principals’ Roles and
Their Perceptions of the Evaluation System. Educational Administration Quarterly.
Carroll, K,* Goldring, E., Patrick S,* ( 2021). School Factors that Promote Teacher Collaboration:
Teacher Collaboration and the Tennessee Instructional Partnership Initiative. American Journal
of Education, 127(4), 501-530.
Patrick, S. K., *Rogers, L. K.*, Goldring, E., & Neumerski, C., & Robinson, V., (2021). Opening the
Black Box of Leadership Coaching. Journal of Educational Administration, 59 (5), 549-563.
Goldring, E., Grissom, J., Blissert R*., Neumerski, C. (2020). The Search for
Principal Effectiveness: Increasing Principals’ Time on Instructional Leadership through the
SAM® Process. Journal of Educational Administration. 58 (1), 19-37.
Huff, J.*, Preston, C.*, Goldring, E. (2018) Learning-Centered Leadership Practices for Effective High
Schools Serving At-Risk Students. Teacher College Record, 120, (9)1-38.
Neumerski, C. A., Grissom, J. Goldring, E., Mollie Rubin, Marisa Cannata, Patrick Schuermann, and
Timothy A. Drake *(2018). Restructuring Instructional Leadership: How Multiple-Measure
Teacher Evaluation Systems Are Redefining the Role of the School Principal. The Elementary
School Journal, 119(2), 270–297.
Rubin, M, Patrick, S. K.*, and Goldring, E. (2017). Make It Quick or Make It Last? Dilemmas in the
Implementation of a High School Improvement Reform,” Peabody Journal of Education. 29(5),
Torres, D.*, Drake, T*. Preston, C,* Cannata, M., Goldring, E. (2017). Bringing
Student Responsibility to Life: Avenues to Personalizing High Schools for Student Success,
Journal of Education for Students Placed At Risk, 22(3), 129-145.
Grissom, J A., Rubin, M , Goldring, E, Cannata, M , Drake, T ,* Neumerski, C, and Patrick S. (2017) .
Central Office Supports for Data-Driven Talent Management Decisions: Evidence from the
Implementation of New Systems for Measuring Teacher Effectiveness. Educational Researcher.
46(1) 21-32.
Cannata, M., Rubin, M., Goldring, E., Grissom, J. A., Neumerski, C., M., Drake, T.*, Schuermann, P.,
(2017). Using Teacher Effectiveness Data for Information Rich Hiring, Educational
Administration Quarterly. 53(2) 180–222.
*Voted Subscribers’ Personal Favorite Study of 2017, National Council on Teacher Quality
(NCTQ) Teacher Quality Bulletin
Cravens, X., Drake, T*., Jackins, L*, Goldring, E., (2017). Teacher Peer Excellence Groups (TPEGs):
Building Communities of Practice for Instructional Improvement. Journal of Educational
Administration, 55( 5), 526-551.
Preston, C.*, Goldring, E., Guthrie, J. E.*, Ramsey, R & Huff, J. (2017): Conceptualizing Essential
Components of Effective High Schools, Leadership and Policy in Schools, 16(4), 525-562
Goff, P*. Goldring, E. (2016). The best laid plans: Pay for performance incentive programs for school
leaders. Journal of Education Finance, 42(2), 127-151.
Minor, E. C., Porter, A. C., Murphy, J., Goldring, E., & Elliott, S. N. (2016). A test-retest analysis of the
Vanderbilt Assessment for Leadership in Education in the USA. Educational Assessment,
Evaluation and Accountability, 1-14.
Camburn, E., Goldring, E., Sebastian, J., May, H., & Huff, J *(2016). An Examination of the Benefits,
Limitations and Challenges of Conducting Randomized Experiments with Principals. Educational
Administration Quarterly. 52, (2), 187-220.
Murphy, J. Neumerski, C., Goldring, E., Grissom, J., Porter, A. (2015). Bottling Fog? The
Quest for Instructional Management. Cambridge Journal of Education. 1-17.
Goldring, E. Cravens, X,* et al (2015). The convergent and divergent validity of the Vanderbilt
Assessment of Leadership in Education (VAL-ED): Instructional leadership and emotional
intelligence. Journal of Educational Administration 53(2) 177-196.
Goldring, E., Mavrogordato, M.*, Hayes, K. T.* (2015) Multi-Source Principal Evaluation
Data: How Principals Approach, Interpret and Use Teacher Feedback Regarding Their
Leadership Effectiveness. Educational Administration Quarterly 51 (4),572-599.
Goff, P,* Goldring, E., Bickman, L (2014). Predicting the gap: Perceptual congruence between American
principals and their teachers’ ratings of leadership effectiveness. Educational Assessment
Evaluation and Accountability 26(4) 333-359.
Goff, P.*, Guthrie, J. E.*, Goldring, E., Bickman, L. (2014). Changing Principals’ Leadership
through Feedback and Coaching: The Results of a Longitudinal Intervention. Journal of
Educational Administration. 52(5), 682-704.
Covay Minor, E., Porter, A., Murphy, J., Goldring, E., Cravens, X.*, & Elliot, S. N. (2014). A known
group analysis validity study of the Vanderbilt Assessment for Leadership in Education in US
elementary and secondary schools. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
26(1), 29-48.
Cravens, X.*, Goldring, E., Porter, A., Polikoff, M., Murphy, J., & Elliott, S. (2013). Setting
proficiency standards for school leadership assessment: An examination of cut-score
decision making. Educational Administration Quarterly, 49(1), 124-160.
Huff, J.*, Preston, C.*, & Goldring, E. (2013). Implementation of a coaching program for school
principals: Evaluating coaches’ strategies and the results. Educational Management
Administration & Leadership. 41, 504-526
Cravens, X.*, Goldring, E., Penaloza, R (2012). Leadership practice in the context of U.S. school choice
reform. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 11, 452–476.
May, H., Huff, J.* Goldring, E. (2012). A Longitudinal study of principals’ activities and student
performance. Journal of School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 23(4), 1-23.
Preston, C,* Goldring, E, Berends, M., & Cannata, M., (2012). School innovation in district context:
comparing traditional public schools and charter Schools. Economics of Education Review.
31(2), 318-330.
Goff, P.T.*, Mavrogordato, M*. & Goldring, E. (2012). Instructional leadership in charter schools: Is
there an organizational effect or are leadership practices the result of faculty characteristics and
preferences? Leadership and Policy in Schools, 11(1), 1-25.
Goldring, E., & Preston, C*. &Huff, J.* (2012). Conceptualizing and evaluating professional
development for school leaders. Planning and Change, 43(3), 1-13.
Porter, A.C., Polikoff, M.S*., Goldring, E., Murphy, J.; Elliott, S.N.; & May, H. (2010) Investigating the
validity and reliability of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education. Elementary
School Journal, 111, 282-313.
Cohen Vogel, L.*, Goldring, E., Smrekar, C (2010). The Influence of local conditions on social service
partnerships, Parent involvement and community engagement in neighborhood schools. American
Journal of Education, 117, 51–78.
Camburn, E., Huff, J.*, Goldring, E., May, H. (2010) Assessing the validity of an annual survey
for measuring principal leadership practice. Elementary School Journal, 111(2), 314-335.
Polikoff, M.,* May, H., Porter, A., Elliot, S., Goldring, E., Murphy, J. (2010). An Examination of
differential item functioning on the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education. Journal
of School Leadership, 19(6), 661-679.
Taylor Haynes, K*, Phillips, K.*, J, & Goldring, E., (2010). Latino parents' choice of magnet school:
how school choice differs across racial and ethnic boundaries. Education and Urban Society,
42(6), 758-789.
Porter, A.C., Polikoff, M.S.*, Goldring, E., Murphy, J., Elliott, S.N., & May, H. (2010). Developing a
psychometrically sound assessment of school leadership: The VAL-ED as a case study.
Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 135-173.
Berends, M., Goldring, E., Stein, M.*, & Cravens, X. (2010). Instructional conditions in charter schools
and students' mathematic achievement gains. American Journal of Education, 116(3), 303–335.
Goldring, E., & Schuermann, P. (2009). The Changing context of K-12 educational administration:
Consequences for Ed. D. program design and delivery. Peabody Journal of Education, 84,(1) 9-
Goldring, E., Cravens, X*, Murphy, J., Elliot, S. et al. (2009). The Evaluation of Principals: What and
How do States and Urban Districts Assess Leadership? Elementary School Journal. 110 (1), 19-
Goldring, E., Huff, J.*, Spillane, J., & Barnes, C. (2009). Measuring the instructional leadership expertise
of school principals. Leadership and Policy in Schools. 8,(2), 197-228.
Goldring, E., Porter, A., Murphy, J., Elliot, S., & Cravens, X*. (2009). Assessing learning-centered
leadership: Connections to research, standards and practice. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 8,
Goldring, E., Huff, J*., May, H., & Camburn, E. (2008). School context and individual Characteristics:
What influences principal practice? Journal of Educational Administration., 46 (3), 332-352.
Murphy, J., Goldring, E., Cravens, X.*, Elliot, S. & Porter, A. (2009). The Vanderbilt Assessment of
Leadership in Education: Measuring learning-centered leadership. East China Normal University
Goldring, E., & Rowley, K*. (2008). Parent preferences and parent choices: The public-private
decision about school choice. Journal of Educational Policy, 23(3), 209-230.
Murphy, J., Elliot, S., Goldring, E., Porter, A (2007). Leadership for Learning: A research-based model
and taxonomy of behaviors. Journal of School Leadership and Management, 27(2), 179-201.
Goldring, E., Cohen-Vogel, L*., Smrekar, C. (2006) Schooling closer to home: Desegregation
policy and neighborhood contexts. American Journal of Education, 112(3), 335-363.
Goldring, E., & Sims, P. (2005). Propelling teaching and learning: The Politics of leadership academies
and district-community-university partnerships, Education Policy,
19(1), 223-249.
Goldring, E., Crowson, R., Laird, D.*, & Berk, R.* (2003). Transition leadership in a changing policy
environment. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 25, 473-488
Goldring, E., & Smrekar, C. (2002). Magnet schools: At the crossroads of reform and race in
urban education. Special Issue of: The Clearing House:The Great School
Choice Debate.
Gibton, D*. & Goldring, E. (2002). Decentralization policy and legislation: The Case of Israel
and Britain. Peabody Journal of Education, 72, 81-101.
Hausman, C.*, & Goldring, E. B. (2001). Teachers’ ratings of effective principal leadership: A
comparison of magnet and nonmagnet schools. Journal of School Leadership, 11, 399-
Hausman, C.*, & Goldring, E. B. (2001). Sustaining teacher commitment: The role of learning
communities. Peabody Journal of Education, 76(2), 30-52.
Goldring, E., & Smrekar, C. (2000). Magnet schools and the pursuit of racial balance. Education and Urban
Society, 33(1), 17-35.
Hausman, C*., & Goldring, E. (2000). School community in different magnet program structures. School
Effectiveness and School Improvement, 11(1), 80-102.
Ogawa, R. T., Goldring, E. B., & Conley, S. (2000, August). Organizing the field to improve research on
educational administration. In Research and inquiry in educational administration: A call for
quality and utility [Special issue]. Educational Administration Quarterly, 36(3), 340-357.
Gibton, D.*, Sabar, N., Goldring, E. (2000). There’s light at the end of the tunnel: Is it the sun or a rushing
train? Decentralization policy in Israel. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 22(2), 193-
Holtz, B. W, Gamoran, A., Dorph, G. Z., Goldring, E., Robinson, B. (2000). Changing the core: Communal
policies and present realities in the professional development of teachers for Jewish schools.
Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 76(3), 173-186.
Hausman, C.*, & Goldring, E. (2000). Parent involvement, influence, and satisfaction in magnet schools:
Do reasons for choice matter? Urban Review, 32(2), 105-121.
Bauch, P., & Goldring, E. (2000). Teacher work context and parent involvement in urban high schools of
choice. Educational Research & Evaluation, 6(1), 1-23.
Morris, J. E.*, & Goldring, E. B. (1999). Are magnet schools more equitable? An analysis of the
disciplinary rates of African American and White students in magnet and non-magnet Schools.
Equity and Excellence in Education, 32(3), 59-65.
Goldring, E., & Hausman, C.* (1999). Reasons for parental choice in urban schools. Journal of Education
Policy, 4(5), 469-490.
Robinson, B., Gamoran, A., & Goldring, E. (1998). Gender differences among teachers in Jewish schools:
Findings from three communities. Journal of Jewish Education, 64, 57-72.
Bauch, P., & Goldring, E. (1998). Parent-teacher participation in the context of school restructuring.
Peabody Journal of Education, 73, 15-35.
Gamoran, A., Goldring, E., & Robinson, W. (1997). Background and training of teachers in Jewish schools:
Current status and levers for change. Religious Education, 92(4), 534-550.
Holtz, B. W., Dorph, G. Z., & Goldring, E. B. (1997). Educational leaders as teacher educators: The Teacher
Educator Institute case from Jewish education. Peabody Journal of Education, 72(2), 148-167.
Bauch, P., & Goldring, E. (1996). Parent involvement and teacher decision making in urban high schools
of choice. Urban Education, 31(4), 403-431.
Goldring, E., & Shapira, R. (1996). Principals’ survival with parental involvement. School Effectiveness
and School Improvement, 7(4), 342-360.
Goldring, E. (1996). Schools as dynamic organizations. International Journal of Educational Reform, 5(3),
Chen, M., & Goldring, E. (1995). Aspiring teacher-leaders and school change. Curriculum and Teaching,
10(2), 75-82.
Bauch, P., & Goldring, E. (1995). Parent involvement and school responsiveness: Facilitating the home-
school connection in schools of choice. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 17(1), 1-22.
Goldring, E., & Pasternack, R. (1994). Principals’ coordinating strategies and school effectiveness. School
Effectiveness and School Improvement, 5(3), 1-15.
Chen, M., & Goldring, E. (1994). The impact of classroom diversity on teachers’ perspectives of their
workplaces. Urban Review, 26(2), 57-73.
Goldring, E., & Shapira, R. (1993). Empowerment, choice or involvement: What satisfies parents?
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 15(4), 396-409.
Goldring, E., & Chen, M. (1993). Preparing empowered teachers for leadership positions in post-reformed
schools. Planning and Changing, 22(1), 3-14.
Rallis, S., & Goldring, E. (1993). Beyond individual assessment of principals: School-based accountability
in dynamic schools. Peabody Journal of Education, 68(2), 3-23.
Menahem, G., Spiro, S., Goldring, E., & Shapira, S. (1993). Parental choice and residential segregation.
Urban Education, 28(1), 30-48.
Goldring, E. (1991). Organizational aspects of the difficulties of the relationship between parents and the
school system. Journal of Psychology and Counseling in Education, 9, 144-158. (Hebrew)
Goldring, E. (1991). Parents’ motives for choosing a privatized public school system. Educational Policy,
5, 412-426.
Goldring, E., & Shapira, R. (1991). Principals’ adaptation to parental involvement and the school
community. Studies in Education, 2. (Hebrew)
Goldring, E., & Pasternack, R. (1991). Principals who emphasize interpersonal relations: Do they pay the
price in school effectiveness. Studies in Educational Administration and Organization, 17, 175-
189. (Hebrew)
Goldring, E., & Chen, M. (1991). Sense of job accomplishment and alienation in the female dominated
work-place: The case of elementary school principals. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 6, 23-
Goldring, E. (1990). The district context and principals’ sentiments towards parents. Urban Education,
24(4), 391-403.
Goldring, E. (1990). Elementary school principals as boundary spanners: Their engagement with parents.
Journal of Educational Administration, 28(1), 53-62.
Goldring, E. (1990). Assessing the status of information about classroom organizational frameworks for
gifted education students. Journal of Educational Research, 83, 313-326.
Goldring, E. (1990). Principals’ relationships with parents: The homogeneity versus the social class of the
parent clientele. Urban Review, 22(1), 1-15.
Tenenbaum, G., & Goldring, E. (1989). A meta-analysis of enhanced instruction: Cues, participation,
reinforcement, and feedback and corrections on motor skill learning. Journal of Research and
Development in Education, 22(3), 53-64.
Goldring, E., & Zisenwine, D. (1989). Developing Jewish identity: Parents and schools in Israel. Jewish
Education, 57(1), 28-34.
Goldring, E., & Addi, A. (1989). Using meta-analysis to study policy issues: The ethnic composition of the
classroom and achievement in Israel. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 15, 231-246.
Goldring, E. (1988). Evaluating principals using parental reactions: An incentive for principal-parent
engagement? Administrator’s Notebook, 32(3), 1-5.
Goldring, E. (1987). The school as a loosely coupled system. Studies in Educational Administration and
Organization, 14, 27-40. (Hebrew)
Goldring, E. (1986). The school community: Its effects on principals’ perceptions of parents. Educational
Administration Quarterly, 22, 115-132.
Goldring, E., & Schutte, L. (1986). Evaluating preschool programs: A meta-analytic approach. Educational
Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 8, 179-188.
Goldring, E. (Ed.). (1991). Parental involvement and choice in education [Special issue]. International
Journal of Educational Research, 15 (3/4)
Wilmers & Sieglinde Jornitz (eds.) International Perspectives on School Settings, Education
Policy and Digital Strategies (pp. 31-46). Opladen
Rubin, M., Goldring, E. B., Neel, M. A., Rogers, L., & Grissom J. A. (2021). Changing principal
supervision to develop principals’ instructional leadership capacity. In J. Kim, P. Youngs, & M.
Mavrogordato (Eds.), Exploring principal development and teacher outcomes: How school
leaders can strengthen teacher efficacy and commitment. Routledge. (pp.41-55).
Rogers, L. K., Goldring, E. B., Rubin, M., Neel., M., & Grissom, J. A. (2021). Principal Supervisor Time
Use to Support Principals. In M. Lee, K. Pollock, & P. Tulowitzki (Eds.), How School Principals
Use Their Time: Implications for School Improvement, Administration, and Leadership. NY:
Goldring, E. & Swain, W. (2019). Perspectives on Magnet Schools: Policy and Politics. In M. Berends,
D. Ballou, M. Springer and H. Walberg (Eds). Handbook of Research on School Choice:
Lawrence Erlbaum. 2nd Edition.
Berends, M., Penaloz, R., Cannata, M., & Goldring, E. (2019). Innovation in Charter Schools:
An Analysis of Teaching and Learning Practices. In: M. Berends, R.J. Washington, and J.
Schoenig (eds). School Choice at the Crossroads. NY: Routledge
Rogers, L., Goldring, E., Rubin, M., Grissom, J (2019). Principal Supervisors and the Challenge of
Principal Support and Development. In S.J. Zepeda & J. Ponticelli (Eds.), Handbook of
Educational Supervision. Wiley Blackwell (pp. 433-457). New Jersey, NJ:
Mavrogordato, M., Goldring, E. & Smrekar, C. (2017). Charter school principals’ autonomy in
the context of state accountability. In M.A. Gawlik & D.L. Bickmore (Eds.), Unexplored
conditions of charter school principals: An examination of the issues and challenges for leaders
(pp. 1-22). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Drake, T., Goldring, E. Grissom, J, et al (2016). Teacher Effectiveness Data and New Policies for Teacher
Contracts: Changing Roles for Principals and the Central Office. In Grissom, Jason A., and Peter
Youngs (Eds). Improving Teacher Evaluation Systems. Making the Most of Multiple Measures.
New York: Teachers College Press (pp. 116-130).
Goldring, E., & Swain, W. (2014). The School Attendance and Residential Location Balancing Act:
Community, Choice, Diversity, and Achievement. In G. Ingram (Ed). Education, Land and
Location. Boston: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
Drake, T, & Goldring, E. (2014). The Politics of School-level Community Engagement and Decision
Making in J. Lindle (Ed). Political Contexts of Educational Leadership: Routledge, Taylor and
Porter, A, Murphy, J., Goldring, E., Elliott, S. N., & Cravens, X. C. (2012). Vanderbilt Assessment of
Leadership in Education: A new tool for principal evaluation and professional growth. In J. Shen
(Ed). Tools for Improving the Principalship. Berne, Switzerland: Peter Lang Publishing Group.
Smrekar, C.E. & Goldring, E. (2011). Rethinking magnet school policies and practices: A response to
declining diversity and judicial constraints. In E. Frankenberg & E. DeBray (Eds). Looking to the
Future: Legal and Policy Options for Racially Integrated Education in the South and the Nation.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
Stein, M., & Goldring, E. (2011). Dynamics of Parent Involvement in Urban CharterSchools:
Parents’ Perceptions, Principals’ Expectations, and Student Achievement. In S. Auerbach
(Ed). (pp.213-232) School Leadership for Authentic Family and Community Partnerships:
Research Perspectives for Transforming Practice. London: Rutledge
Stein, M., Goldring, E., & Cravens, X. (2011) Choosing Indianapolis Charter Schools: Espoused
Versus Revealed Academic Preferences. In Berends, M., Cannata, M., and Goldring, E. (Eds).
School Choice and School Improvement: Research in State, District and Community Contexts.
Boston: Harvard Education Press.
Murphy, J. Elliott, S., Goldring, E., Porter, A. (2010). Leaders for productive schools. In E. Baker,
P Peterson and B. McGaw (Eds). International Encyclopedia of Education (3rd ed). Oxford,
UK: Elsevier Limited.
Goldring, E., Huff, J., & May, H. (2011). Principals’ Leadership Practices Over Time: Contextual
Influences on What Principals Do. In W. Hoy (Eds). Analyzing School Contexts: Influences of
Principals and Teachers in the Service of Students. Greenwich, CN: Information Age Publishing.
Smrekar, C.E. & Goldring, E. (2011) Rethinking magnet school policies and practices: A response to
declining diversity and judicial constraints. In E. Frankenberg & E. DeBray (Eds). Looking to the
Future: Legal and Policy Options for Racially Integrated Education in the South and the Nation.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press
Crowson, R., &. Goldring, E. (2009). The New Localism in American Education:
Introduction and Overview, In R. L. Crowson and E. B. Goldring (Eds).The New
Localism in American Education, Volume I, National Society for the Study of Education
Yearbook. New York: Wiley
Goldring, E. (2009). Perspectives on Magnet Schools: Policy and Politics. In M. Berends, D. Ballou, M.
Springer and H. Walberg (Eds). (pp 361-379). Handbook of Research on School Choice:
Lawrence Erlbaum
Smrekar, C., & Goldring, E. (2009). Neighborhood Schools in the Aftermath of Court-ended Busing:
Educators’ Perspectives on How Context and Composition Matter. (pp. 157-192). In: C.
Smrekar and E. Goldring (Eds). From the Courtroom to the Classroom: The Shifting Landscape
of School Desegregation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press
Goldring, E. (2009). Building Community Within and Around Schools: Can Jewish Day Schools Measure
Up? (pp. 31-51). In A. Pomson (Ed). Jewish day schools, Jewish communities: reconsideration.
London: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization
Goldring, E., & Cravens, Xiu (2007). Teachers’ Academic Focus on Learning in Charter and Traditional
Public Schools. In: M. Berends, M. Springer, and H. Walberg (Eds). Charter School Outcomes
(pp 39-60). Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Goldring, E (2007). Building the Field of Research in Jewish Education: A View from the Outside. In D.
Zinswine (Ed). Innovation and Change in Jewish Education. Tel Aviv: The Kelman Center for
Jewish Education.
Driscoll, M., & Goldring, E. (2006). How Can Educational Leadership Incorporate Communities as
Contexts for Student Learning? In W. Firestone and Carolyn Riehl (Eds.). A New Agenda for
Research in Educational Leadership. NY: Teachers College Press.
Goldring, E. B. & Vye, N. (2004). We must model how we teach: Learning to Lead with
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Goldring, E., & Pasternack, R. (1991). Principals who emphasize interpersonal relations: Do they pay the
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Chen, M., & Goldring, E. (1989). Selection and career paths of candidates for educational administration.
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Goldring, E., & Chen, M. (1989). The feminization of the school principalship: The effect of gender and
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Goldring, E., Rubin, M., & Herrmann, M. (2021). The Role of Assistant Principals: Evidence and Insights
for Advancing School Leadership. Wallace Foundation.
Goldring, E. B., Clark, M. A., Rubin, M., Rogers, L. K., Grissom, J. A., Gill, B., Kautz, T., McCullough,
M. Neel, M., & Burnett, A. (2020). Changing the principal supervisor role to better support
principals: Evidence from the Principal Supervisor Initiative. (2020) Wallace Foundation.
Ellen Goldring, Laura Rogers, Melissa Clark (2020). Leading the Change: A Comparison of the
Principal Supervisor Role in Principal Supervisor Initiative Districts and Other Urban Districts
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Ellen Goldring, Jason Grissom, Mollie Rubin, et al. (2018). A new role emerges for principal
supervisors. Evidence from six districts in the principal supervisor initiative. New York: The
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Ellen Goldring, Jason A. Grissom, Christine M. Neumerski, Joseph Murphy, Richard Blissett
and Andy Porter (2015). Making Time for Instructional Leadership. New York: The Wallace
Foundation. http://www.wallacefoundation.org/knowledge-center/school-leadership/principal-
Goldring, E., Grissom, J. A., Neumerski, C., Murphy, J., Blissert, R., & Porter, A. (2015).
Making time for instructional leadership. Volume 2: The feasibility of a randomized control trial
of the SAM process. New York: The Wallace Foundation
Goldring, Ellen B., Jason A. Grissom, Christine M. Neumerski, Joseph Murphy, Richard Blissett, and
Andy Porter. “Making Time for Instructional Leadership (Volumes 1–3).” New York: Wallace
Foundation, July 2015. Available at http://www.wallacefoundation.org/knowledge-center/school-
Goldring, E. B., Neumerski, C. M. Cannata, M., Drake, T. A., Grissom, J. A. Rubin, M., & Schuermann,
P. (2014). Principals’ Use of Teacher Effectiveness Measures for Talent Management Decisions.
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Aren’t Tapping Teacher-Effectiveness Data, Says Study—Education Week. Education
Week. https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2014/09/10/03principals.h34.html
Schuermann, P., Goldring, E. B., Cannata, M., Drake, T. A., Grissom, J. A., Neumerski, C. M., & Rubin,
M. (2014). Supporting Principals to Use Teacher Effectiveness Data for Talent Management
Decisions. Report to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Porter, A., Goldring, E., Elliott, S., Murphy, J., et al. (2008). Setting Performance Standards for the VAL-
ED Assessment of Principal Leadership. Nashville: Vanderbilt University.
Porter, A. Goldring, E. Elliot, S., Murphy, J. et al. (2008). VALED Technical Manual. Nashville, Vanderbilt
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(Summary report to the Spencer Foundation). Chicago: The Spencer Foundation.
Shapira, R., & Goldring, E. (1990, June). Parental involvement in alternative schools of choice. Jerusalem:
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Goldring, E. (1990). Principals’ leadership strategies and school outcomes (No. 9). Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv
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Goldring, E. (1989, August). Principal-parent relationships: Domain consensus and response strategies
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Goldring, E., Porter, A., Murphy, J., Elliot, S., & Cravens, X. (2006). Assessing Learning-Centered
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Chen, M, & Goldring, E. (1986, May). A survey of ideas for a centralized educational project for
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Goldring, E., Gamoran, A., & Robinson, W. (1996). Educational leaders in Jewish schools. Private School
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Goldring, E., & Hausman, C. (1996). Parent empowerment: The key to productive partnerships.
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Goldring, E., & Zisenwine, D. (1990). Developing Jewish identity: Parents and the TALI schools. Et
La’asot, 2, 105-115. (Hebrew)
Rogers, L, Goldring, E. Rubin, M. Moyer, A & Neumerski, C (2021) Districts’ Learning to Scale Up
Principal Pipelines. The annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration
Rubin, M., Goldring, E., Neel, M., Rogers, L (2021) Changing Principal Supervision to Develop
Principals’ Leadership Capacity. The annual meeting of the University Council for Educational
Goldring, E., Rubin, M., Herrman, M. (2021) Assistant Principals: Evidence and Insights for Advancing
and Diversifying the Pathway to the Principalship. The annual meeting of the Association of Education
Finance and Policy (Virtual).
Goldring, E., Rubin, et al (2021). Redefining Principal Supervision in Urban Districts: Results From the
Principal Supervisor Initiative. The annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Moyer, A., & Goldring, E. (2021) Evaluation Mismatch: The Relationship Between Assistant Principals'
Roles and Their Perceptions of Performance Evaluations. The annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (virtual).
Rubin, M, Goldring, E., & Rogers, L. (2020, November) Principal Supervisors as Drivers of School
Improvement: Where Have We Been? What’s Next? [Virtual]. The annual meeting of the University
Council for Educational Administration
Cannata, M. A., Goldring, E. B., Rubin, M., Patrick, S. K., Neel, M. A., & Carroll, K. (2020,
Implementing an Evidence-Based Program: The Role of Tight and Loose Coupling [Paper Session].
Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)
Goldring, E. B., Grissom, J. A., Rubin, M., & Neel, M. A. (2020,) The Principal Supervisor Initiative:
Changing Cultures and Changing Roles of Principal Supervision in Urban Districts [Symposium].
AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)
Goldring, E. B., Grissom, J. A., Rubin, M., & Rogers, L. K. (2020, Redesigning Principal Supervision:
Results of Six District-Level Initiatives to Strengthen Principal Leadership [Symposium]. AERA Annual
Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)
Gegenheimer, K., & Goldring, E. (2020). How Do Supervisors Deliver Evaluation Feedback? The
Affective Tone of Principals’ Written Feedback. University Council for Educational Administration.
November 9th. (Virtual).
Gegenheimer, K., & Goldring, E. (2020). Performance Feedback from Principal Supervisors:
Implementation of a Statewide Principal Evaluation System. American Educational Research Association
Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. April 19th. (Conference Canceled).
Moyer, A., Goldring, E., & Gegenheimer, K. (2020). Match or Mismatch? Assistant Principals’
Leadership Tasks and Performance Evaluations. Association for Education Finance and Policy Annual
Conference. March 21st. (Virtual).
Gegenheimer, K., & Goldring, E. (2020). Machine Learning in Education Policy: A Case Study of
Principal Feedback in a Statewide Evaluation System. Association for Education Finance and Policy
Annual Conference. March 18th. (Virtual).
Gegenheimer, K*., & Goldring, E. B.(2019). Performance Feedback in a Statewide Principal Evaluation
System. Annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration. New Orleans, LA.
Cannata, M., Goldring, E.B., Carrol, K*., Neel, M.A., Patrick, S.K*., & Rubin, M. (2019).
Implementing an Evidence-Based Program: The Role of Tight and Loose Coupling.
Annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration. New Orleans, LA.
Patrick, S.K., *Nelson, J.A.*, & Goldring, E.G. (2019). Avenues of Authority: Exploring How
Principals Shape Teacher Collaboration. Annual meeting of the University Council for Educational
Administration. New Orleans, LA
Goldring, E. (2019).A New Role for Principal Supervisors in Supporting Principals. Presentation
At World Education Research Association Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 2019.
Goldring E., Berends M., Cannata, M. Innovation in Charter Schools: An Analysis of Teaching
and Learning Practices, (2019). International Conference on School Choice, Lisbon.
Goldring, E., Grissom, J. A. Rubin, M. Rogers, L. K., Neel, M., & Clark, M. (2018). A New Role Emerges
for Principal Supervisors: Evidence from Six Districts in the Principal Supervisor Initiative. Special
Session at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Houston, Texas.
Rogers, L., Goldring, E., et al. The Role of Principal Supervisors in Developing Principals as
Instructional Leaders. (2018). Annual Meeting of the American Education
Research Association, New York.
Tayler, E., Papay J., Goldring, E, et al. Learning in Teacher Partnerships: Experimental Evidence
From the Instructional Partnership Initiative in Tennessee (2018). Annual Meeting of the American
Education Research Association, New York.
Papay, John P., Ellen Goldring, Jason A. Grissom, Mary E. Laski, Susan K. Patrick, Eric S.
Taylor, and John H. Tyler (2017). Encouraging Compliance without Mandates: The Challenge of Take-
Up in a Voluntary State-Sponsored Professional Learning Initiative. Association for Education Finance
and Policy Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Papay, John P., Ellen Goldring, Jason A. Grissom, Mary E. Laski, Susan K. Patrick, Eric S. Taylor, and
John H. Tyler. (2017). Encouraging Compliance without Mandates: The Challenge of Take-Up in a New
State-Sponsored Education Initiative, symposium at the American Educational Research Association
Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX.
Papay, J., Goldring, E., et al. Encouraging Compliance without Mandates: The Challenge of
Take-Up in a Voluntary State-Sponsored Teacher Collaboration Initiative (2016). Institute of
Education Sciences Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC.
Jackins, L.R., Patrick, S.K., Goldring, E.G., Neumerski, C.M., and Robinson, V.M.
Opening the Black Box of Leadership Coaching: Principals' Opportunity to Learn From
Feedback (2016).. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association. Washington, D.C.
Goldring, E. B., Grissom, J. A., Neumerski, C. M., Blissett, R., Murphy, J., & Porter, A. C.
The search for principal effectiveness: Increasing principals' time on instructional
leadership through the SAM process (2016). Annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association.
Goldring, E., Murphy, J, & Blissit, R. (2015) Helping Principals Focus on Teaching and Learning.
University Council of Educational Administration. San Diego
Jackins, L., Drake,T., Cravens,X., Goldring, E., Muno, C (2015). Examining the Role of the Principal in
Implementing Teacher Peer Excellence Groups (TPEGs). University Council of Educational
Administration. San Diego
Goff, P., Goldring, E. (2015). The Best Laid Plans: Designing Incentive Programs for School Leaders.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Education Finance and Policy Association,
Washington, DC.
Rubin, M., Patrick, S., Goldring, E. (2015). Implementation, Local Adaptation, and the Promise of
Changing Teachers Practices in High Schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association
of Education Finance and Policy Association, Washington, DC.
Rubin, M., Neumerski, C., Goldring, E., et al. (2015). Principals’ Use of Teacher Effectiveness Data to
Support Teachers. American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL
Minor, E. C., Porter, A. P., Murphy, J. F., Goldring, E. B., & Elliot, S. N. (2015, April)
Developing effective leaders requires valid high-quality, psychometrically sound, and reliable tools: A
test-retest analysis of the Vanderbilt Assessment for Leadership in Education. American Educational
Research Association, Chicago.
Mavrogordato, M., Goldring, E. (2014). Developing Leaders: How Does Coaching Shape the
Way Principals Respond to Teacher Feedback on Their Leadership Effectiveness? American Education
Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Goldring, E., Grissom, J., et al (2014). Teacher Effectiveness Observation Data and New
Policies for Teacher Contracts: Changing Roles for Principals and the Central Office. American
Education Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Drake, T., Goldring, E. et al (2014). Teacher Effectiveness Observation Data and New Policies
for Teacher Contracts: Changing Roles for Principals and the Central Office. American Education
Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Goldring, E., Cravens, X. C., Murphy, J., Porter, A., & Elliott, S. N. (2013, April). The convergent and
divergent validity of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (VAL-ED): Instructional
leadership and emotional intelligence.
Covay, E., Porter, A. C., Murphy, J., Goldring, E., Cravens, X. C., & Elliott, S. N. (2013, April). A
known group analysis validity study of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education American
Education Research Association, San Francisco
Taylor Haynes, K., Chapman, G., Drake, T, Goldring, E (2013). Strategies for High School Parent
Involvement: Evidence from the National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools. American Education
Research Association, San Francisco
Torre, D., Drake, T., Preston, C., Goldring, E., Cannata, M. (2013). Bringing Student Responsibility to
Life: Avenues to Personalizing High Schools for Student Success. American Education Research
Association, San Francisco
Huff, J., Goldring, E, Guthrie, J, (2013). Practice Matters: Learning-Centered leadership in Effective
High Schools serving At-risk Students American Education Research
Association, San Francisco
Goldring, E., Mavrogordato, M, Haynes, (2013) Multi-Source Principal Evaluation Data: How
Principals Approach, Interpret and Use Teacher Feedback Regarding Their Leadership Effectiveness
.American Education Research Association, San Francisco
Preston, C., Goldring, E, Guthrie, J (2012). Conceptualizing Essential Components of Effective High
Schools. American Education Research Association, Vancouver
Goldring, E., Porter, A. C., Murphy, J., Cravens, X., & Elliott, S. N. (2012, April). The Vanderbilt
Assessment of Leadership in Education (VALED): Conceptualization, psychometric development, and
implementation. American Education Research Association, Vancouver.
Bickman, L. & Goldring, E, et al. (2012). Can Principal Leadership Be Improved Through Feedback
and Coaching? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association,
Goldring, E., & Cravens, X (2012). Private School Parents Switching to Charter Schools: Avenues for
Renewed School Diversity and Community? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Education Research Association, Vancouver
Goff, P, Goldring, E. (2012). The Best Laid Plans of Principal Performance Pay. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Vancouver.
Goldring, E. Cravens, X., Murphy, J., Porter, A., Elliott, S (2012). The Convergent and
Divergent Validity of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (VALED): Instructional
Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. Annual meeting of the American Education Finance and Policy
Association, Boston.
Huff, J., Goldring, E, Guthrie J. (2012). Learning-Centered Leadership Practices for Effective High
Schools Serving at Risk Students Annual meeting of the American Education Finance and Policy
Association, Boston.
Covay, E., Porter, A., Goldring, E., Murphy, J., & Elliott, S. N. (2012, November). Investigating the
psychometric properties of VAL-ED. Paper presented at the annual Conference of the University Council
for Educational Administration, Denver.
Goldring, E., Murphy, J., Porter, A.C., & Elliott, S.N. (2011, November). Assessing leadership
effectiveness for preparation program improvement: The VALED. Paper presented at the annual
conference of the University Council for Educational Administration, Pittsburgh.
Guthrie, J. E., Huff, J., Goldring, E. (2011). Changes in Principals’ Leadership Practice in Response to
Coaching and Teacher Feedback. Paper presented at the annual Meeting of the University Council on
Educational Administration, Pittsburgh.
Huff, J., Preston, C. Goldring, E. (2011). Implementation of a Coaching Program for School Principals:
Evaluating Coaches’ Strategies and the Results. Paper presented at the annual Meeting of the University
Council on Educational Administration, Pittsburgh.
Preston, C., Goldring, E., Berends, M., Cannata, M (2011). Much Ado About Nothing? Innovation in
Charter Schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association. New Orleans.
Berends, M., Cannata, M., Goldring, E., et al (2011). Charter Schools, Instructional Conditions, and
Student Achievement Gains. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association. New Orleans.
Mavrogordato, M., Goldring, E., Smrekar, C., (2010). Principal Leadership in Charter Schools: Social
Networks, Entrepreneurship and Focus as Tools for Accountability and Sustainability. Paper presented
at the annual Meeting of the University Council on Educational Administration. New Orleans
Preston, C., Huff, J., & Goldring, E. (2010). Principal Responsiveness to Coaching as a Tool for
Leadership Development. Paper presented at the annual Meeting of the University Council on Educational
Administration. New Orleans.
Preston, C., Goldring, E., Cannata, M., & Berends, M (2010). Innovation in Charter Schools and their
Local Context. Paper presented at the annual Meeting of the University Council on Educational
Administration. New Orleans
Goldring, E. (2010). Market Reforms and School Innovation: Comparing Traditional Public Schools and
Charter Schools. Paper presented at the Comparative Education Association meeting, Prague, Czech
Goldring, E. (2010). The Conceptualization and Validity of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in
Education. Institute of Education Sciences Research Conference. Washington, DC.
Camburn, E., Huff, J., Goldring, E., & May, H. (2010). How Accurate a Snapshot? The Validity of
Annual Surveys to Measure Principals' Practices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
Huff, J., & Goldring, E., (2010). Searching For Experts: Identifying the Substance of Principals''
Learning -Centered Leadership Expertise. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
Cravens, C., & Goldring, E. (2010). Standard Setting for the VALE-ED: Educators' Perspectives on the
Deliberative Process. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Denver, CO.
Goldring, E., Bickman, L., et al (2010). The Effects of Teacher Feedback on Leadership Effectiveness.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
Stein, M., Goldring, E., & Cravens, X. (2009). Choosing Indianapolis Charter Schools: Espoused Versus
Revealed Academic Preferences. Paper presented at the National Center on School Choice - School
Choice and School Improvement Conference Nashville, TN.
Mavrogordato, M., Goff, P, Goldring, E. (2009). The Interrelationships between Principal Leadership
and the Teachers They Serve in Charter and Traditional Public. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the University Council of Educational Administration, Anaheim, CA.
Goff, P., & Goldring, E. (2009). Understanding Feedback From Teachers on Leadership Effectiveness:
Do Teachers and Principals Agree? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council of
Educational Administration, Anaheim, CA.
Bickman, L, & Goldring, E., Smith, K., Goff, P., & Williams, L. (2009). Mirror, Mirror on the Wall:
Principal Insight into Teacher’s Ratings of Leadership Effectiveness. Poster presented at the annual IES
Conference, Washington, DC.
Berends, M., Goldring, E., Cannata, M et al. (2009). What Works in School Choice.
Poster presented at the annual IES Conference, Washington, DC.
May, H., Goldring, E., Huff, J. (2009). A Longitudinal Study of Principals’ Activities and Student
Performance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
San Diego, CA.
Lesnick, J., & Goldring, E. (2009). Exploring the Implementation of Principal Professional
Development: What Is the Relationship Between Implementation and Student Achievement? Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Cravens, X. C., Goldring, E., & Peñaloza, R. V. (2009). Leadership Practices, School Choice, and
Student Achievement Growth. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Society for Research on
Educational Effectiveness, Arlington, VA.
Cravens, C., & Goldring, E. (2009). From Private School to Public Charter School: The Choice and
Experience of Indianapolis Parents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Cravens, C., & Goldring, E., (2009). The Practice of School Leadership: Differences Among Charter,
Magnet, Private, and Traditional Public Schools. . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Philips, Kristie & Goldring, E., (2009). Magnet Schools in a Post-Unitary Status Era: A Contemporary
Context for Racially Isolated Schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Smrekar, C., Goldring E (2009). Rethinking Magnet School Policies and Practices: A Response to
Declining Diversity & Judicial Constraints. Paper to be presented at the Conference, Looking to the
Future: Legal and Policy Options for Racially Integrated Education in the South,” University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, April.
Lesnick, J., Goldring, E. (2008). Principal Turnover and In-School Enabling Conditions for Change.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council of Educational Administration, Orlando,
Lesnick, J., Goldring, E. (2008). Exploring the Nature of Implementation of Principal Professional
Development Programs: What are Mechanisms for School Change? Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York.
Goldring, E., May, H., Huff, J. (2008). Principals’ Leadership Practices Over Time. Contextual
Influences on What Principals Do. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, New York.
Goldring, E., Huff, J. & Spillane, J (2008). Measuring Principals’ Content knowledge of Learning –
Centered Leadership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, New York.
Goldring, E., Camburn, E., Huff, J., Spillan, J. (2008). Measuring mediated variables in Randomized
Experiments with School Principals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in
Educational Effectiveness, Washington, DC.
Stein, M., Goldring, E., & Zottola, G., (2008). Student Achievement Gains and Parents’ Perceptions of
Invitations for Involvement in Urban Charter Schools Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for Research in Educational Effectiveness, Washington, DC.
Goldring, E., Camburn, E., Huff, J., et al. (2007). Effects of the National Institute for School
Leadership: Early Results from a Randomized Field Trial. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Camburn, E., Goldring, E. May, H. et.al. (2007). Lessons Learned from an Experimental Evaluation of a
Principal Professional Development Program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Goldring, E. (2007). Measuring the Effects of Leadership Interventions on Knowledge, Practice and
Student and School Outcomes: Randomized Experiments and Challenges from the Field. Pre-Session
Workshop, University Council of Educational Administration, Washington, DC.
Goldring, E., & Cravens, X. (2007). Assessing School Leaders on Leadership for Learning. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the University Council of Educational Administration, Washington,
Lesnick, J., & Goldring, E. (2007). Unpacking the purposes and practices of principals’ classroom
observations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council of Educational
Administration, Washington, DC.
Goldring, E., Huff, J., Camburn, E., (2007). Early Effects from a Randomized Trial of District
Professional Development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council of
Educational Administration, Washington, DC.
Goldring, E., Huff, J., May, H., Camburn, E (2006). School Context and Individual Characteristics:
What Influences What Principals Really Do? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University
Council of Educational Administration, San Antonio.
Murphy, J., Elliot, S., Goldring, E. & Porter, A. (2006). Learning-Centered Leadership: A Conceptual
Foundation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Wallace Foundation State Action for
Educational Leadership Conference, Saint Louis.
Supovitz, J., Goldring, E., Spillane, J. (2006). Measurement of Leadership Practice. Paper presented at
the Institute of Educational Sciences Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Ballou, D. and Goldring, E. (2006). A randomized experiment of magnet schools and student
achievement. Paper presented at the Institute of Educational Sciences Research Conference, Washington,
Ballou, D. and Goldring, E. (2006). A randomized experiment of magnet schools and student
achievement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
San Francisco.
Goldring, E. B. and Rowely, E. (2006). Parent Preferences and Parent Choices: The Public-Private
Decision about School Choice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, San Francisco.
Goldring, E. B., Spillane, J., et al. (2006). Measuring the Instructional Leadership Competence of School
Principals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
San Francisco.
Goldring, E., and Rowely, K. (2006). Magnet Schools and Teacher Professional Community. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
Taylor-Haynes, K., Rowley, K., and Goldring, E. (2006). Magnetic Attraction: Latino Parents’ Choice
and Magnet Schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, San Francisco.
Goldring, E., and Rowley, K (2005). Educational Services for All: Academic Opportunities and Unitary
Status. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
Goldring, E., and Sims, P (2005). How do School Leaders Learn? Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal
Goldring, E., and Sims, P. (2005). Propelling Teaching and Learning: The Politics of Leadership
Academies and District-Community University Partners. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, Montreal
Goldring, E., and Houck, E. (2005). Teacher Resources and Mobility under Unitary Status. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal
Taylor, K., Rowley, K and Goldring, E (2005). The Attraction of Magnet Schools and Latino Parents:
Latino parent Choice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Montreal
Goldring, E., Hoover-Dempsey, K., Rowley, K. (2004). Voluntary Integration and Magnet Schools Under
Unitary Status. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
San Diego, CA.
Cohen-Vogel, L., Goldring, E., Smrekar, S. (2004). The End of Busing and the Equity (Com) promise:
Social Networks, Social Trust and Community Building in Neighborhood Schools. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Goldring, E., & Rowley, K (2004). Learning from Learners about Professional Development for School
Leaders. . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San
Diego, CA.
Goldring, E., Sims, P., & Mason, D., Eldson, R. (2003). Propelling Teaching and Learning: Leadership
Academies and District-Community-University Partnerships. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
University Council for Educational Administration, Portland.
Goldring, E., & Berends, M. (2003). Using Data to Strengthen Schools. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Portland, OR.
Goldring, E., Cohen-Vogel, L, Smrekar, C. (2003). Neighborhood Capacity in the Postbusing Era. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April.
Driscoll, M & Goldring, E. (2003). How Do School Leaders Build Constructive Relationships with
Various Groups in the Community? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Chicago, April.
Goldring, E. & Cohen-Vogel, L., (2003). A Return to Neighborhood Schools: What’s in store for
School-Community Partnerships? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education
Finance Association, Orlando, Florida, March.
Goldring, E. & Berk, R (2002). Student Assignment and Parent Choice in the Context of Court- Ended
Desegregation: Magnet Schools and the Return to Neighborhood Schooling Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Goldring, E. & Ogawa, R. (2002). Private practice teachers in public schools: Reexamining tensions
between professionalism and bureaucratic control. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April.
Goldring, E. B., Crowson, R. Berk, R., & Laird, D. (2002). Unmaking Desegregation Policy and U
‘Going unitary’: The Loss of a Sense of Place. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April.
Goldring, E. B. (2001). Desegregation Policies in the Post-Busing era. Paper presented at the
Conference: “Educational Policy in the 21st Century”, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel.
Goldring, E.B., & Crowson, R. (2001). School Leadership and the Micropolitics of Dismantling Court
Ordered Desegregation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association. Seattle, Washington.
Goldring, E. B. & Hausman, C. (2001). Community Development and School Reform: A New Challenge
to Site Level Leadership. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Seattle, Washington.
Goldring, E. & Berk, R. (2001). Jewish Adolescents and their Families. Paper presented at the 33rd
Annual conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Washington, DC
Hausman, C. S., & Goldring, E. B. (1999). Sustaining Teacher Commitment: The Role of
Learning Communities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Goldring, E. B., & Cohen-Vogel, L. (1999). School Choice in the Quasi Marketplace: Magnet Program
and the Dilemma of Local Control. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Goldring, E., & Cohen-Vogel, L. (1999). Supporting Environments for Instructional Reform: What’s a
Principal to Do? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Montreal, Canada.
Hausman, C., & Goldring, E. (1998). School Community in Different Magnet Program Structures. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, St. Louis,
Gibton, D., Goldring, E., & Sabar, N. (1998). A Comparative and Empirical View of Decentralization
Policy, Legislation and Autonomy in Israel’s School System: An Unattainable Aspiration. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California.
Goldring, E., Smrekar, C., & Hausman, C. (1998). Curriculum and Instruction in Magnet and Nonmagnet
Schools: The Myth of Market-Driven Differentiation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California.
Ogawa, R., Crowson, R., Goldring, E. (1998). Enduring Dilemmas of School Organization. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego,
Hausman, C. S., & Goldring, E. B. (1997). Parent Involvement and Satisfaction in Magnet Schools: Do
Reasons for Choice Matter? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for
Educational Administration, Orlando, Florida.
Bauch, P. A., Goldring, E. B., Freeman, J., Correa, J. (1997). Linking Teacher Productivity to Parent
Involvement in Urban High Schools of Choice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University
Council for Educational Administration, Orlando, Florida.
Goldring, E., & Smrekar, C. (1997). Community or Anonymity? Patterns of Parent Involvement and
Family-School Interactions in Magnet Schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Hausman, C. S., & Goldring, E. B. (1997). Organizational Capacity for School Improvement: Teacher
Reports in Magnet and Nonmagnet Schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Morris, J. E., & Goldring, E. (1997). The Disciplining of African-American Students in Magnet and Non-
magnet Schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Hausman, C., & Goldring, E. (1996). Teachers’ ratings of effective principal leadership: A comparison of
magnet and non-magnet schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council on
Educational Administration, Louisville, Kentucky.
Goldring, E., Gamoran, A., & Robinson, B. (1996). Educational leaders in Jewish schools. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, New
Goldring, E., & Hausman, C. S. (1996). Reasons for parental choice of schools. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, New York.
Bauch, P., & Goldring, E. (1995). Parent-teacher participation in the context of school restructuring.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council on Educational Administration, Salt Lake
City, UT.
Goldring, E. (1995). Communal opportunities to learn, school choice and parental involvement. Keynote
speaker address to the invitation seminar Research on Parental Choice and School Response conducted at
the Centre for Educational Policy and Management, Open University, England.
Goldring, E. (1995). Parent empowerment in schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Goldring, E. (1994). Communal opportunities to learn: Do magnet schools do it better? and if so, is
better enough? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational
Administration, Philadelphia, PA.
Goldring, E., & Bauch, P. (1994). Teacher empowerment and parent involvement in schools of choice:
Partnership or consumerism? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Rallis, S., & Goldring, E. (1994). Beyond individual assessment of principals: School-based
accountability. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
New Orleans, LA.
Goldring, E., & Rallis, S. (1993). Principals and the external link in facilitating change. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, GA.
Goldring, E. (1993). Where is the structure in restructuring? Invited paper for the Organizational Theory
SIG presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, GA.
Goldring, E., & Chen, M. (1993). The feminization of the principalship. Paper presented at the
symposium The New Politics of Race and Gender conducted at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Atlanta, GA.
Goldring, E., & Bauch, P. (1993). Choice, involvement, and expectations: Parents of magnet and
Catholic high schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Atlanta, GA.
Goldring, E., Hawley, W., Saffold, R., & Smrekar, C. (1993). Parental choice: Consequences for
students, families, and schools. Paper presented at the invitational conference on Theory and Practice in
School Autonomy and Choice: Bringing the Community Back-In, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Goldring, E., & Chen, M. (1993). Effective school leaders: Professionals or moral-social agents. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Educational Research Association, Haifa, Israel.
Goldring, E., & Shaw, A. (1993). Private services in public schools: Enhancing opportunities or
promoting self-interests? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational
Administration, Houston, TX.
Bauch, P., & Goldring, E. (1993). Governance structures and parent involvement in high schools of
choice: A view from the inside. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for
Educational Administration, Houston, TX.
Chen, M., & Goldring, E. (1992). Aspiring teacher-leaders and school change: Black sheep or white
knights. Paper presented at the International Congress on School Effectiveness and Improvement,
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Goldring, E., & Hallinger, P. (1992). District control contexts and school organizational processes. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Goldring, E., & Rallis, S. (1992). Principals as environmental leaders: Creating opportunities for
influence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational
Administration, Minneapolis, MN.
Chen, M., & Goldring, E. (1992) The impact of classroom diversity on teachers’ perspectives of their
workplaces. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational
Administration, Minneapolis, MN.
Deal, T., & Goldring, E. (1992). Planning as an expressive activity. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the International Society for Educational Planning, Virginia Beach, VA.
Chen, M., & Goldring, E. (1992). Pay or authority: Alternative modes for redesigning the roles of
teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association, Haifa, Israel.
Goldring, E., & Shapira, R. (1991). Empowerment, choice or involvement: What satisfies parents? Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Goldring, E. (1991). Principals’ adaptation to environmental complexity. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Goldring, E., & Shapira, R. (1991). Principals’ involvement with parents in schools of choice. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Educational Research Association, Ramat Aviv, Israel.
Goldring, E., & Chen, M. (1991). Preparing empowered teachers for leadership positions in post-
reformed schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational
Administration, Baltimore, MD.
Goldring, E., & Shapira, R. (1990). How do principals survive with parental involvement? A public
choice theory analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Boston, MA.
Goldring, E., & Pasternack, R. (1990). Principals’ allocation of work time: Discretionary latitude and
school effectiveness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Boston, MA.
Pasternack, R., & Goldring, E. (1990). Principals who emphasize interpersonal relations: Do they pay the
price in school effectiveness? Paper presented at the Third International Congress on School
Effectiveness, Jerusalem, Israel.
Chen, M., & Goldring, E. (1990). Principals’ resources and their implementation of first order reform
efforts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration,
Pittsburgh, PA.
Goldring, E. (1989). Principals’ relationships with parents: The homogeneity versus the social class of
the parent clientele. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, San Francisco, CA.
Goldring, E. (1989). Parents, principals and administrative superiors: Interactions of power and
influence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San
Francisco, CA.
Goldring, E. (1988). Parents’ motives for choosing an alternative school system. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Goldring, E., & Zisenwine, D. (1988). Schools, values and families’ Jewish identity. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the Israeli Educational Research Association, Tel Aviv, Israel. (Hebrew)
Tenenbaum, G., & Goldring, E. (1988). The relationship between the quality of instruction and motor
learning acquisition: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Educational
Research Association, Tel Aviv, Israel. (Hebrew)
Goldring, E. (1988, August). School reform policies in Israel. Lecture at the Comparative Education
Center, College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Goldring, E. (1988). The socio-cultural background of parents of students in an alternative school system.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association, Beer Sheba, Israel.
Goldring, E., & Chen, M. (1987). The feminization of school administration: How do women use their
academic studies to legitimize their authority. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.
Chen, M., & Goldring, E. (1987). Attitude toward professional studies and school administration among
prospective school principals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academic Faculties of School
Administration, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
Goldring, E., & Addie, A. (1987). The ethnic composition of the classroom and school achievement of
students from Western and African-Asian origins: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the 18th annual
meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association, Jerusalem, Israel. (Hebrew)
Goldring, E. (1986). The influence of district’s management control styles on principals’ attitudes
towards parental involvement. Paper presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Israeli Sociological
Association, Haifa, Israel. (Hebrew)
Goldring, E. (1986). Evaluating principals using parental reactions: An incentive to promote principals’
engagement with parents? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, San Francisco, CA.
Goldring, E., Borger, J., & Heistand, N. (1986). Teacher re-education for Paideia: The effects of a liberal
arts in-service curriculum. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, San Francisco, CA.
Goldring, E. (1985). Principals and parents: Factors influencing the nature of the relationship. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Goldring, E., & Schutte, L. (1984). A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of preschool programs. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Breaking the Mold of Teacher Isolation: Teacher Professional Learning and Mentoring (2021).
(2021). Let's Change Education with Teacher Mentoring Conference, The Sara Raier de Rassmuss
Foundation, Santiego, Chile
The Role of Assistant Principals (2021). Grantmakers for Education Annual Conference (virtual)
The Role of Assistant Principals: A New Synthesis Offers Evidence and Insights (2021). Council of Chief
State School Officers. Spring Collaborative (virtual)
Assistant Principals and the Leadership Pipeline: Implications for Equity (2021). National Association of
Elementary School Principals, Chicago.
School Leaders’ Health and Health Promotion Approaches in Schools and Communities (2021).
European Conference on Educational Research (Virtual)
Journal Submission and Review Processes and Insights. Seminar for Junior Faculty. Texas
A& M University (2021).
Assistant Principals and Leadership Pipelines. (2021). Tennessee Education Research Alliance -
Advisory Council Meeting
Collaboration and Networks in Education – Promoting Educational Participation and Benefits through
Coordinated Action (2021) European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction
Annual Meeting (Virtual)
Editors’ Panel: Manuscript Submission and Reviews (2021). AERA-NSF Grants Program(2021)Virtual
Fall Research Conference
The Instructional Partnership Initiative: The Challenge of Take-Up and Engagement in a Voluntary
State-Sponsored Professional Learning Initiative. Tennessee Education Research Alliance
Convening, Nashville, 2019
Encouraging Voluntary Program Take-Up without Mandates: The Challenge of Participation in a New
State Sponsored Teacher Collaboration Initiative. 3rd International Conference on School
Improvement Research, University of Zurich, 2019.
Principal Development and Support High Quality Professional Development, Coaching, and Principal
Supervision. Education First Funder’s Network, Nashville, 2019
Developing and Supporting School Leaders: State Policy Lever and Principal Supervision.
Title II State Advisory Meeting, Washington, DC 2018.
The New Professional: Leadership Preparation for High Quality Schooling At the Occasion of
The Teachers College Summit South China Normal University, Guangzhou , China, 2018
Principal Supervisors as a State Strategy for Developing Principal Leadership, REL West
State Education Agency Meeting, Phoenix, 2018
Narrowing the Space between Grant Funders and Grant Writers in Educational Leadership.
Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, New York. 2018
Crossroads of America: The Intersection of Research and Policy in the Indiana School Choice
Ecosystem, University of Notre Dame Conference, Discussant, June 2014
The State Context for Principal Evaluation Annual Meeting, Education Writers Association, Nashville,
April 2014
Principal Evaluation Systems and Principals’ Use of Teacher Effectiveness Data: Polices,
Practices, and Prospects, Keynote Address, Consortium for Research on Educational
Assessment and Teaching Effectiveness, Atlanta, 2013.
The School Attendance and Residential Location Balancing Act: Community, Choice, Diversity,
and Achievement. Conference on Education, Land, and Location, Lincoln Land Institute,
Boston, 2013
School Leadership and Networking Outside the School: Parents, Communities and Partnerships. Keynote
Address. School Leadership Symposium, The Institute for the Management and Economics of
Education (IBB), Switzerland, September 2011.
Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Interventions with School Principals. Invited Address,
University of Pennsylvania School of Education, Institute of Education Pre Doctoral Fellows
Program, April, 2011
Principal Responsiveness to Feedback and Coaching as Tools for Leadership Development. Paper
presented at the Asian Leadership Roundtable Annual Conference, Bangkok, Thailand,
March 2011
The Case of Feedback and Coaching for School Principals. Invited Faculty Seminar, University of
Auckland, New Zealand, May 2011.
Principal Feedback and Coaching: Research Results of The Next Generation of Professional
Development for School Leaders. International Conference on the Challenges and Prospects of
School Improvement in the New Era. National Taiwan Normal University, Graduate Institute of
Educational Policy and Administration, Taipei, Taiwan. December, 2010.
New Roles for School Leaders and the Place of Leadership Assessment, University o f Central Arkansas,
Little Rock, Arkansas 2010
The Development of Learning –Centered Leadership: Louisiana Superintendents’ Summit, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, 2010
Measuring Principal Effectiveness? Institute for Public School Initiatives, University of Texas, 2010.
Conceptualizing and Evaluating Professional Development for School Leaders. Keynote Address, Asia
Leadership Roundtable, Institute of Education, Hong Kong, 2010.
Knowledge and Practice in Educational Leadership. Invited address to the National Training Institutes.
Beijing, China, 2009.
Training, Developing and Supporting School Leadership: An Aligned System. National Academy o f
School Leadership, Jerusalem, Israel 2009
Learning Centered Leadership: The Practices of School Leaders. Fudan University, Shanghai China
Conceptualizing and Measuring Mediating Variables in Randomized Experiments with School Principals.
John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD December, 2008
Learning Centered Leadership for Learning Centered Schools. West Virginia Department of Education,
Buckley, West Virginia, April 2008.
Leading Learning Communities. National Association of Elementary School Principals, Nashville, April
Measuring the Impact of Change in Education. The Avi Chai Foundation, February 2008.
Developing and Supporting School Leadership. Alternative Perspectives and Compelling Visions of
Leadership Development and Recruitment: A Convening on the Jewish Day School Headship,
New York, January 2008.
What Should we Teach? Knowledge and Practice in Educational Leadership Preparation. Jewish
Theological Seminary, New York, 2007.
Leadership and Building Community Around Schools. National College of School Leadership, London,
UK, 2007
Tools for School Leadership Learning in an Era of Performance Accountability. Invited Keynote
Speaker, British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society, Reading, UK,
The Importance of Leadership Assessment and Performance Feedback. Board of Directors, Mid-west
Regional Laboratory, Chicago, June 2007.
The Measurement, Assessment and Study of Educational Leadership. Melton Center, Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, June 2007
Leadership Assessment: Measuring what Matters Most. Leadership Summit. Learning Points Associates,
Washington DC. March, 2007.
Studying Education Leadership with Randomized Experiments. Challenges and Lessons Learned. Florida
State University, February, 2007.
The Evaluation and Performance Feedback for School Leaders. Independent School Leadership
Institute, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, June, 2007.
Benchmarking Your Mission and Data Based Decision Making. Charter School Leadership Institute,
Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, July, 2007.
Education in the United States: A System of Diversity and Complexity. Address to the Nashville-China
Leadership Exchange Program, Peabody, College, Nashville, November, 2006.
Unpacking The School Choice Debate in American Education Invited Address, Department of
Educational Administration and Policy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, October,
Policies for Improving Educational Leadership: A Focus on Leadership Assessment and Evaluation
International Seminar on Macro Education Policy in the 21st Century
National Center for Education Development Research, Beijing China. October 18-19, 2006
Building Community Within and Around Schools: Can Jewish Day Schools Measure Up. Keynote
Address, The International Conference, “Reframing Jewish Day School Education Worldwide:
The School in the Community ~ Community in the School”
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, June 28, 2006
Building the Profession of Jewish Educational Research: A View from the Outside. International
Conference on Jewish Education, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, June, 2005
Who Will Lead Urban Schools? UK/US Bilateral Conference on Urban Education, London, December
13-15, 2004.
Unpacking the School Choice Debate, League of Women Voters, Monteagle, TN. October, 2004.
Learning to Lead to Propel Teaching and Learning. Aspiring Women Superintendents Professional
Development Seminar. Nashville, TN. September, 2004.
We Have Modeled How We Teach. Institute for School Leadership, Nashville, TN. September, 2004
Neighborhood Capacity in the Era of Unitary Status: What Does “Closer to Home” Really Mean?
Brown Anniversary conference, “Brown Plus 50: A Renewed Agenda for Social Justice,” New
York University, May 17-19, 2004.
Magnet Schools in the Post Court-Order Era. Peabody Conference on the 50th Anniversary of Brown
V. Board of Education. Nashville, TN, April, 2004.
Institute for School Leaders: Research Outcomes. Presentations to State of Tennessee, Department of
Education, 2002 and 2003.
No Child Left Behind: Accountability, Standards and Focus in American Education. The Jewish Agency,
Jerusalem, Israel, July, 2002.
Understanding the Evolving Concept of Leadership in Education: Roles, Expectations, and Dilemmas.
Symposium Participant, Understanding the Challenges of District and School Leadership the Dawn
of a New Century. American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April, 2002.
Chasing Excellence. Public Education Day, Leadership Nashville. Nashville, Tennessee, December 2001.
Going to School Closer to Home: Desegregation and the End of Court-Ordered Busing. Distinguished
Faculty Lecture, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, October 2001.
Educational Reform, Accountability and Dilemmas of Educational Leadership. The Glassman
Fellow Lecture. University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 2001
Desegregation Today: The Post-Busing Era? Presentation to the CASE Fellowship, A Forum for
Journalists: The African American Experience in Post Civil Rights America. Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, 2001.
Shaping Instructional Excellence and School Culture, Invited Keynote Lecture, Partnership for Excellence
in Jewish Education, Boston, 2000.
Social Class Isolation and Racial Diversity in Magnet Schools. Invited paper presented at a conference of
The National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education (NCSPE) and The Civil Rights
Project at Harvard University; at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, 2000. With
C. Smrekar.
Community Development and School Reform: Toward a New Education Policy Agenda.
Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California, 1998.
With R. L. Crowson and C. E. Smrekar.
Technology, Teaching, and Leadership. Invited address to the Conference for Preparing
Educational Leaders, Ramat Gan, Israel, June, 1998.
Parents, Social Networks, and School Choice. Invited address to the National Graduate
Research. Seminar in Educational Administration, Chicago, 1997.
Privatization and the Role of Universities. Annual meeting of the Association of Educators in Private
Practice, Nashville, Tennessee, 1997.
Schools as Dynamic Organizations. Invited address to the conference Towards New Directions
for Preparing Educational Leaders, Jerusalem, 1995.
Building a Community of Leaders: Creating a Shared Vision. Principals’ Institute, Council for
Initiatives in Jewish Education and the Harvard Principal’s Center, Boston, MA, 1994.
What are the Implications of “The New Institutionalism” for an Understanding of Community? Annual
Meeting of the University Council of Educational Administration, Philadelphia, PA, 1994.
Parental Choice Programs in Education. The Policy Forum, Pedagogical Secretariat, Ministry
of Education and Culture, Jerusalem, 1992.
Contributions of Organizational Studies to Advancing the Knowledge Base in Educational Administration.
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, 1992.
Parental Involvement: How to Make It Work. In-service for Principals of Secondary Community
Schools, Tel Aviv, February 1990.
Centralization and Decentralization: The American Experience. Seminar for Principals and
Inspectors. The Pedagogical Secretariat, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, February 1990.
Parental Involvement: Models for School-Home Partnership. The Center for In-service
Training, Tel Aviv, June 1990.
Principles of Staff Development for Educational Leaders. The Jewish Agency, Tel Aviv,
February 1989.
School Effectiveness. In-service for Boarding School Administrators. Association for the
Development and Advancement of Manpower in Social Sciences, Tel Aviv, May, 1989.
Models of Supervision. Nura Institute for Management Training, Tel Aviv, December, 1989.
School Effectiveness: A Slogan or a Goal? In-service for Supervisors. Association for the
Development of Manpower in the Social Sciences, Jerusalem, December, 1989.
Instructional Leadership Roles of Department Heads. Katzir High School, Tel Aviv, June, 1989.
The Principal as Supervisor and Staff Developer. Workshop for School Principals and Staff in
the Autonomy School Project, Tel Aviv, September, 1988.
Classroom Organizational Frameworks for Gifted Education Students. Elementary School
Principals’ Forum, Petach Tikvah, Israel, 1987.
Policy Decisions Using Meta-Analysis. Institute for Research in the Behavioral Sciences,
Jerusalem, May 1986.
2002-2004 Member, Director of Schools, Research Advisory Committee, Metropolitan
Nashville Public Schools.
2001-2002 Member, Nominations Committee, Division L, American Educational Research
2000-2002 Member, National Advisory Board, Davidson School of Education, The Jewish
Religious Leadership Project, Jewish Theological Seminary.
2000-2001 Annual Meeting Program Chair, Division A, American Educational Research
1998, 1999 Visiting Lecturer, Mandel School of Educational Leadership, Jerusalem,
1996-2000 Member, Task Force on Inquiry and Research in Educational Administration,
American Educational Research Association
1995-1999 Member, Publications Committee, Politics of Education Association
1994-1996 Chair, Organizational Theory Special Interest Group, American Educational
Research Association;
1994-1996 Member, Executive Committee, Families As Educators Special Interest Group,
American Educational Research Association
1995 Co-Director, Summer Principals’ Institute, Metropolitan Nashville Public
1992 Council for Initiatives in Jewish Education, Mandel Foundation, Consultant
1993-1994 Annual Meeting Sub-Section Chair, Division A, American Educational Research
1992-1993 Member, Committee on Knowledge and Research in Educational Administration,
University Council of Educational Administration
1992 Conference Chair, Politics of Education Association
1988 Educational Policy, Planning and Administration, Visiting Scholar, University of
Maryland, College Park, Maryland