CEMK The Jacket

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Mission kit

The Jacket
If not, you can read this section, but please don’t read
the Mission itself. We’ll mark it to make it easy to know
when to stop.
A Gamemaster has three duties when running a game:
1. The Gamemaster sets the scene. You explain who and
what is present in a location and the current status
of the world.
2. The Gamemaster plays all the other Characters.
We call anyone in Night City who isn’t a Player-run
Edgerunner a Non-Player Character (NPC), and you
control them all.
3. The Gamemaster adjudicates the rules. As the GM,
it is important for you to know the rules. The actions
of Edgerunners and NPCs alike are governed by the
rules set out in the Rule Book.


When you set the scene, you weave a story: Where is this
happening, what’s around, who is present, what are they
doing, and the overall mood. Throughout this Mission,
we’ve included italicized read-aloud text: Pre-written
scene settings for you to read to the Players. Players,
however, can be unpredictable. If they go off the beaten
path, you might need to improvise something. Here are
some guidelines to help.
Offer a thumbnail of where the Edgerunner is, who and
what is present, and what actions are taking place. When
possible, draw on real-life experience. For example, if an
Welcome to the game! Edgerunner decides to set up an ambush in a public bath-
Let’s dive right in with the difference room, you can describe the public bathroom from a local,
between Players and the Gamemaster. real-world store in a few sentences: You walk through
the door into a public bathroom. A row of three sinks sits
In the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission
across from a single, broken hand dryer. Further in are
Kit, most of the people involved will three stalls. A corpo is staring into the mirror above a
take on the role of Players. They’ll pick sink, fiddling with their hair. You hear a flush coming from
one Edgerunner and decide how that one of the stalls.
Character responds to the various Draw a rough sketch of the location’s layout if it will
events of the Mission and what actions help in the description. The key is to give the Players
they attempt to take. One person acts enough information to act. Additional elements, like sto-
as Gamemaster (GM). While the Players rytelling flourishes involving all five senses (there’s a
control their individual Edgerunners, smell, like rotten meat, wafting out of the farthest stall)
the GM controls everything else in the and metaphors/similes (the overhead lights buzz like
insects around a dead bird) are great, but don’t push
world. If you’re reading this booklet, you
yourself to include them until you’re comfortable with
probably plan on being the GM. the basics.

PLAYING THE OTHER CHARACTERS In The Jacket, we’ve done our best to think through the
As GM, you’ll decide what every NPC does and says. In possible actions Players might take and provide guidance
this Mission, we provide basics on how the different NPC on Checks, but we can’t account for every possibility. The
encountered will react to the Edgerunner’s presence and human imagination is infinite, and anything can happen,
their most likely actions. We can’t cover it all, though, so so be open and flexible.
you’ll need to decide what happens when the unexpected When a Player decides to try something not covered
occurs. by the book, your first instinct might be to say, “No, you
Start with the initial impression. Based on the can’t.” Instead, take a moment to think about what they
Edgerunner’s appearance and observed actions, what does want to do and decide if it is possible. If it is, decide which
the NPC think of them? A well-dressed Edgerunner with a Skill Check they need to make and what the DV is based
friendly smile and a compliment will elicit a different reaction on the task’s difficulty. If it isn’t possible, feel free to
than a blood-spattered Edgerunner waving a gun around. offer a suggestion in the same spirit but more within
the bounds of the rules and the current situation. Try
Keep in mind the NPC’s background. A high-class corpo to reward creativity and style whenever possible. At R.
is going to view a group of rough-and-tumble street Talsorian Games, we call this the “rule of cool.”
mercs differently than a member of the Valentinos would.
Think of their mood, too. The more stress someone is One more thing. You aren’t a bad GM if you forget
under, the less likely they are to be willing to stop and a rule. Even the people who wrote the Cyberpunk:
chat or react positively to a source of additional tension. Edgerunners Mission Kit need to look something up
from time to time. If you need to adjudicate an Action
Think of character quirks. You don’t have the time and can’t remember the rule for it, don’t stress. You’ll
or energy to run a full Lifepath for every NPC the find rule summaries on the back of two of the books
Edgerunners encounter, and that’s fine. You can still in this box to guide you. If those don’t help, make a
make each NPC unique by adding a quirk or two. Maybe the judgment call. If you can look it up quickly, go for it. If
clerk they encounter at a convenience store often ends
you need time to read and absorb, feel free to call a
sentences with the phrase, “You know what I’m saying?”
time-out so everyone can use the bathroom and grab
or maybe the bouncer at a club door never looks anyone
a snack while you consult the Rule Book. Otherwise, be
in the eye. Quirks are a quick, easy way to transform a
honest and tell the Players, “I don’t know this rule off
faceless NPC into a memorable citizen of Night City.
the top of my head. We’ll run the situation this way for
This is a big one: Remember, NPCs are not two-dimen- now. Later, I’ll check the book so we know how to handle
sional enemies or monsters. They act according to their things if this comes up again.” Then, make a call and
best interests and core values. Even in Night City, a place move on. You have our permission.
full of danger, most people do their best to flee from
violence. Civilians aren’t interested in dying. Even the YOU DESERVE TO HAVE FUN, TOO
NPCs the Edgerunners fight will focus on their priorities. As Gamemaster, you have the most complex job of anyone
They’ll engage in tactics to accomplish their goals and in the group, but remember it is still a game. It is easy to be
fight as intelligently as they are capable. Remember, your overwhelmed but, as the GM, you should be having as much
NPCs are individuals with their own lives to lead. fun as the Players are! If the game isn’t enjoyable, you’re free
to pause, take stock of the situation, and make a decision as
ADJUDICATING THE RULES to whether you want to continue or not. You may be able to
Make sure to read the Rule Book included in the make changes to reduce your stress or it may be that you’d
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit. Everyone in your have more fun being a Player instead of a GM. That’s fine. Talk
group should, if possible, but it is especially important to your group and make a decision as to how to continue…
you do so, because you’re in charge here. You decide or if you should continue at all. Again, this is a game, and you
when an Edgerunner or NPC makes a Check, the Skills deserve to enjoy it as much as the Players do!
they can use, the Difficulty Value (DV) of the Check,
and the results of a success or failure. A solid piece of
advice: Don’t ask for a Check unless you feel the outcome
If you’re not the Gamemaster,
is in doubt or there’s a consequence for failure. here’s where you stop reading.
02 The
You don’t need to memorize every rule, but being familiar
with them will make it easier to quickly look up an answer
if a Player asks, “How does my Edgerunner do X?” and you

Jacket don’t know off the top of your head. Read The Jacket, too,
from beginning to end. Much like the director of a movie,
you should know the script before the action begins.
Next, your Players need a Character to play. Show them
the pre-generated Edgerunner sheets. If need be, explain
each Role. Then let everyone pick who they want to play. If
you want to jump right into the action from there, that’s
fine, but we suggest running each Edgerunner through
a Lifepath (see Rule Book page 19). This helps cement an
Edgerunner in a Player’s mind, transforming them from
numbers and words on a piece of paper (or the digital
equivalent) into living, breathing characters with their own
pasts, goals, and styles. Together, the Edgerunners chosen
by the Players form a Crew: a team of street mercs. Take
a moment and guide the Players in a discussion about the
Crew. Have they worked together for long? Or were they
put together by a fixer for this particular job? It is up to
you, the GM and the Players together to decide if the Crew
is a group of chooms who have each other’s back, or are
new to each other and still learning how to work as a team.
Note: The Edgerunners already have assigned names
and images, but you’re not stuck with them. If a Player
wants to change a name, look, or gender, let them! We
do recommend not doubling up on Edgerunners, though
(e.g., two Solos or two Netrunners). Giving each Player a
chance to shine via their specialty makes the game more
fun for everyone!
Go over the Edgerunner sheets with the Players. Point
A Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission
out the location of STATS, Skills, Weapons, Armor, and
The Jacket is a full-length Mission set so forth. Explain their unique Role Ability and note the
after the events of the Cyberpunk: helpful rule cheat sheet on the back.
Edgerunners finale. We’ve designed it Now, you’re ready to begin.
to be a fun follow-up to the anime. In it, MISSION LAYOUT
you’ll visit some iconic locations, meet a The Jacket was created using R. Talsorian Games’ pat-
few familiar faces, and carve out a new ented Beat Chart system. This breaks the story down
story in Night City. into individual scenes, known as Beats, making the
Mission easier to parse. We begin with the Background,
Gamemaster, step one is knowing a short bit of text for you to read aloud. It helps set the
how to play the game. We highly rec- mood. Next, we present the Rest of the Story. This is
ommend you read the Edgerunner’s behind-the-scenes information the GM needs to know
what’s going on. Then, the Setting, a list of important
Handbook and Rule Book. You should locations, and the Opposition, a summary of potential
also familiarize yourself with the enemies. This information is all for your edification and
Edgerunner sheets included in the box. shouldn’t be shared with Players.

With the basic information out of the way, we get to the Since working alone is suicide, you joined up with a
Mission itself. It begins with the Hook: A guide to getting Crew. You watch each other’s backs and make up for each
the Edgerunner Crew involved in the adventure. It is fol- other’s weaknesses in the field. Which is good, because
lowed by a series of Developments (non-action Beats) today you’ve got a job to do.
and Cliffhangers (action Beats). As the Edgerunners
If there’s neither a Fixer nor a Nomad in the Crew
approach the end of a Mission, they’ll hit the Climax,
aka the big finale, and then experience the Resolution, A fixer named Dakota Smith called you about a job. Now
where everything’s wrapped up with the closing scene. you’re driving out to a self-storage joint on the outskirts
With each Beat, we’ll also be giving you a hint as to the of Night City to meet the client and get the detes. Dakota
purpose and tone to help you play it. didn’t give the client’s name – just said to look out for a
Read The Jacket carefully before running it. The flow
of Beats isn’t always linear. For example, in the middle If there’s a Fixer but not a Nomad in the Crew
of the Mission, we’ll present a choice of Beats. You get You’re a Fixer, which means you know people who know
to pick the order in which you run them. You can even people. In this case, you know Dakota Smith, another
skip one or two of them if you’re short on time, feel they fixer. She lives outside Night City and passed on the job
aren’t a good fit for the group, or you just don’t like them. to you and your Crew. That’s why you’re driving out to a
Some Beats are entirely optional and only happen if the self-storage joint on the outskirts of Night City to meet
Players choose specific paths or if you, as the GM, decide the client and get the detes. Dakota didn’t give the client’s
to throw them in. If you get lost, check the flowchart name – just said to look out for a cowboy.
printed on the back of this book. It will help.
If there’s a Nomad in the Crew
No two runs of The Jacket should be alike. Every group
will handle it differently! Telling a story unique to your As a Nomad, you’re always ready to help out family.
group is part of the fun of tabletop roleplaying! That’s why, when a fellow nomad named Dakota Smith
rang your holo, you had to take the call. She’s a fixer living
outside of Night City, helping to broker deals between the
We’ve written this Mission assuming you’re new nomads and the statics so doing her a favor would be
to the role of Gamemaster and possibly new to smart thinking even if she wasn’t family. That’s why you’re
playing a tabletop roleplaying game as well! As driving out to a self-storage joint on the outskirts of Night
you read through The Jacket, you’ll notice boxes City to meet the client and get the detes. Dakota didn’t
like this one, offering advice on how to manage give the client’s name – just said to look out for a cowboy.
the game, present NPCs, or set the scene. THE REST OF THE STORY
The client’s name is Falco, a getaway driver for David
The Jacket should take between 6 and 10 hours to com- Martinez’s legendary crew of edgerunners. He was there
plete, depending on your play-style and familiarity with at the end, when David and his team went up against
the rules. Pace yourself. Don’t try to finish it all in oneAdam Smasher and Arasaka – and lost. As one of the
go. We recommend playing in sessions of no more than 4 only members of the crew left alive, Falco ended up with
hours each, with bio breaks roughly once per hour. Take several mementos to remember his fallen friends by. He
your time and enjoy the game! had them stowed in a unit at a small self-storage place
on the edge of Night City. Traumatized by what happened
BACKGROUND (READ ALOUD) to David and the crew, Falco wanted to spend some time
Welcome to Night City, a neon-slicked titan of ambition alone in the Badlands to ponder the next phase in his life.
and excess, home to megabuildings and slums housing He’s done the pondering, and now he’s ready to move
dreamers big and small, rich and poor. You’re one of these on. He returned to his storage unit to gather his stuff,
dreamers. You’ve said a big “fuck you” to the system only to find someone inside, stuffing items into a carryall
imposed on you by the megacorps and chosen to earn a bag. Falco shouted. The thief hauled ass, jumped on a
living by dancing on the outskirts of what’s proper and nearby bike, and zoomed off. Falco didn’t follow – the thief
legal. You’re an edgerunner. was headed into the city, and he’s on both Arasaka’s and

Militech’s radars thanks to the showdown David had with the jacket contains a lot of juicy data. Data they need if
Adam Smasher. Worse, since the NCPD’s always happy to they’re going to revive the project and create the next
bow to the megacorps, Falco’s wanted by the cops, too. generation of cybersoldiers.
If Falco enters Night City, he’s asking to be shot. Which is
In short, Falco had the jacket. Dalton has the jacket.
why he called Dakota and asked for her help in recruiting
And Arasaka wants the jacket.
the Crew.
And the Crew selected by the Players is right in the middle.
The thief’s name is Dalton, and he’s a low-level member
of the Valentinos. He joined the gang hoping to find his THE SETTING
place in life – only he didn’t. Truth be told, all Dalton wanted
Everything starts off with the Crew arriving at Honest
was a family. Somewhere to belong. People to care about
Stan’s Self-Storage on the edge of the Badlands, near
him. He fell in with a faction stupid enough to steal from
the Night City border. They’ll get the job there and their
Gustavo Orta, a high-ranking member of the gang. Gustavo
first lead is at Tom’s Diner in Little China (Watson). From
has ordered the death of everyone involved in the theft. there, the investigation might hit up a few different loca-
That’s why Dalton broke into the storage unit. He was tions based on GM and Player choices. The Crew might
hoping to find something he could sell for some big eddies visit El Coyote Cojo, a popular hangout for the Valentinos.
so he could pay to smuggle himself and his mainline out They might chase someone down on an NCART subway
of town. If Falco hadn’t startled him, Dalton would have train. They could attend a party high atop Megabuilding
broken into a few other units as well. As it is, all he got H4. Or they could get ambushed in an abandoned shanty
was a few guns… and a bright yellow jacket. town in the Northside Industrial District.
If you’ve seen Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, you probably After running around Night City, the Crew finds them-
already know the jacket belonged to David Martinez… and to selves heading out into the Badlands. First, they’ll visit the
his mother, Gloria Martinez, before him. That’s the important Sunset Motel in the Red Peaks area. Then they’ll visit a
bit. Gloria was a medtech working for REO Meatwagon, a cut- nomad camp under attack by Arasaka forces. The Crew’s
rate emergency response company contracted by the city. next destination is back inside Night City. Specifically,
Trauma Team picks up the rich who can afford their services. they’ll step into Lizzie’s Bar, a braindance club. And it all
REO Meatwagon picks up everyone else. Like any corpora- ends back in the Badlands near a crashed AV.
tion, REO Meatwagon is always looking for ways to boost its
profits. Selling data on their patients and their employees THE OPPOSITION
is an easy way to prop up the bottom line. To help with this You’ll find stat blocks for all possible opponents starting
goal, REO Meatwagon built two devices into the field jacket on page 33.
of every medtech riding their rigs: an external biomonitor for
capturing and recording the wearer’s biometric data, and The first firefight will be against employees from REO
a tracker. David never knew the tech was there. Luckily for Meatwagon who are looking to make a few extra eddies.
him, the tracker malfunctioned shortly after he became an The Crew will be chasing a low-level Arasaka corpo
edgerunner, thanks to a hard hit he took while training. The through a subway train.
external biomonitor, though? That kept working, capturing all
of David’s biometric data during his time as an edgerunner. They’ll either confront or run from NCPD officers in an
effort to escape a megabuilding under quarantine.
David was sporting a piece of impressive chrome – a
high-end, experimental, heavily upgraded Sandevistan An Arasaka security specialist hires a team of edgerun-
designed to be part of an elaborate cybernetics package ners to ambush the Crew.
known as the Cyberskeleton. Both the Sandevistan and Things get real when the Crew winds up in the middle of
the Cyberskeleton were utterly destroyed during David’s a battle between Arasaka soldiers and a nomad pack.
last stand. If you want to know more or refresh your
The final battle is against a team of Valentinos loyal to
memory, we recommend you go and watch (or rewatch)
Gustavo Orta, led by Maria Torres.
the anime. The important part is this – some big names in
Arasaka were impressed by David’s performance. They Oh, and if the Crew jumps the wrong way, you have the
haven’t given up on the project and recently realized option of tossing in Adam Smasher just for fun.

THE HOOK (READ ALOUD) Since this is your first combat, we’ll run you through
You cross the border where Night City and the Badlands the basics. To start, position everyone on the map using
blur together, then turn left down a long road, through their standees or tokens according to the image (see page
an open gate, and into Honest Stan’s Self-Storage: an old 7). You might need more or fewer tokens for your map,
depending on the number of REO Gonks present.
yard full of ancient cargo containers. Dakota’s text said to
meet the client at Unit 300. There are only two other vehi- Next, set the Initiative Queue. Each Player should roll
cles in the lot – a black and tan Chevillon Emperor, covered 1d10 and add their Edgerunner’s REFLEX to it. Solos
in Badlands dust, and a beat-up old REO Meatwagon need to add the bonus they get from their Role Ability as
ambulance. You park and head into the maze of cargo well. Record each Edgerunner’s total, from highest to
containers. Unit 300 isn’t hard to find. It’s the one at the lowest. This is the Initiative Queue. Next, roll for the REO
center of a gunfight. You hear the pop pop pop of gunfire Meatwagon Gonks. They go as a group, so only roll their
up ahead and are welcomed by the strangest sight: A Initiative once. Add it to the Queue in the appropriate
group of REO Meatwagon employees in a firefight with a spot. Finally, add Falco to the bottom of the Queue and
cowboy. Normally, you spot random violence in Night City begin Round 1.
and head the other way, but today if you want to get the Start at the top of the Initiative Queue. If that’s the
job and get paid, you’ll need to pick a side! REO Meatwagon Gonks, you should decide what they
The choice of which side is an easy one to make. Dakota do. Remember, they get one Move Action and one other
said you were meeting a cowboy, after all. Besides! One Action each.
of the REO Meatwagon gonks notices you and shouts an At least one will keep firing at Falco, but the others will
alarm. Another cries out, “No witnesses!” Guess some- turn to shoot at the Crew. All will seek cover via a Move
one’s making the choice for you! Action after firing their guns.
The trip to the storage place is made in a Villefort On an Edgerunner’s Turn, ask the Player what they
Columbus V340-F Freight van. If there’s a Nomad in want their Character to do, then resolve the Action by
the Crew, they own the van. Otherwise, decide which helping them decide on the appropriate Checks to make
Edgerunner it belongs to. No one else in the Crew cur- and then adjudicating those Checks.
rently owns a vehicle.
There’s no better way to start a game of Cyberpunk If this is a Player’s first combat, they might be
than with some good old-fashioned violence, so let’s go!
overwhelmed by the possibilities or unsure if they
The cowboy is Falco, and he’s currently pinned down
inside Unit 300. On occasion, he peeks out and takes a
can do a thing they want to do. Here’s a tip for
shot at the REO Meatwagon Gonks, but they’re making it breaking them out of “choice overload.” Ask them
impossible to exit without getting ventilated. to describe what it is they want their Edgerunner
to do. Then help them break down the description
Go to Cliffhanger (First Fight)
of their reply via the rules. You might need to
CLIFFHANGER (FIRST FIGHT) rein them in a bit since they can only perform a
Purpose and Tone: The purpose of this Beat is to start single Move Action and a single other Action per
things off with a bang, giving the Players a chance to learn Turn, but they’ll get the hang of it soon enough.
the basic rules with some violence against opponents they
can beat (without taking too much damage themselves). If there’s a Netrunner in the Crew, ask them to make
The Players should come out of this Beat with a better a DV13 Perception Check at the beginning of their first
understanding of the rules and a sense of victory. Turn. If they succeed, they notice an industrial floodlight
on the map they can hack as an Action by rolling their
There’s 1 REO Meatwagon Gonk per Edgerunner minus 1 Interface + 1d10 versus DV6. If they succeed, the light
(minimum 1). In other words, if there’s 4 Edgerunners in pops on and one the REO Meatwagon Gonks is auto-
the Crew, there are 3 REO Meatwagon gonks. This should matically blinded and suffers a -4 penalty to all Checks
be an easy fight, especially with Falco on the Crew’s side. involving sight for the rest of the combat.

Depending on the number of Players, you might need a

different number of enemies than depicted here.

On Falco’s Turn, he’ll pop out from behind cover to Encourage them to play it up! As the Beat progresses, you
shoot. If you want to play Falco to the max, you’ll find his might notice we mention “a yellow jacket” and not “David’s
stat block on page 33. If you want to keep his Turn short, jacket” and “an Arasaka HJSH-18 Masamune with a pink-
sweet, and simple to help the action flow, roll a 1d10. On painted muzzle” and not “Rebecca’s Arasaka HJSH-18
a 1 through 3, he misses. On a 4 or higher, he scores a hit Masamune.” There’s a reason for it. If your Players are
on any single REO Meatwagon gonk he can draw a bead fans of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, there’s a good chance
on, doing 4d6 damage. Once he’s finished shooting, Falco they’ll figure it out from the context clues. Seeing their
ducks back behind cover in his storage unit. faces light up as they do is a little reward for you!

For simplicity’s sake, assume any REO Meatwagon Gonk

As the smoke clears, the cowboy holsters his sidearm and
reduced to 0 Hit Points automatically fails their Death
steps out of the storage unit.
Save and dies. If half the Gonks fall, their surviving com-
rades will break for the ambulance and try to escape. “Y’all must be the Crew sent by Dakota. Name’s Falco.
The Crew can give chase, but Falco calls out, “Let ‘em go! Thank you kindly for your assistance. I’m gonna check my
Ain’t worth burning the CHOOH2 to chase ‘em!” belongings for damage. Y’all search the bodies.”

Once the fight ends, go to Development (Meeting At least one REO Meatwagon employee should be on
Falco). the ground. When the Crew searches the body, they find
any items listed on their stat sheet. In addition, one of
DEVELOPMENT (MEETING FALCO) the dead Gonks is carrying a data shard and a handheld
Purpose and Tone: Obviously, this is where the Crew gets tracking unit of some kind.
the job, but it is more than that. It is the first real chance Before you can check the shard, Falco emerges from
for the Players to roleplay as their Edgerunners – to really the storage unit. “My apologies for making y’all come out
get into the spirit of the game and inhabit the Characters. all this way, but I thought it was the only way to get this

done safely. Seems I was wrong. Last night, I caught Why are the items important?
someone breaking into my storage unit. I took to arms,
“Like I said, they ain’t worth much. The pistol belonged to one
but they got away with a few of my belongings. Truth be
of the first choomba I made in Night City. Big guy. Ran his own
told, what they got wasn’t worth many eddies, but it all
crew until… well, anyway. The others belonged to a firecracker
holds significant sentimental value to me. I’d like to pay
of an edgerunner I ran with. Small thing, but she loved her
you to find and retrieve the stolen goods.”
guns! The jacket belonged to a good friend. He’s gone now.
Now’s a chance for the Players to interact with Falco by They’re all gone now. This is how I remember them.”
roleplaying as their Characters. Encourage the Players Why were REO Meatwagon employees attacking you?
to take on their Edgerunner’s mannerisms and voice and
talk not to you as the GM, but to Falco. Obviously, they’ll “Good question! Honestly, don’t rightly know. I shouldn’t
have questions. Here are a few of the most common be on their watch list at all.”
ones, along with the answers, in Falco’s voice. Why don’t you just retrieve the items yourself?
“Short version? I ain’t a welcome presence in Night City.
One of the keys to bringing a Non-Player Too many big dogs know my face and want to see me
Character (NPC) to life is giving them a dead. I can’t say I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in life, but
unique personality and voice. This can I do want to keep on living.”
be done by assigning them a few quick Can you pay more? Can you pay some upfront?
descriptors and quirks and then playing
Falco claims his nest egg isn’t much bigger than what’s
them out. Falco, for example, is a laconic
needed to pay for the job. However, if an Edgerunner
cowboy. Talk slowly and give him a drawl. succeeds at a DV17 Trading Check, he’ll agree to give
them “something extra” as a bonus when the job ends.
How much are you paying? He’ll also make a good faith gesture, paying them for one
retrieved item in advance by transferring 500 eddies
“I’ve got a nest egg stored up. I’ll pay you five hundred into each person’s account right now. If there’s a Fixer
eddies per person for every item returned, plus a flat thou- in the Crew, make sure they include the +4 bonus from
sand for the group as a bonus if you retrieve the whole set.” their Role Ability. No amount of success will convince him
What was stolen? to pay for expenses.
“Three guns and a bright yellow jacket: an old Militech During the Q&A, ask one of the Players to make a DV9
M-10AF Lexington, an Arasaka HJSH-18 Masamune with a Human Perception Check. If the Check succeeds, the
pink-painted muzzle, and a black Arasaka TKI-20 Shingen Edgerunner can sense Falco’s underlying sadness and
decorated with a pink skull. The jacket looks a lot like the general world-weariness. This is a man climbing back up
jacket these REO folk on the ground are wearing, except from a pit of despair.
it’s sporting a neon green, stylized E and R on the back.”
Who is the thief, and where did they go? After the Check, point out that the Players
“I don’t rightly know. They were driving an old model
are always free to perform Human Perception
Apollo bike. I got a shot off on it, might have hit it even, Checks to ascertain an NPC’s motives,
but didn’t get a good look at the thief ‘cept to see they emotional state, and attitude. They should
had wild red and blue hair. Practically glowed in the dark!” keep this in mind, as it can be a valuable tool
to help them decide which direction to take.
Does the storage place have any security cameras/are
there any witnesses?
Once the Players finish asking questions, Falco speaks
“Naw. Place like this? They don’t bother with security. Buyer
beware and all that. Most folk don’t even know it exists. The units are
automated. You pay your eddies, and you get a code. No cameras. “Noticed y’all plucking a data shard from one of the
No employees. Convenient for people trying to keep a low profile.” bodies. Mind if I take a look? Don’t worry. I’ll give it back.”

Falco accepts the shard, then plugs it into a handheld Falco won’t stop the Edgerunners from looting gear off
holophone. He reads the contents quickly. the REO Meatwagon Gonks, but if the ambulance is still
present, he’ll insist on keeping it.
“Seems like these gonks were lookin’ for the jacket,
too. Damn. I’d best tell you more of the story. The jacket “That there’s goin’ to Dakota. Her people can use the
belonged to David Martinez. A friend of mine, died not long medical supplies and the wheels, and it’ll help pay off the
ago. He got it from his mother after her death. She worked debt I owe her.”
for REO Meatwagon. According to this here shard, each
Go to Development (Tom’s Diner)
field jacket issued by the company has an external biomon-
itor and tracker built in. It records biometric data from the DEVELOPMENT (TOM’S DINER)
wearer while they’re in it. The corpos are too cheap to pay
to link the biomonitor to a transmitter, so they usually just Purpose and Tone: This Beat helps set the pace, letting
wait for the employee to hang up a jacket in their locker the Players know this isn’t a sprint but a marathon. They
at HQ, then go in and download the data. Shard says a big won’t find Falco’s stolen items right away. It also helps
spender from one of the megacorps wants the data from seed plot points – the Valentino thief, the dead nomads,
David’s jacket. Problem is, the tracker stopped signaling a the corpo assassins, and even Saito, the businessman,
while back. I reckon David’s rough lifestyle broke it. Then, will all show up again later. By introducing them now, you’re
last night, REO Meatwagon recorded a single ping from the laying a logical foundation instead of just pulling elements
jacket’s tracker here. Maybe the thief knocked it around out of thin air later. You’re also solidifying the stake. The
and partially activated it again, somehow.” presence of REO Meatwagon earlier hinted at this Mission
being bigger than a storage locker theft. The suited killers
In other words, the best lead the Crew has to find Falco’s in this Beat confirms it.
lost items is the tracker in the jacket. Luckily, the REO
Meatwagon Gonk wasn’t just carrying the shard but also
A giant neon burger rests like a crown atop a building
a tracking unit. In fact, not long after they get the tracking
unit in hand, it briefly pings with a location. The tracker styled after a type of food joint few people alive even
was just at Bradbury and Urmland Street in Little China. remember. Tom’s Diner. There are satellite locations all
over Night City, but this is the original. Tom still works
Falco smiles, though the mirth doesn’t quite meet his the counter most days, though rumor has it he’s got a
eyes. “You best be off. I’m sending you my number. Call few staff members biosculpted to look like him so he can
me when you’ve got my mementos, and I’ll tell you where take a break every so often. Inside, sandwiched between
to meet. Good luck.” the checkerboard floor and harsh ceiling lights, booths
and stools provide a place for the denizens of Little China
During the Q&A with Falco, the Players might to park their butts and grab some grub. Luckily for you,
Tom’s Diner never closes. You can grab some synthetic
want to see if their Edgerunners know more
coffee while you investigate.
in-game than they do out-of-game. After all, the
Edgerunners live in Night City. The Players don’t. Ask for a DV13 Drive Land Vehicle Check from the
If the Players don’t ask, suggest it to them. A driver of the Crew’s vehicle. With a success, they make
Streetwise Check against a DV13 will tell them the trip from the self-storage joint to Tom’s Diner in 30
minutes. If the Check fails, the trip takes 60 minutes due
more about David’s meteoric rise to the top and
to bad traffic. When the Crew arrives, there’s no sign
then his blazing glory of an end, though the exact
of anyone with a yellow jacket or wild red and blue hair.
details of how he died remain a muddled mystery. Investigation is the name of the game. If they don’t think
A DV13 Electronics/Security Tech Check of it themselves, suggest they begin questioning people
confirms Falco’s suspicions about the tracker in in the diner and looking for clues.
David’s jacket. There’s nothing the Crew can do
remotely to improve the signal or increase the THE BUSINESSMAN
frequency of the pings. Other Skill Checks might A friendly businessman in a sharp suit sits in one of the
reveal additional information at your discretion. booths, eating a scop burger. His name is Saito. He works
in sales for Zetatech and only just arrived ten minutes

ago. He can’t provide any information, but he is happy to THE WITNESS

hand over his business card and chat about the latest in This is a great chance to insert someone from an
kitchen appliances available from his company. Edgerunner’s Lifepath into the Mission. It could be a
THE EMPLOYEE friend, an enemy, or even an ex-lover (if they’re still alive
and in town). This person takes on the role of the witness
Today is one of Tom’s rare days off, which is a shame – the person who saw the shooting. They’re currently
because Sergio could use the help. He’s behind the sitting at the counter and nursing a cup of synthcoffee
counter, running the whole diner by himself since the as they stare blankly at nothing.
cook was a no-show at the beginning of the shift. Things
are quiet now, but they weren’t earlier, and they won’t How talking to the witness plays out depends on who
be later. In other words, he’s in a bad mood. Convincing they are. A friend will give up the information easily.
Sergio to spill details will require a DV13 Conversation or Ex-lovers and, especially, enemies will require persua-
Persuasion Check on the part of the Edgerunners. Drop sion. An Edgerunner can use any number of Skills to
it down to a DV9 if at least one Crew member ordered convince them to talk, including Bribery, Conversation,
something and left a decent tip (€$50 or up). A Medtech Interrogation, or Persuasion. Don’t be afraid to reward
might notice Sergio rubbing his temples constantly them for taking a creative approach. For example, maybe
with a DV9 Perception Check. If they do, they can treat an Edgerunner challenges their enemy to a contest – if
the headache with a DV9 Paramedic Check. With the they win, the enemy spills the kibble.
pain gone, Sergio is happy to talk without any further If no one from the Crew’s Lifepaths fits the bill, the
prompting. witness is a small-time XBD dealer named Joe. If there’s
If persuaded to talk, Sergio tells the Crew his story. a Rocker in the Crew, he’s a fan! It takes a DV13 Bribery
Check (with a € $ 50 bribe) or a DV15 Persuasion Check
“Yeah, some rough-looking types came in about an
to convince Joe to talk.
hour ago. Ordered some coffee to go. They walked out
and bang! Gunshots! I didn’t see a thing. A beat cop was “Shit, it was awful. I was walking towards the diner,
nearby. She came in and asked if anyone saw something. and I peep two dudes coming out of Tom’s, heading for
No one spoke up, so she left. Some scavs already hauled their car. They’d just unlocked it when some gonk with
away the bodies. Nameless gonks? NCPD won’t bother wild blue and red hair in a bright yellow jacket runs up,
setting up a crime scene and investigating. Shame. Those shoves one of the guys out of the way, then hops into
two guys tipped okay.” the car and drives off! Turns out he’s being chased by

some chooms in snazzy black suits. The dudes say some- PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER
thing to the suits. The suits pull out irons and squeeze Once they’ve investigated, the Crew can try to put the
the triggers! One each, right between the eyes. Preem pieces together and plan their next step.
skills. Fast. Professional. Then the suits vanish like fucking
ninjas! Like I said, awful! I had to walk around the bodies Since scavs dragged off the bodies, there’s no way to
just to get inside!” learn any more about them.
The witness didn’t speak up when the beat cop asked if If the Crew spoke to Sergio and the Witness, they can
anyone saw anything because why bother getting involved? attempt a DV15 Streetwise Check to identify the two
people killed as nomads, likely disguising themselves so
THE MOTORCYCLE as not to attract NCPD attention. If there is a Nomad in
If the Edgerunners search the area, they’ll find a dead, the party, the Check is against a DV13 instead, even if
older model Apollo motorcycle a block away from Tom’s another member of the Crew makes it.
by making a successful Perception Check against a DV9. A DV13 Streetwise Check will suggest the best way to
If the Crew made it to Tom’s Diner in 30 minutes, a group learn more about a possible Valentino ganger is to visit
of scav kids is in the process of stripping it for parts. El Coyote Cojo, a bar in Heywood, and ask around.
They’ll flee if the Edgerunners call out or approach. If
caught, the kids can’t shed light on the incident. They No one else in the area saw the shooting (or is willing
arrived after it was over. If the trip took 60 minutes, the to talk about it). A DV13 Streetwise, or DV9 Business
bike is already torn apart, and the kids are gone. Check suggests the killers were corporate security.
Given the precision, the most likely suspects are Militech
After examining what’s left of the bike, the Crew can and Arasaka.
learn the following:
With a DV13 Perception Check (DV9 if the Crew arrived
while the bike was still being stripped), an Edgerunner This next information is for you alone, GM. It may come
can find markings indicating the bike belonged to a out to the Players later, but for now, we’re looping you
member of the Valentinos. in so you know the whole story. The thief, Dalton, picked
up a tail as he reentered Night City. Two Arasaka agents
A DV15 Deduction Check (DV13 if the Crew arrived followed him for a while, then took a few shots, winging
while the bike was still being stripped) tells a story about him and damaging the bike. Desperate, Dalton rode like
what happened: The bike was damaged by two gunshots. hell but the bike died several blocks later. He hopped
One hole matches the gun Falco carries, but the damage off, yanked on David’s jacket as a (weak) disguise, then
was superficial. The second shot, made by an incredibly hurried along the street in the direction of Tom’s Diner.
precise weapon, disabled the bike. Which explains why
the rider had to jack a ride. The jacket didn’t fool the Arasaka agents for one
second. After all, that’s what they were after! They
THE CAMERA parked and gave chase on foot.
While looking around outside, an Edgerunner can spot When Dalton saw the nomads getting into their car,
a beat-up security camera with a vantage point of the he bullrushed the one on the driver’s side, leapt in, and
scene. A Netrunner can attempt to hack into the camera drove away at high speed. The nomads spotted the
by making a DV9 Interface Check. If they succeed, they Arasaka agents and spoke to them, trying to determine
can download the footage. The footage is grainy, but it their involvement with the theft.
shows a man with wild red and blue hair nearly crash
The agents, upset that a dirty ganger got away from
his motorcycle into a wall. He hops off, yanks on a yellow
them, took out their frustrations on the nomads with
jacket, and then runs off camera. Seconds later, two
some casual murder. Then, they vanished to continue the
men in black suits, expensive pistols drawn, run through
the scene, giving chase. Looking for identifying marks,
the Crew can see the man in the yellow jacket has neck The Crew has two possible courses of action. They can
tattoos. A DV13 Streetwise Check identifies them as either go to El Coyote Cojo to look for their thief or wait
common to members of the Valentinos. for another ping.

If the Crew decides to visit El Coyote Cojo, go to • Visit a Ripperdoc to Get Patched Up. This costs
Development (El Coyote Cojo). If they decide to wait for €$100 and restores Hit Points equal to the
the next ping, go to Development (Downtime). Edgerunner’s BODY + WILL. An Edgerunner can’t visit
a ripperdoc if they received the benefit of Speedheal
from a Medtech during or since the last combat.
If the Players don’t think of either option or seem
to be unsure of what to do, feel free to make • Critical Injury Mitigation. An Edgerunner can remove a
suggestions. If you want to keep it “in character,” Critical Injury, either by spending €$500 at a ripperdoc
or with the help of a Medtech Crew member.
ask for a Deduction Check, but don’t give them
a DV. Just tell them, whatever the result, what • Critical Injury Repair. A Medtech can heal the
the options are. Going to El Coyote Cojo might Critical Injury of another Crew member but not
themselves. This requires a Check as described in
be appealing if the Edgerunners are fresh and
the rules on page 14 of the Rule Book.
ready to roll, but if anyone’s wounded, taking
some time to rest, heal, and wait for the next • Go shopping. An Edgerunner can visit a local market
ping might be a more sensible course of action. to pick up something from the list on page 32.
The important thing is to keep the story moving. • Sell loot. If the Crew picked up some loot from downed
enemies, an Edgerunner can sell it to pick up some
spare cash. For more on selling loot, see page 32.
• Repair Armor. An Edgerunner can restore 1d6 SP to
Purpose and Tone: The Downtime Beat is all about taking a a piece of armor (up to its original maximum). Techs
moment. Breathing. And realizing the Edgerunners aren’t do this for free. Everyone else needs to pay €$50.
just the job. They’re people with lives, goals, interests, and
hobbies. Use this Beat to encourage Players to flesh out • Chip In. An Edgerunner can visit a ripperdoc to
their Characters and make them more than just the guns buy a piece of cyberware from the list on page 32.
they shoot. Installation is part of the purchase price. Each
Edgerunner can only do this once during this Mission,
though Gorilla Arms and Mantis Blades can be bought
Downtime isn’t a singular beat. Instead, the Crew will
in pairs and come with the required Cyberarms if
visit this Beat multiple times over the course of The
the user doesn’t have them (paid for separately).
Jacket. Each time, decide how many “days off” you want
Unless you are playing The Jacket as part of a larger
to give the Crew before you send them the next ping. The
campaign, don’t worry about Humanity Loss.
minimum is one day, and we recommend a maximum of
no more than three. Much more, and the Players might • Restore their Luck Pool. Through meditation and
get bored and fidgety. rest, an Edgerunner can restore 1d6 points to
their Luck Pool (up to its maximum).

These downtime rules, especially in regards • Recruitment. An Edgerunner can call in a favor and bring
to healing, work a bit differently from those in a new Crew member to replace one who died. If a
Player lost an Edgerunner, this is where they can choose
provided in Cyberpunk RED in order to keep
a replacement (either of the same Role or another Role
the story moving. If you’re playing this Mission not already part of the Crew) and rejoin the game.
as part of a larger Cyberpunk RED campaign,
it is your choice which rules to follow. Finally, at the end of Downtime Beat, ask each Player to
describe some recreational action their Edgerunner took
during it. Examples include visiting family, going on a date,
For each day spent in downtime, as long as they meet going dancing at a club (ask for Dance Checks!), plugging into
the requirements to begin healing (see Rule Book page 14), a braindance, or playing video games at the arcade. Players
each Edgerunner recovers a number of Hit Points equal don’t need to share more than a sentence or two each – just
to their BODY (up to their maximum). In addition, each enough to show who their Edgerunner is when they’re not
member of the Crew can do one of the following. dodging bullets.

If the Crew decides to learn more about the thief by “Hey, chooms! Ain’t seen you here before! Name’s
checking with the Valentinos, go to Development (El Jackie. Jackie Welles! Welcome to El Coyote Cojo! You look
Coyote Cojo). If you’re ready to send them to one of like you’ve got a story to tell. Tell you what! Buy me a drink,
the Pings (see page 14), go to your chosen Cliffhanger and I’ll be glad to listen to it.”
(Ping). If you’re ready to move on to the final act, go to
Jackie is naturally friendly, but he isn’t stupid. He knows
Development (Final Ping).
he needs to be careful about what he says and to whom. He
won’t talk until someone spends at least 20 eddies to buy
When the Crew finishes their first Ping, him a drink from the bar. He’ll accept anything, but if asked,
boost each Edgerunner’s Reputation he’ll request “a shot of vodka, lime juice, and ginger beer.”
to 1. If they’ve finished all three Pings, Drawing information about the thief out of Jackie
increase their Reputation to 2. requires a friendly approach. He won’t respond well
to intimidation or threats and most of the people in El
Coyote Cojo will have his back if trouble starts.
A DV15 Conversation or Persuasion Check convinces
Purpose and Tone: This Beat isn’t about violence. Here, you
Jackie to share. Drop the Check to a DV13 if a member of
get to show the rough, seedy, loud, and lively underbelly
the Crew succeeds at a DV13 Human Perception Check
of Night City. Not the corporate-sanitized bullshit but the
to puzzle out Jackie’s state of mind so they can tailor the
real, pulsating life of it. You’ll also round out Dalton more,
questioning. Add +1 to the Conversation or Persuasion
making him a more interesting person, and bring back a
Check for every drink the Crew buys Jackie, though he
fan-favorite NPC from Cyberpunk 2077.
won’t accept more than three since he’s “Got to see my
girl later, you know? Can’t be drunk for that!”
At first, El Coyote Cojo seems like any other local bar in
Night City: Full of people who aren’t even anywhere near Once they’ve succeeded, Jackie talks.
the corporate ladder, much less on a rung of it, drinking, “Sounds like you’re talking about Dalton. Decent mechanic,
talking, shooting pool, living life, and drowning sorrows. but he made a huge mistake. See, this other gonk in the
There’s an odd sense of peace to this place as if some- Valentinos decided to make a fast buck by stealing from a
one’s declared it neutral ground in the middle constant choom of mine, Gustavo Orta. Dalton signed up to run tech on
orgy of violence plaguing Night City. You’re sure some- the heist. Not a smart move. They got the goods, but Gustavo
one’s spilling blood somewhere nearby, but they aren’t figured the whole thing out, took his stuff back. His people
doing it here. have been hunting down the heist crew one by one and flatlin-
If one of the Edgerunners has a friend (via their Lifepath) ing them ever since. Shame, really. Dalton’s not a bad guy. Kind
local to the area, they’ll be present and direct the Crew to of like a lost puppy, really. Probably how he hooked his mainline.
Jackie Welles, a member of the Valentinos turned edgerun- She’s a Mox but trying to make it as a musician. Usually busking
ner. He knows everyone in the gang, they’ll be told, and he down in the Congress Street NCART station in Vista del Rey.
is always happy to chat with any gonk outsider. Otherwise, Her name’s… Spring? Autumn? Something like that. I don’t think
the Crew will need to work the room. Asking questions Gustavo knows about her, though. Dalton was keeping their
about a Valentino with “wild red and blue hair” directs the relationship on the down-low. I only know because I saw them
Crew towards Jackie so long as the Edgerunner succeeds together down there a few weeks back.”
at an appropriate Skill Check. Bribery, Interrogation,
No matter how hard they try, the Crew won’t be able
Persuasion, or Streetwise are all good, depending on
to pull any additional data about Dalton out of Jackie. Nor
the tact taken. If there’s a Rocker in the Crew, someone
will he be willing to join them. He’s got a date!
present is a fan. A Fixer will automatically know Jackie is
the one to talk to, thanks to their extensive list of contacts. Just outside El Coyote Cojo, a well-muscled Valentino
with a shaved head approaches.
The Crew finds Jackie sitting in a lounge area to the
left of the bar, near some stairs, chatting with some “Heard you’re looking for Dalton. Me, too. Name’s Maria.
other visitors. They’ll scatter once the Crew approaches. Maria Torres. You find him, call me. I’ll pay you a thousand
Jackie, on the other hand, is thrilled to see them. eddies if you do. Easy money.”

A DV13 Human Perception Check reveals the menace Somehow dingy and dim, no matter how bright the over-
behind Maria’s words. She is Gustavo Orta’s lieutenant head lights are, the rush of sound from the crowds and the
and under orders to kill Dalton once she locates him. trains combined with the scent of too many people packed
She can’t be persuaded or bribed to reveal this infor- into too small a space combine into a sensory bouquet so
mation but it will slip out if an Edgerunner succeeds at a overwhelming it takes a moment to spot the aggressively
DV17 Conversation Check. She can be convinced to pay blonde busker singing and playing an acoustic guitar. She’s
€$1,250 with a successful DV15 Trading Check. sitting on a blanket against one wall and in the perfect posi-
tion to see anyone who passes by.
If the Crew agrees, Maria flashes one of them her
phone number. If they decline her offer, Maria shrugs If the Crew found out about the busker during a visit to
and walks away while mumbling, “Better hope you find El Coyote Cojo, it is possible to move right to this Beat.
him before I do.” In that case, you can either skip the tracker receiving
a ping for this location entirely or send it a ping as they
If one of the Edgerunners has an enemy, via their
travel to it in order to emphasize the lead as solid.
Lifepath, in the Valentinos, you’re free to throw in a fight
after Maria leaves. This isn’t required at all so it is up The busker in question is Summer, Dalton’s mainline.
to you if it happens. If so, the Crew will be jumped by a She’s a member of the Mox and a decent performer, but
number of Valentino Gonks equal to the number of Crew “Friday Night Firefight” (originally by the Rubicones) wasn’t
members minus 2 (minimum 1). The gangers were sent meant to be reinterpreted in a softer, more folk style.
by the Edgerunner’s enemy (and will say so!) and are just
A DV13 Human Perception Check reveals Summer’s not
there to create a fuss. The Valentino Gonks retreat back
into the music. This isn’t what she wants to be playing,
into the bar when things start going poorly for them.
but she’s convinced this will bring in the tips. Summer
If the Edgerunners decide to check on Dalton’s mainline, won’t talk until either the song ends or she’s interrupted
go to Cliffhanger (Ping: NCART Station). If they want and can’t continue playing.
to take a break and recuperate, go to Development
Asking about Dalton (or a guy with wild red and blue
hair) clams her up fast. A DV9 Human Perception Check
THE PINGS allows an Edgerunner to get a read on the situation:
Summer honestly loves Dalton and won’t respond well if
The next three Beats, collectively called “Pings”, are
she believes the Crew is out to harm him. If things turn
modular. In them, the Crew receives a ping from David’s
hostile, she’ll run, shouting for help.
jacket on their tracker and hurries to the scene.
The Pings can be run in any order you want, with a Convincing Summer to talk about Dalton requires a
Development (Downtime) break in between. If you’re DV13 Persuasion Check (DV15 if they interrupted her
short on time, want to keep things tight and compact, or playing) or a DV13 Bribery Check if an Edgerunner
just aren’t vibing with a Ping, you can skip one or even spends €$20 to buy a data shard of her music. If there’s
two of them. Feel up to being creative? Invent your own a Rocker in the Crew, add a +1 to either Check, as she’ll
Ping! You control the flow here. recognize them as a peer.

CLIFFHANGER (PING: NCART STATION) “Dalton? I love him soooo much! He’s got a heart as
soft as scop, you know? We’ve been together for three
Purpose and Tone: In this Beat, the Crew gets to see a months, and he and I — we’re gonna make it. I just know
glimpse of Dalton’s softer side via his mainline, Summer. we are! I mean, he was just here half an hour ago, and
There’s also a chase through a constricted space to catch he brought me a snack to keep my energy up. Isn’t that
a corpo, followed by their first victory as they retrieve one so sweet?”
of the stolen guns. There’s also an “oh shit” moment at the
end – Arasaka’s after the jacket! If the Crew asks about the stolen items, especially the
The trail leads you to an NCART Station in Vista del Rey. “Yeah, Dalton, the sweetie, he got me a jacket like that
There’s nothing like walking down the steps into the humid, but yellow ain’t my color. Said it was a symbol of his love
stale, oppressive atmosphere of a subway platform. but… well… we need money for… reasons. Anyway, yeah,

I just sold the jacket to some corpo. He gave me five 3. Just as they pass by, a gonk holding a radio cranks up
hundred eddies for it and put it in a briefcase! Isn’t that the volume to the ear-splitting max. The Edgerunner
gonk? Who puts a jacket in a briefcase? Was just before must succeed at a DV13 Concentration Check or be
you showed up, too!” temporarily stunned by the noise.
4. The train rounds a bend, sending the whole car
This is a great chance to build a sympathetic swaying. The Edgerunner can keep their balance with
portrait of Dalton in the Players’ minds via a DV13 Athletics or Dance Check.
Summer’s genuine love for the guy. 5. A giant of a gonk has planted themselves in the
middle of the train and refuses to move. There’s no
space to slide around them, and they’re too heavy to
Spotting the Corpo in question requires a DV13
shove. A fight would take too long, but a successful
Perception Check. If the Crew fails, Summer will point
Facedown (see Rule Book page 15) will force them to
and shout, “That’s him!” Either way, they’ll see the Corpo
step back and clear some space. Alternatively, a
with the briefcase just before he steps onto a subway
Netrunner who succeeds at a DV10 Interface Check
train. They’ll need to run to catch him!
can hack the gonk and force them to lurch out of
Place the Corpo token on a square on the blank grid map the way.
and ask each Edgerunner for a DV15 Athletics Check. If
6. A teenager is trying to pick a shirt to wear for an
there’s a Nomad in the Crew, use a DV13 instead because
upcoming date and steps in front of the Edgerunner,
they beat traffic and arrived a few minutes early. Anyone
asking for their opinion. They can be shoved aside
who succeeds boards the subway train only two squares
with a DV9 Brawling Check, dodged with a DV13
behind the Corpo. Anyone who fails boards three squares
Athletics Check, or intimidated into sitting down
behind. No matter what, the Corpo spots them and begins
with a DV13 Persuasion Check. Alternatively, the
pushing forward, away from the Crew.
Edgerunner could make a DV13 Wardrobe & Style
Ask everyone to roll Initiative and set a Queue. The Check and quickly point out the better shirt.
Corpo doesn’t need a roll and goes on 10.
This is a chase, not a combat. The squares don’t repre-
sent precise distances but an abstract separation between
the Edgerunners and their prey. Because the train is
crowded, MOVE doesn’t matter. Instead, on an Edgerunner’s
Turn, they’ll be presented with an obstacle to overcome via
a Skill Check. If the Edgerunner succeeds, they move up
one square towards the Corpo. If they fail, they stay where
they are. On the Corpo’s Turn, roll 1d10. On a 1 through 6, he
stays where he is. On an 7 through 9, he moves ahead one
square. On a 10, he moves ahead two squares.
Here’s a list of obstacles that the Edgerunners might
encounter while on the train. You can pick from the list
each time or roll 1d10 to select one at random. If you’re
feeling creative, make up a few obstacles of your own!
1. Someone’s pissed on the floor, making it slippery. The
Edgerunner must succeed at a DV13 Athletics Check
to leap over, or a DV9 Athletics Check to walk through
without slipping.
2. The crowd’s particularly thick here. The Edgerunner
needs to beat a DV13 Evasion Check to weave their way
through or a DV15 Brawling Check to shove through.

7. A panhandler steps in front of the Edgerunner, The Corpo is scared out of his wits, and a DV9 Human
asking for money. Pushing them out of the way is Perception Check confirms he’s telling the truth. The
easy enough — a DV9 Brawling Check will do it — but briefcase isn’t locked. There’s nothing inside but a yellow
a more compassionate route might involve giving the jacket, the Corpo’s lunch (an instant-heat scopdog), a
panhandler 10 eddies. No Check needed. pack of cheap cigarettes, and a pin given by Arasaka to
employees after five years of service. The jacket isn’t the
8. The door between this car and the next, where
one the Crew seeks but a windbreaker with a green E and
the Corpo ran, is jammed. It can be forced with a
R painted on the back. More importantly, Falco’s beat-up
DV9 BODY Check (add the Edgerunner’s BODY STAT
Militech M-10AF Lexington, fully loaded, is wrapped up
to a roll of 1d10) or quickly unjammed with a DV13
inside the windbreaker.
Electronics/Security Tech or Pick Lock Check.
Just after the Crew opens the briefcase, the train
9. Some gonk exhales a disorienting cloud of some sort
lurches to a stop, and the doors open. The Corpo takes
of drug into the air just as the Edgerunner passes
advantage of the rush as people push to debark and
through. They’ll need to succeed at a DV13 Resist
bolts. He’ll melt into the crowd and vanish.
Torture/Drugs Check or be gobsmacked for a moment.
If no one in the Crew reaches the Corpo in 5 Rounds,
10. As they rush past another passenger, the Edgerunner
the train reaches the next station, the doors open, and
must make a DV13 Perception Check. If they succeed,
he escapes into the crowds outside. The Crew loses the
they notice the hand slipping into their pocket in time
chance to recover the Lexington and doesn’t confirm
and stop it. If they fail, they lose one item from their
that Arasaka is looking for the jacket.
inventory, as determined by the GM. The Edgerunner
moves forward a square regardless of the outcome. If the Crew returns to the Congress Street NCART
station, Summer is gone. She won’t be returning, and no
one present knows where to find her.
At some point during the chase, someone may
wonder why they don’t just pull out their gun and » Behind the Scenes
shoot the Corpo. Remind them this is a crowded Dalton took a liking to David’s jacket, so he bought a
train and bullet fire might cause a panic – even cheap windbreaker in the same color, painted on the logo,
edgerunners would have trouble avoiding being and gave it to Summer as a present. So they’d match.
trampled by a screaming mob. Also, some Yes, while he was hiding from potential assassins. Love
NCART train cars are rigged to seal shut and makes people do stupid things. More importantly, Dalton
flood with knockout gas if a gunshot is detected. also wrapped the Militech M-10AF Lexington inside the
The doors don’t unseal until the train reaches windbreaker so Summer could use it for protection but
forgot to tell her about it before he ran off.
the next station, where NCPD can sort out the
problem. The train cars aren’t marked, so you Go to Development (Downtime)
never know if you’re on one of the rigged ones.
Purpose and Tone: It doesn’t matter if the megacorps
The goal is for one of the Edgerunners to reach the control the world, people still find a way to cut loose. This
same square as the Corpo. When this happens, the chase Beat shows off one of the ways people blow off steam in
ends, and the rest of the Crew catches up. The Corpo Night City, offers a glimpse of the hidden dangers resulting
folds instantly upon being questioned and hands over the from a world where poverty is the norm, and shows how
briefcase without a fight. the authorities of Night City enforce the status quo with
“Don’t hurt me! I’m just middle management! I don’t no care for the welfare of those they’re enforcing it on.
know anything! I overheard some brass from higher up
saying they were looking for a yellow jacket with an E The ping leads to Arroyo and Megabuilding H4. Inside, an
and R painted on the back while I was on a smoke break! I entire city’s worth of people live on top of each other,
spotted this on the busker and bought it! I thought I’d turn shoved together and stacked like cans, level after level
it in and maybe get a promotion! That’s all I know! Honest!” after level, in a grand experiment to house the population

of Night City. The results have been predictable. Filth. painted on it to the woman when all hell breaks loose.
Grime. Grease. Trash clogs most of the hallways, espe- Three NCPD AVs rise above the rooftops. A voice shouts
cially on the lower floors, where the scent of sweat and over a loudspeaker.
human odor overcomes the creaky ventilation system. You
“NCPD! Megabuilding H4 is now under quarantine!
aren’t going inside, though. You’re going up to the top.
Everyone go inside but do not attempt to leave the
Someone’s throwing a party on the roof. building!”
A party on the roof of a megabuilding is already illegal, The cops don’t even wait to see if the crowd complies.
so obviously, this one is wild. No one’s guarding the door to From inside the AVs, they launch grenades onto the roof.
block access – if you know about the party, you’re invited. The canisters hit and bounce a few times before coming
All around, people are dancing, talking, making out, drink- to a stop. Instead of exploding, the grenades hiss, releas-
ing, and doing drugs. Not a BD junkie hooked up to a jerk- ing tear gas. The crowd begins to panic. Some pull out
off machine in sight. There are a few hundred people here, their guns and start shooting. Others run to the door. In
many armed, and the mood is exciting and loud. These are the haze, you lose sight of both the guy in the yellow jacket
people looking to party loudly and forget their troubles. and the woman wearing leathers… but the submachine
This is a good spot for an Edgerunner to run into a gun with the pink skull lays on the ground near where they
friend from their Lifepath. They’re up here partying and stood. Looks like someone dropped it!”
having a good time. If asked about Dalton, the friend Let the Crew grab the gun, an Arasaka TKI-20 Shingen
remembers seeing someone fitting the description adorned with a pink skull, then ask for a DV13 Education
earlier in the evening. They don’t know if Dalton is still at or Streetwise Check from the Crew. Anyone who suc-
the party. A Fixer or Rocker can find contacts or fans ceeds knows NCPD is serious about quarantines. If there’s
here who will tell them the same thing. a plague here, they’ll lock everyone inside to keep it from
If you want to prod the Players into no-stakes role- spreading. The Crew needs to get out now – before the
playing, now’s a good time. Party-goers might ask an NCPD can reinforce the lockdown – or this megabuilding
Edgerunner to dance or offer them drinks and drugs. will become their new home for at least a few weeks.
Playing songs from the Cyberpunk 2077 or Cyberpunk: J6
Edgerunners soundtrack would be appropriate now to
heighten the atmosphere — if your Players have a favor-
ite, now’s the time to crank it up!
Finding Dalton in the crowd won’t be easy. Ask the
Players for a Perception Check. Anyone who beats a
DV13 notices many people here are sick – coughing, pale,
and sweating but still determined to have a good time
despite it all. Medtechs don’t need to make a Check. They
spot it automatically. Anyone who beats a DV15 spots a
riot of red, blue, and yellow moving towards the edge of
the roof.
There’s no need to ask for a Skill Check to swim
through the crowd. It isn’t easy, but no one’s actively
attempting to stop the Edgerunners. Describe moving
through the sweaty, partying masses – maybe mention
some locals coughing on them a few times for fun – then
read the following.
“Up ahead, you spot a guy with wild red and blue hair
in a yellow jacket with a green E and R on the back. Your
thief. He’s talking to a woman wearing leathers. The
thief’s just handing a submachine gun with a pink skull

There are three potential avenues of escape. Ask the must make either a DV15 Education Check or a DV17
Players for a DV15 Perception Check. For each success Perception Check. If they succeed, they guide the Crew
in the group, the Crew notices one possibility. Trying to through the vents in 30 minutes. If they fail, it takes a 60
shove their way through the crowd and into the building minutes to make it to the garage.
through the obvious doors is not one of them. The Crew
The garage is deathly silent except for the sound of the
can all follow one path or split up, trying their luck on
cops guarding it talking to one another. They’ve parked an
multiple paths in smaller groups.
NCPD cruiser lengthwise across the exit to block escape.
» The Vents If the Crew made it to the garage in 30 minutes, only
The megabuilding rooftop is a maze of HVAC machines. Some 2 NCPD Officers stand guard near the squad car, and
of them open up into a vent system big enough for a person they’re fairly distracted by their conversation. Sneaking
to crawl through if they suck in their gut. The vent system’s a past them requires a DV9 Stealth Check on the part of all
maze of twisty passages, all alike, but with a bit of determina- Crew members present. If the cops notice, they open fire.
tion, the Crew can pop out into the megabuilding garage and
If it took 60 minutes for the Crew to navigate the vents,
sneak past (or fight!) the NCPD units posted there.
a number of NCPD Officers equal to the number of
Step one is yanking off the vent grate. If there’s a Tech Edgerunners present stand guard. They’re more alert
in the Crew, they can do it without a Check. Otherwise, so sneaking past them requires a DV13 Stealth Check on
it requires a DV15 Athletics Check to muscle it off or a the part of all Crew members present. Again if the cops
DV13 Melee Weapon Check to pry it off with a tool like a notice, they open fire.
crowbar, length of pipe, or a long blade.
The Crew can go right for the fight option if they like.
Once inside, the trouble isn’t finding a way out but If they go in guns blazing, run it like a regular fight. If
determining how long it takes. Ask the Players to choose they try a sneak attack, check the Ambush rules on page
one Edgerunner to be their navigator. That Edgerunner 11 of the Rule Book. It is also possible to hotwire one of

Depending on the number of Players, you might need a

different number of enemies than depicted here.

the cars in the garage with a DV15 Electronics/Security » Base Jumping

Tech Check. Reduce it to DV13 if a Nomad is attempting
Someone set up a cheap plastic storage locker near
it. Hitting a target with a car requires an opposed Check
the edge of the megabuilding roof and painted “Barry’s
– the attacker’s Drive Land Vehicle versus the defender’s
Bodacious Base Jumping” on the top and side. The lock-
Evasion. If the attacker hits with the car, the defender
er’s predictably locked but a DV9 Pick Lock will open it.
takes 6d6 damage.
So will a few good swings with any Melee Weapon, no Skill
Successfully ramming past the NCPD car blocking the Check needed.
entrance with a hotwired car requires a DV17 Drive Land
Vehicle Check. If the Check fails, the two cars pile up Inside? Parachutes – each stuffed neatly in a pack and
against each other and the Crew will need to get out and ready to deploy. There’s plenty for everyone in the Crew,
fight or run. so no worries there!

» The Dead Elevator Cyberpunk is a game of consequences.

A utility door in the roof leads to a closet-sized room. When things go wrong, you don’t often get
It has no exits but does open into a maintenance eleva-
a second chance to make them right. Base
tor. Of course, this being Night City, the elevator is out
of order. The Crew can try to jury-rig it into operation
jumping is the riskiest path off Megabuilding
in one of two ways. An Edgerunner can make a DV15 H4 and it can go horribly wrong. Take a
Electronics/Security Tech Check to perform a temporary moment to ask, “Are you sure you want to
repair or, if there’s a Netrunner on the Crew, they can do this?’’ to reinforce the seriousness of
perform a DV9 Interface Check to jolt the elevator to life. the situation. If they decide to go forward?
They can ride it to the bottom. Remind them about their Luck Pool.
If the Crew fails or doesn’t want to attempt the jury-
rig, they can still make use of the elevator. There’s a Base jumping off a megabuilding isn’t a simple task!
ladder bolted to the side of the shaft and it goes all the Doing it in optimal conditions would be hard enough, but
way down. That’s a long, dizzying climb to the bottom. Ask the cops in the AVs will notice, and open fire. With their
for two Checks for each Edgerunner. hands full steering the chutes, the Crew can’t fire back.
The first is DV9 Concentration. Anyone who fails grows dis- The best they can do is maneuver and place the building
oriented and loses their grip. If they fail, they need to succeed between them and the AVs. Doing so requires a DV13
at a DV13 Athletics Check. Passing the Check means they Athletics Check.
catch themselves a few rungs down, heart rate spiking but
none the worse for wear. Failing means they scrape along If someone fails the Check, gunfire shreds their chute,
the ladder for nearly an entire floor before snagging hold of and they plummet. Give one, and only one, Edgerunner
the ladder again and suffer 1d6 damage directly to their Hit a chance to catch their falling comrade with a DV15
Points. This damage bypasses armor but doesn’t ablate it. Athletics Check. Passing the Check means both float
down to the street unharmed. Failure means the
The second Check required is DV15 Resist Torture/ Edgerunner hits the pavement below and flatlines.
Drugs. This is a long climb and, even with a cyberlimb
or two, still exhausting. Anyone who fails must do There is no Death Save here.
nothing but rest on the first day of their next visit to Once they hit the ground, the Crew can ditch the
Development (Downtime). They can’t perform any other chutes and regroup.
activities, though they still heal damage as per normal.
At the bottom of the elevator shaft is a ground floor
» Behind the Scenes
maintenance bay. There’s an exit to the street behind Dalton’s decided he and Summer need to delta out of Night
the megabuilding and the NCPD hasn’t set up a guard on City and hooking up with a nomad pack seems a good way
this door yet. Escaping from here is a breeze – unless to go about it. As a sign of good faith, he wants to return
you don’t want it to be. In which case, station a couple of the car he stole in front of Tom’s Diner. First, though, he
NCPD officers just outside the door. needs to find the nomad pack the car belongs to. That’s

why he was at Megabuilding H4. He arranged to meet an open fire. The plan is to put all but one of the Crew down,
ex-nomad at the party and promised to trade the Arasaka then capture and question the survivor to see what they
TKI-20 Shingen for information leading to the nomad pack. know about the jacket’s location. The ambush group
consists of 1 Corpo Agent, 1 Enemy Netrunner, and 1
Go to Development (Downtime)
Edgerunner Gonk per 2 Crew members (minimum 1).
CLIFFHANGER (PING: ABANDONED SHANTY TOWN) For the Corpo Agent use the Arasaka Soldier stat block
but the CORPO token.
Purpose and Tone: If you have something, someone else wants
it and in Night City, they’re willing to kill for it. This Beat’s a good Check the rules on Surprise Attacks and Ambushes on
old-fashioned firefight. Megaviolence! Yeah! Oh, and it does let page 11 of the Rule Book. If you want, make a Stealth Check for
the Crew know Arasaka knows about the tracker. each ambusher and remember they’ve had plenty of time to
use Complimentary Skill Checks and to Take Extra Time, so
The ping came from the middle of nowhere, in a spot of give a +2 to each. If you want to simplify things just ask the
scrabble turf in the Northside Industrial District long since Players to make DV13 Perception Checks. If any member
abandoned by the megacorps. Makeshift shacks con- of the Crew succeeds, they notice the ambush in time and
structed out of old industrial materials dot the landscape, combat begins as normal, with Initiative rolls.
ready to fall down if a stiff breeze hits them. You don’t see Otherwise, the ambush squad leaps up and opens fire,
a soul alive here. The shacks obviously housed someone at getting one free Attack Action each. Once the Ambush
some point but they’ve long since cleared out – probably as Round ends, ask for Initiative rolls. The Edgerunner
part of Mayor Rhyne’s war on homelessness.
Gonks all go as a group, so only roll once for them. The
In the words of a famous admiral, it’s a trap! An enter- Edgerunner Gonks will fight until they drop. The Corpo
prising but low-ranking Arasaka security agent hired a Agent and Enemy Netrunner will run if their HP drops to
team of edgerunners and set up this ambush. They’re 5 or less. If the Corpo Agent or Enemy Netrunner drop
hiding and waiting for the right moment to hop up and to 0 HP, they automatically fail their Death Save and die.

Depending on the number of Players, you might need a

different number of enemies than depicted here.

Unless the Crew proves particularly bloodthirsty, leave of countless dust storms, this is the last stop for nomads
at least one Edgerunner Gonk alive at the end of combat and outlaws before the open road gives way to city streets.
to answer questions. There’s no need for a Check. The For another, you just know. A feeling builds in your stomach.
gonk will happily sing. This is the one. This is where it all comes together.
“Look! I don’t know shit! We’re just after some jacket! The sky shines purple and red as, appropriately
The corpo who hired us said his bosses would pay some enough, the sun sinks below the horizon. People have
major eddies for it! Said word was you were looking for it, already begun to gather. A group of teenagers drink
too and the jacket had some kind of tracker on it? So, his Smash, a cheap mixture of beer and energy drink, in
netrunner faked a signal to lure you here. Thought we’d the parking lot. A man in rags mutters to himself while
bust you up, shake you down, find out what you know! eating a Burrito XXL, fresh from the vending machine
I swear! That’s it! You’ll let me go, right? Professional he’s leaning against. Inside, some regulars sit at the bar,
courtesy and all that?” ordering drinks from a man in a dirty apron who looks
The Edgerunner Gonk doesn’t have any additional informa- like he’s seen too much shit in his lifetime. There’s no
tion to share and there aren’t any clues on them, their crew, sign of a ganger with crazy red and blue hair or a yellow
or the Enemy Netrunner. The Corpo Agent is dressed in jacket, so it’s time to investigate.
plainclothes. If the Crew watched the security cam footage THE TEENS
at Tom’s Diner, they’ll recognize him as one of the suits who
chased Dalton. There’s a small Arasaka logo tattoo on the Four teenagers, all baby punks trying to grow up too
back of his neck, just below the collar. fast, loiter around a single rusty old van, a Mahir Supron
FS3. Their names are Adam, Rick, Cindy, and Mia. They’re
» Behind the Scenes smoking and drinking and talking to each other in fast,
The Corpo Agent is an Arasaka security agent who loud, excited voices about absolutely nothing at all. When
knows his boss wants the jacket. Using his access, he the Crew approaches, they try to play it tough.
learned about the tracker and hired a team: A netrun- If one of the Edgerunners is a Rocker, Cindy’s a fan.
ner to duplicate the signal and edgerunners to attack
the Crew. The Agent’s hope was to retrieve the jacket, Convincing the teens to talk requires an appropriate
then turn it in for a promotion. Dalton was never here. DV13 Skill Check. Possibilities include Conversation,
By the way, if the Crew looks, they won’t find a vehicle Interrogation, and Persuasion. If they succeed, Mia tells the
nearby. The Corpo Agent was worried a working car in tale. Otherwise, the teens tell the Crew to “fuck off, olds!”
this part of the city would alert the Crew to the ambush, “Oh! Yeah! Red and blue hair, right? What a gonk! Saw him
and so arranged for a taxi to drop them off. He planned pull up in a fuckin’ nomad ride half an hour ago! Was some
on calling it back once the job was done. woman in the car with him. He got out, walked over, talked
Go to Development (Downtime) to the Rag Man for a bit, gave him some eddies, and then
went into the bar. Fuckin’ Noah, the bartender won’t sell us
DEVELOPMENT (FINAL PING) no fuckin’ booze in there. Got to bring our own Smash. What
Purpose and Tone: We’ve reached the beginning of the a fuckin’ gonk! What? Oh, right! The guy. He stayed inside for
third act. From here, the action ramps up, the downtime a few minutes. Came out, got in the car, and they drove off.
vanishes, and the Edgerunners gain the information they What direction? I dunno. Away from the fuckin’ city.”
need to fill in the blanks. If you’ve run all three Pings, your
Players are probably getting tired of chasing Dalton around,
but they also have a clearer picture of who he is – a lost soul The old man in rags leans against the vending machine,
in Night City, trying to find their way. Just like everyone else. wolfing down his Burrito XXL. There’s no Skill Check
required to get him talking. He’s happy to share with
anyone who comes near.
You’ve followed the pings all across Night City and haven’t
found the thief but this one? This one’s different. For one “The young fella with the red and blue hair? He understands.
thing, it leads you outside the city, to the Sunset Motel in You need to understand, too. The world’s all Snakes and
the Red Peaks area of the Badlands. Covered in the grime Ladders. The have-nots slide down. The have-yachts climb up.

I tell him that, the young fella with the red and blue hair, when-
You speed through the desolation of the Badlands, hot
on Dalton’s tail. Finally, you’re close to buttoning this job
ever he comes to visit. The spaces on the board, they all seem
random, see? Random meetings. Random events. But they up! You’ve just turned off the highway and onto the dirt
ain’t. They happen for a reason. You pay attention, you learnroad, like Noah the bartender said, when you notice smoke
rising up from the hills ahead. The sound of explosions
where to land. How to climb up the ladders. You don’t, you slip
down the snakes. The megacorps slipped before. Nuclear fire and gunfire start soft but grow louder as you approach.
and red skies sent them sliding down a bunch of snakes. They Then you pass the second windmill and turn left and see
it – two Arasaka AVs hovering in the air and dropping
could slide down again. I told the young fella. I told him there
troops into the middle of the nomad camp. There’s chaos
was a ladder in the Badlands. A ladder he could climb. He just
needed to land on the right space.” as the Steel Vaqueros and Arasaka troops exchange
gunfire and crash together in melee combat. And, in the
THE BARTENDER middle of it all? A flash of red, blue, and yellow. There’s
Behind the bar, an older man with short, spiked blonde Dalton, taking cover behind a trailer, panic-firing at a
hair and an expression worn down by life serves drinks cadre of Arasaka soldiers advancing on his position. If
to anyone who orders – as long as he likes them. His they get to him before you do, you’ll never get the jacket!
name’s Noah and he owns the joint. He’s happy to engage The Crew’s goal is to reach Dalton. To do so, they’ll
in conversation or sell a customer a bottle of Broseph Ale need to make their way through the Arasaka Soldiers
(€$ 20) but getting him to betray confidences will require advancing on his position. Those troops are all the Crew
extra work. Making an appropriate social Skill Check at DV15 needs to worry about. The rest of the Arasaka forces
will convince Noah to open up. If the Crew drops at least are too busy engaging with the Steel Vaqueros to pay
€$100 on drinks or one of the Edgerunners is a Nomad, them any attention.
lower it to DV13. If the Crew drops at least €$100 on drinks
Ask everyone to roll Initiative. Roll one for the Arasaka
and one of the Edgerunners is a Nomad, lower it to DV9.
Soldiers. They’ll act together and there is 1 Arasaka
“Dalton, right? I wouldn’t call him a regular, but he’s Soldier for each Edgerunner in the Crew. Place Dalton
been coming around here, every so often, for a year or at the bottom of the Queue. On his Turn, he’ll pop out,
so. Asking questions. What’s nomad life like? What’s out take a shot, then drop back behind cover. If you want to
beyond Night City? Stuff like that. Sometimes he listens play Dalton to the max, you’ll find his Edgerunner stat
to the Rag Man ramble and buys him a burrito. This time, block on page 34. If you want to keep his turn short and
he came in and asked about the Steel Vaqueros. Wanted simple, roll a 1d10. On a 1 through 7, he misses. On an 8
to set something right with them. They’re a nomad pack or higher, he scores a hit on any single Arasaka Soldier
who run convoys up and down the coast. I pointed him he can draw a bead on, doing 3d6 damage.
to their camp. Head east on I-9. You’ll see a dirt road on The Crew might be tempted to prioritize helping the
your left, just past a garage. Turn up it. Count the old Steel Vaqueros over reaching Dalton, especially if there’s
windmills on the left. At the second, turn left on a path. a Nomad among them or they have a nomad friend in their
The Steel Vaqueros are squatting there, up there in flat Lifepath. Emphasize how the Steel Vaqueros don’t need
land between the hills.” help by reading the following as combat begins.
With this information, the Crew finally has a solid lead Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a grizzled old
on Dalton. They know where he’s going and they’re not nomad with two chrome arms haul up an ancient-looking
far behind. No time to waste! rocket launcher labeled with a logo you’ve never seen
Go to Cliffhanger (Nomad Camp) before: Gunmart. He fires, and a rocket spirals through
the air before exploding as it hits one of the Arasaka AVs.
CLIFFHANGER (NOMAD CAMP) The damaged vehicle spins off and crashes into the hills
Purpose and Tone: The time has come for the Crew to the north.
to meet Dalton – in the middle of a firefight between The Arasaka Soldiers have strict orders. They are
Arasaka and the Steel Vaqueros. Caught between two not to damage the jacket. Their intent is to get close
factions, with the bullets flying and explosions ringing in enough to Dalton to wrestle him to the ground, take
their ears, this Beat’s all about violence and choice. the jacket, and then put a bullet in his head. As soon

Depending on the number of Players, you might need a

different number of enemies than depicted here.

as the Crew presents a threat, they’ll switch tactics. Dalton’s happy to see the Edgerunners, as they’re not
One Soldier will continue to advance on Dalton while Arasaka, and he figures he can reason with them. He’s
the rest engage the Edgerunners. There’s no chance bleeding from several shrapnel-induced cuts, and there’s
for the Crew to ambush the enemy, either. The Arasaka a corpse next to him – a woman in leathers (recognizable
strike team wasn’t expecting the Edgerunners, but they as the woman Dalton spoke to atop Megabuilding H4). Once
are on alert and have full situational awareness of their he’s out of immediate danger because the Soldiers currently
surroundings. This is a straight-up fight against corp- hunting him are defeated, he’ll address them directly.
trained troops.
If the Crew played through Cliffhanger (Ping: NCART
At the top of each Round of Combat, roll 1d10. With Station), start with…
an even result, describe how one of the Steel Vaqueros
“You’re the Edgerunners who talked to Summer about
defeats an Arasaka Soldier. On an odd result, describe
the jacket I gave her, right?”
the opposite.
If the Crew played through Cliffhanger (Ping:
These events have no bearing on the Crew’s fight but
Megabuilding H4), start with or add…
will serve to remind them where they are – a battlefield
between two heavily armed groups they don’t belong to. “I think I saw you on H4, right? At the party!”
Then continue.
This should feel like a real battle, so if things “I owe you, chooms! Been dodging these gonks for days.
go too smoothly and easily for the Crew, give Thought they were Valentinos at first but… shit, Arasaka!
the Arasaka Soldiers some backup in the If you hadn’t come along I’d be ticking up the Body Lotto
form of a few comrades breaking away from count for sure! Look, I can see you wanna talk, but can
the fight with the nomads to lend a hand. you get me out of here? I promise to answer all your

The Crew has a choice here. They can yank the jacket the puzzle together. He surrenders the jacket without
off of Dalton and leave or kill him, but if they do so, they a fight, but he doesn’t have the Arasaka HJSH-18
won’t get the Arasaka HJSH-18 Masamune with the pink Masamune with the pink muzzle on him.
muzzle. No amount of persuasion will convince Dalton
“I’ve left it in a safe place. Tell you what, take me to
to tell them where it is and the longer they stay in the
Lizzie’s Bar, and I’ll get it for you. No tricks. I’ll even buy
nomad camp, the more likely it is that the remainder of
you a round of drinks. You saved my butt today, and I owe
the Arasaka strike team will notice them. If they pick
you. What do you say?”
this path, this Beat transforms from a Cliffhanger into
a Climax. Go to Resolution (Into the Sunset). No amount of persuasion will convince Dalton to reveal
the location of the Arasaka HJSH-18 Masamune. He knows
If they do what Dalton asks and give him a ride away
this is his last bargaining chip and his last chance to safely
from the battle zone, go to Development (Lizzie’s Bar).
get out of Night City with Summer. If the Crew wants, they
If the Crew decides to turn Dalton into Maria, go to can call the job there and go back to Falco with what they
Climax (Maria Torres). have. If they pick this path, this Development becomes a
Climax. Have the Crew decide what to do with Dalton and
The Crew doesn’t need to worry about Arasaka fol-
then go to Resolution (Into the Sunset). Otherwise, they
lowing them. As soon as they get in their vehicle, there’s
can drive into the city and go to Lizzie’s Bar.
an explosion. The Steel Vaqueros shot down the second
AV. The battle rages on, but the tide is turning in the There’s no Check needed to know about Lizzie’s Bar.
nomads’ favor. Once owned by Elizabeth “Lizzie” Borden, the braindance
club serves as the main hangout and income generator
for the Mox. Unless the Crew gives the bouncers trouble
Boost the Reputation of each Crew member to 3.
at the door, getting in isn’t a problem.
Once they’re inside, Dalton points to an empty table.
“Wait for me there, chooms. Order any drink you want
The Edgerunners weren’t the only ones to receive on me. I’ll be right back with the gun, I promise.”
the Sunset Motel Ping. By this point, Arasaka has
figured out how to track the jacket, and their AVs let Dalton wears his heart on his sleeve and is a crap liar.
them reach the scene faster. Dalton had already left A successful DV9 Human Perception Check proves he’s
the Sunset Motel by the time they flew over but a grid telling the truth.
search let them spot him in the yellow jacket, as he The Crew can order drinks and look around while they
pleaded his case to the Steel Vaqueros. Of course, the wait.
corpo soldiers attacked immediately upon receiving
visual confirmation of their target. At the bar, they might spot Saito, the businessman they
met at Tom’s Diner, perched on a stool. There’s a large
DEVELOPMENT (LIZZIE’S BAR) suitcase next to him. He’s pleased to see the Crew again
Purpose and Tone: With the excitement of the battle left and admits while he does work for Zetatech, he doesn’t
behind, the time has come to get a drink, take a breath, work in appliance sales. That’s just a cover.
slow down people’s heartbeats, and get some answers “I apologize for the subterfuge, my friends. I did work
from Dalton. in appliance sales, once upon a time, but graduated to
weapons when Zetatech acquired a few less than rep-
Inside the van, Dalton twitches nervously. “Shit, chooms, utable arms dealing firms. The company isn’t currently
that was some messed up stuff, right? Preem the way you promoting this fact.”
rescued me. I owe you, big! Why’re you after me, anyway?”
Saito is fresh out of a meeting with the Mox and has
It is up to the Players to decide how much to tell Dalton. his sample case with him. He’s willing to sell to the
He’s fairly smart (though not streetsmart). Once they Edgerunners right here and now. Give the Crew the
say they’re after the jacket and the guns stolen from chance to purchase any weapons or ammunition from
Falco’s storage unit, Dalton begins fitting the pieces of the list on page 32. He isn’t buying, though.

After the Crew settles back down at their table, Dalton If the Crew told Dalton about the tracker and the exter-
returns with Summer at his side and the pink-tipped nal biomonitor, read the following.
Arasaka HJSH-18 Masamune in his hands. He plops the
Dalton holds out his hand, “Let me see the jacket, yeah?
assault rifle on the table and grins.
I promise I’m not trying anything funny. I’m gonna help you
out.” Once Dalton has the jacket, he deploys a tool from the
If you skipped either Cliffhanger (Ping: index finger of his cyberhand and neatly detaches a corner of
NCART Station) or Cliffhanger (Ping: the liner. He reaches inside and feels around. You hear a few
Megabuilding H4), Dalton also gives the Crew snaps, like plastic disconnecting from plastic, and then he pulls
his hand back out, holding a tangle of wires and microchips.
the weapon retrieved from those Beats.
“Here’s the tech you told me about. Wish I had known about it
sooner. Would have saved me so much trouble. I’ve disabled
“See? Told you I’d be back. Thanks for rescuing me. This the tracker. Figured you don’t want Arasaka following you, too.”
is Summer, my mainline and my whole world. Would you
If the Crew didn’t tell Dalton about the tracker and the
believe I met her while we were both shoplifting from
external biomonitor, read the following instead.
a 25/7? Love at first sight! Anyway, she’s Mox, so she’s
been hiding out here since you talked to her at the NCART Dalton holds out his hand, “Let me see the jacket, please?
station. Staying safe.” I promise I’m not trying anything funny. I’m gonna help you
out.” Once Dalton has the jacket, he deploys a tool from the
This is a good chance for the Crew to ask the couple
index finger of his cyberhand and neatly detaches a corner
questions and learn more about Dalton’s actions during
of the liner. He reaches inside and feels around. You hear a
the last few days. He’ll answer honestly, providing the
few snaps, like plastic disconnecting from plastic, and then he
data you, as GM, gleaned from the Behind the Scenes
pulls his hand back out, holding a tangle of wires and micro-
section of each Beat – where it concerns him, anyway.
chips. “When you told me you were after the jacket, I realized
He and Summer also make it clear: They want a fresh
how you and Arasaka found me. Looks like a tracker and some
start, away from Night City. If pressed, he’ll admit he
sort of biomonitor? Wish I had known about it sooner. Would
was part of the group who ripped off Gustavo Orta but
have saved me so much trouble. I’ve disabled the tracker.
he swears he didn’t know who owned the stolen goods
Figured you don’t want Arasaka following you, too.”
until it was too late.
Anyone in the Crew can beat Dalton to the punch by
Once the Crew has satisfied their curiosity, Dalton
removing the tech in the jacket and disabling the tracker.
asks for a favor.
They just need to succeed at a DV15 Electronics/Security
“I just got a message from the Steel Vaqueros. They got Tech Check.
rid of Arasaka, and they’re pulling up stakes and heading
With their business done, it is time to go. If the Crew
out. You can guess why. They said they’d take me and
decides to help the couple, Dalton promises to meet them
Summer on but only after we did something to prove our-
at the nomad camp. He and Summer just want to spin by
selves. Don’t know what. Gotta be there in the next hour.
their cube and pick up a few things first. If they decide
Whatever it is, until I get away from Night City, we’d feel
not to help, the couple wishes them the best.
better having a good Crew with us. There’re still people
who want me dead. I know I ain’t got no right to ask, but… Either way, the Edgerunners leave first. Go to
will you help us? Please?” Development (Black Car). If the Crew intends to turn
Dalton over to Maria, run Development (Black Car)
There’s no reward for this. Dalton literally spent his
before going to Climax (Maria Torres).
last eddies on the drinks the Crew ordered, and the
jacket and Masamune were the only things of any real DEVELOPMENT (BLACK CAR)
value he had to barter with. All he and Summer can offer
Purpose and Tone: We hinted at Arasaka’s involvement
is sincere gratitude for their help.
back in Development (Tom’s Diner) and confirmed it in the
If the Crew agrees, the couple expresses their thanks pings. Now, it is time to meet someone more frightening
with exuberance. If the Crew turns down the request, than a squad of Arasaka Soldiers – the high-ranking exec
they’re obviously crushed but understanding. holding their leash.

You exit Lizzie’s on a high. The job’s done and you just need If the Crew attacked the corpo and you want to end
to meet up with Falco to get your eddies. Life can’t get any the story on an intense but bleak note to show the
better, right? Right. Because life can always get worse. futility of denying a megacorp in the Dark Future, go to
An armored, black Villefort Cortes V5000 Valor pulls up Climax (Adam Smasher). Otherwise, go to Climax (Maria
in front of you. The rear passenger window fades from Torres) or Climax (A Test of Worth) as needed.
black to transparent, revealing a corpo wearing a suit
worth more than all of you put together. On his collar? An BEHIND THE SCENES
Arasaka pin denoting twenty-five years of service. You might be wondering – how did the Arasaka Exec know
to be at Lizzie’s Bar now, of all times? Maybe a recon
Pause a moment for dramatic effect before continuing.
drone followed the Crew from the nomad camp. Maybe
Speakers placed strategically on the outside of the Arasaka keeps tabs on who comes and goes from the
Valor carry the corpo’s voice as they speak. “I believe you bar. The truth is, it doesn’t matter. This just emphasizes
to be in possession of a yellow jacket with green markings the all-powerful, frightening nature of the megacorpora-
on the back. I will pay you 5,000 Eurodollars for it. You tions in the world of Cyberpunk – they’re always there,
have five minutes to decide.” The window darkens once even when you can’t see them.
more, hiding the Exec’s face from view.
Purpose and Tone: Life is cheap in Night City and Dalton’s
Set a timer. A real timer, on your phone or
is worth 1,000 eddies. Time for the Crew to collect. After
another device. Place it where everyone can all, in the City of Dreams, every eddie counts.
see. This should be a tense moment and the
timer will add to the pressure the Players feel.
You call the number Maria flashed you and receive
instructions: Bring Dalton to the garage of Megabuilding
Assuming the Crew hasn’t already disposed of the H5 in Vista del Rey. She’ll pay you the bounty once he’s in
external biomonitor, ask for a DV13 Deduction Check. her custody but only if he’s alive. A dead Dalton is worth
With a success, they realize the corpo wants the data exactly zero eddies.
on the external biomonitor, not the jacket itself. If the If the Crew hasn’t yet taken Dalton to Lizzie’s Bar,
Edgerunners want, they can hand over the device Dalton they can drive him to the garage without subduing or
pulled out of the jacket and get paid, then get paid again restraining him. Midway through the trip, he realizes they
by Falco when they give him the jacket. If the Players aren’t traveling in the right direction unless he’s suit-
figure this out on their own, no Check is needed. ably distracted by a DV15 Conversation Check. If Dalton
The Crew might also think to call Falco. That’s David’s data notices, an Edgerunner sitting nearby can subdue him
on the external biomonitor, after all, and David was his friend. by dropping his HP to 5 or less via attacks or grappling
him and then choking him out (see Rule Book page 10). They
“Your choice, choombas, but I reckon you should hand it
can also pull a classic move: draw their gun, point it at
over. I don’t want it and there’s no need for more people
Dalton’s head, and growl, “Don’t move.” Succeeding at
to die. I’ve got enough ghosts haunting me. I don’t need
this maneuver requires success on a DV13 Persuasion
yours among ‘em.”
Check. If Dalton isn’t subdued or intimidated, he tries
If the Crew agrees to sell the external biomonitor, the to leap out of the van, even if it is moving. Stopping him
front passenger window rolls down. A brute of a body- requires an opposed Brawling Check to initiate a grapple
guard/driver accepts the device from the Crew, then by one of the passengers or a DV15 Drive Land Vehicle
hands them a roll of cash adding up to 5,000 Eurodollars. Check by the driver to slam Dalton back inside using a
The window rolls up and the Valor drives off. sudden turn and inertia.
If the Crew refuses to sell the external biomonitor or If the Crew calls Maria after the trip to Lizzie’s Bar,
destroys it, the Valor’s external speakers project a single they can convince Dalton and Summer to ride with
sentence before the car drives off: “A poor decision.” If, them in the van with a DV17 Persuasion Check. Once
for some reason, the Crew decides to open fire? The the pair are in the vehicle, treat the situation as above
car’s armor deflects their bullets as it speeds away. but increase the DVs of the Conversation and Drive

Land Vehicle Checks to 17. If the Check fails, Dalton and If he isn’t on good terms with the Crew, Dalton takes
Summer realize something is wrong and attempt to run. this opportunity to run the hell away. If Summer is
The Edgerunners will need to subdue or intimidate them. present, she runs with him.
Subduing or intimidating either Dalton or Summer will
Maria and the Valentinos fight to the death. They know
cause the other to surrender immediately.
that if they don’t get the job done, Gustavo will “retire
During the drive, Dalton and Summer beg for their them” in favor of someone who can.
lives if they know something is wrong. Dalton will first
If Dalton escapes, dies, or is turned over to Maria, the
try to appeal to the Crew’s better natures and negotiate
Crew loses the chance to retrieve any items not already
release for himself and Summer. When that fails, he’ll beg
in their possession. Time to meet with Falco and turn
them to let Summer go as “She didn’t klep from Gustavo.”
over what they have. Go to Resolution (Into the Sunset).
Summer, for her part, must be pushed out of the van,
requiring a DV13 Brawling Check. She won’t abandon If Crew double-crossed Maria and Dalton survived, this
Dalton otherwise. Climax transforms into a Cliffhanger. Go to Development
(Lizzie’s Bar), Climax (Adam Smasher), or Climax (A
If the Crew wants to double-cross Maria, Dalton and
Test of Worth) as needed.
Summer will agree and pretend to be captured so long
as they receive a cut of the bounty and the Crew has a CLIMAX (ADAM SMASHER)
plan to extract them from danger.
Purpose and Tone: Only run this Beat if the Crew
Maria and a cadre of Valentino Gonks (1 per attacked the corpo in Development (Black Car) and
Edgerunner) wait in the garage, guns drawn and ready. you feel your Players will dig a final, brutal showdown
Assuming all goes smooth, a pair of Gonks take charge of against the biggest, nastiest bad in Night City. We need to
Dalton. Once he’s in their grasp, Maria sends the payment emphasize this is a fight they can’t win, and this Climax is
over. If Summer is present, Maria gives her one chance designed to show the futility of the Cyberpunk world – in
to flee, since she isn’t “on the list.” Summer refuses the end, you can’t even save yourself. Don’t run it unless
to leave Dalton’s side unless an Edgerunner restrains your group will enjoy going down in a bright ball of flames.
her or convinces her with a DV21 Persuasion Check. If
dragged away, Summer curses the Crew and runs off as J10
soon as possible.
Maria and the Valentinos stuff Dalton, and possi-
bly Summer, in a truck and drive away. By tomorrow
morning, they’ll be just another statistic for the body

Any funny business on the Crew’s part prompts the
Valentinos to open fire. Create an Initiative Queue. Roll
once for Maria and once for the Valentino Gonks as a
group. Use the garage map but instruct the Players to
ignore the NCPD cruiser. It isn’t present.
If he is on good terms with the Crew and has a weapon,
Dalton runs for cover and fires on the Valentinos.
Otherwise, he runs for cover and hides. If you want to
play Dalton to the max, you’ll find his stat block on page 34.
If you want to keep his turn short and simple, roll a 1d10.
On a 1 through 5, he misses. On a 6 or higher, he scores a
hit on the Valentino closest to him and does 3d6 damage.
If Summer is present and able, she sticks to Dalton’s side
and acts as a spotter, pointing out possible shots.

You’ve just left Night City when something falls from the If there’s a Nomad in the Crew, she gives them a nod
sky and slams into the hood of your vehicle, stopping it of respect.
dead. You crawl out of the wreckage just in time to watch
“Name’s Lola Blaine. People call me Mama Lola. I’m in
a towering monster of metal stride through the smoke.
charge here. Not a lot of time, so I’ll drive right to the
“You weaklings implant a little chrome, and start think- end of the road. Dalton, you want in, you need to prove
ing you can call the shots. Time to die, little meat.” yourself to the pack. You saw earlier. We shot down both
of those Arasaka AVs. That’s good tech just lying around.
Adam Smasher’s here to kill you.
We’d be fools to leave it. Problem is, corpos always want
Ask the Players to roll Initiative. Place Adam Smasher payback. With us packing up in a hurry, we’ve got limited
at the top of the Queue. He always goes first. The battle hands. Got one AV and most of the second looted. You say
will be brutal. Devastating. No matter how much damage you’re a mechanic. Take a truck, drive up, and pull the big
the Crew does to Adam Smasher, he can still take more. gun off. Bring it back ready to use. You do that, and you
This isn’t a fight the Crew can win. No one is coming to can run with us.”
help them. Adam Smasher won’t accept surrender. He’s
been let off his chain and meat needs to die. The Crew has a choice. Help Dalton and Summer fulfill
their task for the Steel Vaqueros or let them go it alone.
Whenever Adam Smasher inflicts a particularly dev- If they let the couple go it alone, they can leave and turn
astating blow or drops an Edgerunner’s Hit Points to 0, in the goods to Falco. Go to Resolution (Into the Sunset).
feel free to bark a one-liner in his grumbling voice. Some Otherwise, continue on.
examples are below.
The Arasaka AV in question is far enough up the road
“You should have known your place!” the Crew needs to drive at least part of the distance.
“See how flimsy your bodies are?” When they arrive, Dalton hops off and hurries over to
the wreckage. Summer follows, lugging his toolbox with
“I’m not even getting excited. Put up more of a fight, her. In short order, she’s handing him wrenches, and he’s
meat!” uncoupling the turret from the AV.
“Meat doesn’t need to understand. Just to die!” If there’s a Tech in the Crew, they’re free to help out.
“Everyone thinks they’re the next damn Morgan If the Crew killed Maria Torres in Climax (Maria
Blackhand.” Torres), things run smooth. Dalton detaches the turret.
Once the battle ends and everyone’s dead, go to Jump forward to Back to Camp in this Climax.
Resolution (Flatlined). Otherwise, trouble hits a few minutes after Dalton
CLIMAX (A TEST OF WORTH) begins work. Ask the Edgerunners for a DV13 Perception
Check. Anyone who succeeds spots a plume of dust in the
Purpose and Tone: The Crew has decided to end things distance – someone’s driving their way. Dalton pops his
on a bright note by giving Dalton and Summer a chance head out of the wreckage.
to start over with a new life. First, though, they’ll need to
prove their resolve and slug it out in one last battle. “Mama Lola called! Says a truck just shot past the camp
in our direction! Valentino colors! I think Gustavo’s sol-
diers have found us!”
By the time you arrive at the nomad camp, almost every-
thing is nearly packed. They’ve loaded a dozen vehicles, Set up the map as shown.
ranging from cars to big rigs, with rolled-up tents, bulging
Give the Players a moment to decide how they want
bags, and crates marked with the logos of a dozen dif-
to handle things. They can try to hide and set up an
ferent corporations. Almost every nomad you see sports
ambush using the rules on page 11 of the Rule Book,
injuries, but they’re all working, just the same. As you step
prepare for a straight-out fight, or negotiate and try
out of your vehicle, an older woman, skin beaten rough by
to end this diplomatically. Dalton and Summer will follow
weather and time, walks over to you. Her head’s bandaged
the Crew’s lead.
up, and she’s got a shotgun casually held in her hands,
ready should things go south. When everyone’s ready, proceed.

Depending on the number of Players, you might need a

different number of enemies than depicted here.

A Thorton Mackinaw MTL1 sporting Valentino colors find his stat block on page 34. If you want to keep his
screeches to a stop. Valentinos pile out of the truck bed turn short and simple, roll a 1d10. On a 1 through 5, he
and cab. The nastiest looking of them all, a woman with misses. On a 6 or higher, he scores a hit on the Valentino
scars marking her face, calls out, “Thought we wouldn’t closest to him and does 3d6 damage. Keep an eye on
be watching your cube, Dalton? Thought we wouldn’t put a the combat. Once, during the fight, when an Edgerunner
tracker on your ride and follow you out into the Badlands? is in a tight spot, Dalton comes to the rescue and suc-
You thought wrong! We’re here to deliver a message, ceeds at an automatic Aimed Shot to a Valentino Gonk’s
pendejo. No one steals from Gustavo Orta and lives!” head, shouting, “I’m climbing up that fuckin’ ladder no
matter what!!!” He’s had a rough few days. He deserves
CHOOSING VIOLENCE a moment of glory.
If the Crew decided to ambush the Valentinos and Summer stays next to Dalton and acts as a spotter,
succeeded, they get one Attack Action each. Once the pointing out possible shots.
Ambush Round ends, ask for Initiative rolls.
The Valentino squad consists of Maria Torres and 1 Maria isn’t Adam Smasher, but she’s still tough as
Valentino Gonk per Edgerunner present (minimum 1). hell. This is the final fight, so it is designed to be
The Valentino Gonks all go as a group, so only roll once punishing. Encourage the Players to pull out all
for them. Roll separately for Maria. the stops. There’s no point in conserving ammo
Anyone near Dalton will hear him mutter, “Holy shit, and this is their last chance to spend their LUCK!
that’s Maria Torres! Gustavo’s right hand!” If things seem too easy for a final fight, more
Dalton’s a smart fighter. He finds cover, sticks to it Valentinos can drive in and add to the mayhem.
unless he’s forced to move, and takes shots at oppor-
tune targets. If you want to play Dalton to the max, you’ll

If, during the fight, a Netrunner thinks to activate the AV’s • Trick Maria into believing Arasaka is only minutes
turret and use it, they must succeed at a DV12 Interface away from coming to retrieve the downed AV and
Check. If they gain control, they can order the turret to fire. anyone who doesn’t want to be gunned down should
It fires on its own with a Heavy Weapons Skill Base of 12 get the hell out. DV17 Acting or Business Check.
and does 6d6 damage upon hitting. The turret is stuck in
• Offer Maria a future favor from the Crew in
single-shot mode with a ROF 1, meaning it can attack once
exchange for letting Dalton go. DV17 Bribery or
per Round at the end of the Netrunner’s Turn. It can fire
Trading Check.
three times before it breaks down and stops functioning.
• Trick Maria into believing the downed AV is about to
Maria and the Valentinos fight to the death. They know
blow up and anyone present should get the hell out
that if they don’t get the job done, Gustavo will “retire
or go up with it. DV21 Acting or DV15 Electronics/
them” in favor of someone who can.
Security Tech Check.
USING YOUR WORDS Failing even one Check ends negotiations. Maria orders
To succeed at diplomacy, the Crew must speak to Maria the Valentinos to open fire, and combat begins. If all three
directly. She’ll agree to parley but only if she doesn’t Checks succeed, Maria growls, “You’re lucky, Dalton. I
suspect an ambush is coming. Any Edgerunners in hiding ever see you again, I’ll use you for target practice.” The
must succeed at a Stealth Check against Maria’s Perception. Valentinos climb up into their vehicle and take off.
If she spots them, diplomacy ends and combat begins. Of course, the Crew can also wash their hands of the
Gustavo sent Maria to end Dalton’s life and convincing her whole mess and turn Dalton over to Maria, who will shoot
to leave will be exceptionally difficult. To do so, the Crew him on the spot. Summer will scream and attack Maria
must succeed at three separate Skill Checks. The basis in her grief and end up dead beside her mainline. The
of each Check must be different and can’t be repeated. Valentinos leave without another word. If this happens,
For example, they can only convince Maria that Dalton is a go to Resolution (Into the Sunset).
pathetic coward who isn’t worth the trouble once.
Which Skills the Players choose is up to them but here
When the dust settles, and the confrontation ends, Dalton
are a few suggestions. Remember to reward creativity
whoops and shouts out his thanks to the Edgerunners.
and style, and be sure to run a Facedown between Maria
and one of the Edgerunners before the action begins! “Come on! We can bring the turret back to the Steel
• Convince Maria that Dalton fleeing Night City as a
coward sends as strong a message as his death Dalton, Summer, and the Crew return to the Nomad Camp
would to potential enemies of Gustavo. DV17 in victory. The couple has earned their place in the Steel
Persuasion Check. Vaqueros. While the two of them rush to help with whatever
they can in the final packing, Mama Lola takes the Crew aside.
• Trade Dalton’s life for something valuable, such as
the external biomonitor from the yellow jacket or “I know he couldn’t have done it without you, and I’m
the turret from the downed AV. DV15 Bribery or grateful. Selling the tech we get from those AVs will fill
Trading Check. our bellies and our fuel tanks for a while. If you want,
there’s a place in the Vaqueros for you, too… but we can’t
• Appeal to Maria’s compassion, pointing out Dalton
wait for you to fetch your stuff. We’ve got to go now.”
deserves a chance to live and make something of
himself. DV24 Persuasion Check. Each Edgerunner can decide for themselves how to
respond to Mama Lola’s offer. If any take it, this is a
• Convince Maria she has a good chance to come out
chance for some good roleplaying as those staying
of this fight dead. DV21 Persuasion Check.
behind say farewell to their comrades. Anyone who
• Point out Dalton is now a member of the Steel declines the offer receives a hearty handshake from
Vaqueros, and killing him could cause strife Mama Lola and a promise they’re always welcome in
between the nomads and the Valentinos. DV17 the Steel Vaqueros camp should they ever cross paths
Streetwise Check. again.

With Dalton and Summer ensconced in their new family,
all that’s left is to report back to Falco.

If the Crew traded the turret to Maria in

exchange for Dalton’s life, the Steel Vaqueros
will still accept the couple but with less
enthusiasm. Mama Lola won’t be offering
the Crew membership in her pack.

Go to Resolution (Into the Sunset)

Purpose and Tone: Night City’s a brutal place. Edgerunners
flame out, fizzle, and die every single day. This is the end of
the Crew’s story, and it isn’t a happy one. Go here if every
member of the Crew dies in a single Beat.

The world goes dark and Night City spins on without you.
Hundreds will follow in your footsteps. They’ll pick up a
gun to run on The Edge. As for you? Maybe you burned so
brightly they named a drink for you at the Afterlife.
First, Falco asks for the items. As the Edgerunners
Or maybe they didn’t. return each one, he tells a little story.
Either way? You’ll never know. The Arasaka HJSH-18 Masamune
Because you’re dead, choomba. and Arasaka TKI-20 Shingen
“She always did love cute guns. Don’t mind me. Just got
RESOLUTION (INTO THE SUNSET) a little of that Badlands dust in my eyes.”
Purpose and Tone: We’ve come to the end, GM. You’ve done
The Beat Up Militech M-10AF Lexington
an amazing job setting the scene, adjudicating the rules,
and guiding your Players to this point. When you’re done, “I’m amazed this old girl still shoots straight. Two
pour yourself a drink (alcoholic or non, as you prefer) and friends of mine used this gun for practice, you know. I
pretend we’re there with you, lifting a glass in your honor. miss them both something fierce.”
You did one hell of a job. All that’s left is to bring it home
The Yellow Jacket
with a bittersweet resolution.
“She’s safe now. Gone, like you both wanted. She was
Falco sounds tired as he talks to you over the holo. He asks too good for this place. You were too, I reckon. Don’t
you to meet him in the parking lot of the Sunset Motel. As worry about me. I’m gonna be alright. I promise.”
soon as you can get there. He’ll be waiting. When you pull up,
he’s there, arms crossed, resting against his idling Chevillon These “little stories” aren’t for the
Emperor. All he needs is a ten-gallon hat pulled down low over Edgerunners. They aren’t even for Falco.
his eyes to complete the image of the trail-weary cowboy.
They’re bittersweet moments designed to
Falco nods to the Crew and pushes upright, motioning tug on the heartstrings of fans of Cyberpunk:
them over to join him. He pops open the back hatch of the Edgerunners. If you can, say them in a slow,
Emperor, revealing the cargo space to be stuffed full of boxes mournful drawl. Let the impact really hit home.
and bags.

Once he has his mementos back, Falco pays the Crew DOWNTIME SHOPPING AND SELLING
as promised. Five hundred eddies each per item retrieved During Downtime (see page 12), your Crew has a chance
plus a flat one thousand eddie bonus if they brought back to buy gear or sell loot they’ve picked up along the way.
everything. Subtract five hundred eddies from each Use the following table to determine prices. The numbers
Edgerunner’s total if Falco gave them an advance back in listed are for both buying and selling. During each trans-
Development (Meeting Falco). If the Crew negotiated for action, ask the Crew member making the deal for a DV17
“a little something extra”, Falco nods his head, hesitates Trading Check. If they’re buying and succeed, they haggle
for a moment, then draws his Techtronika RT-46 Burya the price down and get 10% off their purchase. If they’re
from the holster and holds it out. selling and fail, the buyer haggles the price down and
“This ol’ girl got me through plenty a scrape. Figure she purchases it for 10% less. Remember, Fixers receive a
can keep watch over one of you, too.” +4 on the Check due to their Role Ability.
Once they’ve finished their dealings, Falco offers one Item Cost
last farewell. Then he closes the back hatch, climbs Ammunition
into the driver’s seat, and rides off into the sunset
Bullets/Shells (all guns)
– metaphorically. €$10
(per 10 bullets/shells)
He actually heads south – away from where the Crew Smart Ammo (all guns)
will find more excitement and adventure as full-fledged €$50
(per 10 bullets/shells)
Edgerunners in Night City. Time to tell their own story.
Congratulations! You’ve finished your first Cyberpunk HJKE-11 Yukimura
Mission. Let’s chat a bit about aftercare. Running multiple Arasaka HJSH-18
sessions of Cyberpunk can be absolutely draining. The Masamune
low energy you experience after the high of the game can Arasaka TKI-20 Shingen €$1,000
lead to a form of post-performance depression we call Budget Arms Carnage €$100
the GM Blues. When they set in, focus on the fun you had.
Push away worries about how well you did and leave the Constitutional
question of “could I have done better” for later. There is Arms Unity
value in examining and critiquing your performance as a Kang Tao L-69 Zhuo €$1,000
Gamemaster, but it is best done after you’ve put some Militech Crusher €$1,000
distance between yourself and the game. Militech
If you and your Crew are interested in playing further, M-10AF Lexington
visit the R. Talsorian Games website using the QR Militech M-76e Omaha €$500
code below. There, you’ll find links for buying the full Rostović DB-2
Cyberpunk RED core rulebook in either digital or physical €$500
Satara Shotgun
format, as well as hundreds of pages of free content
Techtronika RT-46 Burya €$1,000
to enhance your game… including a new gig written for
use with the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit, no Techtronikia SPT32 Grad €$500
spending of eddies required. Tsunami Arms Nekomata €$1,000
Berserk Implant €$1,000
Cyberarm €$500
Gorilla Arm €$1,000
Mantis Blade €$500
Monowire €$1,000
Self-ICE €$500


On the following pages you’ll find stat blocks for many of the important NPCs your Crew will encounter. Most will be enemies
but a rare few will act as allies.

7 20

ROLE Nomad 6 (+6 to Drive Land Vehicle. Already included below) DEATH
Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type

Brawling Attack Brawling 12 2d6 — 2 —

Handgun 14 4d6 4 1 Tech Weapon
RT-46 Burya
DV for Techtronika RT-46 Burya based on range from target (in m/yds)
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 30 — —

Type Location SP vs Most Attacks SP vs Melee/Charged Tech Weapons

Light Armorjack Head 11 6

Light Armorjack Body 11 6

Athletics 8 • Brawling 12 • Concentration 6 • Conversation 10 • Deduction 10 • Drive Land Vehicle 20
Education 6 • Endurance 10 • Evasion 12 • First Aid 11 • Handgun 14 • Human Perception 12
Local Expert 12 • Perception 12 • Persuasion 8 • Resist Torture/Drugs 10 • Stealth 10
Streetwise 8 • Tracking 12 • Wardrobe & Style 8
The central control system for all of Falco’s cyberware. Includes a holophone.
EMP Threading
Cool lines on Falco’s face.

Arasaka Cyberarm
Falco’s cyberarm allows him to fire his Techtronika RT-46 Burya without breaking any bones.


Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this page.

1 18
NAME Dalton Estevan-Luis REP WOUNDED

ROLE Tech 4 (+4 to Elec/Security Tech Checks. Already included below) DEATH
Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type

Brawling Attack Brawling 8 1d6 — 2 —

Handgun 12 3d6 12 2 Power Weapon
Arms Unity
DV for Constitutional Arms Unity based on range from target (in m/yds)
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 30 — —

Type Location SP vs Most Attacks SP vs Melee/Tech Weapons

Light Armorjack Head 11 6

Light Armorjack Body 11 6

Athletics 8 • Brawling 8 • Concentration 8 • Conversation 6 • Drive Land Vehicle 10
Education 7 • Electronics/Security Tech 17 • Evasion 12 • First Aid 13 • Handgun 12
Human Perception 16 • Local Expert 7 • Perception 7 • Persuasion 6 • Resist Torture/Drugs 10
Stealth 10 • Streetwise 8
The central control system for all of Dalton’s cyberware. Includes a holophone.
Tech Hair
A shock of red and blue hair, artificial and programmable.

Dynalar Tool Cyberarm

Dalton’s hand can unfold to deploy a multitude of tools, so he’s always able to work.



Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this page.

0 15
Nameless NPCs like those on this page receive less detail than Characters like Falco or Dalton. Just enough to run them in an encounter.

ROLE Medtech 2 (Gains Surgery Skill) DEATH

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type

Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this page.
Constitutional Arms Unity Handgun 12 3d6 12 2 Power Weapon
DV for Constitutional Arms Unity based on range from target (in m/yds)
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 30 — —
Type Location SP vs Most Attacks SP vs Melee/Charged Tech Weapons
Kevlar® Head / Body 7/7 4/4
Athletics 7 • Brawling 7 • Evasion 8 • Human Perception 6 • Paramedic 12 • Perception 8
Neuroport: The central control system for all a user’s cyberware. Includes a holophone.

1 18


Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type
Militech M-10AF Lexington Handgun 12 3d6 21 2 Power Weapon
DV for Militech M-10A Lexington based on range from target (in m/yds)
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 30 — —
Type Location SP vs Most Attacks SP vs Melee/Charged Tech Weapons
Light Armorjack Head / Body 11 / 11 6/6
Athletics 10 • Brawling 8 • Evasion 10 • Human Perception 8 • Perception 12
Neuroport: The central control system for all a user’s cyberware. Includes a holophone.

1 18
NAME Edgerunner Gonk REP WOUNDED
Nameless NPCs like those on this page receive less detail than Characters like Falco or Dalton. Just enough to run them in an encounter.

ROLE Solo 2 (+2 to Initiative Rolls) DEATH

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type

Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this page.
Long Blade Melee 13 3d6 — 2 Melee Weapon
Rostović DB-2 Satara Sh Arms 11 5d6 2 1 Tech Weapon
DV for Rostović DB-2 Satara Shotgun based on range from target (in m/yds)
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 35 — —
Type Location SP vs Most Attacks SP vs Melee/Charged Tech Weapons
Kevlar® Head / Body 7/7 4/4
Athletics 8 • Brawling 8 • Evasion 10 • Human Perception 6 • Perception 7 • Stealth 10
Neuroport: The central control system for all a user’s cyberware. Includes a holophone.

1 15
NAME Enemy Netrunner REP WOUNDED

ROLE Netrunner 3 (Interface 3 • 2 Net Actions per Turn) DEATH

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type
Constitutional Arms Unity Handgun 10 3d6 12 2 Power Weapon
DV for Constitutional Arms Unity based on range from target (in m/yds)
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 30 — —
Type Location SP vs Most Attacks SP vs Melee/Charged Tech Weapons
Light Armorjack Head / Body 11 / 11 6/6
Athletics 6 • Brawling 6 • Evasion 8 • Human Perception 8 • Perception 8 • Stealth 10
Neuroport w/ Cyberdeck: Their Neuroport is loaded with a Cyberdeck so they can Quickhack.

2 20
NAME Arasaka Soldier REP WOUNDED
Nameless NPCs like those on this page receive less detail than Characters like Falco or Dalton. Just enough to run them in an encounter.

ROLE Solo 2 (+2 to Initiative Rolls) DEATH

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type

Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this page.
Arasaka HJSH-18 Masamune Sh Arms 13 (Single Shot & Autofire) 5d6 24 1 Power Weapon
DV for Arasaka HJSH-18 Masamune based on range from target (in m/yds). Second # is Autofire.
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
17/22 16/20 15/17 13/20 15/25 20/— 25/— 30/—
Type Location SP vs Most Attacks SP vs Melee/Charged Tech Weapons
Light Armorjack Head / Body 11 / 11 6/6
Athletics 10 • Brawling 10 • Evasion 11 • Human Perception 9 • Perception 10 • Tactics 10
Neuroport: The central control system for all a user’s cyberware. Includes a holophone.
Self-ICE x2: To Quickhack an Arasaka Soldier, a Netrunner must first Breach 2 Passwalls (DV8).

1 18

ROLE Solo 2 (+2 to Initiative Rolls) DEATH

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type
Spiked Baseball Bat Melee 10 3d6 — 2 Melee Weapon
Militech M-76e Omaha Handgun 12 3d6 9 2 Tech Weapon
DV for Militech M-76e Omaha based on range from target (in m/yds)
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 30 — —
Type Location SP vs Most Attacks SP vs Melee/Charged Tech Weapons
Light Armorjack Head / Body 11 / 11 6/6
Athletics 8 • Brawling 10 • Evasion 12 • Human Perception 8 • Perception 8
Neuroport: The central control system for all a user’s cyberware. Includes a holophone.

Most of Adam Smasher’s equipment & cyberware is unique and has been heavily upgraded and modified by Arasaka’s best Techs.

10 —

ROLE Solo 9 (+9 to Initiative, though he always goes first anyway) DEATH
ATTACKS All of Adam Smasher’s Ammunition is Armor Piercing. When it penetrates armor, the armor is ablated by 2 instead of 1.
Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type

Adam Smasher’s Fists Brawling 18 5d6 — 2 Halves SP

Shoulder-Mounted Heavy Explosive
18 9d6 4 1
Rocket Launcher Weapons Smart Weapon
DV for Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launcher based on range from target (in m/yds)
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
17 16 15 15 20 20 25 30
Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type
Pop-Up Autoshotgun 18 6d6 16 2 Power Weapon
DV for Pop-Up Autoshotgun based on range from target (in m/yds)
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 35 — —
Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type
Adam Smasher’s Heavy See Autofire (x5) only
18 80 1
Chain Gun Weapons Type Power Weapon
DV for Adam Smasher’s Chain Gun based on range from target (in m/yds)
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
22 20 17 20 25 — — —
Type Location SP vs Most Attacks SP vs Melee/Charged Tech Weapons
Adam Smasher’s
Head 18 18
Adam Smasher’s
Body 18 18
Athletics 14 • Autofire 18 • Brawling 18 • Bureaucracy 10 • Conceal/Reveal Object 12
Concentration 16 • Conversation 2 • Cybertech 16 • Drive Land Vehicle 12 • Education 10
Electronics/Security Tech 10 • Endurance 18 • Evasion 18 • First Aid 10 • Handgun 18
Heavy Weapons 18 • Human Perception 3 • Interrogation 15 • Local Expert 8 • Melee Weapon 18
Paramedic 10 • Perception 16 • Persuasion 8 • Resist Torture/Drugs 18 • Shoulder Arms 18
Stealth 12 • Streetwise 10 • Tactics 13 • Wardrobe & Style 12

Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this page.

NAME Adam Smasher

The central control system for all of Adam Smasher’s cyberware. Includes a holophone.
Self-ICE x3
To Quickhack an Adam Smasher, a Netrunner must first Breach 3 Passwalls (DV10).
Self-ICE Regenerator
At the beginning of Adam Smasher’s Turn, any Netrunner Jacked Into Adam Smasher’s
Neuroport Net Architecture is automatically Jacked Out and his Self-ICE Passwalls regenerate.
Communications Receiver w/ Descrambler
As an Action, Adam Smasher can make a DV13 Electronics/Security Tech Check. If he succeeds, he
can listen in on any nearby (within 50 m/yds [25 squares]) holo or radio communications.
Jets in Adam Smasher’s legs allow him to ignore movement penalties for jumps.
Armor Regeneration Matrix
The first time Adam Smasher’s HP drops to 40 or lower, his armor regenerates back to SP 18.
FBC Body
Adam Smasher’s full borg body allows him to ignore the effects of Choke Actions and Critical
Injuries (including Bonus Damage). He also doesn’t have to breathe, eat, or drink.

Berserk Implant
Adam Smasher does not suffer negative effects when Seriously Wounded or Mortally Wounded,
though he must still make Death Saves if someone manages to knock him down to 0 HP.

Adam Smasher’s Sandevistan

Adam Smasher is fitted with an experimental Sandevistan. It is always on during combat. As a
result, he can take an extra Move or Attack Action on his Turn. No, this doesn’t cause Humanity
or Hit Point loss for Adam like it did David. Adam Smasher was born different.

A Note for Cyberpunk RED GMs

The above list only reflects the cyberware crucial for play using the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mis-
sion Kit. If playing Adam Smasher using Cyberpunk RED rules, add in Low Light / Infrared / UV x2,
Anti-Dazzle x2, Hardened Shielding for all cyberware, and a Level Damper plus whatever else you feel
he needs. As for what type of FBC Body he has? It is unique. He’s his own brand of chrome god.



Rocket Launcher Autoshotgun


Chain Gun
Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this page.
5 23

ROLE Solo 6 (+6 to Initiative Rolls) DEATH

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Type

Mantis Blade x2 Melee 16 3d6 — 1 Melee Weapon

Handgun 16 4d6 4 1 Tech Weapon
RT-46 Burya
DV for Techtronika RT-46 Burya based on range from target (in m/yds)
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 30 — —

Type Location SP vs Most Attacks SP vs Melee/Tech Weapons

Light Armorjack Head 11 6

Light Armorjack Body 11 6

Athletics 16 • Brawling 14 • Bribery 10 • Concentration 8 • Conversation 7 • Drive Land Vehicle 10
Education 8 • Endurance 10 • Evasion 16 • First Aid 8 • Handgun 16 • Human Perception 9
Interrogation 12 • Local Expert 10 • Melee Weapon 16 • Perception 12 • Persuasion 10
Resist Torture/Drugs 12 • Stealth 10 • Streetwise 12 • Tactics 10 • Wardrobe & Style 8
The central control system for all of Maria’s cyberware. Includes a holophone.
EMP Threading
Cool lines on Maria’s face.

Arasaka Mantis Blade Cyberarm x2

Maria has replaced both her upper meat limbs with Mantis Blade-loaded Cyberarms.

Berserk Implant
If this implant is activated, Maria does not suffer negative effects when Seriously Wounded or
Mortally Wounded, though she must still make Death Saves at 0 HP.


Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this page.
Beat Chart for The Jacket

The Hook Cliffhanger Development Development

page 6 (First Fight) (Meeting Falco) (Tom’s Diner)
page 6 page 7 page 9

Cl w
in llo
nt o

le ’t F


Va on
The three Pings can be done
in any order, as decided on by PING
Cliffhanger Development
the GM. Development
(Megabuilding H4) (Downtime)
Return to Development (El Coyote Cojo)
page 16 page 12 Follow
page 13

Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this page.

(Downtime) after each Ping.
During the Pings, the Crew Clue
can always visit Development
(El Coyote Cojo) to learn more

When finished with pings

about Dalton.
When finished w/ the Pings go PING
to Development (Final Ping). Cliffhanger
(Abandoned Shanty Town) PING
page 20 (NCART Station)
page 14

Resolution Development Cliffhanger

(Into the Sunset) D (Final Ping) (Nomad Camp)
Cre alton
page 31 w d do
eci esn page 21 page 22
des ’t s
not urvi ria
to ve o o Ma
hel r o nt
im alt

Take Dalton
to Lizzie’s

Climax Dalton survives & Crew (Maria Torres)
decides to help him
(A Test of Worth) page 26
Development CX300 • First Printing
page 28
Go to Resolution (Lizzie’s Bar)
(Flatlined) if, at Cre
wd page 24
Take Dalton

any point, the eci

to Maria

entire Crew is to h
dead. Dal

The Crew can abandon

Dalton and report to
Resolution (Adam Smasher)
Crew attacks Corpo Development Falco at any point after
(Flatlined) page 27 Cliffhanger (Nomad Camp).
(Black Car)
page 31 If they do, go to Resolution
page 25 (Into the Sunset).

© 2024 CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved. CD PROJEKT, the CD PROJEKT logo, Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk 2077, the Cyberpunk 2077 logo, Phantom Liberty, the Phantom Liberty logo,
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners and the SAMURAI logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of CD PROJEKT S.A. in the US and/or other countries.

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