Teks MC Baru Bingg
Teks MC Baru Bingg
Teks MC Baru Bingg
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
We give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT. who has given us the blessings of faith
and Islam as well as the opportunity to gather today for the ASSALAM EXPO 2024.
Don't forget, prayers and greetings may be poured out on the Prophet Muhammad
SAW, along with his family and friends, and may it reach us as his people. Amen.
First of all, I would like to thank the attendees who came to today's event.
ASSALAM EXPO 2024 is an annual Assalam Foundation school event and a gathering of
students between Assalam Kindergarten School Educational Institutions in the form of a
creative competition for the nation's children in the fields of science, talent and art.
The aim of holding the Assalam Expo 2024 is to strengthen the relationship between the
Assalam Kindergarten and SDIT educational institutions. Hopefully today's event can
deepen the sense of brotherhood between us all.
OK, as the host, I will read out the schedule for today's program:
1. Opening
2. Qur’an recitation
The second event is the Grand Opening. Happy guests, let's watch together the Grand
opening of Assalam Expo 2024... happy watching.
The third event is a welcoming speech, the first speech will be delivered by the principal
of SDIT Assalam, to Mrs. Iga Asmalia, time is yours...
Thank you.
The second speech will be delivered by the chief organizer of the event, to Mrs. Ida
Muamalah time is yours…. We would like to express our thanks...
The final prayer and closing event will be led by Ananda Hasyim, for ananda hasyim
time is yours…
Thank you....
Ladies and gentlemen, let us close this event with Lafadz Hamdallah.
We as presenters would like to thank you and apologize if we say something wrong and
we ask Allah for forgiveness
Hadirin yang berbahagia marilah kita sambut MC dari bapak ibu guru kita, Pak Hafid dan Bu