Clinical Internship Seminar 1 Oral Reporting2
Clinical Internship Seminar 1 Oral Reporting2
Clinical Internship Seminar 1 Oral Reporting2
Oral Reporting
At the end of this lesson the students would be able to;
COGNITIVE: Comprehensively describe Acute Leukemia, according to the WHO and
FAB Classification System; and Outline the broad types of acute leukemia based on its
certain clinical and diagnostic features.
AFFECTIVE: Differentiate Acute Leukemias based on a systematic approach from
Preliminary Evaluation, Bone Marrow Aspirate Examination, Cytochemical Staining,
Immunologic Analysis, and other Advance Laboratory Studies.
PSYCHOMOTOR: Choose and Describe treatment options available for patients
suffering from such Hematopoietic Malignancy.
The broad term "Leukemia" is derived from the ancient Greek words "leukos", meaning
white, and "haima", meaning blood.
ACUTE LEUKEMIA refers to the rapid, clonal proliferation in the bone marrow of lymphoid
or myeloid progenitor cells known as Lymphoblasts and Myeloblasts, respectively. This
results to suppression of normal hematopoiesis in which blasts are seen in the peripheral
blood of the patient, when examined. Unfortunately, most cases of such malignancy have
unknown causes, however, certain causes where also tracked down through multiple clinical
studies, including:
Progressive Mutations or "Multiple Hits" Mutations (leads to proliferative advantage,
in addition to mutations that hinder differentiation) - In detail these mutations transforms
normal Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC's) into Leukemic Stem Cells (LSC's) that initiate,
proliferate, and sustain leukemia.
Genetic Changes (toxin-induced genetic changes)
Environmental Exposures (lead, benzene, radiation)
Familial Predispositions (Heredity) (familial cancer predisposition syndromes)
The same with most other cancer types, leukemia can also be treated using Alkylating
Agents and other forms of Chemotherapy, which consequently induces DNA damage that
can lead to another complication of Therapy-related Leukemias.
In application of the “Monophyletic Theory – suggests that all blood cells are derived from a
single progenitor stem cell called Pluripotent HSC’s” & “Stochastic – random hematopoietic
differentiation & Instructive Model – bone marrow microenvironment influenced
hematopoietic differentiation” of hematopoiesis; the formed elements of the blood: Red
Blood Cells, Granulocytes, Monocytes, Platelets, and Lymphocytes have a common origin
from Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC’s), which are pluripotent cells with self-renewal
capacity that sit at apex of a hierarchy of bone marrow progenitors. These HSC’s give rise to
cells referred to as Multipotent Progenitors, which are more proliferative than HSCs but
have a lesser capacity for self-renewal.
Eventually, these progenitors become committed and commence an inexorable journey
down a road that leads to terminal differentiation and death in which proliferation becomes
more rapid in response to multiple growth factors and cytokines.
Blood Picture
In recent advances with Flow Cytometry and Genetic/Molecular Studies hematologist and
pathologists are now moving toward a more precise classification of many of the leukocyte
neoplasms based on Recurring Chromosomal & Genetic Lesions found in many patients.
This paved the way for the development of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO)
CLASSIFICATION SCHEME of acute leukemias that melded the older schemes with the
newer schemes recognizing nearly all of the tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues.
Thus far the FAB & WHO still remains the two major classifications of acute leukemias that
broadly divide it into: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) & Acute Myeloid Leukemia
(AML) [alternate names: Acute Non-lymphoblastic Leukemia, Acute Myelogenous
Leukemia, Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia, or Acute Granulocytic Leukemia]; which is based
on the two major lineages of hematopoiesis: Lymphoid & Myeloid Lineage.
Laboratory Findings:
WBC Count: Between 5-30 x109/L, although it may range from 1-200 x109/L (this usually
increases in presentation of the malignancy).
Peripheral Blood Picture: Myeloblasts are seen (true to 90% of patients).
Bone Marrow Picture: Hypercellular and >20% blast cells seen.
Hyperphosphatemia (due to cell lysis).
Hypocalcemia (due progressive bone destruction).
Hyperuricemia (caused by increased cellular turnover).
Hyperuricosuria (most probably due to Tumor Lysis Syndrome that most of the time
develops during induction chemotherapy, which is caused by the breakdown products of
dying cancer cells, causing acute uric acid nephropathy and renal failure. This is also
contributory to the latter four findings of AML).
Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, and Neutropenia.
These give rise to the clinical findings of Pallor, Fatigue, Fever, Bruising, & Bleeding.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) & other Bleeding disorders may also be
Malignant cell infiltration (mucosal sites and skin).
Myeloid Sarcoma:
It is an extramedullary type of myeloid tumor commonly affecting the Lymph Nodes,
Skin, Sinuses, Brain, and Periosteum of Bones.
Three types of myeloid sarcoma are generally recognized and are based on the
degree of maturation, namely:
Blastic Myeloid Sarcoma; predominantly composed of myeloblasts.
Immature Myeloid Sarcoma; predominantly composed of myeloblasts and
Differentiated Myeloid Sarcoma; predominantly composed of neutrophils.
It is very important to remember that unlike extramedullary hematopoiesis (liver,
spleen, & other fetal sites) is not a compensatory mechanism, rather a uncontrolled
spread of a neoplastic proliferation.
Table V: Laboratory & Clinical Findings of B Cell – ALL vs. T Cell – ALL.
Laboratory Findings Anemia (causes fatigue) Large Mediastinal Mass
Neutropenia & Infection (compromises regional
(causes fever) anatomic structures)
Thrombocytopenia (causes
mucocutaneous bleeding).
Osseous Pain (due to
progressive bone damage)
Infiltration of malignant
cells (e.g. meninges,
testes, or ovaries).
Figure 4: Large Medial Mediastinal Mass.
Often less severe
Osseous Pain
Bone Marrow
Cell Size Predominantly small Large heterogeneous Large homogeneous
Nuclear Homogenous in any Heterogeneous Finely stippled, and
Chromatin one case homogeneous
Nuclear Shape Regular, occasional Irregular, clefting and Regular (round to
clefting indentation common oval)
Nucleoli Inconspicuous One or more, often One or more,
large prominent
Cytoplasm Scanty Variable; often Moderately abundant;
moderately abundant strongly basophilic
Cytoplasmic Variable Variable Prominent
All other types of B-Cell ALL associated with genetic abnormalities, include the following:
B-Cell ALL with t(v;11q23.3); KMT2A (MLL) rearranged
B-Cell ALL with hyperdiploidy
B-Cell ALL with hypodiploidy
B-Cell ALL with t(5;14)(q31.1;q32.1);IGH/IL3
B-Cell ALL with BCR-ABL1-like
B-Cell ALL with iAMP21
Mature B-Cell ALL:
It is commonly known as Burkitt’s Leukemia/Lymphoma.
It is rare and most typically represents the leukemic phase of Burkitt lymphoma in
patients with bulky disease.
Uniquely, even if in the same B-cell lineage it was not classified as a subtype of
precursor B-Cell ALL due to the lack of the immunophenotypic characteristics of an
early B cell, namely the TdT is negative; it also has a FAB-L3 classification.
Patients with Burkitt’s leukemia are treated differently from patients with pre-B ALL,
which has a relatively good prognosis.
The prognosis for Burkitt’s leukemia (B-cell ALL) has traditionally been worse than
for most precursor B-cell ALL, but has improved with newer targeted therapies.
The WHO classification system for acute leukemias requires a minimum blast cell
count of 20% in the peripheral blood/200 leukocytes or bone marrow/500 nucleated cells
for confirmation of the diagnosis of acute leukemia in comparison to the FAB
classification system which requires a blast cell count of 30%.
Blood Picture
Most of the time, especially in the Philippines, bone marrow aspirate examination is
usually requested simultaneously with Cytochemical Staining, which are used to
identify chemical components of cells (e.g. Enzymes and Lipids) that help define
granulocytic and monocytic differentiation and continue to be useful to distinguish AML
from ALL. These special stains include the following:
Table IX: Summary of Cytochemical Reactions Useful in Diagnosing Acute Leukemia.
Myeloperoxidase Mainly primary Late myeloblasts,
granules (Peroxidase); granulocytes;
Auer rods monocytes less
Almost in the same ground with bone marrow aspirate examination, cytochemical
stains as demonstrative as it is, it still does not present definitive diagnosis of acute
leukemia, they are most of the time used as clinical support for the diagnosis of a
specific leukemia type.
Indispensably, immunologic methods are frequently used in the diagnosis and
classification of acute leukemia, which makes use of antibodies to detect markers
associated with a certain cell lineage and maturation stage. In clinical practice, there are
essentially two techniques used to detect antigens on cell surface, namely:
It requires a cell suspension and is best done on peripheral blood or bone marrow
aspirate specimen.
Main Principle: It is based on Light Scatter (Forward Scatter indicates relative size
of the cell, while Side Scatter indicates the complexity/granularity of the cell) and
emission of Fluorescence, using fluorescent-labeled antibodies/probes.
It is typically done on paraffin sections of the core biopsy, clot section made from the
aspirate, or on paraffin sections of other biopsy material.
Main Principle: It uses Labeled Antibodies (e.g. Enzyme or Fluorescent Labels) to
detect tumor/cell antigens in formalin-fixed or frozen tissue sections of biopsy
Surface marker analysis has begun to replace conventional cytochemical methods for
lineage determination in acute leukemia. It offers a more precise and sensitive way of
classifying acute leukemias, which could highly influence the physician’s diagnosis.
These advance laboratory studies paved the way for specific chromosomal
identification of leukemia types, which became basis of leukemia associated with
known genetic aberrations. These methods by far offers the most accurate way of
diagnosing common cases of acute leukemia, however, the complex pathology of
leukemia itself still limits such studies, as causes of the other types of leukemia still
remains unknown.
Keohane, E. M., Otto, C. N., & Walenga, J. M. (2020). Rodak's Hematology Clinical Principles
and Aplications (6th ed.).
McPherson, R. A., & Pincus, M. R. (2017). Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory
Methods (23rd ed.).