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• RTU300/RTU400
RTU Series


07 / 2018 1.6
1 LOGIC GATE BLOCKS ......................................................................................10

1.1 EDGE GATE .............................................................................................10

1.2 NOT GATE ...............................................................................................14

1.3 OR GATE .................................................................................................15

1.4 NOR GATE ...............................................................................................17

1.5 NAND GATE .............................................................................................20

1.6 OR GATE .................................................................................................23

1.7 XOR GATE ...............................................................................................26

2 INPUT-OUTPUT BLOCKS ..................................................................................29

2.1 DIGITAL INPUT BLOCK................................................................................29

2.2 DIGITAL OUTPUT BLOCK ...........................................................................31

2.3 ANALOG INPUT BLOCK ..............................................................................33

2.4 ANALOG OUTPUT BLOCK ...........................................................................34

2.5 RELAY OUTPUT BLOCK ..............................................................................36

2.6 RTD INPUT BLOCK ....................................................................................38

2.7 LOCKED DIGITAL INPUT BLOCK .................................................................40

2.8 LOCKED ANALOG INPUT BLOCK .................................................................42

2.9 LOCKED RTD INPUT BLOCK .......................................................................45

2.10 LOCKED DIGITAL OUTPUT BLOCK ...............................................................48

2.11 LOCKED ANALOG OUTPUT BLOCK ...............................................................51

2.12 LOCKED RELAY OUTPUT BLOCK..................................................................54

3 CALIBRATION BLOCKS ....................................................................................57

3.1 SLOPE CALIBRATOR .................................................................................57

3.2 POINT CALIBRATOR ..................................................................................60

4 DELAY/PULSE TIMERS .....................................................................................63

4.1 ON DELAY ...............................................................................................63

4.2 OFF DELAY ..............................................................................................66

4.3 ON/OFF DELAY .........................................................................................69

4.4 RETENTIVE ON DELAY ...............................................................................72

1 RTU / Programming Manual

4.5 TIMER OUTPUT RELAY...............................................................................75

4.6 SYMETRIC PULSE GENERATOR ...................................................................77

4.7 REAL TIME PULSE GENERATOR ..................................................................81

5 MATHEMATICAL OPERATION BLOCKS ...............................................................83

5.1 WORD COMPARATOR ................................................................................83

5.2 ANALOG COMPARATOR .............................................................................88

5.3 LONG COMPARATOR .................................................................................92

5.4 WORD MATH ............................................................................................96

5.5 ANALOG MATH ....................................................................................... 115

5.6 LONG MATH ........................................................................................... 129

6 COUNTER BLOCKS ........................................................................................ 148

6.1 UP/DOWN COUNTER 1 ............................................................................ 148

6.2 UP/DOWN COUNTER 2 ............................................................................ 151

6.3 RUN TIME .............................................................................................. 153

7 GSM BLOCKS ............................................................................................... 156

7.1 SMS RECEIVER ...................................................................................... 156

7.2 SMS SEND ............................................................................................. 160

7.3 INCOMING DTMF CALL ............................................................................ 163

7.4 OUTGOING DTMF CALL ........................................................................... 166

7.5 GSM SIGNAL QUALITY ............................................................................ 169

8 DATA/EVENT RECORDING BLOCK ................................................................... 170

8.1 LOGGER ................................................................................................ 170

9 REGISTER/VARIABLE BLOCKS ........................................................................ 173

9.1 WORD REGISTER ................................................................................... 173

9.2 ANALOG REGISTER ................................................................................. 177

9.3 LONG YAZMAÇ ....................................................................................... 181

9.4 BINARY REGISTERS ................................................................................ 185

9.5 BINARY FLAG ......................................................................................... 189

9.6 WORD FLAG .......................................................................................... 191

9.7 ANALOG FLAG ........................................................................................ 192

2 RTU / Programming Manual

9.8 LONG FLAG ........................................................................................... 193

10 MODBUS PROTOCOL BLOCKS ..................................................................... 194

10.1 MODBUS RTU MASTER ............................................................................ 194

10.2 MODBUS TCP MASTER ............................................................................ 197

10.3 MODBUS TCP SLAVE ............................................................................... 200

10.4 MODBUS RTU SLAVE .............................................................................. 203

10.5 MODBUS GATEWAY BLOCK ...................................................................... 205

10.6 MODBUS WORD READER ......................................................................... 207

10.7 MODBUS FLOAT READER ......................................................................... 210

10.8 MODBUS LONG READER .......................................................................... 212

10.9 MODBUS WORD WRITER ......................................................................... 214

10.10 MODBUS FLOAT WRITER ......................................................................... 217

10.11 MODBUS LONG WRITER .......................................................................... 219

10.12 MODBUS READ/WRITE TABLE .................................................................. 221

11 IEC DNP3 PROTOCOL BLOCKS .................................................................... 224

11.1 IEC101 SLAVE ....................................................................................... 224

11.2 DNP3 Slave ........................................................................................... 225

11.3 IEC104 Slave ......................................................................................... 228

11.4 Variable Mapping with Protocol ................................................................. 231

12 COMMUNICATION BLOCKS ......................................................................... 234

12.1 SERIAL PORT BLOCK .............................................................................. 234

12.2 TCP SOCKET BLOCK ............................................................................... 237

13 TABLE BLOCKS ......................................................................................... 239

13.1 WORD TABLE ......................................................................................... 239

13.2 ANALOG TABLE ...................................................................................... 243

13.3 LONG TABLE .......................................................................................... 246

13.4 BIT TABLE ............................................................................................. 249

13.5 WORD TABLE OPERATION ....................................................................... 252

13.6 ANALOG TABLE OPERATİON .................................................................... 260

13.7 LONG TABLE OPERATİON ........................................................................ 266

3 RTU / Programming Manual

13.8 BIT TABLE OPERATİON ........................................................................... 275

14 CONTROLLER BLOCKS ............................................................................... 281

14.1 HYSTERESIS .......................................................................................... 281

14.2 PID CONTROLLER ................................................................................... 285

14.3 ANALOG RAMP ....................................................................................... 290

14.4 ON/OFF CONTROLLER ............................................................................. 294

14.5 CHANGE DETECTOR ................................................................................ 299

15 HVAC BLOCKS .......................................................................................... 302

15.1 FLOATING MOTOR .................................................................................. 302

15.2 AGING MANAGER ................................................................................... 305

15.3 AGING MEMBER ..................................................................................... 309

15.4 DEVNET MAIN ........................................................................................ 314

15.5 DEVNET REGISTER ................................................................................. 318

16 SYSTEM BLOCKS ....................................................................................... 319

16.1 FIRST SCAN BIT ..................................................................................... 319

16.2 RESET COUNTER .................................................................................... 320

16.3 SYSTEM RESET ...................................................................................... 321

17 MULTIPLEXER BLOCKS ............................................................................... 322

17.1 ANALOG QUART MULTIPLEXER ................................................................. 322

17.2 WORD DUAL MULTIPLEXER ...................................................................... 325

17.3 LONG DUAL MULTIPLEXER ....................................................................... 327

17.4 ANALOG Dual Multiplexer ........................................................................ 329

18 MOTION CONTROL BLOCKS ........................................................................ 330

18.1 FAST COUNTER INPUT ............................................................................ 330

18.2 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION (PWM) ......................................................... 333

18.3 PULSE TRAIN OUTPUT ............................................................................. 336

18.4 AXIS DEFINITON .................................................................................... 340

18.5 AXIS CONTROL ...................................................................................... 343

19 SERIAL COMMUNICATION BLOCKS .............................................................. 346

19.1 Rx Packet .............................................................................................. 346

4 RTU / Programming Manual

19.2 Packet Parser ......................................................................................... 348

19.3 Tx Packet .............................................................................................. 350

20 STRING BLOCKS ....................................................................................... 352

20.1 STRING REFERANCE ............................................................................... 352

20.2 STRING MANIPULATION .......................................................................... 354

20.3 STRING OPERATION ............................................................................... 357

21 CALENDER BLOCKS ................................................................................... 358

21.1 WEEKLY TIMER ...................................................................................... 358

21.2 YEARLY TIMER ....................................................................................... 363

21.3 ASTRONOMICAL TIMER ........................................................................... 366

21.4 SYSTEM SECONDS ................................................................................. 368

21.5 SYSTEM MILISECONDS ........................................................................... 369

21.6 SYSTEM HHMM (HOUR-MINUTE) .............................................................. 371

21.7 SYSTEM DAY OF WEEK ............................................................................ 373

21.8 SYSTEM DAY OF MONTH ......................................................................... 374

21.9 SYSTEM DAY OF YEAR ............................................................................. 375

21.10 SYSTEM MONTH ..................................................................................... 376

21.11 SYSTEM YEAR ........................................................................................ 377

21.12 SAVE TIME ............................................................................................ 378

21.13 TIME PLAN PICKER ................................................................................. 380

22 MACRO BLOCKS ........................................................................................ 384

22.1 MACRO ................................................................................................. 384

5 RTU / Programming Manual

Mikrodev telemetry and automation systems are equipped with high electromagnetic
compatibility, powerful PLC features and multiple communication channels and protocols.
Thanks to Telediagram(Mikrodev RTU Programming Editor), open and expandable
automation and telemetry applications can be developed easily and quickly.
Mikrodev RTU300 and RTU400 have different IO and Communication Port options and all
RTU series can be expanded with expansion cards up to 1024 IO points


Mikrodev RTU300 and RTU400 series RTUs can monitor and control Intelligent Electrical
Devices (protection relays, reclosing cutters, energy and quality analyzers ... etc) via
industry standard protocols like IEC 61850, Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU. Thay can also
communicate with SCADA or control center software via IEC 60870, DNP3 and MODBUS
TCP protocols. With its easy, flexible and fast programming capabilities and expandable
I/O capability up to 1024 points, Mikrodev RTU products are preferred for electrical


Mikrodev RTU products are used in the remote monitoring and control of pumping
stations, storages, wells, pipelines, meters and flow meters, valves, dosing and water
quality measuring stations. According to the Master/Slave operating principle, you can
create simultaneous and multiple communication channels between stations such as
wells, warehouses, lift-pump centers. At this point, the entire water network is managed
in a distributed manner. Even when the central SCADA service is out of service, stations

6 RTU / Programming Manual

on the field continue to work by communicating with each other. Once SCADA is active
again, past events and data can be transmitted to the system without loss of data with
time-tagged messages of IEC104 and DNP3.

In the programming of RTU300 / RTU400 series devices, Function Block Diagram - FBD
language which is defined in IEC 61131-3 standard is used. Thanks to the programming
with the FBD language, the project can be developed easily and quickly with the drag and
drop logic.
In this document, you can find information about the function block library components
used to program Mikrodev RTU300/RTU400 series RTUs.

Please follow our website www.mikrodev.com for the up to date version of the document.

7 RTU / Programming Manual

About Mikrodev

Since 2006, MIKRODEV has been developing and manufacturing industrial control and
communication products. MIKRODEV serves the system integrators in the public and
private sector, OEM and end users.

Our products are manufactured complying with the quality standards required by the
industrial automation industry and the quality of our products are proved on the field for
many years

MIKRODEV is one of the few companies in the world that has its own designed IEC
61131-3 compliant library for its programmable logic control devices. In addition, the
open, flexible, programmable SCADA solution developed by MIKRODEV is also available
to customers.

MIKRODEV products' performance and wide range of applications make them possible for
customers to achieve faster, simplified and cost-effective results.

8 RTU / Programming Manual


✓ Use the programming editor only for Mikrodev Certifed devices

✓ When you change your physical hardware configuration, update your development
to the appropriate version.
✓ The developed program should be tested separately before taking to field service
and should be shipped to the field after the tests are successfully completed.
✓ Take all accident prevention measures and safety measures identified by local law

Failure to comply with these rules may result in death, serious injury or
property damage

9 RTU / Programming Manual



1.1.1 Connections

I: Signal input

R/F: Rising or falling edge selection

Q1:Output of the block

O/F: One/full cycle selection

Res: Reset pin

1.1.2 Connection Explanations

I: Signal input
It is the input that detects edge state.
R/F: Rising or/and falling edge selection
It is used for choosing rising or falling edge detection from outside of the block.
If 0, falling edges are detected,
If 1, rising edges are detected,
If 2, both falling and rising edges are detected.
O/F: One/full cycle selection
If it is 0, full cycle is selected. After an edge is detected, until the reset signal is detected output signal
becomes and stays high(1).
If it is 1, one cycle is selected. After an edge is detected, output becomes high(1) for one clock cycle
and then becomes low(0).
Res: Reset pin
It is used to reset the signal when full cycle is selected. Detects the high(1) signal.
Q1: Output of the block
It is an binary output

10 RTU / Programming Manual

1.1.3 Block Settings:

Signal Edge:
R/F: It has the same purpose with rising
or/and falling edge selection pin. Rising,
Falling or Rising/Falling options are

Cycle Type:
O/F: It has the same purpose with
one/full cycle selection pin.
One cycle or full cycle options are

1.1.4 Block Explanation

Edge Gate is used for edge triggering purposes. It detects the rising or the falling edge of a signal and
stays high for one clock cycle or full clock cycle. R/F input and O/F input specifies the edge to be
detected and cycle type of the output signal. R/F input and O/F input can be adjusted in Block Settings
or can be adjusted by connecting a high or low signal to block the inputs.

11 RTU / Programming Manual

1.1.5 Truth Table:
Previous Current R/F O/F Res Previous Current
I I Q1 Q1
0 1 0 X 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 X 0 0 0
1 0 1 X 0 0 1
0 1 2 X 0 0 1
1 0 2 X 0 0 1
X X X X 1 X 0

1.1.6 Signal Flow Diagram:

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1.2.1 Connections

I1: Signal input Q1: Output of the block

1.2.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Signal input
It is the input of the NOT gate.
Q1: Output of the block
It is the output of the NOT gate.

1.2.3 Block Settings:

There are no block settings.

1.2.4 Block Explanation

1.2.5 Not Gate is used for inverting the input signals. If the input signal is high(1) the output
will be low(0) and if the input signal is “0” the output will be “1”.

1.2.6 Truth Table:

Input 1 Output 1
1 0
0 1

1.2.7 Signal Flow Diagram

14 RTU / Programming Manual

In the example, HIGH and LOW signals are inverted using NOT Gate.


1.3.1 Connections
I1: Signal input

I2: Signal input

I3: Signal input
of the block

I4: Signal input

1.3.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Signal input
It is the input of the OR gate.
I2: Signal input
It is the input of the OR gate.
I3: Signal input
It is the input of the OR gate.
I4: Signal input
It is the input of the OR gate.

15 RTU / Programming Manual

Q1: Output of the block
It is the output of the OR gate.

1.3.3 Block Settings

There are no block settings.

1.3.4 Block Explanation

Performs the logic OR operation to the input signals. Truth tables for this gate can be
seen in tables below

1.3.5 Truth Table for Two Inputs

Input 1 Input 2 Output 1

0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 1

1.3.6 Truth Table for Three Inputs

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Output 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1

16 RTU / Programming Manual


1.4.1 Connections

I1: Signal input

I2: Signal input Q1:Output

of the block
I3: Signal input

I4: Signal input

1.4.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Signal input
It is the input of the NOR gate.
I2: Signal input
It is the input of the NOR gate.
I3: Signal input
It is the input of the NOR gate.
I4: Signal input
It is the input of the NOR gate.
Q1: Output of the Block
It is the output of the NOR gate.

1.4.3 Block Settings

There are no block settings.

1.4.4 Block Explanation

NOR Gate is a combination of an OR Gate and a NOT Gate. It gives output as if a NOT gate is
connected to the output of an OR gate. To use this block, at least two inputs must be connected.
When all the inputs are low(0), output will be high(1). Truth tables for this gate can be seen in diagram

1.4.5 Truth Table for Two Inputs

Input 1 Input 2 Output 1
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0

17 RTU / Programming Manual

1.4.6 Truth Table for Three Inputs
Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Output 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0

1.4.7 Truth Table for Four Inputs

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Output 1
0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 0

1.4.8 Examples High Output

18 RTU / Programming Manual Low Output

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1.5.1 Connections
I1: Signal input

I2: Signal input

I3: Signal input
of the block

I4: Signal input

1.5.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Signal input
It is the input of the NAND gate.
I2: Signal input
It is the input of the NAND gate.
I3: Signal input
It is the input of the NAND gate.
I4: Signal input
It is the input of the NAND gate.
Q1: Output of the block
It is the output of the NAND gate.

1.5.3 Block Settings

There are no block settings.

1.5.4 Block Explanation

Performs the logic NAND operation to the input signals. It is a combination of an AND
Gate and a NOT Gate. It gives output as if a NOT gate is connected to the output of an
AND gate. Output becomes low(0) only when all the inputs are high(1) otherwise the
output is always high(1). To use this block, at least two inputs must be connected. When
two inputs are connected, other inputs can be left unconnected. Truth tables for this gate
can be seen in diagram below.

20 RTU / Programming Manual

1.5.5 Truth Table for Two Inputs
Input 1 Input 2 Output 1
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

1.5.6 Truth Table for Three Inputs

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Output 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0

1.5.7 Truth Table for Four Inputs

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Output 1
0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1

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1 1 1 1 0

1.5.8 Examples HIGH Output LOW Output

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1.6.1 Connections

I1: Signal input

I2: Signal input

Q1:Output of the block

I3: Signal input

I4: Signal input

1.6.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Signal input
It is the input of the AND gate.
I2: Signal input
It is the input of the AND gate.
I3: Signal input
It is the input of the AND gate.
I4: Signal input
It is the input of the AND gate.
Q1: Output of the block
It is the output of the AND gate.

1.6.3 Block Settings

There are no block settings.

1.6.4 Block Explanation

Performs the logic AND operation to the input signals. To use this block, at least two inputs must be
connected. Truth tables for this gate can be seen in diagrams below.

1.6.5 Truth Table for Two Inputs

Input 1 Input 2 Output 1
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

23 RTU / Programming Manual

1.6.6 Truth Table for Three Inputs
Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Output 1

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1

1.6.7 Truth Table for Four Inputs

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Output 1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1

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1.6.8 Examples HIGH Output LOW Output

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1.7.1 Connections
I1: Signal input

I2: Signal input

I3: Signal input of the block

I4: Signal input

1.7.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Signal input
It is the input of the XOR gate.
I2: Signal input
It is the input of the XOR gate.
I3: Signal input
It is the input of the XOR gate.
I4: Signal input
It is the input of the XOR gate.
Q1: Output of the block
It is the output of the XOR gate.

1.7.3 Block Settings

There are no block settings.

1.7.4 Block Explanation

Performs the logic XOR operation to the input signals. Output becomes high(1) when odd numbers of
high(1) signals present in the input signals. For example, if three inputs are connected and only one of
the inputs are high(1), then the output becomes high(1). To use this block, at least two inputs must be
connected. When two inputs are connected, other inputs can be left unconnected. Truth tables for this
gate can be seen in diagram below.

1.7.5 Truth Table for Two Inputs

Input 1 Input 2 Output 1
0 0 0
0 1 1

26 RTU / Programming Manual

1 0 1
1 1 0

1.7.6 Truth Table for Three Inputs

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Output 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1

1.7.7 Truth Table for Four Inputs

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Output 1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 0

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1.7.8 Examples HIGH Output

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2.1.1 Connections

Q1: Output of the block

2.1.2 Connection Explanations

Q1: Output of the block
Output of the block which represents the digital input

2.1.3 Block Settings

Reserved Digital Input No:

Digital input index no can be assigned in

Block Settings.
2.1.4 Block Explanation
It is used to read the physical digital input on the device. Used for the inputs on the main unit and
expansion units.
Digital input is an input which takes binary(0,1) values. Some examples are optical sensors and
Available inputs are listed while selecting the digital input in the block settings menu. Inputs which are
used before will not be listed on the list, so there is only one block to add to the project for a physical
input on the device. If the digital input will be used in multiple blocks’ inputs, related digital input block’s
output can be labeled and can be used in related blocks

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2.2.1 Connections

I1: Input of the block Q1: Output of the block

2.2.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Input of the block
Input of the block for the value which will be written to the digital output
Q1: Output of the block
Output of the block which represents the value of the digital output.

31 RTU / Programming Manual

2.2.3 Block Settings:

Reserved Digital Output Number:

Digital output number can be assigned in

Block Settings.

2.2.4 Block Explanation

It is used to write values to the physical digital outputs on the device. Used for the outputs on the main
unit and the expansion units.
Digital output is an output which takes binary(0,1) values.
Available outputs are listed while selecting the digital output in block settings menu. Outputs which are
used before will not be listed, so there is only one output block to add to the project for a physical
output on the device.
Some digital outputs may be used with PWM /PTO blocks. After the PWM/PTO blocks are activated,
related physical digital outputs will be controlled by PWM/PTO blocks. When the PWM/PTO blocks are
deactivated, physical digital outputs will be controlled by the digital output block on the project.

32 RTU / Programming Manual


2.3.1 Connections

Q1: Output of the block

2.3.2 Connection Explanations

Q1: Output of the block
Output of the block which represents the analog input.

2.3.3 Block Setings

Reserved Analog Input No:

Analog input index can be selected within

the block.

33 RTU / Programming Manual

2.3.4 Block Explanation
It is used to read physical analog input on the device. Used for the inputs on the main unit and
expansion units.
It is determined by the hardware that the block’s input is a voltage output or current output. Range of
the input is also determined by the hardware.(i.e. 0-10mV, 0, 20mA…) It is assumed that the
developer has that information. The value read on the output of the block is floating point value. For
example, if 12.48 mA current is applied to the analog input, the output of the block will have the value
Available analog inputs are listed while selecting the analog input in block settings menu. Analog
inputs which are used before will not be listed, so there is only one analog input block to add to the
project for a physical analog input on the device. If the analog input will be used in multiple blocks’
inputs, related analog input block’s output can be labeled and can be used in related blocks.


2.4.1 Connections

I1: Input of the block Q1: Output of the block

2.4.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Input of the block
Input of the block for the value that will be written to the analog output.
Q1: Output of the block
Output of the block which represents the value of the analog output.

34 RTU / Programming Manual

2.4.3 Block Settings

Reserved Analog Output Number:

Analog output number can be assigned in

Block Settings.

2.4.4 Block Explanation

It is used to write values to the physical analog outputs on the device. Used for the outputs on the
main unit and the expansion units.
It is decided by the hardware that the output is a voltage output or current output. Range of the output
is also decided by the hardware.(i.e. 0-10mV, 0, 20mA…) It is assumed that the developer has that
information. The value read on the output of the block is floating point value. For example, if the
desired voltage on the output is 7.56 V, 7.56 should be written on the input of the block.
Available outputs are listed while selecting the analog output in block settings menu. Outputs which
are used before will not be listed, so there is only one output block to add to the project for a physical
analog output on the device.

35 RTU / Programming Manual


2.5.1 Connections

I1: Input of the block Q1: Output of the block

2.5.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Input of the block
Input of the block for the value which will be written to the relay output.
Q1: Output of the block
Output of the block which represents the value of the relay output.

2.5.3 Block Settings

Reserved Relay Output Number:

Relay output index number can be

assigned in Block Settings.

36 RTU / Programming Manual

2.5.4 Block Explanation
It is used to write values to the physical relay outputs on the device. Used for the outputs on the main
unit and expansion units.
Relay output is an output which takes binary values.(0,1).
Available relay outputs are listed while selecting the relay output in block settings menu. Relay
outputs, which are used before, will not be listed. So there is only one relay output block to add to the
project for a physical relay output on the device.

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2.6.1 Connections

Q1: Output of the block

2.6.2 Connection Explanations

Q1: Output of the block
Output of the block, which represents the RTD input.

2.6.3 Block Settings

Reserved RTD Input Number:

RTD input number can be assigned in Block


38 RTU / Programming Manual

2.6.4 Block Explanation
It is used to read physical RTD inputs on the device. It is used for the inputs on the main unit and
expansion units.
RTD input corresponds to one of the resistance thermometers, PT100, PT1000 or NTC. Type of the
thermometer is determined by the hardware and it is assumed that the developer has the required
information. The value read at the output of the block is a floating-point value. Block gives the
corresponding temperature value of the resistance value read from the RTD input in Celsius.
Integrated conversion tables for PT100 and PT1000 are provided.
Available RTD inputs are listed while selecting the RTD input in block settings menu. RTD inputs,
which are used before, will not be listed. So there is only one RTD input block to add to the project for
a physical RTD input on the device. If the RTD input will be used in multiple blocks’ inputs, related
RTD input block’s output can be labeled and can be used in related blocks.

39 RTU / Programming Manual


2.7.1 Connections

Bin: Real binary input

LSt: Lock state

LVa: Lock value

2.7.2 Connection Explanations

Bin: Real binary input
Locked digital input block value.
LSt: Lock state
Indicates whether the block is locked or not.
LVa: Lock value
Indicates the value which will be written to the output when locked.

40 RTU / Programming Manual

2.7.3 Block Settings

Reserved Digital Input Number:

Digital input index number can be assigned

in Block Settings.

Locking settings of the block. Activates or
deactivates locking.

Lock / Offset:
Lock: Writes the value at the lock or shift
box to the output.

Offset: It is disabled on digital inputs with


2.7.4 Block Explanation

Locked Input/Output blocks are used to assign values which are different from the real physical values
to the physical input/output blocks. In some situations, expected logic value cannot be retrieved from
the field, due to some reasons like an error with a sensor.
In order for the logic project to run properly, until the error is fixed, erroneous value should be ignored
and some proper value must be forced onto input. Locked blocks are used to treat situations like this.

f the block is locked, the value at the first output of the block is equal to the locked value in the block
settings. If the block is not locked, it is equal to the related physical input’s value.

The second output of the block indicates the state of the block. If locking is active, it is high(1),
otherwise it is low(0). This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read and written
remotely. The Modbus address of this value is “block address plus 1”.

41 RTU / Programming Manual

The third output of the block indicates the value which will be written to the output when the block is
locked. This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read and written remotely. The
Modbus address of this value is “block address plus 2”.
As an example; if block modbus address of the block is 1003, mapping will be the in following way:
first output 1003, second output 1004, third output 1005.


2.8.1 Connections

Ana: Analog input lock value

LSt: Lock state

LVa: Lock value

2.8.2 Connection Explanations

Ana: Analog input lock value
Locked analog input block value.
LSt: Lock state
Indicates whether the block is locked or not.
LVa: Lock value
Indicates the value which will be written to the output when locked.

42 RTU / Programming Manual

2.8.3 Block Settings

Reserved Analog Input Number:

Analog input index number can be

assigned in Block Settings.


Locking settings of the block. Activates or

deactivates locking

Lock / Offset:
Lock: Write the value at the lock or shift
box to the output.
Offset: It is not activated on digital inputs
with locks.

2.8.4 Block Explanation

Locked Input/Output blocks are used to assign values which are different from the real physical values
to the physical input/output blocks. In some situations, expected logic value cannot be retrieved from
the field, due to some reasons like an error with a sensor.
In order for the logic project to run properly, until the error is fixed, erroneous value should be ignored
and some proper value must be forced onto input. Locked blocks are used to treat situations like this.

If the block is locked, the value at the first output of the block is equal to the locked value in the block
settings. If the block is not locked, it is equal to the related physical input’s value.

The second input of the block indicates the state of the block.
If the block is locked(active) and the specified value will be written to the output it is 1.0;
if the block is locked(active) and an offset value will be added to the real value it is 2.0;
if the block is not locked(passive) it is 0.0.

43 RTU / Programming Manual

This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read and written remotely. The Modbus
address of the output is “block address plus 2”
Third output of the block indicate the value which will be written or added to the output when the first
output is 1 or 2 respectively. This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read or written
remotely. The Modbus address of the output is “the block address plus 4”.
As an example; if block modbus address of the block is 6006, mapping will be the in following way:
first output 6006, second output 6008, third output 6010.

44 RTU / Programming Manual


2.9.1 Connections

Ana: RTD input lock value

LSt: Lock state

LVa: Lock value

2.9.2 Connection Explanations

Ana: RTD input lock value
Locked RTD block value.
LSt: Lock state
Indicates whether the block is locked or not.
LVa: Lock value
Indicates the value which will be written/added to the output when locked.

45 RTU / Programming Manual

2.9.3 Block Settings

Reserved RTD Input Number:

RTD input number can be assigned in Block


Locking settings of the block. Activates or
deactivates locking
Lock / Offset:
Lock: Write the value at the lock or shift
box to the output.
Offset: It is not activated on digital inputs
with locks.

2.9.4 Block Explanation

Locked Input/Output blocks are used to assign values which are different from the real physical values
to the physical input/output blocks. In some situations, expected logic value cannot be retrieved from
the field, due to some reasons like an error with a sensor.
In order for the logic project to run properly, until the error is fixed, erroneous value should be ignored
and some proper value must be forced onto input. Locked blocks are used to treat situations like this.
Offset property of the locked RTD blocks, being different from the other locked blocks, is used to
correct the cable resistance error between the RTD and the device. For example a PT1000 sensor
which is 300 meters away from the unit has a cable resistance around 35 Ohms. Offset value should
be set to -35.0 to compensate the extra resistance caused by the cable.

If the block is locked, the value at the first output of the block is equal to the locked value in the block
settings or it is equal to the sum of the real value and the offset value. If the block is not locked, it is
equal to the related physical input’s value.

46 RTU / Programming Manual

The second input of the block indicates the state of the block.
If the block is locked(active) and the specified value will be written to the output it is 1;
if the block is locked(active) and an offset value will be added to the real value it is 2;
if the block is not locked(passive) it is 0.
This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read and written remotely. The Modbus
address of the output is “block address plus 2”.

Third output of the block indicates the value which will be written or added to the output when when
the first output is 1 or 2 respectively. This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read
or written remotely. The Modbus address of the output is “block address plus 4”.

As an example; if block modbus address of the block is 6012 : first output 6012, second output 6014,
third output 6016.

47 RTU / Programming Manual


2.10.1 Connections

Bin: Real binary output

LSt: Lock state

I1: Block input

LVa: Lock value

2.10.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Block input
Indicates the value which will be written to the output when unlocked.
Bin: Real binary output
Locked digital output block value.
LSt: Lock state
Indicates whether the block is locked or not.
LVa: Lock value
Indicates the value which will be written to the output when locked.

48 RTU / Programming Manual

2.10.3 Block Settings

Reserved Digital Output Number:

Digital output number can be assigned in

Block Settings.

Locking settings of the block. Activates or
deactivates locking
Lock / Offset:
Lock: Write the value at the lock or shift
box to the output.
Offset: It is not activated on digital inputs
with locks.

2.10.4 Block Explanation

Locked Input/Output blocks are used to assign values which are different from the real physical values
to the physical input/output blocks. In some situations, expected logic value cannot be retrieved from
the field, due to some reasons like an error with a sensor.
In order for the logic project to run properly, until the error is fixed, erroneous value should be ignored
and some proper value must be forced onto input. Locked blocks are used to treat situations like this.

If the block is locked, the value at the first output of the block is equal to the locked value in the block
settings. If the block is not locked, it is equal to the related physical input’s value.

The second output of the block indicates the state of the block. It is 1 if the block is locked(active), 0
otherwise(passive). This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read and written
remotely. The Modbus address of the output is “the block address plus 1”.

49 RTU / Programming Manual

The third output of the block indicates the value, which will be written to the output when the block is
locked. This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read and written remotely. The
Modbus of the value is “the block address plus 2”.
As an example, if block modbus address of the block is 1006: first output 1006, second output 1007,
third output 1008.

50 RTU / Programming Manual


2.11.1 Connections

Ana: Analog lock output

I1: Block input LSt: Lock state

LVa: Lock value

2.11.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Block input
Indicates the value which will be written to the output when unlocked.
Ana: Analog lock output
Locked analog output block value.
LSt: Lock state
Indicates whether the block is locked or not.
LVa: Lock value
Indicates the value which will be written to the output when locked.

51 RTU / Programming Manual

2.11.3 Block Settings

Reserved Analog Output Number:

Analog output number can be assigned in

Block Settings.

Locking settings of the block. Activates or
deactivates locking
Lock / Offset:
Lock: Write the value at the Lock or Shift
box to the output.
Offset: It is not activated on digital inputs
with locks.

2.11.4 Block Explanation

Locked Input/Output blocks are used to assign values, which are different from the real physical
values to the physical input/output blocks. In some situations, expected logic value cannot be retrieved
from the field, due to some reasons like an error with a sensor.
In order for the logic project to run properly, until the error is fixed, erroneous value should be ignored
and some proper value must be forced onto input. Locked blocks are used to treat situations like this.

If the block is locked, the value at the first output of the block is equal to the locked value
in the block settings. If the block is not locked, it is equal to the related physical input’s value.

The second output of the block indicates the state of the block. It is 1 if the block is locked(active), 0
otherwise(passive). This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read and written
remotely. The Modbus address of the output is of the block address plus 2.

52 RTU / Programming Manual

The third output of the block indicates the value, which will be written to the output when the block is
locked. This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read and written remotely. The
Modbus address of the output is “the block address plus 4”.
As an example; if modbus address of the block is 6018: first output 6018, second output 6020, third
output 6022.

53 RTU / Programming Manual


2.12.1 Connections

Ana: Relay lock output

I1: Block input LSt: Lock state

LVa: Lock value

2.12.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Block input
Indicates the value which will be written to the output when unlocked.
Ana: Relay lock output
Locked relay output block value.
LSt: Lock state
Indicates whether the block is locked or not.
LVa: Lock value
Indicates the value which will be written to the output when locked.

54 RTU / Programming Manual

2.12.3 Block Settings

Reserved Relay Output Number:

Relay output index number can be selected


Locking settings of the block. Activates or
deactivates locking
Lock / Offset:
Lock: Write the value at the lock or shift
box to the output.
Offset: It is not activated on digital inputs
with locks.

2.12.4 Block Explanation

Locked Input/Output blocks are used to assign values which are different from the real physical values
to the physical input/output blocks. In some situations, expected logic value cannot be retrieved from
the field, due to some reasons like an error with a sensor.
In order for the logic project to run properly, until the error is fixed, erroneous value should be ignored
and some proper value must be forced onto output. Locked blocks are used to treat situations like this.

If the block is locked, the value at the first output of the block is equal to the locked value in the block
settings. If the block is not locked, it is equal to the related physical input’s value.

The second output of the block indicates the state of the block. It is 1 if the block is locked(active), 0
otherwise(passive). This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read and written
remotely. The Modbus address of the output is “the block address plus 1”.

55 RTU / Programming Manual

The third output of the block indicates the value which will be written to the output when the block is
locked. This output is mapped into Modbus addresses and can be read and written remotely. The
Modbus address of the output is “the block address plus 2”.
As an example; if modbus address of the block is 1006: first output 1006, second output 1007, third
output 1008.

56 RTU / Programming Manual



3.1.1 Connections

I1: Signal input

Q1: Block

Trg:Trigger Input

3.1.2 Connections Applications

I1: Signal input
The input of the slope value to be used.
Trg: Trigger input
Trigger input, can be left blank.
Q1: Block output
It is the output of the calibrated slope input.

57 RTU / Programming Manual

3.1.3 Custom Settings

Y: Q1 is the calibrated block output


X: I1 is the uncalibrated block input


m: The value of m in the equation Y =

mX + c is the non-calibrated I1 input
multiplier coefficient.

c: The value “c” in the equation Y = mX

+ c is the uncorrelated total coefficient
for I1 input.

Trg: Trig Active Work

Not selected; It calibrates the input
value and transfers it to the output in
each PLC program cycle.
When selected; whenever the rising
edge comes to the input of Trg, it
calibrates the input value and transfers
it to the output.

3.1.4 Block Explanation

The slope calibrator block means that an analogue value is processed as "Y = mX + c".
The m and c values are coefficient values set from the block options.
The “X“ value is the input (I1) of the block and the value of Y is the output (Q1) of the operation.

58 RTU / Programming Manual

3.1.5 Example

This is an example of connection of slope calibrator. In the example, m is set to 2, c is set to 4.

59 RTU / Programming Manual


3.2.1 Connections

In: Signal ınput

X1: Signal input low limit

Y1: Signal output low limit

Out: Block output

X2: Signal input upper limit

Y2: Signal output upper


Trg: Triggering input

3.2.2 Connection explanation

In: Signal input
The signal input to be calibrated.
X1: Signal input low limit
The X value of the first point of calibration.
Y1: Signal output low limit
The Y value of the first point of calibration.
X2: Signal output upper limit
The X value of the second point of calibration.
Y2: Signal output upper limit
The Y value of the second point of calibration.
Trg: Triggering input
It is the block triggering input.
Out: Block output
It is the calibrated block output.

60 RTU / Programming Manual

3.2.3 Custom Settings
First point (X): The value of the signal at
the input of In.

First point (Y): The value of the signal at

the output of Out.

Second point (X): The value of the signal

at the input of In.

Second point (Y): The value of the signal

at the output of Out.

On When Trig is Active: Block Trg input

operation mode is selected. If selected,
block input value is processed according
to Trg input and transferred to the

3.2.4 Block Explanations

Especially for analog measurement sensors, there is a linear relationship between the read analog
voltage / current value and the actual physical magnitude. This relationship or transformation can be
defined by at least two points on the line.
In the point calibrator, instead of defining the slope and offset of the correct equation, the
transformation is defined over two sample points.

3.2.5 Sample Application

61 RTU / Programming Manual

The minimum value that can be input to the In input is "X1 = 4" and the maximum value is entered as
"X2 = 20".
The minimum value that can be read from the Out’s output is entered as "Y1 = 0", "Y2 = 100".
Out is "0" when In input is "4", Out is "100" when In input is "20"

62 RTU / Programming Manual



4.1.1 Connections

Trg: The input of block

Q1: Block output

T: The time of on delay

4.1.2 Connection Explanations

Trg: The input of block trigger
It is the block signal input.
T: The time of on delay
This is the input is used to set the delay time if you require to change delay time using the block input
Q1: Block output
Block output signal.

63 RTU / Programming Manual

4.1.3 Custom Settings

Initial Value:
T: The on delay can be set in the block.

Unit of time is selected. This selection has
following options: milliseconds, seconds,
minutes, hours.

4.1.4 Block Explanation

If TRG input change its state to Logic(1) and stay in this state during the determined delay time
interval, Q1 output signal change its state from logic(0) to logic(1) after end of the delay time period.
As soon as received Logic(0) signal at Trg input, Q1 output state is changed to Logic(0)
T value can be written in block custom settings.
Any type of block signal “word”,”analog” or ”long” can be connected to the T input. T is number which
is between the 0-65535 and be careful about variable type range.

64 RTU / Programming Manual

4.1.5 Signal Flow Diagram

4.1.6 Sample Application

When DI0 goes to logic(1) ,after 3 seconds the DQ0 goes to logic(1).When DI0 goes to logic(0), DQ0
goes to logic(0), immediately.

65 RTU / Programming Manual


4.2.1 Connections

Trg: The input of block

Q1: Block output

T: The time of off delay

4.2.2 Connection Explanation

Trg: The input of block trigger
It is the block signal input.
T: The time of off delay
This is the input is used to set the delay time if you require to change delay time using the block input
Q1: Block output
Block output signal.

66 RTU / Programming Manual

4.2.3 Custom Settings

Initial Value:
T: The off delay can be set in the block

Unit of time is selected. This selection has
following options: milliseconds, seconds,
minutes, hours.

4.2.4 Block Explanation

If TRG input change its state to Logic(0) and stay in this state during the determined off delay time
interval, Q1 output signal change its state from logic(1) to logic(0) after end of the delay time period.
As soon as received Logic(1) signal at Trg input, Q1 output state is changed to Logic(1) immediately.
T value can be written in block custom settings.
Any type of block signal “word”,”analog” or ”long” can be connected to the T input. T is number which
is between the 0-65535 and be careful about variable type range.

67 RTU / Programming Manual

4.2.5 Signal Flow Diagram

4.2.6 Sample Application

When DI0 goes to logic(0) ,after 3 seconds the DQ0 goes to logic(0).When DI0 goes to logic(1), DQ0
goes to logic(1), immediately.

68 RTU / Programming Manual


4.3.1 Connections

Trg: The input of block trigger

tH: the input of time of on delay

O1: Block output

tL:the input of time of off delay

4.3.2 Connection Explanation

Trg: The input of block trigger
It is the block signal input.
tH: the input of time of on delay
This is the input is used to set the ON delay time if you require to change ON delay time using the
block input connection
tL: the input of time of off delay
This is the input is used to set the OFF delay time if you require to change OFF delay time using the
block input connection
Q1: Block output
Block output signal.

69 RTU / Programming Manual

4.3.3 Custom Settings

On Time Initial Value:

tH: The on delay can be set in the block

Off Time Initial Value:

tL: The of off delay can be set in the block

Unit of time is selected. This selection has

following options: milliseconds, seconds,
minutes, hours.
Unit of ON Delay Time and OFF Delay Time
has only this single selection. Both of them
must have same unit.

4.3.4 Block Explanation

If TRG input change its state to Logic(1) and stay in this state during the determined ON delay time
interval, Q1 output signal change its state from logic(0) to logic(1) after end of the ON delay time
And same way, If TRG input change its state to Logic(0) and stay in this state during the determined
OFF delay time interval, Q1 output signal change its state from logic(1) to logic(0) after end of the OFF
delay time period.
Any changes at the TRG input with shorter duration than user defined delay times does not change
the status of the Q1 block output.
TON and TOFF values can be written in block custom settings or can be applied by related block
inputs. Any type of block signal “word”,”analog” or ”long” can be connected to these inputs. T is
number which is between the 0-65535 and be careful about variable type range.

70 RTU / Programming Manual

4.3.5 Signal Flow Diagram

4.3.6 Sample Application

The on / off delay timing scale "seconds" is selected and the tH and tL values are entered from outside
the block.
DQ0 becomes logic (1) 3 seconds after the DI0 logic (1) becomes logic (0).
DQ0 is logic (0) after 10 seconds from the logic (1) to the logic (0).

71 RTU / Programming Manual


4.4.1 Connections

Trg: The input of block tirgger

Rst: The input of reset

O1: Block output

T: The input of on delay time

4.4.2 Connection Explanation

Trg: The input of block tirgger
It is the block signal input.
Rst: The input of reset
Raising edge at RST input signal resets permanent Logic (1) state and re-initiate the block.
T: The input of on delay time
This is the input is used to set the delay time if you require to change delay time using the block input
Q1: Block output
Block output signal.

72 RTU / Programming Manual

4.4.3 Custom Settings

İnitial Value
T: The time of on delay is set in the block

Unit of time is selected. This selection has
following options: milliseconds, seconds,
minutes, hours.

4.4.4 Block Explanation

If TRG input change its state to Logic(1) and stay in this state during the determined delay time
interval, Q1 output signal change its state from logic(0) to logic(1) after end of the delay time period.
After Q1 state goes to Logic(1), Q1 output signal keeps its states as long as receiving a rising edge at
RST input.
When a rising edge signal applied to RST input, Q1 Block output goes to Logic(0)
T value can be written in block custom settings.
Any type of block signal “word”,”analog” or ”long” can be connected to the T input. T is number which
is between the 0-65535 and be careful about variable type range.

73 RTU / Programming Manual

4.4.5 Signal Flow Diagram

4.4.6 Sample Application

Retentive on delay block timing scale "seconds" is selected and T value is entered from outside the
block. After 5 seconds from DI1 logic (1) to logic (0), DQ1 becomes logic (1).
When DQ1 is logic (1), DQ1 maintains the logic (1) position even if DI1 is logic (0).
At the rising edge of the logic (1) signal, called Rst input DI2, DQ1 goes to logic (0)

74 RTU / Programming Manual


4.5.1 Connections

Trg: The input of block trigger

O1: Block output

T: The input of timer parameter

4.5.2 Connection Explanations

Trg: The input of block trigger
It is the block signal input.
T: The input of timer parameter
This is the input is used to set the delay time if you require to change delay time using the block input
Q1: Block output
Block output signal.

75 RTU / Programming Manual

4.5.3 Custom Settings

Initial Value:
T:Timer parameter is set from in the block

Unit of time is selected. This selection has
following options: milliseconds, seconds,
minutes, hours.

4.5.4 Block Explanation

When the Trg input change its state from Logic(0) to Logic(1), Q1 output changes its state immediately
to Logic(1). Block keep its Q1 Logic(1) state only user defined duration of time and after that time
period expire, Q1 state goes to Logic(0) state automatically.
As soon as received Logic(0) signal at Trg input, Q1 output state is changed to Logic(0)
T value can be written in block custom settings.
Any type of block signal “word”,”analog” or ”long” can be connected to the T input. T is number which
is between the 0-65535 and be careful about variable type range.

76 RTU / Programming Manual

4.5.5 Signal Flow Diagram

4.5.6 Sample Application

Timer output relay timer period is choosen as seconds from the blocks, T value is entered from the
out of block.
When DI0 is logic(1), DQ0 will be logic(1).When DI0 is logic(1), after 5 seconds DQ0 will be logic(0).


4.6.1 Connections

Enb: The input of block activation O1: Block output

77 RTU / Programming Manual

T: The input of timer parameter

4.6.2 Connection Explanation

Enb: The input of block activation
It is the input of block activation the symmetric pulse generator.
T: The input of timer parameter
The input of the symmetric pulse generator's time parameter from outside the block.
Q1: Block output
When Enb input is logic(1), ıt is block output which is logic(1-0) as symmetric.

78 RTU / Programming Manual

4.6.3 Custom Settings

Initial Value:
T: Timer parameter is set from in the

Unit of time is selected. This selection has
following options: milliseconds, seconds,
minutes, hours.

4.6.4 Block Explanation

When Enb input is logic(1), Q1 block output produces periodic symetric pulses in 2*T time period as
Logic(0) for T period of time and Logic(1) for T period of time.
T value can be written in block custom settings.

Any type of block signal “word”,”analog” or ”long” can be connected to the T input. T is number which
is between the 0-65535 and be careful about variable type range.

79 RTU / Programming Manual

4.6.5 Signal Flow Diagram

4.6.6 Sample Application

When DI0 is logic(1), DQ0 will be 5 seconds logic(0), 5 seconds logic(1) periodically.

80 RTU / Programming Manual


4.7.1 Connections

Out: Block output

4.7.2 Connection Explanation

Out: Block output
It is the block output which produce the logic(1) pulse in is described from in the block in the timer

81 RTU / Programming Manual

4.7.3 Custom Settings

Timing :
Pulse period choice can be done from in the
It cannot be choosen from block inputs.

4.7.4 Block Explanation

It periodically generates pulses at the times specified in synchronous with the device's real time clock.
Different time can be chosen from in the block settings.
Output of the block is a single cycle time pulse that is generated every specified time events.

82 RTU / Programming Manual

4.7.5 Signal Flow Diagram

4.7.6 Sample Application

In the example timer parameter is choosen in every minutes in the real time pulse generator And the
device is started at time 15:27:12. So, In real time events of minutes was gained logic pulse output.



5.1.1 Connections

inA: 1. WORD input

inB: 2. WORD input

Q1:Output of the block

inC: 3. WORD input

Enb: Enable Input

5.1.2 Connection Explanations

inA: 1. WORD input
Word value to be compared.
inB: 2. WORD input
Word value to be compared.
inC:3. WORD input

83 RTU / Programming Manual

Word value to be compared.
Enb: Block Enable
Block is activated, when Enb input goes to HIGH
Q1: Output of the block
If the conditions are satisfied, output is “1” or HIGH, otherwise is LOW

84 RTU / Programming Manual

5.1.3 Block Settings

Compare Type:

Comparison type is specified here.


Bottom threshold value is entered here in

Block Settings.


Upper threshold value is entered here in

Block Settings.

5.1.4 Block Explanation

It is used for comparing 16-bit WORD numbers.(0-65535) The value at the inA input of the
block is compared to the values at the inB and inC inputs of the block according to the
compare type specified in the block settings menu. Block must be activated with sending
a HIGH signal to the Enb input of the block.
If the comparing condition is satisfied, output of the block becomes “1” or HIGH,
otherwise it is “0” or LOW.
Desired threshold values for comparing can be selected in Block Settings menu or they
can be adjusted with inB and inC inputs of the block by connecting a register to the
With the Word Comparator Block, “greater than”, “smaller than”, “out of range”, “equal
to”, “greater than or equal to”, “smaller than or equal to”, “not equal to” operations can be
For the operations “greater than”, “smaller than”, “greater than or equal to”, “smaller than
or equal to”, “not equal to”; the value at the inA input of the block is compared to the value
at the inB input of the block.
For the operations “in range” and “out of range”; the value at the inA input of the block is

85 RTU / Programming Manual

compared to the values at the inB and inC inputs of the block.
If “in range” or “out of range” operations are going to be used, the value at the inB input of
the block should be smaller than the value at the inC input of the block. (inB < inC)
If the signal at the En input of the block goes to “0” from “1” while the output is equal to “1”
or output is HIGH, output of the block will stay the same
Comparison Enb
Type Used Inputs Explanation
Equal To inA, inB 1 If inA= inB then O1 output is “1”.
Greater Than inA, inB 1 If inA> inB then O1 output is “1”.
Smaller Than inA, inB 1 If inA< inB then O1 output is “1”.
Greater Than 1
or Equal To inA, inB If inA ≥ inB then O1 output is “1”.
Smaller Than 1
or Equal To inA, inB If inA ≤ inB then O1 output is “1”.
Not Equal To inA, inB 1 If inA ≠ inB then O1 output is “1”.
In Range inA, inB, inC 1 If inB<inA< inC then O1 output is “1”.
Out of Range inA, inB, inC 1 If inB< inC<inA or inA< inB< inC then O1 output is “1”.
- - 0 Previous output preserved, output not updated.

86 RTU / Programming Manual

5.1.5 Example

In this example, comparison type is selected as “In Range”.

The block is enabled with the HIGH signal at the Enb input of the block, while the value at the inA
input of the block has a value between the value at the inB input of the block(bottom threshold) and
the value at the inC input of the block(upper threshold), the output is HIGH or “1”, therefore the Relay
Output takes the “1” value.

87 RTU / Programming Manual


5.2.1 Connections

inA: 1. Analog Input

inB: 2. Analog Input

Q1:Output of the block

inC: 3. Analog Input

Enb: Enable Block

5.2.2 Connection Explanations

inA: 1. Analog input
Analog value to be compared.
inB: 2. Analog input
Lower analog threshold value to be compared.
inC:3. Analog input
Upper analog threshold value to be compared.
Enb: Enable block
Block is activated with this input.
Q1: Output of the block
If the conditions are satisfied, output is “1” or HIGH.

88 RTU / Programming Manual

5.2.3 Block Settings

Compare Type:

Comparison type is specified here.


Bottom threshold value is entered here in

Block Settings.


Upper threshold value is entered here in

Block Settings.

5.2.4 Block Explanation

It is used for comparing 32-bit floating point numbers. The value at the inA input of the
block is compared to the values at the inB and inC inputs of the block according to the
compare type specified in the block settings menu. Block must be activated with sending
a HIGH signal to the Enb input of the block.
If the comparing condition is satisfied, output of the block becomes “1” or HIGH, otherwise it is “0”
or LOW.
Desired threshold values for comparing can be selected in Block Settings menu or they
can be adjusted with inB and inC inputs of the block by connecting a register to the inputs.
With the Analog Comparator Block, “greater than”, “smaller than”, “out of range”, “equal
to”, “greater than or equal to”, “smaller than or equal to”, “not equal to” operations can be
For the operations “greater than”, “smaller than”, “greater than or equal to”, “smaller than
or equal to”, “not equal to”; the value at the inA input of the block is compared to the value

89 RTU / Programming Manual

at the inB input of the block.
For the operations “in range” and “out of range”; the value at the inA input of the block is
compared to the values at the inB and inC inputs of the block.
If “in range” or “out of range” operations are going to be used, the value at the inB input of
the block should be smaller than the value at the inC input of the block. (inB < inC)
If the signal at the En input of the block goes to “0” from “1” while the output is equal to “1”
or output is HIGH, output of the block will stay the same.
Comparison Enb
Type Used Inputs Explanation
Equal To inA, inB 1 If inA= inB then O1 output is “1”.
Greater Than inA, inB 1 If inA> inB then O1 output is “1”.
Smaller Than inA, inB 1 If inA< inB then O1 output is “1”.
Greater Than 1
or Equal To inA, inB If inA ≥ inB then O1 output is “1”.
Smaller Than 1
or Equal To inA, inB If inA ≤ inB then O1 output is “1”.
Not Equal To inA, inB 1 If inA ≠ inB then O1 output is “1”.
In Range inA, inB, inC 1 If inB<inA< inC then O1 output is “1”.
Out of Range inA, inB, inC 1 If inB< inC<inA or inA< inB< inC then O1 output is “1”.
- - 0 Previous output preserved, output not updated

90 RTU / Programming Manual

5.2.5 Example

In this example, comparison type is selected as “Out of Range”.

The block is enabled with the HIGH signal at the Enb input of the block, while the value at the inAinput
of the block does not have a value between the value at the inB input of the block (bottom threshold)
and the value at the inC input of the block(upper threshold), the output is HIGH or “1”, therefore the
Relay Output takes the “1” value.

91 RTU / Programming Manual


5.3.1 Connections

InA: 1. Long input

InB: 2. Long input

Qut:Output of the block

InC: 3. Long input

Enb: Enable input

5.3.2 Connection Explanations

InA: 1. Long input
Long value to be compared.
InB: 2. Long input
Bottom long threshold value to be compared.
InC:3. Long input
Upper long threshold value to be compared.
Enb: Enable input
Block is activated with this input.
Out: Output of the block
IF the conditions are satisfied, output is “1” or HIGH.

92 RTU / Programming Manual

5.3.3 Block Settings

Comparison Type:

Comparison type is specified here.


Bottom threshold value is entered here in




Upper threshold value is entered here in



5.3.4 Block Explanation

It is used for comparing 32-bit signed numbers. The value at the inA input of the block is
compared to the values at the inB and inC inputs of the block according to the compare
type specified in the block settings menu. Block must be activated with sending a HIGH
signal to the En input of the block.
If the comparing condition is satisfied, output of the block becomes “1” or HIGH,
otherwise it is “0” or LOW.
Desired threshold values for comparing can be selected in Block Settings menu or they
can be adjusted with inB and inC inputs of the block by connecting a register to the
With the Long Comparator Block, “greater than”, “smaller than”, “out of range”, “equal
to”, “greater than or equal to”, “smaller than or equal to”, “not equal to” operations can be

93 RTU / Programming Manual

For the operations “greater than”, “smaller than”, “greater than or equal to”, “smaller than
or equal to”, “not equal to”; the value at the inA input of the block is compared to the value
at the inB input of the block.
For the operations “in range” and “out of range”; the value at the inA input of the block is
compared to the values at the inB and inC inputs of the block.
If “in range” or “out of range” operations are going to be used, the value at the inB input of
the block should be smaller than the value at the inC input of the block. (inB < inC)
If the signal at the En input of the block goes to “0” from “1” while the output is equal to “1”
or output is HIGH, output of the block will stay the same.
Comparison Enb
Type Used Inputs Explanation
Equal To inA, inB 1 If inA= inB then O1 output is “1”.
Greater Than inA, inB 1 If inA> inB then O1 output is “1”.
Smaller Than inA, inB 1 If inA< inB then O1 output is “1”.
Greater Than 1
or Equal To inA, inB If inA ≥ inB then O1 output is “1”.
Smaller Than 1
or Equal To inA, inB If inA ≤ inB then O1 output is “1”.
Not Equal To inA, inB 1 If inA ≠ inB then O1 output is “1”.
In Range inA, inB, inC 1 If inB<inA< inC then O1 output is “1”.
Out of Range inA, inB, inC 1 If inB< inC<inA or inA< inB< inC then O1 output is “1”.
- - 0 Previous output preserved, output not updated

94 RTU / Programming Manual

5.3.5 Example

In this example, comparison type is selected as “Greater”.

The block is enabled with the HIGH signal at the Enb input of the block,
while the value at the inA
input of the block has a value equal to the value at the inB input of the
block(lower threshold), so the output is LOW or “0”, therefore the Relay
Output takes the “0” value.

95 RTU / Programming Manual


5.4.1 Connections

inA: WORD data input

inB : WORD data input Q1:WORD output

Trg: Trigger input

5.4.2 Connection Explanations

inA: WORD input
WORD value to be processed.
inB : WORD input
WORD value to be processed.
Trg: Trigger input
If the “On When Trig is Active” is selected in Block Settings menu, block is activated at each rising
edge detected at the Trg input of the block.
Q1: WORD output
16-bit WORD output of the block.

96 RTU / Programming Manual

5.4.3 Block Settings

Math Type:

Mathematical operation is specifed



WORD input to be processed.

On When Trig is Active:

If selected, block is activated at each

rising edge detected at the Trg input of
the block

Write On Input:

If this option is selected, the value at

the inA input of the block and the value
at the inB input of the block is
processed. Result of the operation is
written on the inA input of the block.
An WORD register should be connected
to the inA input of the block. This
operation is performed at each PLC
cycle by default. If “On When Trig is
Active” option is selected, this
operation is performed at each rising
edge detected on the Trig input of the

5.4.4 Block Explanation

It is used for mathematical operations which result in range 0-65535(16-bit). With Word
Math Block “addition”, “subtraction”, “multiplication”, “division”, “logic AND”, “logic OR”,
“logic XOR”, “shift left”, “shift right”, “checkBit”, “LeftShiftCheckFirst”,
“RightShiftCheckFirst”, “LeftShiftCheckLast”, “RightShiftCheckLast”, “absolute value”,

97 RTU / Programming Manual

“bit compare”, “mod”, “bit replace”, “get”, “low limit”, “high limit”, “merge A-B” and “set”
operations can be performed.
On When Trig is Active: If this option is selected, with every rising edge on the Trg input on
the block, specified mathematical operation is performed.
Write on Input: If this option is selected, the value at the inA input of the block and the
value at the inB input of the block is processed. Result of the operation is written on the
inA input of the block. A WORD register should be connected to the inA input of the
block. This operation is performed at each PLC cycle by default. If “On When Trig is
Active” option is selected, this operation is performed at each rising edge detected on
the Trig input of the block.
Math Types and Explanations:
Math Used Inputs Explanation
The values at the inA and the inB input are added and the result is written
ADDITION (+) inA, inB to the O1 output of the block. If “Write on Input” is selected, the result is
written to the inA input.
The values at the inA and the inB input are subtracted and the result is
SUBTRACTION (-) inA, inB written to the O1 output of the block. If “Write on Input” is selected, the
result is written to the inA input.
The values at the inA and the inB input are multiplied and the result is
inA, inB written to the O1 output of the block. If “Write on Input” is selected, the
result is written to the inA input.
The value at the inA is divided to the value at the inB and the result is
DIVISION(/) inA, inB written to the O1 output of the block. If “Write on Input” is selected, the
result is written to the inA input.
The values at the inA and the inB input are bitwise ANDed and the result
AND inA, inB is written to the O1 output of the block. If “Write on Input” is selected,
the result is written to the inA input.
The values at the inA and the inB input are bitwise ORed and the result is
OR inA, inB written to the O1 output of the block. If “Write on Input” is selected, the
result is written to the inA input.
The values at the inA and the inB input are bitwise XOR and the result is
XOR inA, inB written to the O1 output of the block. If “Write on Input” is selected, the
result is written to the inA input.
The bits of the value at the inA input are shifted left by the value at the
inB and the result is written to the O1 output of the block. . If “Write on
Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input. (Ex: inA =1110b,
inB=1 then; O1=1100b)
SHIFT RIGHT inA, inB The bits of the value at the inA input are shifted right by the value at the

98 RTU / Programming Manual

inB and the result is written to the O1 output of the block. . If “Write on
Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input. (Ex: inA=1110b,
inB=1 then; O1=0111b)
The bit of the value at the inA is checked and written to the O1 output of
CHECK BIT inA, inB the block where n is specified by the inB input of the block. inB must be
between 0-15. (Ex: inA=1110, inB=2 then; O1=1)
0th bit of the value at the inA is checked and written to the O1 output of
LEFTSHIFTCHECKFI the block. The bits of the value at the inA is shifted left by the value at
inA, inB
RST the inB input of the block and written to the output O1 of the block. If
“Write on Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input.
0th bit of the value at the inA is checked and written to the O1 output of
RIGHTSHIFTCHECK the block. The bits of the value at the inA is shifted right by the value at
inA, inB
FIRST the inB input of the block and written to the output O1 of the block. If
“Write on Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input.
15th bit of the value at the inA is checked and written to the O1 output of
LEFTSHIFTCHECKL the block. The bits of the value at the inA is shifted left by the value at
inA, inB
AST the inB input of the block and written to the output O1 of the block. If
“Write on Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input.
15th bit of the value at the inA is checked and written to the O1 output of
RIGHTSHIFTCHECK the block. The bits of the value at the inA is shifted right by the value at
inA, inB
LAST the inB input of the block and written to the output O1 of the block. If
“Write on Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input.
The absolute value of the value at the inA is written to the O1 output of
the block.
The bits of the values at the inA and the inB inputs of the block are
compared starting from the left and the first different bits position is
written to the O1 output of the block. If all the bits are the same, 0 is
written to the O1 output. One more of the value of the different bit’s
index is written to the O1. (Ex: If 0th bit is different, 1 is written to the
Modular arithmetic operation. Mod(inB) of the value at the inA is written
to the O1 output of the block.The value at the inA is divided by the value
MOD inA, inB
at the inB and the remainder is written to the O1 output.(Ex: inA = 253,
inB = 10 then O1 = 4 )
It is used for replacing a bit of the value of the inA with 0 or 1. The value
at the inB specifies the target bit.
GET inA, inB It is used for reading a WORD register’s or a block’s value present in the

99 RTU / Programming Manual

logic project. The block to be read is specified with inB input of the block.
It is also used for some special commands. These commands can be seen
in diagram below.
Specifies the minimum value that O1 output can take. Desired minimum
value is written to the inA input. If inB has a greater value than inA input,
the value at the inB is written to the O1 output. Otherwise, the value at
the inA is written to the O1 output.(Ex: inA = 10, inB = 8 then; O1 = 10)
Specifies the maximum value that O1 output can take. Desired maximum
value is written to the inA input. If inB has a smaller value than inA input,
the value at the inB is written to the O1 output. Otherwise, the value at
the inA is written to the O1 output.(Ex: inA = 10, inB = 12 then; O1 = 10)
The value at the inB is shifted left by 8bits and added to the value at the
MERGE A-B inA, inB
inA. (Two of the 8bit merge blocks can be used for 16bit merging.)
It is used for write to a WORD register or to a block present in the logic
project. The block to be written is specified with inB input of the
SET inA, inB
block.(Ex: inA = 10, inB = 3001 then; 10 is written to the block which has
block number 3001.)

100 RTU / Programming Manual

5.4.5 GET Operation Special Commands
When performing GET operation, if some special values are entered to the inB input of the block then
some special operations are performed by the block. Diagram below shows the commands and the
related operations to the commands.
inB Value Function Explanation
20000 Resets the device using software.
31000 Sends the value at the inA as DTMF code.(Only available for GSM

101 RTU / Programming Manual

5.4.6 Examples
Addition examples:

In “Sum_1” example, the values at the inA and inB input of the block are added and the result is
written to the O1 output of the block.
In “Sum_2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence, the values at
the inA and the inB are added and the result is written to the inA input at each detected rising edge on
the Trig input of the block.

102 RTU / Programming Manual

Subtraction examples:

In “Subt_1” example, the value at the inA of the block is subtracted from the inB input of the block and
the result is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “Sub_2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence, the value at the
inA of the block is subtracted from the inB input of the block and the result is written to the inA input at
each detected rising edge on the Trig input of the block.

103 RTU / Programming Manual

Multiplication examples;

In “Multiplication1” example, the value at the inA input of the block is multiplied by the inB input of the
block and the result is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “Multiplication2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence, the
value at the inA of the block is multiplied by the inB input of the block and the result is written to the
inA input at each detected rising edge on the Trig input of the block.

104 RTU / Programming Manual

Division examples;

In “Division1” example, the value at the inA input of the block is divided by the inB input of the block
and the result is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “Division2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence, the value at
the inA of the block is divided by the inB input of the block and the result is written to the inA input at
each detected rising edge on the Trig input of the block.

105 RTU / Programming Manual

AND and OR examples:

Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inA: (10) 10=(01010)2
Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inB: (24)10= (11000)2
The result of bitwise AND operation between inA and inB is: (8) 10=(01000)2
The result of bitwise OR operation between inA and inB is: (26) 10=(11010)2

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Exclusive OR(XOR) and Mod examples;

Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inA: (13)10=(01101)2

Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inB: (20) 10= (10100)2
The result of bitwise XOR operation between inA and inB is: (25) 10=(11001)2
In Mod example, the value at the inA is divided by the value at inB and the remainder of the operation
is written to the O1 output of the block.

107 RTU / Programming Manual

Shift Left and Shift Right examples:

Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inA: (8) 10=(01000)2
The value at the inB input specifies the number of bits which inA is going to be shifted by.
After the shifting operation, result is written to the O1 output of the block.
Shift Left: When 8 is shifted left by 1: (16)10=(10000)2 is obtained.
Shift Right: When 8 is shifted right by 1: (4)10=(00100)2 is obtained.

108 RTU / Programming Manual

Check Bit examples;

Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inA: (21) 10=(10101)2
The value at the inB input specifies the index of the bit which is going to be checked. After the
checking process, checked bit is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “Check Bit 1” example, the value of the checked bit is (10101)2 :1.
In “Check Bit 2” example, the value of the checked bit is (10101)2 :0.

109 RTU / Programming Manual

Absolute value examples:

Distance of the value at the inA to the origin is written to the O1 output.
In “AbsoluteValue1” example, distance of 5 to the origin is 5.
In “AbsoluteValue2” example, distance of -5’ to the origin is 5.

110 RTU / Programming Manual

Low Limit examples:

Low limit value is connected to the inA input of the block using a WORD register.
In “Low Limit 1” example, low limit is not activated. Since the value at the inB input is greater than the
low limit, the value at the inB is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “Low Limit 2” example, low limit is activated. Since the value at the inB input is smaller than the low
limit, the value at the inA is written to the O1 output of the block.

111 RTU / Programming Manual

High limit examples:

High limit value is connected to the inA input of the block using a WORD register.
In “High Limit 1” example, high limit is not activated. Since the value at the inB input is smaller than the
low limit, the value at the inB is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “High Limit 2” example, high limit is activated. Since the value at the inB input is greater than the low
limit, the value at the inA is written to the O1 output of the block.

112 RTU / Programming Manual

Merge A-B example:

An 8bit merge block is connected to inA input of the block and an other 8bit merge block is connected
to inB input of the block. The value at the inB block is shifted left by 8bits and added to the value at the
inA input of the block. That way, a merge 16 bit merge block is designed with 0-8 bits are connected to
inA input and 9-15 bits are connected to inB input.

113 RTU / Programming Manual

Set example;

The value to be set is connected to the inA input of the block.

Number of the target block is connected to the inB input of the block.
The value at the inA input, 55, is set to the block with number 4010.

114 RTU / Programming Manual


5.5.1 Connections

inA: Analog data input

inB : Analog data input Q1:Output of the Block

Trg: Trigger input

5.5.2 Connection Explanations

inA: Analog data input
Analog value to be processed.
inB : Analog data input
Analog value to be processed.
Trg: Trigger input
If the “On When Trig is Active” is selected in Block Settings menu, block is activated at each rising
edge detected at the Trg input of the block.
Q1: Block of the Output
32-bit floating point output of the block.

115 RTU / Programming Manual

5.5.3 Block Settings

Analog Math Type:

Mathematical operation is specifed here


Analog input to be processed.

On When Trig is Active:

If selected, block is activated at each


edge detected at the Trg input of the


Write On Input:

If this option is selected, the value at

the inA

input of the block and the value at the


input of the block is processed. Result

of the

operation is written on the inA input of


block. An Analog register should be

connected to the inA input of the block.


operation is performed at each PLC

cycle by

default. If “On When Trig is Active”

option is

116 RTU / Programming Manual

selected, this operation is performed at

rising edge detected on the Trig input

of the


5.5.4 Block Explanation

It is used for IEE754 floating point number mathematical operations. With Analog Math
Block, “addition”, “subtraction”, “multiplication”, “division”, “absolute value”, “square root”,
“sin”, “cos”, “tan”, “asin”, “acos”, “atan1”, “atan2”, “get”, “lower limit”, “upper limit”, “set”
and “Word to Signed” operations can be performed.
On When Trig is Active: If this option is selected, with every rising edge on the Trig input
of the block, specified mathematical operation is performed.
Write on Input: If this option is selected, the value at the inA input of the block and the
value at the inB input of the block is processed. Result of the operation is written on the
inA input of the block. An Analog register should be connected to the inA input of the
block. This operation is performed at each PLC cycle by default. If “On When Trig is Active”
option is selected, this operation is performed at each rising edge detected on
the Trig input of the block.

117 RTU / Programming Manual

Math Used Inputs Explanation
The values at the inA and the inB input are added and the result is
ADDITION (+) inA, inB written to the O1 output of the block. If “Write on Input” is
selected, the result is written to the inA input.
The values at the inA and the inB input are subtracted and the
SUBTRACTION (-) inA, inB result is written to the O1 output of the block. If “Write on Input” is
selected, the result is written to the inA input.
The value at the inA input of the block is multiplied by the inB input of the
inA, inB block and the result is written to the O1 output of the block.. If “Write on
Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input.
The value at the inA input of the block is divided by the inB input of the
DIVISION(/) inA, inB block and the result is written to the O1 output of the block. If “Write on
Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input.
The absolute value of the value at the inA is written to the O1
ABSOLUTE VALUE inA output of the block.
(Ex: inA=-15 then; O1=15 )
Takes the square root of the value at the inA input and the result is
written to the O1 output of the block. ( Ex: inA=81 then; O1=9 )
SIN inA Trigonometric sine function. Sin(inA)
COS inA Trigonometric cosine function. Cos(inA)
TAN inA Trigonometric tangent function. Tan(inA)
ASIN inA Trigonometric arcsine function.. Asin(inA)
ACOS inA Trigonometric arccosine function. Acos(inA)
ATAN1 inA Trigonometric arctangent function. Atan(inA)
ATAN2 inA, inB Trigonometric arctanjant(inB/ inA) function. Atan2(inA, inB)
It is used for reading a WORD register’s or a block’s value present
in the logic project. The block to be read is specified with inB input
GET inA, inB
of the block. It is also used for some special commands. These
commands can be seen in diagram below.
Specifies the minimum value that O1 output can take. Desired
minimum value is written to the inA input. If inB has a greater
LOW LIMIT inA, inB value than inA input, the value at the inB is written to the O1
output. Otherwise, the value at the inA is written to the O1
output.(Ex: inA = 10, inB = 8 then; O1 = 10)
Specifies the maximum value that O1 output can take. Desired
HIGH LIMIT inA, inB maximum value is written to the inA input. If inB has a smaller
value than inA input, the value at the inB is written to the O1

118 RTU / Programming Manual

output. Otherwise, the value at the inA is written to the O1
output.(Ex: inA = 10, inB = 12 then; O1 = 10)
It is used for write to a WORD register or to a block present in the
logic project. The block to be written is specified with inB input of
SET inA, inB
the block.(Ex: inA = 10, inB = 3001 then; 10 is written to the block
which has block number 3001.)
A WORD register containing 16-bit unsigned number is connected to inA
input of the block and converted to the 16-bit signed number and written
WORD TO SIGNED inA to the O1 output of the block. (Ex: inA=65535 then; O1=-1, inA=65534
then; O1=-2 )

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5.5.5 GET Operation Special Commands
When performing GET operation, if some special values are entered to the inB input of the block
then some special operations are performed by the block. Diagram below shows the commands
and the related operations to the commands
inB Değeri Fonksiyon Açıklaması
10000 Reads the temperature value from the integrated temperature sensor
SHT21. Aavilable only for devices that have the integrated
temperature sensor.
10001 Reads the humidity value from the integrated temperature sensor
SHT21. Aavilable only for devices that have the integrated humidity
20000 Reads the RMC geographic latitude data from GPS.
20001 Reads the RMC geographic longitude data from GPS.
20002 Reads the geographic speed data from GPS.(km/h)
20003 Reads the GLL geographic latitude data from GPS.
20004 Reads the GLL geographic longitude data from GPS.
20005 Reads the HEH degree data from GPS.
30001 Real time clock, VBAT – Battery voltage in Volts

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5.5.6 Examples
Addition examples:

In “Addition1” example, the values at the inA and inB input of the block are added and the result
is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “Addition2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence, the
values at the inA and the inB are added and the result is written to the inA input at each detected
rising edge on the Trig input of the block.

121 RTU / Programming Manual

Subtraction examples:

In “Subtraction1” example, the value at the inA of the block is subtracted from the inB input of the
block and the result is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “Subtraction2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence, the
value at the inA of the block is subtracted from the inB input of the block and the result is written
to the inA input at each detected rising edge on the Trig input of the block.

122 RTU / Programming Manual

Multiplication examples:

In “Multiplication1” example, the value at the inA input of the block is multiplied by the inB input of
the block and the result is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “Multiplication2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence,
the value at the inA of the block is multiplied by the inB input of the block and the result is written
to the inA input at each detected rising edge on the Trig input of the block.

123 RTU / Programming Manual

Division examples:

In “Division1” example, the value at the inA input of the block is divided by the inB input of the
block and the result is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “Division2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence, the
value at the inA of the block is divided by the inB input of the block and the result is written to the
inA input at each detected rising edge on the Trig input of the block.

Absolute value examples:

124 RTU / Programming Manual

Distance of the value at the inA to the origin is written to the O1 output.
In “AbsoluteValue1” example, distance of 25.6 to the origin is 25.6.
In “AbsoluteValue2” example, distance of -32.6 to the origin is 32.6.

125 RTU / Programming Manual

Low limit examples:

Low limit value is connected to the inA input of the block using a WORD register.
In “Low Limit 1” example, low limit is not activated. Since the value at the inB input is greater than
the low limit, the value at the inB is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “Low Limit 2” example, low limit is activated. Since the value at the inB input is smaller than the
low limit, the value at the inA is written to the O1 output of the block.

126 RTU / Programming Manual

High limit examples:

High limit value is connected to the inA input of the block using a WORD register.
In “High Limit 1” example, high limit is not activated. Since the value at the inB input is smaller
than the low limit, the value at the inB is written to the O1 output of the block.
In “High Limit 2” example, high limit is activated. Since the value at the inB input is greater than
the low limit, the value at the inA is written to the O1 output of the block.

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Set example:

The value to be set is connected to the inA input of the block.

Number of the target block is connected to the inB input of the block.
The value at the inA input, -123.5, is set to the block with number 6020.

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5.6.1 Connections

InA: Long data input

InB : Long data input Out: Output of the Block

Trg: Trigger input

5.6.2 Connection Explanations

InA: Long data input
Long value to be processed.
InB : Long data input
Long value to be processed.
Trg: Trigger input
If the “On When Trig is Active” is selected in Block Settings menu, block is activated at each rising
edge detected at the Trg input of the block.
Out: Output of the Block
32-bit signed output of the block.

129 RTU / Programming Manual

5.6.3 Block Settings

Math Type:

Mathematical operation is specifed here


Second long input to be processed can

be entered in Block Settings menu.

On When Trig is Active:

If selected, block is activated at each


edge detected at the Trg input of the


Write On Input:

If this option is selected, the value at

the inA

input of the block and the value at the


input of the block is processed. Result

of the

operation is written on the inA input of


block. A long register should be

connected to the inA input of the block.


operation is performed at each PLC

cycle by

default. If “On When Trig is Active”

130 RTU / Programming Manual

option is

selected, this operation is performed at


rising edge detected on the Trig input

of the


5.6.4 Block Explanation

It is used for mathematical operations which result in 32-bit signed integers. With Long
Math Block “addition”, “subtraction”, “multiplication”, “division”, “logic AND”, “logic OR”,
“logic XOR”, “shift left”, “shift right”, “checkBit”, “LeftShiftCheckFirst”,
“RightShiftCheckFirst”, “LeftShiftCheckLast”, “RightShiftCheckLast”, “absolute value”,
“bit compare”, “mod”, “bit replace”, “get”, “low limit”, “high limit”, “merge A-B”, “WORD to
signed” and “set” operations can be performed.
On When Trig is Active: If this option is selected, with every rising edge on the Trig input of
the block, specified mathematical operation is performed.
Write on Input: If this option is selected, the value at the inA input of the block and the
value at the inB input of the block is processed. Result of the operation is written on the
inA input of the block. An Analog register should be connected to the inA input of the
block. This operation is performed at each PLC cycle by default. If “On When Trig is
Active” option is selected, this operation is performed at each rising edge detected on
the Trig input of the block.
İşlem Girişler Açıklama
The values at the inA and the inB input are added and the result is
ADDITION (+) InA, InB written to the OUT output of the block. If “Write on Input” is
selected, the result is written to the inA input.
The values at the inA and the inB input are subtracted and the
SUBTRACTION (-) InA, InB result is written to the OUT output of the block. If “Write on Input” is
selected, the result is written to the inA input.
The value at the inA input of the block is multiplied by the inB input of the
InA, InB block and the result is written to the OUT output of the block. If “Write on
Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input.
The value at the inA input of the block is divided by the inB input of the
block and the result is written to the OUT output of the block. If “Write on

131 RTU / Programming Manual

Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input.
The values at the inA and the inB input are bitwise ANDed and the
result is written to the OUT output of the block. If “Write on Input” is
selected, the result is written to the inA input. ( Ex: InA=0110, InB=1011
then Out=0010)
The values at the inA and the inB input are bitwise ORed and the
result is written to the OUT output of the block. If “Write on Input” is
selected, the result is written to the inA input. ( Ex: InA=0110, InB=0101
then; Out=0111)
The values at the inA and the inB input are bitwise XORed and the
result is written to the OUT output of the block. If “Write on Input” is
selected, the result is written to the inA input. ( Ex: InA=0101, InB=1001
then; Out=1100)
The bits of the value at the inA input are shifted left by the value at
the inB and the result is written to the OUT output of the block. . If
“Write on Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input.
(Ex: inA =1110b, inB=1 then; OUT=1100b)
The bits of the value at the inA input are shifted right by the value
at the inB and the result is written to the OUT output of the block. .
If “Write on Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA input.
(Ex: inA=1110b, inB=1 then; OUT=0111b)
The n’th bit of the value at the inA is checked and written to the OUT
CHECK BIT InA, InB output of the block where n is specified by the inB input of the
block. inB must be between 0-15. (Ex: inA=1110, inB=2 then; OUT=1)
0th bit of the value at the inA is checked and written to the OUT
output of the block. The bits of the value at the inA is shifted left
InA, InB by the value at the inB input of the block and written to the output
OUT of the block. If “Write on Input” is selected, the result is written to
the inA input.
0th bit of the value at the inA is checked and written to the OUT
output of the block. The bits of the value at the inA is shifted right
InA, InB by the value at the inB input of the block and written to the output
OUT of the block. If “Write on Input” is selected, the result is written to
the inA input.
15th bit of the value at the inA is checked and written to the OUT
InA, InB output of the block. The bits of the value at the inA is shifted left
by the value at the inB input of the block and written to the outputOUT of

132 RTU / Programming Manual

the block. If “Write on Input” is selected, the result is written to the inA
15th bit of the value at the inA is checked and written to the OUT
output of the block. The bits of the value at the inA is shifted right
InA, InB by the value at the inB input of the block and written to the output
OUT of the block. If “Write on Input” is selected, the result is written to
the inA input.
The absolute value of the value at the inA is written to the OUT
output of the block. (Ex: InA=-5 then; Out=5 or InA=22 then; Out=22 )
The bits of the values at the inA and the inB inputs of the block are
compared starting from the left and the first different bits position
is written to the OUT output of the block. If all the bits are the same, 0 is
written to the OUT output. One more of the value of the
different bit’s index is written to the OUT. (Ex: If 0th bit is different, 1 is
written to the OUT.)
Modular arithmetic operation. Mod(inB) of the value at the inA is
written to the OUT output of the block.The value at the inA is
divided by the value at the inB and the remainder is written to the
OUT output.(Ex: inA = 253, inB = 10 then OUT = 4 )
It is used for replacing a bit of the value of the inA with 0 or 1. The
value at the inB specifies the target bit
It is used for reading a WORD register’s or a block’s value present
in the logic project. The block to be read is specified with inB input
of the block. It is also used for some special commands. These
commands can be seen in diagram below.
Specifies the minimum value that OUT output can take. Desired
minimum value is written to the inA input. If inB has a greater
LOW LIMIT InA, InB value than inA input, the value at the inB is written to the OUT
output. Otherwise, the value at the inA is written to the OUT
output.(Ex: inA = 10, inB = 8 then; OUT = 10)
Specifies the maximum value that OUT output can take. Desired
maximum value is written to the inA input. If inB has a smaller
HIGH LIMIT InA, InB value than inA input, the value at the inB is written to the OUT
output. Otherwise, the value at the inA is written to the OUT
output.(Ex: inA = 10, inB = 12 then; OUT = 10)
The value at the inB is shifted left by 8bits and added to the value
at the inA.

133 RTU / Programming Manual

It is used for write to a WORD register or to a block present in the
logic project. The block to be written is specified with inB input of
the block.(Ex: inA = 10, inB = 3001 then; 10 is written to the block
which has block number 3001.)
A WORD register containing 16-bit unsigned number is connected to inA
input of the block and converted to the 16-bit signed number and written
to the OUT output of the block. (Ex: inA=65535 then; OUT=-1, inA=65534
then; OUT=-2 )

134 RTU / Programming Manual

5.6.5 GET Operation Special Commands
When performing GET operation, if some special values are entered to the inB input of the block
then some special operations are performed by the block. Diagram below shows the commands
and the related operations to the commands.
inB Value Function Explanation

5.6.6 Examples
Addition examples:

135 RTU / Programming Manual

In “Addition1” example, the values at the inA and inB input of the block are added and the result
is written to the OUT output of the block.
In “Addition2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence, the
values at the inA and the inB are added and the result is written to the inA input at each detected
rising edge on the Trig input of the block.

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Subtraction examples:

In “Subtraction1” example, the value at the inA of the block is subtracted from the inB input of the
block and the result is written to the OUT output of the block.
In “Subtraction2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence, the
value at the inA of the block is subtracted from the inB input of the block and the result is written
to the inA input at each detected rising edge on the Trig input of the block.

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Multiplication examples:

In “Multiplication1” example, the value at the inA input of the block is multiplied by the inB input of
the block and the result is written to the OUT output of the block.
In “Multiplication2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence,
the value at the inA of the block is multiplied by the inB input of the block and the result is written
to the inA input at each detected rising edge on the Trig input of the block.

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Division examples:

In “Division1” example, the value at the inA input of the block is divided by the inB input of the
block and the result is written to the OUT output of the block.
In “Division2” example, “On When Trig is Active” and “Write on Input” is selected. Hence, the
value at the inA of the block is divided by the inB input of the block and the result is written to the
inA input at each detected rising edge on the Trig input of the block.

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AND and OR examples:

Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inA: ; (21)10=(10101)2

Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inB: (11) 10= (01011)2
The result of bitwise AND operation between inA and inB is: (1) 10=(00001)2
The result of bitwise OR operation between inA and inB is: (31) 10=(11111)2

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Exclusive OR(XOR) and MOD example:

Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inA: (27) 10=(11011)2
Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inB: (20) 10= (01011)2
The result of bitwise XOR operation between inA and inB is: (16) 10=(10000)2
In Mod example, the value at the inA is divided by the value at inB and the remainder of the
operation is written to the OUT output of the block.

141 RTU / Programming Manual

Shift Left and Shift Right examples:

InA’daki değerin bitlerine ayrılmış hali; (4)10=(00100)2’dir.

InB’deki değer kaç bit kaydırma yapılacağını gösterir.
Out çıkışına InA’daki değerin bitleri kaydırıldıktan sonraki long değeri yazılır.
Sola Kaydır; 4 değeri 2 bit sola kaydırıldığında; (16)10=(10000)2 değeri elde edilir.
Sağa Kaydır; 4 değeri 2 bit sağa kaydırıldığında; (1)10=(00001)2 değeri elde edilir.

Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inA: ; (4) 10=(00100)2
The value at the inB input specifies the number of bits which inA is going to be shifted by.
After the shifting operation, result is written to the OUT output of the block.
Shift Left: When 8 is shifted left by 1: (16)10=(10000)2 is obtained.
Shift Right: When 8 is shifted right by 1: (1)10=(00001)2 is obtained.

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Check Bit examples:

Corresponding binary value of the decimal value at the inA: (21)10=(10101)2

The value at the inB input specifies the index of the bit which is going to be checked. After the
checking process, checked bit is written to the OUT output of the block.
In “Check Bit 1” example, the value of the checked bit is (10101)2 =1
In “Check Bit 2” example, the value of the checked bit is (10101)2=0

Absolute Value examples:

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Distance of the value at the inA to the origin is written to the OUT output.
In “AbsoluteValue1” example, distance of 445 to the origin is 445.
In “AbsoluteValue2” example, distance of -412 to the origin is 412.

144 RTU / Programming Manual

Low Limit examples:

Low limit value is connected to the inA input of the block using a long register.
In “Low Limit 1” example, low limit is not activated. Since the value at the inB input is greater than
the low limit, the value at the inB is written to the OUT output of the block.
In “Low Limit 2” example, low limit is activated. Since the value at the inB input is smaller than the
low limit, the value at the inA is written to the OUT output of the block.

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High Limit examples:

High limit value is connected to the inA input of the block using a WORD register.
In “High Limit 1” example, high limit is not activated. Since the value at the inB input is smaller
than the low limit, the value at the inB is written to the OUT output of the block.
In “High Limit 2” example, high limit is activated. Since the value at the inB input is greater than
the low limit, the value at the inA is written to the OUT output of the block.

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Merge A-B example:

The value at the inB block is shifted left by 8bits and added to the value at the inA input of the
block.The result is written to the Out output of the block. Two 16-bit word register’s bits are
concetanated with Long Math block.

Set example:

The value to be set is connected to the inA input of the block.

Number of the target block is connected to the inB input of the block.
The value at the inA input, 545, is set to the block with number 6003.

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6.1.1 Connections

Trg: Trigger input

Res: Reset input Q1: Block output

Dir: Direction input

6.1.2 Connection Explanation

Trg: Trigger input
It is the trigger input.
Res: Reset input
The counter’s reset input.
Dir: Direction input
Counter direction binary input.
Q1: Block output
Counter value output.
6.1.3 Custom Settings:

If selected; Counter increases in the
positive (+) direction. If it is desired to
select from outside the block, Logic high(1)
should be applied to "Dir" input.

If selected; Counter increases in the
negative (-) direction. If you want to select
from outside the block, logic low(0) should
be applied to "Dir" input.

If selected; the counter keeps the last
value when the power of the device is
interrupted or reset.

6.1.4 Block Application

It is used to increment the counting process from any value in positive (+) direction one by one, or to
reduce a value in negative (-) direction one by one.
If the counter direction is to be determined from outside the block;
"Dir" input of the counter is logic high(1) => the counter has positive (+) direction
"Dir" input of the counter is logic low(0) => the counter has positive (-) direction
The counter Increases/decreases value by 1 on the rising edge of the logic high(1) signal applied to
“Trg” input.
The reference point from which the counting process starts can be specified by overwriting the block
It can count 32 bits signed integers.

149 RTU / Programming Manual

6.1.5 Sample Application

In the example, on the rising edge of each logic high(1) signal coming from DI0; If the DI2 input is logic
high(1), it performs counting upwards, else if the DI2 input is logic low(0), it performs counting

Logic high(1) from DI1 input is used for resetting the counter.

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6.2.1 Connections

Up: Up input

Dow: Down input Q1: Block output

Res: Reset input

6.2.2 Connection Explanation

Up: Up input
The counter value increases by 1, when “Up” input triggered.
Dow: Down input
The counter value decreases by 1, when “Dow” input triggered.
Res: Reset input
It is counter’s reset input.
Q1: Block output
It is counter’s value output.

6.2.3 Custom Settings :

Retentive (Persistence):

If selected; the counter keeps the last value

when the power of the device is interrupted or

151 RTU / Programming Manual

6.2.4 Block Explanation

It is used when positive (+) direction and negative (-) direction counting is done from two different
inputs on the block.
The counter value increases by 1 when the rising edge applied at the "Up" input.
When the rising edge applied the "Dow" input, the counter value 1 is decremented.
The reference point from which counting starts can be specified by writing on the block register.
Up to 32-bit counting can be performed.

6.2.5 Sample Application

In the example;

At the rising edge of each logic high(1) signal DI1, the counter value is incremented by 1.

At the rising edge of each logic high(1) signal DI2, the counter value is decremented by 1.

DI3 input logic high(1) is used to reset the counter.

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6.3.1 Connections

Act: Activation input

Run: Block output

Res: Reset input

6.3.2 Connection Explanation

Act: Activation input
Block enable input.
Res: Reset
Run-time counter’s reset input.
Run: Block output
Runtime value.

153 RTU / Programming Manual

6.3.3 Custom Settings:

Time Scale:
“Seconds, minutes, hours" can be selected
from the time scales.

6.3.4 Block Explanation

Run Time block is used to save the runtime.

When the "Act" input is logic(1), it counts the time in selected time scale (seconds, minutes, hours and
writes to the output.

On every logic(1) signal applied on the "Act" input, it continues to count from the last value.

The counter value is reset when the rising edge is applied on the block "Res" input.

154 RTU / Programming Manual

6.3.5 Sample Application:

In the example, RQ0 is started from DI0 input and stopped from DI1 input.
With the RTB block, the duration when the RQ0 is logic high(1) will be monitored.
DI2 input will reset the run time.

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7.1.1 Connections

No: Phone Number input

Out: Block output

Msg: Message input Fla: Flag output

7.1.2 Connection Explanations

No: Phone Number input
It is for SMS filtering by sender phone number. Only SMS messages send by this phone number is
accepted. If it is empty or not connected, there will be no SMS filtering by sender phone number.
Msg: Reference Message text input
Reference message input for comparison
Out: Block output
The received SMS message is processed according to the parse method. Result of SMS Text parsing
is written block output.
Fla: Flag output
If a new SMS text message is received, the Fla output generates a single cycle pulse output.

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7.1.3 Custom Settings:

Parse Method:
There are two methods; “String
Compare” and “Ascii to Integer”.

Text Offset:
In the string table, determines the
offset which the received SMS will be
saved into.
NOTE: Text offset should be selected
from unused string offset. Because,
received text message will be written
into it.

7.1.4 Block Explanations

SMS receiver block is used in applications requiring SMS control. String reference blocks are
connected to the No and Msg inputs.

“Text Offset” combobox, determines the offset which the received SMS will be saved into. This index
value should be an appropriate value in the string table, care must be taken for not to affect the
indices used by other blocks.

The incoming SMS text is written to the index determined from the options. Thus, this value can be
used as desired with text reference.

Phone No to be accepted: You need to enter the telephone number into the "String Table" which will
be used to accept SMS messages including the country code(i.e +44752…). If an SMS from any
number will be accepted, this input is left blank or the phone number is entered as “0”.

If the “String Compare” option is selected in the “Parse Method” combobox in the SMS Receiver block
settings, the text of the received SMS is compared with the text in the “Msg” input. If the text compared
with the received SMS is same, the block output becomes high(1) and continuously remains in high(1)

157 RTU / Programming Manual

If the "Ascii To Integer" option is selected in the "Parse Method" combobox, content of the received
SMS is converted into integer and written to the block output.

When each SMS is received, the Fla output generates a rising edge trigger.

The SMS Receiver block is available on non-PPP firmwares if only the device has GSM feature and
SMS feature is turned on.

158 RTU / Programming Manual

7.1.5 Example

SMS receiver blocks are used to turn the system on and off. The system works according to the
information from the number indicated in the SMS receiver block. When the "open_role" SMS is
received from the number specified in the string table, the pulse relay output and the RQ0 will become
logical high(1) and the system will start to operate. When we consider the system off blocks group;
"close_role" is connected to the string reference, and when "close_role" SMS is received from the
number specified in the string table, the pulse relay RQ0 will become logical low(0) and the system will
stop. "Out" and "Fla" outputs are connected to AND gate, and each time the SMS arrives, the
operations are performed in the same way.

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7.2.1 Connections

IN: Value input

Trg: Block trigger input

No: Number input

Msg: Message input

7.2.2 Connection Explanations

IN: Value input
Block input used in sending SMS Text
Trg: Block trigger input
Rising edge at this input sends the SMS.
No: Number input
Destination phone number of sending SMS
Msg: Message input
Text message body used in sending SMS Text

7.2.3 Custom Settings:

There are no custom settings.

7.2.4 Block Explanations

This block is used to send SMS Texts from the device to any mobile phone. When a rising edge signal
is applied to Trg input of the block, SMS text is build from the “Msg Input” - SMS text body and then it
will be sent to mobile number defined in “Number Input”

No and Msg inputs must be connected to string type blocks. When the rising edge of the logical
high(1) signal is input to the trg input, the SMS is sent.

The string references are connected to the input “No” and the number to which the SMS will be sent is
selected from string table.

160 RTU / Programming Manual

The phone number must contain country code like "+901234567898".

If you need to send SMS to the last number which SMS is received from, the symbol "<" defined in the
string table should be entered in the string reference connected to the No input.

In the Msg input, the SMS content to be sent is entered. This content also needs to be connected
through a string reference block.

If you want to send a block value connected to the block’s “IN” input as SMS, “%s” should be written
into the SMS content to be sent in the string table. For example; "Room temperature is %s". ( “% s” is
replaced with the block value in the IN input is replaced.)

In order to be able to send more than one block values by SMS, '$' is added to the beginning of the
block addresses and added to the string table. For example, if the description in the string table is
"Measured values are line1: $3000, line2: $3004" is sent, values of the blocks 3000 and 3004 are

Usage Example Text Result

$<Block Numner> Temp: $5000 , Hum: $5001 Temp: 23.45, Hum: 88.02
$TIME Value: $3000 at $TIME Value: 2341 at 18.06.2018 09:55
$SRNO Value $3008 from $SRNO Value 324 from 1000213

Note: A maximum of 63 characters can be entered into the text field in the String Table.

Note: The SMS functions are only available on PPP disable firmware.

161 RTU / Programming Manual

7.2.5 Example:

In the example; The SMS trigger is provided on rising edge trigger from DI0 input.

The string table contains the number and SMS content to be sent.

The SMS content is "temperature =%s,_flow=$5001". Here, the RTD temperature value of the SMS
send block’s IN input is sent with the command "%s" and AI0 (line 5001) is sent with "$ 5001"
command as SMS with the rising edge trigger coming to the block value trg input.

162 RTU / Programming Manual


7.3.1 Connections

DTM: DTMF code output

No: Incoming call number

Cal: Call accepted output

7.3.2 Connection Explanations

No: Incoming call number input
It is for filtering by caller phone number. Only incoming calls from this phone number is accepted. If it
is empty or not connected, there will be no incoming call filtering.
DTM: DTMF code output
DTMF code output.
Cal: Call accepted output
If an incoming call is accepted and haven’t yet hang up, this output goes to Logic (1)

163 RTU / Programming Manual

7.3.3 Custom Settings

Telephone number to be accepted:

The phone number to be accepted can be
entered inside the block.

Auto Suspend Call:

This option can be clicked if the incoming
call is requested to be busy.

7.3.4 Block Explanations

Thanks to the DTMF blocks, Remote control projects via Phone DTMF codes can be easily done. If
incoming call is generated from the specified number or there is no phone number filter, then, call is
accepted by the device and the DTMF codes entered from the remote phone is reflected on the block

Phone number should include country code like "+901234567898".

Call output generates a logical high(1) signal at its output as long as a call continues.

After the call is accepted, the "*" key is pressed first in the telephone in order to operate with the
DTMF code. Enter the desired DTMF code and press the "#" key. Here, the value entered between *
and # is transferred to the DTM output as a “word integer” output. As an example, when "* 1234 #" is
entered, the value of "1234" is read out from DTM output. This value can be used as a word value as

The same operation is repeated to transfer the DTMF code again. That is, DTMF code input is started
with "*" key. The DTMF code entered with the "#" key is transmitted to the output.

Note: The DTMF Incoming Call block is available on non-PPP firmware.

164 RTU / Programming Manual

7.3.5 Example

In the example; The telephone number whose call will be accepted is entered with the text reference.
If "equal" is selected in the comparators, if the inB value of the comparison type is equal to the inA
value, then the outputs are logic high(1).
When the DTMF code * 10 # is sent after the call is accepted, the pulse relay is set and RQ0 will be
logic high(1). When the DTMF code * 20 # is sent, the pulse relay output will be reset and RQ0 will be
logic (0). In this way, any equipment with DTMF codes can be subjected to remote control operations
such as turn off/on etc.

165 RTU / Programming Manual


7.4.1 Connections

No: Dialing Number

Ori: Start to dialing

7.4.2 Connection Explanations

No: Dialing Number
Phone number to dial
Ori: Start to Dial
The block input that must be changed to logical high(1) to start a call.

166 RTU / Programming Manual

7.4.3 Custom Settings

Telephone number to be called:

The phone number to be called can be
entered in the block.

Auto Suspend Call:

This option can be clicked if the incoming
call is requested to be busy.

7.4.4 Block Explanation

Applying the logical high (1) signal to the input of the DTMF Originate Call block makes a call to the
defined number.

The DTMF code cannot be sent even if the incoming call is answered by the user. In the case of a
scenario in which a program is defined, a call is made with the rising edge trigger coming to the Ori

Enter the phone number to originate the call to input No with string reference blocks . You can also
enter the number in the block options by leaving this input blank.

When a high-level signal arrives at the Ori input, the block will be activated and the specified number
will be called.

SMS number will be sent to Turkey in the text table "+90" adding "+901234567898" should be entered.

Note: The DTMF Originate Call block is available on devices with the GSM feature and the device is
available on the SIM card when the call feature is turned on.

167 RTU / Programming Manual

7.4.5 Example

The telephone number to call is determined by text reference. The number specified by the rising edge
trigger signal coming to the input "Ori" will be dialed.

168 RTU / Programming Manual


7.5.1 Connections

O:Block output

7.5.2 Connection Explanations

O: Block output
It is a block output with a signal quality value between -1 and 31.

7.5.3 Custom Settings

There are no custom settings

7.5.4 Block Explanations

This is a block that can be used to monitor GSM signal quality. It gives a value between -1 and 31.
Values -1 and 0 indicate that there is no GSM connection, and values 1 and 31 indicate the signal
quality of the device.

If block value is 1, the signal level is at the lowest level and 31 is at the highest level.

This feature is only available on non-PPP firmwares for devices with GSM capability.

169 RTU / Programming Manual



8.1.1 Connections

Trg: Block trigger input

En: Block activation input

8.1.2 Connection Explanation

Trg: Block trigger input
Every rising edge triggers all the block data with the "Add to log-record memory" selected in log-
En: Block activation input
When there is logic(1) signal in its input, the block is active.

170 RTU / Programming Manual

8.1.3 Custom Settings

Log Record Frequency(Minutes):

How often the data can be logged is set in
minutes from within the block.

8.1.4 Block Explanation

In control devices to do LOG record operation is used. LOG record operation on the devices which
support the SD card is made on SD card, if there is no SD card in the device it is done on the flash
With every high edge signal which is comes to Trg input, the LOG record is kept. Which block datas
will write to the LOG memory in logger operation is determined with the choosing “Add to log-record
memory". Block data and real time information are written together.
When is applied the high signal to the “En” input, The block will active.
“Add to log-record memory” choice must be choosen in block choices which is wanted recording for
log record.

171 RTU / Programming Manual

8.1.5 Example

In the sample; A logging process is performed periodically using a symmetric pulse generator for 5
minutes. The values of all blocks with the add to log record option checked are added to the log record
memory every 5 minutes.

172 RTU / Programming Manual



9.1.1 Connections

I1: Data input

O1: Word output

Lat: Latch Signal

9.1.2 Connection Explanations

I1: (Data Input)

Data input which is latched into register.
Lat: (Latch Signal)
Data is latched into the register memory within control of Lat signal.
O1: Word output
Q1 is Block output. It reflects the internal 16 bit Word Register value.

173 RTU / Programming Manual

9.1.3 Custom Settings
Register Initial Value: The initial value
which will be written in the register
memory at startup.

Edge Type:
Latching of I1 value into Register Memory
is controlled by Lat Signal. The edge
selection type determines how the Lat
signal will control the Latching process.
Edge Type Options: High, Low, Raise, Fall,

If it is selected, register value is non-
volatile even if the device power is off.
Last value of the register is reloaded
automatically after power on.
Load Initial Value:
Active only Persistence is selected.
This is a selection between initial value
coming from user project or last saved
value coming from non-volatile momory as
a initial value after new project is
downloaded into device.

9.1.4 Block Explanation

Word Register Block is used as a 16 bit unsigned integer type value holder. It is used as variable in
PLC projects.
Using the Lat Signal, the block can be used like a D-Type Latch.
Latching of I1 value into Register Memory is controlled by Lat Signal. The edge selection type
determines how the Lat signal will control the Latching process.

Possible “Edge type “ options and usage are given at following table:

High Only if the Lat Signal is Logic(1), Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory

174 RTU / Programming Manual

Low Only if the Lat Signal is Logic(0), Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory

Note: if Lat signal is not connected, it means to Low – Logic(0)

Raise Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Raising edge of the Lat
Fall Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Falling edge of the Lat Signal
Both Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Raising or Falling edge of the
Lat Signal

I1 Data Input signal type may be different from register block type. For example, Analog signal can be
applied to Word register block. In that case, Automatic variable casting occurs. Therefore, user must
be pay attention to variable types.

Sample transformation table is given the below from different variable types for entiring value to the
word register

It is the variable type in input Sample Input Value It is value which is will be
loaded to the word register
Binary 0 0
Binary 1 1
Analog 12.34 12
Analog 98.9 98
Long 65000 65000
Long 80000 (0x00013880) 14464 (0x3880)

175 RTU / Programming Manual

9.1.5 Sample Application

In samples

1- Word register which is 4000 block round, counter value which is in the I1 input to “Lat” input
with the logic(1) signal which is comes from DI1 is taken to in the 4000 round block. (Edge
type is selected as “High”)

2-The value is written as offline and online to in the 4001 block number word register.

176 RTU / Programming Manual


9.2.1 Connections

I1: Data input

O1: Analog output

Lat: Latch Signal

9.2.2 Connection Explanation

I1: (Data Input)
Data input which is latched into register.
Lat: (Latch Signal)
Data is latched into the register memory within control of Lat signal..
O1: Analog output
Q1 is Block output. It reflects the internal 32 bit Floating Point Analog Register value.

177 RTU / Programming Manual

9.2.3 Custom Settings

Register Initial Value: The initial value

which will be written in the register
memory at startup.

Edge Type:
Latching of I1 value into Register Memory
is controlled by Lat Signal. The edge
selection type determines how the Lat
signal will control the Latching process.
Edge Type Options: High, Low, Raise, Fall,

If it is selected, register value is non-
volatile even if the device power is off.
Last value of the register is reloaded
automatically after power on.
Load Initial Value:
Active only Persistence is selected.
This is a selection between initial value
coming from user project or last saved
value coming from non-volatile momory as
a initial value after new project is
downloaded into device.

9.2.4 Block Explanations

Analog Register Block is used as a 32 bit Floating Point type value holder. It is used as variable in
PLC projects.
Using the Lat Signal, the block can be used like a D-Type Latch.
Latching of I1 value into Register Memory is controlled by Lat Signal. The edge selection type
determines how the Lat signal will control the Latching process.

Possible “Edge type “ options and usage are given at following table:

High Only if the Lat Signal is Logic(1), Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory

178 RTU / Programming Manual

Low Only if the Lat Signal is Logic(0), Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory

Note: if Lat signal is not connected, it means to Low – Logic(0)

Raise Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Raising edge of the Lat
Fall Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Falling edge of the Lat Signal
Both Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Raising or Falling edge of the
Lat Signal

I1 Data Input signal type may be different from register block type. For example, Word signal can be
applied to Analog register block. In that case, Automatic variable casting occurs. Therefore, user must
be pay attention to variable types.

Sample transformation table is given the below from different variable types for entiring value to the
word register

It is the variable type in input Sample Input Value It is value which is will be loaded
to the analog register
Binary 0 0.0
Binary 1 1.0
Word 12 12.0
Word 98 98.0
Long 65000 65000.0
Long 80000 80000.0

179 RTU / Programming Manual

9.2.5 Sample Application

In the sample;
“-5.6 “ value was written as offline or online in to the analog register which is 5000 block number by the
user. The output of block which is 6000 due to connected the 6002 block number “–5.6” value was
written in to the analog register which is 6002 block number. (“Lat” input is given the blank because of
“Edge Type is selected as “low”)

180 RTU / Programming Manual


9.3.1 Connections

I1: Data input

Out: Long output

Lat: Latch Signal

9.3.2 Connection Explanations

I1: (Data Input)
Data input which is latched into register.
Lat: (Latch Signal)
Data is latched into the register memory within control of Lat signal.
Out: Long output
Q1 is Block output. It reflects the internal 32 bit signed Long Register value.

181 RTU / Programming Manual

9.3.3 Custom Settings

Register Initial Value: The initial value

which will be written in the register
memory at startup.

Edge Type:
Latching of I1 value into Register Memory
is controlled by Lat Signal. The edge
selection type determines how the Lat
signal will control the Latching process.
Edge Type Options: High, Low, Raise, Fall,

If it is selected, register value is non-
volatile even if the device power is off.
Last value of the register is reloaded
automatically after power on.

Load Initial Value:

Active only Persistence is selected.
This is a selection between initial value
coming from user project or last saved
value coming from non-volatile momory as
a initial value after new project is
downloaded into device.

9.3.4 Block Explanation

Word Register Block is used as a 32 bit signed integer type value holder. It is used as variable in PLC
Using the Lat Signal, the block can be used like a D-Type Latch.
Latching of I1 value into Register Memory is controlled by Lat Signal. The edge selection type
determines how the Lat signal will control the Latching process.

Possible “Edge type “ options and usage are given at following table:

182 RTU / Programming Manual

High Only if the Lat Signal is Logic(1), Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory
Low Only if the Lat Signal is Logic(0), Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory

Note: if Lat signal is not connected, it means to Low – Logic(0)

Raise Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Raising edge of the Lat
Fall Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Falling edge of the Lat Signal
Both Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Raising or Falling edge of the
Lat Signal

I1 Data Input signal type may be different from register block type. For example, Analog signal can be
applied to Long register block. In that case, Automatic variable casting occurs. Therefore, user must
be pay attention to variable types.

Sample transformation table is given the below from different variable types for entiring value to the
Long register.

It is the variable type in input Sample Input Value It is value which is will be loaded
to the long register
Binary 0 0
Binary 1 1
Analog 12.34 12
Analog 98.9 98
Word 65000 65000

183 RTU / Programming Manual

9.3.5 Sample Application

In the sample:
Due to the the name of long register is selected as “edge type”, every high edge trigger to Lat input,
Analog register is recorded to the long register.

184 RTU / Programming Manual


9.4.1 Connections

I1: Data input

O1: Binary output

Lat: Latch Signal

9.4.2 Bağlantı Açıklamaları

I1: (Data Input)
Data input which is latched into register.
Lat: (Latch Signal)
Data is latched into the register memory within control of Lat signal.
O1:Binary output
Q1 is Block output. It reflects the internal 1 bit Boolean Register value

185 RTU / Programming Manual

9.4.3 Custom Settings
Register Initial Value: The initial value
which will be written in the register
memory at startup.

Edge Type:
Latching of I1 value into Register Memory
is controlled by Lat Signal. The edge
selection type determines how the Lat
signal will control the Latching process.
Edge Type Options: High, Low, Raise, Fall,

If it is selected, register value is non-
volatile even if the device power is off.
Last value of the register is reloaded
automatically after power on.
Load Initial Value:
Active only Persistence is selected.
This is a selection between initial value
coming from user project or last saved
value coming from non-volatile momory as
a initial value after new project is
downloaded into device.

9.4.4 Block Explanation

Binary Register Block is used as a 1 bit Boolean type value holder. It is used as variable in PLC
Using the Lat Signal, the block can be used like a D-Type Latch.
Latching of I1 value into Register Memory is controlled by Lat Signal. The edge selection type
determines how the Lat signal will control the Latching process.

Possible “Edge type “ options and usage are given at following table:

High Only if the Lat Signal is Logic(1), Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory

186 RTU / Programming Manual

Low Only if the Lat Signal is Logic(0), Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory

Note: if Lat signal is not connected, it means to Low – Logic(0)

Raise Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Raising edge of the Lat
Fall Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Falling edge of the Lat Signal
Both Value at I1 input is saved into Register Memory when Raising or Falling edge of the
Lat Signal

I1 Data Input signal type may be different from register block type. For example, Analog signal can be
applied to Binary register block. In that case, Automatic variable casting occurs. Therefore, user must
be pay attention to variable types.

Sample transformation table is given the below from different variable types for entiring value to the
word register

It is the variable type in input Sample Input Value It is value which is will be loaded
to the binary register
Word 0 0
Word 234 1
Analog 0.0 0
Analog 98.9 1
Long 0 0
Long 80000 1

187 RTU / Programming Manual

9.4.5 Sample Application

In the sample;

Because of the name of binary register as “fall” is selected, every low edge trigger comes to Ena input,
word register which ıts value is 10 was written to binary register as 1.

188 RTU / Programming Manual


9.5.1 Connections

In: Block input O1: Block output

9.5.2 Connecrtion Explanation

In: Block input
It is block input.
O1: Block output
It is block output.

9.5.3 Custom Settings

There are no custom settings.

9.5.4 Block Explanation

The value in input signal is transmitted to the block output with one PLC cycle delay.

Flag register may be used to prevent logic operations from infinite logic loops when feedback is

Binary Flags operate with 1 bit binary values. Sample Application

In the sample:

189 RTU / Programming Manual

DI0 triggers the "Set" input of the "Pulse Relay" block and sets DQ0 to the logic (1) position,
at the same time the pull delay is also triggered.

After delaying 3 second the draw, the binary flag has become logical (1), resetting the "Pulse
Relay", DQ0 has taken to logical (0) position.

The binary flag is used to prevent "feedback error".

190 RTU / Programming Manual


9.6.1 Connections

In: Block input

O1: Block output

9.6.2 Connection Explanations

In: Block input
It is the block input.
O1: Block output
It is block output.

9.6.3 Custom Settings

There are no custom settings.

9.6.4 Block Explanation

The value in input signal is transmitted to the block output with one PLC cycle delay.

Flag register may be used to prevent logic operations from infinite logic loops when feedback is

Word Flags operate with 16 bit unsigned values.

191 RTU / Programming Manual


9.7.1 Connections

In: Block input O1: Block output

9.7.2 Connection Explanations

In: Block input
It is block input.
O1: Block output
It is block output.

9.7.3 Custom Settings

There are no custom settings.

9.7.4 Block Explanations

The value in input signal is transmitted to the block output with one PLC cycle delay.

Flag register may be used to prevent logic operations from infinite logic loops when feedback is

Analog Flags operate with 32 bit floating point values.

192 RTU / Programming Manual


9.8.1 Connections

I1: Block input O1: Block output

9.8.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Block input
It is block input
O1: Block output
It is block output

9.8.3 Custom Settings

There are no custom settings

9.8.4 Block Explanation

The value in input signal is transmitted to the block output with one PLC cycle delay.

Flag register may be used to prevent logic operations from infinite logic loops when feedback is

Word Flags operate with 32 bit signed integer values..

193 RTU / Programming Manual



10.1.1 Connections

Out: Block output

Tx: Number of requests sent

Ser: Serial port
block input Err: Number of errors in submitted

Sta: Is the last executed request


10.1.2 Connection explantations

Ser: Serial port block input
It is the block input which will be connected to the communication port.
Out: Blok output
Block’s output connection
Tx: Number of requests sent
It is the output connection where the number of requests sent is read
Err: Number of errors in submitted requests
It is the output connection where the error count of sent requests is read
Sta: Connection state output
State of the last executed request

194 RTU / Programming Manual

10.1.3 Custom Settings

Request Timeout: Determines the reply’s

timeout duration

10.1.4 Block Explanation

MODBUS RTU Master block activates the MODBUS RTU Master protocol on physical interface
connected over communication port input. Standart MODBUS RTU Master operates on RS485 or
RS232 serial port. Since only one MODBUS RTU Master is possible on an RS485 bus, only one RTU
Master can be opened on each serial channel. An RTU Master block can be added per port to a
device which have more than one RS485 ports.
After the protocol is actived with MODBUS RTU Master block; as a final step you need to connect
“request send blocks” to Master block. Generally, requests are grouped as reading and writing in the
MODBUS protocol. When MODBUS request blocks which are used for reading and writing are
triggered, the request is added to the queue on Master Block. If the RS485 line is idle, the requests in
the queue on Master Block are sent one by one and response is waited. If a response is received
before “timeout” duration, the reply is processed, if no reponse is received the request is canceled and
error counter is increased by one. Here “timeout” duration is defined in master block’s settings section.
MODBUS messages are instantenous reading/writing requests and they do not contain any time tag
information. Therefore request queue on master block has smart mechanisms that provides only
keeping the latest request on queue regarding to a point.

195 RTU / Programming Manual

10.1.5 Sample Application

On the serial port MODBUS RTU Master protocol is actived. The device as an RTU Master sends
reading and writing requests to slave devices.

196 RTU / Programming Manual


10.2.1 Connections

Out: Block output

Tx: Number of requests sent

Err: Number of errors in

TCP: Block input submitted requests

Sta: Is the last executed request


10.2.2 Connection Explanation

TCP: Block input
The block input connection to which the communication port is connected.
Out: Block output
The block output connection.
Tx: Tx value output
It is the output connection which indicates the number of requests sent
Err: Error value output
It is the output connection which indicates the error count of the sent requests
Sta: Connection status output
Indicates if the last executed request is succesful or not.

197 RTU / Programming Manual

10.2.3 Custom Settings

Request Timeout: This is the value which

determines the response time.

10.2.4 Block Explanation

The MODBUS TCP Master block activates the MODBUS TCP Master protocol on physical interface
connected over communication port input.
After the protocol is actived with MODBUS TCP Master block; as a final step you need to connect
“request send blocks” to Master block. Generally, requests are grouped as reading and writing in the
MODBUS protocol. When MODBUS request blocks which are used for reading and writing are
triggered, the request is added to the queue on Master Block. If the RS485 line is idle, the requests in
the queue on Master Block are sent one by one and response is waited. If a response is received
before “timeout” duration, the reply is processed, if no reponse is received the request is canceled and
error counter is increased by one. Here “timeout” duration is defined in master block’s settings section.
MODBUS messages are instantenous reading/writing requests and they do not contain any time tag
information. Therefore, request queue on master block has smart mechanisms that provides only
keeping the latest request on queue regarding to a point.

198 RTU / Programming Manual

10.2.5 Sample Application

MODBUS TCP Master protocol is actived on TCP socket. The device as an TCP Master sends
reading and writing requests to slave devices.

199 RTU / Programming Manual


10.3.1 Connections

Out: Block output

TCP: Block Input
Rx: Rx value output

Err: Error value output

Sta: Connection status

10.3.2 Connection Explanation

TCP: Block input
The block input connection to which communication port is connected
Used to identify the Modbus ID address externally
Out: Block output
The output connection of the block
Rx : Rx value output
It is the output connection which indicates the number of requests sent.
Err: Error value output
It is the output connection which indicates the error count of the requests sent.
Sta: Connection status output
Indicates the success state of the last executed request.

200 RTU / Programming Manual

10.3.3 Custom Settings

Modbus RTU Slave: The ID of the slave

device to be connected.

10.3.4 Block Explanation

The MODBUS TCP Slave block activates the MODBUS TCP Slave protocol on physical interface
connected over communication port input.
The device activated as a MODBUS TCP Slave responds to requests with its own MODBUS Id from
the defined communication port.
All blocks in the logic project and the Modbus addresses defined in the variable address table will now
be accessible with these channel and protocol settings
Block Name Register Adress Function Code
Binary - Binary Blocks 1000 (0x01) Read Coils
(0x02) Read Discrete Inputs
(0x05) Write Single Coil
(0x0F) Write Multiple Coils
Word Blocks 4000 (0x03) Read Holding Registers
(0x04) Read Input Registers
(0x06) Write Single Register
(0x10) Write Multiple registers
Analog Blocks 6000 (0x03) Read Holding Registers
(0x04) Read Input Registers
(0x06) Write Single Register
(0x10) Write Multiple registers
Long Blocks 8000 (0x03) Read Holding Registers
(0x04) Read Input Registers

201 RTU / Programming Manual

(0x06) Write Single Register
(0x10) Write Multiple registers

10.3.5 Sample Application

202 RTU / Programming Manual


10.4.1 Connections

Out: Block output

Ser: Block input

Err: Error value output

Sta: Connection status

10.4.2 Connection Explanation

Ser: Block input
The block input to which the communication port is connected.
Used to identify the Modbus ID address externally
Out: Block output
Output connection of the block.
Tx: Tx value output
It is the output connection which indicates the number of requests sent.
Err: Error value output
It is the output connection which indicates the error count of the submitted requests
Sta: Connection status output
Indicates the success state of the last executed request.

10.4.3 Custom Settings

Modbus Slave Adress: The ID of the slave
device to be connected.

203 RTU / Programming Manual

10.4.4 Block Explanation

The MODBUS RTU Slave block activates the MODBUS RTU Slave protocol on physical interface
connected over communication port input.
The device activated as a MODBUS RTU Slave responds to requests with its own MODBUS Id from
the defined communication port.
All blocks in the logic project and the Modbus addresses defined in the variable address table will now
be accessible with these channel and protocol settings
Blok Name Modbus slave adress Function Name
Two – Binary Blocks 1000 (0x01) Read Coils
(0x02) Read Discrete Inputs
(0x05) Write Single Coil
(0x0F) Write Multiple Coils
Word Blocks 4000 (0x03) Read Holding Registers
(0x04) Read Input Registers
(0x06) Write Single Register
(0x10) Write Multiple registers
Analog Blocks 6000 (0x03) Read Holding Registers
(0x04) Read Input Registers
(0x06) Write Single Register
(0x10) Write Multiple registers
Long Blocks 8000 (0x03) Read Holding Registers
(0x04) Read Input Registers
(0x06) Write Single Register

204 RTU / Programming Manual

(0x10) Write Multiple registers

10.4.5 Sample Application


10.5.1 Connections

Mas: Modbus Master reference input

Sla: Modbus Slave reference input

10.5.2 Connection Explanation

Mas: Master Input
Modbus Master block reference input
Sla: Slave Input
Modbus Slave block reference input

205 RTU / Programming Manual

10.5.3 Custom Settings
There is no custom settings.

10.5.4 Block Explanations

Basically, MODBUS Gateway devices are used to create a gateway for master units in the MODBUS
TCP network to access slave units in the MODBUS RTU network. Request packets coming from
MODBUS TCP network are converted into MODBUS RTU packets and sent to RTU network. It also
receives the response from the RTU network and sends it to the MODBUS TCP network. On the
MODBUS TCP side, the number of requests and replies in the TRANSACTION must be the same.
This is again the responsibility of the GATEWAY device.
Mikrodev Control Devices can be programmed as a GATEWAY between supported protocols.
MODBUS GATEWAY block is one of the blocks used for this purpose.
MODBUS GATEWAY block operates in both directions as below.
1-MODBUS TCP Master device to MODBUS RTU Slave device
2-MODBUS RTU Master device to MODBUS TCP Slave device.
Connecting Master and Slave blocks is enough to operate as GATEWAY. If a request for a different ID
is received from the slave block, the corresponding request will be read via the master block.

10.5.5 Sample Application

206 RTU / Programming Manual


10.6.1 Connections

Mas: Master input

Val: Block output

Trg: Trigger input

10.6.2 Connection Explanation

Mas: Master input
It is master input connection.
Trg: Trigger input
Trigger input connection.
Val: Block output
It is block output.

207 RTU / Programming Manual

10.6.3 Custom Settings

Modbus RTU Id: Determines the id, the

data to be retrieved

Register Adress: Register addresses to

be read from slave Ids

Register Count: The number of

registers to be read after the entered
register address

Function Code: The function code

which will be selected to read the data

Byte Order: Determines in which byte

order the data will be read

10.6.4 Blok Explanation

It is used to read a single 16-bit length MODBUS register adress. Reading request is created on Trg
signal’s high edge, is added to request queue in MASTER block.

208 RTU / Programming Manual

10.6.5 Sample Application

The MODBUS TCP Master protocol is used to read data from a MODBUS slave device. The
MODBUS master protocol is activated on the device by connecting TCP socket block to the Modbus
The reference connection from the MODBUS master block is connected to the reader blocks, and so
the MODBUS master channel is selected to direct the reading requests. With every rising edge trigger
signal coming to the Trg input of the MODBUS reader, the read request is added to the request queue
of the master block. In cases where the master block communication channel is available and is not in
a waiting state for the previous request, the requests in the queue will run sequentially.

209 RTU / Programming Manual


10.7.1 Connections

Mas: Master input

Val: Block output

Trg: Trigger input

10.7.2 Connection Explantation

Mas: Master input
Master input connection.
Trg: Trigger input
Trigger input connection.
Val: Block output
Block output connection.

210 RTU / Programming Manual

10.7.3 Custom Settings

Modbus RTU Id: The value from which

the data is to be retrieved

Register Adress: Register addresses to

be read from slave Ids

Register Count: The number of

registers to be read after the entered
register address

Function Code: The function code which

will be selected to read the data

Byte Order: The byte order of the data

10.7.4 Block Explanation

It is used for reading from 2 MODBUS registers which is storing 32 bits long IEEE 754 float number.
Reading request is created at high edge on Trg input and is added to Master block’s request queue. In
cases where the Master block communication channel is available and in the case of no response
waiting for the previous request, the requests in the request queue will run in order.

211 RTU / Programming Manual


10.8.1 Connections

Mas: Master input

Val: Block output

Trg: Trigger input

10.8.2 Connection Explanation

Mas: Master input
Master input connection.
Trg: Trigger input
The trigger input connection.
Val: Block output
Block output connection.

212 RTU / Programming Manual

10.8.3 Custom Settings

Modbus RTU Id: The id of the device

from which the data is to be retrieved

Register Adress: Register address to be

read from slave Ids

Register Count: The number of

registers to be read after the entered
register address

Function Code: Function code which will

be selected to read the data.

Byte Order: The byte order of the data

10.8.4 Block Explanation

The long of 32 byte which keep two numbers from long type fort to read the register adress.
Reading request is created on Trg signal’s high edge and added to Master block’s request queue. In
cases where the master block communication channel is available and is not in a waiting state for the
previous request, the requests in the queue will run sequentially.

213 RTU / Programming Manual


10.9.1 Connections

Mas: Master input

Trg: Trigger input

In: Block input

10.9.2 Connection Explanation

Mas: Master input
Master input connection.
Trg: Trigger input
The trigger input connection.
In: Block input
Block input connection.

214 RTU / Programming Manual

10.9.3 Custom Settings

Modbus RTU Id: The id of the device

from which the data is to be retrieved.

Register Adress: Register address to be

read from slave Ids .

Register Count: The number of registers

to be read after the entered register

Function Code: Function code which will

be selected to write the data.

Byte Order: The byte order in which the

data is written is determined

10.9.4 Block Explanation

It is used for writing on a single 16 bits long MODBUS register adress. Writing request is created on
Trg signal’s high edge and added to Master block’s request queue

215 RTU / Programming Manual

10.9.5 Sample Application

The MODBUS TCP Master protocol is used to read data from a MODBUS slave device. MODBUS
master protocol is activated on the device by connecting the TCP socket block to Modbus Master
The reference connection from the MODBUS master block is connected to the reader blocks, and so
the MODBUS master channel is selected to direct the reading requests. With every rising edge trigger
signal coming into the “Trg” input of the MODBUS writer, the value in “In” input is added to the request
queue of the master block as a read request. In cases where the master block’s communication
channel is available and is not in a waiting state for the previous request, the requests in the queue
will run sequentially.

216 RTU / Programming Manual


10.10.1 Connections

Mst: Master input

Trg: Trigger input

In: Block input

10.10.2 Connection Explanation

Mas: Master input
Master input connection
Trg: Trigger input
The trigger input connection
In: Block input
Block input connection

10.10.3 Custom Settings

Modbus RTU Id: The id of the device

from which the data is to be retrieved

Register Adress: Register address to be

read from slave Ids.

217 RTU / Programming Manual

Register Count: The number of
registers to be read after the entered
register address

Function Code: Function code which will

be selected to write the data.

Byte Order: The byte order of the data

10.10.4 Block Explanation

It is used for writing into 2 MODBUS registers which is storing 32 bits long IEEE 754 float number. The
writing request is created on the rising edge of the Trg input, and is added to the MASTER block’s
request queue.

218 RTU / Programming Manual


10.11.1 Connections

Mas: Master input

Ttk: Trigger input

Asd: Asdu address

10.11.2 Connection Explanation

Mas: Master input
Master is the entrance.
Trg: Trigger input
The trigger is the input connection.
Asd: Asdu address
Asdu address entry for connection.

219 RTU / Programming Manual

10.11.3 Custom Settings

Modbus RTU Id: The value from which

the data is to be retrieved

Register Adress: Register addresses to

be read from slave Ids

Register Count: The number of

registers to be read after the entered
register address

Function Code: The function code which

will be selected to read the data

Byte Order: The byte order of the data

10.11.4 Block Explanation

It is used to write into 2 MODBUS registers that hold a 32 bits length long number. The writing request
is created on the rising edge of the Trg signal, and is added to the MASTER block’s request queue.

220 RTU / Programming Manual


10.12.1 Connections

Mas: Master input

Tab: Table input

Trg: Trigger input

10.12.2 Connection Explanations

Mas: Master input
Master input connection
Tab: Table input
It is the reference input connection for the table or target/source block’s start
Trg: Trigger input
The trigger input connection

221 RTU / Programming Manual

10.12.3 Custom Settings

Modbus RTU Id: The value from which

the data is to be retrieved

Register Adress: Register addresses to

be read from slave Ids

Register Counter: The number of

registers to be read after the entered
register address

Function Code: The function code

which will be selected to read the data

Byte Order: The byte order of the data

10.12.4 Block Explanation

It is used for reading/writing one or more registers starting from a specific register address.
The "register address" specifies from which register to start reading/writing.
"Number of registers" specifies the number of registers to read/write after the register specified by the
register address. The maximum number of registers can be 120.
For multi-line reading, the source of the data to be read is determined by the Tab input on the block.
The data source can be 1- Table, 2- Normal Block Reference.
If the table is used as a data source; the memory area occupied by the table block is used as the
source. The table size must be 2 times the number of registers defined by the block as BYTE,
because each MODBUS writer is 2 bytes in size.

222 RTU / Programming Manual

If block is used as a data source; consecutive blocks starting from the reference block are used as
data source. The number of associated blocks varies depending on the number of registers in the
read-write request. The user is supposed to consider the blocks to be affected.

223 RTU / Programming Manual


11.1 IEC101 SLAVE

11.1.1 Connections

Ser: Communication input Blo: Block number output

Tri: Block trigger input Dur: Status Information


Asd: Asdu address input

11.1.2 Connection Explanations

Ser: Communication input
Communication input.
Tri: Block trigger input
Block trigger input.
Asd: Asdu address input
The input that defines the asdu address.
Blo: Block number output
The output of the block number
Dur: Status information output
The status information output
11.1.3 Custom Setting
Connection address:
Link state address.

Asdu Address:
ASDU state address.

Transmission type:
Balanced or Unbalanced protocol is

Link address size:

Select the number of the bytes of link

Asdu Address size:

How many bytes of the asdu address
will be selected.

COT size:
The number of bytes of the Cause of
Transmission field is selected.
IOA Byte:
The number of bytes of Information
Object Addresses is selected.

11.1.4 Block Information

By adding IEC101 block, The IEC 60870-5-101 slave is activated on the RTU.
TCP or Serialport block is added to IEC101block “ser” input.
To serve more than one server, IEC101 block must be added for each server.
.If The IEC101 Asdu address is set from outside not from the inside the block, The Asd enter is used
On the rising edge of the trigger, the periodically sending objects between IEC101 objects are actively
transmitted to the server by the periodic COT. Trigger input can be left blank.

11.2 DNP3 Slave

11.2.1 Connection

225 RTU / Programming Manual

Ser: TCP Socket Input Q1: Not used

Trg: Trigger Input Q2: Not used

Asd: Asdu Address Input

11.2.2 Connection Explanations

Ser: TCP Socket Input
The TCP server socket block from which the DNP3 protocol will run is connected to this input.

Trg: Trigger Input

Trigger input for periodic sending. It works as a rising edge.

Asd: Asdu Address Input

The ASDU address is used as input.

11.2.3 Custom Settings

Local Address: Define DNP3 slave


11.2.4 Block Information

226 RTU / Programming Manual

By adding the DNP3 slave block, DNP3 is activated on the RTU.

TCP or Seriport block is added to DNP3 block ser input.

To serve more than one server, a DNP3 block must be added for each server.

Asp input is used if the DNP3 Asdu address is to be set from outside, not from within the block.
On the rising edge of the trigger, DNP3 objects are periodically sent active selected objects,

It is transmitted to the server via periodical COT. Trigger input can be left blank.

11.2.5 Sample Application

With the addition of DNP3 Slave Block to the RTU logic project, the DNP3 protocol becomes active in
the RTU.

Variables in the RTU logic project, DNP3 association is provided in the variable address

227 RTU / Programming Manual

11.3 IEC104 Slave

11.3.1 Connections
Ser: TCP Socket Input Q1: L,nk information

Trg: Trigger Input Q2: SCADA write Output

Asd: Asdu Address Input

11.3.2 Connection Explanations

Ser: TCP Socket Input

. The TCP server socket block from which the IEC104 protocol will work is connected from
this input

Trg: Trigger Input

Trigger input for periodic sending. It works as a rising edge.

Asd: Asdu Address Input

The ASDU address is used as input.

Q1: Link Status

If the IEC104 connection between SCADA and RTU is installed, this output value is 1, otherwise 0.

Q2: SCADA write status

If SCADA requests select and execute, a pulse is generated at this output

228 RTU / Programming Manual

11.3.3 Custom Settings

AsduAddress: IEC104 slave station ASDU

address is defined.

T0: TCP IEC104 slave station ASDU address is


T1: Test APDU timeout period.

T2: timeout period for Ack.

T3: Test frame sending time.

K: The maximum allowable difference

between the sequence number in the
received packet and the number in the send
status variable.

W: kaking as long as w in I format

than will be sent ACK

11.3.4 Block Information

By adding IEC104 slave block , IEC 104 will be activated on the RTU.
TCP or Serialport block is added to IEC104 block ser input.
EC 104 blocks must be added for each server to serve multiple servers.
Asd input is used if IEC104 Asdu address is set from outside but not inside block.
On the rising edge of the trigger, periodic transmission between IEC104 objects is activated and the
selected objects are transmitted to the server periodically. Trigger input can be left blank.

11.3.5 Sample Application

229 RTU / Programming Manual

In RTU logic projects , with the addition of IEC 104 Slave Block, the IEC 104 protocol is activated in
the RTU. Variables in the RTU logic project, IEC104 association is provided in the variable address

230 RTU / Programming Manual

11.4 Variable Mapping with Protocol

11.4.1 Variable Address Table

The relevant protocol is activated in the RTU logic project by adding the protocol block. Variables in
the RTU logic Project, association between protocol.is provided in te variable address table

11.4.2 Defining Line Labels

Line label can be defined for all blocks defined on the Mikrodiagram. In the variable table, the line
label must be defined in order to be able to associate with the protocol addresses.

231 RTU / Programming Manual

11.4.3 Attaching a Line Label
Associating protocol tags with line labels, variable address is provided from the menu by pressing
"Add" button in the address table.

A special name is given that defines this defined

Start Address:
The address allocated for this variable on
SCADA is written here. It is written as a decimal

Line Label:
The block to be associated on the Mikrodiagram
is selected with the line label.

Point Count:
Calculated automatically. It makes sense on

Protocol Type:
Modbus, Dnp3, IEC101, IEC104 are selected.
Object type will change according to protocol

Object Type:
IEC104 object type information selected. look the
protocol type information for detailed information.

Object Class:
The class information to which the variable
belongs is selected.

Send On Trigger:
IEC104 Slave block is the selection to send to
this SCADA as a periodic send when the test is
detected from the trigger input.

232 RTU / Programming Manual

Send Method:
If the value of the defined variable is changed,
the operation to be performed is selected.
None: Value exchange does not trigger posting
Level: When the quantity defined in "Change
Value" is changed, the transmission is triggered.
Percentage: The transmission is triggered when
there is a change in the percentage defined in
"Change Value".

Change Value:
With the "Send method", it adjusts the
percentage change in the level.

233 RTU / Programming Manual



12.1.1 Connections

Out: Serial connection output

12.1.2 Connection Explanations

Out: Serial Connection Output
Output of the block which is connected to the protocol blocks.

12.1.3 Block Settigns

Serial Port No: Port number is entered


Port Type: Communication type is

selected here.

Baudrate: Baud rate is entered here.

Other: Different Baudrates entered here.

Databits: Data bits number.

Parity: Parity is entered here.

234 RTU / Programming Manual

Stopbit: Stopbit is entered here.

12.1.4 Block Explanation

Any protocol supported by Mikrodev PLC can be configured to communicate over serial port. For this
purpose, Serial Port block must be connected to related protocol block in PLC project. Serial Port
Block can be used with following protocols of Mikrodev PLC/RTU:
- Modbus RTU Master
- Modbus RTU Slave
- Modbus TCP Master
- Modbus TCP Slave
- DNP3
- IEC101
- Modbus Gateway mode
- Transparent Serial Gateway mode

Serial Port Block Settings:

Serial Port No
Serial port no is used to select which serial port of PLC will be used. To learn the correct port number
for this selection, which is related to the PLC hardware, refer to the Hardware Manual of the
corresponding PLC model.
MP110 series has 1 serial port. So, Serial Port no must be 0
MP211 series has 2 serial port. Serial Port No 0 is used for RS485 port, Serial Port No 1 is used for
Port Type
Port Type selection is only active for PLC hardware series that are capable of RS232/RS485
configurable serial port. If PLC doesn’t have RS232/RS485 configurable serial port, selection of Port
Type is ignored.

12.1.5 Example

235 RTU / Programming Manual

RTU Master block and serial port block is connected to use the device in
Master mode in serial

236 RTU / Programming Manual


12.2.1 Connections

Ip: IP is entered here.

O1: Output of the block

Por: Port is entered here.

Con: State of the

En: Enable pin.

12.2.2 Connection Explanations

Ip: IP input
Server IP or Filter IP is entered here.
Por: Port input
Server or Client port is entered here.
En: Enable input
To activate client socket, this input should be high(1).
O1: Output of the block
Block output which is connected to the protocol blocks which perform TCP communication.
Con: Connection
Indicates are there any established socket connection proived by the Block. If there is active socket , it
is high(1) and if there is no, it is low(0).

237 RTU / Programming Manual

12.2.3 Block Settings

Socket Type:
One of the TCP Client or TCP Server
options can be selected in Block Settings.

Server Port:
Client port input.

Server IP:
Client IP input.

Listening Port:
Server port input.

IP Filter:
IP filter input of the server.

Media Type:
Ethernet, GSM or WİFİ is chosen here.

12.2.4 Block Explanation

TCP Socket Block is used to provide the communications with Ethernet,
GSM or Wi-Fi, with
supported protocols.
“O1” output of the block can be connected to the TCP Communication
Protocol Blocks such as
Modbus TCP Slave, Modbus TCP Master, DNP3 Slave, IEC101 Slave
and IEC104 Slave.

238 RTU / Programming Manual

“Con” output of the block is “1” when there exists a communication
connection and “0” when there is no connection.
TCP Socket Block can be used as “Client” or ”Server”. If it is going to be
used as “Client”, “Server Port” and “Server IP” must be entered. If it is
going to be used as “Server”, “Listening Port” should be entered.

12.2.5 Example

TCP Socket Block is connected to the TCP Slave Block, TCP Server is
selected in Block Settings menu and server port is specified. “Con”
output is high, therefore the device is being reached by a Modbus TCP
Master Block.



13.1.1 Connections

In: Word input value to add

O1: Block output

Clk: Clock signal input

13.1.2 Connection Explanations

In: Word value input to add

239 RTU / Programming Manual

It is Word input value to add to the table.
Clk: Clock signal input
When “Clk” signal is high, the data in the “In” input is added into the table.
O1: Block output
The output block which carries the table reference.

240 RTU / Programming Manual

13.1.3 Custom Settings

Type of Table:

It can be selected as “CIRCULAR” or “FIFO”.

Table Size:

Table size can be determined with this option.

The unit of the table size is “Byte”.

13.1.4 Block Explanation

Table size and table type can be chosen like below by user. Here, one of the options “Circular or FILO
(First In Last Out)” must be chosen.

In FILO Mode; the data added into the table with smaller index is always added like a new one. While
the new data becomes 0th data, the oldest one becomes the last element. For a table which has 4
word data, adding data in FILO mode works like below.

44 CLK 23 CLK 101 CLK 5 CLK 56

12 44 23 101 5
67 12 44 23 101
25 67 12 44 23
42 25 67 12 44

In applications where the order of addition of the data on the table is important, a FILO type table is

241 RTU / Programming Manual

On large tables, adding data to FILO type table takes more processing time. Therefore, FILO type
table should be used just if necessary.

For a table which has 4 word data, adding data in Circular mode works like below:

44 CLK 23 CLK 101 CLK 5 CLK 56

12 44 44 44 44
67 67 23 23 23
25 25 25 101 101
42 42 42 42 5

Table Size is the total byte size that the datas of the table cover in memory. Since the word datas are
2 bytes long, the size of the table should be 2 times the number of Word datas to be kept in the table.

Retentivity can be activated in the table blocks. After all PLC loops, the data in table blocks which
retentivity is activated, recorded to the retentive memory of PLC. If PLC is somehow restarted then
data in the table is read from the retentive memory and the initial values are filled. Thus, the data in
the table becomes retentive. If it is also desired to record the order of data addition into the table, FILO
must be selected as the table type. In the table which retentivity is activated an optimum table size
must be selected to prevent wasting retentivity memory.

242 RTU / Programming Manual


13.2.1 Connections

In: Analog input value to add

O1: Block output

Clk: Clock signal input

13.2.2 Connection Explanations

In: Analog input value to add
It is the analog input value to is added into the table.
Clk: Clock signal input
In the rising edge of “Clk” signal, the data in the “In” input added to table.
O1: Block output
The block output which is carry the table reference.

243 RTU / Programming Manual

13.2.3 Custom Setting

Table type:

Table type can be determined as “CIRCULAR” or


Table size:

The value of table size can be determined here. Its

unit is “Bytes”.

13.2.4 Block Explanation

Table size and table type can be chosen like below by user. Here, “Circular or FILO (First In Last Out)”
should be chosen.

In FILO Mode; the data with smaller index which is the data is added into the table always added like a
new one. While the new data become 0th data, the oldest one become the last data. For a table which
have 4 analog data, adding data in FILO mode works like below:

44.0 CLK 23.0 CLK 101.0 CLK 5.0 CLK 56.0

12.0 44.0 23.0 101.0 5.0

67.0 12.0 44.0 23.0 101.0
25.0 67.0 12.0 44.0 23.0
42.0 25.0 67.0 12.0 44.0

In applications where the order of addition of the data into the table is important, a FILO type table is

244 RTU / Programming Manual

On large tables, adding data to FILO type table takes more processing time. Therefore, FILO type
table should be used just if necessary.

For a table which have 4 analog data, adding data in Circular mode works like below:

44 CLK 23 CLK 101 CLK 5 CLK 56

12 44 44 44 44
67 67 23 23 23
25 25 25 101 101
42 42 42 42 5

Table Size is the total byte size that the datas of the table cover in memory. Since the analog datas 4
bytes long, the size of the table should be 4 times the number of analog datas to be kept in the table.

Retentivity can be activated in the table blocks. After all PLC loops, the data in table blocks which
retentivity is activated, recorded to the retentive memory of PLC. If PLC is somehow restarted then
data in the table is read from the retentive memory and the initial values are filled. Thus, the data in
the table becomes retentive. If it is also desired to record the order of data addition into the table, FILO
must be selected as the table type. In the table which retentivity is activated an optimum table size
must be selected to prevent wasting retentivity memory.

245 RTU / Programming Manual


13.3.1 Connections

In: Long input value to add

O1: Block output

Clk: Clock signal input

13.3.2 Connection Explanations

In: Long input value to add
It’s the long input value to be added to table.
Clk: Clock signal input
In the rising edge of “Clk” signal, the data in the “In” input is added to table.
O1: Block output
The block output which carries the table reference.

246 RTU / Programming Manual

13.3.3 Custom Setting

Table Type:
Table type can be determined as
“CIRCULAR” or “FILO” in here.

Table size:

The value of table size can be determined

here. Its unit is “Bytes”.

13.3.4 Block Explanation

Table size and table type can be chosen like below by user. Here, one of the options “Circular or FILO
(First In Last Out)” should be chosen.

In FILO Mode; the data with smaller index which is the data is added into the table always add like a
new one. While the new data become 0thh data, the oldest one become the last data. For a table
which have 4 long data, adding data in FILO mode works like below:

44 CLK 23 CLK 101 CLK 5 CLK 56

12 44 23 101 5
67 12 44 23 101
25 67 12 44 23
42 25 67 12 44

In applications where the order of addition of the data on the table is important, a FILO type table is

247 RTU / Programming Manual

On large tables, adding data to FILO type table takes more processing time. Therefore, FILO type
table should used just if necessary.

For a table which have 4 long datas, adding data in Circular mode works like below:

44 CLK 23 CLK 101 CLK 5 CLK 56

12 44 44 44 44
67 67 23 23 23
25 25 25 101 101
42 42 42 42 5

Table Size is the total byte area that the datas of the table cover in memory. Since the long datas 4
bytes long, the size of the table should be 4 times the number of long datas to be kept in the table.

Retentivity can be activated in the table blocks. After all PLC loops, the data in table blocks which
retentivity is activated, recorded to the retentive memory of PLC. If PLC is somehow restarted then
data in the table is read from the retentive memory and the initial values are filled. Thus, the data in
the table becomes retentive. If it is also desired to record the order of data addition into the table, FILO
must be selected as the table type. In the table which retentivity is activated an optimum table size
must be selected to prevent wasting retentivity memory.

248 RTU / Programming Manual


13.4.1 Connections

Tbl: Binary input value to


O1: Block output

InB: Clock signal input

13.4.2 Connection Explanations

In: Binary input value to add
It is Binary input value to be added into table.
InB: Clock signal input
In the rising edge of “InB” signal, the data in the “Tbl” input is added into the table
O1: Block output
The block output which is carry the table reference.

13.4.3 Custom Setting

Table Type:
Table type can be determined as
“CIRCULAR” or “FILO” in here.

Table size:
The value of table size can be determined
here. Its unit is Byte.

249 RTU / Programming Manual

13.4.4 Block Explanation

Table size and table type can be chosen like below by user. Here, one of the options “Circular or FILO
(First In Last Out)” should be chosen.

In FILO Mode; the data with smaller index which is the data is added into the table always add like a
new one. While the new data become 0.data, the oldest one become the last data. For a table which
have 4 bit data, adding data in FILO mode works like below:

1 CLK 0 CLK 1 CLK 1 CLK 0

0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1

In applications where the order of addition of the data on the table is important, a FILO type table is

On large tables, adding data to FILO type table takes more processing time. Therefore, FILO type
table must used just it necessary.

For a table which have 4 bit data, adding data in Circular mode works like below:

1 CLK 0 CLK 1 CLK 1 CLK 0

0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1

Table Size is the total byte area that the datas of the table cover in memory. Since the Bit datas are 1
byte long, the size of the table should be same as the number of Bit datas to be kept in the table.

Retentivity can be activated in the table blocks. After all PLC loops, the data in table blocks which
retentivity is activated, recorded to the retentive memory of PLC. If PLC is somehow restarted then

250 RTU / Programming Manual

data in the table is read from the retentive memory and the initial values are filled. Thus, the data in
the table becomes retentive. If it is also desired to record the order of data addition into the table, FILO
must be selected as the table type. In the table which retentivity is activated an optimum table size
must be selected to prevent wasting retentivity memory.

251 RTU / Programming Manual


13.5.1 Connections

TbI: Table reference connection

InB: Parameter of operation O1: Output of the


Trg: Operation trigger signal

13.5.2 Connection Explanations

TbI: Table reference connection
It’s connected with the output of the table which is processed.
InB: Parameter of operation
It’s the input parameter data used in some operations.
Trg: Operation trigger signal
It’s the operation trigger input signal.
O1: Output of the block
The output for the result of table operation.

252 RTU / Programming Manual

13.5.3 Custom Settings

Table Offset:

It’s used to select the data offset

to be processed in the table data.

Math Type:

The operation type to be

processed on the table data is

On When Trig is Active:

If it is selected, the operation to

be processed on the table data is
executed only on the rising edge
of the "Trg" input.

13.5.4 Block Explanation

It executes the operation which is defined on the table data and writes the result to output of the block.

The types of operations that can be performed on the table and their explanations are as follows:

Latest Data It fetches the data value which is the last value added to table.

Sum It calculates the summary of all data on the table.

Mean It calculates the average of the data on the table.
Max It finds the maximum value on the table data.
Min It finds the minimum value on the table data.
Median The data on the table is ordered small to large, after that the
value which is on the middle of order write to output of the
block. If the number of values that can be written to the table is

253 RTU / Programming Manual

an even number, the arithmetic mean of the two middle values is
written to the block output after small to large sorting.
Direction It calculates increase or decrease on the trends from the data
which is added to table then if it increases then write 1 or if it
decreases then write 0 to output.
Read Offset It returns the value in the index which is defined with table
offset, from the data on the table.
Read Byte Offset Without looking the type of the value on the table, it returns the
value in the offset when it is ordered as straight byte array.
Circular Left Shift It shifts the data in the table left 1 index, and its transfer the
leftmost data to right.
Shifting Left İt shift the data in the table 1 index to left, write 0 to rightmost
Circular Right Shift It shifts the data in the table right 1 index, and its transfer the
rightmost data to left.
Shifting Right İt shift the data in the table 1 index to right, write 0 to leftmost
Put Offset The value in the InB entrance is written onto the data in the
index which is defined by the table offset.

Note: If the median is selected in the table operation, the values in the table indices are
changed since the data in the table is sorted from small to large.

254 RTU / Programming Manual

Sample Applications

In the sample applications, the table type is selected as FILO and the table size is selected as 20
bytes, each word value is 2 bytes so 10 word values can be recorded in the table. Each time the value
in the change detector block and Word table “In” input change, it is written on the table.
In the example,8 random integer is written on the table.

“Tbl” input of word table operation blocks is connected with the output of word table blocks.
When “LatestData and Sum “is selected in the word table operation block:

255 RTU / Programming Manual

When “LatestData “is selected: Since last value added to the table is 29, the value is written on the
output of block.
When “ Sum” is selected: integers written on the table are collected and summery is written in the
output of the block.
When “Mean and Median “are selected in the word table operation block;

256 RTU / Programming Manual

In the mean operation, the values in the table are summed and divided by 10 because the table size is
selected by 10 word values. (155/10=15 decimal part is filtered because it is word table operation
There are 10 word value (even number) on the table in the median operation.
With median operation, the values on the table are ordered as small to large.

The arithmetic mean of the values at the 4th and 5th offset (16 and 18) of the table, which is sorted
from small to large, is taken and written at the output of the block.

257 RTU / Programming Manual

When “Max and Min” are selected in the word table operation block;

The largest integer written on the table is 33 so maximum value is 33; the smallest integer written on
the table is 0 so minimum value is 0.
When “Direction” is selected in the word table operation block;

When the direction operation is selected, the last value added to the table is compared with the
previous value from the last. İf last value is bigger, than 1 is written on the output of block otherwise it
will be 0.

When “PutOffset and ReadOffset” are selected in the word table operation block;

258 RTU / Programming Manual

Put Offset: “Table offset” is selected as “2” from inside of the word table operation block. In this case,
the value in the input of “In” will be written to the 2nd offset of the table.
Read Offset: The table offset to be read in the word table operation block can be selected from inside
and outside of the block. In the example, table offset is selected as “2” from outside of the block.
In this case the value which is written on the 2. offset of the table by Put Offset is read on the 2. offset
of the table by Reading Offset.

When “ReadByteOffset” is selected in the word table operation block;

259 RTU / Programming Manual

In the example, the 6th and 7th bytes of the 20 byte long word table are read. The 6th and 7th bytes
correspond to the 3rd table offset in the table. In this case, the 6th bit indicates the LSB (least
significant bit) bits and the 7th bit indicates the MSB (most significant bit) bits. “20” value at the third
table offset are written in LSB bits that can carry 0-255 values. Since the value at the third table offset
is less than 256, the MSB bits are 0.


13.6.1 Connections

TbI: Table reference


InB: Operation parameter O1: Output of the block

Trg: Operation trigger signal

260 RTU / Programming Manual

13.6.2 Connection Explanation
TbI: Table reference connection
The output of the table to be processed is connected.
InB: Operation parameter
It is the input of the parameter data which is used in some operation.
Trg: Operation trigger signal
Input of the operation trigger signal.
O1: Output of the block
The output of the table operation result.

13.6.3 Custom Setting

Table Offset:
It’s used to select the data
offset to be processed in the
table data.

Math Type:

The operation type to be

processed on the table data is

On When Trig is Active:

If it is selected, the operation to

be processed on the table data
is executed only on the rising
edge of the "Trg" input.

13.6.4 Block Explanation

It executes the operation which is defined on the table data and write the solution to output of the

The types of operations that can be performed on the table and their explanations are as follows:

261 RTU / Programming Manual

Latest Data It fetches the data value which is the last value added to table.

Sum It calculates the summery of all data on the table.

Mean It calculates the average of the data on the table.
Max It finds the maximum value on the table data.
Min It finds the minimum value on the table data.
Median The data on the table is ordered small to large, after that the
value which is on the middle of order write to output of the
block. If the number of values that can be written to the table is
an even number, the arithmetic mean of the two middle values is
written to the block output after small to large sorting.
Direction It calculates increase or decrease on the trends from the data
which is added to table then if it increases then write 1 or if it
decreases then write 0 to output.
Read Offset It returns the value in the index which is defined with table
offset, from the data on the table.
Read Byte Offset Without looking the type of the value on the table, it returns the
value in the offset when it is ordered as straight byte array
Circular Left Shift It shifts the data in the table left 1 index, and its transfer the
leftmost data to right.
Shifting Left İt shift the data in the table 1 index to left, write 0 to rightmost
Circular Right Shift It shifts the data in the table right 1 index, and its transfer the
rightmost data to left.
Shifting Right İt shift the data in the table 1 index to right, write 0 to leftmost
Put Offset The value in the InB entrance is written onto the data in the
index which is defined by the table offset.

Note: If the median is selected in the table operation, the values in the table indices are
changed since the data in the table is sorted from small to large.

262 RTU / Programming Manual

Sample Applications

In the sample applications, the table type is selected as Circular and the table size is selected as 20
bytes, each analog value is 4 bytes so 5 word values can be recorded in the table. Each time the
value in the change detector block and Analog table “In” input change, it is written on the table.
In the example, 3 analog values are randomly written in the table.

When "Sum and Mean" is selected in the analog table operation block;

When “Sum” is selected; The analog numbers written in the table are summed and the total value is
written to the block output.
When “Mean” is selected; the values in the table are summed and divided by 5 because the table size
is selected according to the 5 analog values. (27.33/5=5.466)

263 RTU / Programming Manual

While "Median" is selected in the analog table operation block;

Median operation has 5 analog values on table.

With median operation, values in the table are sorted from small to large.

The value at the middle point of the table (0 value in the 2nd offset) is written to the block output.
While the analog table operation block is selected as "Max and Min";

The maximum value written to the table is 21, the maximum value is 21, and the smallest integer in the
table is -4.12, the minimum value is -4.12.

264 RTU / Programming Manual

While "Direction" is selected in analog table operation block

When the direction operation is selected, the last value added to the table is compared with the
previous value from the last. If the last value is greater, "1" is written to the block output. If the last
value is smaller, "0" is written to the block output.
In the analog table operation block, "PutOffset and ReadOffset" are selected;

265 RTU / Programming Manual

Put Offset: "Table offset” has been selected as 1 in analogue table operation block. In this case the
value in InB will be written to the 1st offset of the table.
Read Offset: The table to be read in the analog table operation block can be selected from inside and
outside the offset block. In the example, the offset is chosen as 1 from out of the block.
In this case, the value written to the 1st offset of the table with Put Offset is read from the 1st offset of
the table with Read Offset.


13.7.1 Connections

TbI: Table reference connection

InB: Operation Parameter O1: Output of the block

Trg: Operation trigger signal

266 RTU / Programming Manual

13.7.2 Connection Explanations
TbI: Table reference connection
The output of the table to be processed is connected.
InB: Operation parameter
The parameter data input used in some operations.
Trg: Operation trigger signal
Operation trigger signal input.
O1: Output of the block
Output of the result of table operation.

13.7.3 Custom Settings

Table Offset:

It is used in the table data to select

the data offset to be processed.

Math Type:
The operation type to be performed
on the table data is selected.

On When Trig is Active:

If it is selected, the operation to be

performed on the table data is
executed only on the rising edge of
the "Trg" input.

13.7.4 Block Explanations

It writes the result of the operation to the output of the block by performing the operations defined on
the table data.

The types of operations that can be performed on the table and their explanations are as follows:

Latest Data Returns the most recently added data value to the table

Sum The table calculates the sum of all the data.

Mean It calculates the average of the data in the table.

267 RTU / Programming Manual

Max İt finds the greatest value from the table data.
Min İt finds the smallest value from the table data.
Median The data in the table is sorted from small to large, the value in
the middle of the table is written to the block exit after sorting. If
the number of values that can be written to the table is an even
number, the arithmetic mean of the two middle values is written
to the block output after small to large sorting.
Direction It calculates increase or decrease on the trends from the data
which is added to table then if it increases then write 1 or if it
decreases then write 0 to output.
Reading Offset Returns the value of the indexed value defined by the table
offset from the table data.
Read Byte Offset Regardless of the type of data in the table, the value in the offset
at which it is ordered as a straight byte array is returned.
Circular Left Shift Shifts the data in the table to the left by 1 index and moves the
leftmost indexed data to the far right.
Shifting Left The table data is shifted left by 1 index and 0 is written to the
Circular Right Shift Move the table data to the right by 1 index and move the
rightmost indexed data to the left.
Shifting Right Move the table data 1 index right and write 0 to the leftmost
Put Offset The value in the input “In” is written on top of the indexed data
defined by the table offset.

Note: If the median is selected in the table operation, the values in the table indexes change
because the table data is sorted from small to large.

268 RTU / Programming Manual

13.7.5 Sample Applications

In the example applications, the table type is selected as “Circular”, the table size is selected as 20
bytes, and 1 long value is 4 bytes, 5 long value tables can be saved. The change detector block and
the value of the input in the long table “In” are changed each time the value changes.
In the example, 5 random values are written randomly in the table.

While "LatestData and Sum" is selected in the long table operation block;

269 RTU / Programming Manual

When "Latest Data" is selected; Since the last 20 values are stored in the table, the value is written to
the block output. When "Sum" is selected; the numbers written in the table are summed and the total
value is written at the output of the block. While "Mean and Median" is selected in the long table
operation block;

While "Mean" is selected; the values in the table are summed and divided by 5 because the table size
is selected according to 5 long values (Since the 48/5 = 9 long operation is performed, the decimal
part of the operation result is filtered.)
Median process has 5 long value on table.
With median operation, values in the table are sorted from small to large.

The value at the middle point of the table (12 values in the 2nd offset) is written to the block output.
When "Max and Min" is selected in the long table operation block;

270 RTU / Programming Manual

The maximum value written to the table is 52, the maximum value is 52, and the smallest integer in the
table is -32, the minimum value is -32.

271 RTU / Programming Manual

While "Direction" is selected in the long table operation block;

When the direction operation is selected, the last value added to the table is compared with the
previous value from the last. If the last value is greater, "1" is written to the block output. If the last
value is smaller, "0" is written to the block output.

While “PutOffset and ReadOffset” are selected in the long table operation block;

272 RTU / Programming Manual

Put Offset: The "table offset” is selected as 0 from the long table operation block. In this case, the
value in “InB” will be written to the 0th offset of the table.
Read Offset: The table to be read in the long table operation block can be selected from inside and
outside the offset block. In the example, the offset is chosen as 0 from out of the block.
In this case, the value written to 0th offset of the table with Put Offset is read from 0th offset of the
table with Read Offset.

273 RTU / Programming Manual

When "ReadByteOffset" is selected in the long table operation block;

In the example, the 8th and 9th bytes of the long table which is 20 bytes long are read. 8th, 9th, 10th,
11th byte corresponds to the 2nd table offset in the table. In this case, the 8th, 9th bits indicate the
LSB bits, and the 10th, 11th bits indicate the MSB bits. “12” value at the 2nd table offset are written to
the 8th byte which can carry 0-255 values. Since the value is less than 256 9th, 10th, 11th bytes are all

274 RTU / Programming Manual


13.8.1 Connections

TbI: Table reference connection

InB: Operation parameter O1: Output of the block

Trg: Operation trigger signal

13.8.2 Connection Explanation

TbI: Table reference connection
The output of the table to be processed is connected.
InB: Operation parameter
The parameter data input used in some operations.
Trg: Operation trigger signal
Operation trigger signal input
O1: Output of the block
Output for the result of table operation

275 RTU / Programming Manual

13.8.3 Custom Setting

Table Offset:

It is used in the table data to

select the data offset to be
Math Type:

The operation type to be

performed on the table data is

On When Trig is Active:

If it is selected, the operation to

be performed on the table data
is executed only on the rising
edge of the "Trg" input.

13.8.4 Block Explanations

It writes the result of the operation to the output of the block by performing the operations defined on
the table data.

The types of operations that can be performed on the table and their explanations are as follows:

Latest Data Returns the most recently added data value to the table.

Sum If any of the data in the table is 1, the result is 1, if all 0, the
result is 0.
Mean If any of the data in the table is 0, it is 0, and if all of them are 1,
the result is 1.
Max If any of the data in the table is 1, the result is 1, if all 0, the
result is 0.
Min If any of the data in the table is 0, the result is 0, all 1 are the
result 1.
Median The data in the table is sorted from small to large, the value in
the middle of the table is written to the block exit after sorting. If

276 RTU / Programming Manual

the number of bit values that can be written to the table is an
even number, then if the middle two values are 1 after the
sorting process, 1 is written to the block output. If either or both
of the middle values are 0, 0 is written to the block output.
Direction It calculates increase or decrease on the trends from the data
which is added to table then if it increases then write 1 or if it
decreases then write 0 to output.
Reading Offset Returns the value of the indexed value defined by the table
offset from the table data.
Read Byte Offset Regardless of the type of data in the table, the value in the offset
at which it is ordered as a straight byte array is returned.
Circular Left Shift It shifts the data in the table left 1 index, and its transfer the
leftmost data to right.
Shifting Left The table data is shifted left by 1 index and 0 is written to the
Circular Right Shift Move the table data to the right by 1 index and move the
rightmost indexed data to the left.
Shifting Right Move the table data 1 index right and write 0 to the leftmost
Put Offset The value in the input “In” is written on top of the indexed data
defined by the table offset.

Note: If the median is selected in the table operation, the values in the table indexes change because
the table data is sorted from small to large.

277 RTU / Programming Manual

13.8.5 Example

The table type "FILO" is selected in the sample applications, the table size is selected as 5 bytes and
5 bit value can be saved in the table.
İn the example,5 bit value is written on the table.

1 0 1 1 0

When "LatestData and Sum" is selected in the bit table operation block;

278 RTU / Programming Manual

When "Latest Data" is selected; the value is written to the block output since the most recent value is 1
on the FILO.
When “Sum” is selected; since any of the bit values written to the table is 1, the result which is written
on the output of the block is 1 as a result of the bit table average operation.
While "Mean and Direction" is selected in the bit table operation block;

When “Mean” is selected; since the values in the table are not all 1, the result is written as 0 in the
output of the block as a result of the bit table average operation feature.

279 RTU / Programming Manual

When “Direction” is selected; the last value added to the table is compared to the previous value.
Since the previous value of the last one is 0, and the last value is 1, the result is written to the output of
the block as the result of the increasing trend.
When "Max and Min" is selected in the bit table operation block;

When the table has bit value 1, the maximum value is 1 and when the table has bit value 0, the
minimum value is written as 0 in the block outputs.
While “ReadOffset” is selected in the bit table operation block;

Read Offset: The table offset to be read in the bit table operation block can be selected from inside
and outside of the block. In the example, the offset is chosen as 0 from out of the block.
In this case, the value in the 0th offset is read as 1 with Reading Offset.

280 RTU / Programming Manual



14.1.1 Connections

In: Hysteresis block input

ThL: Bottom threshold

O1: Hysteresis
block output
ThH: Upper threshold

Trg: Trigger input

14.1.2 Connection Explanations

In: Hysteresis block input.
It is hysteresis block input. Cannot be left blank.
ThL: Bottom threshold
It is the input for bottom threshold value.
ThH: Upper threshold
It is the input for upper threshold value.
Trg: It is trigger input.
It is the trigger input. It can be left blank.
O1: Hysteresis block output
The hysteresis block output is logic high(1) or logic low(0) output.

14.1.3 Custom Settings:

The bottom threshold value can be
determined within the hysteresis block

281 RTU / Programming Manual

The upper threshold value can be
determined within the hysteresis block.

On When Trig is Active:

The incoming signal to Trg will activate the
block. If selected, block Trg input cannot
be left blank.

14.1.4 Block Explanation

It is used to create the switching range by switching on and off at the end points of the "bottom
threshold and upper threshold" determined in on/off controlled systems.
“In” input is the hysteresis input to be referenced. It can not be left blank.
The “ThL” input is the lower threshold input, and if the input value “In” is less than the “ThL” then O1
output will become logic low(0).
The “ThH” input is the upper threshold input. If the input value is greater than the “ThH” input, the O1
output will become logic high(1).
The “ThL” and “ThH” inputs can be left blank and set in the block options.
When the input value “In” is greater than the "upper threshold" value, the output O1 is logic high(1)
until the input value “In” is a value smaller than the "bottom threshold" value.
When the input value “In” is less than the "bottom threshold" value, O1 output is logic low(0) until the
input “In” is greater than the "upper threshold" value.
In a system where On/Off ambient temperature control is performed, if the ambient temperature is
above the "upper threshold" value, the cooling system is started and the cooling system is shut down
when the temperature value becomes lower than the "lower threshold". System is run to keep the
temperature in a certain range. The larger the range "bottom threshold" to "upper threshold" range, the
less the On Off frequency (the temperature sensor is connected to the block input "In" to measure
ambient temperature).
“Trg input” is trigger input, can be left blank. If "On When Trig is Active" is selected, the block becomes
active at every rising edge triggered to Trg input. If "On When Trig is Active" is selected, the block Trg
input can not be left blank.

14.1.5 Working Chart

282 RTU / Programming Manual

283 RTU / Programming Manual
14.1.6 Example

In the example,

It is aimed to turn on/off the air conditioner with RQ0 connected to the output of the hysteresis block.
The temperature sensor is connected to the “In” input. The minimum temperature that the environment
should be, is set by the "bottom threshold" and the maximum temperature by the "upper threshold".

The air conditioner turns on when the ambient temperature has risen above 23 ° C and then turns off
when it is below 20 ° C and it doesn’t turn on until the temperature rises above 23 ° C again. The
same cycle was repeated when the temperature rises above 23 ° so that the ambient temperature is
kept constant between 20 ° and 23 °.

284 RTU / Programming Manual


14.2.1 Connections

Pro: Process value analog data


Tar: Target point entry

Sam: Sampling time

Kp: P coefficient input (%)

Ti: I coefficient input (sec)

Td: D Coefficient input (sec)

O1: Block exit

Pro: Process input min. entry

Pro: Process input max. entry

Pro: Process “Output Min.”


Pro: Process output max. entry

Mod: Mode selection

Dir: Direction selection

14.2.2 Connection Explanation

Pro: Process value analog data input

The instant value read from the system, eg the value read from a device in a temperature control
application is connected here.
Tar: Target point input
The target point value input.
Sam: Sampling time (sec)

Sampling time value input.

It is the frequency of processing of the PID by reading the Pro input value to be controlled.
Kp: P coefficient input (%)
P value input. The Kp coefficient is proportional. This means that it determines, the PID controller will
become active when PID process reaches to “what percentage” of the target point

285 RTU / Programming Manual

Ti: I coefficient input (sec)
The I coefficient value input.
The present value and the target point are measured by integral effect and calculates the energy to
be given to the system in order to reduce the error. The meaning of the “seconds” in the integral
coefficient is that the errors will be referenced by how many seconds before.
Td: D coefficient input (sec)
The coefficient D input value.
Derivative acts as the opposite of the integral coefficient. It has an impact on braking effect in the
system. The derivative and integral coefficients are in seconds. In the derivative process, the PID
estimates the future states of the system. The “seconds” value indicates a how many seconds long
forecast will be made.

Pro: Process input min. input

Process min value input.
The minimum value that the process input value can take is determined.
Ex: 4.0 for an input range of 4-20mA, 0 for an input range of 0-100, 0 for an input range of 0-65535, -
100.0 for an input range of -100 ... + 100.
By this means, the PID block will automatically scale the input value.
Pro: Process input max. input
Process input max value input

The maximum value that the process input value can take is determined.
Ex: 20.0 for an input of range of 4-20mA, 100.0 for an entry from 0-100, 65535 for an input range of 0-
65535., 100.0 for an input range of -100 ... + 100
By this means, the PID block will automatically scale the input value.

Pro: Process “Output Min.” entry

Process “Output Min.” value input.

The minimum value for the range that the actuator controlled by the PID accepts is determined. For
example, if the PID process is connected to a frequency converter controlled by 4-20 mA, this value
should be entered as 4.0.
By this means, the PID block will automatically scale the output value.
Pro: Process output max. input
The maximum value for the range that the actuator controlled by the PID accepts is determined. For
example, if the PID process is connected to a frequency converter controlled by 4-20 mA, then max.
20.0 should be entered as the value.
By this means, the PID block will automatically scale the output value.
Mod: Mode selection (Autotunning, Automatic)
Mode selection block value input

286 RTU / Programming Manual

Automatic: If selected, the PID starts to operate according to the defined block parameters. "1" must
be entered when selecting from outside the block.
If selected, the PID block will autotune to determine the P, I, and D parameters. If you want to select
from outside the block, "100" should be entered.

Direction: Direction selection (Forward, Backward)

Direction selection is block input.
If the direction input value is 1; The error information used in the PID process is calculated as follows:
En = ProcessInput - TargetPoint;
If the direction input value is 0; The error information used in the PID process is calculated as follows:
En = TargetPoint - ProcessInput;
O1: Block Output
It is the block output. It outputs values between the min-max range defined in the “process output“

287 RTU / Programming Manual

14.2.3 Custom Settings

Target Point: Can be selected from inside

or outside the block.
Sampling Time: Can be selected from
inside or outside the block.

Kp: Can be selected from inside or outside

the block.
Ti (seconds): Can be selected from inside
or outside the block.

Td (seconds): Can be selected from inside

or outside the block.

Input Min: Can be selected from inside or

outside the block
Input Max:
It can be selected from inside or outside
the block.
Output Min:
It can be selected from inside or outside
the block.
Output Max:
Max: Can be selected from inside or
outside the block.
Mod: Outside the block, enter 100 for
"Autotunning", 1 for "Auto" .

Direction: 0 for "forward" selection from

outside the block, 1 for "back" selection.

14.2.4 Block Explanations

PID controller is one of the frequently used automatic control mechanisms in industrial and automatic
control field. The PID controller performs Proportional Integrative and Derivative operations. A PID
controller is a controller that is designed to stabilize a mechanism at a constant value in the most
optimal time and to keep the value constant in the ideal values.

One of the most important points in PID applications is to determine the P, I, and D values that
characterize the PID system. These values vary from system to system and should be optimized

288 RTU / Programming Manual

according to the application conditions. In order to determine these values, Mikrodev PLC has an
"automatic tune" mechanism which calculates the values of P, I, D very practical and precise without
the need of making any changes in the active project nor need a separate software-hardware etc..
This mechanism is activated by writing 100 values to the MOD input of the PID block.
In summary, the system prepares all components in the autotune mechanism. For the system,
the user is expected to select a target value for oscillating and a correct sampling time. The PID
autotune mechanism will swing the system until it creates 8 peaks. Then it computes the system
parameters according to these peak points and reports to the programmer from the USB port of the

14.2.5 Sample Application

289 RTU / Programming Manual

For example, if you want to use 0-10 V controller at PID output, you should enter PID “Output Min.”
value as “0” and “Output Max.” value as “10”. If you want to get a current of 4-20mA, you need to write
“4” as the “Output Min.” value, 20 as the “Output Max.” value. The PID controller has 12 inputs. Only
the first input "Pro" input from these inputs is the input value to be processed as the reference value of
the PID controller. This input cannot be left blank. Other entries can be left blank to set block options
or allow values to be changed from the outside of block.
The proportional bandwidth set in the PID controller operates as “on-off logic” outside the limits of Kp.
When the proportional band is activated, the PID controller starts to operate. The integral effect will
give the system an energy up to the target point and as soon as the target point is reached and this
energy is reduced, the derivative effect will also come into play and the system will try to keep the set
value constant.


14.3.1 Connections

Str: Start/Stop

Res: Reset to start

O1: Analog
Str: Initial value input ramp block

Stp: End value input

Rea: Time to finish value


14.3.2 Connection Explanations

Str: Start/Stop
The ramp block Start / Stop input.
Res: Reset to start
Sets the ramp block output to its initial value.
Str: Inıtıal value input
The ramp block initial value is entered.
Stp: End value input
The ramp block end value is entered.
Rea: Time to finish value(ms)
Time to reach end value (ms) input.
O1: Analog ramp block output
Analog ramp block output.

290 RTU / Programming Manual

14.3.3 Custom Settings

Initial Value: The initial value can be set

from within the block.

End Value: The end value can be set from

within the block.

Time of Arrival (ms): The time of arrival

within the block can be adjusted.

14.3.4 Block Explanation

The analog ramp block is used in applications where it is necessary to reach a fixed value from a
specified value with a constant acceleration within a certain time period.
O1 block output value is reached with constant acceleration as soon as the logic input high(1) is
applied to the input Str and the time to reach the "stop value" is reached.
The O1 output reaching the " stop value" at the end of the "reaching time" preserves the " stop value"
regardless of the position of the "Str" input.

If the Str input returns to logic low(0) position before the "reaching time" is completed, the O1 block
output ramping stops. When the Str input is again logic high(1), the ramping process continues from
where it left off.
The analog value between the "start and end" values can be measured on the O1 output.
"Start value, stop value and reaching time" can be entered from the block object properties and from
outside the block.
The logic must be applied logic high(1) to start from the "Str" input of the block and logic low(0) to stop.
The ramping operation is reset and the output O1 is fixed to the "initial value" when the rising edge
trigger is applied to the block "Res" input.
The “word”, "analog" or "long" registers can be entered in the "Str", "Stp" and “Rea” inputs.

291 RTU / Programming Manual

14.3.5 Sample Application

In the example; the blocks have been set starting value 1, ending value 8.6, and reaching time
20 seconds.
Initially Str input has been toggled to logic low(0) after a certain period of logic high(1) and O1 output
stayed at 5.3943 because it did not reach the ramp end time.
Then the Str input is again logic high(1), the ramp completes the remaining reach time and
reaches the end value of 8.6.
The "start value" and "end value" graph on the time axis of reaching time are as follows.

292 RTU / Programming Manual

293 RTU / Programming Manual

14.4.1 Connections

InA: Controller block input

TLw: Bottom threshold

THi: Upper threshold

O1: Block
THs: Threshold hysteresis

tON: ON standby time (ms)

tOFF: OFF standby time


14.4.2 Connection Explanations

InA: Controller block input
The controller block is the input. Can not be left blank.
TLw: Bottom threshold
The lower threshold input value
THi: Upper threshold
The upper threshold input value
THs: Threshold hysteresis
Threshold hysteresis input value. Hysteresis can also be added in control comparison.
tON: ON standby time (ms)
When O1 output is in OFF state, if the block input compare condition becomes logical high(1) position
and this condition is satisfied for tON duration, O1 output turns ON
tOF: OFF standby time (ms)

When O1 output is in ON state, if the block input compare condition becomes logical high(1) position
and this condition is satisfied for tOFF duration, O1 output turns OFF
O1: Block output
It is binary block output.

294 RTU / Programming Manual

14.4.3 Custom Settings

Bottom Threshold Value: Bottom

threshold value can be adjusted
from within the block.

Upper Threshold Value: Upper

threshold value can be adjusted
from within the block.

Threshold Hysteresis Value:

Threshold hysteresis value can be
entered from within the block.

Compare Type: Comparison

method for ON / OFF control

Alarm On Time(ms): Alarm on time

value can be adjusted from within
the block.

Alarm Off Time(ms): Alarm off time

value can be adjusted from within
the block.

14.4.4 Block Explanation

The process value controlled in the ON - OFF method, which is one of the most basic control methods,
is operated by OFF or ON states. If the input value of the process meets the defined conditions, output
status is ON, otherwise output status is OFF.
Mikrodev ON/OFF control function block fulfills this basic ON-OFF control method with a number of
superior features. The following comparison types are used to check the process input value.
Comparison Type Lower Threshold Value Upper Threshold Value
Between Active Active
Greater Active -
Smaller Active -
Out of Range Active Active
Equal Active -
Smaller or Equal Active -
Greater or equal Active -
Not equal Active -

295 RTU / Programming Manual

tON or tOFF times are entered to prevent the output from fluctuating due to the instantaneous faulty
data and to add only the delay, even if the comparison operation requires state change.
When block output is OFF, block time counter is started if ON condition occurs at block input. Block
output is toggled to ON if ON condition does not change until tON time is reached. Similarly, when
block output is ON, block time starts when the OFF condition occurs at the block input, and block
output is OFF when the OFF condition does not change until tOFF time is reached.
Both values must be set to 0 to cancel tON and tOFF operations.
Hysteresis can be used in addition to the tON-tOFF mechanism if it is desired that the block output
does not make any sudden changes in particularly slowly changing signals relative to the process
input value and ambient noise.
In Hysteresis feature; when the output O1 changes from ON to OFF state and from OFF to ON state ,
even if the input condition changes, if the hysteresis threshold is not exceeded , the output state does
not change. The output state changes when the hysteresis threshold is exceeded.

296 RTU / Programming Manual

14.4.5 Sample Application- 1
Block process input value has been controlled with ON-OFF control according to the compare type
“Greater Than”. The change in block outputs is delayed as much as the tON and tOFF time values.


Alt Eşik


tON: Open Time tOFF:Close Time

297 RTU / Programming Manual

14.4.6 Sample Application - 2
The block process input value is controlled with ON-OFF control according to the compare type
“Greater Than”. After the instance, the input value has satisfied the condition, the O1 output is ON-
delayed as long as the tON, then the O1 output is in logical high(1) position. (The output of O1 is logic
high(1) after 1 second after the InA value has risen over 5).


Alt Eşik


tON: Open Time

298 RTU / Programming Manual

14.4.7 Sample Application- 3

The block process input value is controlled with ON-OFF control according to the compare type
“Greater Than”. Hysteresis value is also entered, and hysteresis is activated.
In the hysteresis comparison method:
The transition from the OFF state of the block O1 to the ON state will occur if "Compare point is
greater than threshold + hysteresis value." (If the value of InA is above 5 + 2 = 7, the output of O1 is
logic high(1).)
The transition from the ON state to the OFF state of the block O1 output will occur if "Compare Point
is lower than Threshold-Hysteresis Value" (if the value at the INA input is below 5-2 = 3, the O1 output
is logic low(0)).

InA Alt Eşik +

Alt Eşik - Histeris

Alt Eşik


Note: The threshold hysteresis value and tON (turn on time) and tOFF (turn off time) features can be
used at the same time. tON or tOFF will get activated after hysteresis threshold is exceeded.


14.5.1 Connections

Up: Block input

O1: Block

L/P: Change value

299 RTU / Programming Manual

14.5.2 Connection Explanation
Up: Block input
It is the block input value from which to determine whether there is a change or not.
L/P: Change value
The change values can be selected from the L/P input from outside the block or from within the block
for the "percentage or level" options selected from within the block.
O1: Block output
This is the output for a one cycle pulse when there is a change over the change value determined at
the input of “Up”.

300 RTU / Programming Manual

14.5.3 Custom Settings

Level: If selected, pulse occurs at O1

according to level change at Up input.

Percentage: When selected, a pulse

occurs at O1 according to the
percentage change at the Up input.

Value: At an output change (percentage

or level) greater than the input value, a
pulse occurs at the output.

14.5.4 Block Explanation

The Change Detector block is used when changes to any block value need to be monitored.
If the difference between the present value of the value at the “Up” entry and the next value is greater
than the specified percentage or level change value, a momentary pulse is generated at the O1 block
You should connect the block ,when whose value changes the O1 output should generate a pulse, to
the “Up” input .(Counter, register, etc.)
In the block options, the value change is selected as the percentage or level change.
To generate a pulse at output O1, the minimum change value of the “Up” input can be set from the
"value" window in the block options or from the L/P input outside the block.

301 RTU / Programming Manual

14.5.5 Sample Apllication

In the example;
"Level" is selected as the Change Detector method, and 2 is selected as the level change value from
outside the block. When the value of the analog register at the input of “Up” changes more than 2, a
pulse is generated at the output of O1. Pulses are counted by the up counter connected to the output



15.1.1 Connection

VAL: Valve opening level input (%) Ope: Opening output

FOD: Full opening duration input

Clo: Closing output
MOD: Minimum opening duration

15.1.2 Connection Explanation

VAL: Valve opening level input (%)
It is the valve open level as a percentage (%).

302 RTU / Programming Manual

FOD: Full opening duration input
It is the time duration from full closed to full opening.
MOD: Minimum opening time duration
It is the time duration for minimum opening time.
Ope: Opening output
It is the opening output which generates logic low(0) or logic high(1).
Clo: Closing output
It is the closing output which generates logic low(0) or logic high(1).

303 RTU / Programming Manual

15.1.3 Custom Settings

Full Open Duration(ms): The full

opening time (FOD) can be entered
from within the block settings.

Min Open Duration(ms): Minimum

opening time (MOD) can be entered
from within the block settings.

15.1.4 Block Explanation

It is used in Proportional or PID control applications.

Equipment connected to the output will be turned on as long as the logic (1) signal sent from the “Ope”
output. The equipment connected to the output will shut down as long as the logic (1) signal sent from
the “Clo” output.

The "Ope" and "Clo" outputs of the block generate a logic low(0) or logic high(1) signal according to
their control status. The two outputs does not produce a logic high(1) signal at the same time.

The time to one hundred percent opening time is specified in milliseconds in the Full Open Duration
(FOD). The minimum running time of the equipment is specified in Minimum Opening Duration (MOD)
in milliseconds. If the percentage change rate at the "VAL" entry corresponds to a smaller value than
the minimum opening duration "MOD", the run signal will not be sent to the output. (If MOD: 1 sec,
FOD: 100 sec. and the VAL change is greater than %1, the equipment moves.)

The "VAN" input specifies how much of the equipment should be opened in percent. Precise data
input can be achieved by connecting an analog register to this input.

32-bit long value can be entered for full opening and minimum opening values.

304 RTU / Programming Manual

15.1.5 Example

In the examples;

The full opening time (FOD) was entered as 100 seconds. Minimum opening time (MOD) value is 0.
This means that the smallest change in the VAL input will also cause a change in the outputs.

In the case of floating 1; The VAL input is entered 35 for the 35% opening of the initially closed valve.
The open output has been logic low(0) after becoming logic high(1) for 35 seconds. Thus, Floating 1
valve was opened by 35%.

In the case of floating 2; The valve is initially opened at 35%. Then the opening of the valve was
reduced to 15%. The “Clo” output has been logic low(0) after becoming logic high(1) for 20 seconds.
Thus, the Floating 2 valve open rate is reduced from 35% to 15%.


15.2.1 Connection

Ena: Enable input

Wor: Working slave no

Sla: Slave count

15.2.2 Connection Explanation

Ena: Enable input
It is block activation input.
Sla: Slave together count

305 RTU / Programming Manual

The number of slaves to be activated at the same time.
Wor: Working slave no
It is the output of the block which shows the number of the running slave and connected to the input of
the "Mas" of the aging member blocks.

306 RTU / Programming Manual

15.2.3 Custom Settings

Concurrent Slaves Count: The number of slaves

(member) connected to the block output which
will be active at the same time can be identified
from within the block.

15.2.4 Block Explanations

“Wor” output connected to “Mas” input of aging member blocks, NOT used alone or with other blocks.

As long as the logic high(1) signal is input to “Enb”, the block becomes active and activates the
connected aging members. Up to 10 aging members can be connected to the block output.

The number of aging member blocks which are active at the same time can be set from within the
block or from the block "Sla" entry. (Eg: if this value is set to 3 and 7 members are connected to the
“Wor” output, 7 members will be active in groups of 3.)

15.2.5 Example

307 RTU / Programming Manual

The binary register is connected to the “Ena” input to activate the block.

The "Sla" input is linked to the word register to determine how many "Aging Members" will be active at
the same time.

On the block “Wor” output there is information about which of the connected members is running. This
information is given as bits of the output value. For example, in the above example, the output value
equals 4, binary equals to “0100”, which means that the second slave is active.

The output of this block in the ready state must be connected to the "Mas" input of the AGING
MEMBER blocks.

308 RTU / Programming Manual


15.3.1 Connections

Mas: Aging manager input

isR: Running info input Run: Run time output

isF: Error info input

Ena: Block activation input

Agi: Aging time input Run: On/off output

Run: Run time reset input

Run: Current Aging age input

Fau: Error reset input Err: Block error output

Fau: Timeout input for error

15.3.2 Connection Explanation

Mas: Aging manager input
The "Wor" output of the "aging manager" block is connected. Another type of block cannot be
isR: Running info input
Equipment run information is entered.
isF: Error info input
Equipment information such as thermal, fault, error is entered.
Ena: Block activation input
The block is activated by the logic high(1) signal.
Agi: Aging time input

309 RTU / Programming Manual

The aging time in minutes.
Run: Run time reset input
With the rising edge trigger, the run time information on the block is reset.
Run: Aging age input
Aging members are the input of current working time information.
Fau: Error reset input
With the rising edge trigger, the error information at the block output is reset.
Fau: Timeout error input
It is the timeout error input for waiting time of error information from block output.
Run: Run time output
It is run time output for equipment running time in minutes.
Run: On/off output
It is on/off output for the equipment which is logic low(0) or logic high(1).
Err: Block err output
When block err input is logic high(1) or the timeout for the error exceeded, block err output is logic

310 RTU / Programming Manual

15.3.3 Custom Settings

Aging Time(minutes): The "aging time"

in minutes can be entered from within
the block.

Fault Time(second): The "fault time" in

minutes can be entered from within the

15.3.4 Block Explanations

It is used in applications where several equipment must be started and stopped in sequence for a
certain period of time. It is also called aging.

This block is used when the pumps in a pump station are operated in the determined sequence and
durations. After a pump completes the aging period, it is stopped and another pump which is included
in the aging scenario period is started and the system enters into a cyclic loop and the same pumps
are used.

This block used with the "aging manager" block.

Block Inputs Explanations

Mas The "Wor" output of the "Aging Manager" block is connected to the "Mas" input.
isR Operating information(On / Off) of the equipment is connected, logic low(0) or logic high(1)
isF A "thermal fault" or other fault information can be entered to prevent the system from being
forced into operation. When the logic input (1) signal is input to the error input, the output
of the "isF" at the block output becomes logic (1), and the equipment run output "Wor" at
the block output changes to the logic (0) state to prevent further malfunctions in the system.

Even if the error at block error input returns to logic (0), the error output at block "isF" will
not turn to logic (0). The block error output is reset when the rising edge trigger is applied to

311 RTU / Programming Manual

the block error reset input.
Ena Logic (1) must be applied for the block to be active. If you do not want to operate due to the
maintenance, malfunction, etc. of the equipment connected to the block, the "Ena" input is
disabled (0) and the equipment is deactivated. Other equipment in aging continues to work
in sequential order.
Agi The aging time is entered in minutes. The equipment connected to the block runs as long as
the aging time, then stops, the operating turn comes to the other equipment. It can be set
from inside and outside the block.
Run The runtime at the block output is reset at each rising edge trigger.
Run The current operating times of the equipment in the system are entered. Those with higher
run times are run less, balancing their run times, thus establishing standard run time periods.
The maintenance and replacement periods of the equipment are standardized.
Fau The rising edge trigger must be applied in this input to reset the fault when the block fault
output is at logical (1) state. (If the block has thermal, fault, error, etc. at the fault input, it
must be cleared before resetting.)
Fau There are two factors that cause the block error output to be logic (1). The first is the
information of the thermal, fault, error etc. coming to the fault input. 2nd is; If no operation
fault, or thermal information from the equipment is received even though the block output is
switched on, the error timeout period is taken into account. When the error timeout period
is exceeded, the block error output becomes logic (1).
Block Output Explanations
Run It is the block runtime information in minutes. It can be reset at the rising edge trigger
applied to the reset runtime input(“Run”)
Run It is the connection output to the equipment to be operated. Since equipment On/Off control
with Mikrodev PLC products are made with digital output (DQ) or relay output (RQ); digital
output (DQ) or relay output (RQ) must be connected to the block output. If the equipment is
connected to the output, the digital output (DQ) or the relay output (RQ) block must be
Err It is the error output.

1- When any thermal, fault, error, etc. occurs at the block fault input, the error output
becomes logic (1).
2- If the running information does not seem to appear at isR input even though On/Off
control logic is output (1), error output becomes logic (1) after the timeout duration. In
order to reset the error output, the rising edge trigger must be applied on the error
reset input.

312 RTU / Programming Manual

15.3.5 Example

In the example;

2 aging members has been added to an aging manager. The manager’s "Sla" input is entered as “1”
which indicates that the members will be run “one by one”. Two minutes were selected for both
members as the aging period.

The relay output connected to the first member became logic (1) for 2 minutes, after 2 minutes the first
member output became logic (0) and the second member output became logic (1). After 2 minutes,
the second member becomes logical (0) and the first member becomes logical (1) again. The system
has thus entered the periodic operation cycle.

313 RTU / Programming Manual


15.4.1 Connection

TCP: Connection parameters

Sta: Block connection output

15.4.2 Connection Explanations

TCP: Connection parameters input
It is the input connection for parameters.
Sta: Block connection output
It is the output connection of the block

314 RTU / Programming Manual

15.4.3 Custom Settings

Self DevNET ID: The device's ID

Timeout(ms): Timeout in milliseconds

Cycle Delay (ms): The cycle delay in


Waited DevNET ID: Waited

DevNET(Connected Device) ID

Destination DevNET ID: Destination DevNET

(Device to be connected) ID

Broadcast IP Adress: The IP address to which

the devices are connected

15.4.4 Block Explanations

315 RTU / Programming Manual

DevNET is a system that reads and writes data from one device selected via ethernet and transfers
the data to the DevNET register. This system can be thought of as a circular queue structure.

It is a UDP-based protocol repetitive and cyclical package.

It is a multi-drop protocol and can be added to a single DEV-NET network with up to 65535 PLCs.

All nodes are on the same level and there is no Master / Slave structure.

The Ethernet port used in the PLC also supports other protocols.

Points are automatically synchronized according to their node addresses and messages they receive.

Thanks to the wait time and timeout mechanisms, network changes can be adaptable. This provides a
superior level of robustness.

Excellent compatibility with Mikrodev PLCs is ensured.

316 RTU / Programming Manual

C1-C2 ... represents Device 1-Device 2.

Self DevNET Id found in the window is the DevNET Id of the device used.

The timeout period found in the window is the time that one of the devices in this DevNet network is
waiting for data from the previous device.

Cycle Delay, located in the window, is the "how long the device will wait for a cycle". A value can be
entered by subtracting 1 from the number of devices and multiplying the timeout value by this value.

The Waited DevNET Id located in the window is the Id of the device to be read.

The TargetDevNET Id in the window is the Id of the device to which the data will be written.

The "Broadcast IP Address" located in the window is the address of the internet network to which the
devices are connected. (An example is, where the last 255 is entered to allow access
to all devices connected to this network.)

317 RTU / Programming Manual


15.5.1 Connection

Val: Block connection output

15.5.2 Connection Explanation

Val: Block connection output
It is the block output connection.

15.5.3 Custom Settings

Remote DevNET ID: The Id of the device from which

the data will be read

Remote Block Number: It is the Modbus address of

the block at the device from which the data will be

15.5.4 Block Explanations

The data of the registers in the device connected via the Ethernet network is transferred into this

On the remote DevNET Id field of the window, the ID of the device to be read the data is written.

318 RTU / Programming Manual

The field which is labeled as “Remote Block Number” in the window is the Modbus address of the
device to be read.

Warning!! To read with this block, "Sync with DevNET" option also must be checked on the other



16.1.1 Connections

Sta: Block output

16.1.2 Connection Explanation

Sta: Block output
It is block output.

16.1.3 Custom Settings:

There are no custom settings.

16.1.4 Block Explanation

This block generates logic(1) output when Logic Controller is activated and as long as it stays in
active state. It is used to bring the Logic Controller to reference values and states.

16.1.5 Example

319 RTU / Programming Manual

When PLC is started, the block gives logic(1) to block output.


16.2.1 Connections

Sta: Block output

16.2.2 Connection Explanation

Sta: Block output
It is block output.

16.2.3 Custom Settings:

There are no custom settings.

16.2.4 Block Explanation

The reset count of the device is written to the output. After every power reset operation, output block
value is increased by one. If a logic project is loaded into the device, RESET counter block value is set
to “1”.

16.2.5 Example

It is displayed the reset count of the device.

320 RTU / Programming Manual


16.3.1 Connections

Trg: Trigger Input

16.3.2 Connection Explanation

Trg: Trigger input
It is block trigger input.

16.3.3 Custom Settings

There are no custom settings.

16.3.4 Block Explanation

In case of rising edge trigger signal is applied to Trg input, the device performs a soft RESET.

16.3.5 Example

When a value different from “0” is written on the word register connected to Trg input, the device is

321 RTU / Programming Manual



17.1.1 Connections

I1: Analog quart multiplexer input

I2: Analog quart multiplexer input

I3: Analog quart multiplexer input

O1: Analog quart
multiplexer output
I4: Analog quart multiplexer input

S1: Analog quart multiplexer select

input 1

S2: Analog quart multiplexer select

input 2

17.1.2 Connection Explanation

I1: Analog quart multiplexer input
It is analog quart multiplexer block’s first input.
I2: Analog quart multiplexer input
It is analog quart multiplexer block’s second input.
I3: Analog quart multiplexer input
It is analog quart multiplexer block’s third input
I4: Analog quart multiplexer input
It is analog quart multiplexer block’s fourth input
S1: Analog quart multiplexer select input 1
It is the first selection input of analog quart multiplexer block
S2: Analog quart multiplexer select input 1
It is the second selection input of analog quart multiplexer block
O1: Analog quart multiplexer output
It is the outout of analog quart multiplexer block which is 32 bit
17.1.3 Custom Settings

In1: First value can be chosen from inside

of the block.

In2: Second value can be chosen from

inside of the block.

In3:Third value can be chosen from inside

of the block.

In4: Fourth value can be chosen from

inside of the block.

17.1.4 Block Explanations

One of the inputs is selected among the four inputs and transferred to the block output. The input
which will be transferred to the block output is determined with S1 and S2 selection inputs.
In order to transfer the I1 input to the block output; S1:must be logic(0), S2:must be logic(0)
In order to transfer the I2 input to the block output; S1:must be logic(1), S2: must be logic(0)
In order to transfer the I3 input to the block output; S1:must be logic(0), S2: must be logic(1)
In order to transfer the I4 input to the block output; S1:must be logic(1), S2:must be logic(1)
The input value is transfered to the block output as a 32 bit analog value

323 RTU / Programming Manual

17.1.5 Sample Application

In the example;
According to logic states of the Analog Quart Multiplexer’s selection inputs (S) , the values in the
inputs and O1 output are showed. In the example I4 is selected by setting both S1 and S2 to logic(1).
(For logic (0) to the S choosing input shold be 0; for logic (1) any value which is different from zero is

324 RTU / Programming Manual


17.2.1 Connections

I1: Word dual multiplexer input

I2: Word dual multiplexer input

O: Word dual multiplexer

S: Word dual multiplexer selection


17.2.2 Connection Explanation

I1: Word dual multiplexer input
It is the first input of word dual multiplexer block
I2: Word dual multiplexer input
It is the second input of word dual multiplexer block
S: Word dual multiplexer selection input
It is the selection input of word dual multiplexer block
O: Word dual multiplexer output
It is the output of word dual multiplexer block which is 16 bit

17.2.3 Custom Setting

There are no custom settings.

17.2.4 Block Explanation

One of the inputs is selected among the two inputs and transferred to the block output. The input
which will be transferred to the block output is determined with S selection input
In order to transfer the I1 input to the block output; S:must be logic(0)
In order to transfer the I2 input to the block output; S:must be logic(1)
The input value is transfered to the block output as a 16 bit word value

325 RTU / Programming Manual

17.2.5 Example

In the example;
According to logic states of the Word Dual Multiplexer’s selection input (S) , the values in the inputs
and O1 output are showed. In the example different inputs are selected by setting both S to logic(1) or
logic(0). (For logic (0) to the S choosing input shold be 0; for logic (1) any value which is different from
zero is valid.

326 RTU / Programming Manual


17.3.1 Connections

I1: It is input which is long dual


I2: It is input which is long dual O: It is output which is

multiplexer. long dual multiplexer

S: It is input which is long dual

multiplexer choice input

17.3.2 Connection Explanations

I1: It is input which is long dual multiplexer
It is input which is long dual multiplexer is first input.
I2: It is input which is long dual multiplexer
It is input which is long dual multiplexer is second input.
S: It is input which is long dual multiplexer choice input
It is input which is long dual multiplexer choice input.
O: It is output which is long dual multiplexer
It is analog dual multiplexer block’s is output which is 32 bit.

17.3.3 Custom Settings

There is no custom settings.

17.3.4 Block Explanation

One of the inputs is selected among the two inputs and transferred to the block output. The input
which will be transferred to the block output is determined with S selection input
In order to transfer the I1 input to the block output; S:must be logic(0)
In order to transfer the I2 input to the block output; S:must be logic(1)
The input value is transfered to the block output as a 32 bit long value

327 RTU / Programming Manual

17.3.5 Sample Application

In the example ;
According to logic states of the Long Dual Multiplexer’s selection input (S) , the values in the inputs
and O1 output are showed. In the example different inputs are selected by setting both S to logic(1) or
logic(0). (For logic (0) to the S choosing input shold be 0; for logic (1) any value which is different from
zero is valid.

328 RTU / Programming Manual

17.4 ANALOG Dual Multiplexer

17.4.1 Connections

I1: Analog dual multiplexer input

O: Analog dual
I2: Analog dual multiplexer input
multiplexer output

S: Analog dual multiplexer selection


17.4.2 Connection Explanations

I1: Analog dual multiplexer input
It is the first input of analog dual multiplexer.

I2: Analog dual multiplexer input

It is the second input of analog dual multiplexer.

S: Analog dual multiplexer selection input

It is the selection input of analog dual multiplexer.

O: Analog dual multiplexer output

It is the output of the analog dual multiplexer block which is 32 bit.

17.4.3 Custom Settings

There are no custom settings.

17.4.4 Block Explanation

One of the inputs is selected among the two inputs and transferred to the block output. The input
which will be transferred to the block output is determined with S selection input
In order to transfer the I1 input to the block output; S:must be logic(0)
In order to transfer the I2 input to the block output; S:must be logic(1)
The input value is transfered to the block output as a 32 bit analog value

329 RTU / Programming Manual

17.4.5 Sample Application

In the example;
According to logic states of the Analog Dual Multiplexer’s selection input (S) , the values in the inputs
and O1 output are showed. In the example different inputs are selected by setting both S to logic(1) or
logic(0). (For logic (0) to the S choosing input shold be 0; for logic (1) any value which is different from
zero is valid.



18.1.1 Connections

Res: Reset input Q1: Total pulse count

T: Time Period for Frequency

Calculation Int: Pulse count within a period

Tar: Target pulse count

Dir: Counting direction Up or Tar: Pulse number target reached


330 RTU / Programming Manual

18.1.2 Connection Explanations

Res: Reset input

Reset the total pulse count kept inside the block.
T: Period input
Specifies the period in units of milliseconds.
Tar: Target pulse count input
Specifies the target pulse count
Dir: Count direction input
“1: Up, 0:Down. Specifies the counting direction.
Q1: Total pulse count
Total pulse count after Reset
Int: Pulse count in a period cycle
Output that gives the counted pulses within a period cycle.
Tar: Target Value Reached
Indicates whether the target value is reached or not.

18.1.3 Block Settings

Reserved Fast Counter Input No: Specifies

which fast counter channel will be used by
the block.

Tick Count Direction:

Specifies the counting direction.

Do direction control by using:

Specifies whether hardware or software is

controlling the counting direction.

If Hardware is selected, fast counter

channel work as encoder input.

Initial T Value:

Specifies the starting number for frequency


Target Value:

Target count value is entered here

331 RTU / Programming Manual

Reset total tick count when reached to
target value:

Makes the block reset when the count

reaches to the target value.

18.1.4 Block Explanation

Fast counter blocks are used to count digital pulse input signals. Fast Counter Blocks are different
from other up/down counters because of using of hardware fast counter channels. Therefore, Fast
counter blocks can be able to count much more faster signal than software counter.

First output of the block indicates the total ticks counted. This value is reset when the device is reset or
when a rising edge is detected on reset input of the block.

“T” value indicates the time period which the pulses are counted in. Number of pulse count in defined
period “T” is written to “Int” output of the block. “T” has the units of milliseconds. For example, if
T=1000 (means 1000 millisecond), than the “Int” output of the block will show he frequency of the input
digital signal connected to related fast counter input.

With “Target Val” input, a target value is specified and when the target value is reached a pulse is sent
out from the third output(“Target Reached”) of the block. If the “Target Val” input is equal to 0, then the
mechanism is disabled. If the “reset when target value is reached” option is activated, total count and
the “Target Reached” output of the block is reset when the target value is reached. A target value can
be specified only when counting up.

If a high signal is applied to the “Res” input of the block, total count value will be reset.

Fast counters counts in the signed 32-bit format. Count value can vary between the values -
2147483648 and 2147483648.

332 RTU / Programming Manual


18.2.1 Connections

Str: Start / Stop input

Fre: Frequency input

Dut: Duty Cycle input

18.2.2 Connection Explanations

Str: Start/stop input.
Input for Start/Stop signal. If it is 0, PWM signal is shut down and related PWM channel becomes a
normal digital output. If it is 1, PWM signal is activated.
Fre: Frequency input
Input for the frequency. Any value between 2Hz – 60000Hz(60 kHz) can be entered.
Dut: Duty cycle input
Input for duty cycle. Duty cycle percentage is entered as an number between 0-100.

333 RTU / Programming Manual

18.2.3 Block Settings

Reserved PWM Output No

If 0, DQ0 channel is used as PWM

If 1 DQ1 channel is used as PWM

If 2 DQ2 channel is used as PWM

If 3 DQ3 channel is used as PWM

Frequency(Hz): Frequency is specified


Duty(%): A percentage value is entered


Can be used with default Polarity,

Alignment and Frequency settings.

18.2.4 Block Explanation

PWM block is used to control the PWM outputs of the device.

“DUTY” input of the block specifies the duration of the high and low parts of the signal with a specified

“Str” input of the block stands for “Start/Stop”. When a high signal applied to the “Str” input, PWM
Block is activated and starts to generate PWM signal. When a low signal is applied to the “Str” input,
the block is deactivated and PWM output serves as a normal digital output.

334 RTU / Programming Manual

“Fre” input is used to change the frequency externally. It can be left blank and can be set in the Block
Settings menu. Since all the PWM channels in the device are using the same timing source, frequency
value is the same for all the PWM channels. Whichever block’s frequency is changed most recently, all
the other blocks will have the same frequency.

“Dut” input of the block can be set externally or can be set in Block Settings. Different duty cycle
values can be assigned to the different blocks, independent from each other.

Block serves as a PWM signal generator when the PWM channel is active, and serves as a normal
digital output when the PWM channel is passive.

18.2.5 Example

335 RTU / Programming Manual


18.3.1 Connections

Sta: Start input

En: Enable input

Sta: Start speed input

Sta: Start pulse number input

Mov: Operating speed input

Cou: Signal output
Sto Stop speed input

Sto: Stop pulse number input

Tot: Total pulse number input

18.3.2 Connection Explanations

Sta: Start input
It is the input for starting PTO.
En: Enable input
It is the input for activation PTO. The PTO can also be used as an emergency stop input, the pulse
train stops when this input is 0.
Sta: Start Speed input
It is input to set starting speed. “Start Speed” specifies starting speed of the PTO during acceleration
phase. The value entered here is width of the pulse and considered as 10us multiplier.
Sta: Start pulse count input
It is the input to set starting pulse count. Specifies the number of pulses in acceleration phase. PTO
automatically performs acceleration using start speed, normal speed and start pulse count
Mov: Operating speed input
It is an operating speed input that specifies normal operating speed. The value entered here is the
width of the pulse and considered as 10us multiplier.
Sto: Stop speed input

336 RTU / Programming Manual

It is the input for stop speed. If there is going to be a deceleration during the stop process, the speed
just before the stop moment must be entered. The value entered here is the width of the pulse and
considered as 10us multiplier.
Tot: Total pulse input
It is the input for total pulse number that specifies the total number of pulses, including the
acceleration, deceleration and stop processes.
Cou: Signal output
It is the output for the signal. PTO generates high output after total pulse count reached

18.3.3 Block Settings

Reserved PTO Output No

If 0, DQ0 channel is used as PTO

If 1 DQ1 channel is used as PTO

If 2 DQ2 channel is used as PTO

If 3 DQ3 channel is used as PTO

Start Speed: Start speed to begin


Accelerate Pulse Count: Number of pulses

during the acceleration process

Move Speed: Normal operating speed

Stop Speed: In deceleration process, the

speed just before the moment PTO stops.

337 RTU / Programming Manual

IN[7]: Total Pulse Count
Acceleration + Constant + Deceleration
IN[3]: Acceleration IN[6]: Deceleration
Pulse Count Pulse Count

Speed /
Pulse Width = 10us * <IN[x]>
Pulse Width of Speed α

IN[5]: Width of Last

IN[2]: Starting Pulse IN[4]: Constant Speed
Width Pulse Width


Decelerate Pulse Count: Number of pulses

during the deceleration process.

Total Pulse Count: Total number of pulses

18.3.4 Block Explanation

It is used to make a controlled step input motion by sending a certain number of pulses. Acceleration,
constant motion and deceleration functions are performed by controlling the pulse width and the
number of pulses.

If Acceleration and Deceleration functions are not required, corresponding pulse count parameters
must be set to 0.

Total pulse count parameter is sum of pulse count of Accelaration, Constant Speed, Deceleration

338 RTU / Programming Manual

Acceleration phase; Acceleration is start from “Initial pulse width” to “Constant speed pulse width” and
acceleration speed is controlled by acceleration pulse count parameter. The same applies to the
deceleration cycle.

The value entered as pulse width information is evaluated as 10 μs on the device side. For example,
for input pulse width of 120 us, input must be written 12.

After the PTO block starts to work, the output signal of the block goes to Logis(0) . After the total
number of pulses is completed, the "Cou" output goes to Logic(1). Connecting to Cou output to
another PTO block inputs result in controlling multiple PTO blocks together.

339 RTU / Programming Manual


18.4.1 Connections

Ena: Enable input of the block Abs: Absolute position at axis

Sta: Status
Go: Go home command input

Hom: Home indicator Dir: Direction

18.4.2 Connection Explanations

Ena: Enable input of the block
It can be used as an emergency stop or to enable axis movement.
Go: Go home command input
Homing command input
Hom: Home indicator
It reads whether it is in HOME position through this input.
Abs: Absolute Position
It is the output of the block that gives the absolute positon at the axis
Sta: Binary output
It is the output of the block that indicates the state of the motor.
Dir: Binary output
It is the output of the block that indicates the direction of the motor.

18.4.3 Block Settings

Axis Number: Specifies the output

which the axis block will be using

Axis Unit: Machine Unit: Moves in

units of millimeters. Motor Unit:
Moves in units of pulses.

Axis Type: Specifies how to reach the

deisred position.

340 RTU / Programming Manual

Encoder Number: Specifies the
encoder number.

TurnHome Way: Specifies the

direction when going to home

Axis Range: Specifies the required

number of pulses during one
complete lap of motor.

Move/Rev: Specifies the speed when

in Machine unit mode.

Pulse/Rev: Specifies the speed when

in Motor Unit mode.

Max Speed(Pulse/Second): Specifies

the maximum speed when operating.

TurnHome Speed: Specifies the speed

when motor is returning to home

Bacward Compensation: Ramp

amount when moving backwards.

Forward Compensation: Ramp

amount when moving forward.

18.4.4 Block Explanation

This block is used to control the position of the system on the axis. The block keeps the last position of
the system and using this info control the Pulse Train Outputs to realize position aware movement.

When a Logic(1) signal is applied to “Go Home” input of the block, PLC starts to drive the motion
system until Logic(1) signal appears at “Home” input of the block. If homing process is started while it
is already at home position, PLC starts homing process to calculate axis length per pulse count.

“Axis Number” specifies PTO channel of the Axis block.

- If Axis Number is 1, output will be at PTO channel 0 - DQ0

- If Axis Number is 2, output will be at PTO channel 1 – DQ1
- If Axis Number is 3, output will be at PTO channel 2 – DQ2
- If Axis Number is 4, output will be at PTO channel 3 – DQ3

341 RTU / Programming Manual

If an axis block is used in the project, PTO blocks cannot be used anymore for this channel.

To use the axis block, AT+PTO=1 command must be sent to the device using Mikroterminal to make
digital outputs pulse outputs. DO0, DO1, DO2, DO3 cannot be used for any other purposes anymore.

Axis and machine moves in units of millimeters. Motor unit moves in the units of pulses. Axis type
determines how the motor reaches the desired position. If “circular” is selected, desired position will be
reached by the shortest path. If “linear” is selected, when the starting point is reached, motor starts to
move at the opposite direction, and then reaches to the desired position. This way, if there is a cable
attached to the motor it will not be damaged.

Turn home way: specifies the direction of the motor when going back to starting point.

Axis range: Required pulse amount for a lap is entered here.

Move/Rev: In Machine Unit option, defines the speed. Speed of the motor is reversely proportional
with the number entered here. It has the units of milliseconds. MaxSpeed(Pulse,sec): Defines the
maximum speed of the motor when operating. The number is reversely proportional with the speed of
the motor. It has units of microseconds.

Home Turn Speed: Defines the speed when going to starting point. It is reversely proportional with the
speed of the motor. It has units of microseconds.

Backward Compensation: Compensation value for turning in reverse direction.

Forward Compensation: Compensation value for turning in forward direction.

342 RTU / Programming Manual


18.5.1 Connections

Sta: Start command

Abs: Target Position

Cou: Pulse output

Wor: Input for motor speed

Sta: Input for starting speed.

Acc: Input for acceleration

Dec: Input for deceleration
Cou: Output of the block
Mov: Target position input

Dir: Direction Input

18.5.2 Connection Explanations

Sta: Start command binary input

When a signal is applied to this input, block start to drive system.
Target position
Wor: Input for motor speed
Motor speed is setting by connecting a word register to this input.
Sta: Input for starting speed
Specifies the ramp speed before reaching to the target input.
Acc: Input for acceleration duration
Specifies the duration of acceleration of the motor.
Dec: Input for deceleration duration
Specifies the duration of deceleration of the motor.
Mov: Traget position input
Specifies the target position, using word or long register.
Dir: Direction input
Specifies the direction of the motion. 1: forward, 0: reverse.
Cou: Pulse output

343 RTU / Programming Manual

When the block produces a pulse, this output generates a momentary signal.

Co: Binary output

Gives a binary output.

344 RTU / Programming Manual

18.5.3 Block Settings

Axis Number: Specifies the axis number.

TargetSpeed(pulse/sec,mm/sec):Specifies the
target speed.

Start/Stop Speed(pulse/sec,mm/sec): Specifies the

start and stop speed of the motor.

Acceleration Duration: Specifies the acceleration


Deceleration Duration: Specifies the deceleration


18.5.4 Block Explanation

It is used to stabilise the position of the servo motor.

Sta: When the signal is applied to the Sta input, block starts to send out pulses.

Wor: A word register is connected to this input to adjust the motor speed. It can be set in the Block
Settings menu either. It is reversely proportional to the speed of the motor. It can be set in the Block
Settings menu. It has units of microseconds.

Sta: Specifies the ramp speed before reaching the target speed. It is used when accelerating and
decelerating. It can be set in the Block Settings menu. It has units of microseconds.

Acc: Specifies the acceleration time of the motor. Desired value can be entered in Block Settings
menu either.

345 RTU / Programming Manual

Dec: Specifies the deceleration time of the motor. Desired value can be entered in Block Settings
menu either.

Mov: Specifies the target position. By connecting a word or long register required pulse count is

Dir: Specifies the direction of the movement. 1 means forward, 0 means reverse direction.

Cou: It is a pulse output. When block produces a pulse, gives a pulse signal.

“Axis Number” specifies the output of the Axis Control Block.


19.1 Rx Packet

19.1.1 Connections

Kan: Channel Input Blo: Block Output

19.1.2 Connection Explanation

Kan: Kanal girişi
Kanal giriş bağlantısıdır.
Blo: Blok numarası çıkış
Blok numarası çıkış bağlantısıdır.

19.1.3 Block Settings

Çözme Yöntemi:


346 RTU / Programming Manual

Paket Boyutu:



19.1.4 Block Explanation

347 RTU / Programming Manual

19.2 Packet Parser

19.2.1 Connections

Ayr: Ayrıştırılmış sonuç


RxP: Rxpaket girişi

Son: Sonuç geçerli çıkışı

19.2.2 Connection Explanation

RxP: Rxpaket girişi
Rxpaket giriş bağlantısıdır.
Ayr: Ayrıştırılmış sonuç çıkışı
Ayrıştırılmış paket çıkışıdır.
Son: Sonuç geçerli çıkışı
Sonuç geçerli çıkışıdır

348 RTU / Programming Manual

19.2.3 Custom Settings

Parse Segment Type:

Parse Value Type:




19.2.4 Block Explanation

349 RTU / Programming Manual

19.3 Tx Packet

19.3.1 Connections

Kan: Kanal girişi

Yaz: Yazma geçerli çıkışı

Değ: Değer girişi

Tx: Tx tetik girişi

19.3.2 Connection Explanation

Kan: Kanal girişi
Kanal giriş bağlantısıdır.
Değ: Değer girişi
Değer giriş bağlantısıdır.
Tx: Tx tetik girişi
Tx tetik girişi bağlantısıdır.
Yaz: Yazma geçerli çıkışı
Yazma geçerli çıkış bağlantısıdır.

350 RTU / Programming Manual

19.3.3 Custom Settings

Checksum Type:

Append Value Type:




19.3.4 Block Explanation

351 RTU / Programming Manual



20.1.1 Connections

Out: String data output

20.1.2 Connection Explanations

Out: String data output
String data output is a referance connection.

20.1.3 Custom Settings

String Offset:
It is the part of the string table where the data to be
used is selected.

352 RTU / Programming Manual

20.1.4 Block Explanation

It is used to select and use the desired index in the String Table for blocks that process or input texts
(String - Text).
”String table” part is pushed from project tab in order to reach String table on the Mikrodiagram or

From on the String table will be used string contains such as( number,message containig etc) can be
entered.In the String table. Each line can have max 63 characters on the String table.
When the do programme can be used text referance in order to use values which have been recorded
on the String table. Send and receivering SMS, acception calling and doing research on blocks and
entered numbers and message content are identified from String referance . SMS content where is on
string table and choosing telephone number is done from string referance’s block “string offset”

353 RTU / Programming Manual


20.2.1 Connections

InA: First string value input

Out: String change output

InB: Second string value input

Trg:Trigger input

20.2.2 Connection explanation

InA: First string value input
It is first string’s input.
InB:Second string value input
It is second string’s input.
Trg: Trigger input
It is trigger input from block.
Out: String change output
It is string changing block connection.

354 RTU / Programming Manual

20.2.3 Custom Setting

String Offset:

Result of operation which is writed on String table is

determined the index.

String Math:
The part of the process to be done is

20.2.4 Block Explantion

As do operation on the string referance result of operation new string is written to string offset.It
which is operate tpye is as operate on the strings produce the string againly.
String format data to transformer, string, join, add to end, clean, compare, long of string, index
and change is used for doing operation.
When string change function choose to inA input word or long register is connected. String of
referance and value entering value ”% s” must be added in to InB. Word, long and analog value
are transformed to string by this operation.

355 RTU / Programming Manual

20.2.5 Sample Application

The data from the word register connected to the inA input will be converted to string value
with the expression "% s" at the inB input. When the trigger is active is signed when only DI0
logic high(1) signal comes will operate.

356 RTU / Programming Manual


20.3.1 Connections

InA: First string value input

InB: Second string value input Out: String processing output

Trg: Trigger input

20.3.2 Connection Explanation

InA: First string value input
It is fisrt string value input
InB: Second string value input
It is second text value input.
Trg: Trigger input
It is block trigger input.
Out:String operation output
Text processing is output connection

357 RTU / Programming Manual

20.3.3 Custom Settings

Strings process steps that are part of the

20.3.4 Block Explanation

As doing operation on the string referance ,result of opearation composed the integer value is
written blocks output. Performed operations and expectation are given below:

Compare The string referance input of inA and inB inputs as alphabetic sorting as
compare is written the output.
String Long The character number of the inA referance string is written to the output.
Writing to number The content of string of the inA referance is transformed to the output.



21.1.1 Connections

Day: Day selection input

O1: Block Output

O.T: Opening time input

358 RTU / Programming Manual

C.T: Closing time input

21.1.2 Connection Explanation

Day: Day selection input
It is day selection input.
O.T: Opening time input
It is the input which determine opening time.
C.T: Closing time input
It is the input which determine closing time.
O1: Block output
It is block output which is producing logic(0) and logic(1) signal.

359 RTU / Programming Manual

21.1.3 Custom Settings

Days: Determines the operating days for

weekly timer.

Hour period: It determines weekly timer’s

operating interval.

All Day: If it is chosen the hour period

becomes passive; block output is activated
during 24 hours for the selected days

21.1.4 Block Explanation

O1 output becomes logic(1) for the selected day and time intervals.
Provides simple and excellent programming ease in the control of the systems which are to be
operated at the determined days and time intervals of the week.
When week’s day is desired to choose from out of block, every day is represented by one bit. The
least significant bit(LSB) represents Monday, the most significant bit (MSB) represents Sunday. Thus
1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, 4 for Wednesday, 8 for Thursday, 16 for Friday, 32 for Saturday, 64 for
Sunday values must be entered. When more than one day is wanted to be chosen, corresponding
values is written as a sum.
For example, when it is wanted to choose Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1+4+16=21 value must be
To insert O.T. and C.T. values from out of the block, the value is entered with no punctuations in
between. For example, 16:30 should be written as 1630. For 01:17, 117 should be entered.
Since weekly timer works in minute resolution, the outputs are updated in a period of +30 seconds.

360 RTU / Programming Manual

361 RTU / Programming Manual
21.1.5 Example

In the example, Bit Merge Block is connected into weekly timer inputs. For Bit Merge Block
, every input is represented by one day. Binary registers are connected to Bit
Merge block’s inputs. One word register is connected to the O.T. and C.T. inputs, and it is aimed to
control the on/off state of the pump by using the relay output (RQ0) connected to the output of Weekly
Pump will operate in the selected days of the week such as Tuesday, Thursday, Friday between 08.30
and 17.00 hours and it will not operate in other days and times.

362 RTU / Programming Manual


21.2.1 Connections

O.D: Date of opening input

O1: Block output

C.D: Date of closing input

21.2.2 Connection Explanations

O.D: Date of opening input
It is the 32 bits long opening date input value. This value is of Unix Epoch seconds. The seconds
value since 00:00 1/1/1970 is inserted as the opening time.
It is the input for date of opening.
C.D: Date of closing input
It is the 32 bits long closing date input value. The seconds value since 00:00 1/1/1970 is inserted as
the closing time.
It is the input for date of closing.
O1: Block Output
The yearly timer block’s output which is logic(0) or logic(1)

363 RTU / Programming Manual

21.2.3 Custom Settings

Open Date:

The date value which Yearly

timer’s output will be logic (1) can
be determined in the block.

Close Date:
The date value which Yearly
timer’s output will be logic (0) can
be determined in the block.

21.2.4 Block Explanation

It is used to generate a logical (1) output between two selected time intervals of the year. It
outputs the logic(1) signal in between opening and closing dates which are entered and if else logic(0).
If opening date(O.T) and closing date (C.T) is entered from out of block, Unix Epoch Time type is
entered as opening and closing time. In order to calculate Unix Epoch Time from date value, the below
link could used.

364 RTU / Programming Manual


365 RTU / Programming Manual


21.3.1 Connections

Ltd: Input for latitude value Day: Block Output

Lng: Input for longitude value SunRise: Sunrise time

Offs: Input for offset SunSet: Sunset time

21.3.2 Connection Explanation

Ltd: Input for latitude value
It is the latitude coordinate information of the geographic location which is used to calculate the
sunrise and sunset time. For example, only 51 must be entered for 51°30'
Lng: Input for longitude value
It is the longitude coordinate information of the geographic location which is used to calculate the
sunrise and sunset time. For example, only 39 must be entered for 39°20'
Offs: Input for offset
It is used to select the time zone for summer/winter time. Time period offset is entered such as -10, -9,
… +1, +2, .. +9
Day: Block output
For the location in the entered coordinates, Block output is logic(1) for day time and logic(0) for night
SunRise: Sunrise time
Sunrise time for location in the entered coordinates. For example if sunrise is 05:43, 543 value is read
in this block output.

SunSet: Sunset time

Sunset time for location in the entered coordinates. For example if sunset is 18:25, 1825 value is read
in this block output.

366 RTU / Programming Manual

21.3.3 Custom Settings

Latitude: The value of latitude is entered

within the block.

Longitude: The value of longitude is

entered within the block.

Offset: The time period, can be selected

within the block

21.3.4 Block İnformation

Sunset and sunrise time is calculated by using the latitude and longitude values. This time calculation
is run once in everyday at midnight. According to sunrise/sunset time, the block output is set. Output
of block is updated once every minute.
In the Day output of block, during the daytime logic(1) signal output is generated, after sunset the
logic(0) output I generated during the night time for the entered coordinates.
Sunrise output is the sunrise time for specified coordinates. For example, if sunrise time is 05:43, 543
value is read in this block output.
Sunset output is the sunset time for specified coordinates.. For example, if the time of sunset is 18:25,
1825 value is read in this block output.
The Offset Value is the time period for GMT. The information of time period can be entered as a + or –
Ltd, Lng and Ofs inputs can be entered within the block.

367 RTU / Programming Manual

21.3.5 Example

Astronomical timer’s latitude, longitude and offset information is determined with registers.
These values may also be determined within the block. The digital output or relay output can
be connected to the ”Day” output.

For example; latitude 41, longitude 29 and offset 2 values must be entered for İstanbul.
When clocks go forward for summer time the offset should be set to 3.

Sunset and sunrise times can be viewed from output of “Sunrise” and “Sunset” outputs.


21.4.1 Connections

Sta: Block output

21.4.2 Connection Explanation

Sta: Block output

368 RTU / Programming Manual

Unix Epoch Time seconds value is written to this output

21.4.3 Custom Settings

There is no custom settings.

21.4.4 Block Explanation

The system second block shows the PLC’s real time clock’s second value. The information which is
from PLC real time is calculated as seconds since Linux Epoch ( 00:00 1/1/1970 ) and is written to
block output.

21.4.5 Example

In the example, real second value of the PLC is read.


21.5.1 Connections

Sta: Block output

21.5.2 Connection Explanation

Sta: Block output
It is block output which shows the system’s milliseconds as a 32 bit value.

21.5.3 Custom Settings

There is no custom settings

369 RTU / Programming Manual

21.5.4 Block Explanation
"System Milliseconds" block reads the millisecond value from the moment the PLC starts to operate.
When the device is rebooted, this counter resets to zero and it starts to counter from 0.

21.5.5 Example

In the example, time since the PLC reset is seen as milliseconds value.(The system is reset nearly
before 15 seconds.)

370 RTU / Programming Manual


21.6.1 Connections

Min: Block minutes output

Hou: Block hour output

21.6.2 Connection Explanations

Min: Block minutes output
It is the minute value, 16 bits long Word
Hou: Block hour output
It is the hour value, 16 bits long Word

21.6.3 Custom Settings

There is no custom settings.

21.6.4 Block Explanation

System HHMM block shows the PLC’s real time clock’s hours and minutes value. The minutes is
displayed between the 0-59 and hours is displayed between 0-23

371 RTU / Programming Manual

21.6.5 Example

The PLC’s hours and minutes information is read and that the current time is seen as 14:56.

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21.7.1 Connections

Sta: Block output

21.7.2 Connection Explanation

Sta: Block output
It is 16 bits long word output that read the day of weeks value

21.7.3 Custom Settings

There is no custom settings.

21.7.4 Blok Açıklaması

System day of week shows PLC’s real time clock’s week of day. It is read such as ; Sunday 0,
Monday 1, Tuesday 2,Wednesday 3,Thursday 4, Friday 5,Saturday 6.

21.7.5 Example

Shows the day of week. If read value is six, then the day is Saturday.

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21.8.1 Connections

Sta: Block output

21.8.2 Block Explanation

Sta: Block output
It is 16 bits long word output that read the day of month value.

21.8.3 Custom Settings

There is no custom settings.

21.8.4 Block Explanations

The system day of month block shows PLC’s real time clock’s day of month. It displays values
between 1-31.

21.8.5 Example

Day of month value is showed on the block.

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21.9.1 Connections

Sta: Block output

21.9.2 Connection Explanation

Sta: Block output
It is 16 bits word output that read the day of year value.

21.9.3 Custom Settings

There is no custom settings.

21.9.4 Block Explanation

The system day of year block shows PLC’s real time clock’s day of year value. It can take value s
between the 1-365.

21.9.5 Example

The value of the day of the year is read and it is 216 days since the beginning of the year.

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21.10.1 Connections

Sta: Block output

21.10.2 Block Explanation

Sta: Block output
It is the block output

21.10.3 Custom Settings

There is no custom settings

21.10.4 Block Explanation

System Month block shows PLC's real time clock’s month of year value.

21.10.5 Example

It is seen that it is the eighth month of the year (August).

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21.11.1 Connections

Sta: Block output

21.11.2 Connection Explanations

Sta: Block output
It is the connection of block output

21.11.3 Custom Settings

There is no custom settings

21.11.4 Block Explanation

System Year Block shows PLC's real time clock’s year value.

21.11.5 Example

It is read the year value of the system.

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21.12.1 Connections

Sav: Saving trigger input

Sec: Second input

Min: Minute input

Hou: Hour input

Day: Day input

Sta: Block output

Mon: Month input

Yea: Year input

21.12.2 Connection Explanation

Sav: Saving trigger input
It is the input to be triggered in rising edge for saving time.
Sec: Second input
It is the seconds input of Save Time.
Min: Minute input
It is the minutes input of Save Time.
Hou: Hour input
It is the hour input of Save Time.
Day: Day input
It is the day input of Save Time.

Month: Month input

It is the month input of Save Time.
Year: Year input
It is the year input of Save Time.
Sta: Block output
It is the block output connection.

378 RTU / Programming Manual

21.12.3 Custom Settings
There is no custom settings.

21.12.4 Block Explanation

It is used to set the PLC’s time and date within the logic project. It saves the values written into the
block inputs to the real time clock of the PLC at the rising edge instance of the “Save Input”.

21.12.5 Example

In the example; the time and date values written to the inputs of the save time block are written to the
real time clock at the rising edge trigger of the "Sav" input.

379 RTU / Programming Manual


21.13.1 Connections

Def: Default output

Rem: Remaining output

21.13.2 Connection Explanation

Def: Default output
It is the default output.
Rem: Remaining output
It is the remaining output.

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21.13.3 Custom Settings

Schedule Select Table:

Indexes for tags are defined.

21.13.4 Blok Explanation

It can be used in conjunction with Mikrodev ViewPLUS SCADA. It CAN NOT BE USED alone.
If the index is selected in the Mikrodiagram "Time Plan Picker", the same index of the "Schedule Tag"
must be selected in ViewPLUS SCADA. In order to make settings for "Time Plan Picker", at "View
PLUS SCADA" ; "Scheduler" must be added to "Scada Editor" and "Schedule tag" must be selected.
If more than one index is selected in the time plan picker and the tags defined in these indexes are
added to ViewPLUS SCADA, output logic (1) occurs between the indexes if the index condition is met
with OR operation.
The "Def" output of the "Time Plan Picker" is in logic(1) if the day and time is in selection range of the
PLC clock selected from "ViewPLUS SCADA", while in other cases the "Def" output is logic(0) .
"Rem" output block is logic low(0), if it satisfies the time zone condition selected from the ViewPLUS
SCADA; if it does not, it shows how long remained for the condition to be satisfied.

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Note: A maximum of 63 different indices can be defined in the PLC, if an index is defined on more
than one "Time Plan Picker", the block outputs give the same output.

21.13.5 Example

In the examples; PLC program is in first picture and ViewPLUS SCADA interface is in the
second picture.

In the case of “time plan picker 1”, the output of "Def" output and relay (RQ0) is logic (1)
because the PLC time is on one of the selected days and the time is between 14:22 and
14:25. The “Rem” output is logic low(0) because of the output “Def” is logic (1).

In the case of “time plan picker 2”, the PLC time date is on one of the selected days but since
the time is not between 14:30 and 14:35, the "Def" output signals logic (0) and the relay
(RQ0) is inactive. The "Rem" output shows how many minutes are left until 14:30. In this

382 RTU / Programming Manual

case, it can be estimated that PLC time is 14:30 since at the output of "Rem" is the value of

383 RTU / Programming Manual


22.1 MACRO

22.1.1 Connection

in0: First data input

o0: First data output

in1: Second data input

in2: Third data input

in3: Fourth data input o1: Second data output

Trg: Trigger input

22.1.2 Connection Explanation

in0: First data input
It is the first data input.
in1: Second data input
It is the second data input.
in2: Third data input
It is the third data input.
in3: Fourth data input
It is the fourth data input.
Trg: Trigger input
It is trigger connection input.
o0: First data output
It is the first data output.
o1: Second data output
It is the second data output.

384 RTU / Programming Manual

22.1.3 Custom Settings

It is the field where custom command
definitions are made.

22.1.4 Block Explanations

Custom blocks can be designed by inserting special command definitions in the macro field of the
There are 50 analog variables you could use in the macro block. You can use variable definitions in
the macro using the addresses "v0", "v1", "v2" ... and "v49". The variables are off floating point-analog
type .
The addresses "i0", "i1", "i2" and "i3" can be used to read data from the inputs of the macro block.
The addresses "o0" and "o1" can be used to transfer data to the outputs of the macro block.
If you want to read any block value in Mikrodiagram application within the macro, you can use it by
specifying "$" expression and block number.
For example; It is enough to write "$1056" to address the value of block with “block number 1056” in
the macro. Mikrodiagram macro addressing solution allows all blocks in the diagram area to be
written and read.
"[" Character is created with the command line start. "]" Creates a command line break.
Basic command line usage is :
["addressing" = "addressing", "command", "addressing"].

385 RTU / Programming Manual

The expression "[E]" specifies the macro end. Use of conditional expression (IF);
[IF, <State 0/1>, <jump line>]
For example; If the “State” value is “0”, it is passed to the next command line by the step count
specified in the jump line. If the state value is 1, execution is continued from the next command which
is just below the “IF” expression line. Positive values for the bottom rows and negative values for the
top rows are used to jump between lines in the “IF” command line. “2” is written to go to lower two
lines of the IF command and “-2” to go to the upper two lines of the IF command.
Example code;
[v1 = v0> $1504]
[IF, v1,2]
[v2 = $1504 + 0]

In the above example;

[v1 = v0> $1504]
> If the value of "v0" is greater than the value of block $1504, logic (1) will be assigned to v1.
[IF, v1,2]
> If “v1” value is logic (0), skip two lines; If “v1” is logic (1) continue to the next command line.
[v2 = $1504 + 0]
> If the result of the "IF" command in the previous line is logic (1), ie v0 is greater than $1504, assign
value $1504 to v2. "+0" is added in order to comply with macro line format in assignment process.
[E] -> Macro end
> That line indicates that macro is completed.

386 RTU / Programming Manual

22.1.5 Commands
Command Command Definition
+ Plus
- Minus
* Multiply
/ Divided by
% Modular arithmetic
& Logical “AND” operation
| Logical “OR” operation
^ Logical “X-OR” operation
> Greater than
< Less than
e Equal to
b Greater than or equal to
k Less than or equal to
n Not equal to
IF Logical “IF”
[ Command line start
] Command line end
E Macro end
$ Block Addressing
v0,v1, .. Variable

387 RTU / Programming Manual

22.1.6 Example
Control of 8 binary register values by the logical "and" operation written in the macro:
The macro block will only operate when the trig is active.
Macro commands:
[v0 = $3000 & $3001 ] -> Evaluate the registers addressed with $3000 and $3001 in the logical
"and" operation and assign the result to variable 0(v0).
[v0 = v0 & $3002 ] -> Evaluate the registers addressed with v0 and $3002 in the logical
"and" operation and assign the result to variable 0(v0).
[v0 = v0 & $3003 ]
[v0 = v0 & $3004 ]
[v0 = v0 & $3005 ]
[v0 = v0 & $3006 ]
[v0 = v0 & $3007]
[o0 = v0 + 0 ] –> The value of variable 0(v0) is passed to the output of macro block o0.
[E] –> Macro process ends.
The result of operation for $3007 register value is 0 and other register value is 1;

The definition of the AND operation is that if any of the inputs are logic (0), the output is logic (0), so the
macro block output is logic (0).

Process result with all register values are logic(1):

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The definition of the AND operation is that if all of the inputs are logic (1), the output is logic (1), so the
macro block output is logic (1).

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