Class 6 - Revision Assignment 2022 23
Class 6 - Revision Assignment 2022 23
Class 6 - Revision Assignment 2022 23
Class - VI
Comprehension (passage)
Comprehension (poem)
Dialogue completion
Guided Composition
Picture Composition
Subject and predicate
Types of sentences
Jumbled sentences
Tenses (present/past/future perfect)
Nouns (abstract/collective/concrete)
Homophones/Homographs/ homonyms
A Walk to Remember
The Gardener
The Echoing Green
Malala Yousafzai
Horsing Around
Traveling is the activity of going from one place to another. Making trips every day to
the same place, work or school, is called "commuting". Traveling is known to have
many advantages. The greatest advantage that it offers is the opportunity to meet
new people and make friends. One could improve business contacts as well as learn
new skills. It is educative in the sense that one is exposed to various languages,
foods, cultures, etc., and this widens one's worldview. During the process, we
experience the world from other people’s perspectives. Thus, our outlook becomes
more global.
Traveling also de-stresses people. As they move out of their mundane routine, they
leave behind the stresses of home and work. One of the best things about traveling
is that it helps you store wonderful memories for a lifetime. Photographs and
souvenirs brought back from such places are treasured because of the memories
associated with them.
However, traveling can have its pitfalls too. It is an expensive exercise and can upset
your budget. Traveling in groups can reduce expenses, and offers more safety, but it
offers no space for private time and an individual’s interests. Hence, many people
advocate appreciating the good things they have at home. The ecological impact is
the greatest disadvantage. The carbon footprint that we leave behind because of the
resources we deplete is immeasurable.
1. primary
2. point of view.
2.Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow: 10
Foreign Lands
d)Identify the poetic device is used in the line ‘And many pleasant places
more’ 1
i) repetition ii) personification iii) simile iv) alliteration
3. Read the following conversation carefully. Fill in the blanks to complete the
dialogue. 5
Radha: Hello! Can I have an appointment with the doctor this evening?
Sophia: Yes. I will not forget to bring the reports with me.
5.Write an interesting story based on the picture given. Do not forget to give a
title to your story. (125 words) 8
6. Read the given instructions carefully and answer the following questions. 1x4=4
7. Choose the correct perfect tense form of the verb to complete the following
sentences. 1x4=4
Eg :- We ……………….. this movie already.
a. A __________ of wood was lying in the storeroom of his house. (use a suitable
collective noun)
b. I can see a lot of __________ in the library. (Use a concrete noun)
c. That was quite a __________ she put on. (use abstract noun of perform)
11. Choose the correct homophone/homonym in the following sentences. 1x3=3
Eg:- They will _____ their house next year.
i. cell
ii. sell
Answer: - (ii) They will sell their house next year.
a. Choose the correct homophone:
He was so angry, he punched a _____ in the wall.
i. hole
ii. whole
13. Read the give lines carefully and answer the question. 4
“Education went from being a right to being a crime. Girls were stopped from going
to school. When my world suddenly changed, my priorities changed too.”
14. Answer any four questions in about 35-40 words each: 4x2= 8
a) What are the old folks doing in the poem ‘The Echoing Green’.
b) The speaker of the story ‘Horsing Around’ was too confident of himself. Take out
two instances from the story which proves the above statement.
c) What was the Swat Valley known for and what has it become?
d) What does the speaker in the poem ‘The Gardener’ wants the gardener to do?
e) Why were the girls giggling in the story ‘Horsing Around’?
15. Imagine you are the coal man from the story ‘Horsing Around’. Make an entry in
your diary about 80 words describing your reaction you saw a young man meddling
with your horse. 4
Imagine you are George from the story ‘A walk to Remember’. Make an entry in your
diary about 80 words describing your feelings, why you are completely frustrated and
angry with your friends.
क ा- छह
िवषय - िह ी
पुनरावृि काय प (2022-23)
अधवािषक परी ा हे तु पा म
बसंत - (ग )
नादान दो
अ रों का मह
िटकट अलबम
बसंत - (प )
वह िचिड़या जो
चाँ द से थोड़ी ग
मै सबसे छोटी होऊँ
ाकरण –
त म-त व,
दे शज-िवदे शी
सं ा
शु वतनी
पयायवाची श
िवशेषण श
रचना क लेखन –
अनु े द लेखन
प लेखन (अनौपचा रक प - िम को/बड़े को)
संवाद लेखन
िच वणन
पुनरावृि -प
िवषय- िह ी
समय- 3 घ ा क ा – छह पूणाक -80
ख (क)
1) िदए गए ग ांश को पढ़कर ों के उ र िल खए------
रं ग-िबरं गे फूल िकसका मन नहीं मोहते। अथात् फूल सभी को ि य होते है । जब कभी हम फूलोसे भरे
बगीचे के समीप से गुजर रहे होते है , तो फूलों की सुगंध हमे बरबस ही अपनी ओर आकिषत करती है ।
फूलों को हम अ नामों से भी पुकारते ह, जैसे- पु , सुमन, कुसुम, एवं सून आिद। इस कार फूल
कई तरह के होते ह, जैसे- गुलाब, बेला, चमेली, गदा आिद। फूल हमारे जीवन म अपना िवशेष थान रखते है ।
ज ो व हो अथवा िववाह, पूजा का अवसर हो, या ागत की तैयारी, ोहार पर रं गोली बनानी हो या
भगवान के िलए माला, हम फूलों की आव कता होती है । सुगंिधत इ भी फूलों से ही बनाया जाता है ।
गुलाब के फूलों से गुलकंद बनता है जो हमारे शरीर को ठं डक दे ता है । गुलाब के फूलों से गुलाब जल भी
बनता है जो आँ खों के िलए लाभकारी है ।
1) फूल का समानाथ श है -
(अ) पु (ब) सुमन
(स) सून (द) उपरो सभी
3) ‘रसना’ श का ा अथ है
(अ) जीभ (ब)नाक (स) कान
2) िचिड़या को िकससे ार है -
(अ)घोंसले से (ब)अंडे से (स)पानी से (द) िवजन से
4. ‘िवजन’ श का ा अथ है -
(अ)बाग (ब) जंगल (स) पाक (द) पानी
ख -ख
5) इन श ों का िन श समूहों त म त व श ों का सही जोड़ा चुिनए-
(हाथ, दू ध , प ा , कान )
(अ) दु -हाथ दु / ह
(ब) प -दू ध प /प ा
(स) ह -प ा ह / हाथ
(द) कण-कान कण / दू ध
ख -ग
ख -घ
14) िन म से िकसी एक िवषय पर संकेत िबंदुओं का योग करते ए अनु े द िल खए-
1) म एक आदश िव ाथ ँ ोंिक
अनुशासन का पालन
समय का पाबंद
-अ यन िदनचया
1. The LCM of two co-prime numbers is their
(a) Sum (c) Product
(b) Difference (d) Quotient
6. A part of circle that lies between two distinct points on the circle is called ____
(a) Chord (b) segment (c) arc (d) sector
10. Amit went to Kashmir and Sumit spent his vacation in Manali in the month of
December. First day temperature in Kashmir at 12 noon was -30C. Temperature
in Kashmir increased by 20C in first five hour. After 5pm it decreased by 10 C in
every hour till midnight.
(i) What was the temperature at 5 pm in Kashmir?
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(ii) On a particular day, noted temperature in Manali was at 5 pm. Which
of the following statement is true?
(a) Kashmir is cooler than Manali
(b) Manali is cooler than Kashmir
(c) There is a difference of in the temperature
(d) The temperature at Manali was greater than that at Kasmir.
(iii) What was the temperature at 7pm in Kashmir?
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(iv) Last day, temperature in Kashmir was less than the temperature in
Manali. If the temperature in Manali was . What was the temperature
in Kashmir?
(a) (b) (c) (d)
11.Solve: 12.39 + 23.169 11.3
13. Sheena had of a cake. She gave of that to her younger brother. How much is
left with her?
14. Find the least value of ‘x’ so that 232x4 is divisible by 8.
17. Solve 13 + of 32 8 11
18. Express 210 as a product of prime numbers.
19. Evaluate the following
(i) 216 ( )
(ii) (( ) ( ) ( )
20. Evaluate
21. Find the greatest numbers which can divide 360, 405 and 495 completely.
22. Three bell rings at intervals of 15, 20 and 30 minutes. They all ring at 12 noon
together then at what time will they ring together again?
23. Solve using suitable rearrangement
(i) 132 + 121 + 68 + 69
(ii) 125 5 8 20 16
24. The H.C.F of two numbers is 12 and their L.C.M isb 144. If one of them is 36.
Find the other number.
25. The distance between Prachi’s home and her school is 15 km. She covers
12 km 65 m by scooter, 2 km 450 m by school bus and rest by walking. How
much distance (in decimals) does she walk to reach the school?
26. From the adjoining quadrilateral ‘PLUS’, write all the pairs of:
27. Subtract the sum of ( ), (64), ( ) from the product of ( ) and (15).
4. Objects which have their own light are called ___________ objects.
11 Iron rods at the construction sites have dull appearance. Why? How can some metals lose
their lustre?
12.A) After the rains objects at a distance are seen more clearly. Why?
B) Write the role of Alum in the purification of water.
15. A) Identify the substances from the following which are translucent.
a) window pane b) ground glass c) muddy water d) butter paper
16. Differentiate between magnetic and non magnetic substances giving examples.
20. Draw tap and fibrous root system. Give one example of each.
24. Answer the following questions based on the figure given below.
B) Also differentiate between the states A and C on the basis of their shape and volume.
27. Write an activity to magnetise an iron needle. Draw the diagram also.
29. What are flowering and non-flowering plants? Give an example of each.
30. (A) Write any 2 characteristics of the image formed by a pin hole camera
(B) What is lateral inversion?
31. Explain any two methods to separate the mixtures having insoluble solids. Draw the
diagrams of the apparatus used.
34. (A) Write an activity to show that light travels in a straight line. Draw the diagram also.
(B) Define (1) opaque (2) convergent beam.
SYLLABUS- Ch-4 Sorting materials into groups, Ch-5 Separation of substances, Ch-8
Getting to know plants, Ch-12 Light, shadows and reflections and Ch-14 Fun with magnets
Ch 3- The Earliest Cities
Ch 4- What Books and burials tell Us
Ch 5- Kingdoms, Kings and early Republic
Political and social life-
Ch 3- What is Government
Ch 5- Panchayati Raj
I. Answer thefollowing in one word- (1m each )
a) Hymns were also called- _________________________________.
b) Huge stones used to mark the burial sites- _____________________.
c) The person who chanted the tales of victory during Ashwamegha
sacrifice- _______________________________.
d) The oldest Veda- __________________________________.
e) Bimbisara and Ajatasattu ruled here-
f) The sacrifice performed to recognize someone as ‘Raja’ during
later Vedic time - _____________________________________.
g) The first city to be discovered in Indus Valley -
II. Answer the following questions-
Q1. Describe the location and any two features of the Great bath.
Q2. Write about the two parts of Harappan cities. Which city had three
parts? (2+1=3m)
Q3. Which metals were the Harappans familiar with? What did they use
these metals for? ( 1+2= 3m)
Q4. Name the four Vedas. Who composed the hymns? (2+1=3m)
Q5. Who were Aryans? Describe the two ways in which Dasas were
different from Aryans. ( 1+2= 3m)
Q6. What are Megaliths? Where were they found in India? ( 1+2= 3m)
Q7. Define Janapadas. Name two Janapadas. ( 1+2= 3m)
Q8. Describe the two ways in which forests were useful for the
development of Magadha as a powerful mahajanapada. How were iron ore
mines important? ( 2+1= 3m)
Q9. Why did kings build forts? Elaborate in three points. ( 3m)
Q10. Why were the battles fought in the Vedic period? (3m)
Q11. Where is Dholavira located? Describe the four distinctive features of
Dholavira. ( 3m)
Q12. Explain the five different reasons for the decline of the Harappan
civilisation. (5m)
Q13. Explain the Varna system. Who were untouchables?(4+1=5m)
Q14. Why did some people not accept Varna system in Later Vedic period ?
Q15. What were the Harappan seals made of? What were they used for?
Describe any three of their features. (1+1=3=5m)
Q16 Identify the following places marked on the political map of India-
1. Place in Gujarat where fire alters have been found-
2. Place where dockyard was found
3. Harappan city divided into three parts
4. First city of Indus Valley civilisation to be discovered
5. Bimbisara and Ajatasattu ruled this kingdom.
a) Two categories of people who were denied the right to vote in earliest
form of government- ____________________________________.
b) The journal in which in 1931 Gandhiji wrote about unfair voting system
in India - ________________________________________.
Model Test Paper
Geography Class – VI
Syllabus for Half yearly examination
Chapter 2 : Globe : Latitudes & Longitudes
Chapter 3 : Motions of the earth
M.M : 30
Q1 : State the longitudinal value of the Prime Meridian ? (1)
Q2 : Define Grid ? (1)
Q3 : Christmas is celebrated in summer in which country? (1)
Q4 : Day and night is caused by which motion of the earth ? (1)
Q5 : What is a Leap year ? (1)
Q6 : Give reasons for the following statements: (3)
(a) Some countries have adopted multiple time zones.
(b) Torrid zone receives maximum amount of heat.
(c) Distance between two meridians decreases towards pole.
i. Suns rays fall directly at which latitude during summer solstice in the northern
ii. On what dates do we experience equinox?
iii. Write condition of northern hemisphere on the day of winter solstice under
following heads: Date; Length of day and night; condition of poles
Q12: (a) Which heat zone experiences moderate temperature? Write any two features
of the zone (3)
0 0
(b) Calculate the local time of the Meridians 45 E and 60 W longitude when the time at
GMT is 4 AM (2)
Chapter 1: Computer Languages(Till page 6 only)
Chapter 4: Editing and formatting in Excel(Notebook and Book back Exercises)
Chapter 5: Sorting and Filtering in Excel(Only four key terms)
Formulas and Functions in Excel(Notes provided)
i. Alignment
ii. Orientation
iii. Wrap text
iv. None of the above
e. Identify the excel component:
i. Formula bar
ii. Cell
iii. Name box
iv. Percentage box
2. Answer in one word:
a. The cell range for cells starting from column J row 2 to column L row 7.
b. Default alignment of numeric entries in the cells.
c. Shortcut for Flash fill.
d. A feature that can be used to highlight all the cells which contain values less than 100.
4. Differentiate between :
a. HLL and LLL
b. Logical and Syntax Error
c. Formula bar and Name box
b. Assume that you have to create a copy of the names. Which shortcut key will you use for the
C. What will be the result of the formula :
7. Suggest a solution
12. Study the given Excel sheet and write the formula/function to calculate the
Section A. Compréhension.
1. Lisez le texte et répondez aux questions suivantes.
Au téléphone
Sylvie : Allô ! Est-ce que c’est Anne ? C’est Sylvie ici ! Ça va ?
Anne : Oui, c’est Anne ! Ça va, Sylvie. Bon anniversaire !
Sylvie : Merci. Pour mon anniversaire, j’organise une boum (party) avec nos amis.
Nous allons au restaurant « Chez Pierre ». Tu viens sûrement ! (surely)
Anne : Non, ce n’est pas possible parce que je suis malade. (ill)
Sylvie : Tu es malade ?
Anne : J’ai de la fièvre (fever) et je tousse (cough).
Sylvie : Alors, va chez le médecin et prends des médicaments.
Anne : Oui, j’ai déjà des médicaments chez moi. Merci Sylvie !
Section C. Grammaire.
3. Complétez avec les adjectifs possessifs :
i. Les enfants rangent _________ cahiers dans ________ sac.
ii. Vous parlez à _________ professeurs.
iii. Les élèves donnent ____________ livres à ____________ amis.
iv. Wendy va au marché avec ____________ parents.
v. Tu veux _________ écharpe et __________ chaussures.
vi. Karl cherche _____ vêtements dans _____________ armoire.
vii. Paul et Samuel vont chez _________ amis.
viii. Les filles jouent avec _________ cousin.
ix. __________ école est l’une des meilleures écoles de Noida.
x. Le fils de ____________ oncle est mignon.
Section E. Civilisation.
13. Répondez aux questions-
i. Nommez quatre monuments de la France.
ii. Nommez les pays voisins de la France.
iii. Nommez quatre villes françaises.
iv. Nommez quatre vins français.
v. Nommez quelques fromages français.
vi. Nommez deux parfums français.
vii. Nommez quelques fleuves français.
viii. Nommez quelques montagnes en France.
Class VI Revision Assignment
Lektion 1-Hallo!
Lektion 2-Das ist meine Familie
Lektion 3-Hast du Geschwister?
Lektion 4-Wo wohnt ihr?
1. Stell Fragen und mach den Dialog fertig!
● Hallo! Ich bin Lara.
◊ __________________________________________________________________ ?
●Ich heiβe Tobias.
◊ Tobias, ___________________________________________________________ ?
●Ich bin 12.
◊ Und ______________________________________________________________ ?
● Ich wohne in Berlin.
◊ Wie _______________________________________________________________ ?
● Mein Vater heiβt Peter.
◊ Wie _______________________________________________________________ ?
● Meine Mutter heiβt Karin.
◊ Wie _______________________________________________________________ ?
● Meine Oma heiβt Petra.
11. Ergänze !
13. Buchstabiere !
1. F__e__ __dl__c__
2. S__o__tli__h
3. Lu__ __i__
Hola me llamo Paula. Yo tengo quince años y ahora vivo en México con mis amigos. Yo tengo 2
hermanas, Mi hermana mayor es pilota. Aquí en México no es común vivir con la familia. No es
importante viviendo en la misma casa. Los chicos viven fuera de su familia cuando cumplen 18
años. Pero hay una tradición que en los domingos los chicos los niños van a reunirse con sus
familias y cenan juntos. Me gusta el pollo mucho. Mi cumpleaños es el veinticuatro de noviembre y
mi signo es escorpión. Un saludo!
Sofia : ¡Hola Susana! Espero que estás bien. ¿Cómo está la familia?
Susana : ¡Hola Sofia, Qué sorpresa! Sí mi familia está muy bien y ¿Cómo están tus padres?
Sofia : Todo está bien, gracias. Sabes que el próximo semana hay una fiesta del cumpleaños de mi
Susana : Qué bien! Felicitaciones Sofia. ¿Tú madre es Tauro? Las personas de ese signos son muy
alegre, paciente y tranquilo.
Sofia : Sí pero mi madre no tiene ningún de estos calidades. Jajajaja
Susana : jajaja ahh no, tu madre tiene todos estos calidades. Feliz cumpleaños a tu madre.
Sofia : Muchas Gracias amiga. ¡Nos vemos pronto! Adiós
Q3. Mira el dibujo y escribe 5 profesiones: (Look at the picture and write 5 professions)
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
4. The houses are brown - ___________________________________________________.
5. The day before Sunday. - _________________________________________________.
6. She is the Pedro’s mother. - _______________________________________________.
7. They are from France. - ___________________________________________________.
8. The first day of the week. - ________________________________________________.
9. We are the students - ____________________________________________________.
10. We are in the Spanish class. - ______________________________________________.
11. It is very hot - ___________________________________________________________.
12. The month after November. - ______________________________________________.
13. You all are very happy - ___________________________________________________.
14. The month of Christmas. - _________________________________________________.
15. I am a student of languages. - ______________________________________________.
Q8. Rellena los espacios: (Fill in the blanks)
1. Nicolás ________________ (tener/él) veinte años.
2. La hermana de Isabel ____________ (ser/ella) Española.
3. Nosotros ____________ (Tener) una casa grande.
4. Yo ___________ de Argentina.
5. Mis amigos Rubén y Raúl ___________ (tener/ellos) dos hermanas.
6. Mi padre _____________ (tener/él) sesenta años.
7. Nosotras ____________ (ser) estudiantes.
8. Monica y Karen ___________ (estar/ellos) en el concierto.
9. El perro _________ (estar/usted) en el parque.
10. Ustedes ___________ en la oficina.
11. Nosotros trabajamos en _________ (artículo definido) escuelas.
12. Me gustan __________ (artículo indefinido) fotografías.
13. Necesitamos mejorar ___________ (artículo definido) educación en todos los países.
14. Vivo en _______ (artículo indefinido) ciudad.
15. Mi profesora _________ inglés enseña muy bien.
16. Me gusta las películas _________ terror.
17. Ella es __________ Puerto Rico.
18. _____________ se usa para poner los libros y cuadernos. (… is used to put the books and
19. _____________ se usa para pegar los papeles. (… is used to glue the papers)
20. ____________ se usa para mirar el mundo. (… is used to look at the world)
21. __________ viene antes de Marzo. (… comes before Marzo)
22. ___________ viene después de Octubre. (… comes after Octubre)
23. __________ viene antes de Julio. (… comes before July)
24. ___________ viene después de Agosto. (… comes after Agosto)
25. ___________ viene después de Noviembre. (… comes after November)
Q9. Traduce las palabras en español:
1. It is cloudy 12. Happy
2. Beautiful 13. Tired
3. It is rainy 14. Empty
4. It is very cold 15. Full
5. Sad 16. Clean
6. Dirty 17. Also
7. Twins 18. Scared
8. Angry 19. Sick
9. City 20. Near
10. Same 21. Together
11. We enjoy
Q10. Observa el árbol genealógico y marca las siguientes frases: (Look at the family tree and
mark the following sentences)
j. Rita es _____________ de Sara.
k. Lucas es _____________ de Luis.
Q11. Escribe los números impares del 0 al 50 y los pares del 51 al 100: (Write odd numbers
from 0 till 50 and even numbers from 51-100)
Q12. Escribe los nombres de los paises en español: (Write the names of the countries in
a. USA g. Spain
b. India h. Sweden
c. Germany i. Switzerland
d. France j. Russia
e. Japan k. Peru
f. Canada l. England
Q13. Responde a las preguntas : (Answer the following questions)
a. El Salvador translates to __________________.
b. El Salvador shares bode with ______________________________________.
c. El Salvador is the smallest country in _____________________.
d. The white colour on the flag represents _________________ and blue stripes
represent ________________.
e. _________________ is the national dish of El Salvador.
f. El Salvador is also known as _____________________________.
g. _______________ is the highest point in El Salvador.
दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल नोएडा
अर्ध वादषधक परीक्षा 2022-23
कक्षा - षष्ठी, दवषय - संस्कृत
पूर्णां क 60 समय:- दो घंटे
7. उवित वियणपद िुनकर भरें । ½x6=3
क) सः _______________। (पठवत/पठन्ति)
ख) युवणं कुत्र _______________। (वसथः /वसथ )
ग) वयं तत्र _______________। (खेलणमः /खेलणवः )
Chapter -6
Chapter – 5
Hiragana Meaning
(iv) Ashita nihongo no shaken desu.
(v) Ima san ji dewaarimasen. Go ji desu.
Q5. Complete the dialogues.
Q7. Change the form according to the tense given in the brackets.
1. あたらしい ___________
2. ちいさい ___________
3. やさしい ___________
4. やすい ___________
Q9. Read the following conversation and answer the questions.