Bscbo 104
Bscbo 104
Bscbo 104
Laboratory Course-I
Board of Studies
Late Prof. S. C. Tewari Prof. Uma Palni
Department of Botany Department of Botany
HNB Garhwal University, Retired, DSB Campus,
Srinagar Kumoun University, Nainital
Programme Coordinator
Course Editor
1.1- Objectives
1.3-Study of Fungi
1.3.1- Albugo
1.4- Summary
1.5- Glossary
1.6- Self assessment question
1.8-Suggested Readings
1.9-Terminal Questions
After reading this unit student will be able to study the Fungal genus namely Albugo,
Phytophthora, Puccinia, Agaricus, Alternaria, Saccharomyces, Erysiphe, Mucor for the
following objectives:
Symptoms of disease.
Study of external features of plant body and cell structure.
Study of vegetative structures.
Study of reproductive structures.
Identification and systematic position.
Fungi are achlorophyllous, heterotrophic eukaryotic organism. The fungi consist of a large
and diverse group of plant kingdom. These include yeasts, molds, mildews, smuts, rusts,
mushrooms, morels, puffballs etc. Mycology (Gk. Mykes = fungus; logos = study) stands for
study of science of fungi. These are included in a large group thallophyta.
There are about 50,000 to 100,000 known species of fungi all over the world. The fungi
lack photosynthetic pigments and therefore they cannot synthesize their own food. Their
mode of nutrition is saprophytic, parasitic or symbiotic.
The plant body is simple and consist of network of branched filaments called the hyphae.
The tangled mass of the hyphae is known as mycelium. If the vegetative mycelium is absent
the fungus is called holocarpic (e.g. Synchytrium), but if vegetative mycelium is present, it is
called eucarpic. Some fungi are unicellular e.g. Saccharomyces.
Cell wall of fungi consists of chitin or fungal cellulose along with other substances. The
chief food reserves are glycogen and oils.
The reproduction takes place by means of vegetative, asexual and sexual methods.
Asexual reproduction occurs through several types of spores viz., conidiospores, zoospores,
basidiospores, chlamydospores etc. Sexual reproduction occurs in all grouped fungi except
fungi imperfectii.
Fungi cause various diseases in plants as well as in animals including man. They also play
an important role in nutrition of green plants by helping in decomposition of organic matter.
Fungi also serve as food, and used in preparation of medicines and antibiotics.
Several classifications of fungi have been proposed from time to time. The classification
system proposed by G.C. Ainsworth (1973) has been followed in the following text.
1.3.1- Albugo (=Cystopus)
Kingdom: Mycota
Division: Eumycota
Habitat and occurrence: Many species of Albugo occur as obligate parasites on many
plants of brassicae, causing the common disease called ―white rust of crucifers‖
Common name of disease: white rust of crucifers
1. Small, circular, white pustules are present on the leaf (on lower surface) and stem. Roots
remain unaffected. These pustules are conidial stage of the fungus.
2. The epidermis is ruptured by the pressure of sporangia and mass of conidia on coming out
provide the appearance of white powdery mass.
3. In some cases, the leaves and other parts of flower become fleshy thickened, malformed,
discoloured and this phenomenon is known as hypertrophy.
Reproductive Structures:
Asexual: Conidia
9. Oospore is globular body and remain surrounded by outer thick and sometimes spiny
exosporium and inner thin endosporium
10. It divides meiotically and then mitotically to form many biflagellate reniform and haploid
zoospores or zoomeiospores.
11. Zoospores germinate to form new mycelium on the host.
1. Use of resistant variety
2. Crop rotation practices.
3. Field sanitation – through destroying the infected debris.
4. Spray of Bordeux mixture.
2. Eumycotina
(i) Unicellular or multicellular filamentous vegetative body.
(ii) Reproduction asexually or sexually by spores.
(iii) Definite cell wall present.
3. Mastigomycotina
(i) Zoospores present.
(ii) Oospores produced as a result of sexual reproduction.
4. Oomycetes
(i) Zoospores biflagellate.
(ii) Posterior flagellum whiplash type and anterior tinsel type.
5. Peronosporales
6. Albuginaceae
(i) Obligate parasitic fungus.
(ii) Conidiophores are unbranched and bear conidia.
(iii) Oospore is thick-walled.
7. Albugo
(i) White pustules are present.
(ii) Conidia are basipetally arranged.
Kingdom: Mycota
Division: Eumycota
Sub division: Mastigomycotina
Class: Oomycetes
Order: Peronosporales
Family: Pythiaceae
Genus: Phytophthora
Common name: Late blight of potato is caused by Phytophthora infestans
Reproductive Structure
Asexual: Biflagellate zoospores
Amphigynous Paragynous
2. Eumycotina
(i) Unicellular or multicellular filamentous vegetative body.
(ii) Reproduction asexually or sexually by spores.
(iii) Definite cell wall present.
3. Mastigomycotina
(i) Zoospores present.
(ii) Perfect stages spores are oospores.
4. Oomycetes
(i) Zoospores biflagellate.
(ii) Posterior flagellum whiplash type and anterior tinsel type.
5. Peronosporales
(i) Single egg in each oogonium.
(ii) Gametes are non-motile.
6. Pythiaceae
(i) Sporangiophores are similar to vegetative hyphae.
7. Phytophthora
(i) Sporangiophores are sympodially branched.
(ii) Hyaline papilla is present at tip of each sporangium.
1.3.3-Puccinia =Rust
Kingdom: Mycota
Division: Eumycota
Sub division: Basidiomycotina
Class: Teliomycetes
Order: Uredinales
Family: Pucciniaceae
Genus: Puccinia
Common name: Rust of Wheat caused by three species of Puccinia
1. Black rust of Wheat: P. graminis var. tritici
2. Brown rust of Wheat: P. recondita
3. Yellow rust of Wheat: P. striformis
2. For the Pycnidiospores and Aecidiospores cut the transverse section of the infected leaf of
leaf of Berberis.
Fig.1.15: A-E. Puccinia graminis : unredospore stage : A. Uredosori on wheat leaf, B. Vertical
section of wheat leaf passing through a uredosorus, C.A uredospore, D, E Germination of
3. Each cell produces a tube like sterigma, the free tip of which swells and produces a
4. Each basidiospore is a haploid, uninucleate, unicellular and small structure.
5. Basidiospores then infect the alternate host i.e., Berberis or Thallictrum
On Alternate Host: Berberis leaf
Pycnidial and aecial stages of life cycle are completed on this host.
1. The mycelium is monokaryotic.
2. Below the upper epidermis the mycelium collects and form a flask shaped cavity called
the pycnidial cup or spermogonium.
3. Pycnidium opens outside with an opening or ostiole.
4. Pycniophores arise from the monokaryotic mycelium present at the base of pycnidium.
5. A basal cell is presnt at base of pycniophore while the tip develops many pycniospores.
6. Each pycniospores is an oval, thin walled, small structure containing one nucleus.
7. Receptive hyphae or flexuous hyphae also project out of the pycnidial cup. These do not
produce the pycnidispores.
8. Pycnidiospores cannot infect any of the hosts.
9. Pycniospores and flexuous hyphae of different strains unite and form the dikaryotic
mycelium, which give rise to the aecidial stage on the lower surface of the leaf.
1. Aecial cups are also present on the lower surface of berberis leaf.
2. The walls of aecial cups are made of sterile layer called peridium.
3. Mycelium is dikaryotic.
4. It develops many erect hyphae called aecidophore which cut many aecidiospores arranged
in basipetal order.
5. Each aecidiospore is polyhedral binucleate and thick walled structure.
6. A sterile disc called disjuncture or intercalary disc is found between two aeciospores.
7. The aecidiospores can only infect the wheat plant.
Identification and Systematic Position
1. Fungi
(i) Lack of cholorophyll and photosynthetic pigments.
(ii) Cell wall consists of chitin or fungal cellolose.
(iii) Simple thallus
(iv) Food reserve is glycogen and oils.
2. Eumycotina
(i) Unicellular or multicellular filamentous vegetative body.
(ii) Reproduction asexually or sexually by spores.
(iii) Definite cell wall present.
3. Basidiomycotina
(i) Zoospores or zygospores absent.
(ii) Basidiospores present.
4. Teliomycetes
(i) Teliospores present.
(ii) Parasitic on vascular plants.
(iii) Basidiocarp absent.
5. Uredinales
(i) Obligate parasite giving rusty appearance.
(ii) Heteroecious and polymorphic rust.
(iii) Basidiospores develop on sterigmata.
(iv) Basidium is transversely septate.
6. Pucciniaceae
(i) Four basidiospores are formed laterally.
(ii) Basidium is external.
(iii) Teleutospores are stalked.
7. Puccinia graminis
(i) Bicelled teleutospores.
(ii) Fungus completes Life cycle on Wheat and Berberis.
(iii) Exhibit rusty appearance.
1.3.4-Agaricus (=Mushroom)
Kingdom: Mycota
Division: Eumycota
Sub division: Basidiomycotina
Class: Hymenomycetes
Order: Agaricales
Family: Agaricaceae
Genus: Agaricus
Symptoms: To study the vegetative structure, button stage, mature fruiting body and T.S.
through gills.
1. The fruiting bodies arise as small, white, globular, apical swellings on the branches of
subterranean mycelial strands.
2. These small tiny knots represent the common button stage of the fungus.
3. The dome shaped upper portion is known as pileus.
4. The lower hyphae constitute the stalk or stipe.
5. The margins of the pileus are connected with the stipe with the help of membrane called
inner veil or velum.
6. Two gill chamber cavities are present, one on either side of pileus.
7. Button stage is developmental stage of the fruiting body of Agaricus.
Mature fruiting body:
1. The basal underground mycelial portion is known as rhizomorph, from which develops
2. The basidiocarp is differentiated into a long stalk-like stipe and upper cap like pileus.
3. Stalk gives support to the pileus.
4. Pileus is umbrella shaped stucture, underside of which is lined by many gills.
4. The hymenium consists of many club-shaped cells of two types, of which some are sterile
called paraphyses and some are fertile cells called as basidia.
5. From each basidium develop four basidiospores.
6. Basidiospores remain attached to basidium with the help of sterigmata.
7. Each basidiospore is purple colured, oval and uninucleate structure.
7. Agaricus
(i) Presence of annulus.
(ii) Gills are of three different sizes.
Kingdom: Mycota
Division: Eumycota
Sub division: Deutromycotina
Class: Hyphomycetes
Order: Monilliales
Family: Dematiaceae
Genus: Alternaria
1.3.6-Saccharomyces (=Yeast)
Kingdom: Mycota
Division: Eumycota
Sub division: Ascomycotina
Class: Hemiascomycetes
Order: Endomycetales
Family: Saccharomycetaceae
Genus: Saccharomyces
Fig.1.28: Saccharomyces
Reproductive Structures
1. Takes by budding and fission.
2. In budding, each yeast cell gives rise to one or more small outgrowths which gradually
enlarge and detach from the mother cell to form independent individuals.
3. In fission, the cell becomes constricted in centre and divides into two forming two
independent individuals.
4. Sometimes, the yeast cell enlarges in size and is called the ascus.
5. Each such ascus contains four or eight ascospores.
6. Each ascospore germinates to produce new yeast cells.
Sexual Reproduction:
1. Takes place by conjugation.
2. Two individuals come close to each other and develop beak like outgrowths. These
outgrowths fuse with each other. After fusion zygote is formed.
3. The zygote nucleus then divides meiotically forming eight ascospores.
4. Each ascospore develops into a new plant body.
1. It has a definite cell wall present, followed by a plasma membrane enclosing cytoplasm.
2. It has cell organelles like mitochondria, storage granules, nucleus and nuclear membrane.
3. Central vacuole is also present.
Kingdom: Mycota
Division: Eumycota
Sub division: Ascomycotina
Class: Pyrenomycetes
Order: Erysiphales
Family: Erysiphaceae
Genus: Erysiphe
Reproductive bodies:
Asexual: Conidia
1. Asexual reproduction occurs by means of the conidiophores and conidia.
2. The conidiophores develop vertically from the superficial mycellium.
3. The conidia are formed singly. They are single celled, clavate , uninucleate , hyline and
thin walled.
4. Conidia are dispersed by wind and each germinates to form a new mycellium.
Fig.1.41: (A-C) Mucor: Structure of mucelium. (A) Absorptive hyphae and sporangiophores;
(B) Vegetative mycellum under light microscope; (C) vegetative mycellum under electron
1. The mycellium is whitish, filamentous, profusely branched hyphae giving a cottony
Reproductive Structures
The fungus may reproduce by vegetative (by fragmentation), sexual or asexual means
Asexual reproduction:
1. Occurs by means of spores formed in sporangia.
2. The Sporangiophores arise seprately.
3. A dome shaped columella is present in each sporangium. The protoplast of columella is in
continuation with that of sporangiophores.
4. The space between columella and wall of sporangium is known as spore sac. It remains
filled with sporangiospores or aplanospores.
5. Each sporangiospore is ovoid, non-motile, unicellular and multinucleate structure. There
are no flagella on the spores.
6. Sporangium dehisces to liberate spores which then germinate to form new mycellium.
7. Asexual reproduction may also take place by formation of thick walled chlamydospores
or by formation of oidia.
Sexual reproduction:
1. Mucor is dioeciuos and heterothallic
2. The male and female mycellia are morphologically identical but physiologically different
thus represnted by + and – strains.
3. Two hyphae from mycelia of different strains known as progametangia develop towards
each other.their growth results in the adherence of progametangia at their tips. Their tip
swells up and a transverse septum develops in each differentiating gametangium.
4. The remaing part of progametangium is called suspensor.
5. The multinucleate protoplasm of each gametangium is known as coenogamete.
6. The fusion of gametangia takes place to form thick, spiny walled zygospores.
7. Zygospores germinate meiotically by producing a long sporangiophore bearing a
spoangium at the tip.
Fungi are acholophyllous, heterotrophic eukaryotic organism. Mycology (Gk. Mykes=fungus;
logos=study) stands for study of science of fungi. The fungi lack photosynthetic pigments and
therefore they cannot synthesize their own food. Their mode of nutrition is saprophytic,
parasitic or symbiotic.
These are normally studied by cutting thin transverse section of the infected host and
then staining them in cotton blue and finally mounted in lactophenol which is then studied
under microscope.
Albugo belongs to family Albuginaceae. Many species of Albugo occur as obligate
parasites on many plants of cruciferae, causing the common disease called ―white rust of
crucifers‖. The genus Phytophthora may be either facultative saprophytes or facultative
parasites causing great damage to plants of great economic importance for eg..P. infestans
causes Late blight of potato, P. parasitica causes seedling blight of castor and P.
megasperma causes blight of cauliflower or tomato.
Genus Puccinia occurs as an obligate parasite on many cereals, millets etc and cause
the rust disease. Important host are wheat, oats, jowar, bajra etc. Puccinia graminis is a
macrocyclic rust and produces 5 types of spores in its life namely uredospore, teleutospores,
basidiospore,pycnidiospore, aecidiospores.
Agaricus is a saprophytic, edible fungus occurring commonly in rainy season on
humus soil, rotten woods, tree trunks and other organic substances.
Species of Alternaria is a cosmopolitan genus occurring as a saprophyte as well as a
weak parasite. The ―early blight of potato‖ is one of the most commonly occurring diseases
caused by Alternaria solani.
Genus Saccharomyces is a saprophytic fungus found on substratum which is rich in
sugars e.g., sugarcane, milk etc. their cheif characteristic is to ferment the carbohydrates on
which they occur profusely.
Genus Erysiphe is a cosmopolitian powdery mildew fungus occurring as an
ectoparasite mostly on the cultivated plants. Erysiphe graminis var. tritici causes powdery
mildew of wheat.
Mucor is a common saprophytic fungus that grows on the dead organic material.
Apothecium: Fruiting body is cup shaped body. It is found in Discomycetes.
Ascogonium: The female reproductive organ of ascomycota
Ascogenus hypha: A dikaryotic hypha that grows out of a fertilized ascogonium.
Ascus: The reproductive structure of ascomycota in which fusion, meosis, and spore
formation take place.
Basidioma: The fruiting body of basidiomycota in which basidia form.
Basidium: The club-shaped reproductive structure of basidiomycota in which fusion,
meiosis, and spore formation take place.
Binucleate: Having two nuclei.
Budding: Asexual reproductive process in which a small portion of the cell membrane and
cytoplasm receive a nucleus and pinch off from the parent cell.
Cellulose: A major component of plant and algal cell walls. Compare with chitin.
Chitin: A major component of fungal cell walls that is not found in the cell walls of any
other group. Compare with cellulose.
Clamp connection: The structure by which basidiomycota cells divide while retaining their
binucleate dikaryotic condition.
Cleistothecium: Fruiting body closed from all sides with no opening is called cleistothecium.
It is found in plectomycetes.
Conidiophore: Structure in which asexually-produced spores called conidia are formed.
Dikaryotic: Having two genetically different nuclei.
Eucarpic : fungi in which a part of vegetative mycelium forms the reproductive unit and rest
remains vegetative.
Fruiting body: A general term for elaborate structures that contain spore-forming cells.
Gametangia: In zygomycota, the cells which fuse to become the zygote.
Heterothallic fungi: the fungi possessing dioecious mycelia are called heterothallic.
Heterotrophic : it is a mode of nutrition in which organism cannot synthesize its own food
and hence dependent on others.
Holocarpic fungus: fungi in which whole vegetative cell is transformed into reproductive
Hypha: Individual filaments of fungal cells; compare with mycelium.
Intercellular mycelium: In it the hyphae ramify in the intercellular spaces between the host
Intracellular mycelium: In it the hyphae penetrate into the host cells.
Karyogamy: The fusion of two nuclei.
Mycelium: The usually underground portion of a fungus that is haploid and sprouts from a
Mycorrhiza : is close symbitioc association of fungus with the roots of some higher plants
Obligate saprophytes: the plants which can live or survive strictly as saprophytes are called
obligate saprophytes.
Parasitic: takes all their nutrients from the tissues of another organisms.
Perithecium: Fruiting body is flask shaped body having a terminal opening or ostiole. It is
found in pyrenomycetes.
Plasmogamy: Fusion of the plasma membranes of two cells.
Pseudomycelium: Sometimes, the buds formed in process of budding are not detached and
provide appearance of mycelium called pseudomycelium eg. Yeasts.
Rhizoid: The sub-surface hyphae of zygomycota specialized for food absorption
27. Name the orange coloured hairs present at the mouth of spermagonium of puccinia-.
28. Name the agent that transfers spermatia from one spermagonium to other spermagonium-
29. Name the dikaryotic spore produced by Puccinia on barberry plant.
30. Name the elongated stucture produced by the germ tube of urediniospore
31. How many germ pores are normally present in the urediospores of Puccinia.
32. Agaricus campestris is commonly known as?
33. Agaricus belongs to class?
34. Button shaped young fruiting bodies belong to
35. Fungus in which is fairy rings are formed.
36. What causes early blight of potato
37. Give three characters of Alternaria conidia.
38. Transverse and longitudinal septa are found in the conidia of
39. The most common method of vegetative reproduction found in saccharomyces is..
40. Powdery mildew disease of wheat is caused by?
41. Columellate sporangia are characteristic feature of?
42. Mycellium is coenocytic in the genus?
43. Hyphal walls in the members of zygomycetes are made up of?
44. Sexual reproduction in the zygomycetes results in the formation of?
45. The most important salient feature of the zygomycetes is the absence of?
1.6.1: Answers to Short Answer Questions:
1. Cystopus
2. Heterotrophic
3. Oogamous type
4. Parallel clusters.
5. Persoon
6. Levellie
7. Albugo
8. Albugo
9. Disjunctors
10. 5 to 8
11. Gametangial contact.
12. One in antheridium and one in oogonium
13. Diplontic
14. Copper fungicides
15. Phtophthora infestans.
16. Phytophthora.
17. Gametangial contact
18. Cellulose, glucan.
19. Oospore.
20. Diplontic.
21. Phytophthora.
22. Puccinia graminis.
23. Barberry.
4. Saprophytes
5. Cotton blue
6. Glycogen
7. Cleistothecium
8. Somatogamy
9. A.F Blakeslee, 1904.
10. Riboflavin.
11. Pleospora infectoria
12. Alternariine
13. Saprophytes.
14. Yeast
15. Union of two cells.
Sharma, P.D.2001. The Fungi. Rastogi Co., Meerut.
Bendre, A. and Kumar, A. 1990-91. Practical Botany, Rastogi Publications, Meerut.
Singh, V., Pande, P.C. and Jain, D.K. A Text Book of Botany, Rastogi & Co., Meerut,
Vashista, B.R. Botany for Degree student Fungi, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2001.
Vashista, B.R. Botany for Degree Students (Algae, Fungi Bryophyta), S. Chand & Co.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
Alexopoulos, C.J. and Mims. Introductory Mycology, John Wiley and Sons, New York,
Bilgrami, K.S. and Dube, H.C. A Text Book of Modern Plant Pathology, Vikas Publ.
House, New Delhi, 1976.
Bold, H.C., Alexopoulous, C.J. and Delevoryas, T. Morphology of Plant and Fungi (4th
Ed.) Harper & Foul Co., New York, 1980.
Dube, H.C. 1990. An Introduction to Fungi. Vikas Pub. House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Dube, H.C. Fungi, Rastogi Publication, Meerut, 1989.
Gilbert, M.S. Cryptogamic Botany, Vol. I & II (2nd Ed.), Tata McGraw Hill, Publishing
Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1985.
Pandey, S.N. and Trivedi, P.S. A Text Book of Botany 2000 Volume I, Vikas Pub. House
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Sharma, O.P. Fungi, Today and tomorrow Publication, 2000.
1.9.1: Answers:
1. The secondary mycelium of Agaricus, in the later phase of development produces much
compacted mass of hyphal strands in the soil. These strands are called rhizomorphs and
give rise to fruiting bodies above the ground.
2. Toadstools are non-edible poisonous fruiting bodies of certain basidiomycetes fungi.
They are often called poisonous mushrooms eg. Amanita.
3. Rounded oogonia and Club shaped antheridia.
4. de Bary
5. Rust which produces 5 types of spores in its life cycle.
6. Uredospore, Teleutospores, Basidiospore, Pycnidiospore and Aecidiospores are the five
spores produced by Puccinia.
7. Rust which requires two unrelated hosts to complete its life cycle is called heteroecious
8. Early blight of potato is caused by-A. solani and Leaf spot crucifers by A. brasicae and A.
9. Because of the absence of sexual reproduction.
10. Fruiting bodies of mushrooms of Agaricus develop in a ring above the ground in lawns
and forest. Such rings or circle of fruiting bodies is called fairy rings.
11. These are thin, vertical plate like structures hanging down from the underside of the
pileus of the Agaricus fruiting body.
12. The fertile region present on both side of the gills is called hymenium
13. The sterile threads present in the hymenium are called paraphyses.
1.9.2: Very short answer Questions-
1. Scientific term for fruiting body of Ascomycetes?
2. The life cycle of Saccharomyces is?
3. During unfavourable conditions Saccharomyces form-
4. Fungi imperfectii are so named because -
5. Name two important diseases of plants caused by Alternaria?
6. What is rhizomorph?
7. What are toadstools?
8. What is the shape of sex organs in Cystopus?
1.9.2: Answers:
1. Ascocarp.
2. Haplo-diplobiontic.
3. Endospores.
4. Because of the absence of sexual reproduction.
5. Early blight of potato is caused by-A. solani and Leaf spot crucifers by A. brasicae and A.
6. The secondary mycelium of Agaricus, in the later phase of development produces much
compacted mass of hyphal strands in the soil. These strands are called rhizomorphs and give
rise to fruiting bodies above the ground.
7. Toadstools are non-edible poisonous fruiting bodies of certain basidiomycetes fungi. They
are often called poisonous mushrooms e.g. Amanita.
8. Rounded oogonia and club shaped antheridia.
9. de Bary
10. Rust which produces 5 types of spores in its life cycle.
11. uredospore, teleutospores, basidiospore,pycnidiospore, aecidiospores.
12. Rust which requires two unrelated hosts to complete its life cycle.
After reading this section you will know, -
What are Lichens.
Different types of substratum of Lichens.
Different Types of Lichens.
Reproduction in Lichens.
Lichens are a small group of curious plants. They are made up of algal and fungal
components, livings together in an intimate symbiotic relationship. The algal component is
known as phycobiont (phy kos = alga, bios = life) and the fungal component as mycobiont
(mykes = fungu (bios = life). The plant body of lichens neither resembles algae nor fungi.
Thus, lichen is an association of a fungus and an algal photosynthetic symbionts, resulting in
a stable thallus of specific structure. Phycobionts generally belongs to cyanophyceae or some
times to chlorophy ceae. The alga is unicellular. The phycobiont is generally an ascomycete
but in rare cases it is a basidiomycete.
Lichens were first discovered by Tulasne in 1892. The relationship between the two
partners is a matter of controversy. Some hold it to be a typical case of symbiosis whereas
others consider it to be parasitism. However, it is now considered to ba a case of helotism, a
type of symbiotic association where the fangus has a upper hand. The lichens grow on a
variety of habitats and are common on rocks, bark of trees, etc. Many of them grow under
extreme condition of cold, humidity and drought. They are most conspicuous in the Alpine
and Arctic Tundra where they are dominant form of vegetation. In India lichens are common
in temperate and Alpine regions of Himalaya, hilly region of peninsular India and along the
sea cost.
There are about 400 genera and 1600 species of lichens, widely distributed in most
part of the world. Some common species are: Cladonia aggregata, Graphics duplicata,
Gyrophora cylindrica, Haematomma, puniceum, Phystia aspera, Usnea, aspera and Usnea
B) On the basis of the nature of the fungal element the lichens are divided into three
1. Ascolichens if the fungal component is a ascomycetous. They are further divided into
two sub groups –
(a) Pyrenocarpeate: Includes those lichens in which the ascocarp is a perithecium e.g.:
(b) Gymnocarpear: Includes those lichens in which the ascoarp is an apotheciam. e.g.
2. Basidiolichens: If the fungal component is a basidiomycetous. e.g. cora, Corella,
3. Deuterolichens: (Hymenolichens) Fructifications are absent in this group of lichens
or should say that lichens with sterile thalli are constituted by this group. e.g. Lepraria,
Leprocaulo, Crysothrix.
Thalloid lichens are green or bluish – green in colour. Some species may have yellow red,
orange or brown pigments. They are usually dull in appearance because of the translucent
fungal covering over the algal constitutents.
On the basis of growth forms, and nature of attachment to the substratum lichens are divided
into following four types.
(1) Crustose lichens (Encrusting Iichens).
1. These lichens occur as thin or thick crust over rocks, soil or tree barks.
2. It is very difficult to separate them from substratum.
3. The thalli may be wholly or partially embedded so that only fruiting bodies are visible
above the surface of the substratum.
4. Common examples are Lecanora, Graphis, Rhizocarpon, Ochrolechia etc. (Fig.2.1).
(II) Gonidial layer: This layer consists of loosely interwoven hyphae intermingled with
algal cells. This region is the photosynthetic region of the thallus. This layer is also
called gonidial layer because of the earlier concept that these cells are having
reproductive function.
(III) Medulla: It is present just below the algal cells and is made of loosely interwoven
hypnal of fungus. Medulla forms the middle portion of the thallus.
(IV) Lower cortex: Like the upper cortex, it is the lower-most layer. In some lichens the
layer absent e.g., Lobaria pulmonaira. This layer gives rise to bundles of hyphae
(rhizines) which penetrate the substratum to function as anchoring organs.
2. Different types of lichens particulary the foliose and fruticose remain attached to the
substratum by a variety of structures such as itiizinose strand (thick strands e.g. Buellia
pulchella. Hyphal nets (fungal hyphae forming net like structures, e.g. Psora decipiens),
Hypothallus (thick, black, spongy, algal free tissue e.g., Anzia) Holdfast (basal, algae free
region, e.g. Usnea, Letharia). Hapters (short, penetrating branches. e.g. Alectoria) and
medullary hyphae.
3. The above structure of a lichen shows that the algae cells are restricted or confined to
form a distinct layer. Such type of lichens are called heteromerous (Fig. 2.6)
T.S. Homoiomerous Lichens:
1. In some lichens for example, Collema, Leptogium, the thallus shows a simple structure
with little differentiation.
2. The algae cells and fungal hyphae are uniformly distributed.
3. Both algal cells and fungal hyphae are enveloped in a gelatinous matrix.
4. Such type of lichens are called homoiomerous.
II. Isidia:
1. They also occur on the upper surface of the thalli as coral – like simple or branched
2. They consist of an external cortical layer and an internal algal layer.
3. The algal element within the isidia is the same as that of the parent thallus.
1. They are external or internal gall like out growths, generally of dark colour.
2. They consists of fungal hyphal enclosing algal cells different from those of the thallus.
3. The Cephallodia are either, as flat orbicular discs or as coralloid branches or as irregular
warts and tubers e.g. Lecanora, Lobaria and Peltigera respectively.
IV. Cephellae:
1. They occure on the lower surface of the thallus quite commonly in the genus Stricta, as
small hollow circular, white depressions with its base resting on the medulla.
2. It's margin formed from the ruptured cortex projecting slightly inwards.
B. Sexual Structures
In lichens the process of sexual reproduction is performed only by the fungal component. The
fungal component of most of the lichens belong's to the class Ascomycetes. Hence the sexual
reproductive structures and reproduction is similar to that of ascomycetous fungi.
Fig. 2.10, A-B – Lichen: Structure of fruiting body; A. L.S. of apthecium B. A part of hymenium
showing asci.
A lichen is a composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria (or both) living
among filaments of a fungus in a symbiotic relationship. The combined life form has
properties that are very different from the properties of its component
organisms. Lichens come in many colors, sizes, and forms. The combined life form has
properties that are very different from the properties of its component organisms. Lichens
come in many colors, sizes, and forms. Lichens may have tiny, leafless branches (fruticose),
flat leaf-like structures (foliose), flakes that lie on the surface like peeling paint (crustose), or
other growth forms. A macrolichen is a lichen that is either bush-like or leafy; Other lichens
are termed microlichens. Here, "macro" and "micro" do not refer to size, but to the growth
form. Lichens do not have roots that absorb water and nutrients as plants do but like plants
they produce their own food by photosynthesis using sunlight energy, from carbon dioxide,
water and minerals in their environment. When they grow on plants, they do not live as
parasites and only use the plants as a substrate.
Some lichens have a portion of their thallus lifted off the substrate to form
'squamules'. They are otherwise similar to crustose lichens in that they possess an upper
cortex but no lower cortex. Foliose Lichens have an upper and lower cortex. They are
generally raised to some extent above the substrate but connected to it by rhizines
(specialised root-like hyphae). They are easier to remove from their substrate when collecting
because of this. Leprose lichens are an odd group of lichens which have never been observed
to produce fruiting bodies. Because knowledge of the form of the fruiting bodies is essential
to the identification of fungi, these lichens have not yet been identified properly, or at least
not yet given full scientific names. These fungi not only lack an inner cortex, but also lack an
outer one, i.e. no cortex, only an algal cell layer and sometimes a weakly defined medulla.
Apothecium (plural apothecia): One type of fruiting structure produced by the fungal
component of the lichen. An apothecium is cup- or disc-shaped (compare with perithecium)
and contains the spores, which allow for sexual reproduction.
Cilia: Linear or thread-like appendages projecting from the thallus or apothecia margins,
Cilia are the black, hair-like appendages pictured here along the margins of powder-edged
ruffle lichen (Parmotrema stuppeum) thallus.
Cortex: The protective outer wall of the thallus, composed entirely of fungal tissue. Lichens
may have two cortices (upper and lower), a single cortex or no cortex at all, depending on
growth form. Below the cortex is the photobiont.
Crustose: A lichen growth form distinguished by the thallus being tightly adhered to the
substrate at all points. Crustose lichens do not have a lower cortex, exposing the hyphae to
the substrate. It is impossible to remove a crustose lichen from its substrate without impacting
the substrate in some way.
Cyphella (plural cyphellae): Small depressions or pits in the thallus cortex that are lined
with cells (compare with pseudocyphella).
Foliose: A lichen growth form distinguished by a relatively flat, leaf-like thallus. Foliose
lichens have an upper and lower cortex, making it easy to identify an upper and lower thallus
Fruticose: A lichen growth form distinguished by a tufted, hanging or stalked thallus.
Fruticose lichens have a single, continuous cortex that wraps around the thallus branches,
making it difficult to discern an upper and lower surface.
Hyphae: Fungal filaments loosely distributed below the photobiont on the interior of the
Isidium (plural isidia): A structure that projects from the thallus and contains both fungal
and algal components. An isidia can detach from thallus and therefore serves in vegetative
Perithecium (plural perithecia): One type of fruiting structure produced by the fungal
component of the lichen. A perithecium is flask-shaped (compare with apothecium) and often
embedded the thallus, making it somewhat inconspicuous. A small hole at the top of the
perithecium releases spores, which allow for sexual reproduction.
Photobiont: The photosynthetic component of a lichen, either green algae or cyanobacteria,
located beneath the cortex.
Pseudocyphella (plural pseudocyphellae): Small depressions or pits in the thallus
associated with cracks in the cortex. The cracks in the cortex are not lined with cells,
distinguishing these features from cyphellae.
Rhizines: Linear or narrow root-like appendages that protrude from the lower thallus surface
(compare with cilia) and attach to the substrate.
Soredia: A powdery or granular structure released from cracks in the thallus cortex. A
soredia is essentially the photobiont (algal component) wrapped in fungal hyphae and
therefore serves in vegetative, or asexual, reproduction.
Squamulose: A lichen growth form distinguished by small, overlapping thallus units or
scales. Squamulose lichens are not as tightly appressed to the substrate as crustose lichens but
are more appressed than foliose lichens. These lichens have an upper cortex but may or may
not have a lower cortex.
Thallus: The lichen body, which contains both a fungal and algal (photobiont) component.
(iii) Soralium
(iv) Rhizines
(v) Cephellae
9. Usnea is
(a) Crustose (b) Fruticose
(c) Foliose (d) Filamentous
11. If the fungal partner belong to ascomycetes then the lichen is called
(a) Ascomycetes (b) Lichen
(c) Ascolichen (d) None of above
2.11.3 Answers:
1. (b), 2. (c), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5. (a), 6. (d), 7. (d), 8. (d), 9. (b), 10.(a), 11. (c)
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university, Srinagar (Garhwal).India.
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Negi, H. R., 2000 a. Spatial pattern of Biodiversity of Lichens. J. Indian inst. Sci. 80:
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enroute to Badrinath, Uttaranchal, India. Environ. Monit. Assess. 141: 237-243.
After reading this unit student will be able:
To study the main groups of pathogens causing disease in plants.
To study the general symptoms of diseases caused by bacteria and fungi.
To understand the general morphology of pathogen causing disease.
To study the host-parasite relationship of selective plant diseases.
To study the disease management (control measures).
For studying different plant diseases, we have to make use of a Compound microscope or
Dissecting microscope. The pathogens induce symptoms on the host plant after infection;
these can be identified with naked eyes. But for detailed study of the pathogen and host
infection, microscopic examination is necessary, for this purpose, the infected material is
taken and slides are prepared.
Following procedure is used for section cutting and staining:
Section cutting
To study the plant disease fresh or preserved material is taken. First we study the morphology
with naked eyes or with the help of magnifying glasses or dissecting microscope.
To study the anatomical structure, sections are cut with the help of rajor in various planes i.e.,
Transverse section (T.S.), Longitudinal section (L.S.) Radial section (R.L.S) or Tangential
Longitudinal section T.L.S.).
The sections in different planes are shown in the figure (Fig.3.1) below:
Staining is of two types:
1. Single staining
2. Double staining
Single staining is applied where there is no tissue differentiation e.g. Algae, fungi and
bryophytes. Double staining is applied to differentiate between different types of tissues
present in Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms.
In fungi, as there is no tissue differentiation, therefore single staining technique is applied.
Fungal material is stained in Cotton blue. After staining mounting is carried out, the fungi are
mounted in Lactophenol
Methods to prepare stains
Cotton blue:
Cotton blue - 1 gm
Lactophenol - 100 cc
Phenol - 100 gms
Lactic acid, glycerine
and water - 100 cc each
As students are already familiar with the term ‗plant disease‘, therefore in this unit, focus
would be on different symptoms of plant disease, types of pathogens, and their morphology
and host-parasite relationship.
As you know, that a plant disease is a physiological disorder or structural abnormality that is
harmful to the plant or to any of its parts or products. Or that reduces their economic value.
The different types of pathogens cause infectious diseases in plants.
A plant is said to be healthy if its organs or parts are functioning properly and are involved in
normal growth and reproductive functions. If there is lack of such activity than the plant is
said to be diseased. Disease therefore involves malfunctioning of various plant metabolic
activities and produce visible changes or poor quality thus leading to lessen its economic
The scientific study of these plant diseases caused by the pathogens and environmental
factors affecting these diseases is known as plant pathology or phytopathology.
The pathogens causing different diseases in plants include fungi, oomycetes, bacteria,
viruses, virus-like organisms, protozoa, nematodes. Plant pathology also includes the study of
identification of pathogen, disease etiology, disease cycles and their economic impact. Plant
disease epidemics can cause famines, destroying a thriving industry or can poison animals
and humans.
As a result of successful infection of host plant by the pathogen, a number of physiological
changes occur in the plant. Different anatomical and morphological changes are brought
about by affecting individual cells and growth of entire plant or of an organ, vegetative as
well as floral. Thus, changes in physiology of plants due to infection result into several
anatomical and morphological changes which are expressed externally in the form of visible
symptoms. Symptoms are characteristic of a disease by which it can be recognized in the
Main group of organisms causing diseases are
1. Bacteria
2. Fungi
Genus- Xanthomonas
Species- citri Symptoms
1. Leaves, twigs as well as fruits are attacked, developing necrotic brown spots with a coarse
surface (Fig.3.3).
2. In leaves lesions appear as small white specks in the beginning, difficult to be seen with
naked eye. Soon the lesions become discernible and after few weeks, they develop into
brown necrotic spots of 1-2 mm diameter
3. The lesions enlarge and forms spongy eruptions which begin to collapse and now appear
as grayish-white, hard and corky, dead tissue.
4. Gradually spots spread on both surface of leaves, petiole, thorns, stems and fruits.
5. Gradually defoliation of affected leaves begin.
6. Due to infection, cracks appear on the fruits which reduce its market value.
7. Growth of the plant becomes stunted.
Fig.3.3: Citrus canker on Lemon (a) fruit, (b) leaf and (c) twig.
3. It can survive hardly for 2-3 months in lesions of diseased defoliated leaves only under dry
4. The bacterium could be detected on the surfaces of some weeds growing in citrus groves.
5. The bacterium survives chiefly in parasitic form in cankers on leaf and twig, as well as in
bark tissues (of trunk, lateral branches) for long periods.
6. The bacterium enters through the stomata and wounds in the host plant. For proper growth
and survival of this pathogen the entry into host is an important aspect.
Following are some effective control measures-
1. Sanitation: Destruction of all affected trees by burning, pruning of infected parts,
particularly during dry season reduces source of inoculums.
2. Spraying of fungicides: Spraying with Bordeaux mixture and lime-sulphur is often very
effective to protect fruits against infection, it should be done during the first three months
of the development of fruits.
3. Use of disease resistant varieties: There is a possibility that cultivation of disease resistant
varieties of citrus may produce good results.
Kingdom: Mycota
Division: Eumycota
Sub-division: Mstigomycotina
Class: Chytridiomycetes
Order: Chytridiales
Family: Synchytriaceae
Genus: Synchytrium
Species: endobioticum Symptoms
1. Characteristic symptoms of this disease are ‗warts‘ which develop on all underground
parts, except roots and basal part of the stem near ground level (Fig. 4).
2. The warts vary in size from small protuberances to large intricately branched structures.
3. The infection initiates the rapid cell division in host tissue and results in hypertrophy as
well as hyperplasia of infected cells.
4. Galls are produced due to hypertrophy and many galls confluent to form warty outgrowths.
5. Early in the season, these warts are green or greenish-white in colour. In advanced stage,
the warts enlarge into roughly spherical or irregular, cauliflower-like masses. Older warts
become dark, sometimes even black in colour.
Kingdom : Mycota
Division : Eumycota
Sub- Division : Basidiomycotina
Class : Teliomycetes
Order : Ustilaginales
Family : Ustilaginaceae
Genus : Ustilago
Species : tritici Symptoms
1. Every head of the attacked plant is converted into a black powdery mass of spores and no
grains are formed.
2. Smuts are classified into: loose smut and covered smut.
3. In loose smut the chlamydospores remain covered by a very thin membranous structure.
This structure bursts at the time o f flowering. Then spores disseminated by wind.
4. In covered smut, the spores remain enclosed in a membranous covering of the grain and
are not directly exposed to air. These spores are liberated usually at the time of threshing
of the ear due to breaking of the wall of grain.
5. Grains of the inflorescence turn black except the central axis and the awns.
6. Size of the infected plant is also reduced.
7. Due to hypertrophy, sometimes galls are also formed on leaves and stem.
8. In Sonalika (RR-21) variety, yellow chlorotic streaks may develop on flag leaves before
emergence of ears.
Fig.3.6: Ustilago tritici on wheat with black smut Fig.3.7: Chlamydospores of Ustillago tritici
3. Chlamydospores or Teliospores are the reproductive structures which form in the grains
of the host by repeated partition of the mycelium.
Each chlamydospore is black coloured sooty structure, and is unicellular, uninucleate, ,
diploid and rounded.
4. Chlamydospore is surrounded by a two layered cell wall. The outer is thick and spiny
(exospores) while the inner is thin and smooth walled (endospore).
5. It germinates to form four basidiospores which produce monokaryotic primary mycelium.
The mycelium is hyaline during growth in plant but changes to brown near maturity. The
hyphal cells are transformed into teliospores.
6. Teliospores are blown away by wind after the membrane of the spore wall ruptures in the
field. They fall on the feathery stigma of healthy flowers. On germination, each teliospore
produced promycelium, and germ tube arises from promycelium which invades the
stigma and then reaches the ovary of the infected carpel. The ovules are next penetrated
through their integuments.
7. Finally, hyphae reaches to embryo and in the ripe grains the hyphae of the fungus are
dormant, thick walled, oily and irregularly swollen.
8. The pathogen survives as dormant mycelium in the cotyledon (scutellum) of infected
kernels. When these infected grains are sown, the mycelium resumes its activity and
grows with the seedling. The mycelium follows closely the growth of the plant and grows
best just behind the growing point.
9. These plants flower earlier than the normal plants. When the plants form ears, and even
before their emergence, the mycelium invades all the young spikelets.
10. The infected heads become longer than the healthy ones, there is no grain formation in the
infected spikelets. Mycelium in infected spikelets soon transformed into teliospores
which are only contained in the delicate outer membrane of the host.
11. The membrane bursts open in the field soon after the teliospores mature and released
spores are blown off by wind to healthy plants.
12. The disease is systemic and internally seed borne. The dormant mycelium in the infected
grain brings about seedling infection. The fungus grows throughout the plant in systemic
manner; finally it infects the floral parts.
Ovaries are filled with teliospores released in the field and germinate on the stigma of
healthy flowers. They infect the embryo of grain and pathogen survives as dormant
1. Since the disease is seed borne, this can be effectively controlled by seed treatment with
fungicides or physical agents to eradicate the dormant mycelium of the fungus.
Fungicides like Vitavax, Bavistin, have been commonly used in India since long time.
Vitavax can also be used in combination with thiram, maneb unicellular or copper
quinolate. Raxil (Bayer India) is also effective and relatively cheaper.
2. Hot water or solar treatment of seeds is also a common practice for control of this disease.
The seeds are first soaked in water for five hours at 20°C , the water is drained off and
then they are treated with hot water at 49°C for about a minute and finally with hot water
at 52°C for 11 minutes. Immediately after the hot water treatment, the seeds are cooled
off by dipping in cold water and dried. The dormant mycelium inside the seed dies off by
this treatment.
3. Several resistant varieties of wheat have also been developed for cultivation in different
regions of India. Some of these are: NP 710, 718, 761 and 770. Bansipali 808, Bansi 224,
MPO 117, 125, 127 A, 128 A,137 and 142.
Kingdom : Mycota
Division : Eumycota
Sub-Divison : Basidiomycotina
Class : Teliomycetes
Order : Uredinales
Family : Pucciniaceae
Genus : Puccinia
Species : graminis Symptoms
On wheat (Triticum sps)
1. Large elongated and brown pustules appear on the leaf, leaf sheath and stem. These
pustules are of uredosori.
2. The brown pustules turn into large black couloured pustules. These pustules are of
3. These pustules give rusty appearance on the infected region.
4. Grains of the infected plants become shrivelled and thus the yield also reduces.
1. Cultivation of resistant varieties like N P 120, Np 52, NP 4, NP 165, Pb C591 showed
good resistant to rusts. Sonaara 64 and Lerema Rojo are highly resistant to black rust.
2. Mixed cropping with barley and wheat in the field gives good crop insurance even if the
main crop fails.
3. Higher dose of nitrogenous fertilizers makes the crop more susceptible to rusts. The
potassium has the opposite effect. Reduction of nitrogen in the proportion of NPK ratio
helps in reducing the incidence of rust in a susceptible variety.
4. Crop rotation can be used in hills, in this method the cultivation of barley and wheat plant
is replaced by oat.
5. Spraying with sulphur (13-6kg per acre) over young healthy wheat plants checks the rust
infection to a great extent.
Kingdom Mycota
Division Eumycota
Sub-division Deutromycetes
Class Coelomycetes
Order Melanconiales
Family Melanconiaceae
Genus Colletotrichum
Species falcatum Symptoms
Stalk symptoms
1. Drying up of the 3rd and 4th leaf of the crown at margins. Later, the entire crown dries up
and drops down.
2. Brown or reddish brown stipes appears externally at nodal region. On splitting the internal
tissue becomes red with white transverse bands.
3. Tissues emit alcoholic sour smell due to fermentation.
4. Tiny acervuli develop on outer surface of shrinkled upper internodes. Cottony gray fungus
mass develops in the pith region of the stem and sporulates abundantly.
5. The dark reddish areas elongate rapidly and form blood red lesions with dark margins
Fig.3.9: Colletotrichum falcatum, Red rot of sugarcane; A. infected stem showing black dot-like
acervuli; B. L.S. of infected stem showing red longitudinal stripes and white transverse patches;
C. infected leaf showing black dot-like acervuli on straw coloured mid-rib patches; D. magnified
straw coloured mid-patches with acervuli; E. section of infected leaf through acervulus showing
mycelium, conidiophores, conidia and setae.
Leaf symptoms
1. Tiny reddish lesions appear on the upper surface of the lamina. These lesions are 2 to 3
mm in length and about 0.5 mm in width.
2. Minute red spots on the upper surface of the midrib in both the directions. Later on
becomes straw coloured in the centre with the development of black acervuli and dark
reddish brown margins.
1. There is yet no effective chemical control measure against this disease.
2. Bavistin has shown promising result but needs confirmation.
3. Rouging, prevention of flow of irrigation water from disease infested fields to healthy
ones and selection of healthy seed cuttings are the only means of control.
4. Red rot resistant varieties like Co L 9, Co 62399 and B 42231 are some of the proved
highly resistant varieties.
Late blight of potato is global in distribution. The disease is much found in potato production
areas with cool, moist climatic conditions during growing season. This disease kills the top of
the plant and also involves the tubers. This is a very destructive disease of potato. The famous
Ireland famine between 1845 and 1847 was due to the failure of potato crop, the major source
of food of the population. This destructive disease is caused by Phytophthora infestans.
Kingdom Mycota
Division Eumycota
Sub-division Mastigomycotina
Class Oomycetes
Order Pernosporales
Family Pythiaceae
Genus Phytophthora
Species infestans Symptoms
1. Symptoms of late blight can be found on above-as well as underground parts of the potato
2. Often the disease appears late in the growing season after flowering, but in some areas
such as highland valleys, symptoms can be seen only a few weeks after planting.
3. The disease is generally found first on lower leaves, although under continuous high
moisture, symptoms can initially be seen on the upper parts of the plant.
4. Dark green areas or lesions are developed on the upper surface, most often near the edge
or tip of the leaf and spread inwards.
5. Due to infection the tissue dies, the lesion colour becomes dark brown and brittle.
6. Infected leaves get killed within two to four days in moist weather.
7. In dry weather, the blighted areas of leaves curl and shrivel.
8. On the underside of infected leaves, the edge of the lesions bears a fluffy whitish or
grayish downy growth of the fungus, which are the sporangiophores and sporangia.
9. On stems and floral parts, the appearance of water soaked lesions is less marked than on
leaves. The lesions are often black strips along the length of stem and inflorescence. In
severe infection of stem, there is wilting and death of leaves and floral parts above the
point of infection.
10. Potato tubers also become infected while they are in the field and still attached to plants.
11. The infected surface show small to large, irregularly shaped lesions. Purplish – brown
coloured areas develop on the tuber skin and are slightly sunken and frequent in and
around the eyes.
12. Later the affected parts of tuber die and shrink, forming irregular sunken areas on its
surface. The tubers develop wet rot due to invasion of other bacteria and fungi in the
infected areas.
1. The mycelium of the pathogen is hyaline, branched, coenocytic intercellular hyphae with
haustoria which are finger-like protuberances surrounded by thickenings of host wall
2. Asexual reproduction takes place by sporangia or conidia.
3. Certain hyphae become septate and form conidiophores which grow out from the stomata
on the underside of the leaf.
The conidiophores produces ovoid or lemon-shaped, multinucleate papillate conidia.
4. Conidia are initially terminal but become lateral due to sympodial branching of
5. Each conidium forms many biflagellate zoospores which emerge through papilla. Each
zoospore germinates to form a new mycelium.
6. Sexual reproduction is of Oogamous type. The antheridium arises as a globose swelling
which later on attains a funnel-shaped structure. Antheridium is amphigynous (at the base
of the oogonium).
7. Oogonium is spherical or pear shaped structure. It has a uninucleate oosphere or egg in
the centre.
8. Antheridium has many male nuclei. It forms fertilization tube which enters into the
oogonium. One male nuclei passes into the ooplasm through this tube.
Male and female nuclei unite to produce oospore. Oospore germinates to form a germ
tube after resting period. It either develops into new mycelium or may form
sporangium at the apex.
Late blight, the disease caused by Phytophthora infestans can grow wherever potatoes are
grown; it is most destructive in cool weather and wet conditions (Marshall 1995). It can be
considered as necrotrophic parasite- a very host specific one at that. It mainly grows on
potato plant and tomato but can also grow in other organisms in the family Solanaceae.
It is able to actively seek infection sites both above and below ground. It can form resting
spores, spores that swim and spores that spread with wind. Being an organism with the ability
for both sexual and asexual reproduction, it is extremely adaptable to environmental changes
such as host genotype, fungicide etc.
This pathogen prefers Solanaceae members (potato and tomato), the host specificity of P.
infestans is implies that there is a specificity in the recognition by host and pathogen and
that this pathogen needs some specific signals to recognize the plant as a host.
Kingdom Mycota
Division Eumycota
Sub-division Deuteromycotina
Class Hyphomycetes
Order Moniiales
Family Dematiaceae
Genus Alternaria
Species solani Symptoms
1. Initially small yellowish brown spots appear on the leaves of potato.
2. Gradually spots increases in size and become rounded to form concentric rings. Colour of
the ring changes into black. There is a narrow chlorotic zone around the spots.
3. During severe infection whole lamina and leaf turns into black and black spots on petiole,
stem and even tubers are found
4. Infected tubers turn brown or black showing necrotic lesions on skin.
5. The lesions may cause collapse of the branches or the entire aboveground parts of plant.
Fig.3.12: Symptoms of Alternaria solani on Potato leaf (A) and Conidia of the Alternaria (B)
1. Cultural control methods like, crop rotation, removal and burning of infected plant debris
and eradication of wed hosts helps reduce the infection level.
2. Resistant cultivars with good levels of field resistance are also available.
3. Chemical control is the most common and effective method for the control of this disease.
Fungicides like- quadris, headline, maneb be used for disease control.
patternon leaflets which later on changes to characteristic concentric ridges with target-board
effect and causes tissue necrosis in the host. The mycelium is septate, branched, intercellular
later becoming intracellular. Conidiophores are formed singly or in groups which give rise to
conidia that are beaked, muriform. Chlamydospores are also developed singly or in chains or
clusters. They germinate in moist weather to produced mycelium.
Acervulus: (pl. acervuli) erumpent, cushionlike fruiting body bearing conidiophores, conidia,
and sometimes setae
Aeciospore: dikaryotic spore of a rust fungus produced in an aecium; in heteroecious rusts, a
spore stage that infects the alternate host
Aecium: the fruiting body of a rust fungus in which the first dikaryotic spores (aeciospores)
are produced
Alternate host: one of two kinds of plant on which a parasitic fungus (e.g. rust) must
develop to complete its life cycle
Antheridium: (pl.antheridia) male sexual organ (male gametangium) found in some fungi
Asexual-reproduction: any type of reproduction not involving the union of gametes and
Autoecious: in reference to rust fungi, producing all spore forms on one species of host plant
(see heteroecious)
Canker: a plant disease characterized (in woody plants) by the death of cambium tissue and
loss and/or malformation of bark, or (in non-woody plants) by the formation of sharply
delineated, dry, necrotic, localized lesions on the stem; "canker" may also be used to refer to
the lesion itself, particularly in woody plants
Chlamydospore: thick-walled or double-walled asexual resting spore formed from hyphal
cells (terminal or intercalary) or by transformation of conidial cells that can function as an
overwintering stage
Chlorotic: leaves turning pale yellow due to insufficient chlorophyll
Coenocytic: having multiple nuclei embedded in cytoplasm without cross walls; nonseptate
Conidiophore simple or branched hypha on which conidia are produced
Conidium: (pl.conidia) an asexual, nonmotile fungal spore that develops externally or is
liberated from the cell that formed it
Dikaryotic: having two distinct or different nuclei per cell
Gall: (syn.tumor) abnormal swelling or localized outgrowth, often roughly spherical,
produced by a plant as a result of attack by a fungus, bacterium, nematode, insect, or other
Gametangia: an organ or cell in which gametes are produced
Haustorium: (pl.haustoria) specialized branch of a parasite formed inside host cells to
absorb nutrients
Hostplant: living plant attacked by or harboring a parasite or pathogen and from which the
invader obtains part or all of its nourishment
Hyaline: transparent or nearly so; translucent; often used in the sense of colorless
Hyperplasia: abnormal increase in the number of cells, often resulting in the formation of
galls or tumors
Hypertrophy: (adj. hypertrophic) abnormal increase in the size of cells in a tissue or organ,
often resulting in the formation of galls or tumors
Hypha:(pl.hyphae;adj.hyphal) single, tubular filament of a fungal thallus or mycelium; the
basic structural unit of a fungus
Infect: process in which an organism enters, invades, or penetrates and establishes a parasitic
relationship with a host plant
Inoculums: (pl.inocula) pathogen or its parts, capable of causing infection when transferred
to a favorable location
Intercellular: between or among cells
Intracellular: through or within cells
Leaf-sheath: lower, tubular part of a grass leaf that clasps the culm
Lesion: localized diseased area or wound
Monokaryotic: having a single nucleus
Necrosis: (adj.necrotic) death of cells or tissue, usually accompanied by black or brown
Obligate parasite: (syn.biotroph) organism that can grow only as a parasite in association
with its host plant and cannot be grown in artificial culture media
Oogamous: a form of anisogmy (heterogamy) in which the female gamete (egg) is
significantly larger than the male gamete and is non-motile. The male gametes are typically
highly motile spermatozoa for the fertilization of immotile egg.
Oogonium: (pl.oogonia) female gametangium of oomycetes, containing one or more
Oospore: thick-walled, sexually-derived resting spore of oomycetes
Paraphyses: filaments like support structures in the reproductive apparatus of fungi, ferns
and mosses
Parasite: (adj.parasitic) organism that lives in intimate association with another organism on
which it depends for its nutrition; not necessarily a pathogen
Pathogen: (adj.pathogenic) a disease-producing organism or agent
Pathogenesis: production and development of disease
Pathotypes: any group of organism (of the same species) that have the pathogenicity on a
specified host
Perennial: something that occurs year after year; plant that survives for several to many
years (see annual, biennial)
Pustules: bumps on the underside of leaves due to bacterial or fungal infection
Pycnidiospore: spore (conidium) produced in a pycnidium
Pycnidium: (pl.pycnidia) asexual, globose or flask-shaped fruiting body of certain imperfect
fungi producing conidia
Quarantine: legislative control of the transport of plants or plant parts to prevent the spread
of pests or pathogens
Sanitation: destruction or removal of infected and infested plants or plant parts;
decontamination of tools, equipment, containers, work space, hands, etc.
Smut: a disease caused by a smut fungus (Ustilaginales) in the Basidiomycota or the fungus
itself; it is characterized by masses of dark brown or black, dusty to greasy masses of
teliospores that generally accumulate in black, powdery sori
Sorus: a cluster of sporangia(structure producing spores)
Spikelet: spike-like appendage comprised of one or more reduced flowers and associated
bracts; unit of inflorescence in grasses; a small spike
Sporangiophore: sporangium-bearing body of a fungus
Sporangium: (pl.sporangia) saclike fungal structure in which the entire contents are
converted into an indefinite number of asexual spores
Symptom: indication of disease by reaction of the host, e.g. canker, leaf spot, wilt (see sign)
Teliospore: thick-walled resting or overwintering spore produced by the rust fungi
(Uredinales) and smut fungi (Ustilaginales) in which karyogamy occurs; it germinates to
form a promycelium (basidium) in which meiosis occurs
Telium: (pl.telia) fruiting body (sorus) of a rust fungus that produces teliospores
Thallus: vegetative body of a fungus
Uniflagellate: having one flagellum
Urediniospore: (also-urediospore,uredospore) the asexual, dikaryotic, often rusty-colored
spore of a rust fungus, produced in a structure called a uredinium; the "repeating stage" of a
heteroecious rust fungus, i.e. capable of infecting the host plant on which it is produced
Zoospore: fungal spore with flagella, capable of locomotion in water
(vi) The mycelium of which of the fungi is tubular, hyaline, branched and coenocytic?
(a) Fusarium sp. (b) Ustillago tritci
(c) Phytophthora infestans (d) Colletotrichum falcatum
(viii) Pustules of brown or black colour develop on the leaves are of-
(a) Uredosori (b)Teleutosori
(c) Pycnidiospores (d) Chlamydospores
3.6.1 Answer Key: (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) a, (iv) d, (v) d, (vi) c, (vii) a, (viii) b, (ix) a, (x) b
Agrios, G.N. (1988). Plant Pathology. Academic Press, New York, pp. 803.
Alexopoulos, C.J., C.W. Mims and M. Blackwell (1996). Introductory Mycology. John
Willey and Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 368.
Basu, A.N. and B.K. Giri (1993). The Essentials of Viruses, Vectors and Plant Diseases.
Willey Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 242.
D.V. Singh 2007, Introductory Plant Pathology, IARI New Delhi.
Ellis, M.B. (1971). Dematiceous Hyphomycetes. Commonwealth Mycological Institute,
Kew, Surrey, England, pp. 608.
Gareth Jones, D. (1989). Plant Pathology, Principles and Practices. Aditya Books, New
Delhi, pp. 191.
Hawksworth, D.L. and B.C. Sutton and G.C. Ainsworth (1983). Dictionary of Fungi, (7th
Edition), Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew, Surrey, England, pp. 445.
Holliday, Paul (1980). Fungus Diseases of Tropical Crops. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, U.K. pp. 607.
Laidlaw WMR 1985. A method for the detection of resting sporangia of the potato wart
disease (Synchytrium endobioticum) in the soil of old outbreak sites. Potato Res. 28:
Singh, R.S. (1983). Plant Diseases. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi.
Singh, R.S. (1987). Plant Pathogens- The Fungi, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi
Walker, J.C. (1969). Plant Pathology. Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. New York, (Indian Edition).
3. Describe the symptoms and morphology of fungus causing late blight of Potato.
4. What types of conidia are produced by Colletrotrichum?
5. Write short notes on the following-
(a) Citrus canker (b) Chlamydospores
This unit deals with isolation of micro organisms and grow them in the laboratory. After
reading this unit students will be able to-
Know about the cultivation of microorganisms.
About different culture media and their preparation.
Know about the method of isolation of microorganisms.
Maintenance and Preservation of Pure cultures obtained from Microbes.
Microorganisms are generally found in natural environment (like air, soil, water etc.) Even
the diseased parts of plants and animals contain a great number of microorganisms to study
and to know more about them, we have to separate them from mixed forms and cutlure them
under artificial conditions. The growing of micro-organisms in an artificial medium is known
as cultivation. Cultivation of microbes in the laboratory involves a number of steps. When we
culture, me unually get a large number of microbes grow together (mixed culture), but by
various isolation techniques, we can obtain a culture which contain just one species of
microorganisms (Pure culture).
3. Petridishes – The Petridish was designed by a German bacteriologist Petri in 1887. These
are flat, circular, shallow glass tubes with perpendicular sides, provided with the cover of
same shape but stightly of larger diameter, The Peridishes are used to provide a flat surface to
the melted culture medium, when poured into it. The greatest disadvantage of the Petri dish is
that it is easily broken.
4. Inoculating Loops and Inoculating Niddles – Inoculating loop is made up of wire of
Platinum, nichrome or eureka, which is fixed into a metal or glass rod at one end and band or
looped at the other. Inoculating niddle on the other hand is a straight wire without any loop or
bend. Inoculating niddle and loop are used to inoculate the inoculum from liquid or semisolid
B) General instruments
(i) Autoclave – Autoclave is the instrument used to sterilize culture media, glass wares, and
other tools by high pressure steam, which developed inside the sterilizing chamber by heating
water. Steam pressure increases inside the chamber with increasing heating time. The
commonly exercised steam pressure for strilization is 15 pound / inch2 in exess of
atmospheric pressure, which is equivalent to the temperature of 1200C (250F) at sea level.
The temperature at 15 lb pressure for 15 minutes is sufficient to kill any organism, and to
achieve complete sterility. (Fig.4.2)
Fig.4.2: Autoclave
(ii) Incubator – Majority of fungi grow reasonably well at room temperature, however, in
order to induce maximum rate of growth and in some cases, to promote the formation of
certain types of spores and fruiting structures higher or lower temperature is essential.
Incubator is the instrument, used for such purpose. It is an electrical instrument with narrow
operating temperature range lies generally between 200C to 500C.
(iii) Hot Air Owen – The instrument is used for dry sterilization of the glass wares through
developing hot air, electricity. The owen has a steel or aluminium body, which is so designed
that is restrict the radiation of heat to outside. Unsterilized glasswares are put into the owen
chamber which is heated through a hot air blower, the temperature is raised upto 1800C to
achieve the complete sterilization.(Fig.4.3)
(b) Czapeck-Dox Medium – Many workers considered that Raulin's solution and its various
modificatins are unnecessarily complicated. Czapeck attampted to supply all the elements
necessary for growth with minimum of duplication. The Czapeck's solution was further
modified by Dox in 1910 and Thom and Church in 1926. It is most preferred medium for
physiological study.
Sucrose 30.0 g
Sodium nitrate 2.0 g
Potassium chloride 0.5 g
Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4 7H2O) 0.5 g
Antibacterial media
To check the unnecessary growth of bacteria in the culture medium for fungi certain chemical
like rose bengal, streptomycin and aureomycin in used by various microbiologist, Such media
are particularly important for the study of fungi.
(a) Smith and Dawson's Medium –
Glucose 10.0 g
NaNO2 1.0 g
K2PO4 1.0 g
Agar 15.0 g
Rose bengal 0.067 g
Soil extrect 1000 ml
The soil extract is prepared by autoclaving 500 g of loam in 1200 ml water for one hour. The
extract is then filtered through paper.
4.3.3. Sterilization
Sterilization is the complete destruction of all forms of micro-organism
2. Radiation – Certain radiation like ultraviolet light, X-rays, Gamma rays are used
variously for sterilization. Ultravoilet light is very effective for culture room sterilization.
Ionizing radiation is also recommended for heat liable materials.
3. Filtration – Filtration may be economical method for the partial sterilization of gas or
liquid. Cotton wool is generally used for filteration of gas. For liquid filtration, a variety
of filters like Seitz filter (asbestos filter), chamber land-pastus filter (porcelain filter) Berk
feld filter (Diatomaceous earth filter) are used.
usually from one or few cells of the species. Following are some common methods for
obtaining the pure culture.
culture of bacteria is diluted directly in tubes containing melted agar medium maintained in
the liquid state at a temperature of 42-45°C (agar solidifies below 42°C).
The bacteria and the melted medium are mixed well. The contents of each tube are poured
into separate Petri plates, allowed to solidify, and then incubated. When bacterial colonies
develop, one finds that isolated colonies develop both within the agar medium (subsurface
colonies) and on the medium (surface colonies). These isolated colonies are then picked up
by inoculation loop and streaked onto another Petri plate to insure purity.
Pour plate method has certain disadvantages as follows: (i) the picking up of subsurface
colonies needs digging them out of the agar medium thus interfering with other colonies, and
(ii the microbes being isolated must be able to withstand temporary exposure to the 42-45°
temperature of the liquid agar medium; therefore this technique proves unsuitable for the
isolation of psychrophilic microorganisms.
However, the pour plate method, in addition to its use in isolating pure cultures, is also used
for determining the number of viable bacterial cells present in a culture.
The medium is now incubated. When the colonies develop on the agar medium plates, it is
found that there are some plates in which well-isolated colonies grow. This happens as a
result of separation of individual microorganisms by spreading over the drop of diluted liquid
on the medium of the plate.
single microorganism. If this tube shows any microbial growth, there is a very high
probability that this growth has resulted from the introduction of a single microorganism in
the medium and represents the pure culture of that microorganism.
Once a pure culture is obtained then methods are to be devised for their maintenance and
preservation so that all the characteristics can be conserved. Some of the simple methods of
culture maintenance and their preservation are described below.
The survival of microorganisms in the laboratory, as well as in nature, depends on their
ability to grow under certain chemical and physical conditions. An understanding of these
conditions enables us to characterize isolates and differentiate between different types of
bacteria. Such knowledge can also be applied to control the growth of microorganisms in
practical situations.
For their normal growth, bacteria must be supplied with moisture, protein, carbohydrate and
inorganic elements such as Iron, sodium, calcium, etc. Therefore, if such a mixture is
prepared which contains these nutritive substances, the bacteria can be grown easily. Such a
mixture is known as culture medium.
It may be in solid form or liquid or semi solid medium. The liquid medium is called broth.
Solid medium is prepared by adding agar agar to the broth. For the isolation bacteria, semi
solid medium is important.
Killing of Microorganisms (viruses, bacteria and fungi) of an article usually by means of heat
is called sterilization. It is required for culture media, suspended fluids, reagents, equipments,
instruments and containers used in microbiology. Drying kills many bacteria & fungi, several
pathogens (e.g. Smallpox virus, tubercle bacilli). Freezing also kills most of bacteria & fungi.
Heat is the most commonly used physical agent for sterilization. It is of two types viz.
Sterilization by dry heat & Sterilization of moist heat.
Anaerobe: an organism that grows in the absence of free oxygen.
Amotation: The process of determining the location of specific genes in a genome map after
it has been produced by nucleic acid sequencing.
Complex medium: Culture medium that contains some ingredients of unknown chemical
Bacteria: All prokaryotes that are not members of the domain Archaea.
Bactericidal: Term used to describe a drug that kills microorganisms.
Basal medium: A medium which allows the growth of many types of microorganisms
which do not require any special nutrient supplements, e.g. nutrient broth.
C: Celsius/Centigrade.
Capsul: A colorless, transparent, mucopolysaccharide sheath on the wall of a cell.
Saccharolytic: Capable of breaking down sugars.
Selective medium: A medium which allows the growth of certain types of microorganisms in
preference to others. For example, an antibiotic-containing medium allows the growth of only
those microorganisms which are resistant to this antibiotic.
Slant: See definition of "butt." The slant is the upper surface of the medium in the tube
described. It is exposed to air in the tube.
Spore: Propagule that develops by sexual reproduction (ascospore, basidiospore, zygospore)
or by asexual means within a sporangium (sporangiospore). Those most commonly seen in
the clinical laboratory are usually enclosed in a sac-like structure (as opposed to conidia
which are free, not enclosed).
Sterilization: Treatment resulting in death of all living organisms and viruses in a material.
2. Lysol is a
(a) Sterilent (b) Disinfectant
(c) Antiseptic (d) Antifungal agent
Healthwise, Incorporated (2010-06-28).Throat Culture. WebMD. Retrieved 2013-03-10.
Old, D.C.; Duguid, J.P. (1970). "Selective Outgrowth of Fimbriate Bacteria in Static
Liquid Medium". Journal of Bacteriology (American Society for Microbiology) 103 (2):
447–456.PMID 248102.
Madigan, Michael T. (2012). Brock biology of microorganisms (13th ed.). San Francisco:
Benjamin Cummings. ISBN 9780321649638.
Uruburu, F. (2003). "History and services of culture collections". International
Microbiology 6 (2): 101–103. doi:10.1007/s10123-003-0115-2. PMID 12811589.
After reading this section students will know -
Study of different types of algae.
Morphology, vegetative and reproductive structures of different algae.
Different algal forms – Oscillatoria, Nostoc, Chlamydomonas, Volvox, Oedogonium.
Algae is a very large and diverse group of eukaryotic organisms, ranging from unicellular
genera such as Chlorella and the diatoms to multicellular forms such as the giant kelp, a
large brown alga that may grow up to 50 meters in length. Most are autotrophic and lack
many of the distinct cell and tissue types found in land plants such as stomata,
xylem and phloem. The largest and most complex marine algae are called seaweeds, while
the most complex freshwater forms are the Charophyta, a division of algae that
includes Spirogyra and the stoneworts.
There is no generally accepted definition of algae. One definition is that algae
"have chlorophyll as their primary photosynthetic pigment and lack a sterile covering of cells
around their reproductive cells". Other authors exclude all prokaryotes and thus do not
consider cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) as algae.
Algae constitute a polyphyletic group since they do not include a common ancestor, and
although their plastids seem to have a single origin, from cyanobacteria, they were acquired
in different ways. Green algae are examples of algae that have primary chloroplasts derived
from endosymbiotic cyanobacteria. Diatoms are examples of algae with secondary
chloroplasts derived from an endosymbiotic red alga.
Algae exhibit a wide range of reproductive strategies, from simple asexual cell division to
complex forms of sexual reproduction.
Algae lack the various structures that characterize land plants, such as the phyllids (leaf-like
structures) of bryophytes, rhizoids in nonvascular plants, and the roots, leaves, and
other organs that are found in tracheophytes (vascular plants). Most are phototrophic,
although some groups contain members that are mixotrophic deriving energy both from
photosynthesis and uptake of organic carbon either by osmotrophy, myzotrophy,
or phagotrophy. Some unicellular species of green algae, many golden
algae, euglenoids, dinoflagellates and other algae have become heterotrophs (also called
colorless or apochlorotic algae), sometimes parasitic, relying entirely on external energy
sources and have limited or no photosynthetic apparatus. Some other heterotrophic
organisms, like the apicomplexans, are also derived from cells whose ancestors possessed
plastids, but are not traditionally considered as algae. Algae have photosynthetic machinery
ultimately derived from cyanobacteria that produce oxygenas a by-product of photosynthesis,
unlike other photosynthetic bacteria such as purple and green ulphur bacteria. Fossilized
filamentous algae from the Vindhya basin have been dated back to 1.6 to 1.7 billion years
The genus Oscillatoria is very common. It grows abundantly in dirty stagnant and polluted
water channels forming a blackish blue-green mass. Besides, it also occurs on moist rocks,
temporary water pools, ditches, drains, streams, sewers and muddy banks of rivers.
Fig. 5.2: Oscillatoria - Habit of filaments, single filament in enlarged view and a single filament
showing Oscillating movement
Vegetative structure
The thallus:
1. The plant body is filamentous. The filamentous occurs singly or large numbers of them
are interwoven to form extensive flat stratum or spongy sheets.
2. The filaments are unbranched.
3. They are long or short, usually straight.
4. Usually, sheath around the trichomes is absent. However, an inconspicuous delicate
sheath is present in some species so that they are slippery in touch.
5. All the cells alike except the terminal one which may be conical, convex, rounded,
pointed, bent or coiled.
6. In most of the species the cells are usually shorter than the breadth of the trichome.
7. Freshly mounted filaments (in water) show a characteristic oscillating movement, like the
movement of pendulum in a clock.
8. The cell structure is typically similar to myxophycean cells. The cellular protoplasm is
differentiated into outer colored chromoplasm and central hyaline centroplasm.
9. The cells are prokaryotic.
Reproductive structure:
1. The reproduction in Oscillatoria takes place by the formation of hormogones.
2. The hormogones are small piece of trichomes which separate from parent filament and
grow separately into new thalli.
3. They are formed as a result of the death of intercalary cell which becomes empty and acts
as biconcave separation disc.
Sub-division – Algae. (1) Thallus simple, (2) Presence of chlorophyll, (3) Cell wall of
Class – Myxophyceae. (1) Chromatophore not organised, pigments diffused, blue-green, (2)
Photosynthetic reserve cyanophycean starch, (3) True nucleus absent, (4) Sexual
reproduction absent.
Order – Nostocales. (1) Thallus with trichomes, unbranched, or with false branching,
(2) Hormogones, heterocysts, exospores and endospores generally present.
Family – Oscillatoriaceae. (1) Trichomes uniseriate, sometimes tapering at the ends,
(2) Heterocysts and spores absent, (3) Sheath absent or diffluent.
Genus – Oscillatoria. (1) Trichomes not in bundles, (2) Trichomes without a sheath
(3) Trichomes straight and cylindrical
Division- Cyanophyta
Class - Cyanophyceae
Order - Nostocales
Family - Nostocaceae
Genus - Nostoc
The genus Nostoc is colonial and grows in the form of mucilaginous balls. It occurs both in
terrestrial and aquatic habitats. It grows commonly in fresh water ponds, pools, puddles and
ditches. Some species grow in the paddy fields, moist soils and rocks. Few species are
endophytic and in the tissue of higher plants.
Fig. 5.3: Nostoc – Colony growing as balls, an enlarged view of colony and a single filament in
enlarged view
Vegetative structures:
Nostoc balls:
1. The alga is colonial and a large number of filaments are embedded within a mucilaginous
envelope forming a ball shaped colony. These are called Nostoc balls.
2. The balls are olive green or blue green in color.
3. The size and the shape of the ball change with the age. They measure from a pin head to
the size of a hen‘s egg.
4. The shape of the ball may be spherical, oblong, ellipsoidal or in some cases irregular.
5. Young colonies are solid but at maturity they may becomes hollow ro even break open
into flat or lobed expanses.
The thallus:
1. Nostoc filaments are uniseriate and unbranched. They remain embedded in a common
mucilaginous envelope forming a colony.
2. Each filament consists of a large number of spherical cells which give it a moniliform
beaded appearance.
3. The filaments are curved, contorted and interwined.
4. A filament may possess its own sheath which may be hyaline or colored.
5. The filaments possess terminal or intercalary heterocysts. The heterocysts show one or
two polar nodules towards the side of attachment with vegetative cell or cells.
6. The structure of vegetative cells is typically similar myxophycean cells. The protoplasm
is differentiated into outer colored chromoplasm and central hyaline centroplasm.
7. The cells are prokaryotic.
Reproductive structures
1. The akinetes are thick walled and larger cells which store large cyanophycian granules.
2. They may occurs singly or in chains and germinate to produce young filaments.
Sub-division – Algae. (1) Thallus simple, (2) Presence of chlorophyll, (3) Cell wall of
Class – Myxophyceae. (1) Chromatophore not organised, pigments diffused, blue-green, (2)
Photosynthetic reserve of cyanophycean starch, (3) True nucleus absent.
Order – Nostocales. (1) Thallus with trichomes, unbranched, or branching false,
(2) Hormogones, heterocysts, exospores and endospores generally present.
Family – Nostocaceae. (1) Trichomes simple, unbranched, uniseriate and approximately of
the same diameter throughout (2) Heterocysts and akinetes present, (3) Trichomes not
Genus – Nostoc. (1) Trichomes much twisted into a mass of difinite form with a firm
colonial envelope, (2) Heterocysts intercalary and single.
Division- Chlorophyta
Class - Chlorophyceae
Order - Volvocales
Family - Chlamydomonadaceae
Genus - Chlaymydomonas
The alga occurs as free swimming in fresh water ponds, lakes and ditches. A few species
grow on moist damp soil. It forms green surface layer on water.
Fig. 5.4: Chlamydomonas – A single cell in enlarged view and Palmella stage of life cycle
The thallus:
1. The plant body is unicellular, motile and the cells occur singly.
2. The shape of cell may be oval, spherical or oblong. Size is approximately 20 µ in length.
3. The anterior end of the cell usually shows papillate projection to which two whiplash type
of flagella are attached.
4. The cell possesses a firm, two layered cell wall which encloses protoplasm.
5. Each cell possesses single, large, cup-shaped chloroplast. Single large nucleus is situated
in the cavity of chloroplast. The cup-shape of chloroplast can be seen only in side view.
6. Each cell is characterized by the presence of single pyrenoid on the broad portion of
7. The pyrenoid body shows central protein surrounded by starch grains.
Palmella stage:
1. Stage asexual reproduction of chlamydomonas that resembles a genus palmella is called
palmella stage.
2. This stage results under unfavorable conditions.
3. The group of daughter cells (two, four or eight) remains embedded in a common
mucilaginous envelope of parent cell.
4. The cells are non-motile but as soon as they get moisture they develop flagella and escape
from envelop.
Sub-division – Algae. (1) Presence of a simple thallus, (2) Chlorophyll present, (3) Cell wall
made of cellulose.
Class – Chlorophyceae. (1) Presence of a difinite nucleus, (2) Chloroplast present, grass
green colour, (3) presence of starch (4) Reproductive structure motile and flagella equal in
Order – Volvocales. (1) Thallus motie, (2) Protoplast with contractile vocuoles.
Family – Chlamydomonadaceae.
Genus – Chlamydomonas. (1) Oval or Pyriform shape of the thallus which in unicellular, (2)
Cup-shaped chloroplast, (3) Presence of an eye spot, (4) Fornation of Palmella stage.
Division- Chlorophyta
Class - Chlorophyceae
Order - Volocales
Family - Volvocaceae
Genus - Volvox
The genus Volvox includes about 20 species. All are aquatic and free floating. They occur in
fresh water ponds, pools, ditches and occasionally in lakes. The alga is plank-tonic and
occurs as green rolling balls of pin head size imparting green color to the surface of water.
Vegetative structure:
Fig. 5.5: Volvox – A colony showing daughter cells, vegetative coenobium, coenobium showing
reproductive structures.
Reproductive structures:
(a) Coenobium with daughter colonies:
1. The asexual reproduction in Volvox occurs by the formation of daughter colonies.
2. More than one daughter colony can be seen in mother coenobium. Sometimes
granddaughter colonies are also form.
3. The daughter colonies are formed from special cells called gonidia towards the posterior
side of coenobium.
4. The numbers of cells in a daughter colony are same as found in parent colony but their
size remains very small.
5. The mature daughter colonies escape by the repture of parent coenobial wall.
(b) Coenobium with androgonidia showing antherozoids:
1. The male coenobium shows androgonidia mostly towards posterior side.
2. Each andrognidium forms about 64-128 biflagellated antherozoids.
3. The antherozoids are arranged in a hollow sphere. Each of them is biflagellate, conical in
shape and possesses single, pale chloroplast.
(c) Female coenobium with gynogonidia showing oogonia and zygotes:
1. Each gynogonidium is large, enclosed within a flash shaped firm membrane and
possesses single non-flagellated, dark colored ovum.
2. The zygote is large, thick walled and orange colored structure. The wall is madeup of
three layers.
3. The female coenobium shows a large number of gynogonidia which after fertilization
show oospores (zygotes).
Sub-division – Algae. (1) Thallus simple, (2) Presence of chlorophyll, (3) Cell wall of
Class – Chlorophyceae. (1) Chrooplasts green, (2) Photosynthetic product starch, (3) motile
cells flagellated (4) Flagella equal in length.
Order – Volvocales. (1) Vegetative cells flagellated (2) Thallus motile.
Family – Volvocaceae. (1) Thallus colonial, (2) Division of cells in longitudinal plane.
Genus – Volvox. (1) Colony spherical or sub-spherical, (2) Number of cell at least 500.
Division- Chlorophyta
Class - Chlorophyceae
Oeder - Oedogoniales
Family - Oedogoniaceae
Genus - Oedogonium
The genus Oedogonium includes more than 285 species. All are aquatic and grow in fresh
water ponds, pools, swallow tanks, lakes or even in slow streams. The young filaments are
generally attached to submerged stones, rocks or on woods where as the mature filaments
may be free floating. It also occurs epiphytically on submerged aquatic plants.
Vegetative structures:
The thallus:
1. The plant body is multicellular, filamentous, long and unbranched.
2. The filaments are attached to the substrartum by means of long, hyaline, basal hold-fast.
3. The hold fast is the basal cell of the filament. The lower part of hold fast may be simple
or multi-lobed disc shaped where as its upper part is bulbous.
4. The apical cell of a filament is generally rounded at its free surface.
5. All the other cells hold fast and apical cell are elongated, cylindrical and arranged end to
end. This intercalary (vegetative cell) are slightly swollen at their upper ends.
6. The few intercalary cells show ring like striations towards their distal ends. These annular
rings are called caps or scars and the cells which possess caps are called cap cells.
7. The cells possess three layered walls. The cell wall is thick and rigid. It is three layered.
8. Each cell is uninucleate. The nucleus usually lies in the peripheral cytoplasm.
9. Each cell possesses, single, large, reticulate chloroplast which is parietal in position and
encloses. A big central vacuole.
10. A large number of pyrenoids are present in the cells. They usually occur irregularly or at
the intersections of the reticulate chloroplast.
(a) Asexual:
1. Asexual reproduction takes place by the formation of thick walled, reddish brown, more
or less rounded structures called akinetes. Single akinete is formed from single cell.
2. A sexual reproduction also occurs by the formation of zoospores. Single zoospore is
formed from single cell (except apical and basal cell).
3. Each zoospore is spherical or pear shaped. It has a ring of short flagella at its colorless,
beak like anterior end. The zoospore is deep green in colour and possesses reticulate
(b) Sexual: The sexual reproduction is oogamous. Female sex organ is oogonium and male
sex organ is antheridium.
On the basis of sex organs in the filaments there may be two types of species---
Macrandrous and Nannandrous. They may be monoecious or dioecious.
3. The antheridia are borne on a special small filament called nannandrium or dwarf male,
which is produced by the germination of androspore.
4. The androspores are small, flagellated spores produced singly in androsporangia. The
androsporangia may develop in oogonial filament or separate filament.
5. The andospore germinates either on wall of oogonium or on suffultory cell and produces
a small male filament caleed nannandrium or dwarf male.
6. Each nannandrium has a basal long, sterile stalk cell which has a disc like or finger like
hold fast to get itself attached to the wall of oogonium or suffultory cell.
7. There are two three small cells at the apex of basal stalk cell in a nannandrium. The tip
cell produces one or more antheridia.
8. The antheridia are small, flat and disc like. Each antheridium produces single sperm
multi-flagellated sperms.
Sub-division – Algae. (1) Thallus filamentous, (2) chlorophyll present, (3) Cell wall of
Class – Chlorophyceae. (1) Chloroplasts grass-green, (2) Photosynthetic reserve-starch,
(3) Motile structures flagellated, (4) Flagella equal in length.
Order – Oedogoniales. (1) Cells uninucleate, filaments branched or unbrahched, (2) Cell
division forming ‗caps‘. (3) Chloroplast reticulate, (4) Zoospores and antherozoids bear a
whorl of flagella, (5) Production of dwarf males.
Family – Oedogoniaceae. (A single family)
Genus – Oedogonium. (1) Filaments unbranched, (2) Cells cylindrical, (3) Holdfast well
Method of permanent slide preparation
Select thin section
30% alcohol
50% alcohol
70% alcohol
90% alcohol
Absolute alcohol
20% xylol.
50% xylol.
70% xylol.
90% xylol.
100% xylol.
Mounting in Canada Balsam or DPX.
Fig: 5.8- A flow diagram showing different to make the permanent slide, the section of plant
material is passed through alcoholic as well as xylene series.
The algal genus Oscillatoria is very common. It grows abundantly in dirty stagnant and
polluted water channels forming a blackish blue-green mass. Besides, it also occurs on moist
rocks, temporary water pools, ditches, drains, streams, sewers and muddy banks of rivers.
The genus Nostoc is colonial and grows in the form of mucilaginous balls. It occurs both in
terrestrial and aquatic habitats. It grows commonly in fresh water ponds, pools, puddles and
ditches. Some species grow in the paddy fields, moist soils and rocks. Few species are
endophytic and in the tissue of higher plants.
The alga Chlamydomonas occurs as free swimming in fresh water ponds, lakes and ditches. A
few species grow on moist damp soil. It forms green surface layer on water.
The genus Volvox includes about 20 species. All are aquatic and free floating. They occur in
fresh water ponds, pools, ditches and occasionally in lakes. The alga is plank-tonic and
occurs as green rolling balls of pin head size imparting green color to the surface of water.
The genus Oedogonium includes more than 285 species. All are aquatic and grow in fresh
water ponds, pulls, swallow tanks, lakes or even in slow streams. The young filaments are
generally attached to submerge stones, rocks or on woods where as the mature filaments may
be free floating. It also occurs epiphytically on submerge aquatic plants.
Aquatic Algae: Aquatic algae may be fresh water (when salinity is as low-as 10 ppm) or
marine (when salinity is 33-40%). Again, certain algae grow in brackish water which is
unpalatable for drinking, but less salty than sea water. The fresh water algae usually grow in
ponds, lakes, tanks, ditches etc.
Terrestrial Algae: Some algae are found to grow in terrestrial habitats like soils,‘ rocks, logs
etc. The algae that grow on the surface of the soil are known as saprophytes. Many blue-
greens, on the other hand, grow under the surface of the soil, and are called cryptophytes.
Algae of Remarkable Habitats: Some algae also occur in uncommon habitats and
termed as:
1. Halophytic Algae (or Eurhaline): They grow in the highly concentrated salt lakes, and
include Chlamydomonas ehrenbergli, Dunaliella and Stephanoptera sp.
2. Symbiotic Algae: They grow in association with fungi, bryophytes, gymnosperms or
angiosperms. The best examples of symbiotic algae found in association with fungi are
Nostoc, Gloeocapsa, Rivularia; the members of Cyanophyceae and Chlorella, Cytococcus,
Pleurococcus; the members of Chlorophyceae.
This symbiotic association consisting of algae and fungi is called lichen. Nostoc may also
associate with Anthoceros and Anabaena associates with the roots of Cycas to form coralloid
3. Cryophytic Algae: This group of algae growing on ice or snow provides attractive colours
to snow-covered mountains. The alpine and arctic mountains become red due to the growth
of the Haemotococcous nivalis; green snow in Europe is due to the growth of
Chlamydomonas yellow stonensis.
Scotiella nivalis and Raphidonema brevirostri cause black colouration of snow, whereas
Ancyclonema nordenskioldii is responsible for brownish purple colouration.
4. Thermophytes or Thermal Algae: This group of algae occurs in hot water springs (50-
70°C) where normal life is not possible. Many blue-greens (e.g., Oscillatoria brevis,
Synechococcus elongates, Heterohormogonium sp.) are grown in such hot springs.
5. Lithophytes: They grow on the moist surface of stones and rocks, e.g., Nostoc,.
Gloeocapsa, Enteromofpha, Batrachospermum etc.
6. Epiphytic Algae: They grow on other plants including other algal members.
These are:
a. Algae on Algae: Ptilota plumosa and Rhodymenia pseudopalmatta on Laminaria
hyperborean, ii. Diatoms on Oedogonium, Spirogyra etc.
b. Algae on Bryophytes: Blue-green algae like Nostoc, Oscillatoria, diatoms like
Achnanthes etc. grow on different bryophytes.
c. Algae on Angiosperms: Algae like Cocconis, Achnanthes etc. grow epiphytically on
Lemna, an aquatic angiosperm. Alga like Trentepohlia grows on the barks of different
angiospermic plants, and is very common in Darjeeling (India).
7. Epizoic Algae: The algae growing on animals like fish, snail etc. are called as epizoic,
e.g., Stigeoclonium are found in the gills of fishes.
8. Endozoic Algae: They grow in the tissues of animals, e.g., Zoochlorella sp. is found in
Hydra viridis.
9. Parasitic Algae: Some algae grow parasitically on different plants and animals.
These are: a. Cephaleuros (Chlorophyceae) is parasitic and grows on the leaves of various
angiosperms, such as tea (Camellia sinensis), coffee (Coffea arabica), Rhododendron,
Magnolia and pepper (Piper nigrum). The most important one is Cephaleuros virescens,
which causes Red rust of tea.
b. Rhodochytrium (Chlorophyceae) grows on ragweed (Ambrosia) leaves.
c. Phyllosiphon (Chlorophyceae) grows on the leaves of Arisarum vulgare.
d. Ceratocolax (Rhodophyceae) grows in Phyllophora thallus.
10. Psammon: The algae which grow in sandy beaches are called psammon, e.g., Vaucheria,
Phormidium etc.
2. Which algal division is divided up into three main groups consisting of the golden-brown
algae, the yellow-green algae and the diatoms?
(a) Chlorophyta (b) Pyrrophyta
(c) Chrysophyta (d) Phaeophyta
5. The algae Chlamydomonas demonstrates a complex life cycle that switches between
haploid and diploid forms. This life cycle is called
(a) The sexual asexual exchange (b) Transposition cycle
(c) An alternation of generation (d) Algal transformation
7. Thick walled, enlarged vegetative cells which accumulate food are called as
(a) Cytokinesis (b) Akinetes
(c) Endokinetes (d) Exokinetes
8. Algae which serves as a "complete whole food" and contain all essential amino acids in
perfect balance, is known as super
(a) Storing algae (b) Blue algae
(c) Green algae (d) Blue green algae
5.7.2 Answers:
1. a 5. c
2. c 6. c
3. d 7. b
4. d 8. d
Desikachary, T.V. 1959. Cyanophyta. New York Academic Press, New York. 686 pp.
Dillard, G.E. 1999. Common Freshwater Algae of the United States. J. Cramer, Berlin,
Germany. 173 pp.
Gomont, M. 1962. Monographie des Oscillariees. Wheldon and Wesley, Ltd., New York.
264 pp.
Patrick, R. and C.W. Reimer. 1966. The Diatoms of the United States, (Volume 1).
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, PA. 688 pp.
Patrick, R. and C.W. Reimer. 1975. The Diatoms of the United States, (Volume 2, Part 1).
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, PA. 213 pp.
Prescott, G.W. 1978. How to Know the Freshwater Algae. W.C. Brown Co., Dubuque,
Iowa. 293 pp.
Smith, G.M. 1950. Freshwater Algae of the United States, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill, New
York. 719 pp
After reading this section student will know about-
Study of different types of algae.
Morphology, vegetative and reproductive structures of different algae.
Different algal forms – Vaucheria, Ectocarpus, Sargassum. Polysiphonia,
We have already discussed about algae in previous chapter, i.e. Algae is a very large and
diverse group of eukaryotic organisms, ranging from unicellular genera such as Chlorella and
the diatoms to multicellular forms such as the giant kelp, a large brown alga that may grow
up to 50 meters in length. Most are autotrophic and lack many of the distinct cell and tissue
types found in land plants such as stomata, xylem and phloem. The largest and most complex
marine algae are called seaweeds, while the most complex freshwater forms are
the Charophyta, a division of algae that includes Spirogyra and the stoneworts.
6.3.1 Vaucheria
Division Xanthophyta
Class Xanthophyeae
Order Heterosiphonales
Family Vaucheriaceae
Genus Vaucheria
The genus Vaucheria has about 40 species, out of which about 9 are reported form India. The
most common species are V. sessilis and V. geminata, which occur during winters.
The alga is aquatic as well as terristrial. Most of the species grow in damp garden soil, moist
wall, in stagnant ponds, ditches and slow moving streams. Some species are marine.
The thallus:
1. The plant body is filamentous, branched multinucleated, acellular and coenocytic.
2. The filaments are extensively branched. Branching is lateral but looks dichotomous.
3. The filaments are cylinderical and aseptate. They appear like siphons.
4. The terristrial species are attached to the substratum by means of small tufts of colorless,
lobed hapteron (rhizoids).
5. The cell wall is thin made up of two layers.
6. There is a big central vacuole which runs throughout the plant body. The vacuole is
surrounded by thin layer of cytoplasm.
7. A large number of small, disc-shaped, yellow green chromatophores are scattered in the
(b) Aplanospores:
1. The terrestrial species develop thin walled, non-motile, rounded or elongated spores
called aplanospores.
Sub- division – Algae. (1) Filamentous thallus, (2) Presence of chlorophyll, (3) Cell wall of
Class – Xanthophyceae. (1) Chromatophores yellow-green, (2) Photosynthetic reserve-oil
droplets, (3) Motile cells with unequal flagella.
Order – Heterosiphonales. (1) Thallus multinucleate, unicellular and siphonaceous.
Family – Vaucheriaceae. (1) Thallus branched, filamentces tabular and coenocytic, (2)
Zoospores multiflagellate (3) Sexual reproduction oogamous.
Genus – Vaucheria. (1) Branching irregular or lateral, (2) Sex organs without constriction at
the basal septum.
6.3.2 Sargassum
Division Phaeophyta
Class Phaeophyceae
Subclass Cyclosporae
Order Fucales
Family Sargassaceae
Genus Sargassum
It is marine alga grow abundantly in tropical seas of southern hemisphere. Many species of
this grow in India, in southern and western coast at Okha, Dwarka and other places in India.
The thallus
External features:
1. Plant body is diploid, perennial, erect and bushy.
2. Thallus consists of main axis which is attached to the substratum by a hold-fast.
3. Main axis may be short or long, cylindrical and branched.
4. Branch is monopodial, main axis bears the primary lateral which give rise to secondary
lateral. The secondary lateral may be further branched.
5. A few secondary laterals become flat, leaf like. They are photosynthetic and posses
prominent midrib, and entire and smooth or serrate margine.
6. The leaves show minute pores on the surface cryptostomata.
7. The leaves are sometimes replaced by golden brown colored air bladder. They are
swollen, berry like filled with air and help in buoyancy.
8. Other lateral may become converted into receptacles bearing both fertile and sterile
Internal structures:
(a) T.S. of main axis:
1. The outline of section is circular.
2. The outermost single layer is epidermis which is covered by mucilage. The cells are
photosynthetic and contain chromatophores.
3. The cortex is broad, multilayered consists of thin walled parenchymatous cells. A few
outer layers of cortex contain chromatophores
4. The center is occupied by narrow, elongated, thick-walled cells of medulla.
5. This zone serves the function of conduction.
Fig. 6.3: Sargassum. T.S. leaf (diagrammatic) Fig.6.4: Sargassum. T.S. through air bladder
Reproductive structures
1. The sexual reproduction is oogamous.
2. The sex organs (i.e. antheridia and oogonia) are born inside the conceptacles produced in
3. The recepticles repeatedly branched fertile branches. The conceptacles are always
T.S. of receptacle passing through male conceptacles:
1. The receptacles show internal structure similar to that of leaf. It bears conceptacles.
2. Each conceptacle is flask shaped cavity with an opening called ostiole.
3. The antheridia are born on branched paraphyces which are intermixed with sterile
4. Each antheridium is small, oval body which contains many anthrozoids.
T.S. of receptacle passing through female conceptacles:
1. The receptacle shows internal structure similar to that of leaf. It bears many conceptacles.
2. Each conceptacle is flask shaped cavity with an opening called ostiole.
3. The oogonia are unicellular, ovoid and sessile.
4. The mature oogonium contanes single uninucleate egg.
5. At maturity the oogonium is discharged but remains still attached to the wall of
conceptacle by means of long, mucilaginous stalk.
Sub-division – Algae (1) Simple thallus, (2) Chlorophyll present (3) cell wall of cellulose.
Class - Phaeophyceae. (1) Chromatophores yellowish – brown, (2) Photosynthetic reserves –
laminarin adn mannital, (3) Motile reproductive cells – pyriform and flagellated.
Order – Fucales (i) Plants parenchymatous, morphologically and anatomically
differentiaged (2) Asexual reproduction absent (4) Sex organs in conceptacles.
Family – Sargassaceae (i) Axes beaving distinct foliar organs. (2) Vericles usually present
(3) Branching of the thallus radial to the central axis.
Genus – Sargassum (i) Foliar organs narrow, branches, leaf like with a distinct midrib (2)
vesicles generally lateral (3) Fertile branches (receptacles) latral or terminal panciles.
6.3.3 Ectocarpus
Division: Phaeophyta
Class: Phaeophyceae
Order: Ectocarpales
Family: Ectocarpaceae
Genus: Ectocarpus
It is a marine algae, grows abundantly in tropical seas of western coast. Many species of this
grow in India. They grow on other body surface.
Vegetative structure:
1. Plant body is macroscopic, multicellular, filamentous and branched.
2. The plant shows heterotrichous habit.
3. The prostrate portion in many species is filamentous, irregularly branched and firmly
attached to the substratum with the help of rhizoids.
4. The erect portion arises from prostrate portion in the form of crowded tuft of branches
arising from a main axis.
5. The main axis shows the lateral branching that end in a taper form.
6. Filamentous are uniseriate and possess basal or intercalary meristem.
7. Cells are small cylindrical and possess double layered wall.
8. Each cell is uninucleate. It possess one many chromatophores that may be disc or ribbon
9. They are naked and represent pyranoid in chromatophores.
Reproductive structures:
1. Asexual reproduction takes place by the formation of biflagellate zoospores produced in
Sub-division– Algae. (1) Simple thallus, (2) Presence of chlorophyll, (3) Cell wall of
Class – Phaeophyceae. (1) Yellowish-brown chromatophores, (2) Photosynthetic reserve –
laminarin and mannitol, (3) Motile reproductive cell – pyriform and flagellated , (4)
Flagella laterally inserted and unequal.
Order – Ectocarpales. (1) Thallus filamentous, (2) Growth trichothallic, (3) Reproductive
organs – unilocular and plurilocular sporangia (4) Isomorphic alternation of
Genus: Polysiphonia
The genus Polysiphonia includes about 50 species. All are marine and occurs commonly on
the sea shores. A few species grow in western coast of India. Some of the common Indian
species are P. platycarpa, P. urceolata and P. variegate.
The species of Polysiphonia grow attached to the rocks or as epiphytes on rock weeds. They
look red or purple in color.
Vegetative structures:
External Features:
1. The plant body is multicellular, filamentous, branched and hetero-trichous.
2. The thallus is characteristically polysiphonous.
3. The prostrate system creeps over the substratum.
4. The erect system is much branched and exhibits a feathery appearance.
5. It consists of main axis and lateral branches.
6. There are two types of branches one of long and other of short.
7. The trichoblast are usually vegetative but in some species they bear sex organs.
8. The main axis and the branches of unlimited growth are identical. They terminate into an
apical cell followed by few flat cells. Later on they become polysiphonous.
Internal features:
1. The thallus consists of a large central siphon surrounded by 4-20 pericentral siphons.
2. Pericentral siphons are usually broader than the central siphons.
3. The cells of the siphons are usually connected with each other by pit connections.
4. The cells are uninucleate and bear central vacuole and show discoid chromatophores in
each cell.
A. Male :
1. The antheridia are borne upon short branches in clusters near the apical portion of thallus.
2. Each antheridial branch consists of a central trichoblast filament which produces many
lateral pericentral cells.
3. The antheridial mother cells develop on pericentral cells. The antheri dial mother cells are
called the spermatangia.
9. Carpospores are produced from the base of the cystocarp. These are arranged in single
spehrical layer.
10. Each carpospore is oval, uninucleate and diploid.
C. Tetrasporophyte
1. Tetrasporophytes are morphologically similar to male and the female gametophytes.
2. The thallus is polysiphonous being made of a central siphon surrounded by pericentral
3. A cell shows a nucleus, discoi chromatorphores and pit connections.
4. The plant is diploid and bears tetrasporangia in longitudinal series, produced mostly by
pericentral cells.
5. Tetrasporangia are small and spherical bodies borne on short one-celled stalk.
Sub- division – Algae. (1) Thallus simple, (2) Chlorophyll present, (3) Cell walls of cellulose.
Class – Rhodophyceae. (1) Chromatophores pure red to dark – purple (2) Photosynthetic
reserve floridoside, (3) Male gametes non-motile, (4) Female reproductive organ with
a receptive structure – trichogyen, (5) Post – fertilizaiton product – cystocarp.
Sub-class–Florideae. (1) Thallus basically filamentous, (2) Pit connections between sister
cells, (3) Cells with more than one chromatophore, (4) Carpogonium highly
Order – Ceramiales. (1) Thalli uni-multiaxial or filamentous, (2) Filaments corticated,
Polysiphonous, (3) Spermatangia in clusters, (4) Presence of trichoblasts.
Famil – Rhodomelaceae. (1) Axes polysiphonous, (2) Axes naked, corticated or covered
with branches, (3) Main axis surrounded with pericentrals, (4) Plants bushed,
sparingly branched, branches delicate.
Genus–Polysiphonia. (1) Ultimate branches uncoritcated, (2) Tetrasporangia borne singly.
6.3.5 Batrachospermum
Division Rhodophyta
Class Rhodophyceae
Sub-class Florideae
Order Nemalionales
Family Batrachosermaceae
Genus Batrachospermum
It is fresh water alga. It usually grows attached to stones, rocks, sticks or even shells of
milluscs, in slow flowing streams, margins of akes and pools. It grows in well aerated, cool
and clean water. The alga most commonly occurs in the streams of Dehradun. The deep water
forms appear violet or reddish in color but the shallow water forms are olive blue-green.
The thallus:
1. The plant body is mucilaginous, multicellular, filamentous, branched and heterotrichous.
2. The branched thallus appears as chain of beaded filaments.
3. The main axis consists of uniseraite row of long, cylindrical axial cells. It may reach upto
20 cm or more in length. It is divided into nodes and internodes.
4. The lateral branches arise monopod ally from 4-6 lateral basal cells near the septa.
5. The branches are of two types (1) branches of unlimited growth and (2) branches of
limited growth.
6. The branches of unlimited growth grow continuously, from nodes and inter nodes,
develop cortication and resemble the main axis.
7. The branches of limited growth arise in whorls from each node. They further branch
repeatedly but stop their growth at certain limit in slender hairs. These whorls are known
as glomerules.
8. The branches of limited growth comprise of small, ellipsoidal or moniliform cells.
9. A number of cortical filaments also arise from each node which creep over the long axial
cells and form an envelope of cortex around axis.
Sexual reproductive structures:
1. The sexual reproduction is oogamous.
Fig. 6.14, Batrachospermum. A part of fertile branch with glomerule and carposporangia
2. The species are monocecious and male and female sex organs occur near the apex.
3. Male sex organs are antheridia. These are present in clusters on short branches of lateral
Sub-division – Algae. (1) Thallus simple, (2) Presence of chlorophyll, (3) Cell walls of
Class – Rhodophyceae. (1) Chromatophores pure red to dark purple, (2) Photosynthetic
reserve – Floridean starch and floridoside, (3) Male gametes non-motile, (4) Female
reproductive organ with trichogyne – a receptive structure, (5) Post-ferilization product a
Sub-class – Florideae. (1) Thallus basically filamentous, (2) Pit connections between sister
cells, (3) Cells with more than one chromatophore, (4) Carpogonium highly specialised.
Order – Nemalionales. (1) Plants filamentous, corticated, uni or multiaxial, (2) Cells
unincleate, chromatophores axial or lateral (3) Cystocarps superficial or deeply embedded in
the thallus (4) Life cycle without free-living tetrasporophyte.
Family – Batrachospermaceae. (1) Inhabit freshwater, (2) Thallus uniaxial, (3) Life cycle
Genus – Batrachospermum, (1) Main axis and branches free from one another, (2) Branching
appears beaded, (3) Threads embedded in large amount of mucilage.
The genus Vaucheria has about 40 species, out of which about nine are reported form India.
The most common species are V. sessilis and V. geminata, which occur during winters. The
alga is aquatic as well as terrestrial. Most of the species grow in damp gardent soil, moist
wall, in stagnant ponds, ditches and slow moving streams. Some species are marine.
Ectocarpus is a marine algae, grows abundantly in tropical seas of western coast. Many
species of this grow in India. They grow on other body surface.
Sargassum is marine alga grow abundantly in tropical seas of southern hemisphere. Many
species of this grow in India, in southern and western coast at Okha, Dwarka and other places
in India.
The genus Polysiphonia includes about 50 species. All the genus are marine and occurs
commonly on the sea shores. A few species grow in western coast of India. Some of the
common Indian species are P. platycarpa, P. urceolata and P. variegate. The species of
Ploysiphonia grow attached to the rocks or as epiphytes on rock weeds. It look red or purple
in color.
Batrachospermum is fresh water alga. It usually grows attached to stones, rocks, sticks or
even shells of molluscs, in slow flowing streams, margins of lakes and pools. It grows in well
aerated, cool and clean water. The alga most commonly occurs in the streams of Dehradun in
India. The deep water forms appear violet or reddish in color but the shallow water forms are
olive blue-green.
Aggregation - a grouping of algal cells but not the organization of a colony, often held
together by mucilage
Biflagellate - having two flagella
Chlorophyll - pigment found in photosynthetic organisms, all algae have chlorophyll a;
chlorophylls b, c, and d are found in one or more groups of algae
Coenobium - a colony where the number of cells is fixed at the time of reproduction
Coenocyte / Coenocytic - a multinucleate cell that does not have cellular cross walls
Colony - a group of cells that function on one, organized unit such as Hydrodictyon
Cyst - a general term for thick-walled vegetative cell
Desmokont - dinoflagellate with two flagella at the anterior end
Dichotomous - split into two parts
Dinokont - a dinoflagellate with an flagellum circling the middle and a flagella on the
posterior end
Epicone - anterior part of a dinoflagellate cell
Epiphyte - an organism that spends part or all of its life cycle growing on a plant
Eyespot - swelled area attached to a flagella that contains pigment. The pigment proteins
respond to the presence of light and signal the flagella to move toward it.
False branching - found in Cyanophyta (blue-greens); appearance of branched cells but
when cells are simply adjacent to each other and connected by only mucilage
Flagella - a cellular appendage that enables cells to have motility
Fusiform - narrow shaped cell with a sharp tapering at both end
Heterocysts - specialized cell in Cyanophyta that is able to fix nitrogen
Heterotrichy - a differentiated growing pattern in which some filaments grow appressed to
the anchoring surface and others are erect usually in a branch-like pattern.
Intercalary - located within the algal filament or thallus
Lorica - a cell wall covering that has space between the cell wall and the cell membrane,
often in Euglenophyta
Mucilage - a carbohydrate based material found on the outside of some algal cells (see
Lyngbya sp.)
Palmelloid formation - non-flagellated cells in a common mucilage
(ii) Which alagal group never produces motile flagellated cells among any of its members?
(a) Chlorophyceae (b) Crysophyta
(c) Phaeophyta (d) Rhodophyta
Desikachary, T.V. 1959. Cyanophyta. New York Academic Press, New York. 686 pp.
Dillard, G.E. 1999. Common Freshwater Algae of the United States. J. Cramer, Berlin,
Germany. 173 pp.
Gomont, M. 1962. Monographie des Oscillariees. Wheldon and Wesley, Ltd., New York.
264 pp.
Patrick, R. and C.W. Reimer. 1966. The Diatoms of the United States, (Volume 1).
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, PA. 688 pp.
Patrick, R. and C.W. Reimer. 1975. The Diatoms of the United States, (Volume 2, Part 1).
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, PA. 213 pp.
Prescott, G.W. 1978. How to Know the Freshwater Algae. W.C. Brown Co., Dubuque,
Iowa. 293 pp.
Smith, G.M. 1950. Freshwater Algae of the United States, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill, New
York. 719 pp
After reading this unit students will be able:
To study the external features of Riccia, Marchantia, Anthoceros
To understand Internal structure of Riccia, Marchantia, Anthoceros
To study Reproductive structures of Riccia, Marchantia, Anthoceros with the help of
temperory and permanent slides.
Bryophytes are called as the ―amphibians of the plant kingdom‖ as they are mostly of
terrestrial origin but require water for the act of fertilization. They are found in humid and
shady place. They occupy a central position in between algae on one hand and the
pteridophytes on the other.
They are quite small and inconspicuous organisms. The gametophyte is highly
developed and differentiated than that of a complex alga. The plant body is gametophytic,
thalloid (e.g., Riccia, Marchantia) or an erect plant body (e.g., Funaria, Polytrichum). The
true roots are absent. Instead unicellular or multicellular hair-like rhizoids develop from the
thalli which absorb the nutrients from the moist soil. They lack vascular tissues.
Vegetative reproduction occurs by means of progressive death and decay of older
parts of plants, or by adventitious branches, gemmae, tubers, bulbils and protonema etc.
The sexual reproduction is of oogamous type, i.e., it take place by means of gametes.
The male gametes are motile and known as antherozoids; the female gametes are non-motile
and known as eggs (oospheres).
The gametes are produced within the sex organs known as antheridium (male) and
archegonium (Female). Antheridia are club shaped structure and produce uninucleate
bicilleate antherozoids.
The archegonia are flask-shaped. Each archegonium consists of venter and a neck.
The venter is basal swollen portion and the neck is elongated. Within the neck and the venter
there is an axial row of cells surrounded by sterile jacket. This axial row consists of a few
neck canal cells, a ventral canal cell and an egg.
Water is essential for the act of fertilization. The motile ciliated antherozoids swim in
the film of water and reach to the neck of an archegonium. The antherozoid enters the neck
and ultimately approaches the eggs. The antherozoid penetrates the egg and fertilization is
affected. With the result of fertilization the zygote is formed.
The zygote begins to develop into a multicellular embryo just after the act of
fertilization without going under any resting period. The embryo remains within the venter of
the archegonium and not liberated as in the case of algae. The venter wall enlarges along with
the developing embryo to form the protective envelope known as calyptra.
7.3.1. Riccia
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Hepaticopsida
Order: Marchantiales
Family: Ricciaceae
Genus: Riccia
4. Study of sporohhyte.
5. Identification and systematic position.
1. The rhizoids are also found on the ventral surface of the thallus.
2. The rhizoids are unicellular.
3. Rhizoids are of two types; i.e. smooth-walled and tuberculate type.
4. The tuberculate rhizoids possess the peg like infolding peeping into the lumen to the
5. The simple or smooth walled rhizoids have no such infoldings.
2. The dorsal region (Photosynthetic region) of the thallus consists of layer of epidermis,
many air pores and loose green chlorophyllous cells with discoid chloroplasts in them.
3. There are regular air canals in between each two verticals row of the chlorophyllous
4. The epidermis of the dorsal surface of the thallus is discontinuous and opened outside at
several places by the openings of the air canal; the epidermis is single layered.
5. The uppermost cells of the assimilatory filaments are somewhat large and colourless.
6. On the two flanks of the boat-shaped section, violet coloured scales are present.
7. The ventral region of the thallus lacks intercellular spaces, is colourless and made up of
simple parenchyma.
8. Cells of this region make storage tissue and filled with starch grains.
9. From the single-layered epidermis of the ventral surface several unicellular rhizoids
(smooth walled and tuberculate) and multicellular scales are given out.
Sexual Reproduction:
1. The species may be homothallic (e.g., R. himalayensis, R. bishoffi).
2. The sex organs are antheidia (male) and archegonia (female)
The Antheridium:
1. The mature antheridium remains embedded in the antheridial chamber, which opens by
an ostiole on the dorsal side of the thallus.
2. The mature antheridium consists of a few-celled stalk and rounded or somewhat pointed
antheridial proper at its apical end.
3. Antheridium is encircled by a sterile single layered jacket layer which protects it.
4. The mature antheridium contains androcytes within the jackets layer; each androcyte
metamorphose into an biflagellate antherozoid.
The Archegonium:
The Sporophyte:
(i) Ventral portion of thallus parenchymatous.
(ii) Scales and rhizoids present on the ventral side of thallus.
(iii) Air chamber opens out by air pores.
(i) Rosette-like, dichotomously branched thallus.
(ii) Sex organs in the mid-dorsal groove.
(iii) Simple air pores present.
(i) Thallus is usually rosette-like.
(ii) Scales present on the margins.
(iii) Sporogonium represented by simple capsule only.
7.3.2. Marchantia
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Hepaticopsida
Order: Marchantiales
Family: Marchantiaceae
Genus: Marchantia
Habit and Occurrence:
1. They are cosmopolitan. There are about 65 species. There are about 11 India species.
They are mostly confined in the Himalayas. Only one or two species have been recorded
from the plants.
2. Marchantia polymorpha the best known species, is widely distributed. They commonly
thrive upon moist soil found on the rocks in shady places, in open woodland or near the
banks of stream. This genus grows best in the burnt soil.
Proposed Laboratory work:
Study of external structure of thallus (gametophyte).
Study of internal structure of thallus.
Study of reproductive structure.
Study of sporophyte.
Identification and systematic position.
1. The thallus is prostrate, dichotomously branched and dorsiventral; it reaches to the length
of 2-10 cms.
2. The dorsal surface is deeper green than ventral one.
3. The rhomboidal or polygonal small areas are found on the dorsal surface of the thallus;
each such small area is provided with a small pore in its centre.
4. The apex of each branch of the thallus bears a notch in which the growing point is
5. On maturity the margin of the thallus is somewhat wavy.
6. The thallus bears a conspicuous midrib, which is well recognizable on the dorsal surface
by the presence of a groove and on the ventral surface by presence of a ridge.
1. The simple and tuberculate unicellular rhizoids are also found on the ventral surface,
which are absorptive in nature.
2. The thallus remains attached to the substratum by means of rhizoids.
Gemma cups-gemmae
1. On the dorsal surface of the plant gemetophytes, the gemmae cups are found usually
along the mid ribs; the margins of the gemma cup are cut.
2. The gemma cup contains the vegetative bodies, the gemmae.
Reproductive Structures
Vegetative-Gemma cup and Gemmae
1. The most common of the vegetative reproductive takes place by mean of gemmae formed
in the gemma cups.
2. The gemma cups are found on the dorsal surface of the thallus.
3. They have fringed margins.
4. Each gemma cup contains a large number of gemmae.
1. The mature gemma is found to be attached by a single celled stalk to the floor of the
gemma cup.
2. It is disciform and few celled thick in is centre, and quite thin at its margins; it is
somewhat dumb-bell like.
3. There are two notches situated on the internal margins opposite to each other.
4. About all the cells of a gemma contain chloroplasts.
5. A few rhiziodal cells are colourless and larger in size.
6. There are certain isolated cells, which contain oil and known as oil cells.
Sexual reproduction:
The genus is strictly heterothallic (dioecious) i.e., male (antheridiophores) and female
(archegoniophores) reproductive branches develop on different thalli.
The antheridiophore:
1. The antheridiophore consists of a two to three centimetres long stalk, and a flattened
usually eight lobed disc at its apical end.
2. The rhizoids and scales are present in the two grooves situated on the ventral surface of
3. The disc of antheridiophore is somewhat convex at its upper face; the upper epidermis is
interrupted by several usual barrel shaped air pores; these pores open in the air chambers,
assimilatory filaments in them.
4. The flask-like cavities are also found among and in the neighbourhood of these air
5. Each cavity contains a stalked antheridium, which partially or wholly fills up the cavity.
6. The antheridial cavities open outside through small openings, the ostioles.
The archegoniophore:
1. The archegoniophore is a modified branch of the prostrate thallus.
2. The archegoniophore are developed on dorsal side of young rosette-like disc
3. As soon as the fertilization is over, the marginal portion of the disc becomes inverted and
the archegonia become upside down, i.e., their necks become downward.
Sporophyte-the sporogonium:
1. The mature sporogonium is differentiated into three regions,viz., the foot, seta and
2. Towards the base of the archegonium, there is a bulbous, absorptive structure, the foot.
3. The seta is somewhat elongated and connects the foot and the capsule.
4. The seta pushes the capsule out of the three layers, the calyptra, perigynium and
5. The capsule is somewhat oval-shaped and remains covered by a single layered jacket
6. Within the jacket layer, there are spores and sterile, hygroscopic, spindle-like elaters.
1. The spores are small and spherical; they range from 12µ to 13µ in diameter.
2. Each spore is covered by a thin coat, differentiated into two layers.
3. The outer layer is thick exospore and the inner one endospore is thin and smooth.
4. Each spore contains a small amount of granular cytoplasm and a nucleus in it.
7.3.3. Anthoceros
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Anthocerotopsida
Order: Anthocerotales
Family: Anthocerotaceae
Genus: Anthoceros
External Structure:
1. The thallus is small, prostrate, dark green thin and dorsiventrally differentiated.
2. The thallus is lobed and the lobes are somewhat divided.
3. The midrib is absent.
4. The dorsal surface of thallus: Smooth (A .leavis); velvet likes (in A.crispus ) or with
spines and ridges (in A.fusiformis).
5. Smooth-walled, simple rhizoids are found.
6. The ventral scales and tuberculate rhizoids are altogether absent.
Reproductive Structure
1. Tubers. The thallus becomes thickened at several places on the margins; these marginal
thickenings are called, the tubers; each tuber may develop into a new thallus on return of
favourable conditions.
2. Gemmae. The gemmae have been recorded from the species, A. glandulosus, A.
3. Apices. The apices develop into new thalli.
Sexual reproduction:
1. The species may be homothallic (monoecious) or heterothallic (dioecious).
2. Homothallic species are: A.fusiformis, A.punctatus.
3. The heterothallic species are: A.pearsoni, A.halli, A.erectus.
4. The sex organs: antheridia (male) and archegonia (female) are found embedded in the
tissues of the dorsal side of the thallus.
The Antheridium:
The Archegonium:
1. The archegonium remains embedded in the thallus and only the cover cells project out of
the thallus.
2. The nearly mature archegonium is composed of a neck and venter, the neck contains 4-6
neck canal cells; the venter contains a ventral canal and an egg.
3. On the maturity of the archegonium, the ventral canal cell and canal cells are gelatinized.
4. A mature archegonium is flask shaped, without neck canal cells and with an egg
(oosphere) in its venter.
5. At the top of the neck of archegonium there are four cover cells.
The Sporophyte:
3. The bulbous foot consists of parenchyma; it remains penetrated in the thallus and acts as
4. The cells developing from the meristem become differentiated into jacket layer, columella
and archesporium.
5. The main capsule consists of many important parts.
6. In the region just above the foot the archesporium is single layered and too young.
7. The tip region of sporogonium possesses mature spores and pseudoelaters.
8. The wall of the capsule consists of the four to six layers of the parenchymatous cells.
9. The outermost layer is epidermis which is interrupted by stomata at several places; the
epidermal cells are cutinized; the stomata open in the intercellular spaces of the
chlorophyllous cells; usually each cell possesses two chloroplasts.
10. On maturation, the tip of the sporogonium becomes black or brown in colour.
11. The dehiscence begins from the tip region of capsule.
12. The pseudoelaters are 2-3 celled structure. They lack the characteristic spiral thickenings
of true elaters, and therefore, are known as pseudoelaters.
13. Each spore is somewhat spherical and possesses two wall layers.
14. The outer wall layer is exine and the inner wall layer is intine; the intine is smooth and
thin while the exine is thick and ornamental.
15. Each spore possesses a single nucleus, a colourless plastid, few oil droplets and food
material within it.
Anthocerotopsida (Anthocerotae):
(i) Gametophytic plant body thalloid
(ii) Rhizoids simple and smooth walled;
(iii) Tuberculate rhizoids and scales absent.
(iv) Thallus homogenous not differentiated; air chambers and air pores not present;
(v) Each cell of thallus possesses a large chloroplast and pyrenoid within it.
(vi) Capsule with central sterile columella.
Bryophytes are the amphibians of plant kindom possessing gametophytic thalloidor foliose
plant body. These show an alternation of generation. The gametophytic generation is
independent and concerned with the production of gametes in Antheridia and Archegonia.
The sexual reproduction is of oogamous type. Zygote represents the first cell of sporohytic
Sporophyte is usually differentiated into foot seta and capsule. It is partially or wholly
dependent upon the gametophytic plant body for its nourishment. The spore mother cell
inside the capsule undergoes reduction division to form tetrad of haploid spores. these spores
on germination produce the gametophytic plant body directly or produce a thalloisd or folise
protonema which later develops into the gametophytic plant body.Bryophyta division is
classified into three classes namely Hepaticopsida, Anthocerotopsida and Bryopsida.
Spore is haploid, unicellular and uninucleate, first cell of gametophytic generation.
Venter: It is the enlarged basal portion of sterile cells found in an archegonium in which an
egg is present.
Elaters: gk. =drive. These are elongated, spindle shaped sterile, hygroscopic cells with spiral
thickenings in the sporogonium of some bryophytes. These help in spore dispersal.
Pseudoelaters: These are found in Anthoceros. These are also the sterile cells that help in
spore dispersal. These lack spiral thickenings characteristics of elaters.
Elaterophore: coherent mass of sterile tissue that helps in spore dispersal. The elaterophore
occupy an axial position in the capsule. It can be at apical end in Riccardia; or at basal end in
Perigynium: is a collar like envelope at the base of archegonium. It is found in Marchantia.
Perichaetium: is an envelope surrounding many archegonia.
Liverworts: primitive bryophytes whose thallus resemble liver of an animal. The members of
class Hepaticopsida are referred as liverworts.
Hornworts: Refer to members of Anthoceotopsida. Sporophyte of Anthoceros appears like a
Rhizoid: nonvascular filamentous structure that helps in anchorage and absorption like roots.
Tuberculate rhizoids: The inner walls of these rhizoids develop into peg like projections.
Scales: are multicellular, one celled thick membranous structures found on the ventral surface
of thallus. These are violet colured due to presence of the anthocyanin pigments.
Alternation of generation: Bryophytes exhibit two successive generations, gametophytes
(concerned with production of gametes) and sporophytes (concerned with production of
diploid spores). The alternation of these two phases is termed as alternation of generation
Appendiculate scale: Characterised by the presence of an a pical sub-retund appendage.
relatively small and do not have any appendage.
Ligulate scale:
Gemma: are special reproductive bodies produced in large numbers in small gemmae cups.
Each gemmae is small stalked discoid body with two notches on the lateral sides. Most of
gemmae contain chloroplast, oil cells and rhizoidal cells.
12. Specialized branches that bear sex organs in Marchantia are named as?
13. What types of scales are found in Marchantia?
14. Name any dioecious species of Marchantia?
15. Mention the Shape of chloroplast in Marchantia thallus?
16. How many layers of protective coverings envelope the sporophyte of Marchantia?
17. What kinds of rhizoids are found in Anthoceros?
18. Name two bryophytes having columella?
19. From which part of sporogonium, does the sporogenous tissues originate in Anthoceros?
20. Father of Indian bryology...........
21. Bryological flora of India has been written by...
Bendre, A. and Kumar, A. 1990-91. Practical Botany, Rastogi Publications, Meerut.
Pandey, S.N. and Trivedi, P.S. A Text Book of Botany 2000 Volume I, Vikas Pub. House
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Puri, P. Bryophytes, Atmaram & Sons, Delhi, Lucknow, 1985.
Rashid, A. 1998. An Introduction to Bryophyta. Vikas Pub. House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Singh, S.K. 2008. Bryophyta, Campus Book, International, New Delhi.
Singh, V., Pande, P.C. and Jain, D.K. A Text Book of Botany, Rastogi & Co., Meerut,
Vashista, B.R. Botany for Degree Students (Algae, Fungi Bryophyta), S. Chand & Co.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
Vasishta, P.C. 1996. Bryophyta. S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
Genus Notothylus belongs to class Anthocerotopsida and is found to grow on shady moist soil
or rock in tropical and subtropical region. Genus: Funaria belongs to class bryopsida. They
grow luxuriantly in human soil and on soils burnts by fire. Genus: Polytricum belongs to
class bryopsida. They grow luxuriantly in bogs and marshes, on soil of firm or loose texture,
on rocks and cliffs and as epiphytes on trunks of trees.
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Anthocerotopsida
Order: Anthocerotales
Family: Anthocerotaceae
Genus: Notothylus
Indian species: N. indica, N. levieri, N. chaudhurii
Habitat: These grow on shady moist soil or rock in tropical and subtropical region.
External Features:
1. The gametophytic thallus is yellow green forming an orbicular or sub-orbicular rosette.
2. The thallus has a characteristic pleated appearance.
1. The thallus tissue shows no internal differentiation.
2. Thallus is composed of uniform thin walled parenchymatous cells, which is 6 to 8 cells
deep in the middle and 1 to3 cells thick in the edges.
3. There are no air chambers or air pores on the thallus tissue
4. Each cell of thallus shows a single oval choloroplast with a central pyrenoid.
Asexual reproduction:
Thallus reproduces vegetatively:
1. By the progressive death and decay of the older parts.
2. By tuber formation.
Sexual reproduction:
1. Notothylas may be dioecious but all the Indian species are monoecious and protandrous.
2. The antheridia and archegonia generally resemble those of Anthoceros.
3. Both the antheridia and archegonia are embedded in the dorsal surface of thallus.
4. The sex organs are initiated just behind the growing points where they develop in
continuous rows.
1. The antheridium develops from a hypodermal cell.
2. A superficial cell usually divides by periclinal wall.
3. The upper daughter cell becomes the root intial which divides and redivides forming a
multicelled roof over the antheridia.
4. The lower cell is the antheridial intial which divides to form antheridium.
5. There may antheridia of different ages within a single antheridial chamber.
6. The mature antheridium shows more or less slender stalk (4 or more rowed) bearing a
club shaped antheridium with multilayered jacket.
7. The jacket cells develop chlorophyll and become green as antheridium matures.
8. Each androcyte forms a biflagellate antherozoid.
1. The archegonium develops singly and is completely sunken in the gametophyte in direct
contact with the surrounding vegetative cells.
2. The archegonia are produced acropetally from superficial dorsal cells close to the
growing point.
3. In monoecious species, the development of archegonium follows antheridial development
in the same thallus.
4. The structure of archegoium is similar to that of Anthocerosonly the neck canal cells are
wider in Notothylas.
5. The archegoium has a 4 to 6 neck canal cells, venter cell and the egg and rosette of four
cover cell.
6. There is no stalk.
1. Takes place by the chemotactic act and is facilitated by presence of water.
2. The antheridia absorb water and rupture by apical apertures.
3. The antherozoids get liberated at this stage
4. The mature archegonia also brusts.
5. The neck canal cell and venter cell disintegrate and are extruded into mucilage mound.
6. The eggs are directly exposed.
2. In N. indica the endothecium forms the columella and amphithecium forms the
archesporium on the inside and jacket on outside.
3. In N. levieri and N. chaudhurii, there is no columella, and the entire endothecium forms
the archesporium.
4. The mature sporophyte is 2 to 3 mm long; tapering at both ends and lies flat on the
5. The sporophyte is enseathed by the thin, membranous involucres.
6. The foot is much smaller although the haustorial outgrowths are well developed.
7. The intermediate meristematic zone is also less developed and as a result the capsule does
not grow much.
8. The pseudoelaters are unicellular, of irregular form and have thickenings on the walls.
9. The capsule dehisces along one suture like a follicle.
10. Spores are often liberated by the capsule wall.
11. Hygroscopic movements of pseudoelaters release the mature spores at the top.
12. Spores are mostly opaque, dark brown and consist of minute granules on the surface.
13. The spores germinate on the suitable substratum to form a new sporophyte.
(iv) Thallus homogenous not differentiated; air chambers and air pores not present;
(v) Each cell of thallus possesses a large chloroplast and pyrenoid within it.
(vi) Capsule with central sterile columella.
Anthocerotales: Single order.
Notothylaceae: Single family.
(i) Nostoc colonies present within thallus.
(ii) Involucre present at the base of cylindrical sporogonium.
(iii) Capsule wall ventilated.
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Anthocerotopsida
Order: Anthocerotales
Family: Anthocerotaceae
Genus: Funaria
Habit and Occurrence:
1. There are about 117 species in this genus. About 15 species have been recoded from
2. The species Funaria hygrometrica is best known among the mosses. They grow
luxuriantly in human soil and on soils burnts by fire.
3. Some of them occur on the rocks and damp walls in the form of velvety mat.
4. Some are epiphytic and grow upon the tree trunk.
External Structure:
1. The small erect, green gametophytic plant arises from a prostrate alga-like filament the
2. The gametophytic plant body is differentiated into rhizoids, leaves and stem.
3. The rhizoids are present at the base of gametophytic plant; they are branched,
multicellular obliquely septate and thread like, they usually contain oil, but if exposed to
light they develop chorophyll.
4. The leaves are sessile, small, ovate, bright green and spirally arranged on the stem; each
leaf possesses a distinct mid rib;
5. The upper leaves are somewhat larger in size and crowded at the apex of the plant
whereas the lower leaves are smaller and scattered on the stem
6. The stem in upright erect. green and monopodial branched; sometimes this may or may
not be branched.
1. To study the anatomy of leaf one has to cut the leaf in vertical transverse sections.
2. The leaf possesses a distinct mid-rib and wings.
3. The mid rib is several-celled in thickness whereas the wing on either strand in the centre
of the midrib.
4. There is a central stand in the centre of the midrib.
5. The cells of the wings contain chloroplasts.
Reproductive Structures
1. Many mosses produce small, multicellular gemmae, in groups at the apices of the leaves;
sometimes solitary gemmae may be produced on the rhizoids.
2. Subterranean gemmae, produced on the rhizoids are called the bulbils.
3. Each such gemmae or bulbils develop into a new moss plant.
Sexual reproduction:
1. Funaria hygrometrica is strictly monoecious and autoecious species.
2. The term autoecious means that the male (antheridia) and female (archegonia) sex organs
develop on the two separate branches of the same plant.
3. The main shoot of the gametophyte bears the male the sex organs whole the lateral branch
bears the female sex organs.
4. On maturity the male branches become brownish in colour whereas the female branches
remain green.
The Antheridium:
1. The antheridium consists of two parts --- a short massive stalk and the main body; it is
clavate in outline;
2. The main body remains surrounded by a single layered outer jacket; the jacket cells
contain chloroplasts, they turn red or brown on maturity.
4. At the apical end of the male branch of gametophore the antheridia intermingle with
several sterile paraphyses.
5. The paraphyses are hair like in structure.
6. Each paraphyses is multicellular and consists of 4 or 5 cells arranged in a uniseriate row.
7. The lower cells of the paraphysis are elongated and termainal cells are globular.
I.S. of Capsule:
L.S. of capsule shows following regions namely apophysis, theca and upper region.
The Apophysis:
1. The elongated seta expands at its apical end to form the apophysis.
2. This is assimilatory region.
3. The stomata may be seem here and there in the epidermis.
4. The cells with chloroplasts possess intercellular spaces among them.
5. The central conducting strand consists of colourless cells.
6. This strand is conducting with the conducting strand of seta.
1. The central fertile region of the capsule is known as the theca proper.
2. This region consists of many layers of cells.
3. The outermost layer is the epidermis, which lies in continuation of the epidermis, of the
apophysis of the capsule.
4. Just beneath the epidermis, there is one to two layered hypodermis; the cells of
hypodermal regions are colourless.
5. Next to the hypodermis there is one or two layered chlorenchyma tissue; the cells of this
layer contain choroplasts and act as assimilatory tissue.
6. Just beneath the chlorenchmatous layer there is a big air space, traversed by several
trabeculae; each trabeculae consists of 3 or 4 green cells; these filiform structures act as
connections between chlorenchymatous layer and the outer spore sac of the capsule.
7. The central region of the theca is occupied by a pith-like solid cylinder of parenchyma,
called the columella; the columella is narrow at its base and broad at its apical end; it is
connected to the conducting strand of the apophysis of the capusle at its base.
8. The columella remains surrounded by the spore sac.
9. The spore sac is barrel shaped; the spore sac has an inner single layered wall called the
inner spore sac; the outer wall of the spore sac is three of four layered and known as the
outer spore sac.
10. In between these inner and outer spore sacs there are spore mother cells; each spore
mother cell develops into a spore tetrad of four spores after meiosis.
4. The teeth of outer peristome are red and of inner peristome and colourless; the inner teeth
are shorter than the outer ones.
5. The annulus is found just above the rim; it consists of 5 or 6 layers of epidermal cells.
6. The mouth of the capsule remains closed by means of lid or operculum.
7. The spores are more less spherical; each spore possesses a covering wall of two layers;
the outer layer is somewhat coloured, smooth and known as exosporium; the inner layer
is colourless; smooth and known as endosporium; the spore contains within it, a nucleus,
oil globules and chloroplasts.
8. On germination the spore gives rise to a multi-cellular filament called the primary
(iv) Tissues of stem differentiated into outer cortex, and central conducting tissue.
(v) The sporogonium is differentiated into foot, seta and capsule;
(vi) capsule wall interrupted by stomata.
(vii) Elaters absent.
Eubrya: -
(i) Leaves are more than one cell in thickness; mid-rib present.
(ii) Protonema filamentous.
(iii) Well differentiated elongated stem present.
(iv) Partitioned air spaces present in between spore sac and columella.
(v) Capsule – a complex structure.
(vi) Capsule opens by operculum; spore dispersal regulated by peristome.
Funariales: -
(i) Terrestrial plants.
(ii) Leaves with midribs arranged in rosettes at the apex of gametophyte.
(iii) Capsules wide; provided with unbeaked operculum.
(iv) Peristome double.
Funariaceae: -
(i) Leaves one cell in thickness except at midrib region.
(ii) Small mosses.
(iii) Calyptra soon detached from operculum; calyptra with long beaks.
(iv) Capsules pyriform.
(v) Seta long.
Funaria: -
(i) Leaves spirally arranged.
(ii) The internal structure stem consists of three pars –
(a) epidermis (b) cortex and (c) central conducting stand.
(iii)Rosette of leaves present at the apex of the branch of gametophore.
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Anthocerotopsida
Order: Anthocerotales
Family: Anthocerotaceae
Genus: Polytricum
Habit and Occurrence:
1. There are about 92 species reported in this genus.
2. It is found in cool and shady places. They may be found growing in bogs and marshes, on
soil of firm or loose texture, on rocks and cliffs and as epiphytes on trunks of trees.
3. In India, they are commonly found in hills.
4. Species recorded from our country-Polytrichum densifolium, P.juniperunum and
1. The gametophyte remains differentiated into rhizoids, the underground rhizome, the erect
stem and leaves.
2. Numerous rhizoids are found on the rhizome of gametophyte; the rhizoids are long and
thick walled; they possess oblique septa in them.
3. The rhizoids form a soft or twisted mass which looks like a string; besides giving
mechanical support to the plant the rhizoids also help in vegetative reproduction.
4. The young leaves at the apex of a stem are arranged in a definite manner; the young
leaves being spirally arranged in three vertical rows.
5. Each leaf possesses a broad colourless membranous sheath at its base.
6. The leaf becomes narrow upwards.
7. The upper portion of the leaf is expanded which is green or brownish in colour.
8. Each leaf possesses a broad midrib.
9. The midrib remains covered on its upper surface by means of longitudinal cell plates
which contain chlorophyll and are known as lamellae.
Internal Structure (Anatomy):
T.S. of Rhizome:
8. Internal to the lepton mantle there is ‗hydrom sheath‘which is also known as ‗amlylom
layer‘; it consists of one of two layers of cells; the cell walls are suberized and the
consists starch.
9. Inside the amylom layer there is the ‗hydrom mantle‘; it consists of thin walled cells; in
the centre of the stem there is ‗hydrom‘ which is composed of thick walled cells; this
tissue is equivalent to xylem of higher plants.
V.T.S. of the leaf:
Reproductive Structure:
Usually the plants are diocecious and the antherida (male) and archegonia (female) are borne
in terminal clusters at the apex of separate gametophores.
Sexual reproduction:
The Antheridia:
1. The antheridia arise at the top of the leafy stems within an involucre of leaves; these
leaves are bright red or orange in colour.
2. The involucral leaves on the male head are arranged spirally from the vegetative apex
3. The antheridia are produced in groups in the axils of these perichaetial leaves so that the
whole head becomes compound and contains a variable number of these closely set
antheridial groups.
4. Each mature antheridium of a stalk and a clavate body.
5. The club-shaped body remain surrounded by a single-layered jacket.
6. Inside the jacket there are androcytes within the antheridum.
7. The antheridia are intermingled with paraphyes; some paraphyses are simple and filament
like while the others are broadened at their tips.
The Archegonia:
1. The archegonia arise at the top of the leafy stems within an involucre of leaves.
2. Usually three archegonia are found in an archegonial head.
3. Each stalked archegonium consists of a venter and a long neck.
4. The neck contanis 6-9 neck canal cells.
5. The venter contains a ventral canal cell and an egg.
1. In the mature capsule the sporogenous tissue forms a tube around columelle and is
sperarated from it by air spaces which are traversed by filaments of assimilatory cells.
2. A similar assimilatory tissue is also developed between the spore mass and the wall of the
3. All cells of sporogeonus tissue give rise to spores.
4. At the apex of the capusle, the calyptra remains attached for a long time.
5. The calyptra develops a brown colour, and grows after its separation from the basal part
of the archegonium, forming a shaggy, hairy cup which covers the whole capsule and
because of this feature it is known as ‗hair moss.
6. At the top of the capsule there is an operculum which appears as a lid.
7. The operculum is conical with a long beak or rostrum, there is no well marked annulus,
though the thickened diaphragm (rim) is present.
8. At the base of operculum there is thin membranous tissue which constitutes the
9. The peristome teeth are short and stout, formed of a group of sclerotic cells.
10. At maturity the peristome consists of 32 or 64 teeth.
11. The openings between the teeth form a ring of pores and the spores are dispersed through
these pores by the force of the wind shaking the sporogonium.
Genus Notothylus belongs to class Anthocerotopsida and is found to grow on shady moist
soil or rock in tropical and subtropical region. The gametophytic thallus is yellow green
forming an orbicular or sub-orbicular rosette and shows no internal differentiation. Each cell
of thallus shows a single oval choloroplast with a central pyrenoid. Indian species are
monoecious and protandrous. Both the antheridia and archegonia are embedded in the dorsal
surface of thallus. The sporophyte is enseathed by the thin, membranous involucres. The foot
is much smaller although the haustorial outgrowths are well developed. The intermediate
meristematic zone is also less developed and as a result the capsule does not grow much.
Hygroscopic movements of pseudoelaters release the mature spores at the top.
Genus: Funaria belongs to class bryopsida. They grow luxuriantly in human soil and
on soils burnts by fire. The small erect, green gametophytic plant arises from a prostrate alga-
like filament the protonema. The gametophytic plant body is differentiated into rhizoids,
leaves and stem. The rhizoids are branched, multicellular obliquely septate and thread like,
stem is upright erect. green and monopodial branched; leaves are sessile, small, ovate, bright
green and spirally arranged on the stem; Funaria hygrometrica is strictly monoecious and
autoecious species. The main shoot of the gametophyte bears the male the sex organs whole
the lateral branch bears the female sex organs. The sporophyte consists of a foot, set and
capsule. The foot is a small, conical structure embedded in the apical portion of the female
branch of gametophore. The seta is an elongated slender and thread-like structure which bears
the pear shaped capsule at its apical end. The upper region of the capsule consists of
operculum and peristome. Rculum; it consists of two sets of incurved teeth known as inner
and outer peristome; each set of teeth consists of sixteen incurved triangular teeth; the teeth
are spirally twisted towards left; the teeth of outer peristome are red and of inner peristome
and colourless; the inner teeth are shorter than the outer ones. he spores are more less
spherical; each spore possesses a covering wall of two layers; the outer layer is somewhat
coloured, smooth and known as exosporium ; the inner layer is colourless; smooth and known
as endosporium; the spore contains within it, a nucleus, oil globules and chloroplasts. On
germination the spore gives rise to a multi-cellular filament called the primary protonema.
Genus: Polytricum belongs to class bryopsida. They grow luxuriantly in bogs and
marshes, on soil of firm or loose texture, on rocks and cliffs and as epiphytes on trunks of
trees. In India, they are commonly found in hills. The gametophyte remains differentiated
into rhizoids, the underground rhizome, the erect stem and leaves. The plants are diocecious
and the antherida (male) and archegonia (female) are borne in terminal clusters at the apex of
separate gametophores. The mature sporogonium consists of a foot, seta and a capusle. The
foot remains embedded in the tissue of an archegonium. There is a long slender seta which
supports the capsule at its terminal end; the seta may reach a length of several inches; the seta
and apophysis are considerably larger in size. In the mature capsule the sporogenous tissue
forms a tube around columelle and is sperarated from it by air spaces which are traversed by
filaments of assimilatory cells. At the apex of the capusle, the calyptra remains attached for a
long time. All cells of sporogeonus tissue give rise to spores.
Peristome: Peristome is a fringe of teeth around the mouth of capsule in mosses.
Operculum: It is the cap of capsule in mosses.
Apospory: The production of gametophyte directly from the unspecialized cells of
sporophytes without the formation of spores is termed as apospory. e.g., anthoceros. The new
gametophytic plants are diploid because these are formed directly from the diplod cells of
sporophyte without undergoing meiosis.
Protonema: is a filamentous stage in the development of gametophyte of a moss from the
Secondary protonema: Protonema which is formed by means other by the germination of
spores is called secondary protonema.
Columella: Central column of sterile cells found inside the capsule of some bryophtes. It is
surrounded by sporogenous tissue which consists of spores and elaters.
15. Heteromorphic.
16. Hyaline cells.
17. Partially.
18. Theca
19. Zygote.
20. Vegetative.
Bendre, A. and Kumar, A. 1990-91. Practical Botany, Rastogi Publications, Meerut.
Gilbert, M.S. Cryptogamic Botany, Vol. I & II (2nd Ed.), Tata McGraw Hill, Publishing
Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1985.
Pandey, S.N. and Trivedi, P.S. A Text Book of Botany 2000 Volume I, Vikas Pub. House
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
After reading this unit student will be able:
To understand the general characters of various groups of Pteridophytes.
To study the general outlines of classification of different groups of Pteridophyta
To study the morphology and anatomy of vegetative and reproductive parts of Rhynia,
Selaginella and Equisetum.
To understand about the economic and other significance of different Pteridophytes.
The Pteridophyta include a group of land plants with well - developed vascular tissue- xylem
and phloem. Therefore, this group is also known as Vascular Cryptogams. Carolus Linnaeus
(1754) classified these plants underclass Cryptogamia. The word also derived from Greek
words Kruptons means hidden and gamos means wedded, plants with concealed flowers.
Members of this group are most primitive vascular plants and reproduced by present
day living generas such as, Selaginella, Equisetum etc. and fossil vascular plants – such as
Rhynia, Homeophyton, Aseroxylon etc. Plant body is sporophytic and differentiated into stem,
leaves and roots. In some plants an intermediate stage between root and stem i.e. rhizophore
is also present (Selaginella).
3. They prefer cool, moist and shady paces. While some are xerophytic i.e. Selaginella
rupestris, Selaginella lepidophyllum. While Lycopodium phlegmaria is an epiphytic.
4. Generally Pteridophytes are herbaceous but few are woody e.g. Cythea spinulosa.Mostly
the plants have dorsiventral or radial symmetry with dichotomous or monopodial branching.
5. The leaves may be small/microphyllous e.g. Lycopodiun, Equisetum or very large/
Macrophyllous e.g. Pteris, Pteridium and Dryopteris and other ferns.
6. Stomata are present on both surfaces of leaf. Trichomes may be present on stem and
leaves. The anatomy of these plants is to some extent dependent upon the type of leaf they
7. A similar but generally simpler structure is found in roots. Leaves may be simple, small
and sessile as in microphyllous types i.e. Selaginella, Lycopodium very large with petiole and
megaphyllous type i.e. members of Filicinae.
Rhynia is a fossil genus. It was discovered by Kidson and Lang in 1971 in district
Aberdenshire of Scotland. It was present in Middle Devonian period (about 380 million years
ago). Rhynia possess two species Rhynia Gwynne-vaughani and Rhynia major. Rhynia is not
found in present age. These fossils were extinct and found in perrified fossils. These fossils
were embedded and impregnated with silica and after aligning different parts or sections
prepared from rocks, construction of both the species of Rhynia were done carefully.
On the basis of evidences it was suggested or hypothesized that the plant were growing in
swampy marshes near volcanos. It prefers sulphrus vapours and soil, saturated with acid
water from hot springs. The specimens are so preserved that they give detailed information
about the form and structure of this primitive vascular plant. It was the most primitive
Pteridophyta. Main plant body is sporophyte. The sporophyte is differentiated into a rhizoid
with subterranean rhizome and an aerial position known as aerial shoot. It also bears
adventitious roots. The aerial shoot or portion also bears branching system.
The branches also bear sporangia on its tips. Mercker, (1959)
suggested that the rhizomatous parts of plant represents
gametophyte and upper aerial part is sporophyte.
4. The plant body of both the reported species was dichotomously branching and had a
5. The aerial stem was erect; from rhizome developed many dichotomously branched erect
axial shoots towards the upper side while many rhizoids towards the lower side.
6. The aerial branch was leafless shoots, cylindrical, forked and tapering at their apices.
7. The aerial shoots of R. major were smooth and devoid of leaf or any other outgrowth,
while many adventitious branches were reported on the aerial shoots of R.gwynne- vaughani
8. The aerial shoots were either ending into simple vegetative branches or having terminal
9. Stomata were present all over the surface of aerial branch.
11. The inner cortex formed to photosynthetic region of plant and was about 10 times more in
thickness than stele.
Identification Points
Division- Pteridophyta
i) Plant body is differentiated into stem, roots and leaves, ii) Sporophyte possesswell
developed vascular strands- xylem, phloem and mechanical elements, iii) True roots
generally present, vi) Fossil plant body
Sub- Division- Psilophytopsidai) The main plant or sporophyte differentiated into two parts
e.g. abranched aerial portion and a rhizoid bearing subterranean rhizome, ii) True roots
absent, iii) Plant homosporous.
Order- Psilotales
i) Sporangia borne at the tips of the erect branches either singly or in pairs, ii) Sporophyte
dichotomously branched, iii) Stele simple and protostelic type.
Family- Rhyniaceae
i) Aerial branches were leafless, ii) Rhizome and aerial shoots were dichotomously branched,
iii) Sporangia were present at terminal position, iv) Rhizoids bore unicellular rhizoids.
Genus- Rhynia
i) Plant was homosporous, ii) Sporangia without columella, iii) Rhizoids were unicellular,
iv) Plant had a multilayered thick jacket.
Systematic Position
Divison: Pteridophyta
Sub Divison: Lycopsida
Order: Selaginellale
Family: Selaginellaleaceae
Genus: Selaginella
Introduction- This genus Selaginella is generally known as small spike mosses comprises
about 700 species. In India about 58 species have been recorded from different parts of the
country. Most of the species are reported from tropical and also grow in rain forest. However,
some species are xerophytic and grows upon barren rocks and dry soils, yet some species
grow on moist and shady places on the hilly areas. Some species Eastern and Western
Himalayas of Selaginella, are commonly found in. S. lepidophylla and S. rupestris.
The xerophytic species species grow in arid and most exposed situations on granite
rocks and sandy soil. While S.oregana is an epiphytic species and grow on moss covered tree
trunks. Some species of Selaginella are cultivated as agricultural plant due to their feathery
fronds and delicacy. It is worldwide in distribution and occurs commonly in tropical and
temperate regions. Some common species of Selaginella are S. rependa, S. cilliaris, S.
nepalensis, S. wigtritii, S. haltei, S. biformis, S. mousporea etc.Hieronymus in 1900 divided
this genus Selaginella into two subgenera-i) Homoeophyllum and ii) Hetrophytlum. Based on
the general structure of the stem the plants are divided into two groups or sub general
Homophyllic and Hetrophyllic. The Sub genera Hetrophyllum includes majority of species.
3. In each case of the stem is covered with few rows of leaves ranges from few centimeters to
several feet in different sizes.
4. The plant body is divided into stem, leaves, Rhizophores and roots.
5. The primary root is short lived while other roots are adventitious.
6. The sub-genus namely Heterophyllum and Homoeophyllum have been recognized in the
genus Selaginella based on the characters of stem and leaves.
7. Sub-genus Heterophyllum possess prostrate stem, short erect branches and the dimorphic,
different sizes of leaves (small and large).
8. The above group have lateral branching also.
9. Sub genus Homoeophyllum is characterized by erect stem showing dichotomous branching
and all leaves are of one type.
10. Beside this, in Homoeophyllum species, the leaves are although dimorphic as
reportedearlier and are borne in pairs on dorsiventral stem.
The two leaves are markedly different insize e.g. one is larger and other is smaller.
11. In this, sub- genera, (Homoeophyllum) the stem is dorsiventral, and leaves are arranged in
pairs each pair consists of two different sizes leaves.
20. At the base of upper or adaxial of each young leaf is present a thin membranous finger or
tongue like outgrowth called ligule and develop early during ontogeny of leaf.
21. The mature ligule is thin membranous tongue like or fan shaped.
22. It is differentiated in to basal sheath, glossopodium and the body of the ligule. The basal
sheath is cup shaped at the base of the ligule.
23. Just adjacent to the basal sheath there is a hemispherical mass of thin walled cellsknown
as glossopodium.
24. The cells of the sheath are tubular in shape and are dead, while those of the glossopodium
are vertically elongated.
25. The body of the ligule is made up of parenchymatous cells with dense protoplasm.
26. At the place of branching in stem a cylindrical leafless organ is seen growing towards the
lower side or down wards, known as rhizophore.
27. The rhizophore is an elongate, colourless cylindrical structure, arise from the axis
ramification and growing downwardly in the prostrate axis.
28. Rhizophore becomes branching at its tip and forms many adventitious roots.
29. Some vertical branches from the stem are reproductive in nature and bear stobili.
Internal structure
Work-procedure- Cut a T. S. of the stem, leaf, root and rhizophore by inserting the material
in pith, stain them separately in safranin- fast green combination, mount in glycerine and
observe under microscope.
23. In Selaginella stem xylem is exarch with one or two protoxylem group.
In case of Selaginella, two types of roots may be observed.The primary roots and later arising
adventitious roots. Primary root is short lived and disappearsor die after some time.
Work procedure- Cut a T.S. of root, stain it in double stain e.g. safranin- fast green
combination. Mount in glycerine and study under microscope.
1. Visually the section is circular in shape and outline.
2. The tissue is differentiated into three layers, epidermis, cortex and central stele.
3. The outermost superficial layer is known as epidermis.
This layer is single layered, thin walled, constituted by parenchymatous cells and called as
piliferous layer because it bears many unicellular root hairs on its surface.
4. From some epidermal cells arise root hairs.
5. The cells of are tangentially elongated.
6. Below the epidermis are few layers of parenchymatouscortex devoid of intercellular
spaces, which is situated inner to the piliferous layer.
7. In some species e.g. S.willdenovii there is three to five layered hypodermis constituted of
sclerotic cells, and then it contains thin walled parenchymatous cells.
8. It is also reported that cortex may be made of thick walled sclerenchymatous hypodermal
9. The inner most layer of cortex is endodermis. Generally endodermis is one layered and
also indistinct but in certain species e.g. S.willdenovii and S. rubella, endodermis is well
10. Just beneath the endodermis, there is three layered parenchymatous pericycle. The cells
of pericycle are small in size comparatively to endodermis.
11. The central part of root is known as stele. In Selaginella, stele is monarch and exarch. The
structure of xylem and phloem resemble to that of stem.
12. The stele is simple protostelic type.
13. Xylem is composed of spiral and annular tracheids.
14. The metaxylem is situated in the centre and is constituted of scalariform tracheids.
15. Phloem surrounds the centrally located xylem and is composed of sieve tubes.
4. Object- Study of anatomy T.S. of rhizophore
Work Procedure-
Cut a T.S. of rhizophore, stain in safranin- fast green combination, mount in glycerin and
study anatomically. It is reported that the structure of rhizophore is similar to that the
structure of root. There are some differences in its structure due to environment.
Rhizophores arises from the axis ramification. These are elongate, colourless, leafless and
cylindrical growing downwardly. The swollen tips gives rise a tuft of adventitious roots.
1. The outline of the section is almost circular.
2. The outermost layer is thick walled epidermis.
3. The section shows epidermis, hypodermis, cortex, endodermis and stele.
4. The epidermis is cuticularized.
5. Root hairs are absent.
6. Just beneath the epidermis, hypodermis present, which is 2 to 3 layered thick.
7. Next to hypodermis is cortex, constituted thin walled parenchymatous cells of 3-4 layered
thick. It occupies most of the part of the section.
8. Between the cortex and stele, endodermis present. It is followed by a single layered
pareechymatous pericycle layer.
9. The stele of rhizophore is monarch and exarch like in root. It is also protostelictype. In
somespecies e.g. S. atroviridis the metaxylem is lunar shaped and many protoxylem groups
are also situated on the concave adaxial side.
Work procedure- Cut a T.S. of Leaf, stain in safranin- fast green combination, mount in
glycerin and study under microscope.
1. The section of leaf shows a slightly bulged midrib in the centre and in wings.
2. It is bounded by upper and lower epidermis in both sides of leaf.The epidermis is single
layered and composed ofthin walled cells.
3. The epidermal layer of both e.g. upper and lower surfaces contains discoid chloroplasts in
them. Cells of epidermal layer contain chloroplasts.
4. The stomata are confined to the abaxial epidermis and sometimes also reported on the
adaxial epidermis, or on both the surfaces.
Fig.9.21 : Selaginella Leaf; A. Branch of S.kraussiana showing leaf arrangement, B. A leaf with
ligule, C. Vertical section of ligule
5. The mesophyll cells is usually not differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma
andshows intercellular spaces.
6. Mesophyll cell contain chloroplasts and all the cells are alike each of which has several
Work Procedure- To study he external and internal features of the strobilus, cut a L.S. of the
structure, stain in safranin fast green and study.
The spore producing orgams commonly known as sporangiaor strobilus are foundon adaxial
surface of sporophyll. Each sporangia bears short stalk and may be foliar (leaf like) or cauline
in nature. Selaginella has two types of sporangia which differ in shape, size and colour.
Megasporangium Selaginella (representing female spore) usually contains four large
megaspores and are found on megasporophyll. However, the microsporangia contain large
number of microspore (representing male spores) and arepresent in microsporophylls. In most
of the species strobili bears both, microsporophyll and megasporophyll. But sometimes, some
species, the strobili may consists only one type of sporophyll either megasporophyll or
microsporophylls. It differs in different species.
8. In some cases the plant bears both megasporamgium and microsporangium in the
same strobilus or in different strobilus e. g. S. gracilis, there is only one sporangia, either
mega or microsporangia.
strobilus and the microsporophylls in the upper portion of strobilus axis S. rupestris
and S. spinulosa species.
19. Both types of sporangia when ripe, differ in their size, structure, colour and form.
20. Each microsporangium is smooth, ovoid and generally has brown or red coloured
body and contains many microspores.
21. Contrary to this each macrosporangium is four lobed and greenish-white, orange or
pale yellow in coloured.
22. The macrospores are large in size and possess a triadiate ridge at its apex and two
layered wall, the outer exineis sculptured and the inner, intine is thick and uniform.
23. The microspores are smaller in size and with uniform outline, dark red in colour and
have many small spores.
Points of identification
Divison Pteridophyte-
i). Plant body is differentiated into stem, root and leaves, ii) Presence of true vascular
system, iii). Presence of independent gametophyte and sporophyte. iv). Gametophyte is small.
Order- Selaginellales
i). Plant body is herbaceous, ii). Rhizophores present on the stem and roots arises at the tip of
rhizophore ,iii). Plant is hetrospores, iv) Leaves bear ligule.
Family- Selaginellaceae
i) Stem herbaceous, horizontal, creeping or erect, ii). Gametophyte extremely reduced,
iii). Absence of secondary growth in the stem, iv) Sporophylls are originated in strobili.
vi). Two types of spores e.g. macro and microspores are present.
Genus- Selaginella
i) Plant is living, ii). Roots arise from rhizophore, iii). Generally more than one stele in stem
either protostele or sometimes siphonostele, iv). Each macrosporangium contains four Trabeculae present.
Fig.9.31 Equisetum debile: External features Fig. 9.32 Equisetum: Nodes and internodes
Work procedure- To study the external features of the plant, collect the plant from its
habitat or study the specimen.
1. The plant body is erect, bushy, herbaceous and branched.
2. The plant body is sporophytic, perennial herb.
3. The plant is divided into leaves, aerial shoots, rhizomes and roots.
4. The underground rhizome is divided into nodes and internodes.These nodes bear aerial
branches and roots.
5. The size of the plant body ranges from few centimeters i.e. E. scirpoides to several
meters as in E. giganteum i.e. up to 13 meters. Usually most of the species are less than a
meter in height.
6. Plant body has two distinct parts- along prostrate underground rhizome from which arise
many roots towards the lower side and many erect aerial shoots towards the upper side.
7. The shoots also have rounded branches or tubers present on the rhizome.
8. Rhizome is long, creeping and profusely branched and divided into nodes and
9. Generally the rhizome bears two kinds of aerial branches – the sterile and fertile.
10. The typical sterile branches are green and branched while the typical fertile branches are
non-green, un-branched and terminates into cones. These branches get die after spore
11. Some species have green branched fertile shoots bearing a cone at its apex of each lateral
branch. These branches remain alive even after spore dispersal.
12. The lateral branches on the primary branch also bear the whorl of branches of smaller in
13. Each whorl bears an equal number of branches similar number to leaves and alternate
with the leaves.
14. From the node of rhizome, long, slender, well branched adventitious roots are developed.
15. Both the fertile and sterile aerial shoot are rubbed and into nodes and internodes, while
the sterile shoots are long- lived and the fertile shoots are un-branched and short lived.
16. Fertile shoots are un-branched, colorless or pale yellow colored branched. Each bears a
stobilus at its tip.
11. The inner cortex is composed of large and thin walled parenchymatous cells.
12. Vellecular canal are present in the cortex.
13. Innermost layer of cortex is known as endodermis. It contains casparian strips. While in
some species i.e. E. sylveticum contains a layer of inner endodermis is also present, and in E.
litorale, each vascular bundle contains its individual endodermis.
14. Below the endodermis is present single layered endodermis.
15. The vascular bundles are conjoint closed, endarch and arranged in a ring. Each bundle lies
below each ridge and consists of xylem and phloem.
16. The number of vascular bundles and vallecular -canals are equal to the number of ridges
and grooves respectively.
17. Each vascular bundle contains both metaxylem and protoxylem.
18. The protoxylem elements lie on the ridges of a protoxylem lacuna. In each vascular
bundle is present a water containing cavity of canal called carinal canal.
19. The two metaxylem groups lie on the lateral sides of carinal canal. It consists of annular
and spiral tracheids.
Procedure B- Node-
Cut a T. S. of aerial shoot passing through the node, stain in safranin fast green combination,
mount in glycerine and study under microscope.
1. The aerial shoot shows distinct ridges and furrows.
2. The section shows distinct epidermis, cortex, stele and nodal diaphragm instead of hollow
pith cavity in internode.
3. The outermost layer is thick cuticularized epidermis.
4. It is also resemble the internode of sterile shoot beside some differences.
Fig.9.38, Equisetum; A part os stem showing alternation of ridges and grooves and scale leaves
Fig.9.39, A-B Equisetum: Structure of stomata, A. Stoma in vertical section, B. Thickening band
band in stomata
1. Leaves are simple, small scaly whorled and fused laterally and possess longer or shorter
free tips.
2. The species with narrow stens usually have few leaves and those with thick stems have
many leaves (up to 40) at each node.
3. Leaves are non-photosynthetic and their main function is to protect the branch buds at the
4. Each leaf contains a single vascular bundle.
5. The vascular bundles of the leaf sheath are simple.
6. The outer tissues of the leaf sheath are composed of narrow sclerenchymatous bands.
7. The bands of sclerenchyma pass up the leaf ridge and alternate with the strips of
chlorophyllous tissue associateted with stomata.
Work Pocedure: Cut a T. S. of root, stain in safranin- fast green combination, mount in
glycerine and observe under microscope.
1. The section appears almost circular in outline.
2. The outermost layer is epidermis made up of proliferous layer and bears unicellular hairs
upon it known as root hairs.
3. The epidermis is single layered.
4. Just beneath the epidermis there is a wide cortex, which is thick and multilayered.
5. The cortex is often divided into an outer cortex and an inner cortex.
6. The cortex consists of thin walled parenchyma with well- developed intercellular spaces.
7. The endodermis is two layered thicki.e. outer and inner endodermis, while the cells of
inner endodermis acts as pericycle. Here a distinct pericycle is absent.
8. The vascular bundle shows a single, large metaxylem in the centre with 3,4 or six
9. Stele is protostele, which is triarch, tetrarch or some times hexarch .
10. With the increase in diameter of root, number o protoxylem groups also increases.
11. In the centre is present a large metaxylem traicheds having many protoxylem groups
towards the periphery.
12. Phloem is present in between the angles of protoxylem.
13. Each protoxylem point consists of a single tracheids which is spirally thickened.
14. The phloem is composed of phloem parenchyma and sieve tubes.
4. Each sporangiophore consists a stalk and a peltate disc. Stalk keeps the disc attached to
cone axis.
5. Just below the sporangiophore, the central axis of the strobilus bears a small ring like
outgrowth known as annulus. Sporangiophore is one of the units of which cone is made
6. Each sporangiophore is composed of a slender stalk, the free end of which becomes
flattened to form a peltate disc.
7. The peltate disc is generally hexagonal in outline in its surface view. Each sporangium is
elongated and pendant and contains a rounded apex
9. The stalk is attached to the cone axis on one side and to peltate disc on the otherside.
10. The apex opens by longitudinal silts on maturity and helps in dispersal of spores
13. The sporamgium is surrounded by jacket on outside and tapetum layer on inside, which
enclosesspores. All the spores are alike, as Equisetum is homosporous.
Work Procedure-The sporangia is the spore producing organs compact aggregation and
sporangia is called distrobiusor cone which generally originated at the apex of main axis and
sometimes the lateral branches. For detailed study the L.S. of cone is best for structural
With the help of needle the sporangia tease smoothly, spores and elaters collected in water or
stained in safranin and studied.
1. Each spore is uni-nucleate, spherical or globular in shape and bears many chloroplasts.
2. Each spore consists of four layers.
3. As usual each spore has two usual layers along with third cuticular layer or the middle
layer and a fourth, thick outermost layer, the perisporium is reported.
4. The outermost layer is known as exosporium and the innermost endosporium.
5. The third layer is made up of the cuticle and known as middle layer and lies outside the
6. The middle layer and the outermost layer of exosporium are the derivatives of few tapetal
cells and spore mother cells.
7. The episporium which lies on the extreme outside of the spore which later on, develops
into four strips and get separated from each other on maturity from rest of the wall but
remain attached at a known point. The strips after matutration develop as elaters.
Fig.9.48 Equisetum: Spore with elaters Fig.9.49. Equisetum: Spore showing different
stages of elaterexpantion
8. The ends of these elaters are spoon like or broad however, these elaters are different from
the elaters of Bryophytes.
9. The elaters are hygroscopic in nature and with the changes in atmospheric humidity they
coil and uncoil.
10. These elaters help in dehiscence of sporangium and dispersal of spores similarly to
11. Each spore contains many chloroplast and a nucleus located in the centre..
Work Procedure- Prepare a slide of prothallus and study.
1. The prothallus of Equisetum is monoceious and bearing both
male (antheridia) and female (archegonia) sex organs in a single
2. The yonger and small prothalli show only antheridia as the
antheridia develops first while in the older, archegonia are present.
3. The archegonia show two parts i.e. a sunken base and a projecting
neck. Fig.9.50 Equisetum: Prothallus
4. The archegonial neck consists of four vertical rows of cells. Each row is two or four cells
in height.
5. The upper cells of archegonial neck are quite long and becomes separated and curved
outwards on maturity.
6. Archegonia remain embedded in the prothallus tissue.
7. The archegonium consists of 3 or 4 cells, the egg, the ventre c. Each androcyte is
metamorphoses into multiflagellated spirally coiled anthrozoids and cells and one or two
neck cells.
8. The antheridia consists single layered jacket, which encloses androcytes inside this.
Divison- Pteridophyta-
i) Plant body is differentiated into stem, root and leaves,ii) Sporophyte possess well
developed vascular strand. iii) True vascular strand present.iv) Gametophyte is small and
Sub divison- Sphenopsida-
i) Plant body articutated and branched,ii) Stem with distinct nodes and internodes.iii) Ridges
and furrows presentiv) Leaves small, scaly and microphyllous and in whorls at nodes.
Order- Equisetales-
i) Plant herbaceous and not tree like,ii) Stem branched, branches originated in transeverse
whorls,iii) Secondary thickeness absent,iv) Vasculat cylinder siphonostele, endarch.
Family- Equisetaceae-
i) Secondary growth is absent, ii)Plant is homosporous,iii) Sporangia borne on
sporangiophores, Which forms a compact cone.
Genus- Equisetum-
i) Presence of colorless scaly leaves.ii) Sunken stomata in grooves, iii) Presence of palisade
tissue in the stem,iv) Presence of vellecular, carinal and central canals,.
Significant Points-
The anatomy of Equisetum shows Xerophytic and Hydrophytic characters, which also helps
in its identification.
Xerophytic Characters-
1. Thick cuticle present over epidermis.
2. Presence of ridges and furrows.
3. Presence of stomata in grooves.
4. Presence of palisade.
5. Presence of well- developed sclerenchyma below the ridges.
Hydrophytic Characters-
1. Presence of three distinct canals i.e. carinal, vellecular and central canals.
Rhynia is a species of Devonian vascular plant. Rhynia Gwynne-vaghani was the sporophyte
generation of vascular, axils, free- sporing, diplohaplontic embryophytic plants of the lower
Devonian that had anatomical features more advanced than those of the bryophytes. Rhynia
gwynne- vaghani was amember of sister group to all other eutrachephytes including modern
vascular plants. Rhynia is a fossil plant and had two species, Rhynia major and R. Gwynne-
Genus Selaginella is the sole genus of vascular plants in the family Selaginellaceae. The
spike moss or lesser known club- mosses. This family is placed in class Isoetopsida,
distinguished from the sister group Lycopodiopsida having scale leaves bearing a ligule and
by having spores of two types and hence representing the best example of heterospory.
Beside this, the main significant point of their identification is presence of trabeculae in its
stellar structure.
Horsetail plant or Equisetum is a member of the Equisetaceae family and is closely related to
ferns. Horsetail is also known by a number of other names, including mare‖ tail, horse pipes,
snake etc. Horse tail (Equisetum arvense) is considered as “living fossil” and is one of the
oldest plants on the planet, primarily because it is one of the toughest to eradicate. It belongs
to a class of Pteridophyta (ferns). They are one of the most important plants grown in
palaeozoic era. Equisetum is the only living genus in Equisetaceae, a family of vascular
plants that reproduce by spores rather than seeds. The Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) belongs
to a family of plants some 400 million years old. Some of which grew over 300 feet.
Horsetail is a perennial plant that found in or near watery areas, such as marshes, streams or
rivers. Horsetail is a versatile plant that will grow in pretty much in any water logged area. It
makes good filler for areas in the yard with poor drainage or as a pond grass. Horsetail grows
in temperate northern hemisphere areas. The stem has a characteristic jointed appearance.
They are seedless vascular plants. They have true vascular system.
Eusporangiate- Describing the sporangium that is derived from a number of sporangial
Fossile- Remains of the organismfrom past geological ages preserved mostly in sedemantary
rocks as actual structures or as impressions, caste or moulds of structures that are no more
Heterosporous- Describing conditions where different types of spores are produced by a
species. Usually the species produces large megaspores containing reserve food and produce
female gametophytes and the smaller microspores that produce male gametophyte.
Homosporous- Describing production of only one type of spores by a species used in certain
non- seed producing vascular plants.
Internode- A part of stem that lies between two adjacent nodes.
Ligule- Describing the structure of a thin membranous finger like structure present at the
base of upper or adaxial surface of each leaf is called ligule, especially in case of Selaginella.
Leptosporangate- Describing the type of sporangium that is derived from one initial cell
Megasporophyll- The leaf typical of seed plants and fernsthat is relatively large and usually
with leaf gaps associated with leaf traces.
Microsporophyll- A leaf typical of lower plants means Lycopodes that is relatively smaller
and is not associated with leaf gaps inthe stele.
Node- A point on the stem, from where one or more leaves arise. In mature stem, nodes are
usually well separated due to activity of intercalary meristem pattern of vascular connections
between stem and leaf.
Prothalii- Free living gametophytes of certain lower vascular plants e.g. species that is
usually poorly differentiated and often resemble thallose liverworts.
Pteridophytes- These plants are also known as vascular cryptogams. These are most
primitive living and fossil plants. They shows heterospory means forms two types seeds in
their life- cycle e,g, small (microspores) and bigger (megaspores).
Rhizophore- At the base of branching in stem, arises a long, unbranched, leafless structure
towards the lower side. This is known as rhizophore. It becomes branced and forms many
adventitious roots, usually in Selaginella.
Sori or Sorus- A group or cluster of sporangia borne abaxially on a frond.
Spore- The unicellular reproductive unite that may be formed by sporophytic generation
following meiosis and therefore, have half the number of chromosomes.
Sporangium- The structure in which spore are produced it may be simple and unicellular as
in algae and fungi or multicellular as in bryophytes and vascular plants.
Sporophyte- Individual usually of deploidbphase of life cycle, that is formedfrom the fusion
product of two gametes.
Tapetum- The layers of cells surroundingspore mother cells in the sporangium on a frond.
Trabeculae- Bar like structure extended across a lumen or lacuna, e.g. certain endodermal
cells elongate radially to form trabeculae in endodermis of stem of Selaginella.
Whorl- Describing the form of leaves in which leaf arrangement three or more leaves arises
at each node.
Xerophytic- Describing condition of habitat by deficiency of water representing either
physical or physiological dryness, high temperature and strong sunlight as in deserts.
K. Sharma and Rajeshwari Sharma (2011) Algae Bryophytes and Pteridophytes.
Jagdamba Publishing Co. 423011, Ground Floor, Ansari, Daryaganj, New Delhi, 110002.
Ashok Bendre (2011) A Text Bookof Practical Botany I. Rastogi Publications. Gangotri
Shivaji Road. Meerut.
P. Pandey (2012) Practical Botany Vol. I, S. Chand and Company, Pvt.Ltd. Ramnagar,
New Delhi- 110055.
O. P. Sharma (2010) Pragati Practical Botany Vol. I, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.
S. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta (2013) New Pattern Botany Guide Vol. III, Published by
Kedarnath Ramnath, 132 R. G. Collage Road, Meerut (U.P.).
Wikipedia the Free Encykopedia.
Encyclopedia Britanica.
https:// Wikipedia
After reading this unit student will be able:
To study the general characters of mentioned Pteridophytes.
To study of morphology and anatomy of vegetative and reproductive parts of
Pteridophytes- Adiantum, Marsilea and Azolla.
The Pteridophyta include a group of land plants with well - developed vascular tissue- xylem
and phloem. Therefore, this group is also known as Vascular Cryptogams. Carolus Linnaeus
(1754) classified these plants underclass Cryptogamia. The word also derived from Greek
words Kruptons means hidden and gamos means wedded, plants with concealed flowers. In
this unit we will discuss about the species- Adiantum, Marsilea and Azolla.
Systematic position
Divison- Pteridophyta
Sub Divison- Pteropsida
Class- Leptosporangiate
Order- Filicales
Family- Adiantaceae
Genus- Adiantum
Adiantum the maidenhair fern is a genus of about 200 species of ferns in the world. However,
of Adiantum raddianum and possibly a few other species, are removed the remaining plant.
The genus Adiantum is cosmopolitan in its distribution. It is distributed throughout the whole
world including temperate South America and Arctic zone. It is distributed throughout India
evenly in plains and on mountains at an elevation of 2000 to 8000 feet. It is -
Adiantum: External features - a terrestrial fern and prefers moist and shady places in all
warmer parts of the world. The name Adiantum is derived from the Greek word its common
name, is Some species of Adiantum are also used medicinal purposes. It grows abundantly in
tropical and sub- tropical zones of world.
The common species reportedfrom India are Adiantum incism, A. caudatum, A.
capillus-veneris, A. lanulatum, A. caudatum etc. Nayar (1961) reported 24 species from India.
The adult or mature plant body of Adiantum represents the sporophytic phase (diploid/ 2x).
The adult sporophyte of fern is differentiated into roots, rhizome and leaves.
15. The leaves when fertile, then leaflet margins remain folded towards the lower side
forming a false inducium which encloses many sori.
16. The fertile portion of each leaflet contains many sporangia filled with spores.
17. The venation is dichotomous type, Vein spread in a fan like manner in the lamina.
Usually the veins are free but in some species they are forming the reticulum.
Object- Study of root morphology
The roots are adventitious and arise in clusters from under side of the rhizome. The roots are
creeping generally but in erect form, they arise from base of rhizome. They are black and
Study of anatomy of root
1. The root is almost circular in outline.
2. The outermost layer of the T.S. of root is epidermis, which is piliferous. It is single
layered and bears root hairs.
3. The outermost layer or epidermis is thin walled consisting cortex and stele in centre.
4. The cortex is inner to epidermis, It is multilayered and parenchymatous in nature.
5. The stele remains surrounded by a single layered endodermis. Casparian strips on radial
walls of the cells of endodermis.
6. The pericycle is the outermost layer of stele which is one or two layered thick.
7. The stele is protostele type present in the center. It is diarch or exarch.
8. There is a central core of xylem surrounded by phloem.
9. Outside the xylem there are phloem elements, the phloem is arranged laterally to the xylem
in the form of phloem plates.
above surface of rhizome from nodes arise roots on lower surface while leaves arise on upper
Study of anatomy of rhizome (T.S. of rhizome)
Work Procedure- Cut a T. S. of rhizome, stain in safranin- fast green combination, mount
in glycerine and study.
1. T.S. rhizome is mostly circular or gutter shaped.
2. Internally the rhizome is differentiated into outermost layer of epidermis bearing
multicellular hairs.
3. Just beneath the epidermis there is multilayered sclerenchymatous hypodermis.
4. Ground tissue occupies major part of rhizome contains parenchymatous cells and many
layered deep, without any intercellular space.
5. The species of Adiantun having an elongated rhizome, thus different types of steles are
reported which are variable in nature differing from region to region but a few shows
actual solenostele e.g. A. pedatum, A. nobile.
6. In A. rubellum the stele is amphiphloic siphonostele, but in A.caudatum it is dictylostele.
7. Commonly in Adiantum the stele is gutter shape due to great elongation of leaf gaps in
these rhizome possessing short internodes.
8. Due to presence of many leaf gaps the stele is in the form of many separate strands called
9. Meristeles vary in number but more often 5-7 lie arranged in ground tissue in a gutter
shaped ring and then exhibiting dictyostelic condition.
10. The spaces between neighbouring meristele are leaf gaps.
11. Each meristele has the general structure of a protostele e.g. xylem surrounds by ploem
and distinct layers of pericycle and endodermis. There is no pith.
Fig. 10.4 Adiantum. T.S. rthizome Fig.10.5: Adiantum. T.S. rhizome (part
shown by (outlines: diagrammatic)dotted
lines in Fig. 4: cellular)
12. Xylem elements occupy the central part of ground tissue. Metaxylem and protoxylem are
arranged in mesarch condition.
young stage the leaves are circinately coiled and are covered with hairy outgrowth called
The leaves may be uni, bi or multipinnate. The pinnae are stalked. The rachis of leaf either
terminates in a pinna or may beelongated bearing a vegetative bud at tip under suitable
conditions. This bud develops into a daughter plant after touching the ground. The venation is
free, dichotomous and vein spread in fan like manner in the lamina.
Fig. 10.6 Adiantum: morphology of leaf Fig. 10.7 Adiantum: circinate leaf
Fig.10. 8 Adiantum: T.S. rachis Fig.10. 9 Adiantum: T.S. rachis (a part cellular)
(Outlines: diagrammatic)
8. The phloem which surrounds the Y shaped xylem, protoxylem is present on all the three
ends of Y.
Study of anatomy of Sorus (T.S. of leaf with sorus)
Work Procedure: The sori are present on the lower side of the leaf so observe the lower
side of the leaflet, cut section through this portion, study the arrangement of sori and structure
of sporangia. Stain in safranin- fast green combination, mount in glycerine and study.
1. Sporangia are the spore producing organs. These sporangia are grouped in sori. Each
Fig.10.11 Adiantum: Leaf with sporophyll Fig.10.12 Adiantum: Section through sorus
13. Each spore is uninucleate structure and remain surrounded by a thin, smooth intine
and thick, rugged exine
5. The cells of the prothallus are thin walled. Each cell bears
discoid chloroplasts and a nucleus in it.
6. On the lower surface of the prothallus are present the sex organs. Usually the archegonia
developed around the notch upon the cushion and the antheridia in the basal central region
of the prothallus among the rhizoids.
7. After fertilization, the diploid zygote develops to sporophyte.
Identiification points
Divison- Pteridophyta
i) Plant body is differentiated into stem, leaves and roots, ii). True vascular strand present,
iii) Plant body issporophyte, iv). Gametophyte small and independent,
Sub- Divison- Pteropsida
i) Vascular cylinder siphonostele with leaf- gaps, ii). Plant macrophyllus,
iii) Leaves compound with rachis, iv), Spoangia groupedin leavesin the form of sori,
v) Ridges and grooves absent in stem.
Class- Leptosporangiate
i) Sporangia with a jacket layer one cell in thickness, ii) Leptosporangiate type of
sporangium develops, iii) Definite number of spores,
Order- Filicales
i) Sori are mixed, ii) Plant homosporous.
Family- Adiantaceae
i) Sori are mixed.ii) Sporocarp absent, iii) Margin bearing sori are sharply reflexed,
iv) Inducium oblong or linear, formed of the frond, opening inwardly. v) Annulus not
Genus- Adiantum
i) Leaves are large and dichotomously branched. ii) Sori apparently marginal but superficial
in origin, open dichotomous venation in the leaflets. iii) Presence of false inducium, iv)
Inducium globose to linear usually many and distinct, v) Xylem Y shaped in rachis.
Systematic Position
Division- Pteridophyta
Sub Division- Pteropsida
Class- Leptosporangiatae
Order- Salviniales
Family Salviniaceae
Genus Azolla
Fig. 10.16 Azolla
Introduction- Azolla is an aquatic fern and generally known as ‗water fern‖. It is found
free floating in ditches and ponds. Azolla forms red coloured bloom in ditches and pond
water. The common Indian species is Azolla pinnata, others are A. filiculoides, is also known
to occur frequently. A. imbricate is found mostly in Eastern Himalaya. It is a water fern as
reported earlier and being used as biofertilizer since it contains the colonies of blue- green
algae ―Anabeana azollae‖ in its leaf chambers/cavities and thus helps to fix the atmospheric
5. The upper lobe has a large cavity at its base, which is opens outside through a circular
6. This central cavity is filled with the filaments of blue green alga- Anabeana azollae.
Having symbiotic relationship with the fern and helps to fix the atmospheric nitrogen.
7. The upper lobe filled with mucilage and later enclose by outgrowths of the tissue of the
Study of root
Work Procedure- To study the root anatomy, cut a T. S. of root, stain in safranin fast green
combinations, mount in glycerine, and observe details.
1. The outline of the section is almost circular.
2. The whole section is divided into epidermis, cortex, endodermis and pericycle alongwith a
central vascular cylinder. Pith is not distinct.
3. The outermost layer is epidermis made up of single layered parenchymatous cells.
4. Just beneath the epidermis is cortex. This zone is divided into two sub zones e.g. the outer
cortex and the inner cortex.
5. Cortex contains 2- 8 layered thick parenchymatous cells.
6. Endodermis lies inner to cortex, made up of a single layer, consisting of 6 cells thickness.
7. Endodermis is followed by pericycle layer is also single layer and consisting only 6 big
size cells. The size of the cells is bigger than the previous layer.
8. Vascular strand consisting xylem and phloem in the centre of the section.
9. Xylem lies in the centre and is represented by two centrally placed metaxylem, surrounded
by four small outer group of protoxylem.
10. Xylem constitute only trecheids.
11. Phloem are placed on either side of the metaxylem and consist only few elements.
Object-Study of sporocarp-
Work Procedure- To study the sporocarp and its structural details first to know that these
are situated on the lower side of the plant (leaf). To examine the microsporocarp and
megasporocarp, tease them and stain with safranin only. Study the structural details under
1. Sporocarps are originated only on the lowermost (mature) leaf of the lateral branch at the
end of annual season
2. Only the submerged lobe of the leaf bears 2- 4 sporocarps.
3. A hood like covering around the sporocarp is fored by the upper lobe of the fertile lobe.
4. The sporocarp possess microsporocarps and megasporocarps and hence shows dimorphic
5. Microsporocarps are larger in size than the megasporocaprs.
6. Each sporocarp is a sorus covered by indusium.
7. Microsporocarp bears a central raised cushion on which sporangia develop
basipetally.Asingle microzporengium has one layered jacket followed by tapetum and a
single microsporangium encloses about 64 microspores.
8. Microsporangium possess a multi-nucleate periplasmodium originated as a result of
breakdown of tatetum layer. Periplsmodium forms four or more quadrately arranged
massulae, in which spores remain embedded at periphery.
9. The surface of massulae bears many anchor- shaped hairy structures called glochidia,which
helps in the attachment of massulae to the microspore
10. Megaspore shows a single large megasporangium, remain surrounded by a flask shaped
indusium. It covers the sporangium completely except for a narrow slit at the apex.
11. While megasporangium is covered by a single layered wall, which encloses a single
12. Megaspore is surrounded by a hard vacuolated layer known as perispore. The wall of
megaspore is called epispore. It is hard and ornamental.
Fig.10.23 Azolla: Agricultural uses of the plant Fig.10.24 Azolla: Germinating prothallus
(A) (B)
Fig.10.25 (A&B) Azolla: Ecomonic importance of ferns
Identification Points-
Division- Pteridophyta
i) Plant body is sporophyte and divided into stem, leaves and roots,ii). Definite vascular
system is present.
Sub Division- Pteropsida
i) Vascular cylinderis siphonostelic or dictyostele,ii) . Plant is macrophyllus with large leaf
gaps. iii) Leaves bear sporangia in sori, iv). Gametophyte small, green and free living,
Class- Leptosporangiatae
i) Sporangial wall is one cell thick, ii). Number of spores per sporangiumnis definite,
Order- Salviniales
i) Sporocarp is a single sorus, enclosing either micro or megasporangia,ii) Wall of sporocarp
is formed by the inducisium,
Family- Salviniaceae
i) It represents single family and the species represents this family are - Salvinia and Azolla.
Genus- Azolla
i) Presence of endophytic blue green algea in the leaves .ii) Each leaflet is divided in two
lobes- upper and lower ones,iii) Megasporocarp possess only one megasporangium.
Systematic Position
Division - Pteridophyta
Sub- Division- Pteropsidar
Class- Leptosporangiate
Family- Marsileales
Genus- Marsilea
show hydrophytic habit and either grow submerged or partially out of water e.g. M. minuta,
M. quadrifolia, their sporocarp are usually produced under water.
M. hirsute is a xerophytic species grown on dry lands, Some species are amphibious and
produced sporocarp in dry terrestrial condition e.g. M. vestita, M. aegyptiaca. However, all
the species belongs to any category of habit, produce root either in soil or in water
Study of external features of sporophyte-
Work Procedure- To study the external features or morphology of a plant, and observe
various features of root, rhizome and leaves. Note down the circinate venation of young
leaves and the chatacteristic venation of leaf.
1. Plant body is sporophyte and possess a rhizome and having many roots arising towards
lower side and leaves towards upper side.
2. Rhizome is long, slender, well branched and grows either on or below the soil surface as
per habitat, and many species attain a length of several meters in some species.
10. The leaves of submerged plants bear long flexible petiole and leaf lamina floats on the
water surface.
11. Plants grows on mud, the leaves possess short, erect and stout petioles which spread
leaves in the air.
12. The leaves are compound and lamina of each leaf is divided into four leaflets or pinnae
arising from the apex of the petiole.
13. The veins of each lamina of each leaf are dichotomously branched with numerous cross
connections resulting in a close reticulum of veins.
14. The leaflet or pinnae are ovate or elliptical in shape with smooth or toothed margins.
Sometimes the margins also varies from entire to cercinate e.g. M. minuta or from crenate to
lobed (M. aegyptiaca) or from ovate to obcuneate.
15. Leaflets folds in the night or early morning, thus showing sleeping movement.
16. Out of four leaflets the two lower ones are arranged in pair while the upper two leaflets
are arranged alternately.
17. Many dichotomously branched veinlets are present in each leaflets. Veinlets are
connected with cross connections.
18. Veinlets are attached to one margin with the marginal loops.
19. Many bean shaped or oval reproductive bodies known as sporocarp are attached on the
petiole with the help of their peduncle.
20. These sporocarps are borne laterally near the base on the petiole, but sometimes higher
up. M. minuta and M. qudrifolia show variation in the number of
sporocarp from one to four.
21. From each node or on the underside of the rhizome one or more adventitious roots are
22. Some species e.g.- M. aegyptica the adventitious roots may develop laterally.
Work Procedure- Cut thin transverse sections of different parts of the plant e.g. rachis,
leaflet, rhizome and root.
Stain them in safranin- fast green combination, mount in glycerine and study under
1. The outline of the section appears almost circular
2. The outermost layer is single layered epidermis which is continuous and without any
3. The epidermis of aquatic plants takes cuticle but that of terrestrial plants has a distinct
layer of cuticle.
4. The cortex is differentiated into three parts e.g. inner, middle and outer cortex.
5. The outermost region of cortex is made up of one to many celled thick parenchymatous
tissue. Some tannin cells are also present in this region. Italsohas well- developed air
spaces, represented by radially arranged parenchymatous cells. The cell of outermost
region contains chloroplasts.
6. Just beneath this region contains large lacunae are separated from each other by one
layered parenchymatous septa. This region is made up of sclerenchymatous cells and few
celled thick.
7. The innermost region of cortex consists of many celled thick compact parenchymatous
tissue. In this region again some tannin cells are
8. The vascular cylinder is amphiploic siphonostele, i.e. xylem is surrounded on both the
sides by phloem and in the centre there is present the pith.9. The siphonostele , i. e. xylem
is surrounded on both the sides by phloem and in the centre pith is present.
10. The pith consists either parenchymatous cells in aquatic plants or sclerenchymatous in
terrestrial nature depending upon Environmental conditions.
11. Protoxylem groups may or may not be distinct. They are generally exarch but in some
cases it may be mesarch.
Fig. 10.30 Marsilea: (A) T.S. root, (B) a portion detailed structure
known as basal side and opposite to it is the apical side. The side on which the tubercles
are present is represents the dorsal side and opposite to this, is ventral side.
8. Marsilea is heterosporous.
9. The number of sporocarps may vary from one, two or more than two in different species.
Work Procedure- To study the V.L.S. of sporocarp, hold the sporocarp with tubercles
point of upwards. Split/cut the sporocarp by sharp blade in two halves. Study the section
under dissecting microscope.
1. The section shows the wall of sporocarp enclosing sori which are embedded in a gelatinous
2. In the centre of the section all the sori are showing its own inducium.
Fig. 10.36, Marsilea: A- extraction of getatinous ring and sori, B- a sorus surrounded by
inducium, C- vascular supply of the sporocarp in lateral veiw
Identification Points-
Division- Pteridophyta
i) Plant body differentiated into stem, leaf and roots ii) A definite vascular strand present iii)
Plant body is sporophyte.
Sub- Division- Pteropsida
i) Leaves large, megaphyllous and compound extending a few exceptions, iii) Leaves
differentiated into a petiole and dissected blade, iv0 The sporangia borne on abaxial surface
of leaf.
i) Leptosporangiate type of sporangial development, ii) Jacket one cell in thickness, iii)
Spores in definite number within a sporangium.
Order- Marsileales
i) Heterosporous aquatic fern sporangia formed within sporocarp, ii) Each sporocarp possess
many sori bearing microsporangia and megasporangia, iii) The sori are gradate, iv)
Youngleaves circinate coiled .
Family- Marsileaceae
i) Plants are aquatic, ii) Leaves, petiolate, large, containing four pinnae at their apex, iv)
Rhizome contains mostly amphephloic siphonostele.
Genus- Marsilea
i) V- shaped xylem in petiole, ii) Sori presentin sporocarp, iii) Aerenchyma present in stem
and petiole.
Adiantum-The genus name of the maiden hair fern, Adiantum is derived from the Greek
word, giving this plant its alternative common name, the Venus maiden hair. Adiantum, the
maiden hair fern is a genus of about 200 species of ferns in the world. However, A. radianum
and possibly a few other species are removed the remaining plants. A. capillus- veneris is
known as Southern maiden hair fern. This plant is osed medicinally by Native Americans.
These plants, in the world will sprawl from wet lime stone rocks. Culture grows in
consistently moist, neutral to alkaline soils in part shade to full shade. A. sinicumis fern
species in the Vittariodeae sub family of pteridaceae, also known as Northern maiden hair
fern, particularly if good soil moisture is not maintained and/ or plants are germinate into
much sun.
Azolla-The group is commonly known as the pepperwort family or water- clover family
because the leaves of the genus are boat shaped. Marsilea at the base of the petiole many
bean shaped or oval and stalked sporocarps develope Marsileaceae. This order includes a
single family Marsileaceae. This family includes the living genera. Marsilea pilularis and
Regnellidium. They are heterosporous and aquatic. Marsilea drumondii is a common and
widespread fern of the wetland areas of the world. The species of Marsilea possess a rhizome
which creeps on or beneath the surfaces The Pteridophyta usually grows in mud.
Marsilea- Azolla plant or commonly known as Mosquito fern is a genus of seven species of
aquatic ferns in the family Salviniaceae. They are extremely reduced and specialized, looking
nothing like other typical ferns but more resembling duckweed or some mosses. Azolla is a
free- floating fern which grows very well in the right conditions. It is little fern with massive-
green potential. Azolla plants died and became part of the rudiment, they took atmospheric
carbon down with them the globalatmospheric level of CO2 fell significantly.
The Azolla plant (A. filicoloides) is an free= floating fern, it can cover large areas like
duckweed. Azolla grows naturally in North, Central ans South America. Azolla is easy to
cultivate and can be used and an ideal feed for cattle, fish, pgs and poultry and also of value
as bio- fertilizer is therefore, compensated feed , resulting in increasing costs in meat and
Abaxial sporocarp- Sporocarps originated at the upper surface of the plant that is away from
the substratum.
Adventitious roots- Describe the condition of organs that are arise in places where they are
not usually found e.g. roots arising from leaves.
Aquatic- Describing the nature of habitat which is dominated by excessive water.
Deploid- Describing a nucleus, cell or organism having double the number of chromosome in
its nucleus or nuclei of its somatic cells respectively, usually represented by symbol 2n.
Filicales- The sporophyte is divided into stem, roots and leaves. Leaves are macrophyllous
and leaf bears many sporangia on either the margin or the abaxial face of the lamina.
Haploid-A nucleus, cell or organism having only one genome, condition represented by the
symbol n is derived by meiosis in adiploid nucleus.
Inducium- Flap like covering of tissue that partially or completely covers the sporangia in a
sorus in certain ferns.
Sporophyll- The mature leaf of Pteridophytes especially in Adiantum (fern) bearing the sori,
is called sporophyll.
Terminal- Describing the top position of any plant/ plant part.
A. K. Sharma and Rajeshwari Sharma (2011).Algae, Bryophytes and
Pteridophytea.Jagdamba Publishing Co. 423011. Ground Floor, Ansari, Daryaganj, New
Delhi, 11ooo2.
Ashok Bendre (2011). A Text Book of Practical Botany I. Rastogi Publications. Gangotri
Shivaji Road, Meerut.
B. P. Pandey (2012). Practical Botany Vol.I, S. Chand and Company, Pvt. Ltd.
Ramnagar, New Delhi-110055.
O. P. Sharma (2010). Pragati Practical Botany Vol.I, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.
S. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta (2013). New Pattern Botany Guide Vol. III, Published by
Kedarnath Ramnath, 132 R. G. Road College Road, Meerut (U.P.)
After reading this unit student will be able:
To study the general characters of Gymnosperms.
To study the classification of Gymnosperms.
To study the morphology and anatomy of vegetative and reproductive parts of
Gymnosperms- Cycas, Pinus and Ephedra.
To study the economic and environmental significance of Gymnosperms.
Gymnosperm literally means the plants bearing naked seeds. Gymnosperms form a large
group of evergreen, ancient plants, in which true seeds are born and this group differs to
other seed bearing plants or the angiosperns in many points e.g. i) It possess naked ovules.
ii) The pollen grains lodging directly on the micropyle and iii) True vessels and companion
cells are absent.
Due to possessing of naked ovules, this group resemble the members of Pteropsida
(Pteridophyta) in which the megasporangia or ovules are borne in an exposed position on the
sporophyll or equivalent structure and thus form a bridge between the Pteridophyta on one
hand and the angiosperms on the other ( bearing ovules or seeds). This group is more ancient
than angiosperms, and shows its presence fossil as well as living members.
The gymnosperms vary in size and ranges from small plant to giant plans. Sequoia
sempervirens is upto 150 meters in attained maximum height (California). Taxadium
maxicanum has about 17 meters diameter. Zamia pygmia is the smallest gymnosperm bearing
underground tuberous stem. Most of the plants of gymnosperms prefer dry and poor soil.
Gymnosperm is a large group which includes fossil as well as living species, so to
classify them is quite complicated but since so many workers have classified gymnosperms
differently. Among them the important ones are as below- Bentham and Hooker (1866-68)
for the first time try to classify gymnosperms into three groups as follows- i) Cycadaceae ii)
Gnetaceae iii) Coniferae. In nineteenth century Eangler (1936) after detailed studies of
gymnosperm group into seven groups such as- i) Cycadofilicales ii) Cycadales iii)
Bennettiales iv) Cordiales v) Gingoales vi) Coniferales and vii) Gnetales.
Contrary to this, Chamberlain in 1934 divided gymnosperms into two major classes i)
Cycadophyta ii) Coniferophyta. Sahni in 1940, after discovering of the new group ―
Pentoxyleae‖ a unique Jurrassic gymnosperm, revised the old classification and then Raizada
and Sahni (1958-61) give new classification of gymnosperms- Division Gymnosperms
divided into three classes- i) Cycadophytes ii) Pentoxylae and iii) Coniferophytes. Beside
this Pant (1957), Andrews (1961), Sporne, K. R. (1965) and Tayler (1981) are some other
worker also classified gymnosperms differently.
the foliage leaves are long, compound and pinnately divided into many leaflets.(ii) The scale
leaves, these are brown in color and are in larger number than the foliage leaves. They are
persistant and protective in function as covers the stem apex and protect the young foliage.
4. Young foliage leaves are circinately coiled and are covered with ramenta of hairs.
5. Mature leaves are arranged spirally and pinnately compound in nature. Each contain about
80-100 pairs of pinnae that are arranged closely opposite to one another on the rachis with a
decurrent base or sessile sometimes.
6. Some lower pinnae may be rather tough and leathery in texture exhibiting their xerophytic
nature. The pinnae are linear in outline and entire with a definite midrib but lacking lateral
7. Cycas possess two type roots i) primary or normal roots and ii) secondary or corolloid
roots. The roots, are positively geotropic and thus growing deep into the soil, sparsely
branched and sometimes grows as thick as aerial stem.
8. Beside this another negatively geotropic roots, projecting above the soil surface, branched
repeatedly forming dichotomy and forms coral- like masses. Hence are called corolloid roots
or corallorhiza. They became inhabited by a green alga called Anabaena cycadacearum. The
surface of these roots bears lenticels- like structures suggest that, they are respiratory in
9. Cycas is deciduous in nature and terminally bears either male cone or female sporophylls,
the reproductive organs.
10. The male cone borne terminally at the top of the stem and the further growth of stem
continues by axillary or side buds, which developed at the base of the cone and thus pushes
the male cone on one side. Hence, the branching of cycas is referred as monopodial.
11. The female reproductive structures are referred as sporophylls in place of foliage leaves.
However, the vegetative apex grows continuously as normal.
1. Anatomically the stem is simple and shows some primitive features. A cross section of a
young stem is irregular in outline due to presence of persistant leaf bases.
2. The whole structure is divided in to epidermis, cortex, vascular cylinder and pith.
3. The outer protective layer or the epidermis is not regular, it is discontinuous and ruptured
owing to the presence of the persistant leaf bases which completely ensheath the stem.
4. Cortex is the largest part of the stem, made of starch filled simple parenchymatous cells,
possessing many cut, girdle shaped leaf traces supplying the leaves.
5. Numerous mucilage canals are found in this margins connected directly with mucilage
canals of the pith by medullary rays.
6. In case of Cycas, leaf is supplied by two large girdle traces, two direct traces and
numerous smaller radial traces.
7. The two girdles traces originate from side of the stele and opposite to leaf. These girdles
are first unite than bifurcate and take a circular route through the cortex before entering
the leaf.
8. While the radial traces originate from other points of vascular ring but contrary to girdle
traces they adopt a straight radial direction in the cortex. They again bifurcate and
produced anastomosing branches which get attached to the girdle traces.
9. In a transverse section of cycas stem presence of large number of girdling leaf traces is
one of the most significance features of the stem anatomy.
10. Endodermis and pericycle are present. Single layered endodermis surrounds the stele
which underlying pericycle is few celled thick.
11. Stele is ectophloic siphonostele.
12. Vascular cylinder is composed of many vascular bundle, arranged in a ring which is
situated near the center and is very small comparatively to massive cortex.
13. Vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral, endarch and open.
14. The xylem consists only of tracheids and xylem parenchyma, wood vessels are absent.
15. Phloem consists of sieve tubes, phloem parenchyma and phloem fiber.
16. Young stem is monoxylic or consists only one vascular bundle.
17. In the centre there is parenchymatous pith having scattered mucilage canals.
3. As usual the cortex is followed by periderm. It is large and parenchymatous and forms
most part of the section. A few mucilage canals are also present.
4. Due to secondary growth and successive development of cambium numbers of vascular
bundles are formed. Thus the old stem is polyxylic, consisting more than one ring of
vascular bundles.
5. The first vascular ring has greater number of vascular bundles and thickness comparatively
to the number and thickness of successively formed vascular ring.
6. The successive rings of vascular tissue are separated by parenchymatous zone which is
called monoxylic and having soft, loose and scanty wood broad and deep
7. There are well developed medullary rays between the vascular bundles they are fairly
broad and deep.
Work Procedure: Cut a T.S. of the young part of primary root, stain in safranin fast green
combination, mount in glycerine and
1. The section is generally circular in
outline. It is identical to that of
dicotyledonous root.
2. There is a single layered epiblema.
Some of these cells bear unicellular root
hairs also.
3. The epiblema or exodermis
surrounding a large thin walled
parenchymatous cortex. This is
multilayered with a few tannin filed
cells are also scattered in this region.
3. The rachis is differentiated into epidermis, hypodermis, ground tissue and a vascular
4. The upper surface of the leaf is covered with a thick cuticle and serves to check excessive
5. Epidermis is single layered occurs on both surfaces of the leaf and interrupted by stomata
throughout its surface. This condition is known as amphistomatic.
Fig.11.10 Cycas revoluta: T.S. of a part of petiole Fig.11.11 Cycas: T.S. rachis showing one
vascular bundle and other tissues
6. Hypodermis is a single layered of thickened cells on both sides just below the epidermis.
The cells both the upper epidermis are highly thickened sclerenchymatous to check excessive
transpiration and serves as a heat screen preventing over- heating. A few cells having
chloroplast - chlorenchyma.
7. The rest of the tissue forms most parts of the section is known as ground tissue. It is
8. Mucilage ducts are scattered throughout the ground tissue. These are double layered, the
inner layer being composed of epithelial cells and the outer tangentially elongated are
sclerenchymatous in nature.
9. The vascular bundles are arranged in an inverted omega (Ω) shaped arc. Each vascular
bundle is conjoint, collateral and open. Each vascular bundle is surrounded by a thick walled
single layered bundle sheath.
10. The vascular bundles, arrangement of xylem and phloem at the base, middle and upper
region of rachis greatly as below-
(i) For most part of the rachis and higher up region, vascular bundles are diploxylic means
two types of xylem elements are present- centripetal and centrifugal xylem. The centrifugal
xylem occurs in two small groups and present on both sides of centrally located triangular
centripetal xylem, while the phloem is situated on the lower side of the rachis.
ii) At the very base of the rachis only centrifugal endarch xylem is present in the vascular
bundle, occurs on the abaxial side of the rachis.
9. In the middle part of the cone bears largest microsporophylls while it get gradually smaller
towards the apex and base.
4. The microsporangia in a sorus arise from a common central papilla or protuberance. These
are arranged in sori around central papilla
5. Each sporangia show radial lines of dehiscence and also possess many hair on its surface,
mixed with sporangia.
Fig. 11.20 Cycas: L.S ovule showing two archegonia and female gametophyte
2. Each ovule of the cycas consists of a single massive integument or unitegmic. The
integument is very thick and remain fused with the body of nucellus except nucellar beak and
3. The integument in a well- developed ovule consists of three easily recognized layers, an
outer and an inner fleshy layer of rather simple structures and a very complex stone layer
between them.
4. The outer and inner fleshy layers are supplied with vascular strand while the middle stony
layer receives no vascular supply.
5. A few cells of nucellus beak after dissolving themselves from a chamber known as pollen
chamber that lies in the central region of the beak.
6. The innermost region of the ovule is occupied by the tissue of female gametophyte,
consisting two archegonia, situated opposite the pollen chamber.
7. Just above the archegonia is situated the archegonial chamber.
8. The fleshy ovules are oval in shape, orange coloured and each shows a small point at the
distal end which represents the ramnant of the micropyle.
Identification Points-
Division- Gymnosperms-
i) Absence of vessels, ii) ovules naked, iii) scales generally form a cone, iv) seeds attached
with woody scales.
Class- Cycadopsida
i) Large frond like leaves, ii) seeds with radial symmetry iii) wood monoxylic.
Order- Cycadales i) Plants woody unbranched stem, ii) wood monoxylic, iii) Plants
dioecious, iv) Mucilage canals present, v) ovules straight or orthotropous.
Family- Cycadaceae
i) Presence of coralloid root and presence of blue green algae, ii) leaves with circinate
venation, iii) megaphylls foliar.
Genus- Cycas
i) Presence of two leaves, ii) Two types of roots iii) foliage leaves pinnately compound,
young leaves circinately coiled, iv) presence of transfusion tissue and diploxylic vascular
bundle in leaf, v) stem possess monoxylic secondary xylem, vi) vascular bundles arranged in
an inverted omega shape in the rachis, vii) male cone is large and single.
Systematic Position-
Division: Gymnosperms
Class: Coniferopsida
Order: Coniferales
Family: Pinaceae
Genus: Pinus
3. The upper aerial branch system consists of cylindrical rough and branched stem being
covered with scaly bark.
4. Pinus shows monopodial branching and branches are arranged in whorls.
5. The branches are dimorphic i.e. two type i) branches of unlimited growth or long
shoots and ii) branches of limited growth or dwarf or spur.
6. The long shoots or branches of unlimited growth are present on the main trunk and are
produced in regular intervals.
7. While branches of limited growth or dwarf shoots are borne on the main stem and on
long shoots in the axils of scale leaves. These shoots also possess many scale leaves and
bear foliage leaves at its apex.
8. The leaves are also two types or diamorphic- scale leaves and foliage leaves.
9. Scale leaves are brown, membranous and small. They are present on both the types of
branches- long and dwarf shoots.
10. However, the foliage leaves are acicular and needle like and are borne only on the
dwarf shoots and are usually called as needles. These leaves are simple, have smooth
surface, persistant and evergreen.
Fig. 11.23 Pinus: External morphology of adult plant Fig. 11.24 Pinus: Long & dwarf shoots
showing needle-like leaves and scales
11.Besides the long shoots, there are very numerous branches of limited growth on
ordinary branches in the axils of scale leaves, and often called the dwarf shoots or shoots of
limited growth.
12. A dwarf shoot with a group of needle like foliage leaves is known as foliage spur. The
number of needles in a particular group varies from species to species e.g. in P. monophylla
has a single leaf spur and hence known as monofoliar, while in P. sylvestris, two leaves are
present and so the spur is called bifoliar. In P. longifolia and P.gerardiana, the number is
three, thus the spur being called as trifoliar. In P. quadrifolia, number of spur leaves is four
and pentafoliar, the number of spur is five in P. excelsa and P. walichiana
13. The shape of the needle varies according to their number in a spur e.g. P. sylvestris with
bifoliar spur, the shape of single needle is semi- circular in T.S. while in P. longifolia with
trifoliar spur a single needle is almost triangular in shape. While P.monophylla with
monofoliar spur the shape of the needle in T.S. is almost circular.
14. The underground root sysyem is formed by tap roots, which disappears after sometime
and later only lateral roots are present.
1. The T.S. of young Pinus root is nearly circular in outline which is differentiated into
epiblema, cortex and vascular elements.
2. Epiblema is the outer most layer which is single layer and bear unicellular root hairs on the
3. Below epiblema multilayered parenchymatous cortex is present.
4. The innermost layer of cortex is endodermis. It is single layer with radially thickened cells.
It represents the outer cortex and central vascular cylinder.
5. Pericycle follows endodermis. It is multilayered.
6. In the central portion, vascular bundles are presents, which is radial, exarch and usually
diarch but sometimes may show upto hexarch condition.
7. Xylem is exarch and usually Y shaped and in between two arms of Y, a resin canal remains
8. In the centre a very small pith is present lies between the groups of xylem.
Fig. 11.27 Pinus: T.S. old root Fig.11.28 Pinus: A fertile long shoot bearing
1st and 2nd year female cones
2. The outermost layer is formed by cork, several layers thick which is developed from
pericycle and hence primary cortex is completely peeled off.
3. Stone cells occur in many groups scattered just below the zone of cortex.
4. Below cortex, thick walled sclerotic cells are present in the secondary cortex.
5. Secondary cortex is parenchymatous and few layered deep.
12. In the centre there is well developed pith consisting a mass of parenchymatous cells and
few resin ducts also present in this region. It is also connected with the cortex, but narrow
medullary rays seperates the vascular bundles.
Fig.11.31 Pinus: Anatomy of Stem. (A) T.S. young stem, (B) T.S. of three year old stem
11. The wood or secondary xylem is composed of tracheids and xylem parenchyma. Vessels
are completely absent. Hence it is also called non- porous wood, (characteristic feature of
Pinus wood).
12. Primary xylem groups are endarch and lies just near the pith.
13. Xylem and phloem is traverse by medullary rays, which runs from primary xylem to
secondary phloem.
14. In between primary and secondary xylem, few resin canals are scattered as in cortex.
15. In the centre, there is a few small parenchymatous pith and many tannin filled cells also
present in the pith region.
Work Procedure- The study of R.L.S. of the Pinus wood, cut a thin section of wood, along
any one of the radii, stain in safranin fast green combination, mount in glycerine and observe
the details.
1. The stem of Pinus is composed of very complex tissue consisting primary and secondary
xylem, the medullary rays etc. To study the detail structures of these tissues is only possible
by R.L.S. and T.L.S. of the stem, because transverse section can only observe simple
structutres of above mentioned tissues.
2. The radial longitudinal section or R.L.S. shows the xylem, cambium, phloem, cortex and
3. It shows presence of secondary xylem, ray- tracheids and medullary rays.
4. Xylem is composed of tracheids with bordered pits on their radial walls. In this section the
bordered pit are seen in surface view.
Work Procedure- Cut a thin section of wood along the tangent in the outer region, stain in
safranin fast green combinations, mount in glycerine and observe the details.
1. Medullary rays and tracheids are cut transversely in this place.
2. The bordered pits forming a dome- like structure and cuts in a manner that show
overarching borders. It encloses in the cortex a small disc, called Torus.
3. Medullary rays cut transeversly since they appers uniseriate and their height and bredth can
thus be determined.
4. Each medullary ray appears to be a short row of more or less rounded cells, three or four
cells high.
5. Composition of medullary rays reveals centrally placed thin walled and living cells or
albuminous cells, in the phloem region and the ray cells in the xylem region respectively.
6. These are surrounded on the both, lower and upper sides by thick walled and dead cells
known as tracheids.
10. In the centre, small pith is present. The cells are thick walled.
11. Medullary rays play the role of connecting tissue, between cortex and pith and seperates
vascular bundles from one another.
Fig. 11.34 Pinus: T.S. dwarf shoot Fig.11.35 Pinus : T.S. old dwarf shoot
a part enlarged
Fig. 11.36 Pinus: T.S. upper part of dwarf shoot showing the formation of three needles in a
trifoliar spur (Diagramatic)
1. The anatomy of leaf that it is adopted to endense severe environmental conditions. It is not
flat but is about as thick as broad.
2. In a cross section it is shaped like the tri- sector of a circle with the curved surface facing
outwards and vertex inwards.
3. The outline of the section varies according to the species. Triangular if spur is trifoliar,
semi-circular if spur is bifoliar and compeletely circular if spur is monofoliar etc.
4. The needle of Pinus is differentiated into epidermis, mesophyll and stele.
5. Epidermis forming the outer boundary of the leaf is a single layered with tangentially
elongated and thickly cuticularized cells.
6. The deeply sunken stomata are present on sides of the leaf. The leaf (needle) is thus said to
the amphistomatic. They are developed in longitudinal rows.
7. Epidermis is followed by hypodermis. It is few layered thick at the corners and 1-2 layered
in other parts, cells are sclerenchymatous. sub- stomata chambers occurs in this region.
8. Mesophyll lies below the hypodermis. It is compact and shows no differentiation into
palisade and spongy tissues. It is made up of polygonal parenchymatous cells, densely filled
with the chloroplasts. Numerous plate- like or peg- like infoldings, project into the cell lumen
or cavity, from the walls of the mesophyll cells.
9. The mesophyll contains a number of resin ducts immediately under the hypodermis.
10. The central tissue of the leaf is enclosed by a conspicuous single layered endodermis
which delimits the mesophyll. Cells are barrel shaped and tangentially thickened. It is
followed by multilayered parenchymatous pericycle.
11. Generally two vascular bundles remain surrounded by this tissue but in P. strobus there is
only one vascular bundle.
12. T- shaped thick walled transfusion tissue seperates the vascular bundles from one-
13. Each vascular bundle is conjoint, collateral and open. Protoxylem is faces, adaxial side
while phloem is located on the abaxial side.
14. Xylem and phloem groups are separated from one another by cambium at the base of the
needle and in the upper region by parenchymatous cells.
15. Secondary growth is observed very little during this the medullary rays run between
xylem and phloem.
4. A single male cone has single, centrally located cone axis around. Which many scaly
microsporophylls arranged spirally.
5. Each microsporophyll has an expanded triangular central part and stalk like base in which
the terminal part projects into a tip.
6. Most of the upper sporophylls are fertile but a few lowermost sporophylls are sterile and
do not bear any male reproductive structures.
7. On the abaxial side each microsporophyll bears two ovoid microsporangia or pollen sacs
on its lateral sides.
8. Each microsporangium has its own wall, encloses many microspores inside it.
9. The young microspore is globular or spherical in shape and is uninucleate.
10. A mature pollen grain or microspore shows two wall layers- exine and intine, 2 prothelial
cells and one antheridial cell.
11. Each pollen grain has a thick expanded exine in the form of wings on the lateral sides,
followed by smooth intine.
4. A thick, large woody and triangular ovulifeous scale is present on the upper side of the
bract scale.
5. The ovuliferous scales thicken and become enlarged.Their broad sterile ends fit tightly
over one another so as to form rhomboidal areas on the outer surface.
6. The bract scales remain small and concealed.
7. The structure of ovuliferous scale is typical, which is largest in the middle part of the cone
and get gradually smaller towards its base and apex.
Fig. 11.44 Pinus, Different types branches with male and female cones.
8. Both the scales - Ovuliferous and bract scales are fused for a little distance near the cone
axis while free a distance away from it.
9. The ovuliferous scale is shortly stalked and rest of the part is expanded.
10. At the base of this expanded, triangular part two nacked and sessile ovules are present,
situated on the upper or adaxial surface of the ovuliferous scale at its base, bearing their
micropylar, directed towards cone axis.
11. The terminal part of the ovuliferous scale is known as apophysis, which is broad and
sterile comparatively to the lower narrow fertile part of the scale.
5. The whole above structure forms the endosperm or female gametophyte, which is
differentiated from nucellus. About 2-5 archegonia are situated in this region of the
archegonial chamber at the micropylar end near the base.
8. Embryo is differentiated into radicle, plumule and cotyledons. The tip of the radicle is
attached to a dry, coiled, thread like structure, the dried- up suspensor.
9. A well- developed hypocotyle is present in between radicle and plumule.
leaves are acicular, greon, xerophytic, mesophyll cells with peg- like ingrowths, resin canals
and T- shaped transfusion tissue.viii) Female cones are borne single and at terminal point,
while male cones borne laterally in clusters and each microsporophyll bears two
microsporangia at its lower side.ix) Bract scales are ovuliferous scales are arranged
spirally.x) Two nacked ovules present on the adaxial or upper side of the ovuliferous scale.xi)
Seeds dry, winged and oily.
Systematic Position
Division: Gymnosperms
Class: Gnetopsida
Order: Gnetales
Family: Ephedraceae
Genus: Ephedra
6. The older part of the stem shows secondary growth and may bear many branches. Due to
secondary growth it becomes hard and woody.
7. Leaves arises at each node in a whorl of 2-4.
8. Leaves are usually arranged in opposite and decassate manner and are jointed connate to
each other at the base to form a small sheath around the node.
9. Each leaf or scale is inervated by two un- branched veins run parallel to each other. They
bear a bud each in their axils.
10. Foliage leaves are completely absent.
11. The reproductive organs- male and female organs are borne in small strobili.
12. The plants are mostly dioecious and bear only one type of reproductive organs.
Sometimes they may be monoecious too when they bear both of strobili.
10. A few vascular bundles are arranged in a ring. Each is conjoint, collateral, endarch and
11. Both the phloem groups i.e. external and internal ones are separated by a narrow strip of
7. The secondary xylem consists of vessels, tracheids and scanty amount of xylem
parenchyma. Xylem fibres are absent.
8. Annual rings are distinct comprising autumn and spring wood each. These are formed in
secondary xylem or wood.
9. Autumn wood is made up of smaller cells, while those of spring wood are bigger in size.
10. The secondary xylem (wood) shows a thin walled spring wood and thick walled autumn
wood, which are formed in alternating zones.
11. The tracheidial cells of the secondary xylem or wood is associated with broad vessels.
Although absence of vessels is the characteristics of Gymnosperms, but Ephedra itself is an
12. Abundant number of vessels presents in the spring wood whole a few or none are
reported in the autumn wood. Spring wood is often ring porous.
13. The vessels and tracheids have bordered pits that may have uniseriate arrangement or
may be irregularly scattered. Protoxylem elements of primary xylem show spiral, annular or
reticulate tracheids.
14. Medullary rays are uniseriate in the young stem but very broad and long (multiseriate) in
the old stem.
15. Medullary rays traversed in the wood. The primary medullary rays runs, from primary
xylem to primary phloem while secondary medullary rays run from secondary xylem to
secondary phloem.
16. Primary xylem groups are endarch and are present at the end of the secondary wood near
the pith.
17. In the centre lies large parenchymatous pith.
10. The ray cells are thick as well as thin walled and occur in the same medullary ray. Their
tangential walls possess bordered pits or slit- like openings.
11. Ray tracheids has thick walls and their radial and tangential walls bears pits, pits being
5. Object- Study of T.L.S. of wood
Work Procedure- Cut a transverse longitudinal
section (T.L.S.) of wood by the sharp rajor along
any one of the tangent, stain in safranin fast
green combination, mount in glycerene and
observe the details
1. In T.L.S. plane tracheids, vessels and
medullary rays are cut transversely.
2. Bordered pits are visible in surface view.
Fig. 11.56 Ephedra: a part of male plant Fig.11. 57 Ephedra: A-Compound male
strobilus, B- L.S. male strobilus
3. The inner integument consists of two bracts also fused at base. It is delicate, composed of
two segments and prolongs into a tubular process
and comes out beyond the bracts and involucre at
the time of pollination.
4. In the upper region of the ovule and in between
the integument, there is an opening known as
5. Below the integuments, nucellus is lies. A small
pollen chamber is present just below the micropyle
in the tissue of nucellus.
6. Below the pollen chamber, the gametophyte
tissue is situated. In the female gametophyte just
below the pollen chamber, two archegonia are
7. Haustorial region lies opposite the micropylar
end. It is occupied by tissue filled with stored food
material. It is also gives out haustorial processes Fig. 11.63 Ephedra foliata: L.S.
for the absorption of food and is also known as mature seed
haustorial region.
Identification Points-
Division- Gymnosperms i) Plants are sporophytic in natue and divided into root, stem and
leaves. ii) Ovules are nacked,iii) Seed attachd to a scale, iv) Scales form a strobilus.
Class- Gnetopsida i) Wood with vessels, ii) Flowers in compound strobili or inflorescence,
unisexual usually dioecious, iii) Ovules surrounded by several envelop.
Order- Gnetales i) Leaves opposite or whorled and simple, ii) Plants are woody, trees, shrubs
or lianas.
Family- Ephederaceae i) Plants are either shrubs or woody climbers. Ii) Leaves scaly, foliage
leaves are absent, iii) Nodal diaphragm is present, iv) Stamens enclosed by bract, v) Seeds
covered with fleshy bracts.
Cycas- Cycas is the genus and the only genus recognized in the family Cycadaceae. About
113 species are accepted. Cycas are native to Japan and southern China and specially to Asia
Pacific. Cycas revolute, sago palm, (also known as king palm, sago cycad, Japenese sago
palm,) is a species of Gymnospers in the family Cycadaceae. Cycas circinalis, a species
endemic to India. The best known Cycas species is Cycas revoluta. This species is most
primitive living seed plant and are also very useful and popular ornamentals with rugged
trunk topped with whorled feathery leaves and thus is only Cycas plant from its genus which
is sold in garden stores.
Pinus- Conifers is a major group within the gymnosperm plants. Pinus is the largest genus
with about 120 species, Pinus is the sole genus in the sub family Pineaceae. Pinus
roxburghaii, known as chir pine, it is a native of the Himalaya. P. contorta used for ecological
restoration of western forests. Pinus trees are major source of timber wood and is used for a
variety of commercial purposes. Pine wood is widely used in high value carpentry items such
as furniture, window frames, paneling, floors and the resin of some species is an important
source of turpentine.
Ephedra- Ephedra is a genus of gymnosperm shrubs, the only genus in its family
Epheraceae, and order Ephedrales. The various species of Ephedra are widespread. Ephedra
is used for medicinal preparation especially the plant Ephedra sinica. Several additional
species belonging to this genus, Ephedra have traditionally being used. The stem of most
Ephedra species contain the alkaloid ephedrine which is very useful. Ephedra (Ephedra
sinica) also called Ma Huang, is an herb that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TMC) for more than 5,000 years, primarily to treat Asthama, Bronchitis, and Hay fever.
Ephedra is also prescribed for symptoms of cold and flu, including Nasal congestion, Cough,
Fever and Chills. E. monosperma- a small herb is distributed from China to Silberia and
found growing in rocky slopes.
Amphiphloic siphonostele- If phloem is present on both sides of xylem, external and
internal to xylem than it is termed amphiphloic siphonostele.
Cambium- Lateral meristem present in vascular plants exhibiting secondary growth, present
in stem mostly between xylem and phloem tissue formed at other position also -, in secondary
Companion cells- A specialized cellparenchymatous in nature, characterized by dense
cytoplasm and conspicuous nucleusassociated adjacently to a sieve tube element in the
phloem of angiosperms.
Cone- Compact aggregation of sporophylls is known as strobilus or cone.
Cryptogams- Describing plants which are flowerless and seedless.
Dorsal side- i) In thallose plants, the upper surface that is away from the substratum.
Dioecious- Describing the plants with male and female reproductive organs situated on two
different individuals. This makes cross fertilization obligatory in sexual reproduction.
Ectophloic siphonostele- When Phloem is present external, towards periphery to xylem it is
termed ectophloic siphonostele.
Exine- The outer portion of the wall of pollen grain that is external to intine layer, composed
of caretenoid which is highly resistsnt to decay
Gamete- A cell or nucleus that can take a sexual reproduction when it fuses with another
gamete to form a fusion product called zygote.
Gymnospems- Gymnosperms form a large group of evergreen, slow- growing plants.The
word Gymno means nacked and sperms means seed. Thus the plants bear nacked seeds,
without any covering or seed coat.
.Hahitat- The natural area where an organism or group of organisms/ population, is
commonly found. It relates to all the physical factores and biotic factors of the particular area.
Inducium- A flap like covering of tissue covers spores.
Intine- Inner most layer of pollen wall,beneath the exine, composed of mainly cellulose and
hence not preserved in pollen fossil
Leaf gap/ lacuna- The parenchymatous area in the stele of many vascular plants associated
with and positioned immediately above a leaf trace. These are characteristic of angiosperms
but are also found in gymnosperms and ferns.
Megaspore- It is also known as macrospore, the larger of the two typesof spore produced
after meiosis in heterosporous species that is immobile and contains food reserve for the
female gametophyte that develops from it.
Parenchyma- Relatively un- specified tissue made up of more or less isodiametric,
polyhedral thin walled living cells which are non- lignified and was made up of cellulose.
Protostele- Stele consisting of a cylinder of phloem and pericycle surrounding a central core
of xylem and lacking a central pith. Such stele is supposed to be most primitive both
ontogenetically and phylogenetically.
Secondarygrowth- Describing the increase in diameter of a plant organ due to formation of
tissue by the activity of cambium.
Siphonostele- A type of stele, in which a ring of xylem surrounda a central pith which may
be extrastellar in origin or formed in xylem itself. In a single siphonostele, leaf traces leave
no gaps in vascular cylinder.
Suspensor- Row of cells differentiating from proembryo by mitosis that serves to anchor
embryo in the parental tissue and also to conduct nutrients to embryo.
Terrestrial- Describing the nature of habitat which is dominated by land (soil) and devoid of
Tracheids- The relatively primitive trachery cellsin the xylem of many plants having
lignified secondary wall and usually without protoplas at maturity.
Vascular plants- Describing plants contains vascular conducting tissue of xylem and
phloem. These include pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Ventral side- i) In thallose plants that are flattened like a leaf, the lower surface is towards
the ground orsubstrat, ii) In lateral organs, the adaxial side.
Vessels- A continuous longitudinally elongated tube made up of advanced tracery cells
(vessel elements) Joined end to end. These are found in xylem of some pteridophytes.
Worldwide Distribution- Distribution representing the distribution of any species in every
part of globe or world.
K., Sharma and Rajeshwari Sharma (2011). Algae, Bryophytes and Pteridophyta.
Jagdamba Publishing Co. 42311, Ground Floor, Ansari, Darya ganj, New Delhi, 11ooo2.
Ashok Bendre (2011). A Text Book of Practical Botany Vol. Ist. Rastogi Publications.
Gangotri Shivaji Road, Meerut.
P., Pandey (2012). Practical Botany Vol. Ist. S. Chand and Company, Pvt. Ltd.
Ramnagar, New Delhi- 110055.
O. P., Sharma (2010). Pragati Practical Botany. Vol. Ist Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.
S. K., Jain (2013). New Pattern Botany Guide Vol. IIIrd. Published by Kedarnath
Ramnath, 132 R. G. College Road, Meerut (U. P.).
Plant Biology, Evolution of Land Plants from the Ordovian Period through the Middle
Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia Britanica
https:// Wikipedia.
12.3-Study of fossil specimens
12.3.4 – Compression.
12.3.5 – Coal balls
12.3.6 – Amber
12.3.7- Incrustation
12.3.8- Compactions
12.3.9- Petroleum oil
12.4- Summary
12.5- Glossary
12.6- Self assessment question
12.7- References
12.8-Suggested Readings
12.9-Terminal Questions
After reading this unit student will be able:
To study of fossil specimens: impressions, casts and petrifactions.
Discuss some other types also.
The discipline of botany in which we study the plants of past, with the help of fossils, is
called paleobotany. Paleobotany, also spelled as palaeobotany (from the Greek words paleon
= old and ―botany‖ study of plants), is the branch of paleontology or paleobiology dealing
with the recovery and identification of plant remains from geological contexts, and their use
for the biological reconstruction of past environments, and the evolution of both the plant
kingdom and life in general.
Paleobotany includes the study of plant life of geologic past. It tells about preserved vestiges
of the plant life of the past. It is defined as the branch of botany which deals with the study of
such plants which were living in the past but are vestigial now.
Paleobotany includes the study of terrestrial plant fossils, as well as the study of prehistoric
marine photoautotrophs, such as photosynthetic algae, seaweeds or kelp. A closely-related
field is fossil palynology, which is the study of fossilized and extant spores and pollen.
Fossils (latin word, fodere = ―to dig‖):
Fossils are the remains of animals and plants of prehistoric time, preserved in various strata
of earth crust. Literal meaning of fossil is anything dugout of earth.
Sir Charles Lyell defined fossils as ―anybody or trace of body, animal or plant burried and
preserved by natural causes‖. Fossils are the dead remains of plant and animals of past which
have been preserved by natural processes in the rocks of past. Study of fossils provides
important clues to the evolution and history of living organisms. Plant fossils are normally
prescribed in the rocks composed sediments deposited in waters. These stratified rocks are
superimposed upon one another in series and accumulate at the bottom of seas, lakes,
swamps, beaches etc.
The Fossils are infact the markers of geological time. The study of botany as well as geology
is essential for the study of fossil plants.
Aims of paleobotanical studies:
Calculation of the age of rocks
Geographical distribution of coal and water.
To provide useful information in the exploration of fossil fuel like coal and petroleum.
To correlate the paleo-climate with the distribution of plants.
To study external and internal structure of fossil plants and their distribution.
Importance of Palaeobotany:
The study of fossil plants and facts derived from them are of great importance as:
Provide clues about phylogeny and Evolution of plants
Fossil plants give a historical approach to plant kingdom.
Fossils are helpful in classification of plants.
Fossil plants can be used in the field of descriptive and comparative anatomy.
Fossils as climatic indicators.
Fossils and Paleogeography
Modes of fossilization:
1. Infiltration theory:
Infiltration of Mineral substances takes place at first which is then followed by precipitation
due to interaction between soluble mineral salts present in the surrounding water and certain
compounds released during partial disintegration of plant cell walls.
In this process, free carbon is released which reduces the sulphides present in water.
2. Molecule by Molecule Theory:
According to this theory, decomposed material of plant body is simply replaced by molecules
of mineral substances like calcium carbonate, iron pyrite or silica. This theory is not widely
then by dilute solution of sodium hydroxide. In this process, breakdown of matrix takes place
and plant fragments are washed properly with water. These fragments are mounted on glass
1. Excavation Technique: This technique is suitable for the study of minute leaves and
sporangiophores. The specimen is removed with the help of small hammer and steel
needles. This process is tedious but is quite effective.
2. Transfer Technique: This technique is suitable for the study of compressions. Structural
features, such as venation pattern and cuticular structures can be easily observed by this
technique. In it the face of specimen adjoining the rock surface is coated with two coats
of peel solution. When the film is dried the rock matrix is removed by cutting. The
specimen is then immersed in 25 % hydrofluoric acid to dissolve away the rock matrix.
Finally the specimen is washed, dehydrated and mounted.
Some Important Categories of fossils:
1. Compression
2. Impression
3. Petrifications
4. Mold
5. Incrustations
6. Casts
7. Coal balls
8. Petroleum
Fig.12.1: Impression
1. These fossils are just impressions of plants or plant parts on sediments. Hence, they do
not contain organic materials as in compressions.
2. Impressions formed in fine and soft materials show better details.
3. They occur abundantly in clay deposits of Puryear in Western Tennessee.
4. The plant material disorganizes and leaves impression, which gives a superficial
resemblance of the plant preserved when clay gets converted into a rock.
5. The Impressions are often darker in colour than the rock surface when they contain some
organic materials.
6. They show clear details of venation patterns and in some cases cuticular details can also
be seen.
7. These fossils are extremely useful in the study of external features of various plant parts
like the stem, leaf and flower.
8. In this type of plant fossil- the roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds are preserved in such
a fashion that they seem to the actual direct specimens laid on stone.
9. This type of fossil shows true replica of original plant material.
10. Organic matter of the plant material is not present in this type of fossil. Details of cellular
organization are not visible in the specimens.
11. eg: Impression of Zamites
12.3.2-Casts (Fig.12.2):
Fig.12.3: Petrification
3. In this type of fossil sometimes the material of original plant may be preserved.
4. During the process of fossilization, the minerals infiltrate into the plant tissue in solid
form, mainly because of the interaction between the compounds and minerals released
from the disintegrating cell walls.
5. Exact cellular details of the plant material is seen in such fossils.
6. e.g. Coal balls, silicified wood etc.
7. e.g. Pterified stem of Sphenophyllum plurifoleatum.
12.3.4-Compression fossils (Fig.12.4):
Fig.12.4: Compression
1. These are most common type of fossils.
2. These fossils are formed as a result of burial of plants or its parts in sediments.
3. The buried parts become flat due to compression or overlying pressure of the sediments.
Sandstone, diatomaceous earth and volcanic ash are some of materials that cause
However, if the compressed plant organ is thin and flat, it does not show any appreciable
change in its shape.
4. Such fossils occur in the form of sediments and they do not show structural details of the
cells preserved.
5. Paleobotanists use compressions to study the external morphology of plants.
12.3.6-Amber (Fig.12.6):
Fig.12.7: Incrustations
3. Fossils do not contain original organic materials and devoid of cellular details.
4. Suitable for the study of morphology of plants.
12.3.8-Compactions/ Mummified plants:
Paleobotany is discipline of botany which involves the study of plant life of geological past,
with the help of fossils. Paleobotany includes the study of terrestrial plant fossils, as well as
the study of prehistoric marine photo-autotrophs, such as photosynthetic algae, seaweeds or
kelp. Fossils are the dead remains of plant and animals of past which have been preserved by
natural processes in the rocks of past. Study of fossils provides important clues to the
evolution and history of living organisms. Plant fossils are normally prescribed in the rocks
composed sediments deposited in waters. These stratified rocks are superimposed upon one
another in series and accumulate at the bottom of seas, lakes, swamps, beaches etc. The main
factors governing the degree of tissue preservation in fossil plants are Nature of plant
material, Environmental conditions before and during fossilization and the intensity and
Duration of destructive forces etc. Some Important Categories of fossils are Compression,
Impression, Petrifications, Mold, Incrustations, Casts, Coal balls and Petroleum.
Fossils: Fossils are the remains of plant and animals of past age preserved in rocks.
Sharma, O.P. 2014. Practical Botany. Fifth edition. Pragati Prakashan.
Arnold, C.A. (1947) : An Introduction to Paleobotany McGraw Hill Book Co., N.Y.
Shukla, A.C. & Misra, S.P. (1975) : Essentials of Paleobotany Vikas Publishing House
(P)Ltd., Delhi,Bombay, Kanpur.
Stewart, W.N. (1983) : Paleobotany & the Evolution of Plants Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, London, N.Y., New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney.
Venkatachala, B.S., Shukla , M.& Sharma, M. (1992) : Plant Fossils-a Link with the Past
(A Birbal Sahni Birth Centenary Tribute) Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleobotany,
Lucknow, India.