Final Project Organic Fertilizer

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INTRODUCTION external inputs such as synthetic

fertilizers and agrochemicals, which
Our country is characterized by its also cause serious problems of
agricultural and livestock vocation, environmental pollution and soil
this means allocating large areas of degradation. This process of
land to exploit short-cycle and industrialization of agriculture was
perennial crops, which are important carried out carried out worldwide by
for the sustained economic applying a research and technology
development of our society. The soil transfer model (extensionism) of a
is the basis for agricultural activity, the vertical and linear nature, which
land is made up of four basic sought above all maximum efficiency
components: mineral matter, organic in production to generate export
matter with an abundance of living products, but without considering
and microscopic beings, air and peasant knowledge. The inefficiency
water, all closely linked to each other, of this model encouraged the search
creating an ideal medium for the for synergies between the different
growth of In vegetables, of these actors participating in the process,
components, organic matter promoting what is known as
represents the lowest percentage in participatory research (PI) processes
both weight and volume. (Da Silva et al., 2008),
Organic matter is very important for
soil fertility, because it improves the
physical and chemical properties of
the land, directly benefiting the
development of crops. Due to urban
population growth, many products are
being demanded to satisfy the needs
of an increasingly demanding society.
As the population increases, there is
a greater demand for food.
Proportionally, the disposal of
biodegradable waste increases.
When these are poorly disposed of,
they become part of a garbage that
generates environmental pollution
and unhealthiness.

One of the main problems that

farmers face today is the high cost of
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK stimulate microbial diversity and activity in
the soil, which improves its structure, the
Compost, compost or compound (sometimes stability of its components, its porosity, and
it is also called organic fertilizer) is the helps the roots contained in it. The
product obtained from composting and preparation of compost is of great help as it
constitutes a “medium degree” of is composed of organic elements (waste) and
decomposition of organic matter. Humus helps prevent the accumulation of garbage
surpasses compost as a fertilizer, both being and contaminants (microorganisms) that are
organic. Compost (also called humus) is normally dumped into the environment or
formed by the decomposition of organic accumulate in landfills. Due to its own
products and is used to fertilize the land. It is composition of soil and organic matter, by
a process in which the hand of man does not decomposing organic compounds, it
intervene, recycling is 100% natural. incorporates these elements into the earth
Compost is formed from organic waste, the and helps restore soils. All of this helps the
organic matter decomposes aerobically or organic nutrition (without chemicals) of
anaerobically. We call “composting” the plants and crops, the formation and
aerobic cycle (with a high presence of retention of soils, decontaminates the
oxygen) of decomposition of organic matter. environment and eliminates tons of garbage
Compost is obtained naturally by aerobic in the environment.
decomposition with oxygen of organic waste
such as plant remains, animals, excrement We currently live in a society concerned
and slurry (highly polluting liquid part). that about health and the environment that
oozes from all types of animal manure) deteriorates more every year due to all the
through the massive reproduction of polluting factors that exist in the world,
thermophilic aerobic bacteria that are which is why we will develop this research
naturally present anywhere (subsequently project on the compost product that
the fermentation is continued by other contributes to preserving nature and At the
species of bacteria, fungi and same time, it improves the quality of
actinomycetes). The aim is to avoid as much sugarcane crops, as well as fruit plants and
as possible the putrefaction of organic waste trees.
due to excess water, which prevents aeration
and oxygenation and creates bad-smelling
anaerobic biological conditions, although
certain industrial composting processes use
putrefaction by anaerobic bacteria. Compost
is used in agriculture and gardening as a soil
amendment, although it is also used in
landscaping, erosion control, Methodology

coatings and soil recovery. The importance of

organic fertilizers is due to the fact that they
Manure: it is the organic fertilizer par
excellence due to its high nitrogen
and organic matter content. It has
been used since ancient times to
utilize livestock waste and also
restore nutrient levels to agricultural


Dried leaves are an important source of

fibrous organic matter. This is because
trees absorb minerals from the soil and
some of them go to the leaves.

You can compost this material and use it

to aerate heavy clay soils, prevent sandy
soils from drying out too quickly, and
create a living blanket for plants. It is also
useful for increasing soil fertility, adding
nutrients and retaining moisture.
Place to mix fertilizer

The type of fertilizer and the quantities to be

prepared depend on the size of the farm and
the availability of resources and labor. The
preparation and use time depends on the
type of material used, the place to mix the
fertilizer will be occupied by the method by
capacity since the material that is earth,
manure and leaf or organic materials goes
into the capacity.


First we choose a place to make the fertilizer,

a layer of soil is placed, then a layer of
manure or organic materials is placed on top,
the third layer is dry leaves and they are

Process 1
Preparation: the starting materials are mixed
to regulate their water content, eliminate
non-transformable elements and adjust the
nutrients to make it good soil.

Process 3

Process 2

Biodegradation: it is important to control

the temperature since it is important for
the growth of certain microorganisms that
are essential for the degradation of organic
matter and achieve perfect fermentation.
Maturation: in this last process it is stabilized
and polymerized, oxygen consumption
decreases, humidity is regulated, the
untransformed material is elinated and it is
ready to be used. In these processes, organic
waste is transformed and turned towards a
more rational, sustainable agriculture,
achieving greater profitability in the long

Results at home

Food, gardening and animal waste can be

used for many sustainable items. In this case,
the compost made turned out to be a very
useful material in the implementation of
plants, creating an improvement in the
growth of the plant, thus acting as a fertilizer
in all types of small and even large plants,
being effective in a cultivation process.

Results in sugar cane fields


Organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizer is a natural product

resulting from the decomposition of
materials of plant, animal or mixed
origin, which have the ability to
improve the fertility and structure of
the soil, the moisture retention
capacity, activate its biological
capacity and therefore improve the
crop production and productivity.

Importance of organic fertilizers The

need to reduce dependence on
artificial chemicals in different crops is
forcing the search for reliable and
sustainable alternatives. Organic
farming gives great importance to this
type of fertilizers, and increasingly,
they are being used in intensive
crops. We must not forget the
importance of improving various
physical, chemical and biological
characteristics of the soil, and in this
sense, organic fertilizers play a
fundamental role. Fertilizers increase
the soil's ability to absorb different
nutritional elements.
Properties of Organic Fertilizers and greater activity of aerobic
Organic fertilizers have properties  Organic fertilizers constitute a
that exert certain effects on the soil, source of energy for
which increase its fertility. Basically, microorganisms, which is why
they act on three types of properties they multiply quickly.
in the soil: Physical properties
Types of organic fertilizers
 Organic fertilizer, due to its
dark color, absorbs more solar Purines and animal manures. 
radiation, which makes the soil Compost: From the decomposition of
warmer and nutrients can be plant matter or organic waste.  Worm
absorbed more easily. castings: Organic matter decomposed
 Organic fertilizer improves the by worms.  Ashes: If they come from
structure and texture of the wood, fruit pits or another completely
soil, making clay soils lighter organic origin, they contain a lot of
and sandy soils more compact. potassium and lack heavy metals and
 They improve the permeability other contaminants. However, they
of the soil, since they influence have a very high pH and are best
its drainage and aeration. applied in small doses or pre-treated.
 They reduce soil erosion, both
from water and wind.  Green manure: Vegetable
 They increase water retention crop, generally legumes that
in the soil, so more water is are cut and left to decompose
absorbed when it rains or is in the field to be fertilized.
watered, and they retain water  Biol: Liquid resulting from the
in the soil for a long time during production of biogas.
the summer. Chemical
 Organic fertilizers increase the
buffering power of the soil, and
consequently reduce its pH
 They increase the cation
exchange capacity of the soil,
thereby increasing fertility.
Biological properties.
 Organic fertilizers promote soil
aeration and oxygenation, so
there is greater root activity
Leaf Compost • Poly Flex type hose.

What is leaf litter compost? • Black plastic.

It is an organic fertilizer that comes • 4 poles 2 m long and 7-10 cm in

from harmoniously bringing together diameter.
dry leaves from different origins, as a • Leaf litter (as a carbon source).
carbon source, placed in a container,
to which a nitrogen source is added, • Rich source of nitrogen.
such as urine, to carry out the
degradation of organic matter over Procedure
time by microorganisms, which we • Measure the perimeter of the circle
call biological decomposition. The on the mesh and cut it.
resulting fertilizer varies, in its
content, depending on the type and LITTLE COMPOST
quantity of materials used to obtain it.
• Measure and cut the plastic and the
Benefits for its use polyduct according to the perimeter of
the circle.
Improves the physical properties of
the soil, facilitating soil management • Assemble the circle, reinforcing it
for planting work. It increases the with galvanized wire and placing the
soil's moisture retention capacity and polyduct on top.
consequently regulates its
temperature. • Mount it on the black plastic that will
serve to collect the leachate.
Within the chemical properties of the
soil, it provides nutrients, improving • Add the leaf litter little by little and
the cation exchange capacity. the nitrogen source, according to the
Likewise, it improves microbiological amount we have available.
activity, for the transformation of
• Place the sticks inside the compost,
organic materials into inorganic
to allow better ventilation inside the
materials, so that plants can use the
latter as food.

• 5 x 6 cm mesh, 1 m high.

• Galvanized wire.

It can be used for planters and pots. It

is usually mixed between 20% to 50%
with soil and other materials such as
rice husks as a substrate preparation.

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