Workout Plan by Fitflashh

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Train to become a super

saiyan - flash
Cardio drills SETS REPS
5 mins maax sprinting right after waking up

At the gym
15 mins stair master x 15 mins
15 mins max incline on 5 speed x 15 mins

battle ropes x 1 min

1 min jogging x 1 min
Sled push x 1 round
Week 1&3

Chest, Triceps & deltoids SETS REPS

Warm up bench press X1 25
Standing cable flyes X3 25
Incline dumbbell press X3 15-20
Incline flyes machine X3 15-20
Flat bench press X3 15-20
Machine chest press X3 15-20
Side lateral dumbbell raises X3 15-20
Cable face pulls X3 15-20
Triceps push downs v bar X3 15-20
Rope pushdowns X3 15-20
Week 1&3

Back & biceps Set Reps

Warm up wide grip pull ups X1 10-30
Deadlifts X4 10-15
Bent over barbell rows X3 10-15
Seated machine rows X3 10-15
Single arm dumbbell rows X3 10-15
Half kneeling moto rows X3 10-15
Cable pull downs X3 10-15
Alternating bicep curls X3 15-20
Wide grip barbell curls X3 15-20
Week 1&3

Shoulder & calves Sets Reps

Warm up shoulder press X3 30
Seated military press X3 10-15
Seated Arnold press X3 10-15
Seated shoulder machine press X3 10-15
Upright rows X3 10-15
Side lateral cable raises X3 25-30
Dumbbell shrugs X5 30
Seated calves X8 15-20
Week 1&3
Arms Sets Reps
Tricep dips (superset 0 sec rest) X3 12-15
Skull krushers (superset 20 sec rest) X3 12-15
Triceps cable kickbacks ( superset 0 sec rest) X3 12-15
Triceps rope push downs (superset 20 sec rest) X3 12-15
Alternating bicep rotation curls (superset 0 sec rest) X3 12-15
Alternating hammer curls (superset 20 sec rest) X3 12-15
Cable bicep curls( superset 0 sec rest) X3 12-15
Reverse cable bicep curls ( superset 20 sec rest) X3 12-15
Week 1&3

LEGS Sets Reps

Warm up free squats x1 40-50
Squats X4 15-20
Hack squats X3 15-20
Legg press X3 15-20
Glute ham raises X3 15-20
Lying legged leg curls X3 15-20
Standing calf raises x8 15-20
Week 2&4

Chest, Triceps & Delts Sets Reps

Warm up bench press x1 25
Decline cable flyes x4 25-30
Decline smith machine press x4 15-20
Decline dumbbell press x4 15-20
Flat dumbbell press x4 15-20
Flat cable flyes x4 15-20
Machine chest press x4 15-20
Side lateral cable raises x4 25-30
Rear delt cable fly x4 25-30
Triceps pushdowns x4 25-30
Dumbell kickbacks x4 25-30
Week 2&4

Back & biceps Sets Reps

Warm up hyper extensions x1 10
Rack pulls x5 15-20
Hyper extensions x4 15-20
Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts x4 15-20
Reverse grip chin ups x3 6-8
Reverse grip pull downs x4 15-20
Hammer Strength Row x4 15-20
Wide grip seated machin pulls x4 15-20
V bar pull downs x4 20-25
Hammer curls x4 15-20
Reverse curls x4 15-20
Week 2&4

Shoulder & Calves Sets Reps

Warm up machine shoulder press X1 20
Shoulder press X5 15-20
Anterior delt seated press X4 15-20
Machine press X4 15-20
Side lateral dumbbell raises X5 15-20
Upright rows X4 15-20
Barbel shrugs X5 15-20
Seated calves X8 15-20
Week 2&4
Arms Sets Reps
Alternating dumbbell curls x4 15-20
Alternating hammer curls x4 15-20
Ez bar curls x4 15-20
Spider curls x4 15-20
Crucifix cable curls x4 15-20
Tricep bench dips x4 30
Close grip bench pres x4 15-20
Ez bar skull krushers x4 15-20
Triceps push down x4 15-20
Trips pull over x4 15-20
Triceps single arm cable push downs x4 15-20
Triceps rope push downs x4 20-25
Week 2&4

Legs Sets Reps

Squats 5 15-20
Hack squats 4 15-20
Legg press 4 15-20
Walking lunges 40 steps 4 40
Single leg extensions 8 15-20
Single Glute ham raises 8 15-20
Standing calf raises 10 15-20

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