The Sacraments

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The Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in the The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the culmination
initiation of Christian life. With this act, access is of the initiation of the Christian life, it contains all
Dear teacher of the subject of Religion, I opened to other sacraments, to the relationship the spiritual good of the church, and becomes
present to you the work entitled “THE with God and to salvation for eternal life. effective when we unite in its liturgy to
SACRAMENTS OF GOD” Hoping that you like it. participate in the sacrifice of the body of Jesus
EFFECT: In Baptism the grace of supernatural
I thank you for encouraging my interest in life is received. Christ.
research and study. EFFECT: In the Eucharist it is the grace of the
nourishment of the spirit – bread and wine –
that is received.


The Sacrament of Confirmation is part of the

sacraments and is the second step in the 4th SACRAMENT: PENANCE
initiation of Christian life, where the protagonist
It is the sacrament through which all sins
is the Holy Spirit, who unites us to the church
committed after baptism are forgiven, they are
and commits us much more as witnesses of the
absolved by God through the priest, offering the
Christian faith.
believer a new opportunity for reconversion,
EFFECT: In Confirmation , Christ grants us
the grace of Christian maturity and makes us purification and a life full of grace.
witnesses of Him. EFFECT: Reconciliation or Penance makes it
possible for us to reconcile with God, through
God's repentance and forgiveness.
5th SACRAMENT: ANOINTING OF THE SICK YEAR: “Year of the fight against corruption
and impunity”
The Anointing of the Sick is that of the 7th SACRAMENT: MARRIAGE
sacraments in which the church unites with the
sick to commend them to Jesus Christ, asking Marriage constitutes the alliance between a
for their salvation and grace, helping to man and a woman in order to help each
strengthen their soul, and preventing them other, procreate and educate children; This
from falling into despair. eternal bond, blessed by God and the church, THERESITA"
EFFECT: The Anointing of the Sick is what gives symbolizes the true love and faithfulness of
Jesus Christ with humanity.
us the strength to face illness.
 EFFECT: In Marriage , Christ makes
possible the sacramental union of a man
and a woman for life.

6th SACRAMENT: PRIESTLY ORDER Carolina Ortiz Marreros

The Sacrament of Holy Orders and its
Sanchez Castañeda Erin Yanet
celebration has a very deep theological meaning
since it requires graces and demands for both AREA:
the priest and the entire church. Religious education
 EFFECT: Order receives the power that Christ DEGREE:
gives - to some people - the ministerial 3rd



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