10 Trustworthy Websites

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Searching for important and reliable sources of information on the Internet is an increasingly
complex and time-consuming exercise. Because of information saturation in search engines, the
web pages that contain the most important information are not necessarily the most visible. This
represents a difficulty for professionals looking for reliable information to support an argument,
make presentations, organize seminars and courses, or even make strategic choices. However,
there is a set of instruments that gives access to all types of reference documents, regularly
updated, in very varied technical domains. So how to search and find reliable and important
information on the Internet?

Online libraries: quality technical and bibliographic references

Several online libraries offer free access to millions of documents (books, videos, photos) from
recognized and reliable sources, and on a set of scientific, technical or human science topics.
Generally, their catalog is updated regularly, allowing you to obtain the most relevant references
in the search domain of your choice.

In the framework of documentary work, where it is important to rely on recognized authors, this
type of platform allows you to save considerable time, and also allows you to enrich your
bibliography with references that are impossible to find on another website. Some classify the
most recent publications in specialized technical domains, which can be very useful for business


- The Free Library: is both an online resource catalog and a comprehensive website covering
various technical domains (business, communication, health, law, etc.). A tool for professionals
and businessmen who thus have access to the most recent publications: newsletters from
magazines and newspapers that are the most important in their domain of interest (in English).

Advantage: This library allows you to subscribe to the RSS feed of hundreds of technical journals
identified as reliable (for example: automotive industry, engineering, agriculture, security, real
estate, etc.)

- Gallica: this library brings together more than 1,200,000 references in the following categories:
books, maps, manuscripts, images, press and magazine articles, sheet music, words and music, e-

Advantage: It allows you to review entire books (for example: "Boostez vos ventes grâce aux
réseaux sociaux (Boost your sales thanks to social networks)", Pascal Brasier, Eyrolles edition) and
the reading format is pleasant.

- Questia: this multilingual online library offers more than 77,000 full-text books from more than
300 publishers, and more than 4 million magazine and newspaper articles. This online library gives
privileged access to a large number of original sources.
Advantage: offers a search filter with several search fields (publication date, type of publication
medium: book, magazine, scientific journal, newspaper, etc.)

SlideShare: closely connected to blogs and 2.0 tools, this platform specialized in hosting technical
and professional content (presentations, PDF documents) currently has more than 27 million
users. The authors generally cite studies in their presentations, and rely on relevant bibliographic

Scribd : This online document bank classifies several tens of millions of documents in PDF, Word
and Power Point formats. A large part of these resources is authentic information (for example:
official and institutional content, statistics, etc.). Scribd also offers a "social" space, users can
comment and annotate sources. This allows you to better evaluate the usefulness and credibility
of these sources.

Google books: This search engine has several hundred thousand original and updated references,
in limited access (limited reading) or comprehensive. It allows you to quickly view the essential
information of a work (author, editor, year of publication, number of pages) to quickly evaluate its
relevance. It also offers several search filters (years of publication, ISBN and ISSN).

Google Scholar: very useful for finding university, scientific and technical journal articles (including
the most recent ones) that are authoritative in their domain. To measure the relevance of an
article, Google Scholar especially indicates the domain name of the website where it is hosted (for
example: .edu and .org sites indicate a high degree of reliability) and the number of times the
article is cited. .

Other reliable websites are:

 https://www.unad.edu.com
 https://www.slistos.com
 https://www.gob.mx

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