W24 PHY-NYA-701 Classical Mechanics OUTLINE

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203-NYA-05 | 203-701-MS

TERM: Winter 2024 INSTRUCTOR(S): M. Dayon (RM I-311)

PONDERATION: 3-2-3 M. Livingstone (RM I-316)
DISCIPLINE: Physics S. Sabik (RM I-318)
COURSE CREDIT: 2.66 M. Sadikov (RM B-323)
PREREQUISITE(S): SEC. V Physics (053504, 553504) or A. Smith (RM I-318)
equivalent J. Vinet (RM B-328)
SEC. V Math TS (064506, 564506) or W. Wright (RM G-324)
SEC. V Math SN (065506, 565506)
OFFICE HOURS: Office hours will be posted on Omnivox
and your Teacher’s office door by
January 19th.


Science (200.B0), registered in 203-NYA-05

00UR fully  To analyze various physical situations and phenomena by applying the fundamental
principles of classical mechanics
00UU partially  To apply acquired knowledge to one or more subjects in the sciences

Arts & Sciences (700.A0), registered in 203-701-MS

01Y7 fully  To interpret natural phenomena using models from mechanical physics


Knight. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach, 5th Edition, Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2021.

 You can purchase the e-text through the Concordia bookstore

(https://www.bkstr.com/concordiastore/home): select the course code 203-NYA-05 or 203-701-MS. The price
for the e-text is quite reasonable, especially given that it covers 3 courses.
 You will also need a course ID in order to access the e-text. Your instructor can provide you with this course
ID, as well as instructions.
 Once you have purchased access to the e-text, you also have the option of purchasing a physical copy of the
text for a reasonable price. Your instructor can provide you with instructions on how to do so.
 The textbook comes with an access code for the Mastering Physics online system. Be aware that you might
need this access code for a later physics course even if your current teacher does not use this system.
 If you choose to purchase a second-hand textbook be advised that access codes expire, so even if a used book
comes with a Mastering Physics access code (which is not always the case) you may still need to purchase the
access code separately (www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com).
 Some unscrupulous individuals have offered to sell a PDF of the textbook for as much as $90. This is not legal,
and in addition the price is outrageous!
 It is emphasized that students should be respecting copyright and using a legal version of the textbook.

For more information on citation styles, consult the Marianopolis Library’s citation style links under
the “Citation and research help” heading on www.marianopolis.edu/campus-life/library/

4873 Westmount Ave., Westmount, QC H3Y 1X9  Tel.: (514) 931-8792 Fax: (514) 931-8790  www.marianopolis.edu
530B655H How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life 530054H How to Solve Physics Problems
530G638C The Cartoon Guide to Physics 530L524P Physics the Easy Way
530K96B Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide 530M134T Tutorials in Introductory Physics
530H195T 3000 Solved Problems in Physics

- Fundamentals of Physics by D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
- Physics (Extended Version) by P. Tipler, 3rd Edition, Worth Publisher.
- Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway and Jewett, 7th Edition, Thomson/Brooks Cole Publishing, 2008.
- University Physics with Modern Physics by Young and Freedman, 13th Edition, Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2012.
There are also the Study Guide and Student Solutions manuals Volume: 1.
- Physics in Biology and Medicine, by Paul Davidovits, 2nd Edition, Harcourt (Academic Press).
- How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life, by L. A. Bloomfield, John Wiley.


(key words are italicized)

Some of the science program goals that are encountered in Mechanics are problem-solving skills, lab skills, the use
of mathematical tools and logical reasoning. Mechanics is the branch of physics dealing with motion and the forces
which affect motion. The course begins with Kinematics, the science of movement (Chapters 1, 2 and 4), where the
motion of point-like objects is analyzed using the concepts of space and time. At this point in the course it is
traditional to make a brief foray into Vector Analysis (Chapter 3). The next section, Dynamics examines the concept
of force, bringing us to a discussion of Newton’s Laws of Motion and the definition of mass. Newton’s laws are applied
to objects in rectilinear and circular motion (Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8). Momentum and the Law of Conservation of
Linear Momentum are studied and applied to inelastic collision problems (Chapter 11). The concepts of kinetic energy
and potential energy are introduced. The Law of Conservation of Total Mechanical Energy provides alternative
methods for describing motion (Chapter 10). Here we also take a look at elastic collision problems where both
conservation of momentum and kinetic energy apply. The concept of work is connected to energy using the Work-
Kinetic Energy Theorem (Chapter 9). We study the kinematics and dynamics of rotations about a fixed axis,
introducing the concepts of torque and angular momentum (Chapter 12). Finally, we touch on some aspects of
Newton’s Theory of Gravity (Chapter 13).

Ponderation is 3-2-3 i.e. 3 hours of lectures, 2 hours of labs and 3 hours of homework per week. Lectures are used
to introduce the theory and demonstrate problem-solving techniques. Where applicable, the theory will be
illustrated with in-class demonstrations. The laboratory periods will help the student to investigate and verify the
laws introduced in the lectures.

The assignments will give the students problem-solving practice as well as provide weekly progress reports. The mid-
term class test will provide feedback to the students as to their understanding of the subject. The comprehensive
final exam will allow the students to show that they have acquired an overview of Classical Mechanics.

Office hours (posted on Omnivox) offered by the teachers are meant to open a two-way dialogue between the
teacher and the student, to allow for a more personal interaction and offer an opportunity for questions to be asked
and answered.

The following is a list of what the student should be able to do by the end of this course. As such, the student should
be prepared to answer questions on the final examination on any of these points. In this listing, the basic
competencies are italicized; integrative topics are underlined. The numbers, at right, refer to sections in the

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Basic competencies definitions:
 Recall requires the student to identify and interpret a formula as listed in a formula sheet, or possibly to
state a physical law, in statement or equation form, without the benefit of a formula sheet.
 Comprehend requires the student to Recall and grasp fundamental physical concepts. Depending on
the concept concerned, this may entail understanding (i) the phenomenon under investigation, (ii) the
relevant physical quantities, (iii) the relationship among these quantities, (iv) the implications of these
 Apply requires the student to Recall and Comprehend physical concepts and use them in order to solve
qualitative or quantitative problems in specific physical situations.
 Derive requires the student to use one or more physical principles in a given situation in order to obtain a
general result or formula. For items marked derive, the student should be able to (i) justify the reasoning
behind the steps in the derivation (ii) answer conceptual questions about the derivation.

1. Review of Useful Tools

- appropriately use units and dimensional analysis x

- estimate orders of magnitude 1.8

- use problem-solving strategies in physics 1.7

- solve physics problems using variables only x

2. Concepts of Motion

- comprehend the notions of position x, velocity v and acceleration a 1.1-1.5

- comprehend the graphical representations of x vs t, v vs t, a vs t 1.6

3. Kinematics in One Dimension

- comprehend the relationship between these graphical representations (slope of the tangent 2.1-2.4, 2.7
and signed area under the graph)

- apply graphical analysis to translate from one sketch to another 2.1-2.4, 2.7

- comprehend the functional dependence of x, v and a on t 2.1-2.4, 2.7

- apply the above graphical and functional techniques to solve problems in one-dimensional 2.4
kinematics (also applies for 2D)

- comprehend the notion of motion under constant acceleration 2.4

- comprehend the graphical interpretation of motion under constant acceleration 2.4-2.6

- derive the equations of motion for constant acceleration using graphical analysis or calculus. 2.3, 2.4

- recall the kinematics equations for motion under constant acceleration 2.4

- apply the above equations to solve kinematics problems with single and two simultaneous 2.4-2.7

- apply the kinematics equations to problems in 1-D motion under constant acceleration 2.5

- apply the above concepts to free-fall 2.5

4. Vectors

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- comprehend the Cartesian (𝑖̂, 𝑗̂, 𝑘̂ ) vector coordinate system 3.3, 3.4

- comprehend the relationship between the magnitude and direction of a vector and its 3.3
Cartesian components

- comprehend the graphical and algebraic representations of vector addition, subtraction and 3.1-3.2
multiplication by a scalar

- comprehend the decomposition of a vector into mutually-perpendicular components 3.3

- comprehend the notion of a unit vector 3.4

5. Motion in Two Dimensions

- comprehend 2-D motion as two simultaneous, independent 1-D motions 4.1

- comprehend the notions of the position, velocity and acceleration vectors 4.1

- apply vector algebra to extend the kinematics equations to two-dimensional motion 4.1

- apply the above concepts to projectile motion 4.2

- comprehend the notions of uniform and non-uniform circular motion and angular quantities 4.4-4.6

- comprehend the notion of centripetal acceleration and tangential acceleration 4.5-4.6

6. Force and Motion

- comprehend the notion of force as causing a change in velocity 5.1, 5.4

- comprehend the vector properties of gravitational force, normal force, tension, and the 5.2, 5.3
classification of these forces as field or contact forces

- apply vector algebra to the decomposition of forces into components 5.1

- apply superposition to determine the net force 5.1

- recall Newton’s 1st and 2nd Laws 5.5, 5.6

- comprehend the notion of inertia (Newton’s First Law) 5.4, 5.6

- comprehend the notion of mass as the measure of inertia 5.4

- comprehend the relationship between net force and acceleration (Newton’s Second Law) 5.5

- comprehend the notion of the free-body diagram 5.7

7. Dynamics of Motion in One Dimension

- comprehend the notion of apparent weight 6.3

- comprehend the properties of static and kinetic friction 6.4

- comprehend the notions of the coefficients of static and kinetic friction, and the limits of static 6.4

- apply the above concepts to solve dynamics problems 6.2, 6.6, 8.1

8. Newton’s Third Law

- recall Newton’s 3rd Law 7.3

- comprehend the notion of equal and opposite forces for two objects acting on each other 7.1-7.3

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(Newton’s Third Law), with emphasis on identifying the body on which each force is applied

- apply Newton’s Laws to multiple mass systems 7.4, 7.5

9. Dynamics of Motion in Two Dimensions

- recall the relationship between centripetal (radial) acceleration, tangential and angular velocity 4.5, 8.2

- comprehend the notion of net force as it contributes to uniform and non-uniform circular
8.2, 8.5

- apply the above concepts to problems involving uniform and non-uniform circular motion 8.2-8.5

10. Linear Momentum and Inelastic Collisions

- comprehend the notion of linear momentum as a vector quantity 11.1

- derive the conservation of linear momentum for two objects in collision using Newton’s 3rd Law 11.2

- comprehend and apply the conservation of linear momentum 11.2

- recall the relationship between change in momentum of a colliding body and average force of
collision on that body

- comprehend the above relationship as being an expression of Newton’s Second Law 11.2

- apply the above concepts to problems involving inelastic collisions and explosions in one and 11.3-11.5
two dimensions

11. Conservation of Energy

- comprehend the notion of kinetic energy 9.1-9.2

- recall the relationship between kinetic energy, mass and speed 9.2

9.3, 9.4,
- recall the formulae for gravitational and elastic potential energy
10.2, 10.3

- recall Hooke’s Law 10.4

- comprehend the concept of elastic potential energy 9.4

- recall the definition of elastic and inelastic collisions 11.3

- apply the concepts of conservation of momentum to elastic collisions 11.3

- comprehend the concept of conservation of energy in elastic collisions 11.3

12. Work and Energy

- comprehend the notion of work 9.1

- recall the definition of work done by a constant force 9.2, 9.3

- comprehend the algebraic definition and geometric significance of the scalar (dot) product 9.3

- apply the scalar product to solve for work done in one, two and three dimensions 9.3

- comprehend the work done by a spring 9.4

- comprehend the work done by gravity 10.2

- comprehend the notion of potential energy as the work done by a conservative force 10.6, 10.7

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- comprehend the distinction between conservative and non-conservative forces 10.7

- comprehend the conservation of energy in an isolated system 10.4

- comprehend the Work-Energy Theorem 10.4

- comprehend the work done by kinetic friction and other non-conservative forces as it 9.5, 10.4
contributes to the Work-Energy Theorem

- comprehend the notions of instantaneous and average power 9.6

- apply the concepts of work and energy to solve problems in dynamics 10.4

13. Rotation of a Rigid Body and Angular Momentum

- comprehend angular position, velocity and acceleration 4.5-4.7, 12.1

- recall the relationship between angular and linear kinematics properties 4.5, 4.6

- comprehend the concept of the moment of inertia 12.3

- recall the formulae for the moment of inertia of a system of particles 12.4

- apply superposition to solve for the moment of inertia of systems of particles and composite 12.4

- recall the formula of rotational kinetic energy of a body 12.3

- comprehend the notion of torque 12.5

- recall the formula for torque in terms of applied force 12.5

- apply the above concepts to solving problems in rotational dynamics about a fixed axis, 12.6, 12.7
including problems with massive pulleys

- comprehend the notion of angular momentum 12.11

- apply the Right Hand Rule to find the direction of angular velocity, angular acceleration, torque, 12.10, 12.11
and angular momentum

- recall the formulae for the angular momentum of a particle and of a rigid body 12.11

- comprehend the application of Newton’s Laws to rotational motion (namely the conservation 12.11
of angular momentum, the relationship between torque and change of angular momentum)

- comprehend the conservation of angular momentum in closed systems 12.11

- apply the conservation of angular momentum in problems in rotational motion about a fixed 12.11

13. Universal Gravitation

- recall Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation 13.3

- apply the above law to the derivation of g at and above the surface of a celestial object 13.4

- apply the above concepts to problems involving circular orbital motion 8.3, 13.4

14. Calculus and graphical representations of linear motion (INTEGRATIVE ACTIVITY)

- comprehend the notion of average velocity and acceleration, and their graphical representation 2.1-2.4, 2.7

- comprehend the notion of a limit 2.2

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- comprehend the application of limits to obtain instantaneous velocity and acceleration 2.2, 2.7

- comprehend and apply the numerical approach to estimating instantaneous velocity and

- apply differential calculus to translate from x(t) to v(t), and from v(t) to a(t) (polynomials only) 2.2, 2.7

- comprehend the graphical representation of instantaneous velocity and acceleration 2.2, 2.7

- comprehend the significance of turning points and concavity in graphical representations 2.7


Integrative activities are meant to demonstrate the interdisciplinary connections between Physics and other
scientific disciplines. Such activities are incorporated into the various course components and recur in the final
cumulative examination. The specific integrative activities for this course are stated in the listing of specific
objectives. The assessment of Integrative Activity topics for core physics courses will consist of one separate
question worth 10% of the final exam.


Two marking schemes will be used, with the student’s final grade being determined by the most
favourable scheme.
Assigned Work, Quizzes 15%
Labs 10%
Mid-term Test
15% 30%
(Week of March 11 – 15)

Final Exam
60% 45%
(In final evaluation period)

The final evaluation for this course is comprised of the following: Final Exam and Lab 7. Lab 7 will be held the
week of April 29 – May 3, 2024.

The mid-term test will provide feedback to the students as to their understanding of the subject. The mid-term test
date will be announced as soon as possible at the beginning of term. The comprehensive final examination will allow
students to demonstrate that they have acquired an overview of Mechanics.

Late assignments or lab reports may not be accepted, or may be subject to a penalty at the instructor’s discretion.

For further information about evaluation, please consult the Institutional Policy for the Evaluation of Student
Achievement (IPESA) and the Language Policy available at www.marianopolis.edu/policies


Enriched sections are offered to provide additional stimulation to students who readily grasp physical concepts. Such
stimulation arises from a deeper treatment of the regular course material and from added topics chosen at the
instructor’s discretion. The evaluation of this extra activity takes the form of optional question(s) both on the mid-
term test and on the common final examination.

All College policies can be found at www.marianopolis.edu/policies

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Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA)

The Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA) reflects the College’s philosophy on
education and guides the assessment of student achievement by way of progressive and systematic evaluation. This
policy describes the goals and objectives of such evaluation, documents the means taken to arrive at comprehensive
and fair evaluation, and establishes the rights and sharing of responsibilities for all participants. All students and
faculty, administration and staff members are responsible for knowing the provisions of the policy. The IPESA is
available online on the College website and in “Documents” within Omnivox.

Academic Integrity
In keeping with the principles of fairness and honesty and consistent with the standards upheld by institutions
of higher learning, the College is committed to promoting and protecting academic integrity. Students are
expected to submit work that is entirely their own and properly acknowledge any other person’s contribution
to their work, when such contributions are permitted, in conformity with the guidelines provided by the

The use of Artificial Intelligence text generating software is not allowed in course evaluations unless explicitly
indicated by your professor.

Cheating, whether intentional or unintentional, constitutes a serious academic offence. It includes, but is not
restricted to, being in possession of or making use of material, tools, or services that have not been authorized
by the teacher or are not permitted under the College’s Examination Rules, obtaining or providing unauthorized
assistance for any submitted work, making or implying false claims about the submission of work, plagiarism,
making false claims or submitting false documentation related to evaluations or other academic activities, or
attempting to do any of the above.

Plagiarism is a form of cheating that occurs when a student presents or submits the work of another, in whole
or in part, as their own. It includes but is not limited to using material from any source that is not properly cited,
submitting someone else’s paper as one’s own and receiving assistance from tutors, family, or friends that calls
the originality of the work into question. Plagiarism also includes presenting or submitting one’s own work
when such work has already been submitted for evaluation in another course.

Suspected instances of cheating and plagiarism may be discussed with the Department Chair and will be
reported to the Associate Dean, Student Success. The sanction shall be decided by the Associate Dean, Student
Success and may include, but is not limited to, a grade of zero on the evaluation, a grade of zero in the course,
suspension, and/or expulsion from the College. The severity and nature of the infraction, as well as any prior
or concurrent infractions, will be taken into consideration when determining the sanction. For work in which
cheating, including plagiarism, has been found, the teacher cannot permit a student to rewrite or re-submit
the work, nor accept any replacement for the work. The teacher also cannot adjust the grading scheme of the
course, and the work is excluded from the right to a grade appeal. Regulations related to cheating and
plagiarism are available online in the IPESA at www.marianopolis.edu/ipesa, Section 4.

Language Policy
The Marianopolis graduate shall be prepared to bring the powers of thought and language not only to the challenge
of academic studies but also to that of personal and public leadership in the contemporary world. In all course
activities, attention shall be paid to the structure of thought and the language characteristic of the discipline; to
reinforcing and integrating the language objectives of the different programs; and to the criteria of the ministerial
exit examination in language: comprehension and insight, organization of response, and expression. High standards
in the quality of written and spoken language shall be maintained. The Language Policy is available online on the
College website.

In addition, the teacher for the course will make a French-English glossary of common physics-related terms available
to students on Omnivox or E-Reserves: Vocabularies LibGuide.

Student Code of Conduct

This document outlines expectations for student behaviour. The Student Code of Conduct is available online on the
College website at www.marianopolis.edu/policies.

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Copyrighted Material
Any digital files of print copyrighted material, (including selections from books, journals, magazines, newspapers, or
other print copyrighted sources), shared by the teacher to the students in this course are intended for the student’s
personal use only. The student is permitted to make a single print copy of the digital file. The student may not share
the digital files with anyone outside this course.


Laboratory attendance is compulsory. In exceptional cases, arrangements could be made for make-up of the missed

Rules for testing situations

In order to ensure that no student has an unfair advantage over the other students, the only calculator permitted
during quizzes, class tests and final examinations at the College is the Texas Instruments Model TI-30XS Multiview.

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