Gunkel, 2000
Gunkel, 2000
Gunkel, 2000 ournals/limno
© by Urban & Fischer Verlag
Technical University of Berlin, Institute of Technical Environmental Protection, Department Water Quality Control, Berlin, Germany
Key words: Limnology, tropical lakes, high mountain lakes, Ecuador, Lake San Pablo, South America
Tropical high mountain lakes in the Andean area of Ecuador are a A special type of tropical lake are the mountain lakes in
special type of lake, that had not been studied. They are cold water the equatorial zone. These lakes are situated directly on the
lakes situated 3,000 to 4,000 m above sea level, directly on the equa- equator where they receive intensive illumination without
tor. Limnological investigations were undertaken to determine the seasonal variation. Such lakes are found in the Andes at
succession of phyto- und zooplankton and to elucidate basic limno-
about 3,000 to 4,000 m above sea level. Because of their
logical processes, such as thermal stratification and mixing process-
es. high elevations these lakes contain cold water at tempera-
Today Lake San Pablo, the largest lake in Ecuador, is a eutrophic tures less than 20 °C. There are only a few lakes of this type,
lake due to the input of sewage and other nutrients from the catch- all situated in the Andes of Ecuador, Columbia and northern
ment area, which originate from intensive agriculture and land ero- Peru. The well-known Lake Titicaca, also in the high Andean
sion. Some data on water chemistry of the lake are presented. Lake region, has been intensively studied for many years (LAz-
San Pablo is a monomictic lake with a short mixing period during ZARO 1981; DEJOUX 1992). This lake is situated at 15 ° south
July to September. Stratification of the lake and mixing processes latitude, where a significant seasonal variation of the climate
caused by nocturnal cooling are of great significance for the eu- occurs, and cannot be considered an example of an equatori-
trophication, which occurred mainly during the last decade.
al high mountain lake.
Initial data on the phytoplankton, zooplankton and macrophytes
Before this study, no continuous limnological research
are provided, which show that the biocoenosis has low diversity.
Considering the high nutrient level, phytoplankton biomass is low. had been performed in Ecuador, and the knowledge of the
lake and river systems is very poor. Only a few studies had
been completed on water chemistry and lake classification
1. Introduction (LOFFLER 1959; STEINITZ-KANNANet al. 1983; BAIGUN &
MARINONE 1995), in addition, some taxonomic studies had
The limnology of tropical lakes is of great interest and has been carried out on the phytoplankton (ROTT 1981),
become a main field of contemporary limnological research Characeae (GUERLEQUIN 1981), Rotatoria (KosTE &
to overcome the lack of knowledge. Tropical lakes are warm BOrrOER 1989, 1992) and the Ostracoda and Copepoda
water lakes situated in the tropical and subtropical parts of (LOFFLER 1963).
Asia, Africa, Central and South America. The chemical and The radiation input to tropical lakes is very high and the
physical properties as well as the biological processes of water body heats up during the daytime and cools at night.
tropical lakes differ significantly to those of temperate lakes Heat transfer between the water surface and the atmosphere
(LEW~S 1987), due to temperature and thermal stratification, produces convective nocturnal mixing. Tropical lakes, situ-
radiation and primary production, diversity of fauna and ated in the lowland, are polymictic at a high temperature
flora and metabolic processes in the water body. level, and water exchange occurs every night due to diver-
gence and convergence processes. This intensive water ex-
change, the high radiation and the temperature level are pa-
* This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. HARTMUTKAUSCHon the occa- rameters, not adequately accounted for in the nutrient load-
sion of his 60 thbirthday. ing concept of VOLLENWEIDER(VOLLENWEIDER1968; OECD
limnion. Little temperature change occurred below 15 m.
The temperature isopleths for a whole year (Fig. 3) show
that there is a stratification period from October to June
when the epilimnion is about 12 to 15 m deep. However the
temperature differences only amount to 1 to 2 °C, and a
polymixis of the upper 15 m took place. A mixing period oc-
10 curs during June to September, promoted by the windy peri-
od with little precipitation.
In the Andean region shallow lakes with less than about
20 m depth should be polymictic. However stability, wind
effect, evaporation, nocturnal cooling, heating by insolation,
c~ temperature gradient and absolute temperatures as well as
other factors should be considered to evaluate thermal stabil-
20 ity.
• Water chemistry
The water of Lake San Pablo is slightly alkaline and has a
conductivity of about 250 to 300 ItS cm -I. The calcium con-
E tent is about 20 mg/1.
The phosphorus concentrations were increased by sewage
30 input. During the stratification period, the soluble reactive
- o - 1,5.00 Uhr phosphorus (SRP) concentration in the epilimnion was about
- - ~ - 2.55 Uhr 0.02 to 0.09 mg 1-I, but it increases up to 0.15 mg 1 ~ during
overturn. In the hypolimnion, very high concentrations
reaching 0.32 mg 1-1 were recorded. A significant stratifica-
Fig. 2. Daytime (15.00 hrs, white points) and nighttime (2.55 hrs, tion of the ortho-phosphate occurs similar to that of the tem-
black points) temperature profiles in Lake San Pablo on March 19, perature. In the epilimnion, SRP is available during the
1998. whole period of stratification (Fig. 4).
months monms
12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11
i i i i r q I I ~ i i i i i I i i I
19', ~'20 ; ~-, ""~-~' "
........ \ ii
\q .05 .05 .10 .10 .05
15- ....--.-,15 ~ .15 .15 //~
17"'" ",. \
30 17 16 15 15 ' 16' 20 - •
o - PO43- (mg/O
Fig. 3. Isotherms in Lake San Pablo during 1993 and 1994, accord- Fig. 4. Phosphorus concentrations reported as ortho-phosphate (sol-
ing to data from the Subsecretaria de Saneamiento, Quito. uble reactive phosphorus) in Lake San Pablo. The data are only valid
for the upper 20 m water during 1993 and 1994 and were obtained
from the Subsecretaria de Saneamiento, Quito.
20 ~
10.0 25 ~
12.5 30-
1 4 4 3 21
E 02 (mg/I)
Fig. 6. The oxygen concentrations in Lake San Pablo. Saturation is
reached at a concentration of 6.4 mg per 1 at 20 °C. The data were
obtained from the Subsecretaria de Saneamiento, Quito, and were
collected during 1993 and 1994.
algae has been reported in the first three months period of in-
vestigations. There may be another factor that is limiting pri-
22.5 mary production.
The stratification of the lake produces a clinograde oxygen
profile with supersaturation in the epilimnic zone and
a lack of oxygen in the hypolimnion below 15 m depth
(Fig. 5). The decrease in oxygen must be an result of the high
load of organic substances in the inflow from the Rio Itambi,
in which the mean oxygen concentration is 5.4 mg 1-1, and the
mean biological oxygen demand (BOD5) is 12.2 mg 1 1. The
30.0 isopleths for oxygen confirm that there is a stratification of
oxygen and that the hypolimnion of Lake San Pablo is anoxic
Fig. 5. The oxygen saturation level in Lake San Pablo on April 22,
(Fig. 6). This lack of oxygen is a good indication of the troph-
1994, as recorded by the Subsecretaria de Saneamiento, Quito.
ic state of the lake, which is overloaded with organic matter.
The primary production and input of degradable organic sub-
The concentration of total phosphorus ranges from stances create a demand for oxygen that the hypolimnion of
0.14-0.25 mg 1-1 in the epilimnion and to 0.5-0.9 mg 1 i in the lake cannot meet. After overturn, the oxygen saturation is
the hypolimnion. During overturn, the mean phosphorus low in the whole lake, ranging from 60 to 80% of saturation.
concentration in the epilimnion is 0.36 mg 1-1. The anaerobic hypolimnion causes damage to the benthic
The concentration of nitrogen is lower, which is typical fauna. The sediments below a depth of 15 m are rich of or-
for tropical areas due to the intensive metabolic processes in ganic matter, anaerobic and free of any invertebrates.
the catchment area. The concentration of NH4-N remains The transparency of the lake is reduced to a Secchi depth
below 0.3 mg 1-1, and the concentration of NO3-N is usually of 2 to 4.2 m. The concentration of dissolved organic carbon
below 0.5 mg 1-1. However, during overturn, the nitrate-N is relatively low (3-5 mg l-J).
concentration increases to as much as 3 mg 1 1.
The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus by weight ranged
from 7:1 to 0.5:1. Therefore, the production in the lake is
4.3. Fauna and flora of the lake
limited by nitrogen and not by phosphorus. This limitation • Bacteria and phytoplankton
by nitrogen should promote a development of blue-green In Lake San Pablo the number of colibacteria is high with as
algae because some species can use the N2 gas as source of many as 170 coli total per 100 ml and 110 coli faecal per
nitrogen. However, no significant amount of blue-green 100 ml in the centre of the lake. The numbers at the outlet
• Macrophytes
In Lake San Pablo, submergent
distancefrom shore[m] macrophytes grow intensively in
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 the littoral zone up to a depth of
7.7 m except near the inflow. The
macrophytes build up a large bio-
mass and cover nearly 100% of
the littoral zone up to a depth of
3 to 7 m (< 4% of the lake area).
The dominant submerged macro-
phytes are the hornwort or coon-
x::: 4 .
tail, Ceratophyllum demersum,
5 Ceratophyllumdemersum / Potamogetonstriatus the milfoil, Myriophyllum qui-
tense, and two species of pond-
6 weed, Potamogeton illinoensis
and Potamogeton striatus (Fig. 7,
Table 3).
Floating macrophytes, mainly
the water hyacinth, Eichhornia
Fig. 7. Schematic profile of macrophyte distribution in Lake San Pablo during 1996. crassipes, are found only in small
littoral areas, and the amount of the lake they cover is in- directly into the lake. Using OECD criteria for lake eutrophi-
significant. cation, Lake San Pablo must be classified as a eutrophic lake
because of its concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen. Its
• Zooplankton phytoplankton biomass however is typical of a mesotrophic
The diversity of the zooplankton is low, and only one daph- water body (Table 4). The reason for the decrease in phyto-
nid is known (Daphnia pulex) but this is dominant in the plankton development is not known, but not only food web ef-
lake. Besides a copepod, Metacyclops mendocinus was fects, but also a toxic inhibition by the UV-radiation must be
found. The abundance of the zooplanktonic organisms is considered. Actually, it is not possible to evaluate the trophic
low, amounting to < 20 ind. per litre Daphnia pulex and level of the lake, and additional information is needed to de-
< 6 ind. per litre Metacyclops mendocinus, recorded in 1998. termine the eutrophication processes. Therefore, the mixing
Besides these relatively large zooplankton species, a few processes in the epi- and hypolimnion must be quantified, and
rotifers occur, including Keratella quadrata, Keratella tro- the internal loading of phosphorus is of great significance.
pica tropica, Trichocerca cylindrica-chattoni and Trichocer- The first investigations on the fauna and flora in Lake San
ca sp. However, their abundance is also low at about 25 ro- Pablo confirm the assumption, that the colonisation of high
tifers per litre. Andean lakes was obstructed. The Andean equatorial lakes
are isolated in the tropical area, and few species arrived via
• Fishes the southern part of South America. This results in low diver-
No investigations on the fish populations have yet been car- sity of the fauna and flora, as found during our first investi-
ried out. In many lakes in the Andes the rainbow trout, On- gations. Other species occurring in the lake are common and
corhynchus mykiss, has been introduced. Residents near the have been widely distributed by man; examples include the
lake reported that this fish was also very abundant in Lake hornwort, milfoil, pondweed, trout and bass. We still have
San Pablo in the past. Today the bass, Micropterus salmoi- not found any indication of a succession to a climax state in
des, as well as a cyprinid, Carassius carassius x C. auratus, the ecosystem or a niche development for the species as well
are the predominant fishes in the lake. Other species were as a high diversity.
not yet registered in the lake.
Acknowledgements: I want to thank the staff of the Subsecre-
taria Saneamiento, Quito, especially their Engineer EDUARDOESPIN,
5. Discussion for cooperating with the research and submitting all of their data on
Lake San Pablo, as well as the Escuela Politecnica National de Quito
Lake San Pablo is loaded with a high input of nutrients, which and the Engineer CESARNARVAEZ,for cooperation and support of the
brought about a eutrophication of the lake. This has limited limnological investigations on the lake.
The actual investigations were completed through the assistance
the uses of the water as well as impairing the ecosystem. In
Lake San Pablo an increasing rate of decomposition led to a
decrease in the oxygen concentration in the hypolimnion, and The project was financed from 1997-2001 by the German Soci-
the sediments became anaerobic. In addition, the number of ety of Science (DFG) and the Ministry of Economic Cooperation
coliform bacteria is very high, due to the input of wastewater (BMZ)/German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ).
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