3 (52) - 2010
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Charissa BAKEMA1
Academy for social studies, Christian University Ede, Holland.
78 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 3 (52) - 2010 • Series VII
teasing and bullying. Teasing helps to There is the notion that something in the
build up character. Through teasing people attitude of the victim triggers the
get stronger and learn how to stand up for bullying)
themselves. Teasing is something that The internet site www.bullying.org has
happens all the time between different found a very good way to explain the
people, bullying on the other hand is above mechanisms for the wide audience.
systematically aimed at one person. Thus Some examples of myths and facts:
bullying is the exact opposite of teasing; Myth: “Bullying is just a phase, a normal
the victim is not permitted to resist. part of life. I went through it, my kids will
Bullying breaks down character and has a too! ”.
direct influence on the development of Fact: Bullying is not “normal” or socially
one‟s personality. People who have been acceptable behaviour. We give bullies power
bullied will feel weaker and will learn that by our acceptance of this behaviour.
they have to fight or flee Cannon [1]. Myth: “If I tell someone, it will just make
In this definition one notices that there it worse.”
are already three parties involved: the Fact: Research shows that bullying will
aggressor (the bully), his friends and the stop when adults in authority and peers get
aggressed (the victim.) But there are more involved.
parties. The context is also important. Myth: “Bullying is a school problem, the
There is the teacher. Does he or she teachers should handle it”
know what is happening? And there is the Fact: Bullying is a broader social problem
family of the victim (parents, brothers and that often happens outside of schools, on
sisters). There is the rest of the class who the street, at shopping centers, the local
disregard bullying most often. Some pool, summer camp and in the adult
children in the class join the bully because workplace.”
they are afraid. Some children join the Myth: “People are born bullies”
bully for their own well being. Finally Fact: Bullying is a learned behaviour and
there is the group that doesn‟t do anything. behaviours can be changed.
They do not bully, but they do not help the In fact these mechanisms are attitudes,
victim either. Every now and then there is which we can try to change by giving
an individual in the group with authority attention to the subject.
amongst his peers who will defend the
victim. 5. What We Need to Change!
The psychological mechanisms that we
recognize in this process are: When we speak about attitudes we can
1.The collective choice to be silent about see three parts [2], [6]:
what is happening (everybody in the - A cognitive part.
class knows what is happening, but - A conative part.
nobody dares to speak out to the - An emotional affective part.
teacher, because they are afraid to be To treat bullying in a professional way,
the traitor). each of the three parts of an attitude needs
2. The bystander dilemma (teachers and/or to be dealt with. Only when teachers are
parents see what is happening, but are working on the different parts of the
not sure if or how to act). attitude, the interventions will be powerful
3.Blaming the victim (teachers, bully, rest and lead to good results.
of the class and the parents have the Teachers, parents and the class need to
idea that the victim is the guilty one. attain knowledge about the mechanisms of
80 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 3 (52) - 2010 • Series VII