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= 128 with Joyous Energy Come, Let Us Sing Words & Music

T.D. LeFevre

Intro Gm7 F/A B /D C B /F F/C

[Melody is lower of 2, and middle of 3 parts.]


5 B /F B /F F Gm/F F Gm/F F/A B C

5 Come, let us lift our voi - ces to our Sa - vior.

9 B /F B /F F Gm/F F Gm Gm7/F C/E C

9 Come, let us sing our prai - ses to our King.

13 B /F B /F F Gm/F F Gdim/C Dm

13 Come, let us praise the ho - ly name of Je - - sus.


© 2000 Beyond the Walls Music (BMI). All rights reserved. Churches have permission to copy
and use music and lyrics in worship. More information and MP3 demo samples available at:
17 Gm Am7 B B /C F
1. B /C 2.Gm F/A

Come, let us make our glad "ho- san - nas" ring! Who-
1. 2.

17 1. 2.

22 B F/A C7/E F B

e - ver we may be, what - e - ver we may need, we lay our bur - dens


27 F Gm Am7 B F/C

27 down be-fore our King. But through His sac-ri - fice, from our


32 A7/C Dm Gm F/A B B /C

D.S. al Fine
32 sins we are set free. Thanks to our Re - deem- er let us bring! (Repeat Chorus)


"Come, Let Us Sing" - p. 2 Note: Modulating up to G on last Chorus adds much energy.

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