"Ode II" by Anacreon (Fragment)
"Ode II" by Anacreon (Fragment)
"Ode II" by Anacreon (Fragment)
perfection distributes;
hit the elements
remarkable fertility, Free your beautiful flag to the wind
instinct gave to the beasts, to conquer or to die he will call;
to the fish and birds, that your people with fierce spirit
sooner dead than a slave he will be.
understanding of man,
making him in his image,
and a free will, Of your old and hard chains
with which you can lean you forged with an angry hand,
the plow that fertilizes the soil
to him upright and honest,
and the sword that saves honor.
useful, and delectable.
And what did he give to the Just Our fathers fought one day
Soul? lit in burning homeland,
Grace, with which to rise and they managed without bloody
about perfections clash
place you on a throne of love.
and natural gifts:
what loving God achieves,
and loses for not loving him.
And they managed without bloody
Examples of Anthem clash
National Anthem of Guatemala place you on a throne of love,
that of homeland in energetic accent
Happy Guatemala…! that your plows They gave life to the redemptive
let the executioner never profane; ideal.
nor let there be slaves to lick the
It's your piece of heaven Lying on the superb Ande,
in which a cloud catches its sap, from two seas to the sound noise,
and oh! of him who with blind under the wing of scarlet and gold
madness you fall asleep from the beautiful
its colors intend to stain. quetzal.
Well, your brave and haughty Indian bird that lives on your shield,
children, palladium that protects your soil;
who venerate peace as it pleases, I hope it takes flight again,
they never avoid the rough fight more than the condor and the golden
if they defend their land and their eagle!
Chorus I hope it takes flight again,
They never avoid the rough fight more than the condor and the golden
If they defend their land and their eagle!
home, and on his wings lift up to the sky,
that honor is only your soul's idea Guatemala your immortal name.
and the altar of the country his altar.
The Docets The Docets, being influenced by Gnostic philosophy, denied that Christ had a
literal body. They started from the premise that everything corporeal is necessarily bad.
Therefore, Christ could not have assumed an ordinary human body. In this sense, Christ only
seemed to be human. However, if Christ did not assume a true human nature, he could not be
our substitute.
Read more: http://protestantedigital.com/magacin/39587/10_grandes_herejias
Xelaju Moon
that you knew how to illuminate
In my nights of sorrow for a brunette
sweet to look at
Xelaju Moon
you gave me inspiration
the song that I sing to you
give with tears from my heart
Author: Quevedo.
To a nose:
The Marquis and his wife
The following is attributed to Don Álvaro Cubillo de Aragón in the 17th century:
epic poem
an epic poem
You are like a fortress,
Big and strong,
Of impenetrable beauty.
I am a simple soldier
That wants to enter your walls.
I will not come back
I will not come back. And the night
warm, serene and quiet,
the world will sleep, to the rays
of its lonely moon.
My body won't be there,
and through the open window
a cool breeze will come in,
asking for my soul.
I don't know if there will be anyone waiting for me
of my long double absence,
or whoever kisses my memory,
between caresses and tears.
But there will be stars and flowers
and sighs and hopes,
and love in the avenues,
in the shadow of the branches.
And that piano will sound
like on this placid night,
and he will have no one to listen to him
thoughtful, at my window.
Ostentatious on the tip of a mountain, an eagle observed the valley looking for prey
to hunt.
At that moment a small worm came out of the grass and, seeing the imposing
eagle, asked:
-- I! Dragging me.
Even the smallest and most humble can reach the highest. Although it takes much
longer and has more sacrifices.
(Letter or epistle, giving advice and congratulations to loved ones)
Dear sons
My dear son Emmanuel, for some time now I have felt the need to congratulate
and advise you and your wife who have just gotten married.
Today they begin a new life together as a couple and as a family, for which reason
they will have new challenges and responsibilities that they will have to share,
having to endure happy moments and sour moments, which is what marriage is.
But I know that they will know how to get ahead by working together as the family
they have just formed.
I greet you both, your dear son Emmanuel and you dear daughter-in-law, or rather,
my new daughter Karina, and I wish you happiness and happiness.