Silver Oak University: This Course Provides Detail of A Computer System's Functional Components, Their

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College of Technology (01)

Diploma Engineering Course (CE/IT)
Subject Name: Computer Organization
Subject Code: 1010042236
Semester: 3rd

Prerequisite: N.A.

Objective: This course provides detail of a computer system’s functional components, their
characteristics, performance and interactions including system bus, different types of memory and
input/output organization and CPU. The students are also introduced to the increasingly important area of
parallel organization.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Total
L T P Contact Credits Theory Practical Marks
(TH) (TH) (PR) (PR)
3 0 2 5 4 40 60 20 30 150


Unit Course Contents Teaching Weightage

No. Hours %
1 Computer Architecture & Register-Transfer and Micro- 8 17
Overview of computers and basics of Digital Electronics-Flip
Flops, Registers, Shift registers, Register- Transfer-
Language, Register Transfer, Bus Transfer and Memory
Transfer, Arithmetic Micro-Operations Addition,
Subtraction, Complements, Negation, Increment and
Decrement. Logic micro operations, Shift Micro operation,
Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit.

2 Basic Computer Organization: 6 15

Instruction Codes, Computer Registers AC or Accumulator,
Data Register or DR, the AR or Address Register, program
counter (PC), Memory Data Register (MDR), Index register,
Memory Buffer Register. Computer Instructions, Timing and
Control, Instruction Cycle, Memory Reference Instructions,
Input-Output and Interrupt, Complete Computer Description
3 Central processor organization & Pipeline processing: 10 22
General Register Organization, Stack Organization,
Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and
manipulation, Program Control, RISC Characteristics, CISC
Characteristics, Parallel Processing.

4 Memory Organization: 8 21
Memory classifications, RAM,ROM,PROM,EPROM,
Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory and Auxiliary Memory,
Associative Memory, Cache Memory, Virtual memory.

5 Input/output Organization: 6 15
Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer, Strobe
Control, Handshaking, Asynchronous Serial Transfer, Modes
of Data Transfer, Input-Output Processor (IOP)

6 Computer Arithmetic: 4 10
Introduction, Addition and subtraction, Multiplication
Algorithms (Booth Multiplication Algorithm), Division
Algorithms, Floating Point Arithmetic operations, Decimal
Arithmetic Unit.

Course Outcome:

Sr. No. CO statement Unit No

CO-1 Discuss working of functional components of computer 1,2

CO-2 Understand and analyze various issues related to memory hierarchy 4

CO-3 Understand the concept of Input and Output in Computer System 5


CO-4 Relate design principles in instruction set design including RISC 3


CO-5 Apply the fundamental issues related to computer arithmetic operation 6

and circuits to support the system computation

Teaching & Learning Methodology:-

● The course includes a laboratory, where students get the opportunity to practically apply the
theoretical knowledge they have acquired in the lectures.
● Different experiments shall be carried out during the practical sessions.
● Interactive lectures with PPT and Projector based studies

List of Experiments/Tutorials:
1. Study of different registers in computers architecture
2. Study of different logical gates and Flip-Flops
3. Implement Booth’s Algorithm
4. Write the working of 8085 simulator GNUsim8085 and basic architecture of 8085 along
with a small introduction.
5. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to store numbers in memory location.
6. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to implement addition and subtraction
7. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to print 1’s and 2’s complement of a
8. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to find the addition of two 16-bit
9. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to implement multiplication and
division operations
10. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to find the factorial of a number
11. Compare RISC AND CISC

Major Equipment:

Computer systems with latest configuration enabled with 8085 simulator GNUsim8085

Books Recommended:

1. Computer system Architecture, by Mano ,M. Morris, Pearson publication, Latest Edition
ISBN: 978-81-317-0070-9
2. Computer Architecture and Organization, by Ghoshal, Subrata, Pearson publication.
3. Computer Architecture-By Parhami, Behrooz,Oxford publication

List of Open Source Software/learning website:

1. NPTEL tutorials

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