Behold Our God

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Behold Our God

Words and Music by

Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird,
Ryan Baird and Stephen Altrogge

C Em C

1. Who has held the o - ceans in His hands? Who has num - bered
2. Who has giv - en coun - sel to the Lord? Who can ques - tion
3. Who has felt the nails up - on His hand, bear - ing all the

4 Em C Em C

ev - 'ry grain of sand? Kings and na - tions trem - ble at His voice. All cre - a - tion
an - y of His words? Who can teach the One who knows all things? Who can fath - om
guilt of sin - ful man? God e - ter - nal, hum -bled to the grave, Je - sus, Sav - ior,

8 Em7 G C G/B Am

ris - es to re - joice. Be - hold our God, seat - ed on His

all His won -drous deeds?
ris - en now to reign!

12 F C G C G/B Am

throne. Come, let us a - dore Him. Be - hold our King, noth -ing can com -
16 F C G C Em C

-pare, come, let us a - dore Him!

CCLI Song # 5937510

© 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise | Sovereign Grace Worship
For use solely with the SongSelect. Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 58161
Behold Our God - 2

21 Em C G F2

dore Him!

24 Em F2 G

3, 4.
27 C G C C F/C

dore Him! You will reign for - ev - er.

Let Your glo - ry fill the earth.

32 C F/C C F/C

You will reign for - ev - er. You will reign for - ev - er.

Let Your glo - ry fill the earth. Let Your glo - ry fill the earth.
Behold Our God - 3

36 C F/C Am7 F

You will reign for - ev - er. You will reign for - ev - er.

Let Your glo - ry fill the earth. Let Your glo - ry fill the earth.

40 Am7 F C

You will reign for - ev - er. You will reign for -

Let Your glo - ry fill the earth. Let Your

43 F Am7 F
D.S. al Fine

-ev - er. You will reign for - ev - er. Be -

glo - ry fill the earth. Let Your glo - ry fill,

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