2 Modernism and Avant-Garde Workshop
2 Modernism and Avant-Garde Workshop
2 Modernism and Avant-Garde Workshop
Being modern may seem like a natural way of being to us, which is why we are
accustomed to change and everything that for many is new. In this sense, modern
seems to be what is fashionable, the latest in trends, which also represents a problem
for many others who see the idea of progress as an illusion. Being modern is therefore
something contradictory: it is our obligation, but at the same time a riddle.
As a literary movement, modernism had its origins in 1880 in Latin America; It was the
first movement within this art that would acquire such strength that it would infect many countries, including the main
centers of literary creation in Europe, such as Spain and France.
The main reference of this movement was Rubén Darío, a poet born in Nicaragua,
who after publishing “Azul” in 1888, started a trend that would be joined by other
important poets from his continent, such as José Martí and Manuel Gutiérrez
Nájera. (WordPress, nd)
Modernism constituted the most important period in the formation of Colombian and
Latin American literature: it emerged as a response to the desire for universality, of
wanting to be an integral part of the literature of the rest of the world, of being
modern in America, but also as an affirmation of our own identity.
Main features
Exacerbated musicality
Use of different types of verses
Delicate and exotic images
Striking and very sonorous language
Evasion of reality
Exaltation of the interiority of the author.
Topics: Genders:
*Aristocratic society * Poetry
*The ancient world * Novel
*Sensuality and eroticism Main
He traveled to Europe in 1885, where he learned about European poetry and had friends with writers such
as Oscar Wilde and Stéphane Mallarmé. His misadventures could have led him to suicide and truncated
the realization of
Nocturno The poem is one of the most important in Latin America; In its composition, the verses break with
traditional rhyme and meter, building rhythms unknown until then. In addition, Silva used adjectives and repetitions
that help reinforce the theme of the poem.
After dinner The novel narrates the life of José Fernández, an artist in constant conflict with bourgeois society. A
very sensitive and sickly young man who questions the world, of which he does not feel part.
In addition to being a poet, he was also a politician. His work presents a marked influence of
Parnassianism as it is too sensory and symbolic. He represented the conflict between tradition and
change, between European positivist thought and nascent American thought.
Rites: In this book, published in 1899, Valencia worships landscapes of antiquity and
introduces new facets to his Christian thought. In his literary production it is worth highlighting his
translations and political speeches. (Benavides, 2014)
In addition to being a poet, he worked as a journalist, essayist, short story writer, literary critic and
The singing tree This book of poems was published in 1928. There themes such as
death, landscape, love and mystical thought are developed. The tone he gives to his
poems is full of musicality, simplicity, irony and humor. This versatility in lyrical
composition influenced other Colombian poets.
Solve the following crossword puzzle with the most important aspects of modernism in Colombia.
One of the main characteristics that refers to the striking and very loud
Name of the poet also known as a politician and who has a book called Rites
The tree thatbook of poems written by Eduardo Castillo
Literary movement that originated in 1880 in Latin America
Work that started the movement written by Rubén Darío
One of the most important poems in Latin America.
Main literary genre of modernism along with the novel
What modernism evades
Modernism arises as a desire for universality and as an affirmation of ours.
Topic related to sensuality
9.Silva's first last name
Explain in your own words the following aspects of modernism in Colombia.
a. Constant evasion of reality
b. Exaltation of the interiority of the author
c. Affirmation of our own identity
Remember that…
The communicative intention of poetry has as its main function to persuade the reader's emotions from the
images created by poetic language.
The avant-garde
From a historical point of view, the first third of the 20th century was characterized by great tensions and confrontations
between European powers. For their part, the First World War (between 1914 and 1918) and the Soviet Revolution (in
October 1917) fostered hopes for a different economic regime for the people.
It is for this reason that a profound renewal of the human spirit begins in the literary field. From this desire to break with the
previous, to fight against sentimentalism, from the exaltation of the unconscious, the rational, freedom, passion and
individualism, the avant-garde would be born in the first decades of the 20th century, approximately in the year of 1920.
(Wikispaces, sf)
Set of artistic and literary movements and trends of a innovative nature that
emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. Some of these movements were
cubism , dadaism , futurism, surrealism , and ultraism . These movements proposed
making simple and clear poetry that broke with the traditionalism of pre-war poetry.
Main features
Freedom of expression, which is manifested by altering the structure of the
works, addressing taboo topics and disordering the creative parameters.
Attitude of skepticism and inconsequentiality towards literature. Ornaments
and fancy words are eliminated. (Wikispaces, sf)
The aesthetics of sensation and beauty are used to give complete freedom
to the poet.
It breaks with the stanza, the punctuation, the meter of the verses as well
as the form, completely altering the traditional structure of the
The poet expresses his thoughts as they are presented, without a logical
organization, with direct sentences and constructed with the fewest
possible words. (Gomez, 2009)
*Denouncement of the social Genders:
crisis *Poetry
*Poetic feeling *Rehearsal
*Exile situation *Chronicle
*Daily life objects
*Desacralization of religion
Since the entry of avant-garde aesthetics in Colombia, the authors explored a wide range of expressive possibilities,
without it being possible to locate them all in a precise classification of movements and trends. The following were some of
the most important works. (Project Sé, 2012)
Activity #4
1. Consult the main literary characteristics of the avant-garde movements highlighted in the text: cubism,
dadaism, futurism, surrealism and ultraism. And make a concept map.
2. Read the following poem and answer the questions
That the photo taken to send is clear and readable. If it does not meet this requirement it will not be reviewed.