Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Pavinder Yadav on 04 February 2024.
Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, educational activities resulted in an unan-
ticipated change from traditional learning to a digital teaching and learning environment.
E-learning is the delivery of educational content and learning via digital resources. It in-
creases the digitization of handwritten documents because students are required to submit
their homework and assignments online. This work proposes an automatic system for hand-
written numeric recognition and equation solver based on Convolutional Neural Network to
assist teachers and parents in checking handwritten assignments. Handwritten digit recog-
nition refers to the ability of computer machine to recognise handwritten digits from vari-
ous sources such as published researchs, real-world images, touch display, and so on. In this
work, the CNN model is used to recognize and solve handwritten equations that contains
four basic arithmetic operations, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. The
handwritten linear equations with some limitations are also being solved by the proposed
Handwritten Equations, Deep Learning, CNN, Automation, Image Processing
1 Introduction
It is a difficult task in image processing to use a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to
create a robust handwritten equation solver. Handwritten mathematical expression recog-
nition is one of the most difficult problems in the domain of computer vision and machine
learning. In the field of computer vision, several alternative methods of object recognition
and character recognition are offered. These techniques are used in many different areas,
such as traffic monitoring [3], self-driving cars [9], weapon detection [17], natural language
processing [11], and many more.
Deep learning is subset of machine learning in which neural networks are used to extract
increasingly complex features from datasets. The deep learning architecture is based on data
understanding at multiple feature layers. Further, CNN is another core application of deep
learning approach, consisting of convolutions, activation functions, pooling, densely linked,
and classification layers. Over the past several years, deep learning has emerged as a domi-
nating force in the field of computer vision. When compared to classical image analysis prob-
lems, CNNs have achieved the most impressive outcomes.
Deep learning is becoming increasingly important in today’s era. Deep learning tech-
niques are now being used several fields like handwriting recognition, robotics, artificial in-
telligence, image processing, and many others. Creating such a system necessitates feeding
our machine data in order to extract features to understand the data and make the possi-
ble predictions. The correction rate of symbol segmentation and recognition cannot meet its
actual requirements due to the two-dimensional nesting assembly and variable sizes. The pri-
mary task for mathematical expression recognition is to segment and then classify the char-
acters. The goal of this research is to use CNN model that can recognise handwritten digits,
characters, and mathematical operators from an image and then set up the mathematical
expression and compute the linear equation.
The purpose of this study lies in designing a deep learning model capable of automatical
recognising handwritten numerals, characters, and mathematical operations when presented
with an image of the handwriting. In addition, the purpose extends to built a calculator that
is capable of both setting up the mathematical statement and computing the linear equation.
The article is divided into different sections. Section 2 presents thorough summary of
current handwritten character recognition research studies in recent years. Section 3 goes
through each component of the CNN in depth. Section 4 describes the proposed deep learn-
ing algorithms for handwritten equation recognition as well as the dataset used. Section 5
discusses the comparative analysis of different technical approaches. In addition, future scope
and conclusion of the work are provided in Section 6.
2 State-of-the-Art
There are variety of methods that have been developed to recognise handwritten digits.
Handwritten digit recognition has many applications such as bank cheques, postal mails, ed-
ucation etc. Many methods have been used to recognize handwritten digits such as Support
Vector Machines (SVM), Naive Bayes, CNN, K-Nearest Neighbors etc. in the past years. In
a few decades, CNN has achieved good performance in handwritten digit recognition.
For offline handwritten character recognition (HCR), Agarwal et al. [4] employed CNN
and Tensorflow. They divided HCR system into six stages: image data collection, image pre-
processing for enhancement, image segmentation, feature extraction using the CNN model,
classification, and postprocessing fo detection. Furthermore, Softmax Regression was used to
assign probabilities to handwritten characters because it produces values ranging from 0 to
1 and sums to 1. The use of normalization in conjunction with feature extraction resulted in
higher accuracy results as achieved more than 90%. However, the study did not provide any
information on the specific comparative outcomes and the dataset that was examined.
Bharadwaj et al. [6] used Deep Convolution Neural Networks for effective handwritten
digit detection on Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology(MNIST) dataset.
The dataset is consist of 250 distinct forms of writing and 70,000 digits. The proposed tech-
nique includes the steps of preprocessing, model construction and compilation, training the
model, evaluation of trained model, and detection of digits. Both the computer-generated
and handwritten digits were recognized by the model.They predicted real-world handwritten
digits with 98.51% accuracy and 0.1% loss. However, the model could only identify the char-
acters from the clear and good quality images. The most difficult component is dealing with
the images that are blurred or have noise in the real-world images.
Thangamariappan et al. [16] used a variety of machine learning techniques for handwrit-
ten digit recognition, including Naive Bayes, Random Forest, SVM and others. The model
was trained using a multi-layer perceptron neural network model on the MNIST dataset.
They achieved 98.50% accuracy in Digit Recognition with MNIST dataset. Meanwhile, the
test accuracy on the same dataset was 88.30%, which was relatively low when compared to
the training accuracy.
Chen et al. [14] used CNN to recognise four basic arithmetic operations which are addi-
tion, division, subtraction, and multiplication. On the MNIST dataset, the CNN’s perfor-
mance was trained and evaluated. The improved CNN model is tested in handwritten digit
recognition and four arithmetic operations. The convergence speed of CNN model has been
reduced and observed 91.20% accuracy. The authors only experimented on clear images in
their proposed model, which was trained on the MNIST dataset. The trained model was un-
able to recognise characters in noisy or blurry images.
Gawas et al. [8] proposed a system for recognising handwritten digits and symbols that
consists of addition, subtraction, and multiplication and solving basic equations containing
these operations. They used CNN and created a front-end interface that allows the user to
write the equation, which is then identified and solved. They used libraries such as OpenCV,
Keras, and Flask to deploy the model. The trained model could only perform fundamental
mathematical operations but failed to solve linear equations.
The authors created their own dataset for the handwritten equation solver and trained
it using deep learning models. By constructing the equation solver calculator, researchers
not only identifies the characters and symbols, but also has solved the linear mathematical
Convolutional layers, fully connected layers, and pooling layers make up the three differ-
ent kinds of layers that are included in a deep neural network.
Figure 2: Convolution layer.
3.4 Activation Function
In simple words, Activation Function, shown in Fig. 5, activates the neurons. It helps in de-
ciding whether or not a neuron should fire and determining the output of the convolution
layer. These are the most common activation functions: Sigmoid [12], ReLU [13], Leaky
ReLU [7], and Softmax [10].
The sigmoid and SoftMax activation functions are represented in Equations 1 and 2, re-
σ(x) = (1)
1 + e−x
exp (xi )
Softmax (xi ) = P (2)
j exp (xj )
nize simple linear equations of the type x + a = b where x is a variable and a, b are constants.
The block diagram of implemented model is illustrated by Fig. 7.
4.2.2 Preprocessing
The goal of preprocessing is to improve the image quality to analyse it more effectively. Im-
age are preprocessed using several well-known techniques, like image resizing, normalizing
and augmentation are a few examples.
(i) Image Augmentation- It is a technique of artificially increasing dataset size. Im-
age augmentation use various techniques of processing or a combination of multiple methods
of processing, such as random rotation, shear, shifts, flips, and so on.
(ii) Image Resizing- In CNN, model accepts all the images of the same sizes only.
Therefore, all images need to be resized to the fixed size. The images have been resized to
100 x 100 for sequential model and 224 x 224 for inception model.
(iii) Normalization- Normalization is a process that alters the intensity range of pix-
els. The primary goal of normalisation is to make computational task more efficient by re-
ducing values from 0 to 1.
(iv) Label Encoding- It is the process of translating labels into a numeric representa-
tion that machines can read.
4.2.4 Processing inside CNN Model
The model was trained using sequential approach. The sequential model builds the struc-
ture layer by layer. The model contains seven Conv2D layers, four MaxPooling2D layers, six
drop-out layers with the rate 0.2 (Fraction of the input units to drop).
In addition, the activation function of the employed convolution layer was modified from
Sigmoid to ReLU Activation function, and subsequently to Leaky ReLU Activation function.
Leaky ReLU speeds up training and it has other benefits over ReLU too. As it is a multi-
class classification issue, the Softmax Activation function was utilised in the final dense layer.
The model was then optimised using the Adam optimizer.
Also, the model is trained using inception architecture [15]. InceptionV3 is a convolu-
tional neural network-based deep learning image categorization algorithm. The input layer,
1x1 convolution layers, 3x3 convolution layers, 5x5 convolution layers, max pooling layers,
and combining layers are the parts that make up an inception model. The module is simple
to unpack and comprehend when broken down into the constituent parts.
Image segmentation is the process of dividing an image information into divisions known
as image segments, which helps to minimise the computational complexity and makes the
further processing or analysis easier. The segmentation stage of an image analysis system
is crucial because it isolates the subjects of interest for subsequent processing such as clas-
sification or detection. Image categorization is used in the application to better accurately
classify image pixels. Fig. 9 represents the actual deployment of the proposed methodology.
The input image is segmented into well-defined fixed proportions. In the case of simple char-
acter recognition provided in the image, we have segmented it into three parts, i.e., into two
numerals and one operator. This case is considered in general form of image. The segmenta-
tion is done into 1:3 ratio. The proposed model works with the constraints having the middle
segment should be an operator and the extreme segments should belong to numerals.
The Fig. 10 describes the steps in the algorithm of the proposed model to solve the equa-
tions from handwritten images. In both cases, each of the segment is thresholded by Otsu’s
Algorithm. Later, the segmented binary image is normalized before fed to the model for
training. The size of segmented image is further defined by four coordinates, as left, right,
top, bottom. Each segment will be now framed into new image named as segs. Each of these
segments are resized into 100x100.
Now, the segmented character/variables or operators are extracted and recognized by
the trained model. The end goal of the training is to be able to recognize each block after
analyzing an image. It must be able to assign a class to the image. Therefore, after recogniz-
ing the characters or operators from each image segment, the equation is being solved using
mathematical formulas on trained model.
Figure 9: Practical implementation of proposed scheme
Table 1: Comparison between sequential model and inception model
However, both the model gave similar results in case of 30 epochs. The graph for Sequen-
tial’s model for 30 epochs is shown in Fig. 11. The model accuracy is 99.46% with 1.66%
model loss.
The graph for Inception’s model for 30 epochs is shown in Fig. 12. The accuracy of model
is observed 99.42% with 1.83% model loss.
The proposed model functions correctly on handwritten equations, regardless the hand-
writing style, i.e., whether, good or bad. Even if the equation is written in messy handwrit-
ing; the proposed model is able to detect it correctly as shown in Fig. 13. In this example of
poor handwriting, we can see digit ‘8’ is not written in good handwriting, even though model
is detecting it accurately and able to solve the equation. However, despite of good efficiency,
the proposed model posses some limitations as well.
Figure 13: Sample of poor handwritten equation
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