Bill 613003807520
Bill 613003807520
Bill 613003807520
è Why not use our online service? You Important Contract Information
can get a new or copy bill, update your
meter readings or manage and view Fixed term period end date: 30th November 2026*
your payments. Just register at For Business tariffs include both fixed and variable cost elements within the
standing charge and unit rates. You should keep in mind that the variable costs can
è Our interactive phone service has the rise or fall quarterly. If these variable costs change, your prices will be updated
answers to the questions our business accordingly each quarter on the 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October. For
customers most often ask, such as CCL information on the variable costs included in your prices, as well as details on the
payments or VAT calculations. Just call latest changes, please visit
us on 0345 058 0002.
è We can help you to keep your energy *At ScottishPower we do not require customers to give us written notice of
costs down. Simply go to termination. For customers on a fixed term tariff, your contract will end on the day after your current contract end date unless you choose another contract with
saving-energy for Energy Efficiency tips. ScottishPower. If you do not choose another contract with ScottishPower or move
supplier, we will move you to a default tariff.
03 801 D02
S 18 0002 7540 219
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Climate change levy
CCL Not applicable. Supply is small (deminimis).
Total Levies £0.00
Vat at 5.00% on £56.35 £2.82
Total VAT £2.82
Additional Charges
We may apply fees if your bill is paid late or if additional action is required.
• £10 Late payment fee if unpaid after 14 days
• £20 Additional fee if still unpaid after 28 days
• £42 Pass to debt collections agency / visiting your premises
• £209 if we were to apply for a warrant to enter your premises
…The Government has introduced various support schemes to help businesses at this time. Please visit for more information.
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ScottishPower Energy Retail Limited. Registered Office: 320 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5AD. Registered in Scotland No. 190287. VAT No. GB 659 3720 08