8.04) Proyect - Be An Activist!

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9.10 Assignment -
Pablo García Santos
What is Bullying Exactly?

- The word bullying describes a way of

treatment between people.
It includes actions such as making
treats, spreading rumors, attacking
someone physically or verbally, and
excluding someone from a group on

- It is a continuous, deliberate
mistreatment which is usually
received by a child, with the objective
of cornering, threatening, intimidating,
or obtaining something from the
Why is bullying an important issue to address?

- People use to think bullying does not occur

very regularly. However, it happens more
usually than we think.
According to the PACER’s National Bullying
Prevention Center, almost 1 out of every 5
students in the US have reported being

- This directly affects the child’s academic

performance, as well as his socialization with
other kids.
If the issue is not treated properly, the child
can have serious problems in the future.
How bullying impacts our society:

- Bullying can cause several

consequences on both the victim and
the aggressor.

- The victim finds himself in a state of

deterioration of his self-esteem, anxiety,
depression, school phobia, and even
suicide attempts, whith negative
repercussion on the development of his
personality, his socialization, and his
mental health in general.

- On the aggressor, the aggression

conducts can be chronic, and be a
legitimate way of achieving his
objectives, with the risk of developing
delictive conducts.
How has bullying changed over time?

- We know that bullying has always

existed, but it is not processed the
same way as 30 or 40 years before.

- In the previous decades, bullying was

easier to detect, as there was more
time between the teacher and the
child to treat the problems, and there
was a warmer relationship between
Nowadays it is more visualized, but it
is less detected. We live in a social
moment where we have no time for
anything, and teachers care more
about the content of the subject,
rather than the student’s wealthbeing.
What can we do to address this issue?

- People should inform these kind of

situations, whether they happen to
them or to other people. They should
report it to their parents or to the
school's stuff.

- People who see these situations

should show a communicative and
empathetic attitude towards the
victim, and should definitely not
position in the aggressor’s side, and
should try that the victim talks the
situation to their parents or people
close to them.
Which organisations work against this matter?

Here are a list of groups and associations which

work against bullying and school agressions:

- National Association of People Against Bullying

- Stomp Out Bullying

- No Bully

- National Bullying Prevention Center

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