Unit 1.4 Research Design
Unit 1.4 Research Design
Unit 1.4 Research Design
• Research design must, at least, contain—
–(a) a clear statement of the research
–(b) procedures and techniques to be
used for gathering information;
–(c) the population to be studied;
–(d) methods to be used in processing
and analyzing data
A Classification of Marketing Research Designs
Research Design
Exploratory Conclusive
Research Design Research Design
Descriptive Causal
Research Research
Cross-Sectional Longitudinal
Design Design
• Exploratory
– “discovery”
• Descriptive
– “relationships/ characteristics
• Causal
– “cause-and-effect”
Overview of Research Design
Uses Types
• Purpose
– Does a change in X cause a change in Y?
• Experiments
– Laboratory experiments
– Field experiments
• Let’s take some test cases where causal research can
be used:
• What will happen to sale of my product if I change
the packaging of the product?
• What will happen to sale of my product if I change
the design of the product?
• What will happen to sale of my product if I change
the advertising?
Example of Causal Research
Experimental Designs
One Group Pretest- Posttest: Only Control Multiple Time Latin Square
Posttest Group Series
X 01
• A single group of test units is exposed to a treatment X.
• A single measurement on the dependent variable is taken
• There is no random assignment of test units.
• The one-shot case study is more appropriate for
exploratory than for conclusive research.
A. Pre-experimental designs
i. One-Shot Case Study………
• An example of one such design might be a one survey
of unemployed people in a specific local area to
assess their health status and the impact of
unemployment on health. Thus there is no attempt to
approximate to the classical experiment. There is no
comparison group of employed people, there is no
attempt to study changes over time and the sample
A. Pre-experimental designs
ii. One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design
01 X 02
• A group of test units is measured twice.
• There is no control group.
• The treatment effect is computed as 02 – 01.
• The validity of this conclusion is questionable since extraneous
variables are largely uncontrolled.
• A single case is observed at two time points, one before the treatment
and one after the treatment. Changes in the outcome of interest are
presumed to be the result of the intervention or treatment. No control
or comparison group is employed.
Research Question: Does a mindfulness
meditation program lead to a reduction in
symptoms of anxiety?
• Design:
1. Participants: Select a group of individuals experiencing symptoms
of anxiety.
2. Pretest: Administer a pretest to measure the level of anxiety
symptoms in the participants.
3. Intervention: Implement a mindfulness meditation program for the
4. Posttest: Administer a posttest to measure anxiety symptoms after
the completion of the mindfulness program.
5. Data Analysis: Use statistical tests to compare pretest and posttest
6. Interpretation: Determine whether there is a statistically significant
reduction in anxiety symptoms after participating in the
mindfulness meditation program.
A. Pre-experimental designs
iii. Static Group Design
EG: X 01
CG: 02
• Test units are randomly assigned to either the experimental or the control
EG : R X 01
CG : R 02
01 02 03 04 05 X 06 07 08 09 010
CG : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010
• Group experimental units into blocks based on the identified factor. Aim for
homogeneity within each block with respect to the blocking variable.
• A Latin square is conceptualized as shown in the table, with the rows and
columns representing the blocks in the two external variables.
• The levels of the independent variable are assigned to the cells in the
Example: Latin Square Design for
Teaching Method Study
1. Independent Variable (IV):
1.Teaching Method (New vs. Traditional)
2. Dependent Variable (DV):
1.Student Performance (measured by test scores)
3. Potential Confounding Variables:
1.Socioeconomic Status (SES)
2.Class Sections
Latin Square Design: