Oracle Software Installation
Oracle Software Installation
Oracle Software Installation
A database administrator (DBA) is typically responsible for installing Oracle software and creating the
As a DBA, you may be responsible for creating database storage structures such as tablespaces.
Additionally, you can create the schema or set of objects to include your application data.
You must ensure that the database is available to users. To do this, you can start the database, make
regular backup copies of it, and monitor the performance of the database. These tasks must be carried out
within the framework of a security strategy.
As you progress through the lessons in this course, you will learn how to perform each of these tasks. You
can also refer to the Oracle Database Administrator 's Guide for more information about each of the tasks
listed on the slide. In this lesson, you will focus on installation.
To perform this main task, consider the following subtasks:
• Understand the place of the installation process in the overall technical architecture of an organization.
• Review (and update) capacity plans.
• Select the database software (version and necessary options).
• Ensure that system requirements are met for all selected items.
Tools to Manage Oracle Database
OUI. Oracle Universal Installer. Universal Oracle Installer, tool to install Oracle software.
DBCA, DataBase Computer Assistant. Software that facilitates the creation of Oracle
databases. Requires Oracle database management software to be installed.
DBUA, DataBase Computer Assistant. Database Upgrade Wizard, netmgr . Oracle Net
Manager. Software to configure the connectivity of applications and databases.
NetCA, Network Computer Assistant. It is responsible for creating or modifying the Oracle
Listener , the process that is responsible for listening to requests and launching the server
process. OEM, Oracle Enterprise Manager. Console that makes it easier to perform the typical
tasks of an Oracle DBA . Odds;
o Enterprise Manager Database Console. Web application that allows you to perform
administration tasks on a database.
o Enterprise Manager Grid Control. Allows you to configure databases in Grid, Oracle
technology for distributed databases .
SQL* Plus. Command line that allows you to execute SQL code. srvctl. Command line for
advanced administrative tasks.
RMAN. Software to make backup copies and restore them .
Data pump. It allows data to be transferred between different databases at high speed.
SQL*Loader. Tool to import data from external data sources to Oracle
* Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) – Combines a graphical console, agents, common services, and tools to
provide a complete, integrated system management platform for managing Oracle products. After you
install the Oracle software, create or upgrade a database, and configure the network, you can use EM as
the only interface to manage the database. In addition to providing a web-based user interface for
executing SQL commands, it interacts with other Oracle components that are used to manage the
database (for example, Recovery Manager and Scheduler).
The main EM tools used to manage an Oracle database are as follows:
- Enterprise Manager Database Console: to manage a database.
- Enterprise Manager Grid Control: to manage multiple databases at the same time.
• Server Control Utility (srvctl): Standard command-line interface that can be used to start and stop the
database and instances, manage ASM instances, manage configuration information, and move or delete
instances and services. You can also use SRVCTL to add services and manage configuration information.
• SQL*Plus: Standard command line interface for managing the database.
• Recovery Manager (RMAN): Oracle tool that offers a complete solution to cover the backup, restore
and recovery needs of the entire database or specific files within it.
• Data Pump: allows the transfer of data from one database to another at high speed. (For example, you
can export a table and import it into another database.)
• SQL*Loader: Allows loading data from an external file into an Oracle database; is one of several Oracle
utilities that you can use to load data into database tables.
• Command line tools:
- To manage Enterprise Manager: emctl start | status | stop dbconsole
- To manage the listener: lsnrctl start | status | stop
Installation Planning
Database Management Systems are complex software tools. Therefore, its installation is not simple.
Considerations must be taken into account regarding the network, the use of resources, the dedication of
the specific hardware on which we install the system,...
All of this makes the installation process very extensive and complex; although it has improved enormously
in recent years thanks to assistants who make the task easier.
Before you begin installing Oracle software, you should ask yourself the following questions to help you
plan your installation:
• What Oracle software do you want to install?
For this course, we will assume that you want to install Oracle Database. Oracle recommends that you use
Automatic Storage Management (ASM) as a storage technique. This involves installing the Oracle grid
infrastructure from the physical cluster software media. The necessary components for ASM are installed,
as well as Oracle Restart.
• Does the related hardware meet the minimum necessary requirements?
Identify the hardware required for the installation process and ensure that it meets the suggested
minimum specifications.
• Is there a recommended order for installing multiple products?
Whenever possible, it is recommended that you install the Oracle Grid Infrastructure before the Oracle
Database software. By installing in this order, you can configure the database you just created to use ASM
disk groups and this database is automatically registered with Oracle Restart. If you install Oracle Grid
Infrastructure after Oracle Database, you must perform manual configuration steps to register the
database with Oracle Restart. If you want your existing database to use ASM disk groups for storage, you
must perform migration steps.
• Are there any steps that need to be performed by someone other than the DBA?
If the recommended separation of duties is followed, the DBA probably will not be responsible for
configuring the hardware and storage devices that will be used in the installation. Before installing Oracle
Grid Infrastructure, the storage administrator should perform some necessary steps to configure disk
partitions. For more information, see Oracle Database Installation Guide
Installing a database means knowing how it works very well.
of databases and DBMS architecture
step 1: selection by requirements
• Database size
• Connectivity.
• Number of users.
• Number of simultaneous connections.
• Hardware utilization.
• Company policy.
Installing a database implies knowing very well how the databases work and the architecture of the specific
DBMS that we are going to install.
Database installation manuals do not usually talk about the previous process, however, it is enormously
important. A lot of time must be spent on this decision, because once the DBMS is chosen, it is more
difficult to change your mind later, since our choice requires investment and time. The points that will
decide our decisions are discussed. Step 1: selection by requirements.
It is about analyzing what we need from the DBMS. In this sense, some things to take into account may be:
• Database size . A large database size requires using very powerful software to manage it, and could also
involve separating the data into different disk drives or even machines, which could require clusters or
distributed systems.
• Connectivity . If we need the database to be accessible from the Internet, an Intranet or even if a single
access computer would suffice.
• Number of users . A large number of users require advanced security controls to differentiate
permissions across users.
• Number of simultaneous connections . This is usually the peak of requirements, since a large number
of simultaneous connections implies DBMS with great concurrent work capabilities and few systems
would be able to achieve it.
• Hardware utilization. It may be that the company's own hardware predetermines the selection as they
are limited by it. If we are tied to hardware, this becomes the fundamental requirement, since we must
choose software that works fluidly with our hardware in exchange, perhaps, for not being able to use
modern tools.
• Company policy . For example, if the company has a policy of using free software, or if it has
agreements with specific software companies from which other products are purchased.
step 2: check requirements
Once the DBMS has been selected, we now have to ensure that we meet the requirements it demands. All
systems indicate what requirements they need in terms of:
• Operating systems . Not all DBMSs are multiplatform, it is normal that they are compatible with
a few platforms: Windows, Linux, Unix,…
• Packages or pre-installed applications . Sometimes it is required that the system has some software
prior to installing the DBMS. In the Linux world, packages are usually required (such as the C compiler,
or special input-output libraries,...); in Windows it is some update (such as its classic Service Pack ) or
third-party software that is required (such as the Java machine, the .Net Framework or a specific web
• RAM . It is the requirement that matters most: the more RAM, the lighter the system works. Oracle in
its 11g version recommends at least 1 GB of RAM
• Processor . A model and a minimum speed are usually required.
• HDD . Minimum disk space required.
• Network requirements . The computer may be required to have a specific function such as being a
domain server, or having a particular connectivity (such as a fixed IP address).
• System configuration requirements . Sometimes it is required to create specific users, modify
operating system parameters, etc.
• Incompatibilities . Sometimes products are indicated with which there are compatibility problems
System Requirements
• The standard database installation can be performed on a computer with 1 GB of RAM and 1.5 GB of
swap space or greater. A standard installation of Oracle Grid Infrastructure for Standalone Server also
requires a minimum of 1.5 GB of RAM.
• The amount of swap space needed depends on the amount of RAM (for example, for 2 GB of RAM you
need 3 GB of swap space). See the operating system-specific installation guide for more information.
• Depending on the activity level of the machine on which you are installing the Oracle Database
software, the standard installation will complete in 20 minutes or less.
• Here are some installation details:
- Oracle Database 11g includes two starter database templates.
- Duplicate files are removed.
- There are a large number of other products and demos that install from additional CDs.
The hardware requirements shown on the slide are minimum requirements on all platforms. The
installation may have additional requirements (especially disk space).
Note: An Enterprise Edition installation type that includes a standard initial database is called a “standard
Your System Administrator must perform additional steps for the hardware you will use for the Oracle
installation. Details and commands related to operating system configuration will not be covered in this
course. Additionally, each operating system has specific requirements for Oracle software. Instead, some
high-level requirements will be discussed and you will be advised to consult your operating system's
specific installation documentation for Oracle installation.
One of the necessary steps is the creation of the necessary users and groups of the operating system. The
two necessary operating system groups are: oinstall and dba. If you are implementing separation of duties
across multiple user accounts, you must also create the groups: oper, asmdba, asmoper, and asmadmin.
You need at least one operating system user to act as the owner of the Oracle installation. In most cases,
the oracle user is configured for this purpose. If you want to have a
real separation of tasks, can have different owners for each Oracle product
Oracle directories. understand the OFA structure
The commercial Oracle DBMS can only be installed on Windows , Linux (and only on Red Hat Enterprise
and SuSe Enterprise versions) and Solaris systems. It is normally installed through the software known as
Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) , which, being a Java program, is the same on all platforms (except for
some steps that vary due to the particularities of each operating system).
Since it is possible for a system to have several users, and even for each one to perform several
installations of Oracle database software, Oracle has designed a recommendation for organizing the
directories in which its products will be installed. It is, therefore, a standard in installations that should be
known whether we install Oracle or other installers; since if they are professional technicians they will
follow this recommendation and it will be easy for us to know the system routes.
The installation recommendation is called Oracle's Optimal Flexible Architecture ( OFA ).
OFA enforces the directory and file structure on the system that Oracle must use for each installation. The
reasons for its use are:
Follow common file and directory naming guidelines across Oracle installations, making it easier for all
administrators to find everything they need in each installation.
If multiple database installations are performed, ensure a consistent way of indicating the base directories
of these installations.
Allow multiple users to launch Oracle systems on the same system without any problems occurring.
Facilitate administration tasks, especially adding databases, installing software, and managing users.
Its fundamental elements are the system variables ORACLE_BASE and ORACLE_HOME , which are the
ones assigned the fundamental paths
/pm/h/u /u01/app/oracle C:\oracle\app
p. It is the name of a standard text that is usually short and concise and defines the name of
the assembly unit.
The most used in the Linux/Unix world is the letter u. In Windows this parameter Other
Installers use the word ora It is simply the letter of
Oracle recommends that the database be distributed disk drive
between several disk drives (or that are at least in a RAID system), so uOl would be used for the
first drive, u02 for the second,...
m. It is a numerical expression that goes from 01 to 09.
On Windows this parameter is not used .
h. It is the name of a standard directory.
The name app is often used, as it is the standard name to indicate that the directory contains an
or. The name of the user who owns the installation (for example oracle)
The Oracle Base directory is the root of Oracle installations (of all products, of all versions). In the OFA
model in Linux, they must comply with the following form:
/ pm / h / u Where:
p . It is the name of a standard text that is usually short and concise and defines the name of the assembly
unit. The most used in the Linux/Unix world is the letter u . Other installers use the word ora . Oracle
recommends that the database be distributed across multiple drives (or at least be in a RAID system), so
u01 would be used for the first drive, u02 for the second,…
In Windows this parameter is simply the drive letter
m . It is a numerical expression that goes from 01 to 09 . On Windows this parameter is not used.
h . It is the name of a standard directory. The name app is often used, as it is the standard name to
indicate that the directory contains an application.
or . The name of the user who owns the installation (for example oracle )
The most common route is:
/u01/app/oracle In the case of Windows the path follows the expression (if oracle is the name of the user
who installs the application):
drive:\app\oracle and this path must be at the root of any drive. For example C:\oracle\app
path to data files
The database in the OFA model is stored in a directory called oradata which will be inside the Oracle Base
Within oradata the database instance name is used. For example (Linux): /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl
The database named orcl is stored in the all databases directory ( oradata ) which, in turn, hangs from the
Oracle Base directory.
Within that path you should find these files:
Control file . Named control.ctl
redo log files . With the name redo01.log, redo02.log ,…
Data files . With the name of the tablespace they contain and a number (optional, intended for the case in
which a tablespace is divided between several files). For example user01.dbf
When the same product is installed more than once, a number is added to the path
Example of full Oracle Base path on a Linux system:
On Windows: c:\oracle\app\product\11.2.1\dbhome 1
Oracle Home
This is the root directory of a specific Oracle installation (Oracle 11g R2, Oracle 10g, etc.). Your OFA route
ORACLE_BASE /product/ version / installation_name
The version is the version of the product that is installed and the installation name is a boilerplate
proposed by Oracle.
That proposal is:
dbhome for database server installations
client for client software installations
grid for an implementation of the Oracle mesh structure .
When the same product is installed more than once, a number is added to the rura. For example, in the
case of dbhome , if there are two installations, one would take dbhome_1 as the Oracle Home root and
the other would take dbhome_2 .
Example of full Oracle Base path on a Linux system:
On Windows:
For example the parameter files in an Oracle Database installation on Linux could have this
Where orci is the name of the database and pfile is the name of the directory that stores the
Oracle parameter files
arch Historical redo logs (archived redo logs)
adump Audit files
create Database creation scripts
Data export/import dumps (dump files)
exp Files for data export
Database status and operating history files
pfile Parameter files
scripts SQL scripts
administration subdirectories
Oracle recommends that the files needed to administer Oracle be located within the admin directory,
which is located within Oracle Base . Within this directory there will be another one for each instance of
the database and within the latter there will be all the directories with administrative information.
For example the parameter files in an Oracle Database installation on Linux could have this path:
/u01/app/oracle/ admin/orcl/pfile Where orcl is the name of the database and pfile is the name of the
directory that stores the Oracle parameter files.
The complete directory recommendation is as follows:
arch Historical redo logs (archived redo logs)
adump Audit files
create Database creation scripts
dpdump Data export/import dumps ( dump files)
exp Files for data export
logbook Status files and database operation history files
pfile Parameter files
scripts SQL scripts
inventory directory
It is used to indicate which
Oracle Inventory Directory
products are installed
Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database
instance is not created. This variable is used after the database installation.
ORACLE_UNQNAME . Unique name of the database. There are installations in which several servers share
the database name; this parameter allows them to be differentiated. In any case, this parameter must be
indicated for the Oracle Enterprise Manager utility to start.
PATH . The path to the Oracle binaries must be added to this system variable, that is
say: %ORACLE_HOME%\bin
Checking System Requirements
Checking Temp space: must be greater than 90 MB. Current 15067 MB Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Current 4000 MB Passed
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Current 6 5536 Passed
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2009-05- 15_12 -04-10AM. Please
wait . . .
Hardware prerequisites
System . Oracle on Windows requires an Intel x86 , AMD64 or Intel EM64T PC
Memory . At least 1 GB of RAM and double that in virtual.
Hard drive space . At least 6 GB for installation (some installations require less). Additionally we need to
be able to store 500 MB in the system's TEMP folder.
Graphic card . It must be capable of displaying at least 1024 by 768 pixels and 256 colors.
In Windows, the computer icon is what allows us to know these properties using the properties of said
OS .
Windows 2003 Server and 2003 Server R2 .
Windows XP Professional.
Windows Vista , but not the Home Edition version .
Windows Server 2008 and 2012 . Not the Server Core version .
Compilers . They are used for people who create applications in Oracle using languages like Pro C, Pro
COBOL, ...
Visual C++.NET 2005 8.0 or Intel 10.1 C
.Net Express .
Browser. To configure some Oracle services. It must be a modern browser (Internet Explorer 6 or higher,
Firefox 2.0 or higher, Safari 3.1 or higher, Chrome 3.0 or higher)
Use unique IP address on the machine on which Oracle is installed . That is, do not use DHCP to address
the IP on the Oracle server. It is not a mandatory requirement, but it is highly recommended.
installation process
It is advisable to create an Oracle-related user with administrative permissions and install the software
with it. The reason: to be consistent with the OFA routes discussed above, which otherwise will refer to
the user with whom we install Oracle, whether related to him or not.
In Windows , the configuration of the environment variables (PATH, ORACLE_HOME,...) and most of the
system configuration details are taken care of by the Oracle installer, without us having to
intervene beforehand (unlike installation on Linux ).
Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) is a Java application that performs component-based installations and
enables different levels of web-based, suite, and cluster installations, as well as complex logic in a single
package. The installation engine can be easily transported across all Java-compatible platforms, and
platform-specific issues can be encapsulated from the overall installation process.
OUI provides the following capabilities to address software management and distribution:
• Automatic dependency resolution and complex logic handling
• Installation from web
• Component and suite installations
• Implicit uninstall
• Support for multiple Oracle root directories
• Globalization Support or NLS
• Support for distributed installations
• Unattended “silent” installations using answer files
[3]Indicate if we want to install the database instance with the installer. It is advisable to install
only the database software.
[4]Indicate whether we want to install a single Oracle instance or install multiple instances
(distributed database ). The logical thing, for now, is to install a single instance
[6] Choose the type of installation. Enterprise is the option if we want to install
Oracle with all its possibilities.
The differences between the different Oracle editions are available at:
Oracle Database 11g Erterprige Edbon is an automated management database that supports the schooling, performance, data
management, and security functions necessary to execute the most demanding critical tasks.
Oracl Deabuse 11g Snndrd Edbon is a complete document management solution that meets the needs of most people starting
And Utkczekndeiztebxckón
out. Includes Real Appicsbion Quzters for enterprise-class availability and is
supplied complete with its own driver and user management devices.
Orach Dekebose 11g Szendard Edbion Or* is a complete and economical energy management solution for small and
convenient hz needs: companies
Edition (3340B)
Supports single-user deployment and takedown that must be fully compatible with Oracie Enterprise Edbon I lg and Oracle
Standard Edbon 11g
[7 ]To choose specific Oracle components to install, we can press the Select Options
[8 ] Choose the installation location. Normally the installer will create it in a consistent
way ; The general Oracle base and the Oracle Home of the product that is being
installed based on the OFA scheme will be indicated. In any case, the layout can be
changed as we see what interests us most .
[9] If the installation user is named oracle, the Oracle directory
Base will be C:\app\oracle, Oracle Home will be something like:
C:\app\oracle\product\l 1.2. l\dbhome_l (assuming this is our first Oracle installation):
Oracle Database 11g Version 2 Installer •
Installing database
Specify a path to the Oracie base directory but place all Oode software files and related to the configuration. This location is the Oracie
base directory.
DrectoroBosedegroce Cvppvorocle " Egominor
To Specify a location to view Oracle software files. This location is a root directory of
Or act
- Installation Location Software Location C wpotorocletroduxctM 1 2 Ochome 2 * Ecognor
Server X Oracle is installed graphically , so the Linux system must have Server X activated. If
we install from an ssh connection , we will have to activate SERVER X on that
NETWORK and HOST settings
The server is required to have a name modify the /etc/hosts file to indicate the name of the server 127 .0.0.1
Observer. salesianos-villamuriel. local 192 . 168.12.3 dbl . salesianos-villamuriel. com
Hardware prerequisites
System. We must have a PC type system (AMD or Intel whether 32 or 64 bits). To find out which version of
the computer Linux is installed on, execute the command: $ uname –m
In more detail: $ uname -a
Memory . 1GB of RAM (2GB recommended).
We can check the available memory with the command: $ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
Additionally we need a swap area size of at least 1.5 times the memory size.
We check it by: $ grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
The free command allows you to check both things at the same time.
Disc space . At least 5GB for installation.
To check free space: $ df –h
Graphic resolution . At least 1024x768 pixels and 256 colors is the minimum that our graphics card has to
X server. Oracle is installed graphically, so the Linux system must have the X server activated. If we install
from an SSH connection, we will have to activate the x server on that connection.
network and host configurations. The server is required to have a name, it is not totally
essential, but the machine on which Oracle is installed is a server. This involves modifying the /etc/hosts
file to indicate the name of the server.
For example: dbserver.salesianos-villamuriel.local192.168.12.3 db1.salesianos-
For the same reason we need to use unique IP address on the machine on which Oracle is installed. That
is, do not use DHCP to address the IP on the Oracle server. The steps to perform this operation are: Modify
the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file (if our network interface is eth0 ).
And place the code like this:
ONBOOT=yes #Enable the network card at startup
BOOTPROTO=static #indicate static address
IPADDR= #Server IP
NETMASK= #netmask
GATEWAY= #Router IPNETWORK= #Network address, optional
BROADCAST= #Broadcast address, optional
TYPE=Ethernet Modify the /etc/resolv.conf file
search salesianos-villamuriel.local #domain localnameserver #server name
DNSnameserver #name DNS server… Restart network services: # service network
Web navigator. To configure some Oracle services. It must be a modern browser (Internet
Explorer 6 or higher, Firefox 2.0 or higher, Safari 3.1 or higher, Chrome 3.0 or higher)
necessary packages. Oracle requires that the system have a good number of packages installed.
For example, for Red Hat Enterprise systems (including CentOS ) or Oracle Linux 32-bit version 5, the
following are required:
binutils version compat-libstdc++-33 version 3.2.3
elfutils-libelf version 0.97 elfutils-libelf-devel version 0.97
gcc version 3.4.6 gcc-c++ version 3.4.6
glibc version 2.41 glibc-devel glibc-common version 2.3.4
version 2.3.4 libaio-devel glibc-headers version 2.3.4
version 0.3.105 libgcc libaio version 0.3.105
version 3.4.6 libstdc++ version 3.4.6
libstdc++-devel version 3.4.6 make version 3.80
numactl version 0.6.4.i386 pdksh version 5.2.14
sysstat version 5.0.5
To know the exact packages to install it is better to go to the Oracle
documentation ( )
The rpm -q instruction followed by the package name allows us to know if said package is installed ( yum
list followed by the package would also work, if the yum tool is installed). The missing packages will have
to be installed.
There are also a number of additional packages that may be required depending on our use of
Oracle. They are the following:
ODBC Drivers:
unixODBC version 2.2.12 or higher
unixODBC-devel version 2.2.12 or higher
JDBC/OCI Drivers
Java Development Kit 1.6.0_21 or higher with the extension for JNDI. In fact, Oracle itself
incorporates this requirement.
Linux PAM Library
• Oracle DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter must be greater than or equal to 4096 to install Oracle
Database Vault
• check that we have enough resources for the oracle user
• In the system Kernel we must check a series of parameters necessary for Oracle to work,
using the command
# sysctl -a | grep parameterName
or fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576
or fs.file-max = 6815744
or kernel.shmall = 2097152
or kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
or kernel.shmmni = 4096
or kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
or net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500
or net.core.rmem_default = 262144
or net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
or net.core.wmem_default = 262144
or net.core.wmem_max = 1048586
To check if we have them right with at least that value, just use the command # sysctl –a | grep
If any kernel parameter does not meet the minimums, we modify or add it to the /etc/sysctl.conf file.
Then you have to execute this command so that these changes take place instantly in the kernel.
# sysctl -p
Check again with sysctl –a to ensure that the changes were correct.
INSTALLATION IN LINUX AUTOMATION of compliance with software requirements
the yum tool has a package called oracle-validated
[1] We must add the Oracle repository to our yum tool repository list .
[2] In Red Hat Enterprise systems we need a previous step : we must convert our system into a system compatible with
Oracle Linux repositories. To do this we must do the following:† ‡ §
On supported Red Hat Enterprise 4 systems
# wget -O /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle
# gpg --quiet — with-fingerprint /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle
On systems that support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
# wget -O /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle
# gpg --quiet —with-fingerprint /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle
On systems that support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
# wget -O /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle
[3] Modify Oracle repository configuration :
On Oracle Linux or Red Hat Enterprise 4:
# cd /etc/yum.repos. d
# mv Orade-Base.repo Oracle-Base.repo. disabled
# wget
On Oracle Linux or Red Hat Enterprise 5:
# cd /etc/yum.repos. d
# wget
On Oracle Linux or Red Hat Enterprise 6:
# cd /etc/yum.repos. d
# wget
[4] Next we edit the yum configuration file (public-yum-xxx) and change the line enabled=0 to enabled=1 in the
repositories we want to use (normally only the last one will be activated , the most updated , which is usually the most
interesting }:
[5] We install the oracle-validated package:
# yum install oracle-validated
[6] We update the installed packages # yum update
On Oracle Linux or Red Hat Enterprise 6: # cd /etc/yum.repos.d # wget
[4] Next we edit the yum configuration file ( public-yum-xxx ) and change the
line enabled=0 for enabled=1 in the repositories that we want to use (normally only the latest one will be
activated, the most updated, which is usually the most interesting):
[5] We install the oracle-validated package: # yum install oracle-validated
[6] We update the installed packages # yum update
INSTALLATION ON LINUX creation of users and groups
To work with Oracle in a recommended way,
we need to create two groups in Linux system.
1. The OSDBA ( Database Administrator) group that will acquire the administrative privileges
of the database (SYSDBA). The name given to the group is dba.
2. A group that acquires the OSOPER ( Database Operator ) permissions that will acquire the
SYSOPER privilege . It is called the oper.
The oinstall group for Oracle Inventory required for the first installation of Oracle products. On
the first installation, Oracle creates the file oralnst.loc in the Oracle inventory directory and it
will contain the information about what the Oracle Inventory group is. If this file does not exist
, then we will have to create the group
[1] Create the Oracle inventory group, it is called oinstall: # groupadd oinstall [2] Create the
OSDBA group (with the -g parameter we can assign a specific ID ), which must be called dba: #
groupadd dba
[3] Create the OSOPER group (with the -g parameter we can assign a specific ID), which must
be called oper: # groupadd oper
[4] Optionally, create the ASM system administration group (Oracle 's own file manager).
Only if our files use ASM: # groupadd asmadmin
[5] Create the user who owns the Oracle software. It is called oracle and must belong to all of
the above groups (it is assigned the ID using the -u parameter) # useradd -g oinstall -G dba,oper
[6]Assign password to said user # passwd oracle
modify the security of the SELINUX module
Modify the SELINUX security module configuration to be more permissive, otherwise several Oracle
libraries will not work because this module will block them. All you have to do is edit the line in the
/etc/selinux/config file: SELINUX=permissive to create Oracle directories
Following the OFA model discussed above, we must create the necessary directories to install Oracle.
Assuming that our installation user is oracle , the actions to create the Oracle Base would be:
# mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle
# chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01
# chmod -R 775 /u0
Also at this point and following the same actions we can create and give permissions for the database
directory ( oradata ) which would otherwise be created in $ORACLE_BASE/oradata.
use installation user
Since we have already created and prepared everything related to the installation, we will have to use the
Oracle installer user (in all the examples we have called it oracle ) system variables
At least we must define these lines in our startup script file (usually /etc/profile ) (using the previous
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracleexport
After downloading the installation files and unzipping them.
Then we will use the user created for the installation
(usually oracle) and enter the directory with the Oracle
installer and launch the Oracle Universal Installer using:
$ ./runInstaller
The steps are the same as in the Windows installation, except for those
aspects specific to the Linux system (paths, system configuration,...)