Philosophy of Aristotle
Philosophy of Aristotle
Philosophy of Aristotle
I or
Francisco Javier García
Philosophy Professor
IES Vistazul
(Two Sisters-Seville)
The theme of nature is none other than the problem of reality, therefore
this theme will be closely linked to the question of "being", but
unfolding into two areas: a physical one referred to sensory reality, and
another metaphysical one referred to in this case to a type of reality
that is beyond the pure physical realm of perception, and that finds its
culmination in the Zeos
The conception of the human being in
Aristotle, like Plato, considered that man is a compound of soul and body ,
but while for Plato soul and body are the meeting of two entities, which
correspond to different realities and worlds (the soul to the ideal world and
the body to sensible world) for Aristotle constitute a substantial unity of
matter (body) and form (soul) .
The conception of the human being in
Aristotle maintains this idea by stating that the soul is the form of the body and,
consequently, it is also the act of the body, which, because it is matter, is the power. Thus, in
the same way that act is superior to power and form is superior to matter, the soul prevails
over the body and is superior to it, in the sense that it is the beginning of all the activity of
beings. alive.
Aristotle considers that all living beings have a soul, but not all souls can perform
the same functions.
Being is the object of philosophy, and it is because it is the most universal concept of
all, since all things agree that they are something. But the fact that being is the most
universal of concepts does not mean that it is univocal, but on the contrary, it is the most
equivocal of all concepts, since being is said in many ways. It is analogical, it has
many meanings and many ways of being understood.
- be entitative or substantial
- be predicative or accidental
- be in act
- be potentially
Luis is tall
Be entitative What is predicated of an entity
subject of preaching
The concept of reality: Aristotelian
The study of being It is done through Entit
as being y
Entity is being as it is being, that is, that which has the actuality of being, that exists.
Aristotle approaches the study of beings through concrete beings, of beings as they
have the actuality of being; and that entity is the substance
The concept of reality. The metaphysics
Aristotelian: The hylemorphic theory
First material
Of what is
made one It is not perceptible by the senses, but by
intelligence. Let's say that it is the
substance coincidence of all material things in being
precisely matter
It can be distinguished
Subject Second matter,
(allows potentiality) It is the physical matter of which each
Substanc specific substance is composed: wood,
e clay, marble, meat, etc.
(allows current events)
First Substance
Second Substance
Variations occur in the substance or in
the shape of the substance without
changing it. They can be subdivided
into three: Quantitative changes,
which affect volume, size, etc.
Qualitative changes, referring to the
qualities of the substances.
Local changes, that is, displacements.
The Philosophy of
Nature in Aristotle: Change and its conceptualization
Aristotle explains change with the power-act scheme.
Potency is the passive capacity that a substrate has to become something that it is not yet.
The act is the realization or determination of the power, it is the current possession of a form in a
here and now, of which the power was deprived.
We can affirm that change is the process by which a subject (substrate), who lacked
(deprivation) a certain condition or quality (form), but could really have it (potency),
comes to possess it totally or partially in act.
Aristotle's ethics
According to Aristotle, each animal has a certain ethos, (a character, a custom, a way of being)
that governs its behavior, but the human character is mediated by thought and that makes man
a different being that must be studied separately. for ethics
Aristotle turns Ethics into a practical reflection
Aristotle affirms that happiness is the ultimate good to which all men aspire by nature . Nature impels us
to seek happiness, a happiness that Aristotle identifies with the good life, with a good life . But not all men
have the same conception of what a good life is, and therefore, of happiness. Some make mistakes when
We start from the fact that man has a unique nature characterized by his intellectual
function. Happiness is, therefore, the activity of human nature, a nature that possesses
reason and that thinks . It is the activity and acting of the soul in consortium with the rational
principle of acting in accordance with virtue.
Man is a substance composed of soul and body, so along with the appetitive
tendencies typical of his animal nature we will find intellective tendencies typical of
his rational nature.
There will, therefore, be two proper forms of behavior and, therefore, two types of
virtues: the ethical virtues (proper to the appetitive and volitional part of human
nature) and the dianoetic virtues (proper to diánoia, of thought, of the intellectual
functions of the soul).
Aristotle's ethics
Selective habit that consists of a middle term relative to us, determined by reason and by which the prudent
man would decide
Aristotle distinguishes between:
Human beings have a natural tendency to associate, to be social, to integrate into a polis, to be
a political animal. If not, he would not have the capacity for language, that capacity, that of
speaking, can only be exercised in a social environment.
Aristotle's politics
The Polis has as its goal the happiness of citizens , human beings have not associated to
live, but to live well. But by living well we do not have to understand the abundance of
material goods but rather a life in accordance with virtue: a life in accordance with the
demands of virtue, which we mentioned before, that is, a life governed by reason in all human
Aristotle gives politics a clear ethical content , by placing it under the tutelage of virtue,
which becomes the goal and the ideal to which the city must aspire. The true mission of the
Polis is to create the conditions for a good and perfect life: it has to satisfy the primary and
material needs of the citizens. The State is made so that the community lives, not only
biologically, but so that it lives well. The good and the end coincide, and the supreme
good is happiness, therefore, the State has to ensure that the city achieves happiness.
Aristotle's politics
Aristotle's politics
Aristotle distinguishes between
Systems that are considered fair because they Systems that he considers unfair
seek the good of the community: because they seek their own good:
Aristotle was always against democracy, for him the best form of government is aristocracy, a
middle ground between monarchy and democracy.
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The concept maps are taken from I HVVK9F3X-1 LQ3LGN-
I 379/Aristoteles_ActoPotencia.cmap
Not knowing the name of the author I cannot publicly express my gratitude. If anyone knows,
please let us know so we can give it due recognition.