November Social Studies Test

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1. What nationality did Juan José Flores have?

a) Venezuelan

b) Ecuadorian

c) Colombian

2. In which city did the first constituent assembly meet?

a) Loja

b) Riobamba

c) Basin

3. Who was the author of the slavery letter?

a) Juan José Flores

b) Antonio Neumane

c) Ángel Felicísimo Rojas

4. In what year did the Royal Court of Quito separate from Gran Colombia?

a) 1831

b) 1830

c) 1833

5. What is the name of the constitutional letter with which you were appointed?

president to Gabriel García Moreno for the second time?

a) Black Card

b) Carte Blanche

c) Blue letter

6. In which city did the Marxist Revolution break out?

a) Ibarra

b) Basin

c) Guayaquil

7. With the murder of Gabriel García Moreno did a new period begin?


a) Progressivism

b) Nepotism
c) Liberalism

8. In what year did the first government of Gabriel García Moreno begin?

a) 1832

b) 1860

c) 1942

9. In which Government did the so-called banking plutocratic period begin?

a) Jaime Roldós Aguilera

b) Sixto Durán Ballén

c) Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno

10. In which government did the massacre of November 15, 1922 take place?

a) Luis Tamayo

b) Jaime Hurtado

c) Galo Plaza Lazo

11. Did the Valdivia culture settle in?

a) The province of Guayas

b) North of Zamora

c) West of Guayllabamba

12. Who was the president who established secular education in Ecuador?

a) Rafael Correa

b) Eloy Alfaro

c) Rodrigo Borja

13. In what year was the Royal Court of Quito integrated into greater Colombia?

a) 1830

b) 1820

c) 1822

14. What are the characteristics of the Cotocollao culture?

a) Construction of ditches

b) Construction of pedestrian bridges

c) Construction of cisterns

15. Who is the anthropologist who came to Ecuador to study its origin?

a) Karl Marx

b) Paul Rivet
c) Henry Ford

16. What is the town that developed the use of platinum?

a) La Tolita

b) Vilcabamba

c) Malacatos

17. What is the meaning of Rumiñahui?

a) Sun that warms

b) Green path

c) Stone face

18. Is the Atacames culture found in the province of?

a) Emeralds

b) Portoviejo

c) Gold

19. The Incas conquest of the peoples of current Ecuador was developed by?

a) Huascar

b) Atahualpa

c) Túpac-Yupanqui

20. Who took Huáscar prisoner after he was defeated by Atahualpa?

a) Pasha

b) Calicuchima

c) Rumiñahui

21. What is the City that became the political, administrative and military center

Of the Incas?

a) Salcedo

b) Ibarra

c) Quito

22. Which of the provinces of Ecuador was not part of the Incario?

To Quito

b) Emeralds

c) Ambato

23. Was it born from the union between Huaynacapac and Pacha?

a) Atahualpa

b) Shiry Carán
c) Túpac-Yupanqui

24. What is the name of the lake known as Lake of Blood?

a) Saint Paul

b) Yaguarcocha

c) Titi-caca

25. Indicate in which province the Puruhaes settled?

a) Pichincha

b) Piura

c) Chimborazo

26. Who created the city of Tomebamba?

a) Túpac-Yupanqui

b) Atahualpa

c) Huáscar

27. Has oil been the basis of our country's economy in recent years?

years, whose exploitation and export began in the administration of?

a) Galo Plaza Lazo

b) General Eloy Alfaro

c) General Rodriguez Lara

28. Was he the first Ecuadorian President?

a) Eloy Alfaro

b) Vicente Rocafuerte

c) Juan José Flores

29. Would the well-known Outlaw Rebellion end with the departure of power from?

a) Abdalá Bucarán

b) Lucio Gutiérrez

c) Jamil Mahuad

30. Within García Moreno's administration, was there an attempt to carry out a

protectorate with France, since he felt admiration for the development of

that country, and what did it consist of?

a) Convert Ecuador into a French Colony

b) Convert Ecuador into a Republican Colony

c) Convert Ecuador into a Colombian State

31. Who was the intellectual author of the death of García Moreno and in what way?

date died?

a) Ignacio de Veitimilla on May 15, 1890

b) Francisco León Franco on August 6, 1869

c) Francisco Lemus Rayo on August 6, 1875

32. Did the sucre appear as a new monetary system, disappearing the peso,

Was this done during the presidency of?

a) Eloy Alfaro, on May 22, 1883

b) Juan José Flores, June 22, 1884

c) Plácido Caamaño, March 22, 1884

33. A scandalous and shameful fact in our history was the Sale of the

Flag raised in the government of?

a) Velasco Ibarra

b) Luis Cordero

c) León Febres Cordero

34. The leader of the Liberal Revolution, with which he would begin a series of

social reforms in our country, and that would end the power of the

conservative was it?

a) Eloy Alfaro

b) Rafael Correa

c) Rodrigo Borja

35. The greatest achievement of Eloy Alfaro, in his government and the same one that

his figure, can we mention what it was?

a) Implementation of the SRI in the country

b) Implementation of secularism in the country

c) Implementation of Human Rights

36. Are we celebrating a century since one of the worst crimes in history was carried out?

our story called the Barbara Bonfire where Eloy was murdered

Alfaro and his collaborators, an event that took place on?

a) January 28, 1910

b) February 28, 1912

c) January 28, 1912

37. Do the middle managers of the army and a group of civilian intellectuals among them

Louis Napoleon Dillon dealt a blow to the banking oligarchy and tyranny

Placista who was called?

a) Julian Revolution on July 19, 1925

b) Marxist Revolution on June 9, 1920

c) Julian Revolution on July 9, 1925

38. Would Jaime Roldós Aguilera die in a tragic aviation accident after

his speech before the Ecuadorian people, when he was heading to the south of the country with

in order to resolve the war conflict with Peru, an event that occurred on?

a) May 24, 1981

b) September 24, 1980

c) May 20, 1982

39. One of the monetary policies of 1983, taken by the government of that

then it was decree the Sucretization of private debt promulgated by?

a) Eloy Alfaro

b) Oswaldo Hurtado

c) Jaime Roldós Aguilera

40. For your community work and in defense of the rights of the indigenous people of the

Ecuador was called the Bishop of the Indians, are we referring to?

a) Monsignor Leonidas León

b) Pope, John Paul the Second

c) Monsignor Leónidas Proaño

41. Proclaim amnesty for those involved in the Taura case, where

the kidnapping of President León Febres Cordero, and ensuring that the armed group

Alfaro Vive officially hand over the weapons. Did it happen under the presidency of?

a) Rodrigo Borja

b) Sixto Durán Ballén

c) Eloy Alfaro

42. Was dollarization in our country decreed by Jamil Mahuad?

a) December 8, 1999

b) April 19, 2002

c) January 9, 2000
43. Did the end of the border problems between Ecuador and Peru come with the signing of the

Itamaraty agreement, in the Rio de Janeiro Protocol?

a) October 16, 1996

b) October 26, 1998

c) November 19, 1900

44. The president who abolished the departmental system and divided the Republic into

Provinces, Cantons and Parishes was it?

a) Rafael Correa

b) Vicente Rocafuerte

c) Eloy Alfaro

45. What was the name of the Constitution in which Flores wanted to perpetuate himself?

in the power?

a) Black card

b) Carte blanche

c) Slavery Charter

46. Who was appointed President of the First Sovereign Junta after the

First Cry of Independence?

a) Juan Pio Montúfar

b) Vicente Rocafuerte

c) Francisco Robles

47. The maximum leader of the revolution that culminated in the independence of

South America against the Spanish yoke was?

a) Eloy Alfaro

b) Simon Bolivar

c) Atahualpa

48. The battle that would mark our independence and the definitive separation of the

Great Colombia was it?

a) The Battle of Pichincha

b) The Battle of Tarqui

c) The Battle of Ayacucho

49. One of the main institutions that Spain imposed in America, when

A city was founded to represent the community it was called?

a) Colony
b) Municipality

c) Council

50. The first cry of independence in the era of Gran Colombia

Made in Ecuadorian lands was it?

a) May 10, 1900

b) August 10, 1809

c) August 16, 1809


1.- Which of the philosophers affirms this theory? “Evil has consequences for others,
just as good behavior transcends towards society, promoting well-being.”

a. Kant
b. Plato
c. Socrates
d. Aristotle

2.- Since ancient times, philosophers sought to explain phenomena

natural, these philosophers are known as Cosmologists, since they sought the:

a. Reflection
b. Experience
c. Reason
d. Logic
3.- From the etymological point of view, philosophy means:

a. love of science
b. love of art
c. Love of wisdom
d. love of nature
4.- The object of philosophy is to

a. The relationship between good and bad

b. The relationship between the spiritual and material.
c. The relationship between man and nature
d. The relationship between the useful and the useless
5.- Each science maintains its own philosophy, and in teaching it has fundamental
meaning since the training of children and young people is in its hands, so the
philosophy of education is related:
a. Learn more every day
b. Love of teaching
c. Philosophical training
d. love of science
6.- The experimental method, when carrying out several tests and comparing results,
seeks to:

a. Investigation
b. Conclusion
c. Evidence
7.- Searching for the truth is

a. close our mind

b. Think
c. Open our mind
d. Investigate the reason
8.- To create a philosophy of education, the following must be present as a
concatenated process:

a. All the protagonists

b. Only the intellectuals
c. Political leaders
d. All the men

9.- To overcome the crisis in Ecuadorian education, the teacher must be the facilitator
of learning, for which he or she will apply:

a. The transmission of knowledge

b. The relationship between concrete action and theoretical reflection
c. Adequate attention in the classroom
d. The reflection of knowledge and reason
10.- Which of the following is the similarity between philosophy, religion and science?

a. The reason
b. The truth
c. The doubt
d. Reflection

11.-Within the philosophical field it is about seeking the truth, so we can deduce that
learning to swim would be achieved if:

a. Someone tell him how to do it

b. you do it yourself
c. Read swimming reports
d. Research with your colleagues
12.- Searching for the truth is necessary to establish a practical and useful philosophy
of education that helps us live better, but this is a task:

a. Easy
b. Difficult
c. concrete
d. Comfortable
13.- Plato in his myth of “The Cave” describes man as chained and always looking only
at the shadows of things, while the philosopher conceives him as the being who is
capable of breaking the chains and going in search of the :

a. Authentic observations
b. authentic realities
c. Authentic experiences
d. Authentic results
14.- What ancient philosopher maintains that education means giving the body and soul
all the beauty and perfection of which they are capable ?
a. Plato
b. Socrates
c. Aristotle
d. Kant
15.- Historically, who were the first teachers who taught?

a. Those who discovered the inner being of man

b. Those dedicated to teaching the basic disciplines of thought.
c. Those who assimilated the values of human beings
d. Those dedicated to reflecting with the community

16.- Philosophy has two main currents of thought which are:

a. Sensationalism and spiritualism

b. Worship and materialism
c. Idealism and Materialism
d. Knowledge and Wisdom
17.- Materialism has as its primary purpose to consider that.

a. Matter and consciousness are concatenated.

b. Matter is primary and consciousness is secondary.
c. Matter is a product of spirit
d. Consciousness is primary and matter is secondary
18.- The division of philosophy into its main stages of currents of thought are:

a. Ancient, medieval, modern, contemporary.

b. Ancient and modern
c. Medieval and Ancient
d. Modern and Contemporary
19.- From a philosophical point of view, define the term education.

a. Fill knowledge and standards of conduct

b. The art and science of transmitting culture
c. Process that contributes to the full realization of the human being
d. The art and science of transmitting the reason of the human being
20.- Which of the exponents of the modern age maintains that the general instrument of
knowledge is reason and affirmed with his phrase “I think therefore I am”?

a. Kant
b. Descartes
c. Bacon
d. Socrates
21.- One of the guidelines to formulate a philosophy of education is:

a. Constitute a system of organized knowledge

b. Evaluate individual and group behaviors
c. Define what education is, as a process of individual and social transformation
d. Define what education is, as a static individual and collective process
22.- Mental models are:

a. Ways of thinking, images, assumptions, stories, beliefs that we carry in life mind
about ourselves and others.
b. Ask more practical questions that would allow us to be more tolerant and fair.
c. The ability to question ourselves from the principles of humanity, but there are
questions that are not within our reach
d. Ways of thinking about existentialism

23. - Rene Descartes, famous French philosopher who used doubt as a method to reach

b. Science
c. Rectitude
d. Assumption
24.- For a transformation to occur in the educational field from a philosophical point of
view and to find the truth, we must rescue as teachers and students the ability to:

a. Imagination
b. Ask
c. Relate
d. Question
25.- Doubt is the starting point of everything:

a. Wisdom
b. Investigation
c. Interpretation
d. Situation
26.- Within philosophy it is important to satisfy our needs that we require and when
these have already been met we seek:

a. The economic values

b. The truth.
c. Be responsible
d. Reality
27.- The only thing we teachers need to be true and good philosophers is to develop the
ability to question ourselves and for this the difficult thing is:

a. Ask questions
b. Answer the questions
c. Avoid questions
d. Not solving the questions

28.- The myth is a wonderful narrative located outside of historical time and starring
characters of a divine or heroic character and which are currently called.
a. Stories
b. Visions.
d. Traditions
e. Religion
29.- To be good philosophers we need to develop:

a. The ability to raise awareness

b. The ability to question
c. The ability to reason
d. The ability not to question

30.- The ability to ask questions is more developed in:

a. grown ups
b. Young
c. Children
d. People of the Third Age
31.- If you want to help a person who has problems, I would make them see that:

a. Family and friends are to blame

b. Problems arise because that is life
c. Problems are part of your way of thinking and acting
d. Problems are part of reason and knowledge
32.- The first responsibility of the members of the educational community is:

a. Investigate and apply the truth

b. hide the truth
c. Distort the truth
d. Investigate knowledge
33- Within modern philosophy, it creates its own principles supported by science and
standards with empirical verification and verification, so we can say that one of its
characteristics is:

a. Illustration
b. Autonomy of thinking
c. Evolution of thought
d. Collective autonomy
34.- To overcome the crisis in Ecuadorian education, the teacher must be the facilitator
of learning, for which he will apply:

a. The transmission of knowledge

b. The relationship between concrete action and theoretical reflection
c. Adequate attention in the classroom
d. The reflection of knowledge and reason

35.- For a transformation to occur in the educational field from a philosophical point of
view and to find the truth, we must rescue as teachers and students the ability to:

a. Imagination
b. Ask
c. Relate
d. Question
36.- Moral conscience teaches us which behaviors are good and which are not,
however it can be wrong, it all depends on:

a. Teaching we have received

b. Wisdom that we have received
c. Responsibility that we have received
d. Education we have received

37.- Since men have lived in community, the moral regulation of behavior has been
necessary for:

a. Collective well-being
b. Personal welfare
c. Wellbeing of a group
d. Individual well-being
38.- Who of the philosophers affirms this theory, “That evil is nothing other than the
limitation of good, and is a consequence of ignorance of the ideas of good, truth and

a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
d. Rene Descartes
39.- Now there are programs that present philosophy in a pleasant and interesting way,
with the purpose of cultivating in children and young people that natural desire for:

a. Knowledge
b. Philosophize
c. Know
d. Dialogue
40.- Which of the philosophers affirms this theory “that evil is nothing other than the
limitation of good, and is a consequence of ignorance of the ideas of good, truth and

a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
d. Rene Descartes
41. There are 2 rules to achieve a better social coexistence, the first “Do not do to
others what you would not like them to do to you” and the second is:
a. "Do good without looking at who".
b. “Treat others with respect.”
c. “Do no harm.”
d. “Treat others as you would like to be treated.”

42. A third criterion that shows the characteristics of the values: And states that:
They are the values that are not conditioned or tied to any other, be it social,
historical or individual.
a. Subjective
b. Goals
c. Absolutes
d. Inexhaustible.

43. When studying the Types of Norms: The example of dressing fashionably is a norm:
a. Legal.
b. Moral.
c. Social.
d. Religious.
44. The value that is applied to conflict resolution and states that: We can work
together without all pushing each other in the same direction, I help and you
help me is
a. Sincerity.
b. Tolerance.
c. Justice.
d. Cooperation.

45. Maslow hierarchically arranged human needs in a pyramid, the need that refers
to receiving friendship, affection and sexual intimacy is:
a. Physiological.
b. Security.
c. Membership.
d. Recognition.

46. When studying the Ethical and Political Dimension of Human Action, we talk about
freedom and there are various types of freedoms and the one that states that: It is
the bodily capacity to act. For example, the freedom to practice a sport is:
a. Psychological.
b. Civic.
c. Ethics
d. Physical.

47. There are aspects or factors that do not favor conflict resolution: the one that
refers to: Presupposing the honesty of another person or others is:
a. The arrogance.
b. The distrust.
c. The intolerance.
d. The lack of control.

48. When studying universal values, value is defined: which is the affection or esteem
between people that allows them to establish closer bonds of coexistence. It is:
a. Solidarity.
b. Honesty.
c. Friendship.
d. Goodness.

49. One of the main democratic values is the one that states that: it allows man to
recognize, accept, appreciate and value the qualities of others and their rights is:
a. Respect.
b. Transparency.
c. The Plurality.
d. The honesty.

50. Values and countervalues have been studied, identify the countervalues:
a. Love, solidarity, freedom.
b. Justice, honesty, friendship.
c. Freedom, respect, humility.
d. Injustice, hatred, infidelity.

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