Eng 23
Eng 23
Eng 23
1. inaintea unui substantiv pentru a ne referi la ceva sau cineva pentru prima data:
2. pentru a exprima ce este ceva sau cineva, inclusiv slujbe sau profesii:
My neighbour is a sociologist and his wife is an architect.
3. dupa verbul be sau alte verbele copulative, cand dupa ele urmeaza locutiuni
prepozitionala sau propozitii relative care ofera mai multa informatie despre
cineva sau ceva:
Petrol costs £ 1.50 a litre in England.
You must take this medicine four times a day if you want to get better.
There was a great deal of noise coming form the house next door.
C. Utilizare – THE.
1. inaintea unui substantiv singular numarabil sau nenumarabil sau a unui
substantiv plural numarabil pentru a face o noua referire la ceva ce a fost deja sau
la care s-a facut deja aluzie:
He wanted to go to the bank to change some money, but all the banks were on strike.
Dave had a nasty accident when he was young. You can still see the scar.
The American economy is suffering at the moment.
Maria Callas sang so beautifully that the audience threw flowers onto the stage. (= publicul care o
urmarea a aruncat flori pe scena pe care canta ea)
The President of the United States visited the Pope last May.
5. in fata adjectivelor pentru a face referire la un anumit grup sau clasa de oameni.
In acest caz NU este nevoie de substantiv:
Only the strong survive. (= oamenii puternici in general)
Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
The Indian elephant is smaller than the African elephant.
the Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, the River Thames, the Straits of
9. in fata unor adjective – nationalitati cu referire la oameni dintr-o anumita tara.
Aici se foloseste un verb la plural:
The Swiss have decided not to join the EU.
NOTA: Uneori numeralele oridinale pot fi folosite fara THE atunci cand se face
referire la ordinea in care se petrec evenimentele.
Brendan came first ad Colin second at 100 meters.
There is some luggage to be taken upstairs.
Helen and George Parker are coming to dinner tonight. DAR: The Parkers are coming to dinner
6. inaintea cuvintelor home, church, university, prison, hospital, market etc. atunci
cand ele reprezinta o institutie sau o idee generala. THE se foloseste totusi atunci
cand se face o referire speciala la locul respectiv:
Al Capone was arrested and put in prison for tax evasion. (ne referim nu la o anumita inchisoare,
ci la institutie)
His mother went to the prison once a week to visit him. (aici ne referim la acea inchisoare unde
se afla Al Capone)
My mother goes to church every Sunday. (biserica in sensul de institutie, serviciu religios)
She sometimes goes to the church near the Royal Palace. (acea biserica anume).
Emma and Ben often go to the university to talk to their professor. (la o universitate anume, in
cladirea ei)
Prepozitiile sunt in mod normal asezate in fata substantivelor sau pronumelor si
dupa verbe. Ele pot de asemenea precede verbele in -ING.
Exemplele de mai jos nu sunt exhaustive, ci sunt grupate dupa utilizarile lor cele
mai frecvente pe 4 categorii:
A. Miscare
Sam broke his arm when he fell down the slope. (o miscare in jos)
The Conservative Government went down at the last elections. (o scadere a respectului,
· up:
The cat always climbs up a tree to hide whenever it hears our dog bark. (o miscare in sus)
Bill has come up in the world since he won 10, 000, 000 $ on the lottery last spring. (a se deplasa
in sus pe scara sociala, a dobandi respect)
· on(to):
I had to move the books on(to) the top shelf so my child couldn’t reach them. (o miscare spre o
suprafat mai inalta)
· off:
When the cat saw a mouse running across the floor it jumped off the sofa to chase it. (o miscare
catre o suprafata mai joasa)
on / off a bus, bicycle, plane, ship etc, DAR: into / out of a car
It takes a long time to sail across the Atlantic. (o miscare dintr-o parte in cealalta, pe sau
aproape de o suprfata)
· along:
If you walk along the Champs Elysees you will eventually reach the Eiffel Tower. (a parcurge
lungimea a ceva)
· by:
If you pass by the shops today, will you get me a litre of milk? (a se misca de-a lungul sau in
apropierea a ceva)
· past:
My colleague walked straight past me without even saying hello. (a se misca in trecere pe langa
ceva / cineva)
· through:
The gateway was so narrow that the truck driver had problems getting through it. (a se misca
printre lucruri)
· over:
It’s quicker to fly over the Atlantic than to sail across it. (a se misca pe deasupra unei suprafete
dintr-o parte in alta a ceva)
3. Directii:
* around:
I went all around the house to find an open window, but I couldn’t. (miscari pe o traiectorie
· at:
· away from:
When I was a boy I ran away from school because I didn’t like it. (a parasi, a pleca de la cineva
sau ceva)
· for:
Sherlock Homes left for Glasgow as soon as he received the news of the murder.
· into:
The last when they saw (of) the explorer was when he went into the jungle to hunt for tigers.
· onto:
The professor put his papers onto the books on the table, and began his lesson. (a aseza ceva
peste altceva)
· out of:
The prisoner was let out of prison after a ten year sentence.
· to:
Can you give me a lift to work tomorrow morning, please? (a se deplasa In directia unei anumite
personae sau a unui lucru)
· towards:
I think we should head towards the mountain; it’s much cooler there at this time of the year.
I shouted ‘Catch!’ and threw the keys to Louis. (cand vrei sa prinda ce arunci)
The opera singer sang so badly that someone in the audience threw an egg at him. (cand vrei sa
lovesti pe cineva sau ceva)
4. Miscari comparative:
* after:
The shop-keeper ran after the boy who smashed his window. (a urma sau urmari)
I’ll go ahead of / in front of you and find a place to camp for the night. (a precede pe cineva sau
· behind:
The old lady drove so close behind me that, when I hit the brakes, she crashed into me. (a
urmari pe cineva sau ceva, a urma cuiva)
B. Pozitie.
1. Pozitie pe verticala:
* above:
The kite flew above our heads. (mult mai sus decat altceva, chiar si la figurativ).
· below:
I feel a pain just below my shoulder. (ceva imediat inferior unui alt lucru, si la figurativ)
· on:
The film star was wearing an enormous diamond ring on her finger. (similar cu above, dar in
contact cu ceva)
· to:
Jane was always second to top in her class at school. (estimari relative)
· under:
The tunnel under the English Channel was opened in the summer of 1994. (similar cu below, dar
obiectul este mai aproape de ceva)
· in:
My little boy closed himself in the bathroom and couldn’t get out. (un spatiu inchis)
2. Pozitii relative:
* against:
Don’t lean against that post. It’s just been painted. (in contact cu altcineva sau altceva)
· around:
· at:
· by:
· near:
I live near my office, so I can walk to work. (aproape de cineva sau ceva)
· next to:
I would hate to live next to a factory. (similar cu near, dar mai aproape)
3. Pozitii opuse:
· behind:
Don’t turn around, Jack. There’s a snake behind you. (asezat in spatele a ceva sau al cuiva)
· facing:
Turn your seat facing me so I can see you properly. (privind in directia a ceva sau a cuiva)
· opposite:
C. Timp.
1. Timpul pe ceas:
* about:
· around:
· at:
· in:
I like to swim in the morning. It doesn’t rain much in Greece in summer. My daughter was born
in 1988. (o parte a zilei, luni, anotimpuri, ani)
· on:
The road works will start on Monday. I last saw him on July 4th. The Queen’s speech is
broadcast on Christmas day. (cu zile ale saptamanii, date, zile anumite)
I can’t see you until after lunch, so come at 2.00 o’clock. (mai tarziu decat un timp sau un
eveniment dat)
· before:
Before we start, I’d just like to introduce myself. (inaintea unui timp sau eveniment dat)
· by:
Application must be submitted by June 5th. (ceva care se petrece inainte sau nu mai tarziu de un
moment dat)
· past:
I tired. It’s past my bed time. (similar cu after, dar mai colocvial, folosit si pentru a exprima ora)
3. Durata in timp:
· about:
The play will probably last about two and a half hours. (durata estimata)
· between:
The period between leaving school and going to university was a stressful one. (de la un punct
dat in timp la altul)
· during:
I managed not to do any work during my holiday, though I should have. (o perioada stabilita in
· for:
World War II went on for six years. (duraat unei perioade date de timp)
· in:
· since:
Italy has been a republic since 1945. (de la punctul de inceput din trecut pana in prezent)
· until:
Hong Kong belonged to England until 1997, when it went back to China. (durata pana la un
punct dat in timp)
D. Diverse.
· because of:
The UK is suffering because of economic crisis. (cauza, si separat: doar of, cu acelasi sens)
· for:
The martyr died for his belief. (similar cu because of, dar legat in general de credinte) A knife is
used for cutting things. (scop)
· with:
Susana cried with joy when she read her exam results. (un sentiment care determina o actiune)
Hit the glass with a hammer, if you wan to break it. (folosirea unui instrument)
· by:
John Lennon was killed by an assassin’s bullet. (prin actiunea cuiva / ceva) Hamlet was written
by Shakespeare. (creatia cuiva)
· like:
My husband acts like a child when he can’t get his own way. (un anumit comportament) Even
though they are twins they don’t look like each other. (pentru a compara fiinte / lucruri)
· as:
· but:
He took everything but the kitchen sink. (expresie; cu exceptia a ceva sau cineva)
· at:
My daughter, Emma, has always been good at drawing. (abilitati intr-o anume activitate)
· in:
My daughter, Emma, has always been interested in drawing. (similar cu at, dar nu se poate
folosi cu good sau bad)
· from:
My family comes from Warrington in Cheshire. (originea) I learnt to cook from my friend Tom.
(originea / sursa)
· with:
The little girl always goes to sleep with her cuddly teddy. (legatura, atasament)
· without:
· for:
This grammar book is for foreign students of English. (ceva potrivit) Romeo and Juliet were
made for each other, (cineva destinat, potrivit)
ATENTIE: In engleza, toate propozitiile trebuie sa aiba subiect. Subiectul poate fi
un substantiv sau un pronume.
A. Genul.
friend, child, doctor, cousin, baby, teenager, artist, cook, dancer, driver, teacher
3. genul poate fi indicat combinand substantive fara gen cu : boy, girl, male, female,
man, woman, he-, she-.
peasant woman = taranca turkey cock = curcan
son - in - law = ginere
pirate = pirat turkey hen = curca
daughter - in - law = nora
postman = postas usher = plasator
steward = stevard
schoolboy = scolar usherette = plasatoare
stewardess = stevardesa
schoolgirl = scolarita waiter = chelner
tom cat = pisoi
soldier = soldat waitress = chelnerita
pussy cat = pisica
B. Numarul.
B.1. Substantivele numarabile – se pot numara, adica au numar. Pot avea atat
forme de singular cat si de plural. La plural avem urmatoarele forme:
sheep, trout, deer, aircraft, fish (RAR: fishes) trout, salmon, series, species, means, headquarters
clothes, pants, pyjamas, scissors, eyeglasses, scales, stairs, savings, earnings, belongings,
outskirts, wages, premises, surroundings, archives, customs, police, the Middle Ages
NOTA: Engleza moderna foloseste adesea data, media, bacteria cu sens plural, dar cu un verb la
9. numele de familie se pot folosi la plural pentru a indica intreaga familie.
Numelui i se adauga un -s. Nu au loc schimbari de ortografie:
The Kennedys are world-famous.
1. substantive concrete:
2. substantive abstracte:
freedom information courage design
Works inseamna: fabrica, parte mecanica, productie literara, fapte sau acte.
ATENTIE: Iata cateva substantive nenumarabile in engleza care in alte limbi se pot deseori
5. unele nume de boli, stiinte si jocuri au forma de plural, dar in mod normal
primesc un verb la singular. Sunt considerate nenumarabile: measels, mumps,
dominoes, physics, politics, ethics, acoustics, statistics, mathematics, news,
eletronics etc.
Mathematics is an important subject. DAR: His mathematics were all wrong. (NU stiinta, si
the French, the Chinese, the English, the Japanese, the Irish
1. scrise ca un singur cuvant, cuvinte separate sau cu cratima. Daca aveti indoieli,
cel mai bine e sa consultati intotdeauna dictionarul:
2. numarabile sau nenumarabile:
3. compuse din doua substantive. Primul substantiv este folosit ca adjectiv si este
la singular:
sports car, customs department, clothes store, sales division, savings bank, news item
door of the car car door
Nancy’s, James’s
his mother’s
my children’s
the teachers’
the Gallaghers’
his sisters’