Anglicanism PDF
Anglicanism PDF
Anglicanism PDF
Anglicanism could be defined as the faith, practice ca and papal Catholicism, and for others, a form of Protestantism
spirit of the member churches of the Anglican without founding figures such as Martin Luther or John
Communion Calvin .
i%c3%b3n_anglicana , that is, churches in full But in the line of classical Anglicanism, he raises them
communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury . [1] Still, ments of the 16th-century Elizabethan theologian Richard
Anglicanism has deep roots in the past: Rowan Williams Hoo ker in Essays on Ecclesiastical Polity continue to
des He described Anglicanism as what happened to the express Anglican identity as a prudent combination
Church in England, Wales and Ireland during the between these two Christian traditions, a Via Media
Reformation of the sixteenth century and afterwards. [2] between am bas, through a balanced application of three
Furthermore, it has hon given in previous centuries: the essential criteria of faith and ethics:
core of the faith of the ancients Glycans are found in the
Bible, the 39 Articles of the Christian Faith, and the Book 1. The Holy Scripture ,
of Common Prayer which summarize men the teaching of
the church of the first five centuries and reject both the 2. Apostolic Tradition and
later evolution of the Catholic Church Roman lica as the
simplifications of unitarianism. [3] Recently with divisions 3. the reason .
over doctrinal and moral issues, it has spread to groups
outside the Anglican Communion. (see partial list ). [note 1] Thus, with some differences in doctrinal and liturgical
emphasis logically, the churches of the Anglican
Communion maintain their unity through, mainly, the
1 Origins of the term sacred communion mentality with the Archbishop of
Canterbury and the celebration of the Liturgy according to
“Anglicanism” the different auto versions curled from the Book of
Common Prayer .
The term “Anglicanism” was used for the first time in
1838. [4] It is derived from the adjective “Anglican” which,
beginning in the 12th century, is found in documents as 2.1 Values and outstanding features
part of the Latin phrase ecclesia anglicana . At that period
this meant English Church , that is, that part of the In 1888 the Lambeth Conference proposed four elements
Western or Latin church that existed in England. [4] The commonly known as the Lambeth Quadrilateral as the
adjective was used as a synonym for “English” until the basis for the meeting of churches:
18th century when it began to acquire theological nuances
that defined the religious position of the Church of 1. The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
England towards Catholics and Calvinists. From there, it as 'containing all things necessary sarias for
spread to the churches transplanted by the English to other salvation', [note 2] as the ultimate rule and norm of
countries during during the period of colonial expansion faith.
and this determined the meaning of the word
Anglicanism . [5] 2. The Apostles' Creed as a baptismal creed; the Nicene
Creed , as a sufficient definition of the Christian
2 The Anglican Communion
3. The two Sacraments ordained by Christ Himself—
Baptism and the Lord's Supper —administered
The Anglican Communion , a broad fraternity of 38 self-
without fail with the words of institution of Christ,
governing provinces of mutual dependence which are in
and of the elements ordained by Him.
full communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury , is
one of the largest Christian communions in the world,
4. The historical episcopate, locally adapted - in terms
with approximately 98 million members. [6]
of its administrative methods - to the various meet
The Anglican Communion considers itself a full part of the needs of the nations and peoples called by God
the Christian Church: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, to the unity of his Church. [9]
and considers itself Catholic and Reformed . [7]
For many Anglicans, it also represents a form of non- These four elements summarize the core of the Anglian
faith. cana and would be understood in the light of the acceptance. Although the Anglican churches, throughout
triad: Scripture, Tradition and Reason, which would serve their history, have not been characterized Its clergy have
as a triple criterion to discern the faith and ethics of the been free, everywhere since the 16th century, to marry,
Christian. remain celibate , or live in solitude. theory), two historical
Among Anglicans there is no veneration of saints per se; events, in the first decade of the 21st century , have
rather, to the extent that the Church, as the People of God, triggered the debate on the relationship in between
is Holy, all its members baptized brothers are so, not homosexuality and Christianity : The authorization for the
because of their merits. them, but by virtue of their blessing of unions between people of the same xo by the
vocation. However, the Church honors God and gives Diocese of New Westminster, of the Anglican Church of
thanks to him "for the Grace deposited in his saints, who Canada , and the election and consecration of Gene
have been lights of the world in their own generation." Robinson as bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire, of
neration»; In this way, it is possible to honor, within the the Episcopal Church in the United States two , since
Robinson had officially declared his homosexuality before
liturgy, and in accordance with an Ecclesiastical Calendar,
his diocese.
the baptized who have been heroes of the faith .
In Anglican churches there are various images of Christ ,
the Virgin Mary and the saints: icons , altarpieces , 2.2 Doctrine on the Church and
sculptural groups and, above all, stained glass ; however instruments unit cough
go, in Anglican environments a clear difference is usually
established between using images in worship (prac For Anglicans, the minimum expression of the Church in
generally accepted ethics), to worship, of any kind, to the world is the diocese , that is, the gathering of people.
images. This criterion distinguishes Anglicanism from baptized people (lay and clergy), who are part of the
both Protestant, Roman Catholic and Orthodox traditions, Mystical Body of Christ in a certain territorial area torial,
as far as the treatment of religious images is concerned. under the pastoral guidance of a Bishop.
The Anglican mass is the same as the Catholic mass (in its Each bishop is the chief priest of his church. caesana,
ordinary form, arising from the post-Vatican Council II, presides by right over the Holy Eucharist, ordains and
since there is no similarity with the extraordinary or consecrates deacons, priests (always in union with two or
traditional form of the Roman rite), and like this it more priests who lay hands together with him), and other
includes an Epiclesis (that is, one invokes tion to the Holy bishops (also, in union with two or more bishops). The
Spirit). Bishop presides ex officio all the canonical or de facto
Human dignity and equality between all people These are bodies instituted within his diocese, and which are made
a fundamental part of Anglican values. This is shown by up of clerics and lay people of duly elected by the synod
the modern writings of baptismal vows in the various or convention, but cannot place itself above the
provinces of the Communion, and the example of Constitution and Canons of its Diocese or its ecclesiastical
Anglican archbishops also highlights two, like the Province or Church. tonoma.
Ugandan Janani Luwum , recognized as a martyr of the According to Catholic tradition, all Anglican bishops have
20th century, or the South African Desmond Tutu , lu the same rank (they are equal to each other), except for
tireless chador for justice in a country dominated by one functional differences between diocese bishops. healthy
of the most severe forms of racial discrimination, " and their assistants, the suffragan and coadju bishops tors;
Apartheid ". In the midst of this discrimination, the Ar but all are considered successors of the após toles and, as
Bishop Tutu not only fought for African rights gray hair, such, share, in a collegial manner, the leadership of the
but he helped maintain peace by banishing hatred, for Anglican Communion (such a thing as the “Anglican
which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 . Church” does not exist except at denominational level).
Another example of the expression of these values of provincial tion).
Anglicanism is seen in the fact that, in the majority of An Anglican bishop always acts, at least by law, with the
Anglican provinces, it has been canonically possible, since participation of clergy and laity in all transcendental
the 1970s , the Ordination of women to the diaconate, the decisions, through synods or conventions diocesan
presbyterate and the episcopacy, which which, however, (annual) or provincial (generally triennial) tions, with
has not failed to create wide discussion among the bishops being the main pastors.
churches of this Co ammunition. The first woman
Although Anglicans recognize that the repudiation of the
consecrated to the episcopate was Barbara Clementine
au authority of the Pope initiated by Henry VIII of
Harris , as Suffragan Bishop of Massachusetts (United
England led to the Church of England effectively existing
States of America), in 1990 .
te as an entity completely separate from Rome, also They
The attitude of Anglicans towards homosexuality is also a well recognize its continuity with respect to the medieval
thorny issue that has provoked, within them, serious Pre-Reformation Church. Completely apart from its
confrontations in all areas, from repulsion to the broadest distinctions
published the Cons apostolic titution Anglicanorum Another part of the cult is the acceptance of the seven
cœtibus , which offers a general norm that regulates the Catholic sacraments, the iconic images of Catholicism
institution and life of the personal Ordinariates for those (they do not venerate them but they do not prohibit other
Anglo-Catholic faithful who wish to enter corporately into members from doing so either), and the marked
full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. ecumenism with the Roman Catholic Church, hence the
The churches of the Anglican Communion have been famous Anglo-Catholics . b-Low Church. The most
pioneers ras in Ecumenism : fraternal, theological reformed circle of the Anglican church, linked to the
dialogue, and social cooperation between Christians of direct historicity of the reform ma of Latimer, and the later
different churches sias and denominations, as well as in reformed ones such as Owen, Chadwick and Ryle, and
the dialogue in terreligious The Edinburgh conference part of the so-called “Puritans” who came to establish the
that, in 1910 , brought together several evangelical British colony in North America. rich that would become
denominations, also included well with the active the United States, from there it separates Some of them
organizational presence of the Church of England. When were in the so-called “Episcopal churches.” These circles
the World Council of Churches was founded in are the most attached to the 39 articles and the traditional
book of common prayer, they do not relate to Roman Catholics and they emphasize their Protestant sense of
l_de_Iglesias1948 Anglicanism, as part of historical, apostolic, Catholic
wiki/Consejo_Mundial_de_Iglesias , with its Christianity (understood by universal, which the church of
branches in various parts of the world, Anglicans around Christ is in all parts of the earth) and reformed, are mostly
the world were the first to respond and engage in this Calvinist in tendency, and attached to the reformed
dialogue. precepts such as the five solas (Sola Scripture, Sola Grace,
Sola Faith, Only Christ, Alone to God be the glory), and
Since the mid- 20th century , Anglicans have been open to
the famous TULIP, or the five points of Calvinism.
projects of Christian unity that have given its
disappearance as a denomination, for the sake of broader c- Liberals. It is not a separate circle, only for organization
unity with other Christians. These are the cases of the so- issues we can consider it that way. Is Liberals are those
called United Churches , such as: Bangladesh , Pakistan , who have made the latest modifications and openings in
North India , South India; These churches have been the Anglican church, especially in England itself and in
organized due to the need to offer a tes message of unity countries like Canada, the USA, Australia, which does not
to non-Christians, the communities involved have reached mean that all the Anglican churches in these countries are
important agreements, accepting simultaneously liberal. They are in favor of opening to female ministry
practicing the baptism of children as well as that of adults, (appointment of female priests, pastors and archbishops),
and a non-governmental episcopal exercise. native. the order homosexual birth, homosexual marriage and a
strong tendency towards socialist ideas.
There are United Churches in Canada and Australia , of
which The Anglican Churches of those countries have not
joined, but they widely support them and with which they
maintain joint programs. 5 critics
The Chung-Hua-Sheng-Kung-Hui (Holy Catholic Church
of China ) is a similar case, although this Christianity was The main criticisms and dilemmas in the Angli Church
organized in response to the government's demand to have cana correspond to the problems between the sides with
a single representative body that responded to it. The conservatives and liberals (minority) around the access of
churches sias of North and South India, Bangladesh and many jeres and openly homosexual people to the Sacra
Pakistan, are not Anglican provinces, but are in ment of sacred order. While the first (conser vators) reject
communion with the Anglican family, and their bishops the ordination of women and homo sexual, arguing
have seats in the Con Lambeth reference. theological and moral reasons, the rest (liberals) promote
the idea, pointing out the ne need for equality between
men and women. Due to this, a very exalted climate has
been created within the Anglican Communion, thus
4 Organizational divisions creating a deep break within this institution. [ citation needed ]
Within the Anglican Church, three classes of Anglicans • Anglican priest in straight cassock.
can be distinguished, regarding their approach to biblical,
• Anglican priest in choral habit: cassock, envelope
Catholic and liberal doctrines:
pelliz, moceta (“hood”) and cape (“tippet”) here
a-High Church. The most conservative circle of the demics.
Anglican church and close mainly to the aristocracy in
glesa, which preserves Catholic concepts in what is • Anglican priest in Eucharistic vestments: al purple
respects worship and ecumenism. Its main reflection is ba, chasuble and stole.
7.1 Grades
[1] A more complete list in English is found here
[2] An allusion to art #6 on the authority of the Scriptures of the Thirty-nine articles
7.2 References
[1] Avis, Paul. “What is Anglicanism?” in Sykes, Stephen and Booty, John. The Study of Anglicanism (SPCK 1988) p. 405
[2] Williams, Rowan. “Address before the Diocese Conference Healthy Monmouth” (2002)
[4] Wright, J. Robert. “An Essay in Terminology” in Sykes, Stephen and Booty, John. The Study of Anglicanism (SPCK
1988) p. 426
[5] Avis, Paul. “What is Anglicanism?” in Sykes, Stephen and Booty, John. The Study of Anglicanism (SPCK 1988) pp.
[7] Carey, George (arz. of Canterbury). “Introduction” in Bunting, Ian (ed) Sharing the Anglican Way Hodder & Stoughton
(1996) p. 18
[8] Avis, Paul. “What is 'Anglicanism'?", in The Study of Anglicanism , editorial S. Sykes and J. Booty (London: SPCK,
1988), pp. 417-19
[9] Translated from Evans, G.R. and Wright, Robert (eds). The An glycan Tradition SPCK (1991) pp 354s
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