IBM Maximo Multisite Administrator's Guide - IBM Notice
IBM Maximo Multisite Administrator's Guide - IBM Notice
IBM Maximo Multisite Administrator's Guide - IBM Notice
Release 6.2.1
Third-Party Technology: Certain Maximo products contain technology provided under license from third
parties, as noted in the following table:
Open Source: Maximo contains computer software obtained from the public domain, known as "Open Source"
ownership of which is attributed as follows: Portions © 2002, Steve Souza ([email protected]). Portions ©
2000-2004, Jason Hunter & Brett McLaughlin. Portions © 2004-2005, The Apache Software Foundation
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notices-1
This section explains how this guide can help you to use IBM® Maximo®. It
also provides information about other IBM Corporation resources available to
you, such as additional documentation and support.
This guide is designed for the system administrator, network administrator,
and database manager of Maximo.
Related Documentation
For more information about IBM Maximo, refer to the following
Document Description
! Application server
! IBM Maximo
! Actuate
Document Description
IBM Maximo users with a valid Annual Customer Support Plan (ACSP) can
obtain product support online at Support Online:
What is Multisite?
A multisite environment in IBM Maximo includes the following properties:
! Users access Maximo via a Web browser—they can be at any site, not just
where Maximo is installed.
Because a Site is an entity you create within Maximo, it may or may not
correspond to a physical site. The following may help illustrate this:
! Two Sites might correspond to two subdivisions within the same large
facility at a single location—subdivisions you want to keep separate for
business reasons.
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Site 5
Site 6
Site 7
Site 8
Separate Organizations ! Your enterprise has multiple legal entities, each of which maintains its
own general ledger accounts. You define each legal entity as an
! You use Maximo to maintain both EAM assets and IT assets. These assets
are maintained by two different departments, each having a unique set of
general ledger accounts and cost centers. You create two Organizations,
one for EAM assets and one for IT assets.
Separate Sites You typically create multiple Sites within an Organization when you want the
work management to be separate—independent sequence of work orders,
separate assets and inventory, separate PMs, and so forth.
The above examples illustrate just a few of the considerations to keep in mind
in setting up a multisite environment. What you can and cannot do in Maximo
is determined by the Maximo architecture and the way it stores data for the
various applications. The next chapter presents this information in detail.
Overview 1-3
When Do You Use Multisite?
to create a single Organization with a single Site, one Company Set, and one
Item Set—the minimum requirements for implementing Maximo.
! Enterprise
! Set
! Organization
! Site
Enterprise The Enterprise level (sometimes referred to as System level) encompasses all
of Maximo. A single installation, or instance, of Maximo comprises one
Enterprise. An Enterprise can have multiple Organizations, and each
Organization can have multiple sites.
Enterprise-level data is unique for all of Maximo, which means there can only
be one record with that ID for that application across all Organizations and
sites. It also means that Enterprise-level data is available to all Organizations
and sites. For example, the People application is an Enterprise-level
application. Therefore, person records are unique at the Enterprise level and
all Organizations and sites can access them.
Set The Set level is a special category below the Enterprise level, but above the
Organization level, which allows multiple Organizations to share item data
and vendor information. The Set level includes two kinds of Sets: Item and
Company (for vendor information).
An Enterprise can have multiple Item and Company Sets. Each Organization
uses only one Company Set and one Item Set, but you can assign the same Set
to multiple Organizations, thereby allowing those Organizations to share the
item data or vendor information.
Organization Organizations and sites are the two categories you use most often in setting
up a multisite environment. They correspond to logical divisions within the
company and determine how data is shared or not shared.
You can also use sites in administering security. You can give users different
rights at different sites. For example, a user with management responsibility
at one Site might need full rights to Work Order Tracking and other work
management applications at that Site. The same user might only need to view
how work is being performed at a second Site. Therefore, you grant that user
read-only access to the relevant applications at the second Site.
Data Sharing
The basic concept of data sharing in Maximo is embodied in the Maximo
Applications and Multisite Architecture table, later in this section. For each
application, you see the level at which Maximo stores the data.
! Data stored at the Site level is unique at the Site level. Depending on the
application, data may be accessible from other sites.
! Data stored at the Set level is available to all Organizations (and their
included sites) for which the Company or Item Set has been specified.
! Data stored at the Enterprise level is unique at the Enterprise level and is
available to all Organizations and sites.
While data may, for example, be available to all sites within an Organization,
this does not necessarily mean that users at one Site will automatically have
access to all the data. In setting up security and user privileges, an
administrator has additional flexibility in determining what data users
access. For example, an administrator specifies a default insert Site for a user
and can further specify that for that user only the records for the default
insert Site be displayed.
The table lets you view the relationships of applications within the various
modules. For example:
! In the Financial module, currency codes are at the Enterprise level, but
exchange rates and GL accounts (Chart of Accounts) are all at the
Organization level. You establish currency codes for the whole Enterprise,
but each Organization maintains its own exchange rates and GL accounts.
The following Maximo Applications and Multisite Architecture table shows the data storage level for each Maximo
application and several Select Action menu items. The sequence of modules and applications follows the sequence on the
Maximo Go To menu. For each application, the table specifies the level at which records are defined and at which the
records are unique. For example, the table indicates that the Assets application is a Site-level application. Therefore, assets
are defined at the Site level and the asset identifiers are unique at that level.
Module / Application
Comp. Item
Site Notes
Organizations !
Bulletin Board !
Communication !
Calendars !
Sets !
Work View !
Report Administration !
Deployed Assets ! All applications listed under Deployed Assets are defined at the
Enterprise level.
Reconciliation ! All applications listed under Reconciliation are defined at the Enterprise
Module / Application
Comp. Item
Site Notes
Assets ! Though assets are defined at the Site level, a user can issue items from a
storeroom located in one Site to an asset located in another Site. The user
must have access to both sites, and the two sites must belong to the same
Locations ! Though locations are defined at the Site level, a user can issue items from
a storeroom located in one Site to a location in another Site. The user
must have access to both sites, and the two sites must belong to the same
Meters ! Items, assets and locations defined in Maximo can access all the meters
defined in the Meters application.
Meter Groups ! Items, assets and locations defined in Maximo can access all meter groups
defined in the Meter Groups application.
Condition Monitoring ! Condition monitoring points are defined against an asset or location and
hence are accessible only in the Site where the asset or location is defined.
Failure Codes ! The problems, causes, and remedies associated with failure codes are also
defined at the Organization level and are unique at that level.
Deployed Assets ! All applications listed under Deployed Assets are defined at the
Enterprise level.
Workflow ! All applications listed under Workflow are defined at the Enterprise level.
Database Configuration !
Escalations !
Module / Application
Comp. Item
Site Notes
E-mail Listener !
Domains ! ! ! Domains are defined at the Enterprise level, but individual values can be
restricted to an Organization or Site.
Purchase Contracts ! Though purchase contracts are defined at the Organization level, you
must explicitly specify the sites to which a purchase contract applies
using the Authorize Sites action. The sites must belong to the
Organization in which the contract is created or to an Organization that
uses the same Item Set and Company Set as the Organization in which
the contract is created.
Lease/Rental Contracts ! Though lease/rental contracts are defined at the Organization level, you
must explicitly specify the sites to which a lease/rental contract applies
using the Authorize Sites action. The sites must belong to the
Organization in which the contract is created or to an Organization that
uses the same Item Set and Company Set as the Organization in which
the contract is created.
Labor Rate Contracts ! Labor rate contracts are accessible to all the sites in the Organization in
which the contract was created.
Master Contracts ! Though master contracts are defined at the Organization level, you must
explicitly specify the sites to which a master contract applies using the
Authorize Sites action. The sites must belong to the Organization in
which the contract is created or to an Organization that uses the same
Item Set and Company Set as the Organization in which the contract is
Module / Application
Comp. Item
Site Notes
Warranty Contracts ! Though warranty contracts are defined at the Organization level, you
must explicitly specify the sites to which a warranty contract applies
using the Authorize Sites action. The sites must belong to the
Organization in which the contract is created or to an Organization that
uses the same Item Set and Company Set as the Organization in which
the contract is created.
Terms and Conditions ! Terms and conditions are accessible to all sites in the Organization in
which the terms and conditions were created.
Currency Codes ! All sites and Organizations in Maximo can access the currency codes.
Exchange Rates ! Exchange rates are accessible to all sites in the Organization in which the
exchange rates were defined.
Chart of Accounts ! GL Accounts are accessible to all sites in the Organization in which the
GL accounts were defined.
Cost Management !
Integration Objects !
Integration Interfaces !
External Systems !
Item Master ! Items are defined at the Item Set level and the identifiers are unique at
that level. An Organizations can use only one Item Set, and all sites in the
that Organization can access all the items defined in that Item Set.
Module / Application
Comp. Item
Site Notes
Service Items ! Service Items are defined at the Item Set level and the identifiers are
unique at that level. An Organizations can use only one Item Set, and all
sites in that Organization can access all the service items defined in that
Item Set.
Tools ! Tools are defined at the Item Set level and the identifiers are unique at
that level. An Organizations can use only one Item Set, and all sites in
that Organization can access all the tools defined in that Item Set.
Stocked Tools ! Tools can be transferred from a storeroom in one Site to a storeroom in
another Site, provided the two sites belong to the same Organization or
the Organizations of the two sites use the same Item Set.
Inventory ! Items in a storeroom are defined at the Site level. Items can be
transferred from a storeroom in one Site to a storeroom in another Site,
provided the two sites belong to the same Organization or the
Organizations of the two sites use the same Item Set.
Condition Codes ! All condition enabled items in an Item Set can use the codes.
Storerooms !
Job Plans ! ! ! Job plans can be defined at the Enterprise level, Organization level or Site
level. When a job plan is defined at the Enterprise level, the identifier is
unique at that level and there cannot be a job plan at the Site level or the
Organization level with the same identifier.
Safety Plans !
Module / Application
Comp. Item
Site Notes
Routes ! Only assets and locations that belong to a route's Site can be part of that
route. Any specified job plans must either belong to the route's Site or be
at the Enterprise level.
Preventive Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance !
Master PM ! PM records from any Site can be associated with a master PM.
Purchase Requisitions ! You can create purchase requests (both internal and external) for
storerooms that belong to the Site in which you create the request.
When you create an internal PR, you can request items from a storeroom
belonging to a different Site than the one in which you create the PR,
provided the two sites are in the same Organization or the Organizations
for the two sites use the same Item Set.
Purchase Orders ! You can create purchase orders (both internal and external) for
storerooms that belong to the Site in which you create the purchase order.
For an external PO, you can request items for storerooms in multiple
sites, provided the PO Site and all the storeroom sites belong to the same
When you create an internal PO, you can request items from a storeroom
belonging to a different Site than the one in which you create the PO,
provided the two sites are in the same Organization or the Organizations
for the two sites use the same Item Set.
Receiving !
Invoices !
Module / Application
Comp. Item
Site Notes
Companies ! Company records are defined at the Organization level. However, they are
unique at the Company Set level because a company record must exist in
the Company Master application before it can be defined for an
Company Master ! Company master records are defined at the Company Set level and are
unique at that level.
KPI Manager !
Report Administration !
People !
Person Groups ! ! ! Person group records are defined at the Enterprise level and the
identifiers are unique at that level. Person groups contain people records,
which can be restricted to a Site or an Organization.
Crafts !
Labor !
Qualifications !
Hazards ! The Precautions associated with the hazards are defined at the Site level
Precautions !
Safety Plans !
Module / Application
Comp. Item
Site Notes
Security Groups !
Users !
Self Service
Desktop Requisitions ! All applications listed under Desktop Requisition are defined at the Site
Service Requests ! ! ! Transactions can reside at Enterprise, Organization, or Site level. This
applies to all applications listed under Service Requests.
Service Desk
Service Requests ! Service requests are defined at the Enterprise level. The requested service
can specify an asset or location that belongs to any Site. The service
request can also be handled at any Site, not just the Site specified for the
asset or location.
Incidents ! Incidents are defined at the Enterprise level. The incident can specify an
asset or location that belongs to any Site. The incident can also be
handled at any Site, not just the Site specified for the asset or location.
Problems ! Problem records are defined at the Enterprise level. The problem can
specify an asset or location that belongs to any Site. The problem can also
be handled at any Site, not just the Site specified for the asset or location.
Changes !
Releases !
Activities !
Solutions !
Ticket Templates ! Ticket templates can contain job plans that can be from any level.
Module / Application
Comp. Item
Site Notes
Service Management
Service Level ! SLA records can be defined at the Enterprise level, Organization level or
Agreements at the Site level. The SLA identifier is unique at the Enterprise level.
Service Groups !
Work Orders
Labor Reporting !
Quick Reporting !
Assignment Manager !
Action Items
Commodity Codes !
Conversion Values !
Tax Codes !
Units of Measurement !
Items You use the Item Master application, which stores data at the Set level, to
specify a unique ID and description for an item; to assign several properties to
the item, such as a commodity group, lot type, and whether the item is a
rotating one; and to add the item to the inventory of one or multiple Sites by
using the Add Items to Storeroom action.
When you create an item master record, it becomes part of the Item Set for the
Organization to which your default insert Site belongs. The items are unique
within the Set, and because you can assign the same Item Set to multiple
Organizations, you can use the same item definitions for all sites within those
! You can standardize your item definition so that all Organizations and the
sites they include share the same item catalog and item assembly
! The Item Master application provides an item catalog from which to set up
inventory at multiple sites.
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Site 5
Site 6
Site 7
Site 8
Organization 1 Organization 2 Organization 3
Service Items and Tools Service Items and Tools records are also stored at the Item Set level. If, for
example, Item Set 1 is specified as the Item Set for Organization 1, then
service items and tools will also be unique to Set 1 and can be shared by any
Organizations that have Set 1 specified as their Item Set.
Vendors The Company Master application, in which you maintain a master list of
vendors, stores data at the Company Set level. The companies—the vendors
you do business with—are unique within the Company Set, and one or more
Organizations can share the same Set.
The Companies and Company Master records have many fields in common; a
user can edit these fields in the Companies application without changing the
values in the Company Master application. For example, while the Ship Via
field in the Company Master record might be one shipping vendor, one of the
In the Sets application, when you create a Company Set, you have the option
of selecting the Automatically Add Companies to Company Master
check box. By default, this check box is cleared, and users must enter new
companies in the Company Master application. However, if you want users to
be able to enter new companies in the Companies application, select the check
box and Maximo will automatically add a record in the Company Master
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Site 5
Site 6
Site 7
Site 8
Organization 1 Organization 2 Organization 3
Item and Company Sets are independent of each other. The following figure
illustrates such an example. There are four Organizations and eight sites.
Organizations 1 and 2 share Item Set 1; Organizations 3 and 4 share Item Set
2. Organizations 1 and 2 each have their own Company Set. Organizations 3
and 4 share Company Set 3
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Site 5
Site 6
Site 7
Site 8
Organization 1 Organization 2 Organization 3 Organization 4
! Job Plans
! Classifications
! Person Groups
! Domains
Job Plans Some enterprises require their personnel to follow standard operating
procedures when performing maintenance. If you have a centralized
engineering department that creates these operating procedures for optimal
maintenance, then you might want the sites to access a common job plan.
In Maximo, you can create Enterprise-level job plans that all Organizations
and sites can access. You can also create job plans that are Organization- or
When you create Enterprise-level job plans, you also have the option of
specifying Organization- or Site-specific tasks, labor, materials, services, and
tools. Organization-specific tasks, labor, and so forth are copied only to those
work orders that are created in a Site belonging to that Organization. Site-
specific tasks, and so forth are copied only to those work orders created at that
NOTE If you specify a Site, the job plan can not be accessed by other sites; if you
specify an Organization, the job plan can not be accessed by other
Classifications By default, classification records are at the Enterprise level and can be
accessed by all Organizations and sites. However, when you add a new
classification record, you have the option of specifying an Organization or
Site—but only if the Items check box in the Use With section is not selected.
Any classification used with items must be at the Enterprise level.
You can similarly add child classifications in the Children table window. If the
parent classification is Enterprise-level, you can restrict the child
classification to an Organization or Site. But if the parent classification is
restricted to an Organization or Site, then all the children must be restricted
to the lowest level of the parent classification. For example, if the parent
classification is restricted to an Organization, a child classification can be
further restricted to a specific Site. If the parent classification is restricted to a
Site, then all the children must be restricted to that Site.
Domains The Domains application enables you to create several kinds of domains,
including value lists and crossover fields. By default, domains apply at the
Enterprise level and all sites can access them. You have the option of applying
domain values to a particular Organization or Site. The synonym domain
works differently than other domain types when you specify an Organization
or Site for a domain value:
! For other domain types, once you specify an Organization or Site for one
value in a domain, records in that Organization and/or Site will no longer
have access to values in that domain that have no Organization or Site
specified. Therefore, the best practice for non-synonym domains is to
either leave the Organization and/or Site fields empty for all values in a
domain (users in all Organizations and sites can access them) or specify an
Organization and/or Site for all values in the domain (only users in the
specified Organizations and/or sites can access them).
Person Groups Person Groups apply at the Enterprise level and can be accessed by all sites,
but you can restrict individual persons in the group to particular
Organizations or sites. When you add a person to a person group, you can
specify an Organization or Site for that person. You can add multiple rows for
the same person to specify multiple sites or Organizations, but if you do, you
must use multiple sites or multiple Organizations, not both.
Multisite Transactions
Purchase Requisitions
You can create a purchase requisition at one Site that requests items from a
storeroom at a different Site. The storeroom Site must belong to the same
Organization as the requesting Site, or the requesting Site and the supplying
Site must belong to Organizations that share the same Item Set.
Purchase Orders
You can create an internal purchase order at one Site that requests parts from
a storeroom at a different Site. The storeroom Site must belong to the same
Organization as the requesting Site, or the requesting Site and the supplying
Site must belong to Organizations that share the same Item Set.
Asset Moves
You can move assets from one Site to another. The destination Site can belong
to a different Organization if the asset is nonrotating.
If the asset is rotating, the Organizations for the originating and destination
sites must share the same Item Set. If the Site to which you want to move an
asset already has an asset with the same asset identifier, Maximo prompts
you to assign a new asset identifier to the asset you are moving.
You can issue an item from a storeroom in Site A, for example, to a work order
created in Site B. When performing this transaction you must have access to
both sites and the storeroom. The two sites must belong to the same
If you need to issue an item to a Site in a different Organization, you must use
the Maximo internal transfer capability to transfer the item and then issue
the item.
Work Planning
On the Work Order Tracking Plans tab, you can specify the storeroom from
which to obtain an item. The storeroom Site can be different than the work
order Site providing that both sites belong to the same Organization and that
you have access to both sites.
If you are on the List tab in the Organizations application (no Organization
selected), the only Select Action menu item for setting options is System
Settings. To specify other options from the Select Action menu you must first
select an Organization.
Rules for how an application functions are not necessarily related to the level
at which an application stores data. An application might be Site-level in
terms of data storage, but the settings you specify for how it functions might
apply at the Organization level. For example, though Work Order Tracking is
a Site-level application in terms of data storage, the choices you make with
the Edit Rules action (under Work Order Options) apply to using Work Order
Tracking at all sites within the Organization you selected from the List tab.
The Organizations Help system describes the procedures for using each of the
Select Action menu items. This chapter describes the levels at which the
various options take effect—Enterprise, Set, Organization, or Site.
Select Action Menu Items and the Levels to Which They Apply
With the exceptions of the System Settings action and some of the
Autonumber Setup actions, all the Select Action options you set in the
Organizations application apply to either the Organization or Site level. You
can tell the level from their corresponding dialog boxes as follows:
! If the dialog box does not display a list of sites to select from, then the
settings apply at the Organization level, specifically to the Organization
you selected from the list tab. You can select a different Organization and
specify different settings. The settings apply to all sites within the selected
! If the dialog box provides a list of sites to select from, then the settings you
specify apply only to the selected Site. The dialog box displays all the sites
for the selected Organization and you can specify different settings for
different sites.
The following table summarizes this information for all the Organizations
Company Item
Select Action Menu Items
Site Notes
Work Type !
Edit Rules !
Other Organization !
Site Options !
Inventory Options
Inventory Defaults !
Reorder !
Inventory Costs !
Asset Options !
Drilldown Options !
PM Options !
Purchasing Options
PO Options !
Contract Options !
Tax Options !
PO Labor Options !
Labor Options !
SLA Options !
Workflow Options !
E-Commerce Setup !
Autonumber Setup
System Level !
Set Level ! !
Organization Level !
Site Level !
System Settings !
The following scenarios illustrate multisite environments and how you might
create sites, Organization, and Sets in Maximo to reflect the needs of the
! The utilities and fleet operations use different items and storerooms.
! Utilities and Fleet use the same Company Set but separate Item Sets.
Multisite Configuration With Two Organizations Reflecting Separate Charts of Accounts for Utilities and Fleet
Item 1 Item 2
Company 1
! You have production facilities in the United States and the Republic of
South Africa, each with two locations or units that maintain separate
work orders.
! In both the United States and South Africa you have separate
maintenance and IT/service desk operations, each with its own GL chart of
accounts covering both local facilities.
! You want to maintain two sets of item definitions, one for maintenance
operations and one for the IT/service desk departments.
! You also use different sets of vendors for maintenance and for IT/service
desk, and you want to be able to create global contracts so that, for
example, the South African and United States maintenance facilities can
buy from the same vendors.
! Similarly, you create separate Company Sets for maintenance and IT/
service desk.
Multisite Configuration With Four Organizations Reflecting Separate Maintenance and IT Operations
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Notices-4 IBM Maximo: Multisite Administrator’s Guide