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Citation: Oropeza LM, López AF, Sanchez RO. Correction of Anterior Crossbite, Using Removable Appliances in Mixed Dentition:
5-Year Follow-Up. Oral Health Dental Sci. 2023; 7(4); 1-6.
The anterior crossbite (ACB) is a malocclusion where the upper anterior teeth are occluding lingually with respect
to the lower anterior teeth. Moyers describes anterior crossbites as dental malocclusions resulting from abnormal
axial inclinations of the anterior teeth.
This type of malocclusion can be dental, functional or skeletal and can occur in the primary, mixed and second
dentition. Diagnosis is made using diagnostic aids. While the treatment was carried out through interceptive
orthodontics, with the use of different removable appliances.
The objective of the study is to present the diagnosis and treatment for 5 years with the use of removable appliances.
The results were favorable, being able to uncross the bite in 4 months, it was maintained throughout the dental
replacement. One of the conclusions reached is that the treatment time is slightly longer since the use of preventive
and interceptive orthodontics takes more time because these treatments are performed during the growth of the
In the posteroanterior and anteroposterior radiographs of the The diagnosis according to the realized analysis was A 9-year-
tomography, open apices are observed in the upper centrals, slightly old female patient presents a biprotrusive skeletal class I, with
dilacerated and with short roots, laterals, unerupted canines, ugly horizontal growth, protrusion and proclination of the lower incisor
duck phase. In addition, the teeth of the second dentition with with a straight profile with prochelia of the lower lip, presents a
formation of 2/3 of the root and without eruption (Figure 3). vert, severe brachi, in the Jarabak analysis shows a biprotrusive
skeletal class I, with growth counterclockwise, dentally presents
the lower incisors proclined with a straight profile.
Finals Results of the front and profile of the patient show that
the straight profile was preserved after interceptive orthodontic
treatment after treatment with the use of removable orthodontic
appliances (Figures 13 and 14).
Figure 9: Progress.
The results that were achieved were very favorable, although the
Figure 13: Final extra-oral photographs of the patient. treatment time is slightly longer, since the use of preventive and
interceptive orthodontics takes more time because these treatments
The finals results of the treatment during the 5 years. are carried out during the growth of the patients.
© 2023 Oropeza LM, et al. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License