Calculus 1.

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Opening Prayer
 In the name of the Father……………..
Our Father………………….
Hail Mary………………
In the name of the Father…………
Tangaza University College
(The Catholic University of Eastern Africa)
School of Education
(Christ the Teacher Institute for Education)
• Trimester: August – December 2023
• Department: Mathematics
• Course: CMTH 222 CALCULUS I
• Credit Hours: 3
• Class Schedule: Tuesdays, 08:00 to 10:30
• Educator’s Name and Title: Dr. John Awino
• Educator’s Email:
• Consultation Hour: Tuesdays 11:00 – 13:00
Programme Learning Outcomes
 teach effectively in areas of specialization in secondary school and post-
secondary institutions;
 design, develop, implement and evaluate curricula for secondary school
and post-secondary institutions;
 plan and implement appropriate programmes for various categories of
 apply ethical and moral values in their work environment;
 apply appropriate teaching techniques in secondary school and post-
secondary institutions;
 plan, utilize and manage resources in learning institutions; and carry out
research in secondary and post-secondary education;
 conduct educational research; and
 apply scientific principles in problem solving.
Core Learning Competencies:
 Communication and collaboration;
 Citizenship;
 Critical thinking and problem solving;
 Digital Literacy;
 Imagination and Creativity;
 Learning to Learn;
 Self-Efficacy; and
 Assessment.
 Pedagogy
Pertinent Contemporary Issues (PCI):
 Health Related Issues (HIV and AIDS, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Life
 Life skills and values issues: and
 Social economic issues (Environmental, disaster risk reduction, safety
and security, countering terrorism, violent extremism and
radicalization, poverty eradication, gender and animal Welfare).
Core Values:
 Integrity
 Love
 Patriotism
 Peace
 Respect
 Responsibility
 Social Justice
 Unity
 Professionalism
Course Description:
• This course introduces calculus using analytic
geometry functions. Topics include limits and
continuity, derivatives and derivative techniques,
optimization, related rates, graphing and other
applications of derivatives.
Required Learning Materials
1. Geveci, T. (2015). Introductory calculus i : Functions, limits, and
continuity. Momentum Press.
2. Geveci, T. (2015). Introductory calculus i : Understanding the
derivative. Momentum Press.
3. Rohde, U. L., Jain, G. C., Poddar, A. K., Ghosh, A. K., & Jain, G.
(2011). Introduction to differential calculus : Systematic studies with
engineering applications for beginners. John Wiley & Sons,
4. Morris, C. C. (2015). Fundamentals of calculus. John Wiley & Sons,
Recommended Learning Materials:
1. Geveci, T. (2015). Introductory calculus i : Functions, limits, and
continuity. Momentum Press.
2. Geveci, T. (2015). Introductory calculus i : Understanding the
derivative. Momentum Press.
3. Rohde, U. L., Jain, G. C., Poddar, A. K., Ghosh, A. K., & Jain,
G. (2011). Introduction to differential calculus : Systematic
studies with engineering applications for beginners. John Wiley
& Sons, Incorporated.
4. Morris, C. C. (2015). Fundamentals of calculus. John Wiley &
Sons, Incorporated.
Student Learning Outcomes
The Learning Outcomes for this course are:

 apply gradient of a function;

 perform differentiation from first principle;
 use different differentiation techniques to differentiate various
classes of functions;
 apply the concept of differentiation in real life problem solving;
 solve mathematical problems using product, quotient and chain rules;
 apply Taylor Series in the expansion of functions; and
 use differential calculus to solve geometric, graphical, algebraic and
physical problems.
Course Learning Assessment Opportunities
i. Assessment will foster creative and critical thinking
and tasks that promote application of learning, e.g.,
ii. By the end of the course all learning objectives will
be assessed.
iii. The date for all Assessment Activities are clearly
indicated on the course syllabus.
iv. All term papers and projects to strictly follow the
American Psychological Association (APA) writing style.
Student Learning Objectives
The Student Learning Objectives for this course are:

a. Evaluate limits of polynomials

b. Determine whether the equation of a function given is discontinuous
or continuous at a particular value of x
c. Evaluate derivatives at a particular x value
d. Be able to take derivative of ex
e. Give a rough sketch of a graph given some properties of the function
f. Solve a simple related rate problem
g. Apply derivatives to solve problems related to Kinematics and
Guideline for Grading Assessments

• All student assessment opportunities will be guided by the following:

i. there will always be a clear rubric for each assessment; (Note: The
rubric is based on the learning outcomes.)
ii. educators will assess learning as many times as needed (minimum
five times);
iii. clarity of handwriting, structure, connection and flow of thought
processes; grammatical correction (sentence structure,
punctuation, etc.); content(critical thinking, contextualization,
individual’s personal voice,creativity, etc.) considered as critical
elements of assessment;
iv. mid-term exam will cover all the materials learned by the time the
midterm is taken; and
v. Final exam will cover all the materials covered in a trimester.
Grading System
• Scores Letter Grade Quality of Performance

• 70 - 100 A Excellent
• 60 - 69 B Good
• 50 - 59 C Satisfactory
• 40 - 49 D Pass
• Below 40 F Fail
The final course grade will be guided by
the following four principles
1. Whether a student demonstrates excellent and consistent understanding
of principles, can integrate them with other material she/he has studied,
and can consistently present them creatively, with almost no errors, in
written and verbal forms. Whether a student can apply principles to new
situations well and creatively. (Grade A)
2. Whether a student not only knows the principles and facts, but also can
apply them to new situations in a creative manner most of the time.
Whether a student presents written work that is clear, creative, and
generally free from mistakes. Whether a student can articulate ideas
clearly and creatively most of the time. (Grade B)
3. Whether a student knows the facts and can present them in an orderly
manner and can usually apply them to new situations. Whether a student
generally presents the information in writing that has infrequent mistakes
and can be understood easily by the reader. Whether a student can
articulate the facts in an understandable manner. (Grade C)

4. Whether a student knows most of the facts and can present them in
some order some of the time. Whether a student generally presents the
facts in writing that has frequent mistakes, such that it is difficult to fully
understand what the student intends. Whether the student is generally
unable to articulate the facts in an understandable manner. (Grade D)
Distribution of Marks for Distance/Online Learning
• Tasks Points Date
Two Continuous Assessment Tests 10 12/9/2023 & 31/10/2023

Midterm exam 10 10/10/2023

Weekly Assignments (4) 10 29/8, 5/9, 19/9, & 26/9/2023

Group Presentation 05 7/11/2023

Unannounced CATs 05 Random

Final Examination 60 NA
Course Requirements
 student punctuality for every class;
 student attendance of every class;
 student active participation in virtual class
 student punctual completion of all assessment
 committed student preparation for every class;
 generating visual representation of content;
 student active participation on the Moodle; and
 completing all reading assignments on time.
List of Topics to Be Covered in the Course
Part A: Definition and Basic Rules
i. Limits and Continuity
ii. Discontinuity
iii. Introduction to Derivatives
iv. Examples of Derivatives
v. Derivative as Rate of Change
vi. Derivatives of Algebraic Functions
vii. Product Rule
viii. Quotient Rule
ix. Chain Rule
x. Higher Derivatives
List of Topics……….
• Part B: Implicit Differentiation and Inverse Functions
i. Implicit Differentiation
ii. Parametric Functions differentiation
iii. The Derivative of ax , Trigonometric and Exponential
• Part C: Applications of Differentiation
i. Curve Sketching
ii. Kinematics
iii. Related Rates
iv. Absolute Extreme Optimization Problems
Lesson One Course Learning Outcomes Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic

Introduction of the Clearly discuss the content of the Discuss the usefulness of Calculus I in
Course: course design: Learning platform the study of mathematics and in our
 Program learning Outcomes  Classroom management daily activities.
 Course outcomes
 Competencies Learning and Teaching
General road map of  Values Practicalities:
the course – how the  course expectations;
different aspects of the  learning resources;
course interrelate with  preparation for each
each other  Collaboration: Teacher trainees
scheduled class;
discuss their expectations of the
 assessment
 Teamwork: Group evaluation
 weekly Forum entries;
by different groups.
 commitment to reading
Values: assignments;
 Love: Trainees show  expected student
Date: Tuesday: compassionate to one another creativity; and
22/8/2023;  Responsibility: Trainees pick  any other.
what is necessary in enabling the
08.00 am – 10.30 am
understand the unit.
Lesson Two Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic
Definition and Basic Rules By the end of the lesson the teacher trainee should The teacher trainee to: Key Inquiry Questions
 Limits be able to:
 Evaluating limits  Explain the concept of a limit  Watch video Discuss the purpose of evaluating limits and the
 Construct and embrace the concept of limits ( easiest way to evaluate limits.
 Calculate limits of algebraic functions tch?v=riXcZT2ICjA)
References Used:  Brainstorm on definition of Lesson Reading….(Ref. 1, Chapter 3, pp 41 - 55)
1. Geveci, T. (2015). Introductory calculus i :
 discussion in groups how to Assignment
Functions, limits, and continuity. Momentum Posted in the Moodle
evaluate limits
Date: Tuesday: 29/8/2023; Press. Due Date:
Time: Tuesday 5/9/2023
08.00 am – 10.30 am Competencies:
 Problem Solving: Evaluate limits of functions Note: Late submission of assignments will not be
 Digital Literacy: Teacher trainees listen to accepted.
video and make reports.
 Communication and Collaboration: The
trainees report in groups. Presentation on the Lesson Topic
 Illustrative worked examples
Values:  Sketching of graphs
 Respect: Trainees respect each other’s view  Symbolisms of delta functions
as they discuss the video contents.
 Responsibility: In the use of technology one
trainee coordinating the others.
 Unity: There is unity as they discuss the
content from the video
Lesson Three Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic Experiences
Definition and Basic By the end of the lesson the learner should be The teacher trainee to: Key Inquiry Questions
Rules able to:
 Calculate limits of algebraic functions  Brainstorm on the previous In groups discuss three methods of evaluating
 Evaluating limits  Solve limits of functions involving lesson limits.
quotients  To do oral quizzes on
Lesson Reading…..(Ref. 1, Chapter 3, pp 41 -
 Work out limits of polynomial functions limits
_______________  Perform group discussion
on evaluation of limits Assignment
References Used:
1. Geveci, T. (2015). Introductory calculus Posted in the Moodle
Due Date:
i : Functions, limits, and continuity.
Tuesday 12/9/2023
Momentum Press.

Competencies: Note: Late submission of assignments will not

be accepted.
 Problem Solving: Evaluate limits of
 Communication and Collaboration: The
trainees report in groups.
Date: Tuesday: 5/9/2023;
Time: Values:
08.00 am – 10.30 am  Respect: Trainees respect each other’s
view as they discuss the questions
written on the board.
 Unity: There is unity as they discuss
group questions.
Lesson Four Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic Experiences
Definition and Basic Rules By the end of the lesson the learner should be
The teacher trainee to: Key Inquiry Questions
 Continuity able to:  Watch the
 Discontinuity  Evaluate one – sided limits Video(https://www.youtub 1. Explain key factors to consider in
 Apply limits to the continuity of determining the continuity of functions.
functions 7irw) 2. How would one investigate the continuity
 Apply limits to the discontinuity of  Discuss in groups one- of functions.
functions sided limits
_______________  Solve problems on Lesson Reading….(Ref. 1, Chapter 3, pp 41 -
References Used: continuity functions 55)
1. Geveci, T. (2015). Introductory calculus  Solve problems on
i : Functions, limits, and continuity. discontinuity functions
Date: Tuesday: 12/9/2023;
Time: Momentum Press. Posted in the Moodle
08.00 am – 10.30 am Due Date:
________________________ Tuesday 19/9/2023

Competencies: Note: Late submission of assignments will not

 Problem solving: Teacher trainees solve be accepted.
problems in their books
 Digital literacy: Teacher trainees watch
video & report their recordings
 Collaboration & Teamwork: Teacher
trainees work in groups

 Unity: Displayed in group work
Lesson Five Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic Experiences
Definition and Basic By the end of the lesson the learner should be The teacher trainee to: Key Inquiry Questions
Rules able to  Discuss in groups
 perform differentiation from first derivatives from first 1. In your opinion, is derivative a one-way
 Introduction to principle principle function? Discuss.
derivatives  find rate of change  Solve problems on rate of 2. Give a brief explanation on how to obtain
 Derivatives of  find derivative of algebraic functions change the relationship between a function and its
Algebraic Functions  Perform derivatives of derivative.
algebraic functions Lesson Reading:…. (Ref. 2 Chapter 2 pp 1 –
References Used: 32)

1. Geveci, T. (2015). Introductory calculus i

: Understanding the derivative.
Momentum Press

 Problem solving; While doing exam
Date: Tuesday: 19/9/2023;  Communication: Teacher trainees  C.A.T 1
handle problems on the board  Time: 08:15-09:15
08.00 am – 10.30 am
 Integrity & Professionalism; Necessary
while doing exams
 Responsibility: Answer questions
Lesson Six Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic Experiences
Definition and Basic By the end of the lesson the learner should be The teacher trainee to: Key Inquiry Questions
Rules able to  Discuss in groups
 evaluate rate of change derivatives from first How can derivative be used to solve real –
 Derivatives of  find gradient at a point principle world problems. Give illustrations
Algebraic Functions  find derivative of algebraic functions  Solve problems on rate of
Lesson Reading…. (Ref. 2 Chapter 2 pp 1 –
_____________________ change 32)
 Perform derivatives of
References Used: algebraic functions

2.Geveci, T. (2015). Introductory calculus i :

Understanding the derivative. Momentum
Competencies: Posted in the Moodle
 Problem solving: Teacher trainees work Due Date:
out problems individually Tuesday 10/10/2023
 Collaboration & Teamwork: Trainees
discuss questions with their neighbors
Note: Late submission of assignments will not
Date: Tuesday: 26/9/2023; be accepted.
 Unity: Work in small groups .
08.00 am – 10.30 am
 Responsibility: Perform individual work
Lesson Seven Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic Experiences
Definition and Basic By the end of the lesson the learner should be The teacher trainee to: Key Inquiry Questions
Rules able to:  Discuss in groups
Product, Quotient, and
 Product Rule  Use product rule technique to Chain Rule 1. Discuss the two main techniques or
 Quotient Rule differentiate function. approaches to calculus
 Differentiate functions
 Chain Rule  Use quotient rule technique to 2. List all the techniques in each of the two
differentiate function. using different techniques
main techniques in 1 above
 Use chain rule technique to differentiate  Perform derivatives of
function. algebraic functions Lesson Reading….(Ref. 2., Chapter 2. Pp 78
– 97)
References Used:

2.Geveci, T. (2015). Introductory calculus i :

Understanding the derivative. Momentum

Date: Tuesday: 9/10/2023;  Problem solving; While doing exam
 Communication: Teacher trainees
08.00 am – 10.30 am
handle problems on the board

 Integrity: Belief in own generated
 Responsibility; Solves the problems
Lesson Eight Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic Experiences
Definition and Basic By the end of the lesson the learner should be The teacher trainee to: Key Inquiry Questions
Rules able to:  perform differentiation of
 Second order  Evaluate first order derivatives second order derivatives 1. State the significance of second order
derivatives  Evaluate second order derivatives  Perform derivatives of derivatives.
 Higher order  evaluate higher order derivatives higher order functions 2. Explain what a second derivative tell us
derivatives about a function.

References Used: Lesson Reading….(Ref. 2., Chapter 17. Pp

511 – 517)
2.Geveci, T. (2015). Introductory calculus i :
Understanding the derivative. Momentum


 Problem solving: Teacher trainees solve  MID TERM EXAM

problems in groups in class  TIME: 08:15-09:15
 Self-efficiency: Each trainee set a
question and solves it on the board
Date: Tuesday: 17/10/2023;
Time: Values:
08.00 am – 10.30 am  Integrity & Professionalism; Necessary
while doing exams
 Responsibility: Answer questions
Lesson Nine Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic
Implicit Differentiation and By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: The teacher trainee to: Key Inquiry Questions
Inverse Functions  Determine implicit functions  perform implicit
 differentiate implicitly defined functions differentiation. 1. Implicit differentiation problems are chain rule
 Implicit Functions  find the derivative of parametric functions  Evaluate derivatives of problems in disguise. Elaborate with example
 Parametric Functions parametric functions 2. Provide a proof to show that the technique of
 Evaluate derivatives of inverse implicit differentiation allows you to find the
functions derivative of y with respect to x without having
References Used:
to solve the given equation for y
1. Rohde, U. L., Jain, G. C., Poddar, A. K., Ghosh,
A. K., & Jain, G. (2011). Introduction to Lesson Reading….(Ref. 3, Chapter 15a. pp 453 –
differential calculus : Systematic studies with 479)
engineering applications for beginners. John
Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

 Problem Solving: Evaluate derivatives of
implicit and parametric functions
Date: Tuesday: 24/10/2023;  Communication and Collaboration: The
Time: trainees report in groups.
08.00 am – 10.30 am
 Respect: Trainees respect each other’s view as
they discuss the questions written on the board.
 Unity: There is unity as they discuss group
Lesson Ten Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic
Implicit Differentiation and By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: The teacher trainee to: Key Inquiry Questions
Inverse Functions  Differentiate inverse functions  perform implicit
 functions differentiation of inverse Discuss the key features of an inverse function and
 Differentiate trigonometric functions functions. why it is important for us to learn the inverse
 The Derivative of ax , functions in calculus.
 Differentiate exponential functions  perform implicit
Trigonometric and differentiation of
_____________________ Lesson Reading….(Ref. 3, Chapter 15a. pp 314 –
Exponential Functions trigonometric functions
References Used: 389)
 perform implicit
1. Rohde, U. L., Jain, G. C., Poddar, A. K., Ghosh, differentiation of exponential
functions .
A. K., & Jain, G. (2011). Introduction to
differential calculus : Systematic studies with
engineering applications for beginners. John
Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

 Problem Solving: Evaluate derivatives of
trigonometric functions
 Teamwork: The trainees work in groups in
Date: Tuesday: 31/10/2023; report their findings.
08.00 am – 10.30 am  Respect: Trainees respect each other’s view as
they discuss the questions written on the board.
 Unity: There is unity as they discuss group
Lesson Eleven Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic
Applications of By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: The learning experiences should be Key Inquiry Questions
Differentiation:  Apply gradient of a function aligned with the learning outcomes.
 Curve Sketching  Determine minima and maxima The teacher trainee to: 1. Describe the information you need to sketch
 Sketch curves using first and second derivatives  Watch Video and respond to a curve
the questions 2. State the rules for curve tracing
References Used:  (
Students will be able to: 3.Rohde, U. L., Jain, G. C., Poddar, A. K., Ghosh, A. K.,
 Sketch curves using first ch?v=s4WCL907jrU)
& Jain, G. (2011). Introduction to differential calculus : Lesson Reading….(Ref. 3, Chapter 15a. pp 576 –
 discuss in groups the
and second derivatives Systematic studies with engineering applications for 598) and (Ref. 4, Chapter 3. Pp 83 – 90)
beginners. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. application of gradient of a
1. Morris, C. C. (2015). Fundamentals of calculus.  illustrate to her/his colleagues
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. how determine points of the
 demonstrate in groups how to
 Problem solving: Teacher trainees solve problems
sketch curves on the
in their books
 Digital literacy: Teacher trainees watch video &
 C.A.T 2
report their recordings
 Time: 08:15-09:15
 Collaboration & Teamwork: Teacher trainees
Date: Tuesday: 7/11/2023; work in groups
08.00 am – 10.30 am Values:
 Unity: Discuss graphs in group work
 Integrity & Professionalism; Necessary while
doing exams
 Responsibility: Answer questions responsibly
 Social justice: Teacher trainees assist one another
Lesson Twelve Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic
Applications of By the end of the lesson the learner should be able The teacher trainee to: Key Inquiry Questions
Differentiation: to:  discuss in groups gradient of a
 Kinematics  Apply the concept of differentiation in finding function; 1. Describe the three concepts used in kinematics.
 Related Rates velocity  illustrate to her/his colleagues 2. A square sheet of tin ‘a’cm on a side is to be
 Absolute Extreme  Apply the concept of differentiation in finding how determine points of the used to make an open top box by cutting a small
Optimization Problems acceleration. extrema; square of tin from each corner and bending up
 discuss in groups application the side. How large a square should be cut from
 Use differential calculus to solve geometric,
of optimization. each corner so that the box has large a volume as
graphical, algebraic and physical problems.
_____________________ possible.
References Used:
Lesson Reading….(Ref. 3, Chapter 18. pp 535 – 540
Date: Tuesday: 14/11/2023; 1. Rohde, U. L., Jain, G. C., Poddar, A. K., and pp 597 – 605)
Time: Ghosh, A. K., & Jain, G. (2011). Introduction
08.00 am – 10.30 am to differential calculus : Systematic studies
with engineering applications for beginners. GROUP PRESENTATION
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

 Problem Solving: Evaluate derivatives of
trigonometric functions
 Teamwork: The trainees work in groups in
report their findings.

 Respect: Trainees respect each other’s view as
they discuss the questions written on the board.
 Unity: There is unity as they discuss group
Lesson Thirteen Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry Questions
Lesson Topic Experiences
Applications of By the end of the lesson the learner should . Key Inquiry Questions
Differentiation: be able to: The teacher trainee to:
 Revision  Answer questions across the course with The teacher trainee to:
minimal difficulty.  Watch Video and respond
to the questions Lesson Reading….( All the recommended
 ( references in weeks 2 – 12)
References Used:
1. Rohde, U. L., Jain, G. C., Poddar, A. K., U)
Ghosh, A. K., & Jain, G.  discuss in groups the
(2011). Introduction to differential application of gradient of
calculus : Systematic studies with a function;
Date: Tuesday: 21/11/2023; engineering applications for beginners.  illustrate to her/his
Time: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. colleagues how determine
08.00 am – 10.30 am points of the extrema;
Competencies:  demonstrate in groups
 Problem solving: Teacher trainees how to sketch curves on
solve problems in their books the whiteboard
 Collaboration & Teamwork: Teacher
trainees work in groups

 Unity: Displayed in group work
 Social justice: Teacher trainees handle
problems of applications related to
societal values.
Other Important Educational Policies
• Policy on Attendance and Tardiness
• Students who are absent or come late to class should be cleared by the
Administration before they are admitted to class.
• Policy on Missed Continuous Assessments

• It is the responsibility of a student who misses a test, due to

unavoidable reasons, to first get clearance from the School
Administration and then to arrange with the educator to make it up
within one week of his/her return to the College. Failure to do so will
result in a grade of zero for the test in question.
• Policy on Academic Integrity
• The most common forms are: plagiarism, fabrication, abuse of Internet
sources, cheating, and academic misconduct.
Closing Prayer
Guide us, oh Lord,
and bless us as we separate our ways
and meet again for another day.
Keep us safe from any harm and lead us your way.
As we go on our way,
we hope that you will continue to guide us
and help us to be better students,
and for our teacher to continue to share his knowledge
and experience for the sake of our future.
Bless us oh Lord with your mercy and wisdom. Amen

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